A plague has befallen the movement yet again. This is the plague of ignorance, of compromise, of not following ZERO TOLERANCE to the TEE. The last time this happened two comrades were murdered in cold blood. I, along with others, REFUSE to let this happen again. We WILL purge the Noctulian scum from our ranks, and never again will this happen. So, let us take a journey on how AtomWaffenDivision and are connected, or rather more specifically, Rape the de facto leader of AtomWaffenDivision and Satanism are connected.

Rape, among others in AWD started to promote “Iron Gates”, a book for all intents and purposes,should be banned. It takes the reader on a journey of torture and gore porn. For example - first page, it describes how a baby is brutally murdered in front of his mother. This is REQUIRED READING to join AWD, Rape says verbatim “Iron Gates is a great read, that’s why I like it, and I find it to be very valuable.” It’s a great judge of character onto who the man Rape is when he finds the brutal of a child to be a “great read” and “very valuable”. Oddly - no one in AWD has any issue with this, mostly because they view the book as “just a meme bro”, I don’t see how torture and gore is a joke, but hey to each their own I guess.

The next book that started getting circulated by AWD members is Liber 333 as a book that was ​ ​ supposed to “dehumanize” oneself. A quick look at it shows it to be some type of Satanic spellbook/grimoire. Liber 333 is also a ONA (Order of Nine Angels) book. In the book, it describes people called “Noctualians”, these Noctualians: “Second, the infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential. Aryanism, particularly the more religiously fanatical forms of it, such as are a good example. The manipulating Noctulian is to use these forms for their own Presencing of the Dark, as well as changing in subtle ways the followers of such forms to following a more Sinister direction. For example, in Identity, using knowledge of the Biblical doctrines and prophecies encourage war, hardship, and system disruption using the scriptures as guidance and proof of the message you are sending to adherents of the said form. Any form with a transhuman, system disruption, or satanic direction to it may be of use here. The key is finding a form that in itself is an aid to the Dialect and empowering it further, causing a saturation of Acasual .”

This, in layman terms, says that the Noctulian must and does infiltrate National Socialist groups for the pure goal of subverting it to more “sinister potential”. Sounds like a certain Jewish menace. This, however is not all. In the SiegeCulture website, under the Spirituality section in the library it shows some rather interesting books, such as Hostia Order of the Nine Angles, and ​ ​ The 's’ Notebook.Hostia, Order of the Nine Angles is an esoteric manuscript circulated among members of the Order of the Nine Angles. In the book it also describes some rather interesting things, such as: “"A Satanist, concerned with experience, may use a political form for a specific purpose - the nature of that form in terms of conventional politics and morality (such as 'extreme Right-wing') is irrelevant. What is important is whether it can be used to (a) provide experience of living and the limits of experience, and/or (b) aid the sinister dialectic of history. Thus a Satanist may become involved in, or set up, an organization of the extreme Right - this is dangerous, exciting, vitalizes, provides experiences 'on the edge' and should thus aid the development of the character and insight of that Satanist*. What is important, is that this involvement is done for an ulterior, Satanic, motive: what others think and believe about such actions is totally irrelevant. Anyone purporting to be a Satanist who criticizes such an action, whatever the political hue of the group/organization, reveals by that criticism that they are not Satanists - but rather, moralizing nurds lacking in insight and real Satanic understanding. "- Hostia, page 80

It doesn’t end here, in fact, it talks about infiltrating “extreme far right” groups a lot.

For example: “An example will explicate this. A Satanic novice, having developed to a certain extent via ordeals such as Grade Rituals, the achievement of personal, physical goals and the organizing and running of a Satanic Temple, desires to go further. For this, practical experience and some guidance is needed. Let us assume the novice is advised or chooses to use a political form to achieve this experience - and thus becomes involved with radical 'right-wing' politics because such people already possess an element or two of Satanic spirit, the 'other sides' in this form and at this moment in the history of this aeon representing the Nazarene disease in another gUise. Thus, she takes part in direct political actions - this is both exciting and dangerous, given the prevailing sickness of this age. Gradually, she acquires practical experience "on the edge", and hopefully some real, tangible enemies, if she is performing right. These enemies probably hate her for her political views - and some of them may even try to harm her personally." - Hostia, page 80

Another one: “The Roles: Either by foot or by bicycle or by accepting lifts, travel alone around the world, taking between six months to one year (or more). You must live frugally, and carry with you most of what you need. You should travel to as many countries as possible, the more remote the better and expect sometimes to find work to enable you to travel further.

Become a professional burglar, targeting only victims who have revealed themselves to be suitable (e.g. by testing them - qv. the Order MSS dealing with victims etc.). The aim is to speCialize in a particular area - e.g. Fine Art, jewellery - and become an 'expert' in that area and in the techniques needed to gain items.

Undertake the role-of extreme political actiVist and so champion heretical views (by, e.g. becoming involved in extreme Right-Wing activism). The aim is to express fanaticism in action and ~e seen by all 'right-thinking people' as an extremist, and a dangerous one.

Join the Police Force (assuming you meet the reqUirements) and so experience life at 'the sharp end' and being a servant of a higher authority. All roles should last for at least six months and all must be completed (i.e. you leave them) before the end of eighteen months. All the roles will by their very nature test your Satanic Views and beliefs and thus your desire to continue along the sinister way. All will expose you to difficulties. Once the choice is made, it is up to you to find means of undertaking the role - e.g. in the case of joining the Police, finding reasons why which will convince a selection panel; in the case of becoming a burglar, finding someone to buy your stolen items and so on. The essence of these Insight Roles can be succinctly stated: Incipit Vitriol.” Hostia, page 10

So, SiegeCulture, a website Rape - the de facto leader of AWD - has books on his website that speak about Satanism and how Satanists should infiltrate “extreme far right” groups for their ulterior motives. What even is the purpose of having those books on the website? Especially under the Spirituality section? They both deal with Satanism, one tells the reader to infiltrate National Socialist groups so they can manipulate it for their ulterior motives. The other was written by a fucking Jew and preaches Nihilism and Atheism, really helps Nazis find the correct religion, huh? Also, under the SiegeCulture library, is Iron Gates! The supposed “inside joke” of AtomWaffen members leaking out onto a supposed serious website makes me believe that either it’s not a joke, or it’s not a serious website.

Rape says that “Satanism is gay” and he doesn’t allow Satanists into AWD, which I find awfully confusing because Dante, a member of AWD, is a Order of the Nine Angles Satanist, and is in AWD. Proof:

For starters, here is Rape’s Instagram:

Look to the photo to of SIEGE, that is the ONA (Order of Nine Angles) patch. Odd for him to have the patch without being an Satanist, no? Not to mention the date of this photo, an entire year before this was even thought of being possible or brought up - so it couldn’t “just be a joke bro”. If you think this isn’t his Instagram, here’s proof it is:

Who exactly in the movement, uses the name Vincent Snyder, promotes SIEGE, Manson, and loves Death Metal? Oh yeah, that’s right, Rape does. When questioned about this Rape (through that fatass Black Israelite) that a death metal band gave it to him, to which this happened:

I think I said it best in the screenshot, you have to be fucking retarded not to see the issue here, but yet, there’s more. In October of 2016, two months prior to that Instagram post Rape replied to the Order of Nine Angles thread on Iron March, found here: https://www.waybackmachine.org/web/20170614093537/http://ironmarch.org/index.php ?/topic/5480-o9a-ona-new-age-satanism/ https://www.waybackmachine.org/web/20170613052327/http://ironmarch.org/index.php ?/topic/5480-o9a-ona-new-age-

Sidenote: In that thread an ONA Satanist mentions how many Satanists have infiltrated the movement

Rape, in that thread said: https://gyazo.com/bfa60aa61eaa5841c9f603f8024f3759 agreeing with ​ ​ what the ONA doctrine said. Also can’t post the picture here due to it being too small.

Before some retard says Dante isn’t a part of AWD, he’s on the SIEGCULTURE site

So, we got Dante, a literal Order of Nine Angles Satanist, who’s “religion” promotes the concept of infiltrating National Socialist groups, and manipulating them. Dante, sadly, isn’t the only Satanist.

Now onto Rape, the dumbass really likes to say some damning shit for example:

When questioned on this he said “it’s just a joke bro”, which I don’t see why you would crack jokes on what is supposed to be a serious account, but whatever, there’s more:

The fact he said “I don’t want to save our people.” Should be enough for people to no longer take AWD seriously and for Rape to be hung, but for some reason people don’t realize this.

I mean, I don’t know a single Nazi that didn’t throw up a Roman Salute and proudly declare him a disciple of Hitler, Rockwell would honestly be disgusted by this bullshit.

Oh and here’s Jason, a close friend, and respected member of AWD before he left talking about Rape and AWD as a whole:

Doesn’t end there either, here is a tweet from Rape depicting Charles Manson and some ​ ​ Satanic Symbolism for some fucking reason. Here’s another tweet, this one SiegeCulture ​ ​ retweeted. This one has an odd image, and if we go to Iron Gates author’s website, we can see ​ ​ they used the same image when talking about Noctulians. Here’s some more AWD shit that has Satanic Symbolism in it:

Here’s Rape saying some autistic shit about and :

Speaking of Communists, remember the Iron Gates author? Temple Blood? Well, they publish some pretty odd photos like this one where it shows them being Communists too! Odd coincidence huh?:

They also have a fucked up ass Youtube Channel, if you want to look at their videos, here ​

Given all of this information - can you safely say these men are National Socialists? Men you would go to war with? Leave your children with? Men who enjoy reading about babies being murdered, men who are fond of Satanism and are more than likely Satanist infiltrators? Men who allow Strasserists into their ranks? I don’t consider these men as anymore than complete scum who are subverting the movement towards that of total nuclear holocaust rather than saving our Race so we can march towards Total Victory. Far too long has the movement been plagued by Sociopathic losers who can’t fathom what love is. Far too long have we allowed these scum into our ranks. No more. Zero Tolerance is what we meet these scum with. So, I urge you my brothers, to remove these men from you ranks and march forward to Total Aryan Victory with Zero Tolerance to those who don’t.

Hello to all the new people! I got some new shit for you all to see. This time from the AWD Server itself.

So, some interesting things about the posted pics. That one picture Rape posted, of the book. It’s a grimoire by a Satanic group called Temple of The Black Light check out the description of it here. Oh, and for those that don’t know the Kabbalah is old ass Jewish Mysticism. Qliphoth is ​ ​ the evil traditions of the Kabbalah, read about it here. Now this raises the question, how long ​ ​ has Rape been a Satanist for? Well, if we look at his Google Plus account

It seems like he’s been into it since 2014 if his Google Plus account is any indication. I got his Google Plus account through his Metalpedia page. Here’s Rape’s roomates Skype ​ ​ account,

>Noctulius They made it obvious since the fucking start. We were just too stupid to realize it. Now, how does AWD respond to these allegations? Do they refute them calmly? Message me personally so we can take about this? Nah, they try to dox me lmao.

$250 to anyone who can dox me.

After having some annoying AWD members dm me and say this:

I thought it would be best to post this:

Now, I’m sure many of you have seen the Gab accounts that were supposed to be AWD/AWD members, but I have no way of confirming their authenticity so I won’t include them. However, it seems that a lot of people are saying I ratted to the Media that Sam was in AWD, their proof for this being a now deleted Twitter account called “FascistVex”.

Now, I will state this clearly. That isn’t me. I don’t use my first name on any , I only use the usernames, Vex, VexThe____, or Vexation. Not only this, but my profile picture on everything has always been Bugs Bunny crying blood, not Mickey Mouse. On top of this I have multiple friends in Southern California who knew Sam, and they would all fucking kill me if they thought I ratted to the police/media that he was in AWD. I’m fine with being doxxed. It means nothing to me, but to question my loyalty to the Struggle is infuriating. Lion, you threatened to release my mother's SSN and I still didn’t leave the Struggle, so why would I implicate a brother in the Struggle? What’s the point? It seems obvious to me someone decided to impersonate me so AWD would have a reason to pursue attacks against me and my family members.

I talked to Khimeare or whatever his name is, one of the admins of AWD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEC9q362PjU