Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Journal of Nanomaterials Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications

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Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Journal of Nanomaterials Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Journal of Nanomaterials Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Guest Editors: Donglu Shi and Hongchen Gu Nanomaterials Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Journal of Nanomaterials Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Guest Editors: Donglu Shi and Hongchen Gu Copyright © 2008 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. This is a special issue published in volume 2008 of “Journal of Nanomaterials.” All articles are open access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Editor-in-Chief Michael Z. Hu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Advisory Board James H. Adair, USA Ed Ma, USA Enge Wang, China C. Brinker, USA Alon V. Mccormick, USA Alan Weimer, USA Taeghwan Hyeon, South Korea Gary L. Messing, USA N. Xu, China Nathan Lewis, USA Zhonglin Wang, USA Jackie Ying, USA Associate Editors Xuedong Bai, China Burtrand Lee, USA Sherine Obare, USA John Bartlett, Australia S. J. Liao, China Maryam Tabrizian, Canada Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc, USA Gong-Ru Lin, Taiwan Theodore T. Tsotsis, USA Michael Harris, USA Jun Liu, USA Michael S. Wong, USA Wanqin Jin, China Sanjay Mathur, Germany Do Kyung Kim, South Korea Nobuhiro Matsushita, Japan Editorial Board Donald A. Bansleben, USA Justin Holmes, Ireland BohuaSun,SouthAfrica C. Brosseau, France David Hui, USA Xiaogong Wang, China Siu Wai Chan, USA Rakesh K. Joshi, USA Y. Wang, USA Sang-Hee Cho, South Korea Alan K. T. Lau, Hong Kong Ching Ping Wong, USA C. Cui, China Burtrand I. Lee, USA Ping Xiao, UK Ali Eftekhari, Iran Jun Li, Singapore Zhili Xiao, USA Claude Estournes, France J.-Y.Liu,USA Doron Yadlovker, Israel Alan Fuchs, USA Songwei Lu, USA Kui Yu, Canada Lian Gao, China P. Panine, France Hongchen Gu, China Donglu Shi, China Contents Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications, Donglu Shi and Hongchen Gu Volume 2008, Article ID 529890, 2 pages Fibronectin Adsorption to Nanopatterned Silicon Surfaces, I. Salakhutdinov, P. VandeVord, O. Palyvoda, H. Matthew, G. Tatagiri, H. Handa, G. Mao, G. W. Auner, and G. Newaz Volume 2008, Article ID 543170, 5 pages Field Emission from Self-Assembled Arrays of Lanthanum Monosulfide Nanoprotrusions, V. Semet, Vu Thien Binh, M. Cahay, K. Garre, S. Fairchild, L. Grazulis, J. W. Fraser, D. J. Lockwood, S. Pramanik, B. Kanchibotla, and S. Bandyopadhyay Volume 2008, Article ID 682920, 4 pages 3+ Mesoporous Silica Coated CeF3:Tb Particles for Drug Release, Deyan Kong, Piaoping Yang, Zhenling Wang, Ping Chai, Shanshan Huang, Hongzhou Lian, and Jun Lin Volume 2008, Article ID 312792, 7 pages Nanostructural Organization of Naturally Occurring Composites—Part I: Silica-Collagen-Based Biocomposites, Hermann Ehrlich, Sascha Heinemann, Christiane Heinemann, Paul Simon, Vasily V. Bazhenov, Nikolay P. Shapkin, Rene´ Born, Konstantin R. Tabachnick, Thomas Hanke, and Hartmut Worch Volume 2008, Article ID 623838, 8 pages On the Complexity of Electrostatic Suspension Stabilization of Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles for Biotargeting and Imaging Applications, Lotta Bergman, Jessica Rosenholm, Anna-Brita Ost,¨ Alain Duchanoy, Pasi Kankaanpa¨a,¨ Jyrki Heino, and Mika Linden´ Volume 2008, Article ID 712514, 9 pages Atomic Layer Thermopile Materials: Physics and Application,P.X.ZhangandH.-U.Habermeier Volume 2008, Article ID 329601, 12 pages The Role of Filler-Matrix Interaction on Viscoelastic Response of Biomimetic Nanocomposite Hydrogels, Alireza S. Sarvestani, Xuezhong He, and Esmaiel Jabbari Volume 2008, Article ID 126803, 9 pages Effect of Carbon Nanofiber-Matrix Adhesion on Polymeric Nanocomposite Properties—Part II, Khalid Lafdi, William Fox, Matthew Matzek, and Emel Yildiz Volume 2008, Article ID 310126, 8 pages Low-Temperature Preparation of Amorphous-Shell/Nanocrystalline-Core Nanostructured TiO2 Electrodes for Flexible Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Dongshe Zhang, Hengyao Hu, Laifeng Li, and Donglu Shi Volume 2008, Article ID 271631, 4 pages Nanostructural Organization of Naturally Occurring Composites—Part II: Silica-Chitin-Based Biocomposites, Hermann Ehrlich, Dorte Janussen, Paul Simon, Vasily V. Bazhenov, Nikolay P. Shapkin, Christiane Erler, Michael Mertig, Rene´ Born, Sascha Heinemann, Thomas Hanke, Hartmut Worch, and John N. Vournakis Volume 2008, Article ID 670235, 8 pages Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2008, Article ID 529890, 2 pages doi:10.1155/2008/529890 Editorial Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications Donglu Shi1, 2, 3 and Hongchen Gu3 1 Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA 2 The Institute for Advanced Materials and Nano Biomedicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 3 Research Institute of Micro/Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 200240, China Correspondence should be addressed to Donglu Shi, [email protected] Received 9 September 2008; Accepted 9 September 2008 Copyright © 2008 D. Shi and H. Gu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Current developments in nanostructured materials and nan- This special issue summarizes the most recent research otechnology will have profound impact in many areas such and development s in nanostructured materials and their as energy technologies and biomedical applications. These applications in a variety of applications. The articles in include solar cells, energy storage, environmental control, this issue address the critical problems in nanomateri- tissue engineering, bioprobe, biomarking, cancer diagnosis, als synthesis, structure, and properties. The special issue cancer therapy, and drug delivery. Many critical issues in devotes several articles to various aspects of nanomate- nanostructured materials, particularly their applications in rials and biomedical applications. Detailed experimental biomedicine must be addressed before clinical applications. procedures are presented in conjunction with biomedical Some of the key issues in biomedicine, deal with bioactivity, considerations. Importantly, these articles give overviews compatibility, toxicity, and nano-bio interfacial properties. of nanoscience and technology and the basic information In the biomedical applications, traditional materials science relevant to the synthesis of nanomaterials. As nanoscience and engineering face new challenges in the synthesis and advances rapidly, extensive research activities have been microstructure development since the requirements for gen- emphasized on the design and development of new nano- eral materials must be based on special medical needs. The materials. Due to special requirements in both engineering most fascinating development in nano-biomedicine is to be and biomedicine, the materials developments have been found in biomedical diagnosis and treatment, and involves directed to solving key problems that are different from those the direct use of nanomaterials within a biological system. of traditional materials. For instance, medical diagnosis Today, in vivo imaging by fluorescent nanoparticles such as requires multifunctionality such that imaging and drug quantum dots is progressing rapidly; and cell targeting via delivery are preferred to take place at the same time. surface functionalized nanoparticles is undergoing animal Therefore, novel nanomaterials and technologies are needed tests and should be ava ilable within a few years. Localized for dealing with specific medical issues. Another critical issue drug delivery for tumor treatment by specially designed deals with the nano- and biointerfaces involving nanoparticle nanoscale systems is also being tested. Up to now, inves- surface functionalization. This is particularly important in tigators have attempted to develop particular nanoscaled nano-biocomposites. Functional groups must be deposited systems with surface functionalized groups that are able to on the nanoparticles surfaces in order to conjugate biological conjugate with a variety of biological molecules including molecules for purpose of targeting, virus detection, and drug DNA, RNA, and viruses. These new technologies will also delivery. have significant potential in environmental monitoring, We intend this special issue of Journal of Nanomaterials bio-probe, and quantitative virus detection. The challenge to provide up-to-date information in the field of nanos- for future nano-biomedicine concerns how nanoparticles tructured materials and applications in nano-biomedince. interface with biological systems with high biodegradability The focus of the special issue is on the basic concepts and and minimum toxicity. We need to know how to design and recent developments in nanomaterials and related fields. synthesize nanoscale structures for a variety of medical and This special issue covers a wide range of nanomaterials biological applications. research for a variety of applications including biomedicine. 2 Journal of Nanomaterials Fundamental understanding of basic mechanisms on nanos- tructures and biomedical processes related to the unique nanoscale properties of the materials will be the highlight of this special issue. All authors are prominent researchers and have extensive research experience in diverse fields of materials and biomedical sciences.
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