HTTP2 Explained Daniel Stenberg Mozilla Corporation
[email protected] ABSTRACT credits to everyone who helps out! I hope to make this document A detailed description explaining the background and problems better over time. with current HTTP that has lead to the development of the next This document is available at generation HTTP protocol: HTTP 2. It also describes and elaborates around the new protocol design and functionality, 1.3 License including some implementation specifics and a few words about This document is licensed under the the future. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 This article is an editorial note submitted to CCR. It has NOT license: been peer reviewed. The author takes full responsibility for this article’s technical content. Comments can be posted through CCR Online. 2. HTTP Today Keywords HTTP 1.1 has turned into a protocol used for virtually everything HTTP 2.0, security, protocol on the Internet. Huge investments have been done on protocols and infrastructure that takes advantage of this. This is taken to the 1. Background extent that it is often easier today to make things run on top of HTTP rather than building something new on its own. This is a document describing http2 from a technical and protocol level. It started out as a presentation I did in Stockholm in April 2014. I've since gotten a lot of questions about the contents of 2.1 HTTP 1.1 is Huge that presentation from people who couldn't attend, so I decided to When HTTP was created and thrown out into the world it was convert it into a full-blown document with all details and proper probably perceived as a rather simple and straight-forward explanations.