
Winter 1991 A feminist newspaper distributed nationally Vol 2, #3

Coverag~l <>f:.1·11.e war ... •.·~··~~-•=IQ~P.blfY~:1nt~rft.. tioo~1:·V¥1men·~ .t;:>a~ :e~tat~ J~:.ff,t:P~Ol.tlV&-i~ChnotQgies Renlinisf:"'Fbrone·Speech page2 Winter 1991

About The Womanist

Editor: Joan Riggs Womenspeak Editing and production staff: Lynne Tyler, Joan Wood, Michelle Simms, Jennifer Macleod, Laura McFarlane, Kelly Bo ville. Dear Woman/st, I would like to respond to Julie Rouse-Kyle's article "The Fear of Rape" which appeared Corrections: in the Fall 1990 issue of The In our last issue, we listed the names of the women -Woman/st. Ms. Rouse-Kyle killed in the Montreal massacre, but inadvertently laft quite rightly points out. that out Maryse Laganiere and Annie St-Arneault. Our women should be able to dress apologies to their families. however they wish, at whatever hour they like and walk alone if they so choose. She relates Also in our last issue, the article by Bobbie Boland how she has been told to dress was laid out incorrectly. We would be happy to differently if she dislikes provide a copy of the correct article to anyone attention and defends her right interested. Just call or write us at (613) 233-2621, or to wear shorts, sundresses or 541 Sussex Drive, Suite 201, Ottawa K1 N 6Z6. whatever else is comfortable. I Apologies to Bobbie. agree that this is her right. Thank you to the distributors of this issue: However, I must point out that Dawson Women's $helter, Victoria Faulkner Women's Centre it does not matter what women (Yukon)" Hay River Women's Centre, Lynn Brooks, Sharon wear. We may be threatened humiliated in broad daylight, in Sawch~k (NWT); Nedra Lee Prisk, Ariel Books, while resembling the Michelin Dear Womanlst: our neighbourhoods, in public Everywomen's Bookstore, Spartacus Books, Darlene character! It is easier for black youth in and even in our own homes. Matwichuk, Sam Simpson, Nelson Women's Centre, Canada or the United States to Young or old, Vogue fashion Women's Boodstore, Kam/oops Women's Resource Centre, go to prison, or to go to war, or plate or regular "Jill", we are the Felicity Adams, Mary Elizabeth Reay, Frank Tester, Laurel to go to Heaven than it is for targets of violence. Burnham, Coordinator Penticton and area Women Centre, black youth to get an education :s We must not forget this so Women Against Violence Against Women, Port Coqwtlam Area - and to get a job. Women's Centre, N.S. W.C., Battered Women's Support as not to fall into the trap of Black people have fought Services, Joanne Arngtt, Women in Focus, Golden Women's believing that horrible things and have died and have happen to other women who are Centre, Cranbrook Women's Resource Centre, Ft. St. John returned wounded physically Women's Centre (); Whitecourt Women's strangers and never to us or and emotionally from every war Resource Ce.ntre, Susan Jackel, Common Woman Books, the women we know. As Ms. fought by imperialist countries Rouse-Kyle suggests, we Katherine Koebel, Central Oi!Jtreach Society, St. Paul's like Canada and the United car;inot allow ourselves to District Crisis Centre, A.S. W.A. C., Lisa Jenson, M1,1triba Din, States. These wars have not become complacent. Centre for Immigrant Women (Alberta); Rainbow Books, Barb been fought against racism and Awareness· is· our apartheid; these wars have not Evans, Whole Earth, Nancy Morin, Kerry Strathie protection. Action is the key. (Saskatchewan); YW Resource Centre, Park/ands Status of Women, Cindy Hanson, Sheila Doig, M. Joan Turner, Bold Sincerely, Print, MACSW, Thompson Action Committee, Fiona Muldrew Stephanie M. Gilman, (continued on page 46) (Manitoba); Gail Beck, Mrs. Dalloway's Books, Anne Balding, Nepean, Ontario Maggie's Resource G._entre of North Hastings, Wendy Bowes, Jill V. Schooley, Jane Isaac Doyle, Susan Wall, Nancy Birch, North Bay Women's Centre, Northern Women's Centre, Sasha Mcinnes, Carol Guin, Kenora Women's Place, Nancy Warren, Lorraine Greaves, Helen Cates, Janet Wason, Dana Potter, Carmen Henry, Michelle Albert, Patricia.Ginn, Katherine Elliott, Definition of Womanist Stephanie Levesque, Shannon Rosborough, Jill Definition of Womanist Summerhayes, Theresa Healey, Lynn Hamilton, Renee This fact became clear to Albrecht, Janet Greene-Potomski (Ontario); Esmeralda me one evening as my friend 1. From womanish (Opp. of "girlish", ie, frivolous, irresponsible, Thornhill, Liberation Books, Julie Norton, Sheila Barrow and I were walking home in a not serious.) A ~lack feminist or feminist of colour. From the (Quebec); Women's Information and Resource Centre, Rosella university town. She had black folk expression of mothers to female children, "you Melanson, Kay Nandlall (New Brunswick); Margot Watt, recently cut short her beautiful acting womanish," ie, like a woman. Usually referring to Women's Action Coalition, Phyllis Price, Sandi Savage, Susan long blonde hair in an attempt outrageous, audacious, courageous or willful behaviour. Hyde, Veronica McNeil, Red Herring Co-op, Debbie Mathers, to stop the leers and jeers to Wanting to know more and in greater depth than is considered Peggy Hope-Simpson (Nova Scotia); Epwic, Barbara Watson, which she was frequently "good" for one. Interested in grown-up doings. Acting grown Voluntary Resource Centre, Chanda Stevenson, Linda Gallant subjected. In addition, we were up. Being grown up. Interchangeable with another black folk (PEI); Frances Fry, Karen Collins, Bay St. George Status of both wearing mukluks, bulky expression: "You trying to be grown." Responsible. In charge. Women Council, Glenda Tulk, Dorothy Inglis (Newfoundland). coats, wool hats and mittens. Serious. We looked downright hellish. In fact, one could hardly 2. Also: A woman who loves other women, sexually and/or To subscribe: To have the paper delivered, the price is determine our gender! That did nonsexually. Appreciates and prefers women's culture, $10-$25 a year. Institutions $25, $15 for non-profits. not stop a car full of young men women's emotional flexibility (values tears as natural from yelling obscene counterbalance of laughter), and women's strength. The Womanlst was created to empower and enable women. comments at us from the Sometimes loves individual men, sexually and/or nonsexually. We want to get back to the basics, the common ground that window of a passing car. All we Committed to survival and wholeness of entire people, male built the women's movement, while celebrating our differences. could do was laugh at the and female. Not a separatist, except periodically, for health. absurdity. Traditionally universalist, as in: "Mama, why are we brown, pink What-can we agree upon? That we as women are important and My point is, women are and yellow, and our cousins are white, beige and black?" Ans: that we have a right to be heard, to be respected ·and to be abused no matter their dress, "Well, you know the coloured race is just like a flower garden, trusted. whatever the hour and despite with every colour flower represented.") Traditionally capable, their numbers. Every day we as in: "Mama, I'm walking to Canada and I'm taking you and a As a movement we have a responsibility to enable all vocies to must be aware of our bunch of other slaves with me." Reply: "It wouldn't be the first be heard, equallly. That is the commitment in this newpaper - environment, plan our route time." to empower with ideas, information and inspiration. and be alert to danger. Women are continually attacked and 3. Loves music. Loves dance. Loves the moon. Loves the The Womanlst appears 4 times a year. threatened, raped and Spirit. Loves love and food and roundness. Loves struggle. Loves the folks. Loves herself. Regardless.

4. Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender.

From In Search of Our Mother's Gardens, Womanist Prose by Alice Walker. Winter 1991 page 3

International Women's Day events pages 21 - 26 Editorial It has become clear over Over and over again, when decisions under trying debate. As we tackle our work, the past months, to anyone faced with choices and circumstances. In fact, that is apparently no take time to honour women's who was not already painfully options, this government not the case. There are longer have a fed er a I accomplishments. Happy aware of it, that, to this consistently throws its weight options, and we are pleased to government interested in International Women's Day to government, protecting on the side of the powerful, the present you with some of them strengthening the fabric of our everyone economic gain is far more wealthy, and short-term gain. in this issue. communities, our nation, and The breadth of IWD important than preventing or Some of the articles in this The Feminist Throne our world. Just because they activities listed in these pages alleviating human suffering. issue discuss in more detail the Speech is an indication of have abandoned their is only a part of what is The two events which have Gulf war, driven by the need for some of the options Canadians responsibilities, let us not happening in Canada around dominated our news media guaranteed American access could be considering. It is abandon ours. Each of us March 8, which is only a tiny recently are only the latest and to oil, and the budget, designed visionary, but responsible. It individually, and all of us fraction of what is happening most glaring in a long line of to meet the needs of big represents an investment in together, have the capacity to around the world. The vibrant similar actions. Both the business while kicking out what the future not only of this bring about our visions. As energy and commitment of Canadian involvement in the few supports Canadians have fragile nation, but of this even Audre Lorde says, let us use women at the community level Gulf war, and Finance Minister to get us through this Wilson- more fragile planet. our resources in the service of is our greatest resource. Wilson's last budget fly in the created recession. We offer it as a modest what we claim to believe in. Celebrate I face of Canada's historical The government attempts contribution to the continuing Much work lies ahead. commitment to human dignity, to imply that there is ultimately not to mention every aspiration no choice in these matters, and belief of the women's that they are only acting in our movement. best interests, making prudent

At pgnpg a a r n a r pg In this issue ... ·After the war Journey to Baghdad page 4 Federal Budget 6 Although the Gulf war is over, some important Leadership without Vision 7 questions remain unanswered. 1. Why was the UN set Spicer Commission 8 aside in this process? Although the coalition forces based their legitimacy on a UN Ellen Gabriel 9 resolution, they did not follow the steps set out for UN action against member countries (eg, Audre Lorde 10 there was no formal decision by the UN that the sanctions were Black Heritage Month 11 not working and therefore military intervention was 4. Why did Canada's role smoke was so thick that, by needed). Nor were the military change from the defensive their own admission, they could Women political leaders speak 13 forces organized under UN enforcement of UN sanctions, not see what was being command, as happens in ·to invading Iraqi-occupied bombed. peacekeeping forces or other Kuwait? This dramatic shift in 6. Who will determine the Feminist Throne Speech 15-20 & similar situations. Instead, Canada's foreign policy of the future of the nations an d 27-28 Canadian forces were under last 40 years was not decided peoples in the Middle East? American command. by public debate, or by The U.S. has already let it be 2. Why did the U.S. decide Parliament, or even bY Cabinet. known that they want Saddam International Women's Day 21-26 to intervene in Kuwait, but did It was decided by one man, Hussein deposed. Their not in other situations where , after a primary interest in the Middle sovereign countries were discussion with U.S. Secretary East seems to be access to oil. Commentary on the War 29-35 invaded or occupied militarily? of State James Baker. Do we Other considerations (self- (eg, Namibia occupied by still live in a democratic determination, historical New Reproductive Tech 36-42 South Africa, Jordan's west country? boundaries, cultural bank by Israel, etc.) 5. Were Canadian armed aspirations, peace, etc.) will 3. Why did the U.S. see forces r:esponsible for any of likely be secondary: Immigrant Women and AIDS 43 Iraq as an ally when it was the civilian deaths in Iraq or 7. The next time the U.S. using chemical weapons on Kuwait? Information about the invades a nation, under civilian populations during the war is stringently censored by whatever cause, will Canadians Twin Peaks 45 Iran-Iraq war, but an enemy the Pentagon, but we know that follow blindly? Under this when it invaded Kuwait? The the Canadian pilots flew government, that seems a international community knew missions over Kuwait when the distinct possibility. that Iraq was using g er m warfare, and that women and children were dying from it, yet More on the war did nothing. Why are some pages 29-35 aspects of international law more Important than others? page4 Winter 1991

Journey to Baghdad: The Implications of

Maude Barlow, President was raised, every attempt to continue to get defence interests. In this case, and in What are the long-tenn of the Council of Canadians, find a solution, was worth the contracts, and we don't want the Gulf war, we are just consequences of this, in was part of a fact-finding tour risk. The people I met in Iraq those Canadian companies bypassing Canadian interests Canada and in the GuH? of Iraq with an international were human beings - just like involved to go under, we just altogether, and taking orders women's delegation before the us. They have suffered under jump when the Americans say fairly directly from the For the Middle East, the commencement of the war. a military regime for many "jump". Americans. long-term consequences are She was interviewed by Lynne years, and had just come out of To our eternal shame, this When our Parliament is appalling. Everything that was Tyler from 1he WOimnist. a long, tragic war with Iran, a government activated the debating whether we should be unstable before, is dramatically war effort supported by the Canadian navy at the direct in this war a full week after it more unstable. What was your t~ to Iraq very forces now allied against request of George Bush. has started, and a week and a Israel is less safe than it like? Iraq. We cannot judge the Actually, I should say the was. Jordan is going to be people by their dictator, and it Prime Minister activated the financially bankrupt - they are In early January, I was is imperative that we Canadian navy. Not even on the eve of a terrible financial honoured by an invitation to understand the extent of the Cabinet was involved in that crisis, and an awful food crisis. join an international delegation suffering this war has caused decision - forget Parliament, It is a dramatic situation for of women on a peace mission all the people of the region. they've become irrelevant to Jordan. Whatever happens in to the Middle East. Organized It is my personal opinion this government! Iraq can only be terrible. by Margarita Papandreou of that the forces allied against In essence, what we are Fuelled by bitterness, the Greece, the group also Saddam Hussein helped create dealing with is an issue of fundamentalist Arab movement included a Soviet delegate, two him, and we in Canada should democracy. This government across the Arab world will come Americans, an Egyptian,-and a be taking a long hard look at now goes to Washington and together. Jordanian. I was the only our involvement in this takes its orders directly from The one positive thing that Canadian, and was asked in process. there. I see is that some regimes are part, because of the Council's The "Open Skies" policy is going to topple, and I think they stand that Canada should have Why is Canada in the GuH? another perfect example. know it. In Kuwait, I don't think an independent foreign policy. Everybody - both airlines, all the Prince will ever be back, It was a phenomenally First of all, I'll start with the unions, the airline pilots' and if he is, he won't be there intense eight days. We were why the Americans are there. union, and a three-party for long. The days of the Saudi hosted by the Iraqi Women's The Americans are there Parliamentary Committee have rulers are numbered. Federation. We formed a great because it is the new world all said, in essence, don't bring This war has exposed who friendship among ourselves order. The Soviet Union has in free trade through this "open they serve so clearly, that they and with the women in Iraq. My become bankrupt, and the skies" policy, the airlines are just barely keeping the lid sense of the trip is filtered U.S., which is also financially cannot survive. Yet Doug on the people in their own through that discovering of almost bankrupt, is moving to Lewis (Minister of Transport) is country. these wonderful women in Iraq. secure its position of power going ahead, and it turns out half after .our Prime Minister If there is any good that I met women in Iraq into the next century. that he is working directly with and our Foreign Affairs Minister will come out this terrible mess, working on the same kind of an American private airport stood with U.S. Secretary of it is that the Americans are effort we are working on, albeit lobby group. State James Baker and going to find that they are under very different At least with the Free committed Canada to the war in wrong if they think they can circumstances. Trade Agreement, this front of the whole world, then I found a country on the government was working with clearly this government has no eve of war, and at the end of their own Canadian business respect for democracy. war. They have just been (continued on page 5) through an eight~year war, and the women in particular were most articulate about how CANADIAN VOICE OF WOMEN FOR PEACE I terrible it was and how terrified they were about the prospect On this continent, it's LA VOIX DES FEMMES effacing more. They would be taking the form of what I call careful not to be disloyal, and "Fortress North America", the not to sound like they were extension of hemispheric free Women Working Together for Peace trade, the re-structuring of the speaking out against the war, We-are a grassroots network of women sharing the challenge of creating a but there was no question that entire North American economy this war was something they along the American free market nonviolent, sustainable world. We work locally, nationally and internationally for did not want to happen. line, with the tying in of all North peace and social justice through vigils, street theatre, music, letter writing, I also found the country American resources, which are conferences, study I lobby groups, trips to the UN ... every way we can. We are very resigned. It's part of the now going to include Mexican reaching out to our sisters everywhere ... PLEASE JOIN US! WE WELCOME faith, and when you don't have oil. YOUR IDEAS, YOUR ENERGY, YOUR CARING. much of a say in what your In the Middle East, it is government does, there's a done militarily. I do not believe Join a local VOW group or start your own! For more info, contact the national sense that you better just the American interests there office or the local group in your area: accept what comes. are in any way connected to NEW BRUNSWICK VOICE OF WOMEN Kuwait. I think they are in VOW NATIONAL OFFICE Everybody talked very much P.O.Box24 about God's will, and if it is every way connected to 736 Bathurst St. Suite 215 Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y2 what God chooses for us, then securing a permanent Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 that's the way it's going to have American presence in the area, tel. 416 537-9343 tel. 506 455-6915 to be. to safeguard its resource fax416531-6214 At the same time, Baghdad interests. NOVA SCOTIA VOICE OF WOMEN is a wonderful, vibrant, Canada is there because B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN P.O. Box 3231 fabulous city. Who knows over the past many years, but 2079 Viewlynn Drive Halifax South P.O. what's left of it now, but it's the particularly over the past four North Vancouver, BC V7J 2W7 Halifax, NS B3J 3H5 or five years, we have seat of a very rich and ancient te. 604 987-5571 tel. 902 423-6046 culture. When I think of them integrated our defence production systems so totally bombing it, ... it's awful - and ONTARIO VOICE OF WOMEN wrong. with those of the Americans, CALGARY VOICE OF WOMEN 736 Bathurst St. Suite 215 Tragically, our mission and and have deepened our military 1717 2nd Ave. NW so many others failed. We did connections to the Pentagon Calgary, AB T2N OG3 Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 not even receive a reply from so much that Canada no longer tel. 403 283-0859 tel. 416 537-9343 the United States to present has the financial or economic our peace proposal to the ability to have an independent EDMONTON VOICE OF WOMEN QUEBEC VOICE OF WOMEN NDF White House. But I deeply foreign policy. 10439-140 St. Box 935, Stn B believe that every voice that If we want financially to Edmonton, AB T5N 2L8 Montreal, QC H3B 3K5 tel. 403 452-2847 tel. 514 848-3494 Winter 1991 page 5

Canadian Involvement in the Gulf War

dictate what happens in H getting involved in this war, but the major issue facing us. If our government wanted Canadians have to put this Middle East. But the way thm in failing to use opportunities to But there's so much else to help build an industry in together. The response from is going to. happen will be so work for peace. At no point are to do now! Trying to save the environmental clean-up the Mulroney government to ugly, and will involve so much we using our influence with the CBC, dealing with the technology, we couldn't do it. Quebec will have everything to long-term pain, and so much Americans. privatization of everything in But they can give as much do with this larger picture. environmental pain. The Soviet peace proposal sight, "open skies", loss of money as they want to the It's about removing Women in the Middle East was a perfect example. control of our energy sector, production of components for democracy, it's about turning are struggling for self- Canada should have been the talk about the ending of American weapons systems, in control of our country and our determination, for equality and urging restraint and caution on universality (which they've an increasingly militaristic institutions over to the private for their place in society. But the American side, seeking already done anyway, but now world. Forget the peace tree market, mostly American, now, it has to be submerged time to give the initiative a they mean even further erosion dividend: the economic corporate sector. We will lose and subverted back into the chance to work. But we were of universality and family benefits of diverting resources ourselves as an international war effort. not doing that, we were just allowance). from military expenditures and entity, and the world will lose The fundamentalists use saying whatever the United I mean, you just don't investing in social, economic, what has been, not a perfect, the war situation to put women States said. know where to start. environmental improvements. but a more moderate voice. back into a limited role. Their As a result, we have lost To top it all off, we've all We talked about it for three Although we should fight theory, basically, is that our international reputation as just finished the GST fight, and months and nobody is talking all these issues individually, we women are the weaker sex and a somewhat moderate nation. now we find out that - surprise! about it anymore. must put the analysis together. therefore are more vulnerable The domestic implications - they are going to make a We are losing our I would especially urge women to "evil" western influences. in Canada are that we are tremendous amount of money manufacturing in this to do that, because we tend to Therefore, they are forced to turning our attention away from on it, and somehow they didn't country. The future get involved in our individual show a visible proof that they the fundamental economic and notice at the time. manufacturing base in Canada fights: reproductive rights, support Arab self- social changes that are going Canadians are feeling is going to be in arms violence and pay equity. Every determination, they will take on here. overwhelmed. production. one of those is a worthy, the veil. The government wants to important and essential fight, The women are caught, bring in massive devolution of but, in this new system that is and I feel for them. At one power in this country, as a being imposed, those fights will level, they are furious at response to the Quebec all h,ave to be fought over Western domination, and the situation. This is going to again. brutality of this war. And yet, serve the same corporate It's like sitting in a boat, they are striving for the interests that brought U.S. free bailing out the water one freedom that Western women trade .. Less government can thimbleful at a time, and have. But the two are being only be good for the big. meanwhile, the back half of the linked and being· used against transnationals' agenda. boat has just been cut off. As them. Their fight will be ·set We are in a fight for the women, we have to back years. soul of this country, and yet we concentrate on the larger What this does to Canada have to deal with this war. analysis right now. is that it further tarnishes our We are turning over Meanwhile, I remember the international reputation. I'm financial, economic and ninety-year-old Jordanian not one to say we had a perfect political energy to the war, woman who rocked in her chair reputation in the first place - I while our country is being all day, moaning over and over think we did have some dismantled. Aside from the "the bombs, the bombs, when reputation as a moderate force. financial cost, and it's obvious will they come?" Or the young But we have to be honest about that is going to be taken out of Israeli mother who showed me the fact that our armaments, many programs, the more in tears the brochures her small as they were, were in the serious long-term implication is Where do we concehtrate· Think of us as a military & children had brought home on Middle East, too. That terrible that there are too many our efforts, given thiS huge energy supplier to the United chemical warfare which ordered fuel air explosive weapon that fundamental changes to chalenge? States. Mexico will supply people to seal off their homes spews out bits of glass and Canadian society that are cheap labour, component in case of attack, and not to other things (they say it's like a going by unchallenged. We have to concentrate parts, and oil, and points open the door for anyone, not small nuclear bomb) was . The government just our efforts on our analysis of further south, more desperate even family members. Or the developed here in Canada, at passed Bill C-69 which is a how these things come countries (Brazil, Chile and all Iraqi woman who had lost two . the University of Toronto. So erosion of social together. They are not those other places with brothers,. a nephew, and. a we'd better not pat ourselves programs and most Canadians unconnected. wonderful human rights husband in the Iran-Iraq war, on the back for being pure. don't even know about it. In We are becoming part of a records!) are markets, and and whose only remaining On the other hand, we another time and place,, we "Fortress North America", an suppliers of cheap labour. brother - an eighteen-year-old have taken a giant step in the would have been up in arms economic and military People are now talking - had just signed up for the wrong direction, not just in about it - it would have been hemispheric force that serves about hemispheric free trade, front. I was very well aware, the American and corporate to offset the economic power of that, as dangerous as our new world order. Canada is not Germany and Japan, which mission undoubtedly was, I only following along, we seem have become powerful was able to get on a plane and to be a pretty willing precisely because they were fly to safety, and my new participant. not allowed to become friends were not. May there be We have turned over our militarized after the war. a workable resolution. energy resources to the career group leadership service of this new world order. counselling facilitation training Canadians should remember that there are only two areas in the Free Trade Agreement ROBERT A F. HILL, BA, M.B.A where government subsidies are allowed. One is the search for new energy supplies - well, the Custom Cabinets R. F. HILL CONSULTANTS Americans are happy to let the Woodworking R.R. 2 Canadian taxpayer pay for General Carpentry CARP, ONTARIO KOA 1LO (613) 839·5513 that, because we have to guarantee them a proportion of all the energy resources we LUCY CHAPMAN (613) 231-4347 find. The other industry where subsidies are permitted is defence and arms production. page6 Winter 1991

The 1991 Federal Budget: What Effect Will it Have? by Lynne Tyler

Short Term Effects could work. If the provinces do attempt to placate Aboriginal Medium Term Effects sector, have expressed not have the money, especially people by not obviously cutting serious doubts about his Overall, there will be the poorer ones, how can they their funding. However, Finance Minister Wilson projections in this budget. considerable suffering by most be forced to provide the same Aboriginal groups have pointed claims that the budget will bring (Among other things, Wilson Canadians because of the level of services as the richer out that the existing funding down inflation, which, in his projected that economic most recent federal budget. provinces? has already been seriously opinion, is the key to economic recovery will start by the There is no relief for the Cohen indicated that eroded by inflation and health. Unfortunately, his second half of this year!) unemployed, the wage Alberta already has plans for a population growth, and projections have been off "Business confidence" is constraints will mean a drop in two-tiered health system, and previous budget cuts. More target before. For example, the expected to grow as a result of the standard of living for many Newfoundland is rumoured to importantly, this does nothing deficit this year is $2 billion this budget. Big business, by Canadians in the public sector be facing severe cuts in health to address the real issues of higher than he said it was going and large, is happy with the and private companies that care, perhaps as many as 600 concern to Aboriginal people, to be in his last budget, only a budget. Wilson expects this follow suit; there will be culs in hospital beds, as a result of the such as land claims, self- year ago. A number of means they will invest in health, post-secondary cuts in transfer payments. determination and sovereignty. economists and observers, education and social services, "This government is Unemployment will including many in the business (continued on page 7) job losses in these sectors, destroying Medicare", Cohen continue to stay high as a continued bankruptcies, etc. continued "but they are not result of this budget. Most jobs doing it openly and honestly, in Canada are created by small businesses, not large corporations (in fact, big What was in- the Budget business is often responsible for a net job loss in Canada) but small business got no support or reprieve from the budget. Programs being cut Total cuts over There was a 61 % increase in 5 years personal and business bankruptcies over the I ast 1. CAP $2.1 billion year, in the wake of Wilson's Under the Canadian Assistance Plan, the federal government last budget, which helped pays 50% of the cost of certain provincial social assistance create the "made-in-Canada" expenditures. The budget limits increases in the federal share recession. to 5% per year, for Ontario, Alberta and BC. CAP funds welfare Social housing starts will and social service expenditures, eg, transition houses. drop. This gives the construction industry, 2. International aid $1.6 billion currently with high unemployment, no solace. It 3. Green Plan $600 million does nothing to relieve the The federal government's environmental protection plan, mounting pressure on announced with much fanfare in December, will be funded over The cuts in transfer because the Canadian people temporary shelters, or the six years instead of five. payments to the provinces will would never allow them to get needs of the homeless, let hit health and social services away with it. Instead, they are alone Canadians who cannot 4. Established Programs Financing $2.3 billion hardest. According to destroying it piece by piece, by afford a home or might lose EPF transfers are the largest single source of federal economist Marjorie Cohen, completely eroding funding and theirs because of the assistance to provinces. These transfers will be frozen at their "Within four years, there 'will be enforcement." recession (and now the wage current per capita levels. EPF funds post-secondary no cash transfers to This budget will further constraints under this budgef), education and health care. provinces." Without the delay addressing urgent and layoffs, and high interest rates. leverage of cash transfers, pressing environmental As Cohen said, "It is 5. Grants and contributions $575 million how will the federal government problems. Canadians have extraordinary, at a time when Grants for science and technology will be capped at 5% growth enforce standards under the repeatedly indicated they there are more homeless for one year, and 3% for the following years. It remains to be Canada Health Act? Finance consider environmental issues people in Canada than there seen which other programs are affected by the cuts. It appears Minister Michael Wilson said one of the highest, if not the have ever been, that this that grants under the Women's Program, Aboriginal Women's the government w o u Id highest, priority the government is actually cutting Program, and Multiculturalism Program will not be affected. introduce legislation to do this, government should tackle. social housing programs· by but it is hard to see how this The budget is a cynical 15%." 6. Social housing $411 million The burden of this budget Canada Mortgage and Housing provides funds to provinces is much heavier for some and territories for various programs to provide affordable regions of Canada, than for housing. The budget provides a 15% cut in these social others, according to Cohen. housing expenditures. THERE IS AN The cuts in transfer payments shift the whole problem of 7. Canadian Jobs Strategy $100 million meeting social needs to the Job creation, training and related economic development ALTERNATIVE provinces. In provinces which programs are funded under CJS. are wealthier and which are New publications from the committed to providing the 8. Public service $3.6 billion Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives services (eg, Ontario), people Departmental budgets will not increase to allow for any wage will not be hit quite as hard. increases under agreements - in other words, any increase in salary for unionized staff will mean a loss in jobs. ($2.00) However, in other parts of the An Alternative Budget country, such as the In addition, no wage settlements beyond 3% will be considered Maritimes, people will really by the federal government. Finally, non-wage expenditures are Paying for Civilized Society, . suffer. frozen for one year, followed by tight constraint. Spending in defence will by Neil Brooks ($2.00) grow. This. is the last area 9. Other program freezes $440 million where we need expenditures, The Canadian Film Development Corporation, the Export Development Corporation, and the transfer to provinces of Medicare in Danger ($8.00) when social and economic needs are so pressing. As federal income tax collected on private utilities, have all been most defence expenditures are frozen. Paying the Price: How Free Trade capital-intensive rather than Total cuts: $1.1 billion In 1991-92 or $12 billion the Environment, Regional labour-intensive, this will not is Hurting have nearly the economic over 5 years. (CAP and EPF cuts do not come into effect Development and Workers ($8.00) benefits that similar until 1992-93) expenditures would have in the Exempted from the cuts are: Order from: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives areas that Wilson cut (e.g. health, education, •Defence #904 - 251 Laurier Avenue West Indian and Inuit programs Ottawa, Ontario K1 P 5J6 environmental protection, etc.). old age security, family allowance, UI benefits and other tel: 613-563-1341 fax: 613-233-1458 transfers to individuals. Winter 1991 page 7

A country Plastic Shatfows: Leadership Without Vision

by Luanne Armstrong

There's a crisis in this believe. He said what he symbolizes, and for what it although we are adults; we are country. There's always a thought: repeal the Free Trade gives us to hold on to. left floundering in a world which in question crisis in this country, but now deal, we must have economic But in Canada, just as in the makes no sense, because the.______the country is threatening, independence, we must settle United States, we live with words which would construct it have money set aside for even more than it usually Aboriginal land claims, we must plastic illusions for leaders. into something logical have advertising about domestic threatens, to disintegrate like a regain our role and image in the Our leaders are flat images of been stolen from us. violence when what we want piece of old tired ice, and world as a peacekeeping people mouthing words in which The plastic illusions on and need is a belief that our nothing much has changed for nation. He believed in the we try with some desperation to television move and speak the leaders are actually listening, women, and poor people and words as he said them, but he find meaning. We live with words; our lives are far not just serving their own ends. native people and the Meech couldn't bring himself to think betrayal and illusions, knowing removed from them. They are What we want is a right to say Lake agreement is gone and so that they could be heard. that the words should mean uninvolved with us, although whether or not our money and what do we get? something, knowing in our they have the power to affect our lives are committed to war, Something called the Spicer hearts that words and the us. We don't believe that they and what we want are real Commission, which even the making of words are magic, the hear us, or listen. They seem services that meet our needs, people who usually take these naming and knowing of words. to have little to do with us. not vaguely worded things seriously, like civil As words are the power of There's been a war on. Far advertisements about servants and the media, had a making and truth, they are also away, people move and speak "domestic violence". hard time remembering to talk the power of unmaking and and die and hurt each other, In times of crisis, we need about, and which people denial. We live in quiet terror in and our pain and indignation leaders who can think past dutifully went through the a world of shadows where goes unheard. If the media their own needs and their own motions of making nothing means what it chooses, even ou~ protests fear and their own denial of presentations to, but which no should ... "a kinder, gentler become invisible, unheard. reality. What we need is one could bring themselves to world ... ", "a new world The mood in the country, simple, honest information, even try and believe in. That's order .. .". These words come at rather than one of anger, is of space to be heard, the belief too bad, because it's a good us as if saying them could despair and frustration. Turned that someone cares and will idea, talking to people about make it so. But it in on ourselves, we become listen, trust that this their vision of Canada ... it ought We are still a community in doesn't...however many people passive. Of what use is our community we are all a part of to be done more often, this country, however illusory, would still like to believe, would despair and anger when no one is a caring one, and will sustain probably in some kind of fragmented, divided and like to hold onto faith in the is listening, when our leaders ·us. Without this, we retreat process we are all supposed to regular way. The other problem irritable. We are bound don't care, when we don't more and more into fragments, believe in. of course, and it's a big one, is together by our shared history, believe in the processes which looking where we can for what that if you're going to ask The primary disease our shared pain, and right now are supposed to serve us, but we can hold onto. As the world people for their vision of our shared irritation. symptom in a dysfunctional do no longer. What I see shrinks into a global Canada, people have to believe Leadership is important in any family is dishonesty and denial, around me is fear a n d community, this fragmentation that speaking will do some community, not just for what it where something is said to be passivity, in the newspapers, is an ironic and sad refuge for good. does, but for what it is. It what it's not, where children in the public, people holding people with a steadily eroding My son spoke to the Spicer represents, or could represent, grow up in a world of illusions onto whatever piece of cliched faith in even the possibility of Commission, earnestly, and the best that's in us, what we and shadows, not knowing comfort will let them continue in real leadership. angrily. He's eighteen, and just wish ourselves to be. what's true, not knowing their their daze. getting involved in the political Leadership is necessary in any rights, or their boundaries, or So we have the Spicer Luanne Armstrong is a teacher business of the world. He's community, however small or how they are entitled to be Commission, and involvement -at the Nicola Valley Institute of wary, cynical, yet wanting to large, both for what it treated. We are children still, in a war that no one wants. We Technology in Merritt, B.C.

(continued from page 6) Federal Budget

Canada and help the economy Long Term Effects future. Capping expenditures Unemployment Insurance pay equity programs and recover. Wilson does not in this area and then further premium increases will be very settlements." apparently know that most new The damage to the social reducing them, when we are difficult for small businesses, . Women will be expected jobs in Canada are created by safety net (health care, already far beyond other while larger corporations can to take up the slack in health small business. Small education, social services, industrialized nations in this more easily absorb or pass on and social services, e.g., by business organizations, for the unemployment insurance, etc.) respect, is foolhardy. It is also these costs). caring . for aging parents, most part, are angry and upset will take years to repair. We will contrary to promises made by Wage controls in the making alternative child care at the budget because it does be suffering the consequences this government on several public service will hit women arrangements, etc. nothing to help their sector, for a long time. occasions. harder, because women are There will almost certainly and in fact, burdens them with Investment in the next In addition, entrepreneurs concentrated in the lower be no new child care policy, increases in Unemployment generation of workers is one of who have been bankrupted or paying jobs, which are always because the government has Insurance premiums. the single largest impacts on severely undermined by the penalized more heavily in any vowed to spend no new money Contrary to Wilson's future economic health. The recession, the GST, and free across-the-board wage freeze, on programs without first expectations, economist Wilson budget cuts education trade will have difficulty such as this. Secondly, as cutting something else. Marjorie Cohen suggests that spending by cutting over $2.3 recuperating. National Action Committee According to NAG, the budget will contribute to a billion from Established spokesperson Huguette Leger women will be hardest hit by the downward spiral: less income Program Financing. Impact on Women stated, "It is difficult to imagine education and training cuts, as (because of wage controls and Continued investment in that the freeze on wage women are more likely than tax increases) means less scientific and technological Women will be among the increases in the federal civil men to use these programs to spending, which in turn Research and Development is hardest hit by this budget, for service will not seriously affect re-enter the workforce and to generates fewer jobs. crucial to Canada's economic several reasons: make job changes. Women are usually the first fired in times of recession. The cuts in social and health services will affect women workers most because women predominate in these sectors - women will lose their Don't forget jobs, and those who remain employed will likely see wage to subscribe to controls. Women are the majority The Womanist! of entrepreneurs starting new - businesses. They will be hit by Subscription form on inside back cover this budget far harder than big ------corporations (e.g. Wornanist ------pages Winter 1991

A country Canada-'s Future: A View from the Spicer Commission in question

Carole Corcoran is a What do you feel Is the best What are the basic Issues that "idea line", which are all Commissioner on the Citizens possible outcome for the you hope to have some effect recorded. I don't know all the Forum, also known as the Connission? on? details, because there is a Spicer Commission. She is the That the government will When I talk to people, I try planning meeting going on right former chief of the Fort Nelson listen! I don't know whether not to raise their expectations now in Quebec to discuss how Indian Reserve in northern that's a possibility or not, but I that this process is going to be we will prepare the report British Columbia and she is guess that will be determined a panacea for anything. (unfortunately, I was unable to really don't understand." also the representative to the once we have completed our Because ultimately, what attend that meeting). I know There is a desire to First Nations Congress for the project. becomes of our report? It's we are tabulating some of the understand more, and, Tribal Association of Treaty basically going to be a political responses in a way that allows hopefully, with that Number 8. She w a s decision. All of our findings are us to do some analysis by understanding will come more interviewed for The' Why did you agree to be on the going to be handed back to the computer. tolerance, and we might be able Woman/st by Lynne Tyler. Connission? Do you have any government, and it's going to to make some headway on regrets? be completely up to them to some of these issues in the I'm no less cynical o r decide what they are going to Are you planning a wide next millenia. What are the objectives of the skeptical than the average do with it. In that sense, it's distribution of the report? Cornrission? Canadian with some semblance really out of our hands. We are definitely designing The stated objectives are of intelligence or opinion. I However, what I'm hoping it so it can be very easily read Are there any other Issues to engage citizens across the considered very carefully the is that we can get mad enough by a lot of people. We will also coming forward? country in a national dialogue possibility of whether the or interested enough to prepare video versions. We Other than the most on the future of this country, on Citizens Forum could really become involved. And that's might even be able to televise obvious ones, Quebec and a few specified issues, such as make a difference on any of what's been happening. it. It's going to be very public. Aboriginal issues? When you Aboriginal issues, official People are saying, "We're sick We are committed to reporting get into the East, the Quebec languages, multiculturalism, of government not being back to the public as we are issues are much more regional diversity and those Canada .... responsive to us. We're sick of going along - we have prevalent than they are in the types of things. government not dealing with newsletters and press releases West. The West is much more Those are the statea It's your call some of the issues that are regularly. We are staying concerned, as they historically objectives. The unstated confronting us. They're ruining completely away from any idea have been, with objective that we hear about The Forum is the economy. They're not of secret meetings, or anything representation, political quite ofjen is that this is inviting Canadians to enabling people to progress in like that. accountability, and the whole sense of being left out of the another way of the government call the "Idea Line". certain communities and buying some time to avoid certain groups", and so on. process. That tends to bring dealing with the issues. The number to call is The whole thing is frustrating What has been the Aboriginal up regional and economic suppose that's a possibility, 1-800-66-FORUM. Be people at all levels. participation so far? d:sparity. but less cynically this is sure to dial the letter Hopefully, said enough At the start, there was a lot On a very basic level, we perhaps a way of the times, maybe somebody might of skepticism, a great deal of hear a lot of people who are government getting some "O", not zero, for listen! frustration, and suspicion of concerned about their jobs. direction on how they can be FORUM. Callers are the government's motives. But They are starting to feel the more responsive to the needs connected with an I can tell you that the Aboriginal impact of the recession. of the Canadian public. That interviewer who will Some of the criticisms have people are feeding into this Why do you think people are might be idealistic. been about the procedures process, I think much for the participating? listen to their ideas related to public consultation, same reasons that I became I think they're just tired of about Canada. meetings by invitation only, involved. That it's an not being able to have a say. If What's your sense of the Reports on all calls are etc. Could you explain the opportunity to publicize our there's a chance to make a Cormisslon nowthat you have filed with the Forum. Cormission's thinking about issues, and perhaps convey to difference, we better take it. been involved for a while? Are this? some of the non-Aboriginal We criticize and complain all you happy v.ftth how things are people out there what some of the time, so maybe we should proceeding? the issues. Being the only We have trained our aspirations are. play our part, and spend a It's been really tough, Aboriginal member -0n the moderators working for the couple of hours talking about because we have been under Commission, that was very Commission in all the provinces these issues. You almost don't such a strict timeframe. It's much a concern to me. and territories. We use these What are people saying about want to say it, because it starts difficult to figure out the best I decided that I had to be people to encourage people to Aboriginal Issues? to sound like national psycho- way of engaging a public committed to doing whatever set up their own sessions. The It's painful how therapy, but people come out consultative process in a very was possible to change the reason we suggest groups of uneducated and ill-informed a of these meetings and say short period of time. We are status quo, because clearly about fifteen to twenty people, lot of the public are. They are things like, "I'm really glad I running into problems, too, fundamental changes are is that, if the group is much admitting this to us. became involved in this, because we're trying to find the needed to address some of larger than that, people often Essentially, they are because I got to hear what most effective way very these longstanding issues that feel uncomfortable or don't saying, "We don't understand other people feel about these quickly, while we're doing it. are affecting, first of all, really get a chance to discuss Native issues. We know they issues, and I discovered I'm Other than that, people are Aboriginal people, but also just the issue. have gotten a raw deal not the only one who is very, very responsive to us, about everybody out there who The impression is that historically from the frustrated." Once you know and I'm constantly surprised at is feeling very frustrated at these meetings are crafted or government, and we really that people are willing to talk government. that. manipulated, whereas the think the government should about this, there may be hope meetings are basically resolve these issues, but we for us after all. generated by the groups themselves. A couple of the meetings were very public, in fact televised. Apart from that, GoWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON the groups themselves decide CANADIAN ETHNOCULTURAL COUNCIL how they want the meetings conducted, who is there, etc. 251 , Laurier Ave., W., Suite 1100, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J6 (613) 230-3867 fax (613) 230-8051 Alicia Natividad For those who do their O\Vl session, how do they get their The CEC is a non-profit coalition of 37 national Suite Elgin KIN vleY.6 Incorporated into the ethnocultural organizations. Its main objective is to Tel: (613) 232-1781 Fax: (613) Comnlssion's report? We want to feed all that secure equality of opportunity, rights and dignity for Ottawa Toronto Kitchener information into the process, ethnocultural minorities and for all other Canadians. so it becomes part of the report. Aside from the meetings, we accept written The Winter 1991 page 9 In Solidarity With the People of the Pines by Ellen Gabriel

Ellen Gabriel works for small community? Why didn't mother earth. Our native never ceded any of our lands. sovereignty and land rights. they talk to us? We believe it is philosophy is to respect our We keep hitting a brick wall, a She was a primary negotiator because this government earth, our mother, because she patriarchal government who for her people at Kanesatake which represents you puts nourishes us; she helps give refuses to respect a with the police force in Quebec economics ahead of people's us life and helps sustain us. matriarchal government. We and the Canadian Armed lives. Throughout the summer, Until non-Native societies start want peace. We have given Forces. She was chosen by the psychological torture that believing that everything has a respect to our non-Native the women of the longhouse to was inflicted upon my spirit, everything has a life, and brothers and sisters, we would be their spokesperson, and community and the community start respecting things which like some of that respect given spoke in Toronto in January of Kahnawake and the people are not human, then our back to us. We know that if 1991. who came to help us, was at mother earth will die. there is no peace for Native times unbearable. I know of I can understand how the people, there will never be So many things happened people who contemplated Iraqis feel. You are given an peace for non-Native people over this summer that could suicide because the stress ultimatum, which is what we either. have been avoided had there was so great. were given, a deadline to I would like to say thank you been mutual respect from the We talk about the healing of negotiate on the government's to all the people who, during the non-Native governments and our nation. What good will it do terms or else a violent force will summer, had vigils and prayers for us, who gave us food, who the Iroquois nations. if your government is sick, we be placed upon you. That's not sent us good thoughts, who Kanesatake is an ancient negotiations. They bully continually have to deal with sent us beautiful letters of village and means "place of the people. They bully Native sick leaders? On December 2, support and let us know that we crusty sands". The beautiful people into submission by our food bank was raided by were not alone. I hope that one pine trees which we fought for the army and the Quebec intimidation. In 1990, Brian Mulroney said, day we will have peace. I don't over the summer, and are still police. They were looking for know if it will be in our lifetime, fighting for, were planted over a weapons. They were on the "It is time to remind ourselves what it is like to be a minority but if we continue to struggle hundred years ago by my school ground, where the community or the people who and to treat minorities with the for peace for future people and some French children were, looking for were there. But I know we can same tolerance and generosity generations, perhaps we can people to stop the erosion of weapons. This past Friday an try and understand each other see that light down the end of land. Our dispute is over two of spirit that we would want to better. And maybe it's too the tunnel. I can see it; I feel it. hundred years old. be treated with, if the situation soon to forgive, because we're I hope and I pray for the people When your Prime Minister were reversed." Then, gladly, still under siege. We still feel who are suffering throughout said that he would not he broke Parliamentary laws to the effects of oppression and the world over the wars that are negotiate at the point of a gun, lend the army to Quebec, being enacted. I hope that the I thought he was a mad man quoting the constitution saying our Native and ancestral lands because it was his government that the rule of law must apply are still being threatened by innocent will not pay much encroachment. longer for the blunders, and who were pointing weapons at equally to all. We are fighting We are not a reserve in selfishness of politicians who our heads. On July 11, they for our traditional lands. We Kanesatake; we are not a make peciple, innocent people, pointed their automatic have tried negotiations and we unified landbase. We are a fight their dirty wars. I hope we weapons at the heads and are met with deaf ears. I heard territory and the women of the can all work together and make hearts of the children of the an elder speak recently and it Mohawk Nation know that we this whole planet a much better Mohawk Nation, at the women really surprised me because have never sold and we have place to live in. of the Mohawk Nation and the she was a peaceful person, a men. pacifist. She was talking to Recently, we had a visit from this man who is working for the three members of the European government, trying to unite the Parliament. We showed them non-Natives and the Mohawks the bullet marks in the trees in Kanesatake and she said, and they listened to the tape of "The Indians have been backed the event of July 11 and they into a corner and now we're could not believe it. Why was SQ [Surete du Quebec, the fighting back and the Association nationale National Association such force used on such a Quebec provincial police force] government wonders why, why de la femme et le droit - of Women and the Law car was parked in the school we are defending ourselves? If grounds as a speed trap. The someone came into your home The National Association of Women and the Law Sexual children were frightened. They and tried to kill your family, (NAWL) is a non-profit group dedicated to improving what would you do? Are you a started running to the windows the legal status of women an8 to public education. Assault and crying and said, "they're terrorist? Are you a criminal?" Centre of coming back, they're _coming Canada has a history of ~AWL publishes a quarterly newsletter back!" Two women went out using excessive force against Jurisfemme and various briefs and research Edmonton and asked them to I eave Native communities. But the papers in the areas of: because they were frightening best one so far was on my own - Affirmative Action 24 Hour Crisis Line the children. community of Kanesatake. -Child Care When you are young, you are They used food as a weapon Counselling & Referrals knowing full well that there were - Equality Rights •Groups told to go to a policeman for help because they are there to children inside; knowing full - Family Law- Child Sexual Abuse help you, they are peace well that there were elders who - Income Security Treatment Program officers. Our children will not refused to leave their homes - Pornography ·Police, Legal & Medical go to a policeman. They have because they said, "This is my - Reproductive Issues Information no respect for that authority. home and nobody is going to make me leave it". In the - Sexual Assault Education Program Your government lied to you when they said that they community of Kanesatake, Nos publications sont aussi disponibles en francais. bought the land that we fought away from the cameras, once Forinformation: (613) 238~1544 2nd Floor, 10179 -105 St for this summer. Tffey bought the army had moved in, there NAWL/ANFD Edmonton, Alberta land close to the goH course, was razor wire in the ditches, 400 - 1, rue Nicholas Street TSJ 1E2 but we do not have ownership razor wire around certain Ottawa, Ontario, Canada over what we fought for this homes, and tanks sitting on the summer. Our men and women front lawns. Some people say K1N7B7 423-4121 Crisis Line are facing jail sentences. We forgive. There is no such word 423-4102 Business don't want them to go to jail for for forgiveness in my culture, I 421-8734 Fax nothing. They were defending I know I will never forget; the land. We defended our neither will the rest of my page 10 Winter 1991

m y r ist r''

(excerpts from an article in Audre Lorde speaks Lambda Book Report Jan/Feb. 1991)

by Jy/ Lynn Felman Audre Larde, Black feminist got to contribute to the struggle anybody listen. You've got a The earth moved beneath my limb. We came together oath- poet and writer, spoke at the because everything they do is piece of their ears, use it, use feet. And it's still moving. bound, inter-connected without Conference honoring her in grinding us into dust and we wilL it! That's what happened to me, diluting difference, obscuring Boston, October 5 - 9, 1990. not be ground. I thank the To my sisters of the African and 1,000 other women, youth, multiple identities, or denying women who enabled us to come diaspera, our sisters in all of and pro-feminist men at the the unequal distribution of Am and la! Amandla! together. I charge each one of the world are looking to us. We first international conference wealth. We met as sisters not Amandlal You know, it isn't us with the privilege of carrying have a piece of the fact. inspired by and in honor of as identical twins. Separate often in my life th at I find this energy on. I thank my Women of the South Pacific Audre Lorde's writing, vision, but not severed. Not yet equal myself without words. Tha~ is Latin American sister for the bear children who have no political activism, and poetic as we faced each other. We how I feel. I also feel the words that she spoke today. I bones because of nuclear artistry. convened believers and wonder of the difference and ask her, I beg, I plead, that the testing. That is a piece of us. For three days we gathered nonbelievers, Moslem, Jew, diversity of us here and the next gathering she and her Feel the power in this room, the in Boston, Mass ... USA -- from and Buddhist, Goddess- energy. sisters make happen we will energy. Our sisters in Soweto Ireland, Belize, St Vincent, St. worshippers and Native Thank you. Thank you for help in whatever way we can. look to us, not to answer their Croix, Germany, South Africa, Peoples in an ornate, Jesus- bringing the energies together, Make it what you want it to be! problems but to give them what the Netherlands, Australia, blessed-sacred-space- for beginning, because this is My sisters, we do not have to we have, our support, our Nicaragua, the Dominican christian-church that was not what this gathering is all about. become each other in order to resources and an insistence Republic, Peru, Venezuela, fully accessible to almost We are here, women, we are work together but we must . .,that thejr lives forgotten I Mexico, damafca, Trinida~. anyone spiritually or physically here, men, we are here & part work 1ogethe; b~se -our · Our.. ~W$ m,.:~fa;sissippi do Suriname, the Philippines, b1:1t especially not .. ·to our of cOffimunlties thal are gravely earth IS dyloo. .not.~ ~~'YOtlf Bra~ Canada, ·Tobago, disabled sisters not ~'threat: 'But we Me1)811 oaf z- 'Manforus'-1n"thls'!oo mar'S' -'.Children selves 1Jot"that Barbados' and the u n it e d climb the high '-Steep' steps to communities and all over the citizens of this country. We you use your mouths, your States -- including Hawaii, tne precious a]t~r without a computers, your hands and Kent1.1cky, California, platform that was never built. your ability io write .in the M" t d w h t Yet we met and did not l 'DRE· LQ10Af Engllsb language to petition for s;~~s~_a, t~n c!fe~~~t~~ separate. And yes, th e the fact that their children must strategize, network; to boogie, ha.Hawed beauty -of the space A l&Qt,,.fJ:ii&-ls~4obethe get ~own salsa sing mambo i'n:o§f" . was. finally revealed when ~.:,~.X!'~~Ut.,., .. 'w!Jtl"!~.b!~F J.o_llQ.. r draped anew in handmade ··~t~:lilff'i:J1"1'.(f;ii#j1' ''.1,(;S:"'.,.;.:~.-l)'J)'~.~:b~log CQU~JO tJ:I~. .-r quilts-of red and black. purple kana~,p:m,eJth~0u'!,~~5-~· ---~~i:r~~~J! ln~f~.:~~o ~·. and ,green, stitched together'by men e wona ()\let. . ~IUi.we lapgn, ?.'.eM'I' the :Freedom Quilting Bee of ."~i''Enlel11le,W'or1cflst··;.,"~":;:~ ~~~' .udow·.···n'·.· cqa.·m··.at.tba~:m:~we·"·· ~a, Ala~~Vl'li!t':.~: tile·_ .. .. ·"tl)~t~etMr. 1 -~t.filf9flf>~·'#e useg. I cannot essential to our lives; how we Guatemala, Nigeria, lndla, and f Jransfur:med ..doJt;i!One:~.None of us can do need new tools to bring the New Zealand. Vwid lf -g<}· i~-4fte...... ~~ten..other-mei:h~ .thmugh them, grow from them. made mistakes and y'es~ we supermarket you give them letters out saying this is not an That is empowerment. met each other· face •to face

out.• you .9G. to.. won<.. and .pass .. ~.• ~? .. Wa}f"for i:ne amt.llll'.. .. -. ".,.QIJ.L~.e.rt .. h is. dyi. ng. W,e,n.eed where 50% of us were Black, of .c.+kA--+...:· ··. . . :ri...-.. ,_ .•'u:rd11T Thal a· ·til' ·~ oiirse s BM '.Qi .:whcf'\\le are. 'oolOt, ot Jmpov"1iehetl~er1."" --~~~.:I~...... ' .-·-=. v~\fEJl[.,M oow14W nMun; nd ay ~it.IB:11Yecythifl§·.M.;fk):hEul ::;-UM it~ -~~--~~~!.. ~': mus_t ~- ~~.Jwe ~.'!!. !off:ru.til;li.c.:meetings. We met in morning right·~·:· ·Mkl IX:l(;auae we '.fl~ our '8Aer9V mu+ti•'Sthnic mixed cj,l!ss, no.oobye I heard the words of ..,.-·-rorthebatt'le''limf war1t isT'T threes and fours'16 faciTifate Larde. stood before ci100SB.."'thEIAll1'tl'l:~"Wi.-C5hoose and encourage dialogue. At us momentarily speechless the earth and the .edge .of.each times we fatted. Meetings were with what we had accompffshed other'sbattlff. 'Thewar-isthe too big, lacked sufficient andwhatwesetinmotion. She same. we k>se, someday leadership and direction; other told us no matter how high we women's blood will congeal on a times we succeeded grandly. build our barriers, she will dead planet, but if we win there We learned that we must learn climb. And climb. And climb. is no telling. We seek beyond to lead each other without fear She will not be defeated, not history for a new and more of domination or subordination. turned back by any single possible meeting. look to For three days, we lived with barricade. She will reach and meet you on whatever contradiction but unlike the so must we. I Am Your Sister. barricades you erect or choose. Amandlal Amandla! past and much of the present it Soy Tu Herman a. Soy Tu P.O. Box 2207, Stn P, Toronto, Ont. MSS 2T2 (416) 533 4221 Amandla! Amandla! Amandlal did not tear us apart limb from Hermana. Amandla! Winter 1991 page 11

Black Women: An Endangered Species

by Joan Grant-Cummings, Simone Hammond, Vuyiswa Keyi, and Carolann Wright

The Martin Luther King Day are also in many cases sole frontlines see the effects daily Commemorative Committee of support mothers, we are of the community not attending Toronto invited us to plan a caregivers of our children! to these issues. Phrases such Black Heritage Month forum presentation as part of a They are our future. What good as "lost generation" are used one-day event in January can it serve our community if by speakers for sensationa- The Nova Scotia Picture 1991. We designed a forum we have not progressed lism, not realizing that this is a that we entitled "Black Women: beyond the hardships our reality many of us see when we An Endangered Species" as a grandmothers and mothers had look into our children's and by Donna Truesdale window to try and initiate some to endure? They endured Black sisters' faces. interest and generate some these hardships so that we Black women have been February was Black Heritage the remuneration for house concern for the plight of Black would "have it easier". Instead, unable to speak about their month. Like many other areas cleaning being at the lowest women in our community. To we seem to be reinventing the condition, not because we in Canada, Nova Scotia's black end of the wage scale. There date, the Black community has hardships in different forms can't, but because when we do history has, at times, been are no black nurses at the local not formally addressed the and in fact have it harder! we are denounced as dividers bleak. In New Glasgow, it hospital, and of approximately issues of choice, sexuality, As a community, we need to of the community, as lesbians, wasn't until the mid to late 150 teachers, only 6 are black. AIDS and other STDs, poverty, examine why more Black as opportunists, as man- sixties that black people were A black woman is at the parenting, mental health, women will die from breast haters, as not acting from a allowed in the front door of bottom of the hierarchical violence in its many forms, cancer than white women, yet historical perspective! It is restaurants, and permitted to heap. White men, black men sexism, poor housing, under- fewer of us suffer from breast because we know the history sit elsewhere than the balcony and white women, then black and un-employment, etc. cancer! Why is it that women and we can trace the at theatres. Today, most of women. Like white women in These issues affect the cannot even stop for check- beginnings and see the these obvious signs of racial relation to white men, a black health of the community, and in ups until they are on the brink present-day effects that we are discrimination have woman has to be better and try particular, the Black woman of death? The same goes for able to speak out. The time disappeared; neverthe-less, no harder than a white woman in who has to deal with them cervical cancer, why is it that has long come for Black sisters blacks live on the West side of similar circumstances. If a everyday and has to be the women of other races are to start "dealing", to speak with New Glasgow, the "better" area black woman wants to better constant enduring factor. seeing a decrease of the one another, to recognize our of town. her employment situation, she

In spite of some difficulties in disease in their populations pains, our daily struggles, to Most of the employment MUST have the absolutely having our program accepted while we are seeing an realize that we are not alone in available to blacks in this area correct education and as we had planned, we went increase? It has been our struggles. The unfortunate are jobs with low pay and experience. The white woman ahead with our part in the projected that the fertility rate hard truth is that many of us limited scope. As well they are may' be granted leeway of event. We had to adjust our (our ability to reproduce) will be are experiencing the same usually sex delineated, i.e. education in view of life presentations somewhat, but drastically lowered as more and things. We have to deal with garbage collector for the male, experience, but with a black managed to retain the essence more of our young women this before it destroys us. If it house cleaning for the female, woman the standards are of what we thought should be contract infections such as destroys us, it, in effect, rigidly enforced. presented to the community. Chlamydia, that may lead to destroys the bastion of our Socially the black community At the forum, Black women in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease community. We have to start is still centered around the the audience felt silenced, for (PIO), or other complications, trusting one another again, church. The church is two reasons. Males as usual affecting their ability to have opening our hearts to the changing but very slowly. spoke up on our behalf as to children. Black women and needs of our sisters. As one of Much of the attitudes depend what they t~.ought our problems Latino women are the two my mentors says, "If it affects on the specific Minister. were and the solutions to those groups of women now most at one of us, it affects all of us!" However, the church generally problems. White women in the risk for contracting the deadly One of us sitting in Parliament reinforces the traditional role of audience also gave their HIV virus, leading to AIDS. will be of no value to us until the family: a husband should have analysis! A number of sisters This means our children are condition of all our sisters is complete control of the family confided to us at the end that also at risk! Where is the hue improved. (keep his wife in line); a woman they felt they couldn't speak, and cry about this in our Black women, we must be should not really work but if she with these two groups speaking community? How long are we allowed to speak for ourselves, does, her job must not impede for them with such authority. It going to fool ourselves that it is to say what truly ails us. As the family in any way; ·a man was disempowering for them! not our problem or blame the Fanny Lou Hammer says, over still gains status if his wife Black women were not made victims? We have to look at and over: "We are tired of does not "have" to work. to endure and love hardships. the roots of all these ailments if being sick and tired!" There is a code of silence We have had to, because of the health of our community is around the issue of racism in the holocaust of enslavement, to be any better. This affects New Glasgow. Most are aware but it is not our lot. us all. It affects our children, Joan Grant-Cummings, Simone of its presence but a re The fact that in North our partners, our ability to Hammond, Vuyiswa Keyi, and uncertain of how to deal with it. America 50% of Black women attract and maintain suitable Carolann Wright were members The issue may be moot. describe ourselves as being in employment, our ability to fight of the panel of "Black Women: Opportunities for young black An Endangered Species", held a state of mental distress, way against racism and to take an women and men are so bad that above the population norm, in Toronto on January 21, active part in our children's 1991. (continued on page 12) should send cold shivers down education. all our spines. Remember, we Those of us working on the page 12 Winter 1991

''What Do Those Women Want Anyway?''

by Donna Cameron

It has been a strange year for women's centres in B.C. Saskatchewan and across the country. We were reeling after the Women's Agenda announcement of funding cuts in February of 1990 and set about d em on strati n g , occupying Secretary of State significant increases in costs by Marj Brown offices, having protests, (remember the G.S.T.). The "Weiner roasts", picnics, and federal government says they The Saskatchewan Action province, that we expect writing countless letters to don't have to publicly which so clearly put women and Committee recently sent positive changes and that we have the funding reinstated. announce the funding for 1991 children at the bottom of their women's groups i n have established our own And not only reinstated at the because they were committed priority list? Is it possible for Saskatchewan an invitation to priorities. pitiful levels we had been all along. The province did women to begin voting as a participate in a Women's Women in this province are surviving at, but to increase announce their funding block for candidates and a Agenda project. tired of responding to cuts and funding to levels which would because they're committed party who do consider the The project will enable attacks on services. We want allow us to do the work too! With all this commitment, equality of women to be a top women's groups to develop to do more than react. By expected of us. why don't I feel secure? priority. Is there such a party? their own list of priorities. The, defining our own needs we are We recognized the In the meantime, while I guess the issue of funding time is ripe, women's programs taking control of our own jurisdictional debate the federal women's centres is only a and services have been hard futures. If you want more and provincial governme1ts symptom of the problem. I hit over the last few years. An information contact were having - the federal don't know if we can consider election is imminent in· Saskatchewan Action government doesn't want to the reinstatement of funding to Saskatchewan and we will be Committee, 2343 Cornwall St., pay for social services and tho be a victory of our own making, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P ready to greet the next or if women have, one more 2L4, (306) 525-8329. p<0vincial government does~~ government with coordinated, time, played the game without concrete demands from Marj Brown is the Provincial knowing the hidden rules. women. We want to let them CoordinatQr of th e While we've been busy fighting know that women's groups are _Saskatchewan Action for funding and survival, standing together in this Committee, Status of Women. perhaps we have been less vocal in identifying and speaking out on the emerging \ issues in our communities. It's want to pay for lobbying and waiting for the political dust to time now to work on the issues advocacy. The truth Is, of settle,. women~s centres which keep us silent and to Sosfzot001t gexuae t..Assoult course, that women's centres continue their work. Lack of ensure that equality issues are 9~tton·· do both. affordable housing, hungry front and centre in eve r y S. Cenfl

------_ ------__ ------__ __ --- - . Winter 1991 page 13 About Change, Conservative Government About Justice: Initiatives for Women

What an NOP Government Would Mean for Canadian Women

by Audrey McLaughlin, Member of Parliament, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada

In the last year, since I was the NOP is studying new ways elected leader of the federal to attain the objective of New Democratic Party, there ·fielding 50% women candidates have been perceptible shifts in to contest nominations in the the Canadian political culture. next federal election. by , Member. of Parliament, A heightened awareness of Important policy direction Minister Responsible for the Status of Women environmental issues is has been set on issues like showing up in public polling and economic inequality, pay environmental organizations equity, affirmative action, child are signing up record numbers care and violence against As Minister Responsible for strategies in our respective State provides ongoing of new members. women. The NDP's established the Status of Women, I am jurisdictions to end violence financial support to women's Among Aboriginal people, policy and consistent stand in proud to co-ordinate our against women, with a groups for projects that frustration led to a summer of support of reproductive choice government's initiatives to particular focus on education promote the equality of women. protest that included an armed stands in marked contrast to promote equality for women in and prevention. The framework These projects deal with confrontation with security the anti-choice sentiments of Canadian society~ We are for the development is such issues as family violence, forces at Oka, Quebec and both the Liberals a n d committed to creating contained in the Lake Louise sexual assault, pornography, railway blockades in British Conservatives. conditions that will enable Declaration issued in June of and the portrayal of women in Columbia and Northern Ontario. The House of Commons is of women in Canada to achieve 1990 by my provincial the media. And, for the first time in course the forum where policy their full potential in all spheres colleagues and myself. Since 1984, the Women's Canadian history, a New is implemented. However, we of activity. In December last year, I Program has distributed over Democratic Party government must look to a new open and Since 1984, this government appeared before the $56 million to women's groups, was elected in our most consultative dialogue in has made progress in many Parliamentary Subcommittee more than four times the populous province - Ontario. communities across Canada to areas towards the goal . of on the Status of Women and amount allocated between I believe that the Canadian arrive at those parliamentary equality. As the following requested the Committee's 1980-1984. Most recently, people are going through a shift decisions. The decision- record of achievement shows, advice on appropriate $1.2 million was allocated to continue funding of women's in the value system underlying making structures inside we have worked hard to mechanisms to further address centres in the future. our political culture. If our government must also be the standing of women this issue~ keeping in mind the political culture is indeed reformed. During the term of in Canada. pivotal role of the provinces changing, it may largely be a the NOP government in Here are some examples of and territories. (continued on page 14) result of an increasing Manitoba, for example, every that action: The Women's Program at the consciousness that the new policy and program Department of the Secretary of~ traditional patriarchy is no initiative included a specific longer able to reflect the cabinet review of its impact on Violence Against concerns of a majority of women. The recent election of Women and Family Canadians. a majority NOP government in Violence The New Democratic Party Ontario with its record number has a history of incorporating of women elected, and the the concerns of t h e appointment of women to 46% In the past j)~'e years, the traditionally disenfranchised, of cabinet posts, is a clear government has brought Taking whether that is women, harbinger of things to come at forward severaf new programs Aboriginal peoples, visible the federal level. to address violence against our notre minorities and ethnocultural The 1990's have so far seen women and to help support communities, or the differently- a host of historic firsts, victims and their families. In place place abled. This is reflected in our internationally and at home. In 1986, a five-year, $25 million policy statements and the midst of acutely troubling Child Sexual Abuse Initiative resolutions, formed at biennial times, we see signs of the push was launched. In 1988, a four- conventions by the grassroots for peoples' empowerment and year Family Violence Initiative began, providing $40 million for membership and affiliated the enrichment of our lives groups. a variety of projects, including through meaningful the creation of up to 500 As a federal government, our participation in political intentions would be to build on shelter spaces for battered process. Equality of women and their children. To the genuine commitment we H opportunity is not enough. We Last month, a new $136 have demonstrated within the must work towards equality of. million program for the party and work towards to results. The growing strength elimination of family violence your implementing the goal of full will of the environmental, peace was announced. This equality for all Canadians. and Aboriginal rights Democratic in represents more than twice the movements here in Canada and level of funding committed Canada has had considerable New around the world are since 1986. Women are a influence over the years in encouraging examples. Comm shaping Canadian public particular focus of the new Although there is clearly measures, designed to improve policy, especially in the areas more to be done, I believe the public awareness of family of social programs and equality NDP's genuine commitment to violence, strengthen our legal measures. The N e w women's equality is changing framework and increase Democratic Party has made a attitudes. By challenging old housing for victims. concerted effort in the last stereotypes and changing As well, under the Canada decade to incorporate the goal attitudes, we can make the Assistance Plan, the Federal of equality for women from all positive and ·constructive Government contributes over affirmative action target groups reforms necessary to achieve $1.2 billion annually to the into the basic philosophy, true equality for women. provinces to assist women and practises and operating I look forward to the their children who are victims of structures of our party. challenges ahead and invite family violence. Our party constitution now you to join with me in helping to I am also working with my requires gender parity on all build a Canada that offers provincial and territorial governing bodies. Presently, justice and equality to all. counterparts to develop new page 14 Winter 1991 A Liberal Canada: A Vision. for Women by Mary Clancy, Member of Parliament, Llbe_ral Status of Women Critic

The history of Libera I It is wrong that the young But another Liberal tradition Governments is a history of the people must leave their families is national unity. Today all development of the social and their provinces to seek a Canadians fear for the future of safety net. Old Age Pensions, decent living. It is abhorrent our country and everyone Family Allowance, that the first Canadians, with longs for the leadership needed Unemployment Insurance, their reverence for the lands, to provide for a n e w CPP, and the jewel in the the forests and the waters, are constitutional accord. A crown, Medicare, are ignored and disregarded. Liberal government would work accomplishments of which my The daily tragedies of life to bring us back together. We Party is proud. The overall cannot all be avoided. must look closely at our (continued from page 13), policy of universality of these Governments cannot solve all constitutional arrangements programs, ostensibly to problems. We will never create and create a Canada that will Child Care are of special interest to maintain human dignity, is a perfect society but we must go in peace and unity into the women. New parental leave another facet of our social never cease to try. It is the 21st Century. It means long Child care is recognized as a benefits now provide 1O weeks policy to which we are abdication of responsibility by and arduous negotiations but it priority by all jurisdictions. Our of parental leave for either committed. government, the Thatcherian also means a renewed sense of - regional equality and worth. national responsibility includes parent or shared between Critics and the current Tory belief that most of the woes We cannot and will not sacrifice federal contributions under the them. This is in addition to the government say the system is can be settled by big business one region's interests for Canada Assistance Plan current 15 weeks of maternity antiquated, and there are and private charity that is benefits and 15 weeks of another. toward provincial expenditures certainly flaws, but the Tory anathema to Liberals. sickness benefits. Doomsayer-s and pessimists on child care. government's response, using Here in Canada we are say it's too late, it can't be The national Strategy on A number of initiatives have shaped by our immense the clawback and the done. I say the break up of Child Care, announced in been launched to help geography, our varied climate immigrant and visible minority decimation of Unemployment Canada is unthinkable and December 1987, enhanced the and our small population. A women. For example, there are Insurance, is not the answer. therefore the just compromise tax assistance available to sensitive government is not A liberal answer would needs to be found. I believe we families with young children, programs that provide for the blind to these facts. A sensible resettlement of refugee women address income security and can do it and I believe we will. and established a $100 million reform of the tax system to government recognizes and who are in particularly difficult Twenty-four years ago Pierre Child Care Initiatives Fund to ensure a basic decent acts to create balance and situations, and language Trudeau called for a "Ju st encourage the development of standard of living for all fairness for all Canadians. training for immigrant women at Society." Somehow in the innovative solutions to chilct- Canadians. We have all Canada is unique and must be home. intervening years we have lost care issues. suffered too long under a Tory treated as such. A government that ignores this does so at its our belief that this can happen. Through these measures, we theory where the wealthy are For women and children, for are now contributing $1.0 billion Women in the Justice sacrosanct, the middle class is own peril. Overshadowing even these natives, for the poor, the dollars toward Child Care taxed to death and the poor are elderly, the disabled and for System ignored. social inequities however is our across the country. Through that much abused person "the These issues are the Constitutional crisis. While the the payment of Unemployment Last fall, as a result of the ordinary Canadian", we must reasons many Liberals go into Prime Minister's policy of Insurance Benefits for infant, recommendations of the Task get back our inspiration and our politics. They certainly were "rolling the dice" definitely newborn and adoptee leave, Force on Federally Sentenced national soul. We can live part of the force that propelled exacerbated a d iff icu It our government contributes Women, we were able to multiculturally, bilingually and me. It is simply unacceptable situation, we can't blame it all another $1.0 billion dollars announce the closure of the adequately in our portion of the in Canada that women are on him. For 124 years we have toward the care of children in Prison for Women in Kingston. globe. beaten, that children go to food lived as two solitudes. Now in this country. Fifty million dollars has been This may be our last chance. Work is continuing within the committed to establish five banks, that people sleep in the 1991 we face a Canada with streets of our cities. nine million citizens who are We cannot afford to lose it for government departments regional facilities in its place, ourselves and for our children. concerned, as this government including an Aboriginal healing neither French nor English. remains committed to putting a lodge. national child care program in To address gender equality place before the end of its in the justice system, the mandate. Canadian Judicial Centre has Mary Clancy, M.P. launched an education program for judges on the issue. A Official Opposition Critic for Employment national conference on Women and the Canadian Justice the Status of Women The Federal Employment System will be held this June. Equity Act, requiring I am proud of the progress employment equity for women, we have made so far and I disabled persons, Aboriginal realize that much remains to be people and members of visible done. This government will minorities was adopted in 1986. continue to foster partnerships The Canadian Jobs Strategy, with other levels of to assist those most in need, government, with women's was launched in 1985 and groups, with non-government Best wishes to the continues to be effective in organizations and with meeting women's training concerned individuals. By W 01nanist, its needs. working together, we can Recent amendments to the achieve our common goal: full staff and readers in Unemployment Insurance Act equality for women in Canada. the battle for true equality.

Long term advocate of women's rights; dedicated i:o the creation of equal rights, pay equity and the elimination of violence against women and children.

Marilyn Churley, MPP 517 Toronto, 3R3 (416) Winter 1991 page 15 The Feminist Throne Speech~

This is a fictional Speech from the Throne that represents what women would do if we were in power in the House of Commons.


Good afternoon Madame expansion of funding for child- know this may be seen as Mr. Speaker, I might add that Speaker. I rise today to care and elder care, which is harsh in some quarters, but we noted considerable present a budget which I hope the second element of our plan. long and careful consideration resistance to this idea in will indicate clearly the new However, in examining the of both the nature of the discussing it with our male direction in which we wish to magnitude of the problem, it problem itself, and the colleagues, who expressed move Canada. Our primary became apparent that experience of other countries grave concern about "the loss focus in this budget will be to expanding child-care and elder in their attempts to correct this of privacy in the home." We redress the damage done to care services alone would not injustice, lead us to believe allayed their concerns when we the economic well-being of suffice, since housework and that other solutions of a more reminded them that well-to-do major segments of our meal preparation constitute a voluntary nature will not work. people have been making themselves quite substantial, population during the last considerable part of the We hope that after three ample use of housecleaning we believe it is the least our decade, and to move forward to "double burden" carried out by years, Canadian males will services for many years, with society can do. lay the foundations for a more women in the employed have re-oriented their energies. no negative effects on their All of the above a r e just future. workforce. Approximately 1 0 We realize that this will not mental health. consistent with the new After careful study, and hours per week is spent in address the problem of the We will also be investing organizing principle of our consultation with various dishwashing an d double burden carried by single considerable amounts of economic policy, announced women's groups, popular housecleaning alone in parents, most of whom are funding in other services which last week by the Prime Minister organizations and labour, we households with children. women. Therefore, we will we believe will lighten the load during her visit to Vancouver, have concluded that we should of all parents, which brings me which I will reiterate here. focus our efforts on improving to the fourth element of our Children and the elderly are the the lot of women, and that plan: the establishment of a responsibility of the whole through those efforts we will comprehensive national soctety, not merely of their also be addressing both system of neighbourhood- closest female relatives. poverty and quality bf life based non-profit restaurants. We will also be introducing issues for other parts of the In discussing this issue with legislation to mobilize pension population, especially children various groups, and I might funds for purposes of and working people. add, the other women in the restructuring the economy in Our plan has the following cabinet, we realize that line with the above proposals. key elements: although we wished to preserve Currently these funds, which First, national pay equity the custom of family meals, constitute about a third of the legislation, to apply to all there was no reason deposits in Canadian banks, workplaces, with pay equity to whatsoever for the burden of are in the hands of male be achieved within four years. meal preparation to fall solely corporate executives. We We.realize that this will provoke on the parents of children, think they can be put to better, considerable dislocation in especially the mother. more socially useful purposes. certain workplaces, especially Therefore, we have decided to We hope that as these small businesses, so we are Therefore, the third element introduce legislation so that the create a system of non-profit changes are introduced and setting aside sufficient funds of our plan is legislation which housework burden is al so (thus low-cost) - neighbour- publicly discussed, there will to cushion the impact in those will encourage men to factored in to the calculation of hood kitchens, where families emerge a consensus on the businesses which are contribute equally to child support payments owed can eat simple but nourishing importance of these steps. extremely· vulnerable. housework when both parents by fathers after separations. meals at the end of the day The improved quality of family However, the underlying work outside the home. During We will also provide the during the work week. We have life which, we believe, will result principle will be that pay equity the first three years after the option of hiring household help, not yet decided whether or not from the release of women from related salary adjustments will introduction of the legislation, through the establishment of this should be accomplished at least part of the burden of take precedence over both we are asking families to locally-based community through nationalization of one the double day should be corporate profits a n d compile data on the amount of controlled ho us eel ean i ng of the large fast-food chains, or adequate compensation for the management salary increases. time each spouse devotes to services. Single parents with through the creation of a totally loss of some disposible income We realize that this may mean housework. We will then young children will be issued new Crown Corporation. Over from high income-earners. For the demise of cheap for-profit incorporate such information in monthly coupons along with the next three months we will av,erage income families, it is restaurants and other services our calculation of taxes owing, their family allowance cheques, be touring the country and likely that the increase in taxes which rely on under-paid female so that, for example, in the with which they will be able to gathering public opinion on will be more than offset by the labour, but as you will hear case of households where over purchase occasional cleaning this. In the meantime, we are savings as they are released later, we have other the course of a year it is found services. (We rejected the imposing an emergency order from the financial burdens of alternatives to propose. that the male has failed to ideal of simply adding on a in council to inhibit the removal paying for child care. Socialization of much of the perform 50% of the housework, comparable amount in cash, from the country of the Obviously the people who will work now performed in the the woman will receive a tax since some families· might be physical and financial assets gain the most will be poor home is a.1 essential element, if rebate. which corresponds to tempted to try to hire of those fast-food corporations women, and their children. we are not to merely increase the male's unperformed portion housecleaners privately, at which might be up for We also know that the above the number of women suffering of housework and the male will sub-standard wages and consideration for measures will not b y the double burden of paid then have to submit to the working conditions. We are nationalization. themselves reverse all of the employment followed by a· government a corresponding determined not to have the We do expect that this will economic problems facing second shift at home. amount. Male partners housecleaning burden merely significantly ease the physical women, and that there are In part, this can be consistently in arrears will have shifted on to the backs of other burden of caring for children, many cultural and accomplished by a significant their wages garnisheed. We underpaid, exploited women.) but since the emotional and psychological barriers which social responsibilities are in will have to be overcome. But we are taking up this challenge energetically. In the coming months we will be touring various communities across the collntry to consult with women about th e implementation of these changes.

Joan MacNeil, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of Canada. page 16 Winter 1991. The Feminist Throne Speech decent job exists for every However, much of our debt Bill C-21 cut benefits for the Our government will restore Canadian who wants one. results from past government unemployed and ended the the balance between individual Our priorities include: policies: high interest rates, federal contribution to and corporate shares of initiating a universal, quality which were maintained in order unemployment insurance. Bill income tax revenue. Profitable childcare system in Canada, to "wrestle inflation to the C-28 clawed back old age corporations will no longer be accessible to all children who ground"; high unemployment pension benefits and ended the able to defer or avoid paying need it; rates, which were the trade-off universality of income security income taxes. Further, the ensuring that homes are for lower inflation; and revenue programs. Bill C-69 capped corporate tax structure will be available for all Canadians; restraint, which relieved social expenditures for British made fairer and more guaranteeing that all corporations of their fair share Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, progressive: s m a 11 Canadians receive incomes of income tax. and proposes to reduce, and businesses, which are creating above the poverty line. Since 1975, the share of eventually to terminate, federal the majority of new jobs, We will give 6 months notice income tax revenue funding of post-secondary presently carry a heavier tax Economic that we intend to end the contributed by corporations education and medicare, burden than do major Canada-U.S. free trade deal. has fallen from 52 % to less thereby shifting the entire corporations. Blueprint This government will work in than 12 % (an 80 % decrease), financial burden to the Our government will initiate solidarity with people in Mexico while the share collected from provinces and, consequently, policies to encourage This will be a budget based who are attempting to get more individuals has risen from 48 % to the users of these programs. companies who sell in Canada, on the philosophy of shari'ng democratic control of their to more than 88 % (an 83 % This will, necessarily, exclude to produce in Canada. Tax wealth and power among all economy and produce to meet increase). Between 1986 and those who cannot afford them. incentives for corporations will humans as equals. the needs of their people. We 1989 alone, while corporate Those who suffer most from be tied to local long-term job The government you have will withdraw from the tri-lateral profits rose by 34 %, corporate these actions are the poor. creation. Businesses which elected will use this budget to free trade negotiations with the taxes were reduced by 20 %. Since 1976, the number of produce in Canada, and end obscene poverfy' and U.S. and Mexico. Of the 67 most developed Canadians living in poverty has provide jobs for Canadians, will equally obscene wealth in The government you have nations, Canada now collects almost doubled. One Canadian be given most-favoured status. Canada. The com in g elected will co-operate, not the lowest share of income tax in seven now has an income The scrutiny of foreign legislative session will end compete. It will work to ensure revenue from corporations, and insufficient to provide a n acquisitions of Canadian income taxes on people living that Canadians produce in the highest share of income tax acceptable standard of living, companies will be intensified to in poverty. Wealthy people, Canada what we need for revenue from individuals. despite the fact that more than ensure that Canadians benefit inheritors of over $1 million satisfying lives. It will from such investments. dollars, profitable corporations, implement a trade policy based Our government w i 11 and people with high incomes on selling to others what they introduce a program of tax will make up the difference. We need and buying from them reform which will make the tax will repeal the GST and reptace what we need. We will ensure system fairer and more it with a tax system based on that our trading partners do not progressive. We will restore ability to pay. My government exploit the environment or full indexation to protect low- will restore the corporate tax workers. We will work in and middle-income tax filers rate to the 1986 level (to raise solidarity with people in other from inflation. We will close $7 billion), collect some of the countries who are attempting to loopholes which allow higher- $40 billion in deferred corporate equalize power and wealth and income tax filers to avoid taxes (to raise $6 billion), apply ensure that human needs are paying their fair share of taxes. a net wealth tax of 3% on the met. Poverty carri~s high human, wealthiest 20% of Canadians This government will send The shift in the tax burden half of our poor are employed. social and economic costs, (to raise $3 billion, and restore representatives to the was allegedly introduced to The majority are, of course, still costs which this country the capital gains tax to the International Monetary Fund make Canadian businesses women. Further, the depth of cannot afford. Our government 1984 level (to rai$e $1 billion). and World Bank who will work to more competitive. However, their poverty is increasing: will introduce a guaranteed To help the rich and the giant ensure that these institutions Japanese corporations, which they really are getting poorer adequate income program corporations cope with their are used to meet the basic are surely the most competitive with every day that passes. through a series of expanded reduction in income and profits, needs of poor p e op I e and successful in the world, Even more disturbing is the refundable tax credits. This this government will set up free throughout the world, and contribute three times as great fact that one Canadian child in program will provide income budgeting lessons, foster democratic, not a share of income tax revenue six now lives in poverty; supplementation for our counselling, and self-help corporate, control of countries as do Canadian corporations. Canada now has the second employed poor, and income programs. and economies. Despite the fact that by 1989 highest rate of child poverty in support for those unable to find We will enact legislation to the annual deficit, as a the industrialized world, a or accept employment because raise the federal minimum wage Jean Swanson percentage of Canada's gross situation which bodes ill for our of age, illness, disability, or to $8 an hour and index it to the End Legislative Policy domestic product (the value of country's future. family situation. It will replace cost of living. all goods and services Our government does not the patchwork of inefficient and We will enact legislation to produced), had fallen by 73 %, believe that slashing social ineffective welfare systems end wage discrimination based the previous government programs is an appropriate which guarantee only poverty on sex, disability, race, or any Taxation responded to the deficit, not by response to the debt problem. and humiliation for those who other irrelevant factor. reducing interest rates or We will restore benefits to the are forced into them. The government you have Our government realizes that raising revenue from profitable unemployed by rescinding Bill Every Canadian must have elected will repeal Bill C-69, the Canada's national debt is a corporations but by increasing C-21. We will reaffirm the the opportunity to grow and Bill that will make medicare, old serious problem. It is the taxes for low- and middle- universality of social security develop to the outermost limits age pension, and family second highest per capita debt income Canadians, introducing programs by rescinding Bill C- of his or her potential, not to be allowances self-destruct over in the industrialized world. a consumption tax (the most 28. We will maintain federal constrained from doing so by the next decades. We will Much of Canada's debt was regressive form of taxation), funding for post-secondary social or economic expand social programs to incurred as the result of global and slashing social programs. education and medicare by considerations. Social justice meet the needs of Canadians. events: the energy crisis of Individual Canadians are withdrawing Bill C-69. We will requires economic justice; they We will repeal Bill C-21, the the early 1970's; the resulting among the lowest-taxed people rescind the Goods and cannot be separated. law that reduces Canadian inflation, which accounted for in the industrialized world, but Services Tax. unemployment insurance down more than half of the increase the burden of taxation is not Instead, our government will, Gus Long to the U.S. level, and replace it in the annual deficit between fairly distributed. Since 1984, in addition to restraining its own Burnaby, B.C. with an unemployment 1975 and 1980; and the global so-called "tax reform" has expenditures, and those of our insurance plan that meets the recession of the early 1980's, increased the burden of elected representatives, needs of u n em p Io ye d which increased the annual taxation for our lowest-income institute meaningful tax reform Canadians. deficit by 300% (from $10 to tax filers at 15 times the rate to increase government This government is $30 billion) between 1980 and for the highest-income tax revenue. committed to ensuring that a 1984. filers. Winter 1991 page 17

The Feminist Throne Speech It is a truism of political life Security security; (2) social, economic than are military alliances. that a nation's foreign policy, and environment; and (3) Canada faces no military and thus its defence policy, human rights, especially of threat, and any other threat Our country faces great must grow out of its own Aboriginal Peoples. posed by either superpower danger, the worlds people face culture, its own values and Most immediately, as part of neighbour, north or south, great danger, and we lack a needs. We maintain, that by the emerging high priority we should be resisted and repelled unifying vision. of security -- paying attention to the basic give to the CSCE structure, we non-violently by our active one that we can all share -- of security needs of Canadians in will establish an Institute for citizenry. how to manage our relations in this framework of Common Mediation and Conflict Should Canada be required a peaceful and constructive Security, the rest of the world Resolution. Such an Institute to offer such non-violent insecurity, Canada reaffirms its manner. We need to move will not take long in observing will first of all, promote the resistance to a take-over of our Overseas D eve lop me nt beyond the question of national us closely. And when Canada learning of these social skills at institutions, either overtly or Assistance charter, especially boundaries when we talk about is seen to be implementing a all levels: in schools, in covertly, communications in commitments to the poorest of security. Security should be a security policy at home business, in workplaces, in such resistance would be the poor, and to partnership as holistic principle the security of amongst its own diverse government. There are a dependent on a good public a means of achieving meaning each person knowing that their peoples that is participatory growing number of young broadcasting system. full development. We plan to human rights are respected, and democratic, and actually people who have already Therefore, the Departments of significantly increase the that there is food and shelter solving problems, that will be learned skills of mediation and External Affairs and the resources allocated internally and that basic human needs an opportune moment to take conflict resolution, and they will Department of Common within the Canadian will be met. our message to the United be called on to teach others. Security (formerly Department Nations. International Development We need to strive for a Such an Institute will be of National Defence,) will Agency to implement the two "common security" where every In the United Nations, complementary to existing recommend that the CBC's Canada will announce that she person has the right to these Canadian institutes, such as budget be increased at regular policy priorities that must be things. is taking steps to move out of the Canadian Institute for intervals, until deemed to be fully integrated - environmental military alliances, NATO and At a national level, our International Peace and sufficient to protect Canada's sustainability, and women in NORAD, and in future will be relations between the Security, and the newer democratic institutions. development - and to increase Aboriginal people who have devoting her resources and International Centre for project implementation by non- occupied Canada for several energies to building the United Democratic Development and Peggy Hope-Simpson, governmental organizations. Nations and the Helsinki thousands of years, as well as Human Rights. Wolfvi/le, Nova Scotia Development means human the two European peoples who Accord signed in 1975. Canada These three Institutes will and social development, and have settled in Canada these is in the unique situation of help provide the research and Canada will be placing less past 400 years, remain being able to assure each, the development information base, emphasis on infrastructure and unresolved. From this time United States and the available to both government Jarge economic projects. forward, we must realize that all U.S.S.R., that her territory, and INGO's, which will be Ignoring the human dimensions three nations of people must particularly her northern required for a permanent External Affairs of development, or by acting as feel secure, or none will be & International though these can be cleaved secure. We are a 11 Development away from political o r interdependent and must share geopolitical events, is against a sense of common or mutual our own long-term interests of security. As Minister responsible for survival, security and well- Our domestic relations the merged functions of being. encompass our shared social External Affairs a n d In addition to affirming and and economic life, where International Relations, strengthening overseas conflicts are often sharp and responsible for Canadian development assistance - deep. Our country is a overseas development _raising that budget from just microcosm of an immensely < assistance, I'm proud to share over half a percent to 1% of our complex, multicultural, multi- .s my vision of Canada as a gross domestic product, we are ethnic world, so that no one national and international also fully untying aid, so no interest can be served at the leader in what I will be calling in development assistance is tied expense of the others. As a this speech and the future to the purchase of Canadian society and as a Government, "one-world policies". goods and services. We the challenge is to bu i Id Canada Is part of one world. believe that Canadians can attitudes and policies that are territory, will not be used in a Canadian Conference on We know that economically, compete successfully, and mutual, collective and holistic. threatening or offensive Security and Cooperation. and we know it that our partners have the The widening gap between rich manner to the other b y Such a Canadian Conference environmentally. Yet many of expertise and experience to and poor must be steadily providing military would be available to the United our social institutions and work with us to make the best narrowed, realizing that "there infrastructure, (e.g. for Nations for emergency quick policies were formed when decisions about development. is enough for everyone's need, runways, missile launchers, response to developing narrow time-frames and narrow We are also taking a stronger but not enough for everyone's etc.,), or terrain for testing of conflict. Had such a Mediation national interests seemed to be position on human and greed". weapons systems of a foreign Rapid Response Team been all that mattered. And many of democratic rights. Notice of Our relationship to the power. available at Oka and during the our institutions are bound by suspension of Canadian aid to natural world, to Nature, has in Therefore, in lieu of the weeks of August, 1990, that inherited narrowness, countries known to be violating the past often b e e n Canada-United States bilateral following Iraq's invasion of incapable of responding to either of these rights of their thoughtless and careless, North American Aerospace Kuwait, international light would citizens' contemporary needs people is being communicated resulting in great damage and Defence Agreement (NORAD), have been shed on the region for secure relationships, locally now, with details on reasons. destruction of air, water and our government will in co- and on the United Nations and globally. Canada will no longer provide soil, the very basis of life. In operation with all other Security Council, to persuade We commit ourselves to a even non-military aid to solving the problems of the Northern powers, i.e. the U.S., all neighbouring states and the consultative public process countries whose governments environment we again are the U.S.S.R., Norway, Sweden, U.S. and U.S.S.R. to face up to involving Canadians in a review practice human rights abuses, interdependent. We cannot Finland, Iceland, Denmark and their obligation under the of our international affairs, to or who are maintained in place achieve a cleaner environment Greenland, actively continue to United Nations Charter to "save determine ways to reduce the by oppressive military means. for ourselves at someone develop an Arctic Conference succeeding generations from fragmentation and separation We will be inviting more formal else's expense, by putting our will be an extension and the scourge of war". of people from each other, and involvement of non- garbage, our toxins, our integral part of our Canadian Such a Canadian Conference to develop comprehensive, governmental organizations polluting emissions either in Conference on Security and on Security and Cooperation is integrated goals for o u r and people's groups in our someone else's backyard, Co-operation. the necessary political side of relationships with other nations deliberations and policy down stream or down wind. It will have as its mandate our traditional peacekeeping and people. development. Again, our security has to be the three traditional "baskets" military role, and is more Recognizing the many inter- mutual, collective and holistic. of concern: (1) peace and appropriate in today's world linked causes of global (continued on page 18) page 18 Winter 1991

The Feminist Throne Speech

Acknowledging the sovereign enemies. Canadians need a We recognize that there nationhood of aboriginal solid value base from which to have been hidden costs to peoples within Canadian conduct our relations with each industrialization which up to boundaries as well as other and in the world. A now have not been captured by elsewhere. strengthened international the market. Resources such Working with economists and system that recognizes values as land, air and water were the financial community, other than economic, to parallel undervalued because they Canada's national and that development, is viewed as were in abundance. The high international machinery will be a priority in the long-term quality and vast quantity of Acknowledging that trade involved in a holistic cost- interests of us all. As we face these resources during the has more of an impact on most benefit analysis to reformulate the last decade of this century, early stages of industrial countries than aid, and that the our measures of productivity, we believe that Canada's growth implied a false sense debt crisis continues to cripple the task being to factor in all transformatory role in that the system. This most of the countries to which ecological and human costs implementing one-world government recognizes the our development aid is and benefits. We look forward policies will contribute need for policies which directed, Canada has opened to the assistance of tribal and significantly to ensuring a support, rather than detract negotiations with Canadian and community-based people in future worth living. from, our environmental international development helping systems tuned to consciousness. Right now, banks on ways to stop the another time retool in as Patricia Keays many of the incentives, hemorrhage of the third world sustainable and positive way. British Columbia subsidies, taxes a n d because of international debt. Rather than kick aside its accounting approaches used The Canadian people will 'b'e network of international support activities that ruin the kept fully informed what they relationships and stand on its environment. We will redirect can do. own, Canada wants to work public policy so that it supports Canadians have always been within those relationships to the environment. as well. For example, being in a proud of our country's peace- Environment A major first step towards position to put on labels that making role, our capacity to this goal is for increased Canadian products are mediate and negotiate, to Our government is initiatives from the federal environmentally friendly may reach a compromise. But our committed to establishing a government to establish growth prove to be a competitive edge pride has slipped badly in the sound policy toward opportunities for businesses in the international market. last decade, and now it is time environmental issues which committed to environmental An institute f o r will establish Canada as a world to re-examine Canada's role in protection and enhancement. environmental intelligence and leader in re-generating the Emphasis will now be placed networking will be established environment. This approach is on "reducing, reusing, and linking producers and necessary both as a means recycling". Since we value consumers of environmental toward ensuring our children's saving resources, we will products and services around future as well as providing introduce subsidies that make the world .... a type of opportunities for prosperous it beneficial for business and international banking activity strengthen them. Our business and healthy industry to adopt this for information and representative to the World communities today. approach. communication. Commission on Environment Now is the time to expand our Legislation will be introduced One of the greatest and Economy, Maurice Strong, way of thinking to include a to lower the tax burden for firms difficulties experienced by new some years ago described the philosophy of the meeting environmental industries and new firms is the kind of structure needed for Environmental Age. We are research and development access to capital. S m a 11 global sustainability - an chipping away at the belief that criteria with further incentives if business, which is also the hourglass, wide at the base says nature is only a resource the products and services are source of new job creation, has where people in community are to be used for human needs. exported. Increased charges difficulty accessing seed involved, narrow at the middle There is a value to maintaining will also be levied against capital, expansion capital and where presently a balanced ecosystem, apart companies engaged in working capital. Community provincial/state and nation from human concerns for damaging the environment. economic development boundaries are most powerful, material well-being. We are Incentives and subsidies will activities as well, suffer from and wide again at the top where committed to protecting that be redirected. For example, the same malaise. Our much-strengthened value by developing policy agricultural policies which government will be introducing international agencies solutions to the apparent trade- promote the use of herbicides an environmental venture coordinate and monitor the off between the demand of and pesticides and the capital program to encourage global effect on human activity industry, business and transformation of natural land and assist new businesses on the planet. We share this economic development and the to fields, will be altered to whose practices protect the the world from the point of view general vision and believe our integrity of the environment. ensure long-term healthy soil. environment. of peace. Nowhere is the need one-world policies will We are committed to for new models more evident contribute to its realization. protecting, preserving, than in the area of global Some people may be afraid enhancing and nurturing the conflict resolution, and Canada that this direction undermines environment to meet the needs commits itself to the same Canada as a nation. I and my of today, without jeopardizing consultative process through colleagues believe the the needs of future which we as a people can opposite. Relationships generations. These policy decide what our involvement in between nations are of many ethics will permeate all areas NATO and in the UN Peace- different kinds, influenced by of government activity and keeping Forces will be, ancj many things other than national serve to guide decisions over what Canada's involvement in boundaries, especially when our term of office. military trade will be (in those were originally drawn by particular, uranium and colonizers without reference to We believe in an environmental More stringent regulations Robyn Allan weapons systems). reality on the ground. ethic that recognizes that the will be introduced to establish Vancouver, B.C. Part of the vision in Canada's Economic trading blocks are ecosystem and the human local industry on the leading one-world policies is integrity already cutting across system are intertwined. We are edge of environmental and consistency between boundaries that fiercely divided acknowledging that by taking sensitivity. Stringent domestic and international nations in the past. care of the environment we are regulations may prove policies, This m e a n s Yesterday's allies are today's taking care of ourselves. beneficial in a business sense Winter 1991 page 19

The - Feminist Throne Speech~··

Rural Canada Wheat Board has always cars are isolated a n d People will cycle, walk, or ensured fair market access to impoverished by cities ride transit if they are given the As we start a new term as the all farmers, and will continue to designed for cars. Inadequate choice. In France, only 45% of Canadian government, we will do so. public transport means that passenger trips are made in implement a fresh new We hope to see as a result of those persons without cars cars. In Zurich, Switzerland approach to the policies for our policies the revitalization of also have less access to the car only gets to use what rural Canada, and Canadian rural Canada. With the employment and education. street space is not needed for farmers. Our government finds increased populations of The vast majority of bicycles, pedestrians, the Gross Revenue Insurance farmers being able to return to Canadians choose cars streetcars, and buses. Plan (GRIP), and the Net the land, there will be a need to because they have no choice. In order to bring about an Health Care Income Stabilization Account increase the essential services Public transport is unavailable, accessible, affordable, (NISA), inadequate to give available. In small unaffordable, or inaccessible. available and efficient It is with pride and a sense of farmers a fair cost of communities we will ensure that People are on the highways transportation system, the renewed enthusiasm for production for their products. every family has access to because that is where we have Government is adopting the Canadian values and invested our transportation In view of this, we will adequate health care, day following policies: aspirations, that m y develop a marketing policy that care, dental care, education, budgets. If instead we allowances paid b y government wishes to invested in cycling, pedestrian, ensures farmers a price for and family services. The employers to employees who announce a package of their products that reflects the young people will be able to reforms .that clearly sets out true cost of producing food in stay in small towns and have our commitment to preserving, this country. When farm good e m p I o y m e n t protecting, and enhancing the families are no longer forced to opportunities. Our initiatives physical and mental health of take off-farm jobs to subsidize for small industries and our nation. We want to make it the farm operation, the businesses will bring new very clear that this government availability of jobs in rural areas vitality to the railway believes that the health of will increase. Also the transportation system that Canadians is our first and economy of Canada will was once considered too primary responsibility. expensive to maintain. cycle, walk, or ride transit to prosper as one in ten jobs in work will become tax free, just Such an undertaking is in Canada is related to In conclusion, we are a keeping with our growing government that has the best as free parking for car agriculture. We would also or transit facilities, most people appreciation that good health interests of all our people at commuters is tax free conclude that this policy would would prefer to cycle, walk, or transit passes will be tax means ·much more than the heart. We know that food is a reverse the trends of rural ride transit. At least then they deductible mere absence of disease. basic human right; we must depopulation. would have a real choice. together with the provinces, Instead we see health as a support the food producers in To further ensure the safety The imbalance of our we will ensure that rural resource for living -- a resource our own country, for the and quality of our food supply, transportation system has communities have adequate that is determined by a wide common good of all Canadians. environmenta~ we have programs planned to been caused by distortions in public transport variety of social, grow more of our own food the way we pay for travel. The instead of expanding roads, and economic factors. We locally, and be less df:!pendent costs of public transport are railroad transport will be need to know more about the Lisa Chemerika, "health" role these factors play, on food imports, and on highly highly visible and easy targets improved for freight and processed and preserved Woman's Vice-President, for budget cutters. Many passengers so that we can target our actions and our resources foods. The consumers of food National Farmers Union. highway costs are hidden. public transport will be more appropriately. should have the benefits of If public transport is not made more accessible and being able to purchase universal and extensive, then easy to use for the elderly and nutritious, fresh produce. Transportation we have to buy a car for some those with disabilities. of our trips. Once we have paid We do not propose to Madame Speaker, our for the car's loan payments and implement this program by Government is moving to insurance, then we tend to use raising the debt. Instead, we reduce our country's it for all our trips because most will pay for it by re-allocating dependence on the automobile. of the expense is already paid. budgets now spent on road We will do so by providing Thus, once we have a car, we transportation. accessible, affordable, and seldom use public transport. Investment in transit available alternatives in the We need to break down this "up benefits everyone, including form of better walking, cycling, front" cost of owning a car and car drivers: reduced road and public transport facilities. make the cost more visible at construction costs, lower We have come to the the time we turn the key in the hospital costs due to fewer conclusion that we can no ignition. Then people with cars accidents and less pollution, longer afford to depend on the will choose public transport fewer traffic jams. Greater automobile for 85% of our more often. access to transportation for passenger trips. The average We recognize that the choice the poor, disabled and elderly Sources of food should be urban Canadian is using three to drive a car is a logical one in will mean more independence locally controlled, not in the times as much motor gasoline that we are trying to minimize and disposable income for lncteed when it comes to hands of large corporations, as is the average European. our individual travel time. those who need it most and, as protecting health, we already whose only motivation is profit. The wasting of gasoline Unfortunately, when a majority a result, a lowering of social know that influences entirely Farmers will be able to sustain contributes to air pollution and of people try to travel at the costs. outside the health treatment the farmland and water the greenhouse effect that is same time we have traffic jams What we are proposing is not system can be highly resources, when they could not warming the earth. and everyone is worse off. pie in the sky, it is a transport significant. Think of the lives afford to previously: no longer The population of cars in The price we pay to drive our system that works at less saved thanks to seat belt will continuous or mono - Canadian cities is growing car does not vary by time of costs, with greater legislation, for example. Or the cropping be the practice. twice as fast as the population day. Consequently, -everyone socioeconomic benefit. Such misery averted because young This government also of people. Cars are clogging tries to travel at rush hour and systems exist in places like people decide not to take up recognizes the need for the our cities and making them we are forced to build new Stockholm, Oslo, Grenoble, smoking because cigarettes continued use of the Canadian uneconomic by gobbling up so roads that are underused at Zurich, and Bremen. Why not cost too much because of high Wheat Board, and now that we much la_nd for parking and other times. We need a pricing here in Canada? tobacco taxes. Or how our have discontinued the Free roads. scheme that makes it more strict gun control legislation Trade Agreement, we plan to Cars are also destroying our expensive to drive a car during Jennifer Richards has saved the lives of market all grains and oil seeds social systems. The 22% of peak hours and encourages off Transport 2000 countless women and children. under the Board's power. The Canadian households without peak travel. page20 Winter 1991 The Feminist Throne Speech

Then too, we must realize We therefore announce a The soliciting provisions will This Government wi II that our Native peoples package of new cost-shared be repealed as women should proactively change legislation experience the deepest programs available for the not be treated as criminals for and policies based o n poverty of any sector i/n express purpose of assisting surviving in an unequal recommendations from Canadian society. provinces to expand society. women's groups and other Approximately one child. in community care alternatives, We will be striking a Royal equality seeking groups to three in Saskatchewan and particularly for the elderly, the Commission on Violence comply with the Charter's Manitoba is native, and child mentally ill, abused women and Against Women to determine equality guarantees. Changes Although beaten, these victims poverty among Native children children, and those with the extent and nature of this slated for this session of managed to escape an abusive is epidemic. The deplorable chronic conditions. Priority violence and to consider Parliament include: relationship and start a new living conditions on reserves, access to these funds will be remedies that will address amending the Federal life, instead of dying in a violent for which we must bear available to organizations that systemic causes. Language Training Program moment because a lethal responsibility, evoke images of feature multi-disciplinary teams We will be holding corporate policies to ensure and facilitate weapon was close to hand. the Third World -- a profoundly of health care providers and will directors liable for crimes equal access by women and all The first initiative in our distressing and embarrassing favour agencies that combine against the person. Where races to this critical program; health reform prog~am comparison given the health and social services at corporations clearly pursue a amending immigration therefore, will be to re-instate a enormous wealth of our the delivery level. course of action, such as was legislation and regulations the case with mercury poisofl, including eliminating the highly nation-wide a n·n u a I country. As Canada moves towards health survey in order to where they know death or injury discriminatory domestic new definitions of its identity will result, they will be held workers program, and the assess these and other and new constitutional influences on Canada's health accountable individually under requirement that fiancees arrangements with the the Criminal Code of Canada. marry within 90 days of arrival status. By regularly gathering provinces, I hold a great deal of this kind of information, we will This government is in this country; hope that th is package of committed to the right of a find out how healthy we really extending the spousal reforms will strike a responsive woman to reproductive control are. The accurate allowance program to include chord right across the nation. and as such will not be identification of our most all persons between 60 and 65 More than two decades ago introducing any restrictions on who need this assistance; serious health problems will Canadians fully committed access to abortions. We will, revising the Income Tax Act help us figure out how to themselves to an ideal -- the however, ensure equal access to address inequalities prevent problems, as well as right to health care. Today, we to this medical p raced u re affecting women, particularly in how to treat them effectively need to reinforce that ideal and the area of support payments; and efficiently. expand its horizons to include change all pension plans, The results of this first health the right to health itself. I can including for military wives and survey will also be the basis for Accordingly, m y think of no more worthy widows, to comply with establishing national health government intends to invest in national ambition. fundamental notions of equality g o a Is, and s u b s e q u e n t our future by introducing a for women. surveys will give us the variety of measures to improve Carol Kushner, This government intends to information we need to chart child health by tackling child co-author of Sec on d implement compulsory our progress towards those poverty, in the only way that Opinion: What's Wrong employment equity in the goals. makes sense -- by making sure with Canada's Health federal civil service and crown However, we are also that parents have adequate Care System and How to corporations for women, prepared to implement some family resources to offer a safe Fix It. through the Canada Health Act. persons with disabilities, programs based on what we and secure home and adequate aboriginal. people, immigrants already know.. For example, food and clothing. We We will also review the findings of the Royal Commission on and visible minorities, and gays having reviewed the evidence therefore will immediately lift and lesbians. We also intend from research, my government the 5% cap on Can ad a Reproductive Technology and Justice prepare legislation accordingly. to enforce an effective pay is quite convinced that Assistance Plan imposed on equity scheme.· inequality is a potent threat to British Columbia, Alberta and The Government of Canada The cornerstone to justice will introduce legislation that The Constitution will be health. Racism and sexism are Ontario. Half the nation's poor revised such that one-half of all its natural enemies; and initiatives by this Government will facilitate civil suits of live in these provinces; we Senate seats will be filled by poverty may be the biggest for the foreseeable future will pornographers and distributors refuse to abandon them to the women, and proportional health risk of all. Poor people be the promotion of equality, by women and others who have impact of the current representation of a 11 die sooner and experience recession. including equal protection and been harmed by pornography. disadvantaged groups will be more years of disability than benefit of the law, for women Legal Aid regulations will be required. their wealthier counterparts. Canadians have always been and other disadvantaged clarified to include coverage of When the Canadian it is profoundly enlightening proud about our ability to offer groups in our society. these suits for those who to review what health experts our citizens a health care It is no longer tolerable that require financial assistance. It constitution was repatriated, equality for women and other from Canada say when they system that is the envy of the women and children live daily is our intention that this disadvantaged groups was advise developing nations world. The program criteria of with violence in the home, legislation will eventually about improving the health of our national Medicare system -- school, work place, and replace the present obscenity entrenched under the Charter their populations Invariably access ibi I ity, universality, community. We will be legislation. of Rights and Freedoms. This government is committed these advisors tell others to: portability, comprehensive- fundamentally·· shifting the Sexual orientation will be "Start with women and children ness public, non-profit purpose of the Criminal Code of added as a ground for to a frontal attack on the inequalities ingrained in all first". admir ation -- have proven Canada. The basis for such a protection against parts of society. This is just Well, this advice is pertinent the test of time. code will be state action and discrimination in the Canadian the beginning. here at home, too. Right now, The evidence is clear that sanctions for crimes against Human Rights Code, and will be our children comprise 40% of Canada's system has saved the person. added as an enumerated Christie Jefferson, our nations poor. These are the taxpayers of the nation This session, we intend to ground to the equality kids whose chances for a billions of dollars over its remove the "reasonable belief provisions of the Charter of Toronto, Ontario healthy and productive life can twenty year history. We have in consent" provision of the Rights and Freedoms. All be enormously affected by proven that such a program is Code; it is outrageous to have laws and policies will b e government action, particularfy feasible, affordable, and just. a rape law that considers the reviewed and changed to Feminist when we realize that the Access to necessary health fact that a woman was raped as comply with these new equality Throne fastest growing sector of the care is a right in this country largely irrelevant, but rather guarantees including poor are families headed by and we intend to make sure focuses on whether the rapist definitions of spouse and Speech single mothers. that it remains so. .thought he was raping. family. cont'd on page 27 I Winter 1991 page 21 International Women's Day

History of IWD

Every year throughout the 8, 1857, and a second strike suffrage was discussed at a (Stephenville ) world, women celebrate fifty years later by similar meeting of the New York City International Women's Day on workers still labouring under Social Democratic Women's or around March 8th. Steeped poor working conditions in New Society. A year later o n March 7 in a history of women's York.are often attributed as the February 23, 1909, two IWD Dinner : Special guests struggles for equality, it has events which gave rise to the thousand people in New York and female entertainment come to symbolize women's observance of International attended the first National troupe SSSTC. efforts to shape a better world. Women's Day. Although it Women's Day. The event The origins of the day can be appear11 that these particular sponsored by the American (St. John's March 8 traced back to the early dates do not actually mark the Socialists focussed o n twentieth century when women beginning of strikes, they do women's rights and suffrage. •Press Conference: Asquare reflect a period of significant in both North America and By 1911, the day was also quilt created by women's labour unrest. The early Europe were fighting for better celebrated in Europe. Louise March 8: organizations will be presented twentieth century witnessed Zietz and Clara Zetkin, two •Theme: "Gathering Our to to Bay St. G e o r g e working conditions, demanding numerous strikes involving German women, had Strength" communities. Wine and the right to vote, and as the thousands of women in major cheese reception. First World War escalated, centres such as New York, suggested at the International For information call 753-0220 calling for peace. Chicago, Philadelphia and Socialist Women's Meeting in For information call 643-4444 A strike of female garment - Montreal. 1910, the designation of a day workers in New York on March Bread and roses luncheon at On March 8, 1908, women's as International Women's Day. the Masonic Hall, Cathedral street at 12:30pm. Guest (Labrador City speaker Sharon Fraser, St. John's, Nfld. feminist journalist. $15.00 per person. March 7 The Labrador West Status of GATHERING OUR Women's network dinner at Women Council will be the Holiday Inn, cash bar, - organizing a Roast-Beef Dinner STRENGTHS 7:00pm dinner - 7:30pm, guest Guest speaker will be Ms. speaker Jessica Hill, acting Heather Bruce-Veitch, Iron Ore Executive Director of the Company of Canada. Awards PEI Program and Planning division will be presented to three of the Ontario Ministry of outstanding women from the Health, on the topic - "Major community. Health Policy Issues for March 8 Women". $20.00 per person. Posters display from "Youth Visions for the Future" from 2 - Women's films at the Avalon 5pm at the Labrador Mall. Community College Lecture Theatre, 5:30-8pm. For information call 944-6562 "No Time To Stop" "Fababaihan - Filipina Portraits" Ethnic snacks will be served. (Gander (Charlottetown All day programming on Women's Issues on CHMR- March 8 March 7 MU N Radio to celebrate IWD Dinner, 7:30 pm •Greta Nemiroff, Speaking on International Women's Day. Albatross Hotel. Prizes "Interesting Times: Women in ·awarded to winners of high Canada 1970-1990" March 9 school "Speak-off" on subjects •Open house at the Mosque on of Dating Violence; Family March 8 Logy Bay Rd. Violence; Pornography; Women's Dance, music by Women's Portrayal in Media. Earthwitch 8pm, Rodd's March 10 For more information call the Royalty Inn "Faces of " - Toronto Gander Women's Centre at photographer Pamela Harris will 356-4395. March 10 speak about her work at the •Films: . MUN art gallery at 8:00 p.m. "Goddess Remembered" "Burning Times" 2 - Spm, Council of the Arts


March 7 Celebrates "Celebration of Women" - Open House and readings at International Womens Week East Prince W o m e n's International· Information Centre. 788-6645 Paterson 330 Women's Day For information call 436-9856 March 8, 1991 - _ __ Womanist page 22 Winter 1991

(Winnipeg ( Whitecourt )

March 8 March 9 Each year the Whitecourt Manitoba March and Rally. Theme: Women's Resource centre "Fighting for our Lives". writes an article for the local University of Winnipeg. newspaper the "Whitecourt Star", in celebration of IWD. March 8-10 Film Festival: A display at the Midtown "Goddess Remembered" Centre where bread and ·roses "Five Feminist Minutes" will be handed out. "Half the Kingdom" and others, March 8-9, 8pm., March 10, 2pm. Cinema Main, 243 (Edmonton Main St. Admission by (Brandon donation. For more information call 27 4- March 8 7281 March 20 Open House - Women's March 8 "Prostitution and the Sex Program and Resource Centre. March 8 •Films by and about Women: Trade Industry in Bangkok" 7 to 11 pm, 11019-90 Ave. •Rally/March: 6:30-7:30 p.m. "Adam's World" with speaker B u s ab~ starting at Memorial Park (12 "The Burning Times" Paratacharya, from Thailand. Open House - Alberta Ave, & 4 St. SW) "Half the Kingdom" For information call 453-3879 Advisory Council on Women's "Get Back the Night". Issues, 7 to 11 pm at 1004, Celebration Dance: 8:00 p.m. 10010-106 St. at the Calgary Multicultural March 9 (Thompson) Centre (712 - 5 St. SE) . "Midwifery and birthing March 9 Entertainers: Anne Loree and practices: An internafional Celebration - "Imagine the Same Difference perspective" Public information Power of Women's Visions" is session I workshop. Speakers March 8 the theme. Assemble at Noon •For information call 274-4705 include qualified and I a y for presentations, march midwives and nurse-midwives Celebration, featuring lnnu performing artist Anita begins at 1pm, followed by March 9 in Central America, Botswana, (lsaaluk) Lavalle speeches, potluck lunch, NFB Film "Five Feminist and Manitoba. 7:30-10:30pm, YWCA, 3 9 entertainment, afternoon Minutes". For more information Nickle Rd. dance. YWCA Bldg. For call 262-1873. For information call 725-2955 information call 421-0306

NFB Film - Special screening of "Five Feminist Minutes" from ( Lethbridge March 9 (Regina 3 to 5 pm at NFB Theatre, Canada Place. "Common Women , March 9 Uncommon Accomplishments" March 7 •Silent Auction - PASSP silent Theme: "Women of the World" Disabled women, women in Dinner and panel presentation auction fundraiser ?pm in non-traditional roles, low- on "Women's Role in sas\<.. Jubilee Auditorium banquet Celebration, 9:45am - 4pm, income women, rural women, Peacekeeping". room. Tickets $15.00 available YWCA, 604-8 Street South native women, and women in March 8 from PASSP (450-4777) 9:50, Role of Women in the the peace movement, will talk Traditional Spirituality of about their accomplishments. Film presentations: "Five Feminist Minutes" and March 10 Ghana; Sweetgrass Ceremony Forum - Women's Action for by Marian Carr. Art-mart: Art, Artisan and "The Famine Within". 7pm and 9pm at the Regina Public Peace in the Gulf, forum on - Noon, Film: "Goddess Information Fair, featuring Library. "Women and Peace", 12:30 to Remembered". various women artists, will 5:30 pm in Education North Evening Celebration. continue all afternoon. For information call 525-8329 Bldg. at University of Alberta. Keynote address by the (Saskatoon ) Raging Grannies. (Prince Albert (Calgary ) ( Medicine Hat Women's Gathering, with March 8 March 8 poets and singers, followed by Women's Celebration March 23 Theme: "Common Women, Dance. Gathering with Guest March 4 to 15 International Women's Day Uncommon Accomplishments" Speakers. •Theme: Celebrating Conference, co-sponsored by Week of March 11 Womenspiritl World of Women Together and Women's Singing Rally - NFB Film Series - Films by and Display of Women's Art. ?pm, the Women's Room. At the "A Woman's Life" - Exhibition celebratory event with focus on about Women. For information Quality Inn. John M. Cullenaere Library. at the Alberta College of Art. peace. 12pm, City Hall. call 665-2802 For information call 953-6229

Let neither borders nor bullets weaken feminist solidarity. Think globally on this International Women's Day.


The Women's Report is a free quarterly publication of my activities and related developments in Parliament. To be on my mailing list, write me at the House of Commons; Ottawa, Ontario; K1 A OA6.

The _. _- __ -- ( Winter 1991 page23 l

the centre of town which- wiU b& (Golden) followed by a procession to the Women's Centre. lnte.rn&tionat British March 8 Open house at the International. Buffet Dinner for Women's Centre with wine and women and their families, with a cheese and local entertainment Women's Day Columbia short presentation on women's celebrating women. struggles over the years. For more information call 344-5317 For information call 426-2912 (Vancouver (Ft. St. John) (Kam/oops (Victoria ) March 9 March, Queen Elizabeth March 8 March 9 March 8 Theatre, parking lot 12 pm Theme "Remarkable Women "Working to save the •Annual Pot luck supper of Ft. St. John" ( Kelowna) Environment", facilitated by YWCA, 880 Courtney St., 6pm Rally, Robson Square, Recycle Now. Georgia Street. Speakers and. Open house at the Ft. St. March 9 Film Series: "Finding Our Entertainment with "Key John's Women's centte which March 8 Roots","Adams World","The Rally and March Centennial will feature a poster display of Change" 1pm Open house at the Kelowna Burning Times" Square, 1pm the women being honored. For' Women's Resource Centre. Dances and Celebrations: more information: 787-1121 IWD Women's Dance and "The Law - What it can really - l.W.D. Family Multicultural Celebration Cedar Hi 11 Celebration at the Coast do for Women", facilitated by Celebration, Vancouver Indian Recreation Centre 8:30 pm. Royal Ann Hotel which will N. Cameron, LEAF. Centre ?pm. For more ( Cranbrook ) Cash bar. include: feminist readings, information call Karina at 873- poetry, live music and open IWD Dinner, with speaker 3396 microphone for comments. March 8 Ruth Lee Taylor, entertainment •For information call 381-1012 - Vancouver Lesbian • Speech made in conjunction by SAND, a feminist clown. Connection, Capri Hall. For For information call 762-2355 with Amnesty International in •For information call 374-1844 more information call 299-2488

(Whitehorse (Yellowknife

March 7 7. . Lucie Blue Tremblay will .. pert?r!l",.~tJ~~~-9'~~ ot -~maafc:dir: ·engttstr· a 11-d . Frericfi. fla,lty, 12 noon, VTG buikiing, speaRers - women's issues. March 8 Opening Night of the Women's Dinner, 6:30 pm Yukon Inn, Film Festival. Various films of dance to follow. different genres and subject will be shown including "Giese Your Eyes and Think of England" and "Sun, Moon & Feather". Burning Times: New NFB Film For information call 920-8775 It has been called "the proposes that what led to the women's holocaust." Between persecution of women as 1560 and 1650, at the height of witches was the collision of two the witch persecutions, it is utterly different systems of estimated that as many as belief -- the Church and the 9,000,000 people in Europe State, with their emerging were accused of heresy, values of profit, power, tortured and burned at the domination and patriarchal stake. Of these, eighty-five authority, versus the ancient percent were women. A new traditions that honored and hour-long Studio D revered both women and the documentary, The Burning earth. With the massive witch- Times, exposes the burnings, a matriarchal way of persecution, torture and mass life was destroyed. Women's burning of women as witches in control over their own bodies Europe from the 14th to the and reproductive systems 17th century. became the business of men. This turbulent period of Positions of religious authority history is brought to life and political power became through selections from trial exclusively male domains. records, readings from witch- "It's clear that attitudes have hunting manuals, and the art not changed much since 'the and literature of the time. burning times,"' says film Interviews with scholars and director, Donna Read. "Our historians, among them Dr. ideas about power still center Barbara Roberts, Margot.Adler, around accumulation and Theodora Jensen, Starhawk, control. They can be seen in Irving Smith and Dominican the continuing widespread theologian Matthew Fox shed violence against women and new light on the film's historical the deterioration of our perspective. environment". The Burning TI mes

'110111ani~t page 24 Winter 1991 International Women's D

How to Celebrate International Women's Day?

You can: organize a dinner participate in an Inter- national Women's Day event Quebec ·wear a rose talk to friends, colleagues (Montreal ) and neighbours about the "day". March 8 The Women's Centre of Montreal will have. an open 8 mars house and day-long events. Theme: "Femmes et (Aylm~r demographie - Des choix pour Conferences, workshops, l'avenir". discussion groups, films, 7 mars videos and theatre Presentations et conferences Souper conference avec ~ presentations relating to de 14h00 17h00 Restaurants in Antigonish will Helene Pedneault, auteure. A women's struggle to survive 16h30 a l'Agora de 1'ecole sec. join In the celebration by once the recession. Cocktail pour1outes de 17h00 again offering a free cup of Grande Riviere a Aylmer, coffee to all -their women toutes les femmes du milieu '.heatre Parminou L'egalite A,,~lay entitled "Levans le enseignant et autre. customers. voile~'.~ijl be presented, bnlle pour tout le rhonde de 18h00 Second Annual International For tnformation call 842-4780 Cabaret presented by the ix Reconnaissance (soiree) Ant.igonish Women's participation speciale Association. Local Women les femmes et le de W 'e Frohn, Maria De~~ showcase their music, ce pouvoir. Conte re ncie re: Koninck Simone Monet- and· literary talents as ell a~ Madame Nicole Dorin. Entre 9 mara Chartrant. Au Salon de la (Halifax ) other forms of entert ent. Them!il: "l'lndependance, f 16h00 et 19h00 a la salle des femme de ebec Pare de Y v9lf. Souper et soi Fates de la Maison des !'Exposition vinciale. de Citoyenne'i Hull. Confirmez (animation-musique) a19h3 eta 20h30. March 5 - 8 votre presence en composant restaurant au Bord de l'eau. NFB Films by and about le 595-0365. women

March 8 Parade and Variety Show arch 8 Open House at S March 9. Women's Centre Women's Dance

For information call 543-1315 Pictou Cou

March 8 (Sydney ) The Pictou County Centre has an open March 8 more information: 75 14th Annual Women's Day Concert and Dance. Entertainment by local women featuring Rita Joe, Joe (Fredericton Foulds, Joan Andrews, dancers, fiddlers, and March 8 m, Cedars Club ·Special entertainment 8 mars M@rch s Pot Luck Supper, with theme 1ncluding singers and the marches au flambeau seront Antigonish Women's of "Women and Peace". Workshop on "Gender and Breeze Vente Quintet. organisees contra la violence Resource Centre - Open House Followed by Women's Theatre Language", 11 :00-1 :00, at the afin de denoncer ce fleau featuring the handiwork and art social. Pour de plus amples Collective performance at 8pm. ·Royal Canadian Legion. •For information call 858-9472 of Aboriginal Women (Mic Mac renseignements, contactez le For more information: 454- Women from our neighboring 548-4337 5581. Afton reserve) For information call 564-5926 (Saint John PEI March 8 consultatifConseil ADVISORY COUNCIL New Brunswick branch of the sur la condition ON THE STATUS United Nations Association of de la femme Adviso Canada will be presenting Council on the Sfatus t OF WOMEN Certificates of Appreciation to of Women outstanding Women in Peace & empowerment \NQMEN Salutes Communities in Saint John and is our hope for women JIN'fIE'RNA TIONAJL WOMOE.N'~ S DAY throughout the province. For more information call (506) 634- on March 8. March 8, 1990 7320.

Linda Gallant, Chairperson 95 Foundry St., s. 207, Moncton, NB Et C 5H7 Winter 1991 page 25 Day cross the country

_(Kingston ) (Ottawa )

March 2 March 6 Canadian Artie" Theme: "Women Breaking the "Lesbian Voices in th e "Nice Coloured Girls" Chains of Democracy" Women's Movement." Experi- "Reframing AIDS" ences of lesbians in the "SKIN" Women's Dance, Steel women's movement will be the "Slaying the Dragon" Workers Hall. For further goal of empowering all women 7 - 1Opm, Regional Building, information call 545-1379 while also strengthening the 111 Lisgar Street lesbian community. 7 - 1Opm, Arts Court "Women on the Hill ... Rally and Marchi" 11 :30am,, Parliament (Guelph ) March 7 Hill "Women and Development: Our Stories." Workshop to For information call 594 - 8707 draw on women's experience in March 5 dealing with the dynamics of •Pot Luck dinner a n d race, class and gender in celebrations community activism both in . ( Hamilto~ Canada and overseas. 7 - (Thunder Bay ) March 7 9pm, Arts Court Movie "Born in Flames" March 7 "Global Feminism" - Panel March 8 Ontario March 7 For further information call Discussion/PA:i5entation by Women's Celebration Dance Discussion: "Women and 824-4120 ext. 2629 8pm -1am, Congress Centre Half the Sky Feminist Theatre Company Politics: Women Making a Difference"

(Kitchener-Waterloo March 8 International Women's Day Breakfast; Confederation March 7 College, 8:00 am Information Displays at University of Waterloo Feminist Information Fair, with women's groups and agencies March 8 Women's Dance - End the violence. We Festival of Feminist Films Art IWD Art and Craft Show mining our Power." A demand social juS;tice Gallery, Agora, Lakehead Coffee House and Dry Dance presentation and ·now.; Univ~rsity, 10 am - 2 pm, op, topics include: A celebration at noon. March 9 nity for Change; Class, 10:30am Convocation Peace March and Rally and the Women's ng's College Circle, March 9 Movem an Anti-racism for of Toronto. Tenth Annual IWD Party I For information call 888-4042 White We 10:30am - Celebration, Food, Enter- 3:30pm, 111 Street. tainment, Dancing, Oliver Rd. Community Centre, 6:30 (sudbury ) Panel Discussion: March 13 Against Women: Fair, 2 - 5 pm, Jorgensen Concert by Lucie Blue March 5 Development and Hu Tremblay, Prince Arthur Hotel, Ryerson Poytech Institute. Film on Women a n d Rights Issue". 7:30 pm. Development at Village Chair: Glenda Simms International. For further Facilitator: Rosemary Brown For more information, call the information call: 671-2648 Panelists: Charlotte Bunch Northern Women's Centre at Eugenie Aw 345-7802 March 8 Blanca Noemi Coto Pot Luck dinner and Estrada discussion - Women and peace Marlene Pierre (tba) In the Middle East. Call: 671- Closing: Marnie Girvan 1050 Panel will be held at the Government March 9 Conference Centre, Dinner with guest speaker 9:30am - 12pm. Jennifer Keckat Steel March 12 Worker's Hall. For further Multicultural Women's Fair - Lucie Blue. Tremblay in information call: 674-3858 Are y concerned with professional ethics? A multicultural extravaganza of concert, at Inn of the Woods. literary, artistic and creative Has the unethical behaviour of a professional (Windsor ) works, fashion design, gourmet affected your life (eg, doctor, therapist, police food and cultural performances officer, teacher)? by immigrant women, Regional (Toronto ) March 6 Building, 111 Lisgar Street. For The 3rd Annual International more information, call Aina or This information would be useful to us for research. Women's Day Dinner and Alba at 238-4256 March 9 Address your comments in confidence to: Presentation of the Frances Theme: "Women say stop the Status of Women Council of the NWT Horvath Memorial Employment racist war from Oka to the March 10 Box 1320 Equity Award. Film and Video Festival Gulf". Make the links: "Black Women Mulheres - Self-determination for Yellowknife, NWT March 8 Neg res" Aboriginal people, X1A2L9 Workshop on the Reality of "The Burning Times" Palestinians and Attn: Lynn Brooks, Executive Director Feminization of Poverty, led by "Coffee Coloured Children" blacks in South wc5men featured in the film, "Goddess Remembered" Africa. or phone (403) 920-6177 fax (403) 873-0285 "We'll all be Heard". "Hairpiece: A Film For Nappy - Racism Kills: Headed People" Confront it! Oppose For information call 944-8989 "lkajurti: Midwifery in the it! ( page26 Winter 1991


are tough for the women of Ontario. The effects of the recession, poverty, lack of child care, violence against - on the street, at work, at schpol, we are the last hired first fired are just some __

for The women, women of - .. . women, disabled women, lesbians, women ... working together for the common goal of true empowerment of women. \t is a source of great for me that our government has more women in cabinet than any other in the history of Canada. hope to be an example and a challenge to other governments, employers and unions to do the same in their decision-making

bodies. we took office on October 1, this government has made women's issues

a central part of our work. The door has been opened. equity is being extended to more women. Child and family support payments are to become automatic. leave time is longer. thousand new subsidized child care spaces are becoming available. Lesbians and gay men in the Ontario are now eligible for spousal benefits. Abortion is a part of our health service in Ontario, and through joint efforts with women's groups, doctors and many others, the federal C43 was defeated in the International Day is a time when we celebrate our strengths and victories and the tasks ahead of us. are standing on solid ground created by countless hours of women's work persistence. As Minister Responsible for l am committed to working with you, the women of Ontario, toward our ultimate goal of economic, social and legal equality for all women.

ln solidarity,

Anne Minister Responsible for Winter 1991 page27

The Feminist Throne Speech Women's Safety

The government of Canada video, and commercials, recognizes the constant providing examples and inequality experienced by the information for an anti-sexism female population of Canada campaign. due to fear, limitations to In addition, the federal Differently Abled freedom, and victimization at government will finance the hands of male perpetrators projects within provincial Women of violence. We will work to end Ministries of Education to the violence imposed on develop an anti-sexism gov-ernment's intention to (The Throne Speech given on Before this new government women and children. curriculum for all schools. guarantee all female and child behalf of disabled women. came to power, disabled We recognize that there is Encouragement and project victims a female investigating Disabled women are all too women lived in abject poverty, not a single woman in Canada funding will be made available officer within three years. aware that there are also without adequate who is unaffected by the for the development of self- With respect to violence disabled children and men. transportation, without access spectre or the reality of male defence training for all girls in within the home, such as However, this is a unique to the workforce, without violence. The constant and school physical education woman and child abuse, the occasion for us to put forward access to education, without frightening possibility of attack programmes. government is taking our visionary mandate for access even to restaurants, or abuse is a permanent drain With respect to pub Ii c immediate measures to guide disabled women.) theatres, basic services. With on the energy of all Canadian_ violence, various measures to the creation of legislation, all of these deprivations, increase women's safety will be policy and procedure with As women, we are well disabled women also lived immediately instituted. Canada police forces across the accustomed to being on the under the constant threat of Mortgage and Housing country. This will allow outside of the established violence physical, verbal and Corporation will earmark funds intervention orders to be used power structures. But being sexual. We were placed in the for the development of woman- for the removal of violent men women and disabled has meant degrading positions of only housing, particularly in from their places of residence, that the "corridors of power" prisoners and prey. Was it not urban areas. Such housing thereby leaving women and have been completely enough that each disabled would be designed by women, children in their homes, and will inaccessible to us. However, woman had the personal for women, to not only increase ensure economic security for after a decade of working as struggle of confronting and safety and security, but also to these women. part of the disabled movement, learning to love and come to foster a sense of community Recognizing the long term women with disabilities "are now accept her disability? It is a among women residents. and often delayed effects of throwing off the shackles in mad society which places on Funds for safety audits of childhood sexual abuse and which they have always been the disabled woman additional public buildings and areas will incest, the government is marginalized. Thus, we are burdens and barriers to her be made available immediately committed to the development now ready to bring forth our already challenging situation! to women's groups across of· adult incest survivor revolutionary agenda. But that was before. And Canada. Several experimental services, in non-medical, now is now ... projects will be launched consumer controlled settings. The sweeping reforms of this restricting selected outdoor Such services will offer therapy new government became zones to women and children and legal advice to adult implemented the minute you only, particularly after dark, to survivors, to enable them to had a larger vision of how your allow women freedom of both psychologically and life should be. So, some of you women. The lifelong results ot movement without fear of legally address their may be asking yourselves, having been a victim, and the attack. victimizers. "Just what are these sweeping costs of struggling to survive Sexual harassment, both And last, while this reforms?" male violence, are not only a ·verbal and physical, in public government is committed Five giant steps out of burden on women and children, and in places of employment, primarily to improving the poverty by way of a large but a critical pressure on will be defined under the situation of all women and increase in the disability Canadian society as a whole. Criminal Code of Canada, with children who have been, or fear pension, so .that each disabled Our legal, health care, and penalties of fines and prison being, victimized by male woman cannot only pay her social service systems spend terms. violence, it recognizes that too rent and buy her food, but also, millions of dollars, directly and little is known or understood have enough money left over to indirectly, on the results of about the male perpetrator. The activists among us have indulg'el'in a few small, dignified male violence. In addition, the Therefore, research and worked for the last decade on luxuries to which every woman, hidden costs of women's treatment funds will be made the issues of violence against disabled or not, is entitled. unrealized potential, limited by available for projects designed disabled women, we have been The next reform is housing fear and poor health resulting to identify the characteristics the leaders of mandatory for disabled women which from violence, must also be of male perpetrators of Employment Equity, we have includes disabled units for recognized. violence, men who consume fought for total accessibility, disabled parents (yes, they The Government of Canada pornography, and men who for transportation which treats exist) and their children. We is committed to identifying this exhibit sexist behaviours that disabled women as First Class intend to keep a registry which major problem, examining its devalue women. Such Citizens, rather than Third will be available to all disabled roots sexism, sexist research is intended to lead to Class Citizens. women seeking housing, so attitudes, and male the development of further We face challenges, and real that, at any time, there will aggression, and bringing in legislation, education, and barriers, which no' other group always be a safe place for our measures to immediately free Two measures are being treatment to reduce male in society faces, because we disabled sisters. women and children from its introduced to further violence toward women and are women, and because we Disabled women are the only grip. encourage victims of sexual children. are disabled. But, working members of the female A massive public education assault to report such crimes. In these ways, the together, we are overcoming population who do not have awareness campaign against One, the admissibility of government will begin to each obstacle one by one. We access to local transportation, sexism and all its manifes- evidence regarding prior sexual address women's inequality will no longer allow ablest education, day care, and many tations will be launched th is history with the accused will be due to the fear and reality of attitudes to dictate where we areas of recreation. All of year. It will be financed by the immediately eliminated. Two, male violence against women can live, what we can do, who these things have been federal government, and its special women's police forces and children. we are or what we are. We are multi-media products will be will established, trained human beings and everyday, available to the provinces and specifically to respond to Lorraine Greaves, we undertake "our walk to (continued on page 28) territories. It will include women and children victims of London, Ontario Selma". posters, pamphlets, film, violence. It is this page28 Winter 1991 Feminist Throne Speech

educational materials, such as Canada Health Act. Abortion Educational materials will be announce the introduction of a pamphlets, brochures, videos will be addressed as a health funded at the national level, but publicly-funded, high quality and tapes about violence issue and subject to the same also cognisant of the need for child care program to serve against disabled women will be legislation as any other health regional diversity. The Family Canadians from coast to coast. made available to all concern. We firmly believe that Planning Division of Health and I beliove that 'this program will communities. the best protection for the Welfare Canada will b e help ensure that women have This government intends to fetus and for children is reinstated and provincial full equal opportunities, that smash the idea that it is o.k. to afforded by the woman incentives to strengthen children can thrive, that designed by men beat, rape or batter disabled involved. The decision to have preventive services will be families are well-supported in who never think that there may women and children. children is a serious one and directed through this childrearing and that society be people with different needs We are dedicated to the the best social environment to department. derives full benefit. than themselves. Our implementation of these allow women to choose We see a much strengthened We believe that high immediate priority here will be reforms. You are the role for the Federal government quality child care requires to make all buildings constituents and no reform will in the area of access to health adequate wages and good working conditions for well- accessible to disabled women, go forward without your input. services and equality of trained child care staff, not-for- and to assure disabled women We will have consultations with services from coast to coast. profit administration by local that they will have. ;;idequate you about reforms, and each of The full strength of the governments, school boards transportation ... wherever they you will be notified. In short, Canada Health Act, including financial disincentives, will be and community-based groups may be. you will have access to the imposed upon provinces and programming which is The fight for mandatory creation of this new vision. refusing to comply in areas of developmentally appropriate, Employment Equity has been Our mandate is to fight for access to abortion services, anti-sexist, anti-racist and led by a disabled woman, the rights of the disabled. culturally sensitive. whose tireless dedication to the provision of comprehensive sexuality education services As pa rt of th is this concept has made it a Liz Stimpson and access to contraception. government's view that families reality. No matter what level of Assisted, by M. Best parenthood is achieved by a strengthened commitment to Programs will be community must be supported in government in this country has DAWN Toronto childrearing, we will introduce a to be confronted and fought, day care, social programs based and comply with regional aimed at raising living needs. comprehensive, flexible we will ensure that this work will Reproductive system of paid family leaves to never be undone. standards for women; and Bonnie Johnson, accommodate childbirth, Violence against women with Rights & improving the general status of Planned Parenthood adoption and the requirements disabilities will be our primary Responsibilities women in Canada. Access to comprehensive Federation of Canada. of parenting and caring for focus. This government will family members. mount the greatest educational In the aftermath of the defeat sexuality education and contraceptive and abortion We will work with campaign ever seen in this of Bill C-43, an act respecting community groups from across province, using television and abortion, the government services will be available equally across Canada. The the country to ensure that we radio advertisements on all announces it will never again are responsive to the needs of public and private stations and attempt to address this basic federal government will provide Child Care strong leadership in this area Canadian women, children and networks. In no cc;se will the . human rights issue by use of families. media be allowed to oppress criminal sanctions. by increasing funding to This government disabled women in any way. Legislation in this area will be National Family Planning recognizes that child care is an organizations and by providing essential service for women, Martha Friendly Disabled women who have protective of women's health Child Care Committee been survivors of violence will rather than punitive and will be funds for increased research in children, families and society. National Action Committee not be exploited for the sake of enshrined in a strengthened the area of reproductive health. Today, I am delighted to on the Status of Women a "story". This government will place advertisements in each of the major papers in the -. country. But it will not stop there. Posters regarding Canadian Conseil violence against women will be placed in every beer, liquor, Advisory Council consultatif canadien grocery and convenience on the Status of Women sur la situation de la femme store. The legislature will pass a law prohibiting the production and distribution of pornography in print and video. Any store Male Violence Against Women: The Brutal government and inform the public on matters of caught selling pornography will Face of Inequality interest and concern to women. The CACSW have its license suspended produces original research on social, economic, Primed for Power: Women In Csnadlan and will be threatened with and legal issues affecting women in Canada, closure. Polltlcs The Film and Video Boards of including reproductive health, housing, income The Glass Box: Women Business Owners security, and violence against women. each province will have its in Canada mandate overhauled and the members of the Board will be These are just a few of the titles published by the CACSW research is published as books, booklets, made up of women from the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of background papers, briefs and fact sheets. For a grass roots community as well complete list of free CACSW publications, contact as other women's groups. No Women and available free of charge. film which depicts violence or the National Office. (The Council reserves the right hatred against women will be The Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of to limit quantities.) shown on the screens of Women (CACSW) is an independent organization, Canada. funded by the federal government to advise the Further to these measures, we will seek the cooperation of. In the Montreal region, plan to attend: Who's Holding the Purse-strings?" An address on Women and Poverty, by school boards and all Glenda Simms, Tuesday, March 12, 1991, Holiday Inn - Crowne Plaza, 42D Sherbrooke St., West, Montreal. educational institutions, and ask the DisAbled Women's National Office: Eastern Reglonal Office: Western Regional Office: Network to make itself 110 O'Connor Street, 9th floor 2021 Union Avenue 220-4th Avenue S.E., Room 270 available to speak to classes, P.O. Box 1541, Station B Suite 875 P.O. Box 1390, Station M particularly in elementary and Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R5 Montreal, Quebec H3A. 289 Calgary, Alberta T2P 2L6 secondary schools. Other (613} 992-4976 (514} 283-3123 (403} 292-6668 Winter 1991 page29

Commentary To Disentangle the on the war Truth: The War on Iraq

By Alda Graff

Ironically, one of the first thought that with this new- Iraqi grievances against Kuwait It is a mutual support club: American casualties in the Gulf found world co-operation there are not just limited to obtaining the Saudis and the Kuwaitis War tragedy was a woman, was more of a chance of access to the sea, which the pay the Americans to come and U.S. Ambassador April success than ever before. latter had refused. Iraq also tight for them, and in return Glaspie. As the transcripts of The Head of the CIA himself felt that by fighting the eight- they spend their petro-dollars her meeting with President testified before a year long war against Iran it in the States rather than in Saddam Hussein released to Congressional Hearing that thereby protected the whole Europe or in Japan. Egypt gets ABC News in September sanctions were already biting, Gulf area against Khomeini. part of its debt forgiven for showed, she clearly told him and that a few more months Saddam felt that the least all joining the club (or coalition, as genocidal war against Iraq in that the U.S. would not would reduce the Iraqi these oil-rich states could do it is officially known), Syria order to redress its aggression interfere in any border disputes economy. The little that would was to forgive Iraq its debts. gets a free hand in Lebanon, against Kuwait. Last but not between Arab States, and have trickled in through porous Instead, Kuwait and the United and Israel receives money in least, the carpet bombing of implied that the U.S. would take borders would have been Arab Emirates over-produced the billions for not responding Iraq has already destroyed for no action if Saddam invaded totally insufficient to service oil, driving its price down to as to Saddam's scud missiles. humanity an irreplaceable world Kuwait: "We have no opinion the Iraqi army. All that was low as $14 a barrel when Iraq treasury of records of our on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like required then was a few more was trying to convince them ancient civilization. The oldest your border disagreements with months of patience. But and OPEC to raise the price to church there has been Kuwait." George Bush let the whole $25 a barrel. This had a bombed, as have been Ambassador Glaspie, world know that his patience devastating impact upon the priceless Muslim shrines. If however, was only following her was running out; and since Iraqi economy. Furthermore, the devastation of Kuwait was superior's directives. For as Russia no longer counted much Kuwait was also slant-drilling a crime, the laying waste of Murray Waas wrote in an article in the balance of super-powers, into Iraqi soil under the Rumaila Iraq is even a greater crime. in the Vil I age Voice of the Bush administration had fields. Saddam Hussein So what on earth is Canada ' January 22, "James Baker the field to itself to practice viewed all this as acts ·of doing in the middle of all that? admitted on a Sunday morning diplomatic cajoling and arm- aggression on the part of It looks as if once we agreed to talk show that there was ... a twisting. Thus when Yemen Kuwait. Free Trade, we have had to cable signed by him" with voted against Security Council To complicate matte rs hitch our fortunes to those of instructions to Ambassador Resolution 678, its further, each Arab country the U.S. That is why we so Glaspie. She has since been ambassador was told by the played its own self-interested assiduously supported the relegated to an obscure U.S. representative that th is game. Egypt wanted to return U.S. in the Security Council position and blamed for the was going to be one of Yemen's to its accustomed leadership and quickly sent our three tired deliberate obfuscation of U.S. most expensive votes. The role in the area after its Only Jordan risks losing all ships to the Gulf. As our intentions vis-a-vis Iraq. But it U.S. has since cut down its aid reinstatement to the Arab by attempting to remain involvement became more is her government that to that country to a mere League from which it had been neutral. With more than 60% evident through the deliberately misled Saddam trickle. ousted following the Camp unemployment, with little oil participation of our air force, we Hussein. For had they Was Saddam justified in his David accord. Iraq's arch reserves, and having earned have earned an assured seat in conveyed the strong message aggression upon Kuwait? Of enemy, Syria, which had the displeasure of the U.S., the Free Trade talks with that the U.S. would not stand course not, even if the supported Iran during the war, who knows how much longer it Mexico and the U.S. We are, of for an invasion of Kuwait, this boundaries between Iraq and saw here an opportunity for will last. Meanwhile, President course, having to spend tragedy might have been Kuwait were originally some fence-mending with the Shamir of Israel continues to increasingly on the military at a averted. artificially drawn by the British oil-rich states. The Israelis repress the Palestinians in the time when the country is going in the 1920's after the demise were getting uncomfortable West Bank and Gaza, and through a serious recession. of what was left of the Ottoman with such a strong Arab military vows to settle Russian Jews in Needless to say, there are -Empire. The Turks, who had power as Iraq, and America that area in open defiance of bound to be cut-backs in our been allies of the Germans in wanted more direct control in U.N. resolutions, and even future budgets in order to World War I, saw their Middle an area that, despite the end of U.S. stated policy. The U.S. is subsidize this military Eastern possessions divided the Cold War, was of extreme trying its best to retain the Arab campaign. The first sectors to among the French and the strategic and economic member states of the coalition be ·hit will be our social British. The British deliberately importance for it. by restraining Shamir's services, our education, our deprived Iraq of access to the The U.S. does not need the hawkish aims. But his cabinet medicare and all the good L-c.....--""'_,'..L sea, and made sure, as well, Middle East for its oil reserves. is made up of a majority of things that made Canada a The public has been told time that all the oil in the area was The U.S. does not obtain the members who favour the more humane society and again that this is a first- not concentrated in any one bulk of its foreign oil imports expulsion of Palestinians from aompared to that of the U.S. time demonstration of world newly created state. from that area. But most of the West Bank. The first to suffer will be the solidarity against an aggressor Kuwait has been a n Europe, especially Germany, War is not going to solve any children, women and the upon a weak and defenseless independent state since 196i. does. So does Japan. That is of the above problems of the disinherited, both men and country. If that is so, why then This was officially recognized why whoever controls the region; if anything, -it will women. And Canada will look has that first-time ever by Iraq in 1963 although it countries that own some of the exacerbate them. It will solve more and more like the U.S. as coalition not given sanctions never relinquished its claim to largest oil reserves in the short-term belligerent aims. our streets fill up with the more time to work? Surely, if two uninhabited islands off the world, controls the flow of that Iraq has conquered Kuwait. homeless, Meanwhile, the U.S. sanctions took so long to work coast of Kuwait in its bid for oil. More importantly, the That will not last long, for it will get all the contracts from against South Africa at a time access to the sea. For Iraq to direction of the flow of petro- cannot possibly withstand the the oil-rich countries, and we when unanimity of purpose was take Kuwait by force is a clear- dollars coming in from the sale might of U.S. technology. may, if we are compliant, get a lacking amongst the family of cut act of aggression by one of that oil to Europe and to Meanwhile, members of the few bread crumbs. Thus, if we nations, one would have country upon another. But Japan can be controlled. Since coalition are pounding the life will have participated in the the bulk of Saudi and Kuwaiti out of it. There is no drinking destruction of Iraq, we will also investment is in the U.S., their water throughout the country, have seriously eroded the economic interests are too sewage plants have all been quality of Canadian life for a closely tied up with that destroyed, there is no long time to come. Welcome to country for them not to spend electricity and very little fuel. the New World Order! their petro-dollars there rather Epidemics will erupt and claim MARGARET L. M. BUIST than in Europe or in Japan. children as their first victims. Dr Aida Graff is a member of Thus most of the mega- Since children constitute 50% the Association for Middle East Barrister & Solicitor projects for the future of the population, the toll upon Women's Studies and reconstruction of Kuwait have the country will be devastating. specializes in development and been or are being allocated to Coupled with field losses in lite, social justice in the Middle 73 King Street, London, Ontario N6A 1 C1 U.S. firms. the coalition will have waged a East. Telephone: (519) 642-7135 Fax: (519) 642-2960 page 30 Winter 1991 Commentary on the war Casualty: Earth Letter to U.S. President Compiled with information collected by the office of Jim Fulton, MP, NOP Critic for the George Environment by Th s Woman/st,

British chemical and The oil slick which spilled into Dear George: Latin America a n d environmental engineer, Dr. the Gulf late in January is now environmental degradation. John Cox, warns that within 120 kilometres long, and the We just wanted to write to We're not depressed any 1000 miles of Kuwait, the pall of approximately one billion congratulate you on your more, George. We had a great smoke could be as great as barrels of oil are moving down proposed nomination for the laugh at that little slip-up with predicted by nuclear war the Saudi Arabian coast Nobel Peace of the Graveyard the oil spill when your media computer simulations; and towards water purification Prize. We can think of no-one showed the Exxon Valdez almost without exception, plants that millions of people more deserving of this cormorants dripping with oil in these models predict failure of rely upon. The oil has already prestigious honour. You have, the Persian Gulf. We don't how the Asian monsoon rains. Cox began to coat th~ sea bottom after all, done so much for how you shipped them out from ·says a year-long oil field and destroy marine breeding world peace, especially in the Alaskan coast, but conflagration in Kuwait could grounds. these past eight months. We congratulations on pulling it off. influence the onset, duration, The desert and Tigris- assume that it is your war that As loyal fans, we suggest that If the direct toll on human life intensity and character of the Euphrates delta ecosystems has gained you this honour. next time you use a bird that by this war were not enou!:lh, monsoons in Asia. are threatened also. Tank George, there is so· much actually lives where the oil is there are environmental Failure of the monsoons warfare in Saudi Arabia, that could be said in this spilled. All this environmental consequences that w i 11 could affect one billion people Kuwait, and Iraq would not only regard. It is your ill fortune to awareness has got people into continue to be felt long after who depend upon the annual destroy nomadic grazing lands, live in a world that persists in identifying birds and- animals the actual fighting has ceased. rains for crops and water but cou Id potentially trigger thinking that human life has and things. Some 500 fires are burning in supplies. Cox says even massive duststorms and dust some inherent value. Thank Another word of advice, Kuwaiti oil fields. Scientists partial monsoon failure could clouds that would adversely you for showing us that rich George. We think you just estimate that between two and cause more deaths than the affect agriculture in Saudi lives have more value than the about overdid it with the ten million barrels of oil are total population of Iraq, Kuwait Arabia and other more fertile lives of the poor, and white coverage of soldiers' wives and burning daily. Oil from almost and Saudi Arabia combined. areas in the region. ·Scientists lives more value than black, kids and puppies and kittens all of Kuwait's oil fie Ids and Arab lives no value saying goodbye. We who naturally gushes to the surface whatsoever. Now we under- admire you were getting a bit with no need for pumping. stand why your sons and worried that people wouldn't be Consequently, once a well has daughters, and the sons and able to take that kind of been set alight, it becomes a daughters of your rich saccharine for much longer. self-sustaining inferno. neighbours were not fighting for The old gag reflex is pretty According to Basil Butler, freedom in the Gulf. We had close to the surface these managing director of British not known before that freedom days and you don't want to Petroleum, the usual method of can be bought, especially at so cause messes on the carpet "blowing out" well-fires using low a price. Thanks for letting now, do we? explosives may not work us know. Give it a think, George. because of the close proximity Thank you, also, for not There's that prize just waiting using body bags any more, of wells to each other (about for you in Brussels. You don't George. Body pouches were one-half mile apart), which can want to lose that. Just put threaten re-ignition. An so much more cost effective, together a tidy little peace plan and with the money saved you alternative technique, involving that will ensure ·American drilling new wells alongside to can make more weapons so we access to all that Middle East relieve pressure on ignited can maintain of this prized oil. No one will object, as long The oil spilled into the gulf will warn that it could take Peace. We are also very wells would take far longer. as you keep the old saccharine also have g r a v e generations for desert Butler estimates one well per happy that your surgical strike coming. So ·keep it coming, ecosystems to recover. The week could be extinguished consequences. The Gulf is a was so drawn out. We enjoyed George. We're waiting I this way. However, a Houston- source of livelihood to many North African desert has still the coverage so much it will be not recovered from the World based well-fire "expert" peoples, cultures and nations. a shame not to watch it on TV Lorrilee Wright War II desert campaigns 45 believes it could take up to $ix It is home to shrimp, many anymore. Now it's back to all Josie Wallenius years ago that caused such weeks to bring each sabotaged species of fish, marine that usual depressing Thunder Bay, Ontario well under control. mammals, sea turtles, sea severe duststorms. coverage of South Africa and Smoke produced from these birds and many exotic species. The Tigris-Euphrates delta is burning oil fields could reduce According to the United one of Iraq's richest global temperatures by several Nations Environment Program, agricultural areas, where one- degrees, disrupt the African "the Gulf is already 43 times quarter of the country's and Asian monsoon rains and more polluted than any equal population work to produce devastate world harvests. area of water in the world", dates, rice, wheat, barley, Smoke would result in local and because of oil spills and toxic livestock, poultry, fruits and regional ozone ho I es. contamination during the Iran- vegetables. Massive bombing Temperatures in the area of Iraq war, on top of years of of Baghdad-area military delta and into the Gui~. burning wells could reach 160 pollution from oil tanker traffic, targets has distributed No party is blameless in this degrees Fahrenheit, while sewage, industrial wastes and massive quantities of war. As peace is being temperatures underneath the neglect. United Nation's dangerous chemicals and arranged, all must take massive smoke-soot layers studies note the Gulf "is radioactive materials into the responsibility for the wounds to could plummet by 68 degrees regarded as having one of the air and water. These toxic the earth and the effects that Fahrenheit or 20 degrees most fragile and endangered materials will eventually be they will have on all life in the Celsius. ecosystems" on earth. flushed down waterways to the region and globally. r------, Poster series Service for Sexual Assault Victims

Agnes McPhail The Famous Five Nellie Mcclung The first woman who won for women the who, with her sister suffragists, elected to Parliament. right to be persons. won the vote for women. These women deserve their place in the schools, offices, homes and official corridors of the : FOR SURVIVORS OF s~:~~~ ASSAULT AND ABUSE . : national. An ideal gift. Posters are 16 X 20, in sepia tones, particularly attractive when framed. $10.00 each or package of all three for $25.00, plus $3.00 (postage/packaging) for 1 poster (.50 for each additional poster). Laminated copies are an additional $6.00 each. L------J Women of Vision Series, Box 1402, Station C, St. John's, Nfld. A1C SNS Winter 1991 page 31

Commentary on the war The Victims of War by Joy Langan, MP

I sat with a hollow. empty different decision? Never. Today, as I write this, there for peace today?" feeling in the pit of my When a woman raises these is a report that allied bombings Mr. Siddon did not ask if the stomach, praying that it was questions, of course, she will hit a shelter in Bagdad and women and children of any some awful mistake, yet be reminded of Cleopatra, Joan anywhere from three to five middle east country were knowing it was happening. We of Arc and Margaret Thatcher -- hundred women and children asked if they want to be had been recalled to Parliament and told in no uncertain terms died. The American briefing trapped in a theatre of war. He to debate a motion put forward that this is proof positive that said, "What went wrong? did not ask what is the world by the government that said, women in power would be no Nothing. What went right? We doing to help those innocent "Moved that this House different. hit the target." The rationale, of victims. He did not ask who reaffirms its support of the Cleopatra was a queen course, was that in fact the sold the arms that gave United Nations in ending the whose cabinet and mentors shelter was also a military Saddam Hussein this aggression by Iraq against were all men. A woman whose headquarters, and the fact that dispicable power. Kuwait". very survival depended on the women and children died was Mr. Siddon and Mr. Clark and The New World Order is not How sterile that motion was -- good will of those who "served" the fault of Saddam Hussein. their colleagues must be made to be for women around the how devoid of the reality of her well, as history so clearly Somehow, that makes it all aware that throughout history. world until we have the ability to what it committed us to do -- illustrates through her death. right. women have been confronted support each other in changing how empty of any hint that the with war without consultation; the way we address and solve war that was being have been faced with problems.and until we hold the contemplated was to affect mothering children to see them balance of power in every people. maimed and killed in war; have Parliament and every And, as the debate began -- been pressed into patriotic government in the world. even as the first shots of the service by providing solace, war in the Gulf were being fired through baking and knitting, to Joy Langan is an N.D.P. -- what shock I felt as member our children on the fronts, and Member of Parliament for after member on the finally. have been left the task Mission-Coquitlam, B. C. government side of the House of rebuilding our shattered rose and spoke of the war families and nurturing our exploding in the Middle East in shattered children when the the most abstract and macho war ends. of terms. Women entered this decade Where are the people in this with hope. The tumbling of the war? Where is the concern for Berlin Wall became a symbol of women and children? And a "New World Order". Now, a where is the input fro m \. ' mere one year later, we Canadian men and women? . discover that the new world In the ensuing weeks, as the order is a sham -- that man's war has been reported minute ; history, to war against his by minute, why is the face we neighbours, is to continue. are seeing in this war being put forward only by men? Why do I feel that this war is being portrayed as a giant chess game taking place on the desert sand with wooden or ivory "men" instead of on a board with flesh and blood pawns? Why is the message out there that to be in favour of /, peace is to be weak? To be concerned about innocent women and children is to be naive in the face of the facts, and that to want Canadian troops to be removed from an aggressive role and into a humanitarian role is to be Joan of Arc was a soldier When briefed the traitorous and unpatriotic? used by a church to Commons Committee on I am a woman. I am being the troops and who, External Affairs, I was struck treated as though I can hardly when she was no longer of use, by the fact that even he be expected to understand the died by burning at the stake. suggested that if only Saddam W MEN LES B importance of this war to the Margaret Thatcher was a Hussein would give up Kuwait, GR TH E world -- and, of course, as if I head of a government that had this could all be avoided. can be expected to be faint of few women members and was When I spoke of the war in heart and wimpering. virtually devoid of women at the the House of Commons during I have turned to my feminist cabinet level. She clearly the debate, I spoke of concern \ roots for answers and for made her decisions regarding for children being issued gas comfort. the Faulklands War at the masks that do not fit. The When in the history of the urging of her male colleagues Honorable Tom Siddon, world have women been to consolidate their political Minister of Indian Affairs and consulted about war? Never. fortunes and retain power. Northern Development asked, When has our opinion been What fhese women had in "Why were the people in Tel sought about sending our common was isolation. They Aviv last night wearing gas children to the "theatre" of war? too could be said to be masks? Which nation upon Never. When have women "victims" of war. this earth has chosen to use been asked about a n What might the outcome of poison gases and perhaps 73HARBORDSTREETTORONTO, alternative to war? Never. their decision-making have biological weapons in an ONTARIO, MSS 1G4 (416) 922- When have women been invited been, had they been attempt to exterminate another 8744 •SATURDAY, MONDAY & to lay before the world the surrounded by women advisors neighbouring country? ... Shall TUESDAY 10:30 to 6:00 extent of their suffering? and not holding power at the we sit back and wait for more WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY 10:30 to Never. When have women held pleasure of their male missiles to fall? Would Canada 9:00• WHEELCHAIR ACCESS the balance of power to make a colleagues? stand idly by? Would we pause page 32 Winter 1991

Commentary on the war he Gulf War: its Impact War and Refugees on Canadian Children

by Nancy Pocock by Ellssar Sarrouh

The human race has divided Mogadishu, in the middle of a Many of us, mothers and origin, were born in this agendas. One agenda is for dreadful war with the city being concerned Canadians, country, identify with it, and power and control over the bombed. Their house was watched the news of a possible have a deep sense of loyalty earth and all our fellow beings. destroyed and they were war in the Gulf with deep fear. and belonging to the on e On the other side, we seek to moving from place to place to As the calendar of events country they know as their help refugees and send avoid being killed. He could accelerated and a war became own. What happened all of a development aid to poor communicate with them by inevitable, the fear turned to a sudden to make them feel countries. We spend millions phone but there was no way nightmare that haunted every insecure and subject them to on medical research hospitals, they could get here. child and every mother these experiences of I work with refugees helping training doctors and nurses to Canadian officials had left everywhere. discrimination? them to settle in Canada and save lives. We consider his country and until the family Thousands of miles away, What is obvious is that we fulfill their dreams of living in murder the most serious crime, could be contacted and be the war broke out in the Persian lack a sound knowledge on peace. This is only band-aid yet we spend trillions of dollars interviewed to receive visas Gulf, claiming thousands of Human Rights issues, an work. The real problem is that on weapons research and the they were unable to come to lives, children and women, educational system that the vast majority of refugees most efficient way to kill in war. Canada. He sat beside me and leaving thousands homeless, understands the different are victims of the many wars We maintain a military system cried bitterly. I was unable to and destroying an ancienf elements and components of and dictators around the world. to train our young to kill - it help him. civilization that once was the our society, and multicultural Most wars are being fueled and doesn't make sense. Until we source of knowledge and policies and strategies within encouraged by rich countries can build a world in which culture to all humanity. government that encourage the for their own se.lf-serving people are more important than Here in Canada, the infusion of all cultural reasons. With the world money and power, when the community of Arab-Canadians backgrounds in one strong, spotlight on the Persian Gulf, brightest brains and resources has been under tremendous rich and unique society, our the nature of war has become are used to find ways to build stress ever since the war broke Canadian society. clearer. true peace, then we, the out. On one hand, the This war is about OIL and the people, will continue to pay with restrictions implemented by the ability of the United States to our lives the terrible price - the Department of Immigration on dominate and control. In spite loss of our children, our earth visas to Iraqis and Palestinians have hurt all Arab-Canadians of Grenada and Panama, Korea and our hope. deeply and instilled in them a and Vietnam, the United States Countless individuals have sense of insecurity as they has sold its own people the worked to make a peaceful were singled out from amongst idea that by ruthlessly bombing world in which the vast other ethnic populations. On and killing the helpless people resources of this world would the other hand, the continuous of Iraq the world can be saved be used to enhance the lives of flow of reports and news from from a ruthless dictator. all human beings, not to the Gulf of bloodshed, People are moved to respond destroy them - we need to learn as they are programmed by Love not Hate. , destruction and the loss of human lives, and the extremely centuries of wars. They rush to I am angry that I have spent . join in the slaughter and this beautiful Saturday high cost that Canadian tax payers are paying as a result of encourage their children to give February 22, 1991, trying to·: i up their lives and to kill the write an article about refugees, He returned a few weeks Canada's involvement in the children of the "enemy". periodically listening to radio war, have created a sense of A lot of these problems could later to tell me that he had been be avoided or solved. A n Sanctions were not allowed and television to see if they told by other Somalians, who anger, of hatred a n d awareness campaign in sufficient time to force Saddam have launched a war that will had heard from a relative in a resentment towards the schools on the different issues Hussein to leave Kuwait. make thousands, maybe refugee camp in Kenya, that population of Arab-Canadians. involved should help the Peace negotiations were stifled millions, more refugees. I hear his family was in the camp. He Unfortunately, these feelings students put things in before giving them time to their stories every day and managed to talk to his wife by of resentment and anger have perspective and see things work. Now it appears that Bush know what they face - I will phone and she told him they rapidly found their way to the more clearly. We, as mothers, and his advisers had already leave you with one story. were running for shelter from school yards, and turned our play the key role in this picked the date to start the A man from Somalia came to bombing and .his oldest students into aggressive and land war long before see me the other day to ask my daughter of fourteen years was offensive individuals, every educational campaign: We negotiations were started. We help in bringing his family to behind the rest of them and had time the subject of war came up start at home by: a) instilling in are deep in it now and the tragic Canada. He was well-dressed been hit and killed. The other or a student of Arab-origin our children the values of results will be with us for many and obviously well-educated. four children and his wife had happened to be around. In one equality, peace and years. He had been in Canada for four been able to get on a small incident in a high school, a appreciation; b) making all Wars are often fought with years as part of our huge boat, and after a dreadful trip in sixteen-year-old boy was sources of information on the weapons supplied by rich and backlog of asylum seekers which they were sick all the beaten up by a handful of war and its impact on our powerful countries who have waiting for a ref u g e e time, had reached a refugee students, simply because he society accessible, so that their own agendas, which determination hearing. He had camp in Kenya. The camp is was an Arab-Canadian and did they can analyse and perceive include controlling the his hearing, was accepted and merely a few tents with no beds not share his schoolmates' its reality and consequences; governments and the people of received his final papers which or furniture and little food or opinion of the war. An eight- and c) we in women's the poor countries. Let us not take at least a year after being water; it is full of mosquitoes year-old boy came home from organizations can reach out to forget that Iraq was a friend of accepted. He is entitled to (danger of malaria) and flies but school crying and asking his the public by sponsoring and the United States up until very have the family he had to leave hopefully the Canadian officer mother not to send him back to participating in speeches, recently. Where did Iraq get all in Somalia join him. But his wife can either get in touch with her school because his friends lectures and educational its weaponry? and five children were now in there or she can get to Nairobi were making fun of his name conferences on issues such as to see him. I got a friend in (Hussein) and teasing him of the gulf war, the sense of External Affairs to send a telex his origin. Another student was belonging and respect for each informing the Embassy in offended by her teacher, when other as Canadians, regardless TERRIE. DELLER LAW OFFICE Nairobi of their presence in she was telling the whole class of colour, race and religion, and Kenya. The father was crying that Saddam Hussein is a mad most importantly, our TERRI E. DELLER, 8.A., ll.B. over the loss of his daughter. I man, and the war is justifiable responsibility and commitment BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOT ARY PUBLIC find myself crying over his since it is the only way to to peace. loss, realizing this same story remove him from power. We must bring back a sense Real Estate Business arid Commercial is being repeated over and over These are just a few of security, peace and stability Wills and Estates Criminal in Baghdad. incidents that children in to our children and our society. Personal Injury Family schools have been going Nancy Pocock is a founding through since the war broke Elissar Sarrouh is a member of 801 Princess Avenue Telephone member of the Voice of Women out. But what does that mean? the Palestinian Arab Women's Brandon, Manitoba A7 A OPS (204) 726-0128 and past Coordinator of the What does that do to our Association of Ottawa. Toronto Refugee Affairs society? Children of Arab Council. Winter 1991 page33 J The UN Role in the Gulf Commentary on the war The New World Order Another Point of View

by Harriet Friedmann by_ Nancy Gordon

The "New World Order" which Instead of dismantling the The United Nations, that land forces of Members of the U.S. is organizing through "Free World" military alliances, organization which began in the United Nations." the Gulf War is a military represented in U.S. bases 1945 "to save succeeding Through a series of 1 2 monopoly financed by many throughout the world, the U.S. generations from the scourge resolutions in the autumn of allied countries. The bold U.S. may for the first time try to of war" has, in 1991, 1990, the Security Council mobilization of international establish a permanent military sanctioned a war against Iraq. addressed itself to the Iraqi forces against Iraq set an base in the Middle East. If the What is going on here? Why is invasion of Kuwait. The agenda for a world order based U.S. establishes a system of an organization, so often Council authorized the use of on combined military power dependency in the Middle East, associated with attempts to economic sanctions, of a under U.S. command. Since it will strengthen its power over keep the peace, embroiled in a blockade and eventually the the U.S. is losing ground each allied country. Many third war? use of force to remove Iraq economically to Germany and world countries, including quite Perhaps the major principle from Kuwait. Japan, it is attempting to a few in the Middle East, are motivating the founders of the While it is true that the United redefine power in ways that it dependent on U.S. military aid UN when they wrote the charter States has been by far the Some Canadians -have can win. to stay in power. A deepened at San Francisco in 1945 was predominant military force in deplored the role of the UN in The Cold War left the U.S. alliance system would put the collective security. That is, the area, it is also true that the the Gulf, claiming with dubious economically weak and U.S. more directly in control state or national boundaries Security Council voted in logic that the UN should militarily strong. Military over each country than ever would be guaranteed by the favour of the use of the force. confine itself to peacekeeping, spending, for the Vietnam War during the Cold W a r combined will of the members None of the permanent and should have no role in the and then for Reagan's Star competition between of the United Nations, and any members vetoed the sometimes nasty games of Wars, created chronic inflation superpowers. The arms that state which attempted to resolutions, as they had the power politics which members and an enormous government the Saudis bought from the violate the borders of another, right to do. To claim that this is of the world community still deficit, worsened by a recent U.S. and its allies,-like British, would face the sanctions of the simply a US action and that the play. Peacekeeping is not history of tax cuts. Since the French and Canadian arms, international community. The rest of the world has somehow mentioned in the Charter: it early seventies, the U.S. has were during the conflict people who drafted the United been bullied by the United was invented by Lester pursued an aggressive, integrated and controlled by Nations Charter had vivid States to go along with it, is to Pearson and a few at he rs nationalistic monetary policy, the U.S. military. memories of the 1930's when ignore the realities of the world because, in the days of the which has angered other The present alliance in the attempts by the League of Cold War, the Security Council countries and has allowed the Gulf War is full of tensions and Nations to protect small was paralyzed by the enmity U.S. to avoid investing in the contradictions, and the present countries from the aggressive between the UN and the USSR civilian economy. At the same U.S. agenda may not prevail designs of more powerful and 'could not act. time, a strong domestic lobby countries' had failed, and domestically or internationally. Peacekeeping can work only if (with a narrow popular base} between 1939 and 1945 the the combatants agree to a supports military spending no world had fought a bitter war. cease-fire, and allow a matter what the Soviets do. They were determined not to Beneath the rhetoric of make those mistakes again. peacekeeping force to co me between them. The UN can liberating Kuwait is a militaristic The Charter lays out in play a useful role in this regard agenda which threatens peace, specific details, methods by now that the fighting has democracy, and economic~ which states should settle their stability. The U.S. is trying to disputes peacefully. If they fail stopped, keeping former consolidate its military to do that, the Charter spells enemies at bay. dominance before the new out the means by which the No-one likes war. The European superstate creates a Security Council should brutaLity, the killing, the European Defense Community. authorize sanctions, and if situation, to ascribe destruction of women and men It has managed to get Japan sanctions fail, force. Article 42 unreasonably strong and and children, of bridges and and Germany, its major of the Charter says: successful pressure tactics to airports and schools, is an economic competitors, to pay a "Should the Security Council the US, or to assume that the anaethma to every human lot of money for this war. The consider that the measures rest of the world is unduly meek person. And yet, in order to U.S. has also received money provided for in Article 4 1 and has no will of its own. "save succeeding generations from the Emir of Kuwait and the would be inadequate or have It is also wise to remember from the scourge of war" some Saudi princes. It will almost proved to be inadequate, it that state boundaries, however rules must be enforced. As a certainly try to get more afte( may take such action by air, oddly they came to pass, have last resort, the world the war, along with agreement After the Gulf War, there is sea, or land forces as may achieved a sanctity amongst community engaged in one war to have a U.S. military base in sure to be a struggle over the be necessarry to maintain or all states, small and large, new in order to avoid future wars, to the Gulf. Saudi Arabia has organization and control of the restore international peace and old. In the melange which begin the process of building a rented a superpower, but it my military in Europe (and in and security. Such action makes up the world community, wider world order. With its new have difficulty getting rid of it. Japan}. In the Middle East, may include demonstrations, there have to be some rules, found capacity for action, the During the Cold War, the conflict will arise between blockades, and other some order, which protect the Security Council and the UN military power of many states dependent on U.S. operations by air, sea, or weak from the strong and which can now turn its attention to countries was partly given over military support and popular allows the normal transactions some of the outstanding items of everyday life to go on. That on its agenda. to one of the two superpowers, opposition to U.S. intervention through the Warsaw Pact and If this system of U.S. control order, which protects us from NATO. After the Cold War they over many countries the Middle East, the best an anarchical Hobbesian world, Nancy Gordon is the Director of is based upon the sanctity of Public Programmes at the lost their reason for existence. continues, it will be a recipe for outcome is to leave the state borders. What the world Canadian Institute for The Soviet system of alliances economic instability. It regional balance of power as co'mmunity has done in the Gulf International Peace and has gone, but NATO, which increases inflation because of little changed as possible -- is enforce its rules. Security. puts the U.S. in command of military spending, is grounded that is, not to destroy Iraq -- in the integrated military structure in aggressively nationalist order to allow a regional of the whole North Atlantic, has monetary policies, and offers settlement to emerge. 0 f not. If the U.S. is to retain its little prospect for international course, intervention by a military dominance, NATO must regulation. Third World debt dominating power has long be redefined. That means that and state deficits in Canada influenced boundaries, Queen's Park Office Constituency Office all other countries in NATO will and elsewhere will not be governments, and alliances in Room I Salle 212, N. Wing 156 Huron Street also have a redefined role. reduceo and social the Middle East. It will Legislative Assembly I Stratford, Ontario One possible solution to the programmes will seem even therefore be a world Assemblee Legislative N5A 5S8 outdated "Free World" alliances more "expensive". responsibility to facilitate a just Toronto, Ontario (519) 272-0660 is, of course, to dismantle An autonomous United and comprehensive settlement M7A 1A2 Fax (519) 272-1064 them. Without the U.S. Nations is not feasible, at least of all claims, including those of presence and the "little" arms for the time being. The best the Palestinians, in the Middle (416) 965-4726 races all over the world, the hope is a quick end to the Guff East. Fax (416) 965-5948 people of each country would War, followed by democratic be a better match for their own scrutiny of the role of allied Harriet Friedmann is a Karen Haslam, MPP states and have better countries, including Canada, in professor of Sociology at the prospects for democracy. relation to the U.S. agenda. In University of Toronto. Perth page 34 Winter 1991

Commentary on the war Words of War

by Wynne Mi/Jar

As long as the conflict persists, the jargon will continue to depersonalize all the horrors of war -- except rape. Rape, it seems, has J been assured of a place in the .. jargon as an atrocity. At least, when it's been committed by A Polish immigrant woman, enemy soldiers in Kuwait. But when asked how she until it's considered an atrocity communicated with her ethnic on every street of every town neighbours, replied, "Mothers and every city, women will understand each other in any wonder if the term applied is language." True. True of all anything more than a women. propaganda ploy. However, it'.s not the While c.asualties mount, language of women that's being women silently communicate, used to dehumanize the events sharing the grief, anxiety and in the Persian Gulf conflict. despair of all women, who are Nor is it the language of or have been hostages to veterans of past wars, who military might. They weep with have reminded us -- lest we the woman at the site of the forget -- war is hell. It's an devastated bomb shelter in evasive language, a mixed Bagdad. Distraught, jargon, that relies heavify on hysterical, her arms euphemism and metaphor to outstretched, she cries ... sanitize the real horror of this "What for, the war? What war. for?", as human debris is being Except for a few token removed from the shelter. women serving in the military Women repeat, "What for?" forces and the nurses, the A cold-eyed military analyst Meet my ever-present angels-of-mercy reports the bombing as "a in all wars, women appear to regrettable error. But militarily have had no part in this speaking, a success. Well conflict. But it's doubtful that planned. Well executed. extended family. women dealing with war - if they Nothing went wrong." were heard at all - would accept Stunned, women ask, or be bound by the cool "Nothing went wrong?" I met them in Asia. They taught me a lot. detachment of the jargon in the When the ground war begins reports we have been getting. to reap its grizzly harvest of The jargon of commerce, for maimed, dead and human CUSO offered me a challenge. Two years living in example: on schedule; debris - the visible carnage of another culture and an opportunity to work with meeting our objectives; weapons delivery - the jargon, others who are striving to improve their lives. It was unloading the inventory. The the evasive language, may jargon of sports arenas: give way to threats and curses hard work, but rewarding. making an end run; this is the as eloquent and terrifying as real game, the big one. And the those of Saddam Hussein: jargon of the military referring "The blood of our martyrs CUSO needs special people. People who want more to the destruction of enemy shall burn you!" than 9 to 5. People willing to try something different. aircraft: as airborn sanitation. "Your corpses will be piled in The language of women is pillars!" apt to be more emotional, more "You will swim in your own There are CUSO placements available in healthcare, like that of the Iraqi woman, her blood!" As bloodthirsty as they business, trades, engineering, forestry, fisheries, clenched fists upraised, may be, Saddam's threats do confronting the TV camera put a human face on war. farming and formal and non-formal education. Par- crews from the top of a rubble Whatever the outcome of the ticularly in demand are people with an interest in heap: "You're all to blame I Get war in the Persian Gulf, women women's issues who can work in community devel- out of my country! Get out!" know only too well that the No. It's not the language of aftermath of war - a "just" war, opment and with women's groups. women that dispassionately or just a war -will be theirs. reduces the loss of three Theirs will be the broken homes fighter pilots to "minimum to rebuild; the maimed bodies If you can't consider working overseas at this time, casualties"; th at benignly to tend; the shattered hopes to you can help in other ways: join the CUSO commit- portrays carpet bombing as restore; and the young lives, dispensing scores of little unlived, to mourn. tee in your area and get involved in fundraising, re- bomblets, not much bigger than And women will forever ask: cruitment and development education. Or send a the size of one-litre paint cans; "What for, the war?" and their donation towards CUSO's many projects with Third that unemotionally describes voices will blend with those of the first ground battle at Khafji veterans of wars past to remind World women. as "a little excursion; - enemy us... Lest We Forget...war is ground forces neutralized", in hell. spite of the deaths of eleven For further information please send your resume to: marines by "friendly fire." Wynne Millar is a free-lance CUSO - D2, 135 Rideau St., Ottawa, Ont. KIN 9K7 Bewildered, women ask, writer living in Mississauga, "Who is the enemy?" Ontario

------Winter 1991 page 35 Commentary on the war "No Life Like It"

by Brenda Barnes

When asked whether I would All of my friends who were accepted at face value, either and disgusted that women and write about my reasons for rounded up were members of by the crew or the captain, that men in the Canadian Armed entering the military, my the "non-commissioned" ranks. we weren't aboard to impress Forces were going to be put in expectations on doing so, and In other words, they weren't anyone but the ship's captain, harm's way because of a my thoughts on the prospects officers. Officers and other and that we were only there to political decision on the part of of serving in the Persian Gulf ranks aren't supposed to impress him with our ability to the Canadian government and War, I agreed with the fraternize, though they often do our jobs. others in the U.N. Security stipulation that I could nave r do socialize together off base. It quickly became q "no-win" Council to follow the United speak for the women with whom This occurs much more situation, for in order to States into their manufactured I had served. The Canadian frequently in the Reserves become accepted, we had to crisis. actually have com mo n Armed Forces system can be I haven't supported this war. where people both in the ranks act like, and in some ways sentiments. I can't think of viewed as a monolith, but the and in the officer corps are a I don't believe we should have become, what we weren't - anything more supportive of women who enter it, whether for much more homogeneous mix been there. I don't believe for a men. When we acted as these people than wanting a career or for part-time than in the regular force. moment that this action has ourselves, all the negative them home alive. employment, are hardly a People in the Reserves are had anything to do with the stereotypes of w h at Last month I went to a Navy homogeneous lot. much more likely to be constituted "women" guided liberation of Kuwait or the My reasons for entering the funeral in Halifax. It was for a attending university while the men's behaviour towards restoration of its democracy. military were purely economic. Before Kuwait was invaded by friend's husband who had died (Okay, maybe I was seduced Iraq, it was a sheikdom with in a diving accident off the partially by the "No Life Like It" one of the highest per capita coast of Portugal while his television ads.) I had finished incomes in the world because ship, HMCS Margaree, was with my second year of university of its oil reserves. I believe we the NATO fleet. No, he wasn't and I needed a summer job. I should let the Middle Eastern in the Gulf, but that's hardly the joined the Summer Youth countries handle their own point. His death is as Employment Program with the disputes while we develop senseless as the losses of Canadian Forces Naval alternative energy resources lives in this war, both civilian Reserve for an intended two and cease our economic and military. Looking into the month stint and ended up dependence on oil. faces of tam ily and friends, staying six years. I think we should stop and seeing their loss, it was It was while I was in the think when people in the peace outrageous to think that any summer program as the movement like myself are sacred life, sacrificed for equivalent of a private, that I called traitors because we hate whatever cause, could be relegated to a balance sheet, became enticed by the idea of unnecessary bloodshed. they're serving and it is not us. If we did not respond to the to be measured in the cost of applying for the Officer Training People who say this think that I Program. It would guarantee uncommon for officers and men's advances, we couldn't victory. ranks to be classmates, peers, be considered "real women", haven't supported the troops in me three consecutive years of the Gulf. That's just not true. summer ernployment away from and close personal friends yet we weren't supposed to be Brenda Barnes is a former while maintaining the interacting with them anyway It is a common tactic for people Navy Lieutenant, in the my family, and part-time work in power to create artificial officer/"other ranks n because we were officers and Canadian Armed Forces Naval throughout the year while I differences between people to attended classes full-time and professional distance at work. they were merely "the crew". Reserve, and now Current I called it the ."schizophrenic All of this was pretty laughable make us seem as if we're not Affairs Director, CKDU-FM, completed my undergraduate on the same side, when we and graduate studies. At the existence". This existence to me - the lone lesbian in my Halifax. end of my university ed11cation, made it improbable, if not class. I wouldn't be burdened with an impossible, for other gays and Before this ever happened, unmanageable student loan lesbians to approach me for however, I worked through an debt and the pressure of fast help. Could I be trusted? Was era when it was not permissible tracking into a career to make I one of them, or one of "the for women to train at all as "ship regular payments. enemy"? I also found it more drivers", as it was classed as a It had never been my than curious that even though combat position from which of/du Canada intention to pursue employment my sexual orientation became women were excluded. in the Armed Forces as a quite common knowledge, I Of course all of that has career. I could get experience was never approached nor changed now, as women and in office settings as a career interrogated by the SIU. men from our Armed Forces are manager, instructor and I also had not expected to serving together for the first administrator, and feel the encounter sexism at every time in the Persian Gulf War. adventure of driving ships and turn. I applaud those Canadian being at sea with like-minded Before I went aboard a women serving in their combat women without making a regular force Navy ship as one roles because they are lifetime commitment. With the of the first five women to train pursuing their chosen careers Reserves I could come and go for my bridge watchkeeping as pioneers, while putting up pretty much as, I pleased. I ticket, the all-male crew there with inane coverage by could be released from the had been briefed by the captain mainstream media who insist service, at any time, the same about the language that was time and time again on way I had joined - voluntarily. permissible to use in the focussing on them as If I had wanted a career, I presence of "the ladies". After extraordinary superwomen. would have joined, the regular a few weeks of hauling on lines, They are just doing their jobs. force Navy. staffing the ship's he Im, The only thing that makes them I had expected all of these navigating and swearing as extraordinary is that there are things and a challenge when I liberally as _"the boys", any few of them there and they're was finally accepted for Officer misconceptions about what the first to be in their positions. Training. I got them, and much was and was not vernacularly But that wasn't their decision. more. permissible vanished. This However, as much as I I hadn't expected that many honeymoon was short-lived applaud these women, and as of my friends would be rounded though, as several crew picked much as I questioned the up by members of the Special their favourites among us and sexism in not allowing women Investigations Unit (SIU) of the began to squabble over their into combat roles while I was in Military Police, to b e jealousies, while we women the Forces, I also know that, Watch us grow! interrogated for hours and were blamed for initiating given the choice, I would not be made to break down and name shipboard romances and in the Persian Gulf. I remember The ~ark of your YWC".4 reac~~s out_ to the world, names in their systematic thereby became regarded as how I felt the first night helping women and their families build witchhunts for gays and the root cause of crew hostilities broke out and it isn't a strong future. lesbians. Meanwhile, I couldn't dissention. -We were hauled in much different from how I feel help them, for risk of exposing front of the ship's captain to be now. I was absolutely myself. "dressed down". It couldn't be shocked, horrified, dismayed page 36 Winter 1991 A Technological Handmaid's Tale well-being of fetuses and Women's extensive infants lies through the well- experiences with Thalidomide, being of the mother, not in the DES, the contraceptive pill, The following articles are separation of mother and fetus. depo provera and the Dalkon We ground our belief in the shield alert us to the dangers of excerpted from briefs biological relationship between the NRTs for women. When presented to the Royal the two and in our perception of these older contraceptive and how the social realities of pregnancy management Commission on New women's lives affect that technologies were being Reproductive Technologies. relationship. The ideological implemented, women were told separation of woman from fetus that the risks were minimal. at the basis of the anti-abortion Critics were branded as movement is ·now being hysterical. But real-life The National Action physically and socially experience has shown these experiences of women as they category of reproduction Committee on the Status of reinforced by the technological technologies to b e undergo IVF (see below), long prostitution. Contract mothers Women believes that the separation of mother and fetus devastating. In fact, they have term damage, and are 20th century counterparts· discussion on the new through the NRTs. helped to create today's intergenerational damage are of the peasant wet-nurses of problems of infertility. In-vitro reproductive tec~nologies is To some, the conflict bound to develop. the middle ages who nursed the fertilization (IVF) clinics are full urgent We view the present between the ideas of the anti- infants of aristocratic women, of women who lost their fertility proliferation of these abortion movement and NRTs Increase Exploitation because their husbands to pelvic inflammatory disease technologies as high I y technocratic goals of selective of Poor and Third World Women wished to have sole access to from chlamydia or the Dalkon their wives' ever youthful dangerous for women as a abortion and 'embryo reduction' shield. DES daughters, unable breasts. As with wet nurses, group, for children and for men. indicated an irreconcilable Commercial surrogacy to l

by National Action Committee on the Status of Women that should justly arise from her who have developed it. The instrumentalized, transformed physical, emotional, relational NRTs are not neutral because into raw to be and labourious efforts. they have developed out of a manipulated by 'those who own. From this point of view, the science and industry which is and control it. NRTs represent not a boon to neither ecologically oriented, Coupled with the trends that women and society, but an nor oriented to addressing the will be stimulated by the extension of the marketplace infertility and disability issues development of genetic right inside the human, in this of the vast majority of women technology, the generalization case, the female human body. and children. Taken together, of such an approach to Such an extension undermines the NRTs represent the values potential human life is a step the value we have placed on and priorities of an backwards for society, a the integrity and innate value of economically stratified, male- direction that will tend to women's lives and bodies, d om in ate d technocratic underwrite, reinforce and undermines the values of science that has driven legitimize already existing connectedness, caring, industrialization and its tendencies to devalue the lives compassion and commitment. attendant environmental of some - women as a group, At the same time as billions ignorance, for which our children, the poor, people of are spent 'On helping few children will have to pay. colour and the disabled - for the infertile women in the First We are standing on the benefit of others - .men as a World, women in the third world threshold of a fundamentally group, adults, the affluent, are used as guinea pigs for new stage in human life with the white and fully abled. drugs (depo provera), production of the so-called Overall, we believe that the techniques (IUDs) and surgical surplus embryo - abstracted IVF related technologies are procedures that in fact make from its mother's body and life, unsuccessful technologies. them infertile or sterile. floating in the frozen void. If Twenty years and more We are not predisposed to we choose to pursue this experience with them is believe the reassurances of direction, we will begin the enough, in our view, to scientists, doctors, and manufacture, the man-made demonstrate that they harm pharmaceutical industrialists fabrication of human life for the women and put children at risk. about the low risks to women purpose of all manufacturing - In this sense, we do not and children from the NRTs. to sell. The frozen IVF embryo consider these technologies to Their perspectives are awaiting transplant may be 'experimental' so much as fundamentally shaped by their become a baby for the couple 'failed'. In so far as women's vested interests in the involved in conceiving it, in bodies are being used as technologization of which case its profitability to human guinea pigs, the procreation. WhHe we do not bodies, children's bodies - in potatoes, pigs with rickets). others lies in the money its technologies are, of course, doubt the good intentions of much the same way that we As we are moving towards a manufacture has provided for very experimental·. The many of the doctors involved, have intervened into the greater understanding and the doctors, technicians and findings of several studies that others who have moved from ecosystem of our planet. The respect for ecologically sound industries that participated in show as many women got low-status obstetrician and body parts of women are economic and social policies its conception and pregnant during a one-year gynecologist to high-status isolated, removed and that are premised on respect implantation. It may become a waiting period at IVF clinics as techno-doc, have discovered a manipulated, and dangerous for the integrity and baby gestated by a contract- those that underwent clinical gold mine of money and drugs are routinely USE!d to interconnectedness of the m other with ·an additional treatment, in our opiniOn, calls prestige in the NRTs. facilitate these manipulations. ecosystem, we are moving in. commercial value (small, about the validity of the .technologies Scientists working and In genetic technologies we are the opposite direction with $10,000 in the U.S. today). to fundamentally into question. attempting to control the very attempting to change genetic respect to reproductive the gestating mother and to the For all these reasons, then, elements of life are also characteristics without any technologies, ignoring the lawyers (large, up to $50,000) NAC opposes the opening of working in extremely high- overall knowledge of what such integrity and who act as brokers between any new IVF facilities in status fields. And the manipulations will ultimately interconnectedness of our the contracting parties. Or it Canada, _recommends that pharmaceutical and bring about. This is despite the bodies themselves. may become research or existing facilities be biotechnology firms, in the fact that we have learned from No technology is neutral. In pharmaceutical material, iri scrutinized more carefully and constant process of creating agriculture that many such its goals, ifs methods and its which case its potential is that honest research results be markets for their products, are manipulations have had results, it embodies the world completely commercialized, its made available for informed considered to be the most disastrous effects (vulnerable view, economics ,and social value reduced entirely to its discussion about the future of profitable and fastest strains of grain, poisonous priorities favoured by those matter, totally these technologies. expanding industrial sector in the world today. We have learned, at a terrible cost, that we cannot intervene into the ecosystem at one level CANADIAN ABORTION RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE (CARAL), without precipitating ( consequences at another. We now know that we cannot - ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE POUR LE DROIT A L'AVORTEMENT (ACDA) simply exploit the earth's resources (mining, fishing, forestry), isolate those that we The purpose of CARAL is to ensure that no woman in Canada is denied access to want for ourselves, appropriate safe, legal abortion. Our aim is to keep abortion out.of the Criminal Code. Access and manipulate them at will, is a major problem. Provincial governments and hospital boards restrict tlie without causing grave damage to the planet as a whole. We provision of abortion. We want to see.the establishment of comprehensive now know that we cannot contraception and abortion services, including appropriate counselling,. across the introduce foreign chemicals into the environment (DDT, country. We regard the right to safe, legal abortion as a fundamental human right DFDs, PCBs, nuclear contaminants), however specifically helpful they may be I support the statement of purpose of CARAL and wish to become a member. with a problem we have identified, without causing Name Date grave damage to environment and organisms alike. Province Postal Code Phone Yet the NRTs intervene into Name of Feaeral Riding or Member ----- the human body - women's Individual Member $10.00 Family $15.00 Limited Income $3.00 Friend of CARAL $250.00 Member Group$ 25.00 Donation: $ Return to CARAL, 344 Bloor St West, Suite 306, Toronto, Ont M5S 3A7 . four cancelled c~que is )'OW receipt. page 38 Winter 1991 Playing the Creator: Who sets the priorities? by Yukon Indian Women's Association to make sure close relatives we are at a critical stage in our clients at fertility clinics were did not marry and to ensure quest for recognition of our anxious to try these methods marriage within the correct sovereignty. I believe it is fair after less than a year of clan. to say that reproductive unprotected sex. We must be How does this all relate to the technologies is not an issue for careful to caution potential issue of new reproductive us. Our birth rate is higher in candidates that so much of We, as First Nations, believe technologies? I believe there some areas of Canada than these methods are still in a Creator. Creation stories are strong parallels and also that of non-natives. Also, it is experimental, and there is little may differ nation to nation, but very strong differences. We, difficult to think of infertility as in the way of conclusive we all believe in a spirit ,greater as First Nations people, believe an issue when our overall well- evidence on the long term side than ourselves. The Creator's we are part of the great cycle of being is lower and some effects. most precious gift of all is that life. We can assist to make statistics show alarming I would like to close by telling of life. sure life does go on, but we by dis parity with the rest of you a short story. When I was One of the reasons we have no means control it. We accept Canadians. The higher a young girl, my mother and I deep respect for birth is that we our role and the lot that has neonatal and postnatal rates, were cleaning fish. My mother - believe that death is simply been given us by the Creator. the higher rates of death by had a fish she had just cut another stage of life. The We do not want to push our accidents, the higher suicide open, and she pointed to the deceased person often comes beliefs on anyone; nor do we rate, in particular, amongst many eggs laid bare. She said back through a baby. The body want practices which g o adolescents are all well known. to me, "If I could have that may be different, but the spirit against our beliefs to be forced It is difficult not to associate many children, I would". As a is the same. This is how we upon us. Everyone must have the quest for new productive child, I looked at the hundreds carry our ancestors with us. the freedom to choose; technologies with an elite group of eggs and thought "Wow!" As Sometimes the person before however, we caution you on the of people in Southern Canada. an adult, I realize that my their death would inform legislation and practices which This is not a poor man's issue, mother epitomizes the role of a relatives when or by whom they have implications for all of nor is this a First Nations issue. First Nations woman. We are would come back. Medicine society in and for the future of I was shocked to read about the givers of life. She is an men were often part of this humankind. the amount of government example of healthy traditional Approximately 15% process and would sometimes When we accepted the task dollars that have already been abidance to our laws. She was assist in helping the deceased of making this presentation, I spent on infertility. Who set pregnant sixteen or seventeen of Canadian couples of person come back, but immediately panicked because these priorities? times. Fifteen of those child-bearing age are ultimately it was the work of the I realized I knew next to pregnancies produced live infertile. Of this 15%, Creator to decide who, how, nothing about new reproductive births and of those fifteen and when. This belief is still technologies. I felt somewhat deliveries she was the only one Dr. Heather Bryant, a very strong in many First better when I found out that I in attendance for two. As she researcher in the Nations. was not alone. The little relates her stories to me, she Faculty of Medicine, We have also experienced information I read did more to reminds me that she followed University of Calgary, women who were barren. This confuse me, because all the the rules, and she was looked was not a big problem. There material.had questions of their after. I am not talking ancient suggests that were remedies which the own. history; I am talking about approximately 25% medicine man would administer I was definitely in trouble today. Furthermore, today we experience infertility and sometimes it Worked; when I tried to explain to the have people that can assist sometimes it did not. If the elders what this was all about. with infertility. The proper rules which is preventable. woman was still without child, it How do you explain to an elder have to be followed, and above was accepted as the Creator's the complex procedures all, the respect for the Creator will. She would be given involving manipulation of and for life must be observed. someone else's child, either a gametes, freezing of sperm, On behalf of my mother, our sister or a cousin, or she artificial insemination, and so A First Nations priority in grandmothers and all First assisted with the raising of on? Basically, I couldn't. What terms of this issue might be Nations Women of the Yukon, children in her family. It was little I did tell them had them prevention. What is being done we thank you. not viewed as a problem. completely baffled. First of all, in the way of educating people Surrogacy and adoption as the they wondered why anyone about infertility? It is my non-native world knows it hs:is would want to do this; and understanding that infertility is been around in our culture for secondly, they were horrified caused or brought on by a centuries. Children out of that anyone would want to play number of factors, one being a "wedlock" were not a problem Creator. They wondered why common sexually transmitted either. The child was accorded no one wanted the many disease known as chlamydia. as much respect as another children that are available for Sexual practices and incidence child, although it was very adoption? I was also asked of infection also can affect important to know the father. many other questions, but fertility. Another fact is that All people had knowledge of lastly, they made it very clear often fourth generation who they were and where they that I had to pass on the alcoholics many become came from. Everyone's lineage message of what conception sterile. Although many First was very important knowledge and life mean to us. Nations people are now leading and not kept a secret. One As First Nations people in the alcohol and drug free lives, reason this was important was Yukon and the rest of Canada, alcoholism is still our main health issue. Furthermore, we must be conscious of the generations of people affected Toronto Rape Crisis Centre by alcoholism and how that may affect fertility. People must be educated and made aware of these facts. Education must be provided, Vancouver Rape Relief and business: 416 - 597-1171 not only for the sake of crisis line: 416 - 597-8809 prevention, but for potential Women's Shelter 872-8212 T.D.D.: 416-597-1214 candidates. Some of the 24 hour crisis line literature indicates that often emergency shelter for women & their children •women's organizing centre Winter 1991 page 39

Infertility: prevention instead of intervention by Planned Parenthood Alberta

Let me briefly explain the our health care system $192.6 community that she was 'fine' basis of our concerns. In million dollars. We are now about not having a baby. Her October of last year, as part of using new reproductive decision was questioned to the celebration of the 20th technologies (NRTs) to treat such an extent in her Anniversary of the legalization the results of treated o r community that, i n of contraception, P Ian ned untreated STDs, and in 1987 exasperation, she considered Parenthood Alberta hosted a Canadian government funding putting an announcement in the conference on sexuality. Its agencies spent $3.14 million on local paper on the issue to "get primary focus was a series of basic NRT research. some peace". panels and workshops on the Planned Parenthood Alberta We abhor the view that ethical, spiritual, legal, believes much could be done to women's reproductive psychosocial and medic a I prevent this high incidence of functions can somehow be implications of the ne~ STDs if even a portion of these separated from her "whole" reproductive technologies. monies were applied to person. A constant theme Comments I am about to make educational programs and voiced at our conference last arise from the proceedings of accessible services aimed at year .was the failure of society Recent publications from the the conference, from the the prevention and early in general and health care Canadian Research Institute comments of participants, and detection of STDs. professionals in particular to from the ongoing statistics Our other concern in the area consider women as who le ror the Advancement or Women which Planned Parenthood of fertility/infertility is whether persons. Socialization plays a Alberta compiles in the area of in fact all infertility should or key role in perpetuating the sexuality. needs to be treatFJd. view that all women should be ON REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES With reference to our first Our Bodies ••• Our Babies ... issue, (fertility/infertWty), we Community Resource Kit wish to efflphasize the dearth ·Each kit oontains ----of ~4atam ~~. A-·· 1988 document authorized by faet Sheets On kYiS8ttes .~~Aib&ftaAdvisory Council on sheets.on.what .yo.u .. Wlll .do4bout.RTs _,Women's Issues estimates a _glossary and~ list of res~ ·that approximately - 15% of •back-up articles Canadian couples .of child- Dilemmas, a publication by the Quebec COOncil on the .;~4learing age are tnfsffile. ill. Status of Women. this 15% ~. Heathef'BryMt, ~ 0 .Aussf~~fran~ais. ~.oo + s1.oo,posiage ~_jese<;·H~.Jt)n th.e J'!iputty :Qt.::;:: "~·'"Med1crne; Unrvef:S1ty -of '~~.:o.:Calgary, suggest~ that ~roximllteiy 25% experience ;;-:::.infertility .which is pr.all.entable. -·~ R'i!l!,mtab1!!"~nry-ts·...... --" ''•--caused .J>Y .untreate~sexuaUy . ss:o.::.(SJ'Ds}. This tact is of :particular §ig n ifiQJ!.QCe to P an n e d -a . . T Parenthood Alberta. Alberta, ;~.:>~: .W~1 as. cons1 ering mol1i~r~ ... 1.1- 1i;I.ea lies behind from reliable statistical infertility from the. P,reventative the further assumption that one ON MIDWIFERY sources;::tias the highest 1'ate -~WEI, we suggest woman's body-Gan and shoukl of gonorrhea in Canada and the w,e. should also consider the be used to supply a baby to Feminist Perspectives No. 20 - The highest rate of chlamydia in tikelihood that all infertility may another woman's body, where Trouble with Licensing Midwives by Jutta Canada. not, in fact, be abnormal. that woman is infertile. As well Mason, 1990. This paper examines the movement to have Furthermore, chlamydia and Public policy, health care as divorcing women's midwives officially "licensed" - a change the author gonorrhea increase the education and practices reproductive functions from the contends will inevitably make things worse for women. likelihood that affected women continue to perpetuate the rest of her body, most Jutta Mason contends that "despite much good will and will experience ectopic myth that all women are assuredly, in many instances pregnancies which are another Innately programmed to be the current use of NRTs also hard work by licensing advocates, the midwifery system - leading cause of infertility. mothers. Psychological and causes fragmentation of a like all complex systems - aspires to leave no space '"'.-:~...Alherta.hasJhe highest ectopic .sociological research certainly woman's body into its outside itself." She fears a shift in loyalty from the =--pregnanq'T3:te in Canada. -does not support this view. It constituent parts a n d women who resist medical management of childbirth to 1-astlY.1.~en mor~oc_kiD.9.. __ Ji:llighly liJsely that biolo_gical legitimtzas the idea that a body "the system." $3.00 + $1.00f(>stage. is the Jaqt that in Alberta, res~arcb. may not as well. part can somehow be ..,,,."':28.4% ~~'.'f'eported•.Jff1CtJ'8#y P""'"ned ~objects-to -&ef}ar~ +rem the whole ON THECONSTJTUTIO,ti :::i~,~~-~~~r~'#~~~~~::-'--~~·'.:6,_~. Feminist Perspectiva·~; ll> ::-Tfie '\~····---·-a ftli?' ... This .article. examines lhe cbntradic. ithe~iOfaaut·~~-·~~; CaaaclilBQaneriQfiligbts ,Bl~ ·At.lhe- m.e .. ile!llartti pf9videsi~ llllRDCe:oi W81MRll~ty,4ts use as M iftsb:umeat ior ensuring THE SEXUAL ASSAULT sach t!qmltity risks legalizit)& • judicializing lhe qaest SUPPORT CENTRE for ~ments in women's~~ Through an · ····· exploration of a nll,Jllber of legislative and judicial CENTRE D'AIDE AUX decisions in recent years, the author suggests the women's AGRESSEES SEXUELLES movement should exercise caution in its embrace of a charter-based rights strategy. $3.00 + $1.00 postage. P.O. BOX 4441, STN E, OTTAWA, ONT. K1S 584 C.P. 4441, SUCC. E, OTTAWA (ONT) K1S 584 Order from: CRIAW / ICREF, 408-151 Slater St., Ottaw, Ont. K1P 5H3 (613) 563-0681. CRISIS: 234-2266 OFFICE: 725-2160 page40 Winter 1991

Hastening the erosion of northern culture

by Yellowknife Association women, and which holds many infertility is felt only by rich, dangers for the civil liberties of white married couples, of Women and the Law all individuals, the further consideration must be given to subrogation of women, and the the question of the costs to be potential for changing the borne by taxpayers generally, People in the north are' still In Inuit communities, Government registration exists nature of society as we and what should be paid for by attempting to come to grips children are commonly named more for informational than presently understand it to be. the individuals using the with problems of sex without after someone special, often regulatory purposes. Fertility problems in the north technology. reproduction. We are now an old person recently Adoption serves many stem from sexually transmitted Th.e issue of economic facing new problems of deceased, to continue the purposes, including assisting diseases, improper use of oral access to reproductive reproduction without sex. It is sense of community. Socially, mothers with too many children and other contraceptives such technologies is of particular essential that we have the that person plays the role of from caring for one 111ore, as IUDs, and botched concern in the north. There is information necessary to deal the person whose name it assisting couples who

Those in the abortion rights description of the stages of themselves in the odd position continuing problem of human meaningful opportunity for movement are familiar with the fetal development because of upholding freedom of choice existence. Some technologies appeal. In addition, the women anti-choice opposition to they wish to influence her on abortion but denying it for may, when introduced in a so victimized· are the most amniocentesis. These people decision negatively. Unbiased the detection of abnormality. certain social context, produce vulnerable in our society: oppose it because some counselling includes a Therefore, they would permit serious social problems. The always poor and usually non- women may choose abortion respectful presentation of all abortion for any reason except same technology used in a white. should they learn that the fetus options, free of coercion. for reasons of chromosomal or different society in a different Many problems are created has been diagnosed with a Similarly, some people in the genetic· abnormality. This period of history may produce by such intervention. First and disabled rights movement chromosomal abnormality. position is as perverse and great social benefits. In foremost, this alliance between Behind this opposition to suggest that women authoritarian as the position of Canada today the technologies some doctors and the state abortion is the religious belief contemplating prenatal some doctors who would deny we are discussing are not so constitutes an attack on the that "ensoulment" occurs at the diagnosis be required to talk to freedom of choice but would dangerous that they should be legal status of women, with the moment of conception. people in the disabled rights coerce women into abortion of rejected outright as some may result that the legal autonomy Therefore the fertilized egg is a movement or to parents of a disabled fetus. suggest. We should be able to of pregnant women is person and to end a pregnancy disabled children. This discuss them without fear and requirement, said to be part of overridden in a way not is to "kill" a person. All life, Sex Selection with the recognition that we can fetal or otherwise, has equal "informed consent", seems to countenanced by our law where use them for good. And our value, and to seek to place have the purpose of trying to competent men and non- Opponents of prenatal decisions should be made free more value on any stage of dissuade women from having preg n ant women are diagnostic techniques draw our of sexism, racism, concerned. In the words of yet developing fetal life or to the tests in question or of attention to its use in some understand why women rejecting abortion should the heterosexism and prejudice another author in the New parts of the world to select for against people with disability. England Journal of Medicine welcome one pregnancy and tests reveal s o m e males rather than females. A not another is forbidden. It is chromosomal or genetic (May 7, 1987): study in India where of 8,000 "The closest legal analogy seen as a dangerous notion to abnormality. But for consent to abortions, 7,997 of the fetuses discuss quality of life either for be truly informed one would would be an organ 'donation' were female is often cited. ordered over the explicit the child to be born or the have to require the woman to These abortions may, however, talk with unhappy as well as refusal of a competent adult, woman who will bear it. This be replacing a similar ratio of fatalistic attitude precludes happy disabled people and and such an order would be seeking to control the outcome their families. - profoundly at odds with our of a pregnancy once that We turn now to an argument \ legal tradition. " pregnancy has begun. current in the disabled rights . These court orders are also In the feminist health movement and in some \ . profoundly at odds with community some opposition to segments of the feminist health Cgnadian legal tradition. A the technologies of community; namely, that to judge cannot order a woman or amniocentesis and ultrasound screen for genetic abnormality anyone else to donate one of stems from a belief that there is is to somehow demean her organs to anyone, including an overuse of them; that disabled people. The her own child - how then can women are not well informed technology is mistrusted not the same judge order a woman about the risks; and that merely because it may be into surgery or confinement for women do not feel confident to overused, or that it may be a fetus? Clearly, these cases resist these procedures. Alarm used without the woman's constitute. a terrible exception has been expressed that some being fully informed, but that it to the concept of security of women are made to feel that if is used to detect something the person as it is known in our they do not submit to these that some people believe law. tests their care will be should not be detected at all. We must consider the logical compromised. This argument is reminiscent of basis on which these orders We concur with these the anti-choice argument female infanticide. Evidence are sought. Once we accept Judicial Intervention that women's medical decision- concerns and support efforts articulated above. does not support this worse in Pregnancy and making can be overridden by to ensure that these Such an argument is based case scenario in developed the state, where is the logical technologies be offered in a on false logic and does not countries and certainly not in Childbirth conclusion to this line of non-coercive way and with the advance the cause of disabled ours to date. Indeed, thought? we' may be looking at benefit of comprehensive, non- people or contribute to the preconception techniques for A study published in the New court-ordered prenatal biased counselling. There will debate about reproductive sex selection have been known England Journal of Medicine screening, fetal surgery, and undoubtedly be differences of technologies. It transfers the for at least twenty years, so (May 7, 1987) provides some restrictions on the diet, work, opinion about what constitutes burden of how society cares for that even if the technology for important insights into the travel, athletic activity, sexual comprehensive counselling. disabled people onto the backs prenatal diagnosis were denied exact nature of how the courts activity; etc. of pregnant Under no circumstances of individual women already to couples, there would be have intervened in this area. women. Given that the should information be included making difficult decisions. It methods for them to act upon The study found that: fertilized egg, zygote and for the purpose of influencing a confuses people about the real any preference they may have. Court orders to control the embry9 (the earliest stages of woman's decision whether or ways we can improve quality of If the intent in denying access fate of the fetus were obtained in 86% of cases. In 88% of fetal development) are most not to avail herself of the life for disabled people. The to technology is to com bat those cases, orders were vulnerable to significant technology. For example, proponents of the argument sexism, there are less received within 6 hours; in damage, should we not impose opponents of abortion want that screening demeans authoritarian ways to achieve 19%, orders were obtained in 1 restrictions on women -who each woman to hear a disabled people find this end. Sexism will not be defeated by denying people hour or less; and in at least one m lg ht become pregnant access to technology and case, the order was granted by because, not knowing that they are pregnant, they may information. People will find telephone. continue to eat an unhealthy ways to obtain the information 81% of the women involved diet, take risks with athletic they desire; ultrasound, for were black, Asian, or Hispanic. activity, put themselves into example, can determine the All of the women involved sex of the fetus. were poor. stressful situations, etc.? Some people wish to equate The study's conclusions are How, finally, do we legislate prenatal diagnosis for sex self-evident: a very high that women not experience the selection with pre n at a I percentage of these court stress that surely will attend diagnosis for disability. orders are granted and a very the living of a life with such PETERBOROUGH RAPE CRISIS CENTRE high percentage are granted restrictions.? If all this seems P.O. Box 1697. However, all things being Pe~ugh. ON K9J 754 equal, one's sex is not a within a very short time frame. too fanciful, consider that the handicap. There is no assessment of the argument has already been Technology often presents complex medical issues made that, after all, if surgery Business Inquiries involved, little, if any, can be ordered, why not less 005) 748-5901 . us with difficult choices about how it will be used. Choosing understanding of the relevant invasive restrictions such as "where to draw the line" is a law, no legal representation for those relating to diet, work, the woman involved, and no etc.? page 42 Winter 1991 NRT's undermine women's control over their lives by Newfoundland Advisory Council on the Status of Women, summary reprinted from Tapestry, Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter 1990

3. When ferriilsts challenge 4. Society's attitudes themselves are not entirely the Middle Ages, in the refusal the continued development of towards motherhood and the sure how the new technologies of male doctors in new reproductive technologies, family unit are rooted In a rmle- work, and partly because Newfoundland to support the they are perceived as being orlented structure v.Allch doctors have ignored women's training of nurses as anti-motherhood, anti-family prescribes certain roles and concerns with respect to professionals, in male judges and antl-fermle. expectations. answering questions, providing _and legislators restricting We would like to repeat that It is important to see the information and allowing access to abortion and to the feminist critique of new connection between the independent decisions contraceptives, and in male 1. New reproductive reproductive technologies maintenance of current policies regarding treatment. dominated church, state and technologies will not go away. reflects our continuing that are based on the scientitic institutions deciding Although we may feel concerns with the way our traditional "nuclear" family, with 6. New reproductive what is right and wrong for all uncomfortable as iildividuals society is organized. New its expectation that women will technologies benefit only a few members of society in the and as a society with the reproductive technologies be primary childbearers and VI.Omen at the expense of ~II development of new developments in n e w have been and continue to be caregivers, and the criteria VI.Omen as a group. reproductive technologies. reproductive technologies, the developed in an over- used to determine who is The continued development Any decisions on the fact remains that scientists whelmingly male-dominated deserving of "treatment" for and implementation of new regulation of new reproductive and researchers ·will continue environment. Feminists infertility with new reproductive reproductive technologies technologies must endeavor to their work in this area. The without regard for women's balance the interests of all tremendous growth in NRTs perspectives is to continue the members of society; at the and the subsequent publicity social and e co n o m i c same time though, any policies that the "successes" have exploitation of women's which are developed must be received have helped create a reproductive capacities and grounded on the principle that demand for these desires without consideration women have the absolute right technologies, a demand which for the effect such a process to decide what happens to their is not easily ignored o r has on the political, social, bodies and to determine their dismissed. If we cannot "stop" ethical and economic structure own choices with respect to NRTs, then we must regulate of modern society. reproduction and reproductive them. There are tremendous social health care. pressures on women to 2. New reproductive reproduce or to provide certain 8. Infertility YJill continue to technologies raise irrportant kinds of care (even when they Increase; so YJill the dermnd for questions abou· hurmn values, feel these technologies are treatment, including the use of ethics and the purpose of dangerous), pressures which new reproductive technology to scientific research in modern do not acknowledge the solve problems of infertility. society; as such, problems continuing inequities of the Many of the new 'ltlith the new reproductive status of women today. reproductive technologies do technologies can be best There is also the pressure to not "cure" infertility per se; understood as the reflection or "help" other women who are many of them are designed to continuation of, existing childless, the exploitation of bypass the problem which problems· with poW9r and low-income women through prevents successful inequality In the V1.0rld. surrogacy or egg donation. and conception. Studies of the The historical but still relative the lack of consideration for causes of infertility, such as absence of women in science the potential exploitation in workplace and environmental and medicine, as well as the gene manipulation, genetic hazards, sexually transmitted societal denigration of female engineering and fetal tissue diseases, and age suggest values, is a major concern From: WOMEN'S HEALTH INFO. CENTRE NEWSLETTER experimentation. that many of the problems can when we talk about n e w be better "treated" through reproductive technologies. 7. New reproductive prevention and reproductive Feminist researchers have challenge new reproductive technologies. There is also technologies v.All further health care programs. been at the forefront in technologies not because they great pressure on women who undermine v.Alatever control The Provincial Advisory exposing the male biases are anti-motherhood or even are diagnosed infertile to VI.Omen now have over their Council agrees with the which continue to exist in what anti-technology, but because consider using the more lives, not just their Canadian Advisory Council's is called "objective" scientific they have concerns about the experimental technologies to reproductive choices. perspective that "future research. Science cannot be reasons these technologies fulfill their roles as mothers in Men's desire to control research in the area of considered value free when are being developed, the ways society as well as to fulfill the reproduction has been infertility and new reproductive many women's concerns and they are being used, and the expectations ·of fathers established by denying women technologies must emphasize perspectives have been implications these continuing their family line. choice and access to the broader social and ignored in the scientific and technologies have for women if information necessary to make community issues involved, if a medical models that have been the de-humanization and the 5. New reproductive certain choices. It is a position healthy public policy is to be constructed largely by men fragmentation of the entire technologies continue to be which can be seen in man's developed." who are unaware of women's reproductive cycle, from largely experimental YJith appropriation of midwifery in concerns. conception to birth, continues. VI.Omen being used as the research subjects. Although the Council acknowledges that side effects Are drugs or alcohol causing a problem are a part of any new or for you or someone you love? experimental process, the Amethyst Women's Addiction Centre... where addiction Is understood problems associated with the new reproductive technologies Amethyst offers: are such that they have the A day treatment program and two-year follow-up potential to do far more harm in Drug education/prevention program for 8-l 2 year-olds whose the long run than any (limited) parents are In treatment or recovery Community education and workshops good they can achieve in the Assessment and referral short run. Furthermore, the Council is concerned that For more Information. please call or write to: women are not being given Amethyst, 488 Wllbrod Street, Ottawa, Ontario adequate information about the KtM 6M8, 563-0363 processes they undergo, partly because the researchers Winter 1991 page43

Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Women and AIDS by Julie C. Black and Nancy Fiiimore

As is true of pre vi o us HIV infection, what is often maintain women's subordinate themselves from many forms of come to be reframed and discussions regarding womens' overlooked in the discussion of position, plus the cultural violent invasion and risk, expanded to include everything health issues, the topic of women and AIDS is that it is socialization which takes place including that HIV. The that would really make sex 'Women and AIDS' is often men who wear (or more often do in the larger society, make it relationship between economic safe for all women: freedom approached from a 'blame the not wear) condoms, not impossible for women to exert dependence, male domination from sexual' assault, the right victim' analysis. Women have women. So much of the male and enforce the right to 'safer of sexual activity and HIV to control our own bodies, the been most frequently behaviour which takes place in sex' due to the enforced infection must be recognized right to appropriate and quality considered in AIDS related all cultures, especially the imbalance of power in the and confronted. Therefore in health care, and the economic literature and work in three refusal to use condoms during relationship. In communities order to construct an effective and social power needed to ways: as caregivers; sexual intercourse with their where women are held preventive response to AIDS make our own choices. A major educators and/or as possible partners, places women at risk responsible for the cultural we must confront and eliminate step toward reducing the risk of infectors of men and children. of HIV infection. It therefore survival of the family which is the sexism, racism and poverty HIV/AIDS for women is the The fact that the majority of behooves AIDS prevention accomplished through which create women's removal of the structural and women have been infected with efforts to not only be culturally childbirth, the use of a condom, vulnerability to HIV infection. environmental barriers to HIV by their male sexual which is regarded as a means Women are further owning and experiencing these partners has often been of birth control and thus disadvantaged in the AIDS rights. conveniently ignored or genocide, is a cultural taboo. pandemic by the inadequate AIDS awareness and downplayed. This is also true health care available to them in prevention programs and for factors such as class, age, Canada. Again this issue most initiatives which target women sexual orientation and culture, severely affects immigrant and are starting to develop in many factors which all affect the visible minority women who parts of Canada. Most quality of life and health for often are unable to access community AIDS organizations women. which are- members of the The World Health Canadian AIDS Society now organization (WHO) estimates include information about HIV that as of December 1990, at and women in their educational least two million women programs, a11d some have worldwide have been infected developed materials· especially with HIV which can cause for women. A few are offering AIDS. As we enter the second safer sex workshops for decade of life with AIDS, the women and some have reality and impact of the established special support disease for wome'1 remains groups for HIV-positive women. bleak. It is projected that If you would like more between December 1990 and information about how to December 1991, 200,000 protect yourself from women worldwide will develop HIV/AIDS, please contact one AIDS and that the cumulative of the following community total of the number of women based groups: with AIDS will reach 350,000 by the end of 1992. The Women's Program In North America, as is true AIDS Committee of Toronto of the Third World countries, 464 Yonge Street women of color are at great risk Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1W9 for HIV infection. As of and socio-politically tel (416) 926-0063 February 5, 1991, 266 females appropriate, but to address in Canada have been heterosexual men in order to Women and AIDS Project diagnosed with AIDS, of which convince them to act AIDS Vancouver 140, or approximately 4 0 responsibly with regards to Suite 302-1720 Grant Street percent, are women of color. 'safer sex'. For women who come to Vancouver, B.C. V5L 2Y7 One hundred and fifty-seven tel (604) 255-9811 Whatever their cultural Canada as family class culturally and linguistically women in Canada have died as context, a woman's suggestion immigrants under the principle sensitive services. Also, the result of AIDS including 105 The Womens' Program or insistence that her husband application of their husbands, researchers conducting women of color. Prior to 1987, AIDS Committee of Ottawa or partner wear a condom is economic dependency and studies on HIV, on the way it the racial origin of reported 2p7 Dalhousie Street often interpreted as evidence social isolation often follow. As affects the human body, and cases of people with AIDS was Ottawa, Ontario of the woman's infidelity, is true of many women, due to on drug treatments, have not recorded, and this explains tel (613) 238-5014 domination and/or defiance, the economic dependence on generally only used men in their why to date over 3,0% of the traits often responded to by her male partner, a woman studies. As a result, we know women who have been men with rape and other forms needs to remain in the very little about the symptoms diagnosed with AIDS are of Julie Black works with the of violence, including emotional relationship and sex in her of HIV infections which are unknown racial origin. manipulation, as a means of relationship often serves as a unique to women, and about Women's Educational While it is recognized that maintaining power and control means of attaining economic how women respond to the Committee, AIDS Committee of use of a condom during sexual in the relationship. For many support. Many immigrant complex and often toxic Ottawa. Nancy Fillmore works intercourse is an effective ethnic minority women, cultural women are not only forced to medications. with the Canadian means of reducing the risk of traditions which reinfcrce and remain in an oppressive The concept that women's Ethnocultural Council in relationship due to economic health counts as much as Ottawa. dependence but also as a - men's is long overdue, as is the 100 Acres Pool Innkeeper: Grace Newman means of retaining legal status commitment to making society Hot Tub• Trails within the country. a safe and health-promoting The above discussion environment for all women. Too reveals the social and political often women's daily struggles vulnerability all women have to and the structural barriers to HIV and AIDS. Women's accessing good health, unequal access or opportunity financial independence and for education and appropriate control over personal decision- P.O. Box 118 information, independent making are given low priority, Bethlehem, NH 03574 economic security, social misaddressed or ignored. In (603) 869-3978 rights and 'choice' di re ct ly the context of the AIDS affects their ability to protect epidemic, the word 'safe' must A LESBIAN PARADISE page 44 Winter 1991 f

Book Review: The books below are ones we Gynergy Books: Oxford University Press: have received over the last Stoney Creek Woman year. If you would like to Someone Should Kiss You, by Lives of There Owi: The review these books for The Brenda Brooks Individualization of Women's by Catherine Louil Womanist please contact us. Lives, by Charles Jones, Lorna Harbour Publishing: Marsden and Lorne Book: Stoney Creek and when she realized that she WilliamrWalklce Publishers: Tepperman. Woman would be away from the Stoney Escape to Beulah, by Anne Author: Bridget Moran Creek reserve for 10 months of Women of Smoke: Latin Cameron Press Gang Publishers: Cost: Paperback, 142 pages, the year she was devastated. American Women In Literature $10.00 The treatment of native. and LHe, by Marjorie Agosin, Jossey-Bass Inc. Scuttlebutt, by Jana L. students at both the Fort St. Translated by Janice Molloy. Publishers: Williams Stoney Creek Woman is James and Lejac schools was the biography of Mary John, a cruel and ethnocentric. The The Conception of Winter, by Healing Voices: Ferrinlst QuanyPtess: native mother of 12 and a boys and girls were divided and Claire Harris Approaches to Therapy with member of the Carrier Indian not allowed to speak to one Women, by Toni Anne Laidlaw, Thrice Upon a Time, by Genni Band living on the Stoney another - even if they were Caribbean Folk Legends, by Cheryl Malmo and Associates Gunn Creek reserve in northern sister and brother. All students Theresa Lewis British Columbia. While reading were severely punished if they Lester & Orpen. Dennys The Speed of the Wheel Is Up Stoney Creek Woman, I Jamaican Nightingale: were caught speaking their Publishers: to the Potter, by Sandy Shreve had the distinct feeling that I native tongue. The code of Wonderful Adventures of Mary was sitting at my kitchen table discipline coupled with the Seacole In Many Lands, Edited Lewis Percy, by Anita Brookner Ragweed Press: listening to a dear friend tell me removal of the students from by George Cadogan the story of an extraordinary their homes made for a very Prelude to the Bacchanal, by woman named Mary John. The Crossing Ptess Sexing the Cherry, by Jeanette sad and dreary environment. Winterson Richard Lemm In contrast to the chapter on Publishers schooling, Moran cleverly On ·Double Tracks, by Leslie Jane's Loud Mouth, by Rachna illustrates the sense of Take Me To The UndergroUnd, Hall Pinder Gilmore & Illustrations by security and well-being that by Renee Hansen Kimberly Hart Mary felt at her family's log cabin at Wedgewood. The Speaking For Ourselves: Short McGil-Oueens University Publishers: Taking Peace: The Women's John family would go to their Stories by Jewish Lesbians, I ntematlonal Peace cabin at Wedgewood to hunt Edited by Irene Zahava Women and Well-Being/Les Conference, by Susan C. and fish and prepare for the MacPhee long winter months ahead. All Women are Healers: A Femmes et le Mieux-Etre, Edited by/Sous la Direction de Mary was very comfortable in Cotrf>rehenslve Gulde To Dark Jewels, by Rita Donovan this setting, learning the Natural Healing, by Diane Stein Banaja Dhruvarajan traditions of the Carrier band Raincoast·Books: and contributing to the family. The Wonansleuth Anthology: The reader feels the fear The Meta.JI}' Press: Conterrporary Mystery Stories Carmen Dog, by Carol Mary John felt when at age 16 By Women, Edited by Irene Order In the Universe and Emshwiller her family arranged her Zahava marriage to Lazare John, and Other Stories, by Veronica Ross Random House: the sadness when tuberculosis Douglas 1111d Mct1ttye hit her new family. Moran Author Bridget Moran befriends carefully navigates us through Publshers: Sky: A Poem In Fow Pieces, by The Heroine's Jouney, by the reader from page one of her the overt racism M a r y Libby Scheier Maureen Murdock novel a:nd doesn't let you· go experienced, as well as her Disappearing Moon Cafe, by until the last word of the last anger and rejection of alcohol Sky Lee Nlghtwood Edlions The Seal Press: sentence on the last page. and its effect on the native Publishers: This is the proverbial book that community. Through this Henty Hol and Conpany Past Due: AStory of DlsabHlty, you can't put down. Moran incredible personal journey, we Publishers: Pregnancy and Bi1h, by Anne The Book of Ali Sorts, by Finger carefully unfolds the story of are exposed to feelings of Marion Johnson Mary John in a direct and empowerment when Mary John Wldovls Journey: A Return to Voyages Out 2: Lesbian Short personable style. This book is becomes active in the the Loving Self, by Xenia Rose Crazy to Kill, by Ann Cardwell Fiction, by Julie Blackwomon & not a dry academic account of Homemakers Society, and later Nona Caspers the hardships of native life - with the elders. The story of this is a true story that Mary John is a journey of hope Gaudl Afternoon, by Barbara resonates with real pain, real and of personal cultural Wilson tears as well as real joy. survival. Moran takes the reader Author Bridget Moran was Out of Time, by Paula Martinac through the desperate feelings born in 1923 in Northern of Mary John when she was Ireland. She is an activist forced to leave the reserve to social worker and a freelance UnivetSityof Aberta Press: attend school in Fort St. James journalist. I look forward to and then later at Lejac. At age reading Moran's second novel, Dance of the Sexes: Art and seven, Mary did not Judgement at Stoney Gender in the Fiction of Alice understand what school meant Creek. Munro, by Beverly J. Rasporich Vehicule Press:

Despite the Odds: Essays on Canadian Women and Science, Edited by Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley Winter 1991 page45 Twin Peaks: Alternative Television or Just Reruns?

by Pamela Wolfe

At first I was intrigued with screen, all alone and dressed his unspoken disapproval and Donna the concept of Twin Peaks in his underwear, bruised, disgust at her behaviour and There are many flat, deflated as breakthrough television and bloody and helpless. I was appearance, compared to his male characters as well. Yet I looked forward to the angry and frustrated because I lover. the only two people on the season's premiere. I was not thought, is this surreal Shelly was often portrayed show that seem interesting, familiar with David Lynch's or television? Is this creative, as a wild, headstrong young decent and alive are both male: Mark Frost's work, but I had innovative, unusual viewing woman and yet in her the Sheriff and the detective. heard that this new T. V. material? Is this ground relationship with Leo she was They are able to do things. program would be surreal and breaking spectacular work? submissive and intimidated by They can think clearly, morally offer alternative viewing. No. This is very dated his unpredictable abuse of her. and responsibly and follow I was anxious to see programming (with some Even after Leo has become an through with somewhat entertaining and especially effective music) from a director invalid, Shelly is still under his interesting actions. The surreal T.V.. I have always and writer who have no thumb and must stay with him. women rarely, if ever, are enjoyed science fiction and awareness of the reality of She has not escaped Leo at all allowed to do anything that was speculative writing. I wanted to women today. It was a story and has even come under the both mature and interesting. I see how a respected director portraying women once again control of another male, her think that is what bothers me. would deal with this new as "victims". It was a boyfriend Bobby. Bobby can The women are never portrayed material on television. I traditional, conservative, run around and still have his as active, mature people. remember parts of the first stagnant and dangerous type freedom, while Shelly must It goes without saying that episode - the dialogue was of T.V. programming. care for Leo and be available the gratuitous violence towards often strange, stilted and women in Tv.4n Peaks is unusual. I liked the fact that all anything but innovative. It is the characters seemed not only tedious, but offensive awkward and tense. I and upsetting. If "main-stream" remembered reading how people can passively watch critics valued Lynch's choice such hideous violence and be of music and I noted it was entertained, we are still in appropriately odd and moody. dangerous times. I, for one, The camera work seemed eerie deplore seeing a female enough and the plot line was violated and victimized without clever and unique. giving the female any chance I was enjoying the first show to defend or protect herself. If and even accepting that, yes, violence is going to be the murder victim was a acceptable, then let the woman woman, as usual. I was be portrayed as attempting to laughing at the dedicated protect herself effectively. receptionist and dry wit of (Let's hear it for Emma Peel!) Agent Cooper. I was Besides which, why not have entertained by the strange clever, intellectual combat, not mood swings in the music and physical. camera angles and generally Since the second season amused by the program, when I did watch more episodes, for Bobby. This is to name only began, interest in Tv.4n Peaks the last scene came on. A partly out of curiosity, partly a few of the victim roles we see has apparently been dropping man was working alone on a out of a sense that perhaps I women portrayed in. and it appears that the program railway track outside the town. was mistaken. Perhaps the As well, all the stereotypical may not be renewed. Perhaps The mist was heavy. It was program really was innovative roles and behaviours of women male and female audiences are tense and silent. The man and would become truly unique are in evidence. At first, the bored with a dated view of stood up and looked in shock and reflect a new artistic vision woman who worked at the themselves and relationships. down the rail lines. The of women and men and life. diner, (actress Peggy Lipton) Maybe audiences want unusual audience was gradually turned However, with each program it appeared to be a responsible entertainment and also want to toward his line of vision. became obvious that the adult. But her sensitive, see themselves portrayed with Someone was walking down the women were portrayed in roles supporting shoulder, her some respect. track. We could see that the as victims and/or one sweetness and ability to T.V. is a powerful media but person approaching the man dimensional stereotypes. always understand other's pain hopefully no more powerful was a young woman wearing Josie, the Sheriff's lover and and needs, began to depress than we are. We don't have to only a slip. She was covered the owner of the mill is involved and annoy me. She was watch or accept material that with bruises, blood and filth. in blackmail and murder and yet playing out the role of the reinforces ridiculous stereo- She was in a state of severe she herself is a victim of even "saintly waitress - bar maid" types of women as timid shock and was obviously the more corrupt males who control with the heart of gold. She victims and ineffectual adults. second victim of attempted, her through threats of abuse. seemed so good and kind, yet It is necessary that we though failed, murder. Laura Palmer's cousin slightly depressed and continue to question and speak When that young woman seems removed from many of depressing. There was also up about situations and ideas appeared on the T.V. screen, the events in the story until she the "dumb blond" woman - the that are blatantly or subtlely walking the railway line alone, interrupts the murderer and is receptionist; the "beautiful, but harmful to women. beaten and barely dressed, I violently killed herself, the sole deceitful" woman - Josie; the suddenly came to. I was victim in a prolonged and "crazy" woman - Nadine; the Pamela Wolfe is a feminist infuriated. I thought, I do not horrific scene. "sexpot, nymphomaniac" living and working in Ottawa. want to see another bruised Nadine is portrayed as a woman - Laura Palmer; the and barely dressed female manic-depressive, agora- "uptight" woman - Laura's staggering into the arms of phobic woman - insanely mother; the "greedy, some man. Up to that point, I obsessed with her living room conniving" woman - Catherine, had enjoyed the first show. But drapes. Though it seems the who was part of the plan to burn when the second victim intent is to have the audience down the mill; the "bad" girl - Don't forget appeared and this one was sympathize with the victimized Shelly; the "bad girl turned also a woman, I thought no - if husband, Nadine is a victim as good" - Audrey, the young to subscribe to there are going to be anymore well. She is a victim of her woman who was infatuated with murders, let's be fair about it. husband's lies and deception agent Cooper; and the Let's have a male victim about his affair; a victim of his "innocent, naive yet eager to The Womanist! stagger slowly down the T. V. patronizing pity, and a victim of help" woman - Laura's friend Subscription form on inside back cover - page 46 Winter 1991

Womenspeak (continued)

Black Families

been fought against sexism; people to go into imperialist Dear Woman/st: double next year - as will the situation because they do not these wars have not been armies to die when they are amount of work. We are receive government funds. fought against poverty; and denied affirmative action to get Lynn McDonald's article on cautiously encouraged, but Again, it is important to point these wars have not been into universities to study and funding for women's groups in know that we are trying out that is a very different fought against the into jobs to care for themselves the Fall 1990 Woman/st something that very few kind of organization, and that transnational corporations that and their families. raised a number of very organizations have actually 30 women are employed to destroy the environment and We, people of African thoughtful points, but Lynn done: raising large amounts of support their large individual deface humanity. heritage, condemn the coalition missed or was misinformed money for advocacy work from membership base (NAC has 6.5 None of the wars in which about several critical pieces of private, non-charitable staff). Through our growing of imperialists and colonized relationship with NOW we have black people have fought and countries now ranged against this debate and political donations. died - Grenada, Panama, struggle. She built much of her Lynn argued that NAC needs come to understand that they Korea, Vietnam, World War II, the Iraqi people. often take quite cautious We condemn George Bush argument for individual or to establish individual World War I, th.e Boer War, the membership funding of membership in order to positions precisely because American war against the and his clique of criminals that 90% of their support com es include the likes of Mulroney advocacy groups by using the establish "independence" in Philippines, the War 1or National Action Committee on funding. For those who are not from the fees and donations of American independence, the for their militaristic adventures their members. Over the last in the Persian Gulf, murdering the Status of Women (NAC) as completely familiar with NAC, War of 1812 - were fought for an example, but much of her the organization has over 500 year their revenue dropped the liberation of black people and maiming with the criminal from $10.6 million to $7 million intention of dividing up the information was dated or member groups whose fees and of working class people. because public support for natural resources of the region inaccurate. I want to briefly contribute approximately 5% of There has never been a war correct the inaccuracies, and the budget. Again, to correct outspoken political groups has fought by the west that was among themselves. add another perspective to the Lynn, NAC does have a dwindled. fought for the benefit of black As African peoples we must not forget our own history, how discussion on funding. category of individual non- All sources of funding have people. the potential to constrain the Africa was plundered using voting membership called Black people have not only goals of feminist groups. In her superior weaponry we did not died in these wars, but in every article, Lynn states that it is possess. We, the war that the west hasjought particularly preposterous that they have died in larger descendants of slaves, have a direct historical link with what is the government fund the major percentages. In fact, the "lobby" organization on the percentages of black people in happening in the Persian Gulf today. It is our duty to status of Canadian women. the armies and in the body Most women's groups, bags returning from the war has condemn it. We are Africa! We are however, recognize that on~ been exceeded by the "lobbying" consists of more percentages of them who filled black! We won't go to fight Iraq! than speaking to politicians the prison systems and the and must be based in public unemployment lines. education, mobilization and There is no need for Black Families Against the War; Halifax, Nova Scotia. research on behalf of women. affirmative action for black We think that government is responsible in part for ensuring that this kind of work occurs. Support for equality seeking groups is a completely First, all sources of funds Friends of NAC. To date, appropriate use of our tax require a lot of work (different whether we like it or not, we are dollars. It poses difficulties Military Life for Women kinds for different sources), finding that women are more only when it constrains groups none are stable and all have prepared to make simple from acting and speaking. It is "strings" attached which limit or donations than to sign on as important to remember that is No Victory direct what a women's group Friends. consistent, strong feminist can do with the money. This To be fair, we haven't gone analysis has, time after time, observation has led many on an individual membership made it impossible for NAG to women's organizations, drive: there is not yet back away from controversial including NAC, to develop more organizational agreement on issues, regardless of concerns than one source of funding. whether NAC's resources are about government funding. We Missing from Lynn's analysis best spent maintaining and expect this tradition to become Dear Woman/st, celebration that any woman, was a discussion of the nitty servicing a large individual even stronger as our base of Re: "Taking On The heterosexual or lesbian, gritty - the costs, and changes membership. support broadens. Canadian Military" in Fall 1990 struggles for the "right" to in the work that have to take Lynn made the Inevitable issue. belong to an institution such as place in order to develop and comparison between NAC and Alice de Wolff, Executive An interview with Michelle the military. The vision of service different funding the National Organization of Coordinator, National Action Douglas is the substance of feminism should not be that sources. Women in the U.S., suggesting Committee on the Status of the above article. Initially I was women clamor to become a part NAC is working towards a that NOW is in a less Women. attracted to the title of th is of a violent, hierarchical, broader funding base which precarious or compromised article .. . it's about time we oppressive institution but that relies on a mix of membership took on the Canadian Military. as women, all women, we fees, government grants, But I suggest we take on struggle to see the creation of sales, direct mail, special' the military for what it is - a alternate institutions to those events, foundation and patriarchial institution that we have. supporting o.rganization grants. exists at the expense of valid Our celebration is not one To correct Lynn's figures, this social, educational, economic, of personal victories to be year we have asked for support ast environmental (the list goes on) accepted on men's terms and from almost 1 0 0, 0 0 0 ventures in this country and in the institutions they have individuals and received to' for women others. In particular it is created but a celebration of date approximately $150,000.: women who suffer (and their struggle in solidarity to re- In order to do this, we have, children) at the expense of define our society so that it spent a considerable amount of 3974 Laval Ave. military expenditure, in Canada gives life to us all - locally and • scarce money on letters and on Canada and also in Third Wo r Id globally. ' one and a half new staff to H2W2J2 countries and o t h e r handle the increased work. industrialized countries. Rennie Keates, Because of government cuts, I do not count it cause for Toronto, Ontario our revenue from individual· supporters must at least Winter 1991 page 47 Court Rules Rape Survivor Has Right to Sue Police In Memorium On Feb. 4, 1991, the Ontario of the Women's Legal not have occurred had the Court of Appeal reaffirmed the Education and Action Fund police conducted an adequate decisions of the Supreme Court (LEAF). "It establishes that investigation of a series of of Ontario Divisional Court and police can be held accountable rapes in her downtown Toronto Weekly Court in ruling that a for policies and practices which neighborhood and had they Sandy Sayer woman who was sexually discriminate against women, warned women in the area that Marie L.ecouxe assaulted by a serial rapist has and that under the Charter they were in danger. Sh e Caireen Dagneault the right to sue the women can demand that_police alleged police negligence in Johny Bear (Janice Neudorf) Metropolitan Toronto Police for provide them equal protection conducting the investigation.- (still living, in corre) violation of her Charter rights and benefit of the law. breach of duties under the Lorna.Jones and negligence in the way they At issue in this decision was Police Act, and violation of her handled the rapes in her the extent to which police Charter rights to equal Toronto neighborhood. conduct regarding crimes of protection and benefit of the In a unanimous decision that sexual violence against women law and security of the person. took only a few moments, the is subject to review by the "As governmental actors, the three Court of Appeal judges courts. The police argued that police have responsibilities denied the application of the such conduct is not subject to under the Charter," says LEAF Metro Toronto Police for review and that they are not staff lawyer, Annie Bunting. permission to appeal the legally accountable to "This means that police policies previous court's ruling in the individual women for their and practices must be free woman's favour. The woman's actions. from sex discrimination, case can now proceed to trial. The woman launched her including sex stereotypes, and "This is a precedent-setting $600,000 case against the that police activities must police three and a half years promote a level of secu-rity of decision," said Christie Last month yet another changes to the conditions that Jefferson, Executive Director ago, claiming that her rape may the person for women equal to that enjoyed by men. In the Native woman, Lorna Jones, their Aboriginal sisters must area of sexual assault, police died in the Prison for Women in live with in Canadian penal must recognize that the targets Kingston, Ontario. She was institutions. Classified of crime are overwhelmingly the fifth Native woman to Racism is one of the factors women and the perpetrators commit suicide, or attempt to, in the m'any suicides by are men. They must adopt since 1989. In the wake of this Aboriginal women in prison. Healthy, pure v.etercan now be Villa de Hermanas. tragedy, the warden at the There is systemic racism made in the convenience of ALL WOMEN'S CARIBBEAN practices which promote equal police protection for women prison made further cuts to against Aboriginal people, your own home. World's very BEACH FRONT GUEST especially women, throughout and for other disadvantaged services for Native women. best water filters now available HOUSE: Our beautiful Canada's justice system that groups who seek to make the Many women are now being in Canada. Removes 1OO's of spacious guesthouse on a long leaves them no other way out. criminal justice system more held in isolation for "rioting" in contaminants. Purify city, secluded beach in Dominican We mourn the deaths of our responsive to their needs." response to these events. country, stream, lake, river Republic. Available as a Aboriginal women across Native sisters, and urge the water. Sold in 117 countries. PRIVATE VILLA May - justice system to listen to the Compiled by The Woman/st Canad'a cannot accept the Free Catalog. (613) 741 - October. Tropical gardens, numerous Aboriginal women's voices of those women 5195 pool, shimmering ocean view. from LEAF news releases, speaking out for change. 1990-91. suicides at the Kingston Prison Moderate temperatures; low for Women and they support rates. Call Suzi in Toronto 416- INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S 462-0046. CENTER IN MEXICO. "Oasis" is the name of a n e w international women's center in Th.e Womanist is free. But, like all other publications, we must rely on ads Tepoztlan, Mexico, a beautiful and subscriptions to cover our costs. We are free because we believe that all magic village 1 1/2 hours form women, whatever their economic situation, should be able to get news about Mexico City and 30 minutes women. form Cuernavaca. Oasis has We have noticed that most feminist periodicals do not get distributed much an international library and documentation center, offers farther than the women's community. By being free we find that we can womyn's dances and rituals, distribute The Womanist to places where women are, such as laundromats, space for meetings and corner stores, and community centres. possibilities to give concerts We need your help to make The Womanist accessible! Please subscribe or and workshops. Camping advertise. Or write us and tell us where you think the newspaper should be facilities are available at $3 per distributed in your community. Help us ensure that all women who want the night, as well as "sleeping in" at Escape to the country on $3 per night or $5 with use of Saltspring Island, 8 C. news about women can get The Womanist! kitchen. Oasis seeks feminist Fully equipped women's guest and lesbian books an d cabin in rural setting. Close to Subscribe to The Womanist magazines, bedding and office sea, lakes and hiking trails. supplies, plus money for $35.00 single, $50.00 double. running Oasis. Write in English Special rates for week or Yes, I would like to subscribe to The Womanist (GST included) or Spanish to: Oasis, c/o month. Call (604) 653-9475 or individual: $1 O (pays for the mailing of your copy} Safuega; Lista de Correos; write: Gillian Smith, C85, King institution: $30, non-profit $17 Tepoztlan, Morelos 62520; Road, RR 1, Fulford Harbour, sustaining: $30 or more (helps pay for additional copies to be Mexico. BC VOS 1CO. distributed free to other women) gift: $1 O or more (send a subscription to a friend)

Yes, I would like to get involved with The Womanist __ writing doing distribution doing artwork send me advertising rates to Quit Name Address Marie Jensen, RN.. PhD. City ______Prov. _____ P. Code ___ Telephone ______M4M 288 The Womanist, 541 Sussex Drive, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario K!N 6Z6 pllge 48 Winter 1991 f AIDS AFFECTS YOUR COMMUNITY

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