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'.'"- * kse**Z/$- " MPapeF iui03t a Gmwdente VOLUME XVIII, No. 36. HANNA, , THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1930. FOUR PAGES HIIIMIIIIII||MlllllllHIHIHHilllllMtllllllllllllMmillllllllllllllllimhltlllllMI-limilJ Garden Plain Pioneer gjrMltlllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHMIIinHIIHHIIllllHIHIIItUlllllllllttmiltlllllllMMH GROSSERT CREATES BOYS' BAND PICTURES COMPLETE SCHOOL DRASTIC CUTS NEW RECORD OVER Thoughts of Sunnynook ARE NOW AVAILABLE I Passes Away at Devil's RE8ULT8 NOT YET LIVESTOCK MEN HANNA GOLF COURSE People at Union Picnic | Parents, and t-hose Interested Lake, at Age of 62 Yrs. RECEIVED HERE | in receiving pictures of the Han- TO BE MADE IN | Davey Grossert, of Cessord, | Union Picnic at Sunnynook Described I na Elks' Boys' Band, are advised \ Mrs. Martin Gulseth Succumbs To | Unfortunately, complete re- PLAN FORMATO | suits for the department exami- § | the genial and popular 8cot who As Best in History | that the Herald has received \ Brief Illness—Was Well § recently made auch a splendid | | from the Oliver Studio, , § | nations have not yet been re- j Of District Known Here HOSRBUDGET | showing in the Country Districts I | mounted photographs for distri- \ 1 celved here, and it has been im- | SHIPPING POOL I Golf Tournament held under the I | button among band members. I possible to publish the list as | auspices of the Calgary Herald, | SUNNYNOOK, Aug. 13.—Although | These pictures are presented to | (Special to The Herald) § expected, this week. It la hoped Drastic Economies to be Made was among the golfers from the § the day was threatening rain, with i each band boy with the compli- | DEVILS LAKE, N.D., Aug. 11 — that complete returns may be § Stock Raisers of Surrounding | south country who paid Hanna | dust-lailen wind, the most successful I ments of this newspaper, and I Emma Bundy Gulseth, 62, wife of Mar­ | available within a few days, and in Hospital Management | a visit on Sunday. Grossert was 1 picnic yet held under the auspices of may be obtained on Sunday next j tin Gulseth, early pioneer of the | the full report will be published | Districts Plan on Forming | in perfect form on Sunday morn- | the Union Church, Sunnynook, way | during band practice. Garden Plain district, died at eleven | at first opportunity. to Meet Situation held at "Olympia", on the Bull Pond o'clock Monday, August 4, following Marketing Pool | Ing and turned In the record | Those who have placed orders I T)illlllHllllllllltllllllllltlM(MllllllllllllllllllllUllll|lll|llllllllllll||||||||||||||,|||tm,r | over the Hanna course—as 66, | flats. In the shelter of surrounding j through Mr. E. L. Long, for er- | a paralytic stroke, with which she was Faced with the necessity of reduc­ | being made up of a 32 and 34. | hills, the plcndc grounds were like a E tra prints, may now obtain same 1 seized a week before. She had been Local Cricketers Win (Special to The Herald) ing every possible expense this year, 1 Accompanying Mr. Grossert § secluded garden spot, but on the ex­ I at the Long Confectionery. The I In poor health for the past 8 years, CRAIGMYLE, Aug. IJ.—Much inter­ in order to balance their budget, the | were a number of enthusiasts | posed prairie above, no such gathering pictures are the subject of most | having had a stroke in September, Friendly Game Here est is being shown throughout this board of the Hanna Municipal Hos­ I from Pollockville, Cessford, 8un- | would have been possible. favorable comment, doing full | 1923. I district in the proposal to form a pital met las-t Saturday afternoon in I nynook and other points in the I The program was carried out with credit to the band and to the I Mrs. Gulseth was born In Kenyon, branch of the Alberta. Co-operative Minnesota, May 25, 1868, and was mar­ Hanna cricketers were on the long regular session, the greater part of | south, and an excellent day's | much more enthusiasm than last year, artist, Mr. W. Oliver, noted press \ end of a 72-39 score In a one-inning | Livestock Producers. Ltd., following a which was devoted to discussion of | play was enjoyed. The visitors | and no more sociable gathering could photographer of Calgary. ried to Martin Gulseth August 9, 1891. [ splendid meeting held in Craigmyle at Two years later they came to Devil's friendly match played with 1 the financial situation. A conference | spoke very highly of the con- | be Imagined. In the races, etc., the i i last week on the local pitch. No sen­ the end of July, wben Fred McDonald, between the board and its bank result­ 1 ditlon of the Hanna course, and | following were the awards: 11 and -ItlllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllilimilllllllllNIIIIIIHIIIlllllKlllllltllllllllilliiit; Lake and settled on their farm north- vice-president of the A.C.L.P., Ltd., past of the city where she passed sational scores were made by any of ed ln the decision to drastically pare | promised to return for further f 12 yrs.—John Tadt, Kenneth Parsons; the players, but all men of both teams visited this district and gave a very this year's estimates. | friendly contests. igtf) yrs.—.Byron Tait, Harold Veno; away. They moved to the Garden comprehensive outline of the Pool's Plain district in 1910, and pioneered contributed their share to the runs. Staff to be Reduced Girls' 10 yrs.—Annie Brown, Annie An­ A most unusual accident occurred dur­ I methods and Its advantages. ll|IHIIUIHilMIIIUIIIUHIIII||lllllllll|llllllim'tllllllllllllllll,IIIIHIIIIIMIMIIIIlll,||,= derson; Three-legged race, boys— FARMER FINED It with the early settlers, moving back At Saturday's meeting it was de­ ing the game, which interrupted play The meeting mentioned was called Byron Tait and Harold Veno; Boys' to the old home In N.D. several yeara , for the purpose of discussing livestock cided to reduce the hospital staff by ago. for about five minutes. Wade, bowl­ one-third, thereby effecting most pro­ Navy League Head wheelbarrow race—'Kenneth Veno and ing for Byemoor, sent a hot one down I shipping problems which have affect­ nounced cut ln the annual expense John Tait; 10 yrs.—Neil Wallace and FOR ATTACK ON Besides her husband she is survived to Roberts, who cracked it to mid-on. ed local livestock men here as well budget. This reduction will take ef­ Thanks Hanna Will Wallace; Jumping, boys 10-12— by one daughter, Mrs. T. R. Clayhold Templeton, batting at the other end as elsewhere, and a very representa­ fect on September 15. Kenneth Parsons, K. Klndon. (Lillian), who has cared for her moth­ of the wicket, started to cross the tive group attended, among whom Following several months of Inves­ Fred Cooke, provincial representa­ In the softball game of Sunnynook er during her many years' illness; a pitch to score. Almost at the same were J. E. Blore, 3. Davis, A. P. Gels- tigation into the possibility ot oper­ tive of the Navy League of , boys against "The World", the former TWO EMPLOYEES (lister, Mrs. Dorothy Trove, of Walcott, time. Wade dashed forward around the singer, T. Davey, E Nelson, F. Downes, ating the Hanna Hospital as a train­ who has been in Hanna on his annual were victorious, while the Sunnynook N.D., and a brother, John Bundy, of wicket to stop the ball, and collided G. Raisbeck, J. Blair, B. R. Tillotson, ing school for nurses, thereby effect­ visit collecting subscriptions to the girls also won against all comers. Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Two with Templeton, both men falling to J. Proodfoot, Mra. 3. Hazelhurst, Mrs. . ing some saving in the salary item, Sailor Magazine and donations for the Before lunch, with deep sincerity Enraged Farmer Attacks Farm children, Albert and Mabel, predeceas­ the ground. Wade lost consciousness Tillotson. the secretary reported that the Uni­ Navy League, thanks the citizens of and fervor, the gathering stood and ed their mother 15 years ago, and a for a few moments, while Templeton In calling the meettaz ta order, the versity of Alberta was sending in­ Hanna for their loyal support to the sang "Praise God From Whom All Hands—Arrest Follows third, Marian (the late Mrs. Chester received a bruise close to his eye. For­ chairman. 3. B. Bore, gave an ou .line spectors to check over the institution. Alberta Division, as the sum of $20.00 Blessings Flow," faith and praise com­ —Fine and Warning Bartman, of Scapa), died three years tunately no serious injury was sustain­ of the present marketing system aad Creditable Report has been given. pletely rising above doubt-provoking ago. ed by the players, and the game was urged that some co-operative method Miss K. Slingsby, registrar of nurses The Navy League of Canada assists discouragement. Funeral services were held from the resumed in a short while. must be Introduced it the farmers are he widows and orphans of the men Fred Nicklaus, a farmer residing St. Olaf Lutheran Church on August to derive anything like their proper Tor the U. of A., and Miss Peters, as­ southwest of Hanna, was arrested by sistant supervisor of the University if the Merchant Marine. The League 7, and burial in the family plot by returns from stock. Fred McDonald, ilso supports the sailors' homes and Constable Hanna, A.P.P., last week the side of her three children. LOCAL AND GENERAL second vice-president ot the A.C.L.P., Hospital, , visited the hos­ BYEMOOR and arraigned before Magistrate Rob­ pital this week and made a thorough institutes, etc., in all the large Can- Ltd., Edmonton, was present, and de­ ldian ports from coast to coast, and *- erts on a charge of assault. The com­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Grummitt have left livered a very interesting talk on the investigation. While an official re­ plainants were Oscar and Ted Schwitz, port will oome from the University at looks after the welfare of the seamen for St. Catherines, Ont., where they progress of the livestock business as when ashore. In addition to this, the (Special to The Herald) who were employed on Nicklaus' tarm. CRAIGMYLE it is handled by the A.C.L.P., Ltd., ex­ a later date, lt ls understood that the BYEMOOR, Aug. 12.—Mr. and Mrs*. will visit with relatives. inspectors reported that this institu­ league trains young men and boys, Evidence showed that the accused .me plaining that the Livestock Pool paid 1 J. H. Lingjerde and family, of Cam- had assaulted Ted Schwitz with a stick * + full market price for all shipments, tion was better suited for use as a helping to make better Canadian citi­ M. J. Flannigan, who was zens of them. rose, former residents here, were week or club in the barn. Schwitz was (Special to The Herald) and that the Pool was supported by training school than some other Al­ end visitors ln the town and at Wm. formerly in charge of the local Sal­ berta hospitals which had been oper­ knocked unconscious, It was stated, CRAIGMYLE, Aug. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. s-hipiping associations or units. The Sailor Magazine Is fast grow­ Wesner's. when his brother, Oscar, came to his C. F. Ellis and two sons, Edward and vation Army Corps, but who ls now ating under this system. If such a sys­ ing. It is now published every quar­ stationed in Edmonton, ls a visitor Mr. McDonald spoke of the Buffalo Dave Mclnnes, of the Massey-Harris rescue. Nicklaus had swung fiercely Scott, of High River, are visiting Mrs. Lake Shipping Association, Ltd., of tem ls adopted, a saving of approxi­ ter. Subscriptions to the magazine Co., was a business" visitor In town ln town for a few days. mately 20 per cent, in salaries may on the brother, but had missed, strik­ Mils' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and which he has taken special charge. and renewals, as well as donations the beginning of the week. ing a-horse, which the boys had been Mrs. A. W. White. • • • be effected, said L. E. Greenwood, sec­ for the Navy League, can be sent to In this association eleven local ship­ retary. Wm. Ryan was a business visitor ln the act of harnessing. Following The results of the Toronto Conser­ Cora Hind Here ping points are Included, with .an an­ Victor J. Ward, Esq., Secretary-Treas­ in town last week. Ted's recovery, the two boys were urer, whose address ls 2469, 2 A St. vatory of Music examinations held at Miss Cora Hind, noted agricultural nual turnover of more than a half- Mr. and Mrs. L. Browne and Jean able to guard themselves against their Drumheller last month have been an­ authority, of the Free Press, Winni­ million dollars. Nearly one hundred B., Oalgary, Alberta, who will issue have returned home from their trip infuriated employer's attack, but the receipts. nounced, and we wish to congratulate peg, visited Hanna on Tuesday during per cent of the livestock In that dis­ YOUNGSTOWN north to the Barrett's new home. They latter left and went to the house, as the following local candidates on their the course of a five-weeks' tour of the trict is under contract to the Pool, and report that there has been no hail they thought to get a gun. success: Dorothy McKee, Suslebelle Western provinces, compiling the Free the livestock men are well satisfied WEDDING there, and the crops and gardens are Following completion of the evi­ Rubin, Maxlne Bell, Dorothy E. Innes, Press crop report. wtih the' handling of their cattle, sheep lovely. dence, the court fined Nicklaus five Lavinia Lister and Marguerite Peter­ and hogs. East of Buffalo Lake, an­ (Special to The Herald) Miss Stone, of High River, is spend­ • • • YOUNGSTOWN, August 4.—T h e PHILLIPS—F08TER dollars and costs, or twenty-one days son. other large shipping association haa ing a few days with Mrs. Reid. In jail. A severe lecture was given Married at Vancouver been organized at Stettler, with Bye­ Tfoungstown Agricultural Fair was The marriage of Ann Maybelle Fos­ Mr. and Mrs. E. Holbrook and fam­ Mrs. R. T. Bucklee is spending her The marriage is announced by Capt. held last Thursday and the exhibits ter, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. the accused by the court, and follow­ moor and Rowley as the most south­ ily leave this week for Greencourt, ing a further short period in the cells, vacation at the farm of her parents-, and Mrs. Patrick Martin, of their erly points. in all classes were very good. The T. Foster, and Frederick Walter Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Howard, northeast daughter, Evelyn Sybil, to Mr. Wil­ where they will take up residence. the fine was paid. Pools Operate Successfully ladies' fancy work was wonderful, and Phillips, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. We wish tbem success in their new of town. liam Nelson Graburn; af Banna, on contained some Tare examples of P. Phillips, was solemnized at the Infraction of L.A. Wednesday, August tth, at Vancouver. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alber­ place. Convicted of committing a breach Another violent storm hit this dis- ta have operated the Pools success- needlework, and the home-cooking was FlEst BuitiSt phurch. on Saturday-at Byemoor cricketers -went to Hanna t Mr. and Mrs. Graburn are motoring better .than in other years. An abun­ ternoon, August 9. Dr. H. H. Bingham •EhalMl -qtpas t£,'Barro ftMnr af^few^ was the officiating clergyman. The for a game on Sunday. They were assessed the customary $25 and costs pected home within the next few days. dance of vegetables and grains of all only able to get seven players from on Monday afternoon. there was a considerable amount of • • • adopted this method of marketing live- - kinds, and lots of livestock was shown. church was decorated with quantities here, and secured the other four from damage done by the wind, three or stock, operating very successfully in The day was perfect for all kinds of of gladioli, sprays of clarkia, and bas­ Hanna, Byemoor was defeated 39-72. four barns and some granaries being Speaking on Hospitala the past twelve months. The speaker sports, and there was something do­ kets of fragrant sweet peas. Mr. D. Ferguson left on Monday LieuL-CoL J. D. R. Stewart either torn to pieces or seriously dam­ L. Greenwood, secretary of the Han­ said: "As to the matter ot the all- ing all the time—softball games, horse The bride was attended by the bride­ morning for a business trip to Bdmon­ aged. Hail also did a lot of damage, na Municipal Hospital District No. 9, Canadian Pool, this organization haa races, children's races, merry-go-round, groom's sister. The bridegroom was ton. Attends Military Staff especially to crops that had been more has been addressing meetings in Coro­ been a reality for a year now. em­ booths, etc., and a dance in the Elks' supported by Ross McKay, and the Mr. S. Stauffer and Mr. J. Wilson Course at Sarcee Camp Lightly hit the week previous. nation Municipal Hospital District, bracing all the provinces In Canada, Hall in the evening. ushers were Alfred S. Corbett and Har­ left last week by car for Grande Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean arrived dealing with the advantages and opera­ excepting British Columbia. AU the rison McAllister. During the signing tion of the municipal hospital system, The W.I. held a very interesting Prairie and other points north to look Commander of Reserve Battalion, 2nd back In town on Wednesday of last provinces have representatives* on the meeting in the rest room Saturday of the register, Miss Hazel MiHer sang over the country there. week, having been at Edmonton, where preparatory to the vote being taken board of directors of the Canadian evening. "O Promise Me." Byemoor baseball boys played Sca­ South Alberta Regiment, Qualifies Mr. MacLean was assisting in the in that district next Saturday. board. Hall struck on three sides of town The bride, with her parents, resided pa on Sunday at Clear Lake, and were For Full Colonel correction of examination papers and see Propose Organisation Here in Hanna several years ago, and her defeated. later visiting at Mrs. MacLean's for­ Hold Young People's Picnic Following the meeting it was re­ Saturday afternoon, doing a lot ot dam­ The local officers of The Salvation age to Mr. Aggett's, Just north of numerous friends still reside here. Miss Isabel Crawford, of Gleichen, Lieut.-Col. J. D. R. Stewart, O.B.E., mer home at Innisfail. They left again solved thst efforts be exerted to the. spent a week with her parents here. on Friday morning for a holiday at Army arranged a very enjoyable picnic end that a branch of the organisation town; also to Messrs. Campbell, Mc­ V.D., who at present commands the for the young people at Honey's Park Lean, Coad, Young, Rhine and a num­ MILLER—ROSS Mr. Roy Reid has been away for reserve battalion of tlje 2nd South Al­ Banff. be formed here. The following mo­ Of Interest to many friends was the two weeks' driving a Municipal hail berta Regiment, took advantage of the Wednesday afternoon. Games of all tion was put and carried unanimously: ber of others. The Grade XI examination results kinds were played, and there were marriage solemnized in Calgary of adjuster. Hollins Cooper is looking opportunity of attending the military started arriving at the end of last "Resolved that the Craigmyle dis­ A number went swimming out to after the dray in his absence. races for everybody. Supper was serv­ the dam Sunday afternoon. The place Dorothy Ellen Ross, only daughter of staff course for all Canada, recently week, and the locaj pupils did very trict do its share tn organising a unit Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross, Hanna, and Miss Elsie Swain is spending her completed at Sarcee Camp, Calgary, well. 11 pupils wrote the examina­ ed and greatly enjoyed. The party of the A.C.L.P., Ltd., with Hanna, to is a treat for those who like deep summer holidays with friends at Stet­ broke up late in the evening, everyone the east, and Delia to the west." It water to dive ln. Fred Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry and after three days'' examination in tions, and of these Ian Sloan and Kath­ Miller, Calgary, on August 9. Rev. tler. the capacity of a brigade commander, erine McAuliffe passed in 7 subjects voting it a good time. was further resolved that Messrs. Ed. The hospital question has been tak­ J. Brown, of Hillhurst United Church, Miss- Helen Boss spent last week by the directing staff officers, quali­ with an average of 75.4 and 65.8 re­ ems Nelson, A. P. Geissinger aad J. E. en up again. With refusal to sell the officiated. with friends and relatives in Stettler. fied for promotAsrf to the rank of full spectively; Margaret McDonald, Doris To Open At Drumheller Blore be appointed a committee to agricultural building, the hospital colonel. [ J. E. Gosselin; formerly engaged ln work with Hanna and Delia represen­ board are at work on a scheme to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller will make Vernon and Jack Derry passed in 6 their home on their farm near Hanna. Col. Stewart/ Is at present holiday­ subjects; Wm. Blore and Elmore Bran­ the meat business here, announces the tatives, to work out -the formation of build a tourteen-bed hospital. It may opening of his new meat market at a provisional board and incorporate come to a vote some time this fall. ing at Banff; with his family. um passed in 5 subjects; Bernice Bell, Oldtimer Here I LONEBUTTE I Jean Bell and Jack McDonald, 4 sub­ Drumheller. Mr. Gosselin is one of a livestock shipping association at an Mr. and Mrs. McOill have left for Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Vose and son, * — •+ % jects, and MacFuller 3 subjects. Hanna's pioneers, and during a lengthy early date. the Peace River district to look for a period conducted one of the finest of Winnipeg, are visitors at the home Mrs. Ben Rubin and two children Visit Hanna new location. Mrs. McGill had been of Mrs. Vose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Special to The Herald) CESSFORD shops of its kind in this section of the Thos. Davey, accompanied by Mr. helping her father in the store. LONEBUTTE Aug. 5.—A. Baggs are holidaying at Watrous, Saskatche­ province. Many friends will wish him E. Robinson, Watts. Mr. Vose will be wan. McDonald, vice-president ot the AX. Mr. and MrS; Menzies have returned remembered by many of the oldtimers and J. C. Young have left for the Peace every success in his new location. LP., Ltd., visited Hatuia following of Hanna, as accountant for Gibb, River country, expecting to be away (Special to The Herald) Mrs. Geo. Sargent and Miss Florence • • • the meeting, for the pnr^tte of latere from a motor trip to Winnipeg and for several days. They are making the other points in. Manitoba. Brbwn and Odell, Ltd., during the ear­ CESSFORD, Aug. 11.—Mr. and Mrs. Sargent left by car last Friday for Silver Valley Wina viewing the manager of the Hanna Go- „; ly years of Hanna. Leaving here ln trip by car and will locate there if G. R. Murphy have returned from a Stettler, to visit friends, also intend­ operative Ass'n, Ltd. ' A further meet- ••„. Olga Heasley, of Seattle, is visiting they find a suitable place. ing to visit at other points in the prov­ Silver Valley softball team won 1915, Mr. Vose took up residence in two weeks' holiday in the mountains. against the Watts All-Stars recently, ing is pro-posed tor -an early date, and-.: her aunt, MrS. Harper, and hm- moth­ J. J. Young has started a new store ince before returning home. it Is confidently expected tnat the cp; •*, er, who has been very ill. Winnipeg. During his sojourn in Ralph Hursch had the misfortune in a game which ended in a score Hanna this week, Mr. Vose met many and post office at Finnegan. to break his arm in a runaway acci­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee and of 22-18. On Friday, at Silver Valley, operative project will .go rapidly for­ Riohard Clapperton and Ernest old friends. The crops are turning color very dent. daughter, Dorothy, spent a few days that team again defeated the Watts ward, v. Fraser have left for Morrin to take fast now. in Calgary at the end of last week. off their crop there. Mr. Wm. Seefeldt left on Saturday boys with a score of 36-19, the game Home Destroyed Everybody around Normandale ls for Bonnyville, Alta., where he will J. W. Curran was in Edmonton last being followed by a very successful The Grade XI examination marks The home of E. V. Stone, south of getting ready for the big welner roast take over .a general store. week on business. Lloyd McLaughlin dance ln the Sliver Valley school. Sil­ were received this morning. Percy on the night of August 9. ENDIANG Sunnynook, was destroyed by fire, or­ Dave Grossert and John Sholtus at­ driving him there and back. ver Valley reports winning trom the Wells, Mary Evans and Jean Ure pass- iginating through lightning, on Tues­ Councillor Peterkin has had a very "Southerners" 19-13 on Sunday, thus Ad in all subjects, while the rest of the extensive road work program this tended the golf tournament at Hanna A. Pennar, E. C. Marsten, L. E. Mar- day. The loss way partially covered on Sunday last. sten and H. Clowes left by car at the giving them a record of 10 wins out class failed in one or mor6 subjects. by Insurance. year. The highway from Hanna to Fin­ of eleven games this season. (Special to The Herald) negan and Dorothy will be finished Grain cutting is now general. Glen end of last week to look over the ENDIANG, Aug. 5.—A nursing next year. Griffith and Harry Gardner are busy Peace River district, and expect to be • • • course will be held In the Community Mrs. E. H. Sage has been visiting with the header. away several weeks. W. A. McKay a Visitor Hall on August 7, 8 and 9, from 1:00 with her parents lat Camrose. W. A. McKay, well known rancher o'clock till 4:00 o'clock each day. Miss T. E. Klrkham, Government scale and farmer of the Pandora district, J. MCD.-TAYLOR WINS FIRST Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hall visited over inspector, paid a visit here on Mon­ Sunnynook Oldtimers Conway is the Instructor. Sunday with his parents at Craigmyle. was a visitor in Hanna on Monday. Mr. Wm. Poster is a visitor to Stet­ day. Mr. McKay has been adjusting hail Miss Fannie Ryan, who has been Mrs. R. Hirsch went to Calgary en Receive Congratulations tler today (August 6). attending high school at Saskatoon, losses daring the past several weeks, Mr. Leslie Stephens is home again JN KIWANIS CROPS COMPETITION Sunday and brought back her baby, On Golden Anniversary visiting sections ln the eastern parts after his holidays. is spending several weeks with her which has been receiving medical parents here. of this province, as well as in Sas­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Dohl are home attention. katchewan. After several weeks of Sunnynook Oldtimers Celebrate Gold­ again after spending two weeks holi- Mrs. L. Greenwood and family, of work, covering many hundreds of en Wedding Anniversary, uaylng. ' -ALL MARQUIS ENTRIES BUT 2 Former Endiang Resident Hanna. are spending a few days with miles, Mr. McKay states Unit losses A softball game held in Bndlang Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Greenwood. Surrounded By Friends this year are below those of 1928. Less on July SI, between Byemoor and En­ Passes Away in Calgary Ed. Pugh was awarded the contract insurance ls being carried, with a re­ diang, resulted in a score of 12-7, Standing in Kiwanis Crops Competition is Announced—J. for alterations in the new scaool build­ (Special to The Herald) sultant decrease in the number of favor of Endiang. A softball game —Funeral Held Monday ing. SUNNYNOOK, Aug. 14.—Mr. and claims, but losses on the whole are between Byemoor and Endiang busi­ McD.-Taylor Wins First Position With Score of 95—Other Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Murphy, Mrs. Mrs. James McLellan, oldtimers of lower, the Herald was informed. Mr. ness men, played at Endiang, resulted Competition Reports Expected This Week L. R. Courtrlght, Former Endiang Frank Eady and Nora were week end this district, celebrate their golden McKay reports that practically all his In a score of 8-6, favor ot Endiang. Resident, Passes Away in Calgary visitors at Hanna. wedding anniversary today, with claims have been adjusted, but that as the season for hail continues Mr. Blllsten, superintendent of the Hospital—Buried Monday 2'IIUIllllUIHItllMllllllllltlHllllllllllllltlllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllimiUU countless friends extending their con­ Crown Lumber Co., was ln town on Judging In the Hanna Kiwanls by the Kiwanls Club of Hanna, and gratulations and best wishes for many through into September, there are Cropa Competition was completed the Alberta Department of Agricul­ many fine districts which are anxious Thursday last. MRS. NYHEIM INJURED more years of happy wedded life. The Searle Grain Co. bave repainted this week by R. E. English, of the ture: L. R. Courtrlght, well known in the to get into cutting, fearing the possi­ BY ENHAUfcO BULL Mr. McLellan, or "Jim", as he is bility of hall damage. Cutting is go­ their elevator, and lt makes a big Im­ Dominion Seed Braneh, with J. 1. J. McD.-Taylor „ 95 Endiang and Byemoor districts, passed provement, 2. P. S. Herring 92V4 away in a Calgary hospital on Thurs­ familiarly known to his many friends, ing on all over the -country he tra­ McD-Taylor receiving the pre­ Friends of Mrs. Nyheim, of comes from tine old Canadian stock, Mrs. S. H. Edwards and son. Bob­ mier position, with a score of 95. 3. J. M. Williams 91ft day. Prior to his death he was em­ versed during the latter .part of laat the Watts district, will be pleas­ tracing back tor three generations to week, Mr. McKay states. ble, left on Monday, August 4, to spend Mr. English stated to the Herald 4. John Corry _ _ 91V4 ployed as a painter at Turner Valley ed to learn that she is recover­ a holiday at Oalgary, Banff and Ledac. 5. J. W. Faupel 91 Vi tor eight months. He had been a resi­ the period of the war ot the American that reports for Corlnne, Byemoor, ing steadily from Injuries re­ revolution. His forefathers remained The Rev. R. W. Griffith will MM Craigmyle and Sullivan Lake com­ 6. J. Warneboldt 90 dent of Canada tor 26 years, coming from Donaldson, Iowa. ceived last week, when attacked true to Qreat Britain, and, as a U.E Court Awards Railway a United Chnrch Communion service petitions had already bean mailed T. P. W. Billwlller 90 by an infuriated hull on her Loyalist, was one of the foremost ln the Community Hall on August 24, to Edmonton, and that these 8. P. V. Jensen - 89 Deceased, while at Endiang, was en­ farm. Mra. Nyheim was engaged educationists of his time ln Canada. Damages From Motorist at IS o'clock, Mr. R. K. Lava taking would be issued In a few days. 9. W. McLaren 88% gaged in auctioneering, as well as fol­ in milking, when attacked, ind Several Important books were pub­ his place at Craigmyle tbat day. Unfortunately, he did not have a 10. Harold Oke - 88 lowing his trade as painter. Three had It not been for the timely lished from his pen, and in 1895 was 11. H. E. Quaschnick 85% years ago he was a patient tn tha For tha third time in two months Miaa Dorothy James is the new copy of these scores, and conse­ arrival of her son, who beat the credited by university papers as be­ the Central Vermont Railway has col­ teacher at Hunt Lake tor the coming 12. El Blaln 85 Hanna Hospital, suffering trom pneu­ enraged animal off, the aged ing the outstanding mathematician of quently the Kiwanls competition 18. J. Moulding _ 84% monia. Although he recovered trom lected damages from-a careless mo­ term. We nre wishing her every sap-' at Hanna was the only one whieh lady might have been gored to that period, with -special articles ot torist for damage to its equipment. In cees. 14. J. R. Robertson - 82 this illness, he was in a very weakened death. A fractured collarbone, several pages written on bis splendid he could give to tha press. 15. R. Gaugler ..... 82 condition for some time. this case the court awarded tka rail­ Mr. Sydney Leith has gone with tba J. McD-Taylor Win* aa well aa painful Injuries, neces­ 'work. way damages against a man who had Boy Scouts to Scollard tor a holiday. 16. D. Raina • 80 The late L. R. Courtrlght ls survived sitated her removal to the Hanna The' following is the score tor the 17. T. Campion „,..... 80 by his mother, in Vermilion, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. McLellan are quietly left his car on a grade crossing at Rox­ -Tta Bndlang diatriet suffered an­ Hospital, where she received bury after a Ure had blown out. It other severe hailstorm on August 1, 1930 standing gnsln competition divis­ 18. 8. Brunner 8-9 one sister In Missouri; two brothers, prompt attention. living In this district on their farm, ion ot the Combined Standing Grain comfortably situated and surrounded was hit hy a freight train with damage which cleaned oat quite • tow farmers •Renfrew. All other entries Mar­ G. Courtrlght, of Wllkle, Sask., and 1 IM per cent. ragajjjjs *«*fe-**4 '!%88f • and Pure Seed Competition sponsored quis. toy many friends...... „ _., to the locomotive. a m, ot caxgsft. ~*J"* '"' **' b'^WQfjf ^ S "an tem**i%t Jtafrh^). '^fll8^k*4ft^


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EaUhllahed 1911. Those were the grand old days, when Tom and the sitting of the Assessment Com­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Fladhamer have SUNNYNOOK SCAPA mission. gone to Oalgary for a holiday. A strictly Independent weakly newspaper, publUhed every Will and all the rest of thc Marks family led in 1 r Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McCluskey Mrs. Velio's father, Mr. Brown, who Thnrsday In The Herald Building, Main Street, the stage world of Canada. Their visits to the old and children, of Nanton, visited with has been visiting here for a couple of Hanna, Alberta, Canada. (Special to The Harald) (Special to The Herald) Mrs. P. Chayer last week. weeks, returned to Hanna on Thurs­ H. G. McCREA - - - • Publisher. Ontario home towns were real events, and their SUNNYNOOK, Aug. 12.—Mrs. Rus­ SCAPA, Aug. 12,—The U.F.W.A. As a result of the storm a week ago day. sell, an old time resident of this place, held their three-day Home Nursing Friday, Herman Desilets' dam has fill­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES names awaken pleasant memories in the boys of the course laat week. The instructor was ed up again, making a nice clean swim­ Buy a of — and died suddenly last week In Saskatche­ Miss Conroy, from the Department of Three months ln Canada —._ .60 old eastern country. The name "Marks" was ever wan. ming hole, of which the community ls get a — of - FREE. Extension, Edmonton University. making good use. See Corner Drug ad. -36P Six months in Canada $1.00 Harvesting is in full blast around a guarantee of clean, wholesome entertainment, these .parts. There was a good attendance each One year la Canada $2.00 The hall adjusters were here and day, and a very profitable and en­ and the record which these men have left is a real finished up a lot of satisfactory work joyable time was spent by the ladies. On* year in U.S. .„- »2.S0 in settling claims. Miss Gladys Knudson left last Thurs­ FARMERS! tribute to their ability as entertainers and citizens. if you have your eye on a second day night for her home In Calgary, Hanna, Alberta, Thursday, August 14th, 1930. And at that time, Bert Johnston, the famous homestead, better take lt up before after spending a week at the Mac­ FOE SECOND-HAND the firat of October, or lt will be turn­ Kenzie home and visiting old friends magician, was up and coming. Sired by a famous ed over to the province. in the district. HARVEST IS ON Mass was celebrated here last week Several of the farmers ln this dis­ THE 1930 CHOP is being cut. Binder, com­ father, once the world's champion all-round athlete, wtth a splendid cort-gregation present. trict have started cutting, the grain SEPARATORS and a general favorite throughout Eastern Canada It is understood that Graham Whid­ ripening fast. bine and header, according to the nature of the den, local elevator agent, will shortly Mrs. P. Gorman and son, Jackie, of SJUXJ— and the States, thc son inherited many of the en­ leave Sunnynook. , are visiting with the former's crop and the equipment of the wheat grower, has Friends of Jud Preston are hoping parents', Mr. and Mrs. T. McCafferty, viable qualities of the father. Bert faced the foot­ for his early recovery. Mr. Preston at Garden Plain. been brought out and put to work. This week ls a patient ln the Hanna Hospital, BARTMANN MACHINE SHOP sees cutting in progress throughout this district, lights of the Kickapoo Indian Medicine troupe. and Ms condition has recently caused no little anxiety to his many friends. A914-33T and many sections of the province report harvest His fame grew and success was ahead. Later, as­ CORINTH in full swing. sociated with the Marks company, he entertained CHURCHES hundreds of thousands, and the theatre which book­ (Special to The Herald) In the trading area of which Hanna is the THE SALVATION ARMY CORINTH, Aug. 4.—Baseball fans ed Marks Brothers was almost invariably assured Journeyed to Wilford School on Sun­ FOR HEAVY DUTY centre, the yield promises to be several times bet­ Thursday, August 7, 8:00 p.m.—Sun­ day to watch the games there. of a paying run. ter than that of 1929. The increase in the amount shine Hour. Not so many attended the Sunny­ Sunday, August 17 nook picnic as ln former years. of grain actually marketed in local elevators is The old days have passed. The moving pic­ 11 a.m Holiness Meeting Those who lived in the path of the hailstorm have turned their stock in­ Need your grain problematical. But it is a safe assertion to pre­ ture, the "leg show" and the talkies have, to a 2.30 p.m Sunday School to their grain fields. Those who suf­ 7.30 p.m Salvation Meeting fered less are busy raking, ag the dict that the 69 cars shipped out of Hanna last large extent, displaced the type of entertainment Always Welcome at The Army! grain Is all mowed ready. Some are CAPT. R. BELL, CO., busy mowing. Some nice stacks of truck tires in a year will be multiplied by two or, possibly, three. presented by Marks Brothers and Johnston. But LIEUT. ANDERSON, Asst. feed ve appearing ln the district. that these men survive and still draw crowds, is G. McCumsey was a visitor ln Han­ hurry? .... We Then, with outlying elevators scattered throughout ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH na on Thursday In connection with our trading area, the bulk of the crop will be a real tribute to their skill as showmen. There are Sunday, August 17 ***++****+*4-****+*******+** shipped from these. those who still prefer to see the "Magic Show"; 7:30 p.m Evening Prayer, Sermon have your size! REV. A. W. HAZLEHURST, Hail has affected the immediate Hanna district who much prefer the Marks Brothers' type of Priest in Charge. Have You comedy-drama, or the sleight of hand of Bert John­ to a serious extent, but there are still many fine UNITED CHURCH Served These ston, to many of the cheap, tawdry movie-talkies stands of grain throughout the surrounding coun­ Sunday, August 17 try. With frost deferred and no further hail, the of the dav. And these are the people who make 10.30 a.m Primary Sunday School 11.00 a.m Senior Sunday School yield promises to exceed the expectations of the it possible' for the names of Johnston and Marks 7.30 p.m. ..._ Evening Worship BEEF average estimator. The situation is now more to still appear on show bills. When the house is All Welcome! REV. J. V. HOWEY. promising than it appeared to be a week ago, and filled, and applause rings true, it must be a source DISHES CHURCH OF CHRIST a much more cheerful spirit obtains in business of satisfaction to these men to know that there Recently ? Sunday, August 17 circles. still live those patrons who like to be entertained SHORT RIBS 10.30 a.m.—Bible School (Senior). ROLLED FLANK without the necessity of stooping to the risque. Thos. Scott, Superintendent. ROLLED ROAST 10.30 a.m.—Bible School (Junior). SWISS STEAK Wednesday, August 13, marked the last of the sum­ These old-time entertainers have countless Mrs. E. Fitzsimmons. friends throughout the length and breadth of the 11.30 a.m.—Communion and Sermon. TV"0 wasting precious days waiting for new mer half-holidays for 1930. The full six-day week will 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service. be ln vague until another summer rolls round. Dominion who will wish them well. They are part Monday, 7:30 p.m.—Intermediate •••^ tires if you buy from us. We've got C. E. Bernard Lelcht, president. Meat is an essential at any your size in stock. And Goody ears—the T^V and parcel of Canadian life, and it makes one feel Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Senior C. B. C. "ROBBING PETER" meal and Beef is the finest .:. good within to see that they still survive. Rose, president. of meat. We will cut and •* most satisfactory, biggest-value tires on the DURING THE WEEK Hanrk has been visit­ REV. O. P. BROWN dress it to your specifications. + market today. Come in next time you're HANNA GOSPEL MISSION Come in and select. ed for three days by a travelling'carnival, under All Meats kept at proper tem­ in town and get our prices. Or telephone the auspices of the local branch of the B.P.O.E. THE LIVESTOCK POOL PROPOSAL Thursday, 8 p.m Lecture perature in Frigidaire coolers. and we'll come out. IN THE NEWS columns of this issue there from a chart on Daniel's Prophesies The visitors, who are widely known under the on the time of the end. Does It In­ appears a story of a recent meeting held at Craig­ terest you? If so, come and hear! nrme of the Conklin & Garrett Shows, have a fair­ Saturday: 8 p.m Public Meeting STAR CENTRAL GARAGE ly big outfit as such shows go in this country, and myle, attended by representative cattle growers, Sunday, August 17 in which the proposal is made to form branches of 11 a.m Worship and Preaching MEAT MARKET TELEPHONE 102 they carry quite a bunch of men and women cap­ 3 p.m Bible Class, Sunday School the Alberta Co-operative Livestock Producers, Ltd., 7.30 p.m Song Service and Phone 165 f Tom Harley Hanna, Alta. able of entertaining the public and collecting thc Salvation Meeting "Your Order Will Be Up ln + along this line. In short, the cattle grower is be- a 'Jiffy'." f E870-32, 34, 36, 39, 43, 48, 52 coin. Also Tuesday following, at 8 p.m., D923-36T X aamiua more, aud more, imuatient and dissatisfied Public Meeting. Mr************** — TUB tmneWmUUlHg Tg-THinr TH-WC ai»W» nnnc Wc oW-m tsl*>a «*v*\oova« to Skill ••• over the manner in which he is forced to market under the patronage of the Elks, and that the vis PASTOR J. A. SAUVE. his livestock and the prices which he receives. itors pay a certain guaranteed sum to the local GRACE UNITED CHURCH (Sunnynook) ledge of this benevolent, fraternal society. Of With the present outlook for low prices on poorer grades of grain, it should naturally follow Sunday, August 17 course, the town is expected to collect the usual Porcina ...- 11:00 a.m. To Remind You to Try It license fee as well. that feeding this type of grain would be more Lonebutte 2:30 p.m. Sunnynook 7:45 p.m. profitable. However, with prevailing low prices The contract, or agreement, between the Conk­ Sabbath School (Sunnynook) .. 11 a.m. for cattle, the farmer is at a loss to know just lin & Garrett people and the local Elks was ar­ E. S. PARKER, Pastor. what course to follow. The cattle beast is sacri­ ranged some months ago, else it is improbable that POLLOCKVILLE UNITED CHURCH ficed at less than the cost of raising, in many in­ a visit •would have been made in the face of exist­ Sunday, August 17 stances. A mere pittance, sometimes, is offered for Carolside 11:00 a.m. RITZBEER ing depression. It is questionable, however, wheth­ Square Deal 2:30 p.m. / the choicest prime three-year-old steer. Pollockville 7:30 p.m. er it is good business on the part of any local or­ JAMES CONNOLLY, Pastor The activity among cattle raisers to form a ganization to encourage circus-midway-carnival- ************************** gaming outfits, such as that which visited Hanna co-operative marketing organization is but a sign this week, to stop over here. of the times. If the producer of beef is to stop the A NEW BEVERAGE Even though the visitors pay the license fees, leaks between the market price and the price he PREPARED FROM together with the proposed $400 guarantee to the receives, he must look to his guns and endeavor Elks, community interests probably would be serv­ to work out some scheme similar to that which ha3 SAAZ SEALED ed better if the '' takings'' of the visitors were left been attempted by the wheat grower. Between in the district. The sum which these show people the price paid the stock raiser for beef on the CERTIFIED HOPS, were supposed to have paid to play here amounts hoof, and that for which the dressed product sells, RICE AND MALT. to $550. Even though the visit was probably an there is room for investigation, and there is evi­ unprofitable one, considerably more than this sum dence that the producer is preparing to better his surely went out of the community, leaving the dis­ position if at all possible. ICE CREAM Plain, or Fagged brains revive trict a net loser. rare flavors. Raising money for charity by such methods does not seem like sound practice. It is just one SODAS and taut nerves relax The Oldtimer All flavors. more instance of robbing poor Peter to pay poorer Paul. The motive of the fraternal organization Softball doesn't necessarily mean MALTED MILKS under the soothing mentioned was of the best, but it would seem that soft hand?. SUNDAES H N a better method of serving charity's needs could It's a hot wind that blows nobody BOTTLED DRINKS spell of the refreshing be chosen. cool. ONLY THB Some endurance tests are started BEST SERVED magic of ... OLD FRIENDS ln the air, others on the dance floor, VERY RECENTLY, residents of Hanna and but the greatest of all beings when LIBERTY CAFE district had the opportunity of once more renew­ the preacher asks you to repeat "I LEB & DAIN, Props. will." RITZ ing acquaintance with two of the best known and C924-36 most widely respected members of the Canadian If married men are smarter than **** single ones, as some claim, they have stage, in the persons of Joe Marks and Bert John­ to be. I BEER ston. These two, with their company, are again With the poultry business making some of our best touring Canada, and are at present nearing the farmers almost Independent of other sources of revenue, TEMPORARY completion of their tour of the Western provinces. lt looks as If the goose was not the only bird to lay a ABSENCE Visits of these two celebrities bring to our golden egg. Nearest Warehouse mind tha good old days; days before the advent I wish to announce to my Echoes of the "Trip" clientele that I wlll, unavoid­ of the moving picture; days when a poster or pla­ "Every year you go fishing," complained friend wife, ably, be absent from my Hanna DRUMHELLER card carrying the name "Marks Brothers" signal­ "and you know I hate flsh." office during the months of "Well," said her husiband, "our gang catch as few ized -an event of the season, in entertainment, for May, June and July, but will as possible." return to resume practice ln all and sundry. Those were the days when, as August. schoolboys, we received a pasteboard ticket on | SAW— Donald Sinclair and Martin -Dahl, comparing hall DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED leaving school at noon, bearing the words: "This Dr. S. M. Somen loses, as between Scotch and Norwegian friends; Dav* Dentist Ticket and live Cents, Admits, etc., etc." And Grossert, breaking the record over the Hanna golf course; when we visited the "opera house" we got our his son, displaying commendable prowess; Billy Griffiths, golfer, delayed for Sunday dinner; Larry Helmer, in a This Advertisement 1B not inserted by the Alberta Liquor Control Board D883-24T momjplrworflL- - f^-,-- semi-pro foursome.- --• • . or by tbe Government ot tbs Province of Albert*.


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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: — Two cents per word, first insertion, and l%c per word each subsequent (Special to The Herald) Insertion. Figures in groups of five or less, dollar mark, signs, initials, CLIVALE, Aug. 11.—A number ot STANMORE, Aug. 9.—Master Jack etc., each count as one word. Minimum price, first insertion, 50 cents; fanners started harvesting last week. minimum price, subsequent Insertion, 35 cents. Engraved brands, 25 Everyone who has a crop left will be and Ronald Warneboldt, of Sheerness, cents each, additional. busy harvesting hy the middle of this returned home Wednesday after visit­ Reading Notices:—14 cents per count line per Insertion. Minimum 50 cents. week. ing at the home of their uncle*, C. W. Card* of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, etc.—Not exceeding seven lines, $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Walton and fam­ Logan, tor some time. per Insertion. Over that space, 14 cents per count line, per insertion. ily attended the church picnic held at Mr. and Mrs. James Prlngle return­ the Bull Pond Saturday afternoon. Headings count as two lines, ln computing the number of lines, count ristobal ed home last week trom Calvary. They 3T Miss Avis Campbell spent last week were accompanied by their little sli words to tbe line. By Ernest Goodwin visiting Miss Dora McCullough, of Me­ daughter, Gladys, who spent her holi­ FOR SALE FOR RENT cheche. days there, and Mrs. Pringle's niece. Miss M. Brodie, of Calgary, is spend­ Miss Isabel Craig, who will spend her NOTICE TO CREAM SHIPPERS! FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT, holidays here. IF YOU WANT BIGOBR CREAM 3rd Ave. East. $20 per month. Ap­ bal. Gomez rubbed his hands approv­ their feet guided only by the one dim ing the week visiting at Clivale. cheques, buy a real dairy bull. I am ply L. Kirby, Hanna. D922-36 11th Instalment ingly aB Cristobal looked at him. Sigh­ light. The barn dance at the Indiana farm Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Logan and Mary offering for sale one Registered Hol­ ing, but compliant, the doctor went to was well attended, and greatly enjoy­ Jean, also Roy Herotd, motored to the table and poured out a draught of , The three men at the top stood back. Friday evening. stein bull, Lord Bonerges Posch FOR RENT ON CROP SHARE, S. % "I shall keep with me only the brav ne b one there ed. The barn was decorated with (sire. Colony Lord Pos-ch; dam, Bon­ 9-30-10, Joining Scotfleld, 28 miles wine into one of the glasses. Into this ° y stepped on to the crepe paper streamers and numerous erges Blanche), bred ln the purple east; with horses and implements. es-t of the band " he dropped four drops of a sluggish surface of the crag's level four men, "Heroes, lads of the rarest," mur small placards, upon which were by University of Saskatchewan, Some crop. R. Gore, Scotfield. fluid from the phial, and set the glass one of them carrying the lantern, evi­ printed witty sayings, etc. Saskatoon. This bull is 5 years old mured Cristobal. back on the table. B923-36P "And with them seek fortune." dently one of the brigand gang, the Mr. Jack Campbell, of Hanna, spent and ls now In his prime, and for a 'Ts that poisoned?" demanded Cris­ the week end at Clivale. dairy bull ls easy to handle, de-horn­ THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 'Seek fortune! You, seek fortune! others In dress, face and speech, men Nay, senor, rather let us say that for­ tobal. of another race. A baby daughter arrived at the Han ed and ringed; my boys can drive for rent, furnished. Apply Mrs. Bon- na Hospital, August 7, to make her tune will seek you. It will be yours The doctor nodded assent, his hands "Ha—Roque!" said the first man, him anywhere on foot about the nett, 6th Ave. West. E920-35-36P lifted tremblingly, his face ashy pale. home with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carnes farm. Price $150, or would consider merely to lift a finger and fate stoops as he caught sight of the group wait­ A large crowd attended the baseball exchanging for two registered year­ proudly to take you on Its shoulders'." "Death there, Infallibly?" ing to receive the new-comers. "Undoubtedly," said Sangrado. games played at the Bull Pond Sun­ ling heifers. Have also for sale FOUND He panted. "And I am to be of your "Ricote," said Roque casually, his day afternoon. The Clivale, Lonebutte two grade cows, to freshen in Sep­ band—tell me, Is that so?" Cristobal turned triumphantly to Gomez. saturnine face wrinkling into some­ and Bull Pond teams played. tember; one 8 years old, $50; one TWO KEYS. APPLY BOX 491, HER- Gomez nodded. Cristobal struck his thing that might pass for welcome. ald. C914-33T "Sir," he said smilingly, "you see, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Nelson and 9 years' old, $45. H. E. Jinks, Craig­ thigh in delight. "I never dreamt of daughter spent Saturday and Sunday myle. Phone 705. C923-36-37P all's prepared." The new-comer was a Moor, bearded HELP WANTED this," he said. "I was miserable, re­ and turbaned, a squat powerful man visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nickoll Nelson bellious, and at this darkest of all "Ay," said Gomez, none too deter- 2 eggs, beaten until light mlndedly. It was plain that the hard­ with a thick neck and broad shoulders. of Virden V.alley. 1 teaspoon salt FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GIRL, OR WOMAN, FOR GENERAL hours, lo, the dawn ln glory! Let He had a habit of stooping, but in his Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell, of 1 teaspoon mustard me never forget this' lesson." ened villain ln the group was Cristo­ 1 can Eagle Brand goods. Apply Mrs. M. Gilchrist; housework on farm, to milk 2 cows bal. "And you can manage the rest?" movements were both strength and a Sheerness, spent Saturday at the Mos­ M cup vinegar Phone 34. D921-36-37P and assist in housework while men Gomez nodded approvingly. freedom that seemed to suggest the ler home. juice 1 lemon "But, first," he said, "Roque must For a born leader of men, destined to U-iBh of paprika away combining. Going wages. Ap­ immortal fame, Gomez was looking sea that had yielded him up. A sailor, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Campbell, Miss IGOROUSLY best firat TWO REG5STERED YORKSHIRE ply Box 494, Herald. F925-36 die." and In command, was the suggestion Brodie and Mr. J. Campbell spent Sun­ four ingredients a a little below his best. "If there should Vfew minutes, add vine- sows, weighing about 550 lbs. each. "And die he shall," declared Cristo­ be a hitch • Even now 1 hardly his dress, air and movements con­ day at Mecheche. gar and lemon juice, Will farrow ln fall. Price $35.00 COMMERCIAL CLASSES bal. He turned to the doctor, stand­ know," he said undecidedly. "He's veyed. With him were two others, Mr. S. J. Tuckwood and son made a stir well snd set aside each. J. M. Williams, Dowling P.O., Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keep­ ing by, timid and near tears again. damnably suspicious." Moors both, and, like their leader, business trip to Hanna last Monday. a few hours to thicken. Phone R313, Hanna. F924-36 ing, Office Routine, etc. Day classes "You, make up your mind to that." men of the sea. Mr. Bert McCallum was a business Will keep for weeks. $20.00, night classes $7.00. Monthly Sangrado began a gesture of refusal. The sound of footsteps, of voices, caller at Clivale during the week. Write The Borden Co. Ltd. came to them, approaching. "If this (Continued Next Weekl Montreal, for recipe book: rates. Enroll now. R. Thomson, hold­ Cristobal stepped up to him, and, look­ "New Magic in the __ .ONE MCCORMICK BINDER, ALSO er Pitman diplomas. Textbooks, etc., ing him ln the face with a savagery be he " panted Gomez. Cristobal Kitchen"— FREE. one Deering binder, ln good condi­ at M. S. MacLeod's, Dominion House. that appaled the old man, "What," he said nothing . . . tion. Will sell cheap. C. G. Ger­ Phone 67R3. B902-31T said, "shall this gentleman proffer a Rx>que, followed by a stout man, tur- man, Phone R405, Hanna. B920-35-36 request of the sort twice? Prepare baned and loose trousered, and equip­ EAfitt BRAND ped with a magnificent black beard, SWEETENED COHbEHSEO MILK the dose! Where's the poison?" crutched himself forward across the ONE CASE SEPARATOR, 24-INCH TENDERS WANTED FOR IMMEDIATE F917-3.i-3.ift3.j-42 cylinder and 46 rear; all steel. In "Senor," appealed the doctor, back­ fallen masonry. running order, Including belts and TENDERS will be received until ing away feebly. "What wickedness drive belt to engine. Will .sell this August 22 for driving Lake Rose will you have me do?" CHAPTER XXII outfit very reasonable. Enquire A. school van for ensuing school year. Cristobal grasped him fiercely by the shoulder and shook him merciless­ Roque, leaving Sangrado on the J. N Oldham W. Stubbs. C920-35-37 Apply Mrs. E. J. Sutherland, Hanna. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete. E923-36 ly. ground In mortal terror, had made his "Bah! Do as I tell you, you old way on his crutches through the dark­ Crown Prosecutor for Hanna WHITE WYANDOTTE COCKERELS, fool." ness. The night was now clouding, Distriet. from Solly stock. $1.25 each dur­ NOTICE "Sir," implored the doctor, falling and the wind rising. The brigand had Corner Main St. and 2nd. Ave. ing August. Apply Foster Lamb, to his knees, "give me a moment " his cloak slung well about him, and E739-40 Sec. 10, 32, 14. Box 308, Hanna. PLEA8E NOTEI Cristobal siiatched his knife from he moved with certainty ln the light E924-36-37 That the pound now held by Magnus his belt, and bent him backwards on which still sent its influence from SALE Larson, on the N.E. 4-28-14 W. 4th M., to his heels. "What, will you have the hidden moon. WANTED Is closed. this, then?" he demanded, holding the Twice challenged by sentinels, he Cyril A. Coughlin By Order of steel before the old man's spectacles. made his way to where the cliff face SECONDHAND GRAIN SEPARATOR, cut abruptly across the level surface McCormick-Deering Thresher, 28 x 46; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, in good working order, size 24 to THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL M.D. 245. The physician began to snivel. C925-36 "Madre de Dios!" he said faintly, of the huge mass of rock on which the NOTARY PUBLIC 28. Apply Wm. Anderson, R.R. No. ruins were imposed. Almost precipi­ used only 18 days. 1, or Phone R1109, Hanna. E925-36 "forgive me. I am a coward. Death HANNA, ALBERTA Buy a of — and Is too terrible. Senor, have your own tously the cliff fell five hundred feet Case Thresher, 24 x 36 •CLEAN COTTON RAGS, FREE OF get a - of - FREE. way. I am a lost soul. Well, then"— to the narrow strip of beach at its buttons, etc. Herald Office. See Corner Drug ad. -36P he rose, and, going to a recess ln the base. Here he waited, pacing rest­ Sawyer-Massey Thresher, 22 x 34 crumbling wall wheTe a few phials lessly to and fro, till in a minute or so stood, he selected one and held lt out. he was joined by the priest, who bore One Used, Heavy Gear Wagon and Tank MACLEOD & GRABURN a lantern. "There It ls. Would I had the courage Chevrolet One-ton Truck BARRISTERS, 8OLICITOR8, to accept death." From the cavern of gloom opening NOTARIES PUBLIC "How does Roque take his potion?" below them came the sound, muffled Federal Two-ton Truck demanded Cristobal. by distance, of the rhythmic tall ot OFFICES AT "In his wine," said Sangrado miser­ wave on beacb.—-*V«*B*n*eJy Oidi "**"** —- Tf't, ably. discernible two great spurs of cliff •v. "Then pour him a glass now, and projecting ohtwards from the main mix this with it," commanded Cristo­ mass to form a cove, into which the tide was making, the force of its A. W. F. WALES waves diminished to the negligible by C. V. JOHNSON Official Auditor, Public Accountant FULL YIELD the natural breakwater thus formed I.H.C. DEALER, HANNA PHONE 49 Auditing and part-time commer­ CL on either hand. cial book-keeping solicited. Oflice rf "Yi Gomez sat. Roque remained stand­ D925-36T in C. A. Coughlin Law Ouice Bldg. ing, staling into the darkness that lay B&lQ-stt From Uneven Crops over the sea. Some minutes passed, and then in­ By Using the WITH THE to the faint light thrown round them DR. T. R. SCOTT ONLY by the lantern there emerged a man, SATISFAC­ rising apparently as If by magic out DENTIST WINDROW TORY T TNOBTRUSIVE of the black pit that edged to Roque's Graduate of State University, SIDE-HILL very feet. This nian proved to be no Michigan ^ SERVIOE more than one of the gang, finishing LEVELLER Phone 107. Opp. National Hotel ON THE In the his climb up a path ln the cliff almost SYSTEM MARKET undiscernible in the gloom. SAFETY== 10S2-T Interest "Who's that?" demanded Roque. With "Rodriguez," came back to him. Of "Well?" "Lights showed half an hour ago. at ANY speed FILMS Every I signalled back. They saw." DEVELOPED "What will they do?" Guest. "Send a boat ashore and the bark With the new Firestone Heavy PRINTS wlll stand off and on." MADE "How long?" Duty Gum-Dipped Balloon Tires "Soon enough—why—look," he point­ you have a wide margin of safety 24-HOUR SERVICE ed downwards. Standing at the edge - of the path, Roque looked beneath at ANY speed. Built in advance BAMBRICK him. Gomez joined him. Far down a of today's car requirements, they tiny light showed. "That'll be the STUDIO boat." withstand rougher usage than any Phone 290 F921-35T The three men stood silent, waiting. car on any road at any speed, NATIONAL HOTEL The darkness grew more Intense. The can give them. OF HANNA^- wind voiced to them its unchanging note of mournfulness. Minute by min­ FLOWERS ute passed. Faint sounds began to Firestone Heavy Duty Balloons Funeral and Wedding Detigne reach them, growing in decision each are made of Gum-Dipped cord Cut Flowers and Pot Planta .V*- (HOLT) few seconds. A light was moving up­ wards towards them. The occasional construction—the strongest and Order Them at— -•' **<:-.Jm*>- sound of voices became audible. At safest method known. They have GRUMMITT'S BAREST length, ln the light bf the ascending HANNA, Phone 11« ALTA. 6133^ H_ lantern, several dark figures could be a deeper safety tread, extra E514-50T I COMBINES made out climbing up the rocky path, side-wall thickness and two extra ites of Gum-Dipped cords just 'When crops are ripening unevenly, when green weeds 4.++4.++*++<^++*++4.4.*+++*+*++****+++*+*<«l»l'++*^ Ceneath the tread to absorb For a successful Sale !or adverse weather conditions prevent straight combining, road shocks. They are the the "CATERPILLAR" WINDROW SYSTEM will solve strongest, safest, toughest tires your harvesting problems. Crops are allowed to cure and A Cheque that Firestone has ever built. ripen uniformly for easy, thorough threshing. Prevents W. L FITZSIMMONS LICENSED AUCTIONEER loss of grain from several rehandlings and allows you to Make your car safer for travel. meet any harvest emergency. Equip it with a set of new Firestone Heavy Duty Balloons. MODEL 38 MODEL 36 On Time- He Is always ready to loofc See your nearest Firestone With 12-Foot Header With 16^-Foot Header Dealer today. after your interests. Level Land $1,770 Level Land ...... $2,320 WHEN A CHEQUE comes in from FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY With Leveller ... .$1,975 With Leveller ... .$2,530 the Creamery, in payment of the OF CANADA. LIMITED recent shipments of cream, a "plug" Hamilton «- Ontario Orders taken for— MODEL 34 MODEL 36 CUT FLOWERS, FUNERAL is inserted in the leaks from tiie With 15-Foot Header With 20-Foot Header WREATHS, Ste. farm. Level Land $2,110 Level Land $2,370 CORNER DRUO STONE 1113-T With Leveller ... .$2,320 With Leveller ... .$2,580 RECEIPTS from the sale ot cream Windrow Attachment $260.00 Pickup Units $425.00 help to pay the bills and constitute the surest and most profitable reve­ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE OR PHONE nue for meeting current expenses. Kraft's Furs Specialising la a full range of Union Tractor & Harvester FUR COATS COMPANY, LIMITED PLAN TO SHIP cream to— We So expert tor remodelling. F923-36 CALQARY 718 Third Avenue South W,rt Ninth PhonesAve. «"t^J2!LM7l: K6826—M729«6 Phone 2606 KRAFT The Furrier . LIMITED CENTRAL GARAGE SSX • 8th ATO. Watt Hanna Creamery, Ltd. Calgary, Alta. CARL ANDERSON, Mgr. AUTHOWSEjD DEALERS Est. 1908 M1E-TT C921-35T E922-36 ••••••••«*»»* >»•>*•»••>•>*••»•>•>•*•»»«< in »»>•»•»»»»•»•»••*•»•••

I * ^

PAOE POUR THE HANNA HERALD, HANNA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1930. '•mi. i i II Buy a of —• and Master Jack Snelgrove, of Reglna, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY B«* a .-of FREE. is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT NOTICE LOCAL AND GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Sao Corner Drug ad. -36P M. S. MacLeod. FOR RENT OF HAND HILLS TO CRAIGMYLE FARMERS! Mr. and Mrs. J. MacBeth and family C. F. Boulter ls prepared to receive Having taken over the management have returned home from Sylvan Lake, COMFORTABLE F I V E-R O O M E D pupils. Primary to Professional Ex­ July Sth, 1930. of the Searle Grain Company's eleva­ where they spent several weeks. bungalow. Apply Mrs. Wm. Jones, A regular meeting of the Board ot cellence. Special attention and latest tor at Craigmyle, I wish to assure • * * Phone 59. A922-36-36 method for beginners. Teaching Piano­ Councillors of the M.D. Hand Hills, the farmers of that district that I shall No. 275, was held on Saturday, July Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thurber return­ BOARD AND ROOM forte, Grammar, Rudiments, Har­ endeavor to give them the very best ed home last week after summer's mony, Counterpoint. Recent success­ 5th, at 1 p.m., ln the office of the Bervlce possible. I extend an invita­ secretary at Hanna. vacation. • BOARD AND ROOM FOR LADIES es include L.A.B. performer, 1929; tion to all farmers to visit the Searle or gentlemen. Apply Mrs. Anne L.A.B. performer, 1930. All Theory Present: Councillors Somerville, elevator at any time they may find * • • Gall, Morton, Congdon, Stubbs and Mrs. James Parker left last week for Campbell, 4th Ave. 2nd St. W. pupils entered 1928, 1929, 1930 passed. it convenient. Any service we may be F926-36-37P C927-36 Sim. in a position to render will be given Vancouver, where she will visit rela­ Reeve Congdon called the meeting with pleasure. tives for two weeks. to order, and the minutes of the last A. WIGLEY, preceding meeting were read. Buy a of — and Searle Grain Co., Ltd., Craigmyle. get a - of FREE. Moved by Councillor Stubbs that A926-36 the minutes be adopted ae read. Car­ See Corner Drug ad. •36P ried. A. W. McKay, Div. Repairs 42.00 Mr. and Mrs. L. Whiteford and two Mr. Pinkerton waited on the Coun­ Land Titles Office, daughters have returned to their home cil and explained the Adams Elevat­ Tax Sale Costs 135.55 in WinnLpeg, following a visit at the ing grader in full. A. Pfahl, Div. 5 RW 30.00 Mr. G-oodwin, representative of the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Oke. Ben Rubin, Div. 3 R.W., + * * Holt Tractor Co., waited on the Coun­ for H. R. Brown 30.00 NOTE! cil regarding Caterpillar tractors, road H. N. Brown, Div. 3 R.W. 40.60 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wylie and fam­ planers and the Russell graders. Alex Clarke, Div. 3 R.W. 16.00 ily, of Saskatoon, also Mrs. W. A. Wy­ HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Messrs. Johnston and Derby, of the R. Inkster, Div. 3 R.W 20.00 lie and daughter, of Rock Glen, Sask., Hanna Game Association, waited on H. Hindman, Div. 5 R.W. 48.00 have been guests at the home of Mr. at lower prices. New lines just arrived. Service weight, the Council to discuss paying a boun­ VV. A. Stubbs, Div. 5 R.W. 146.50 and Mrs. Chas. Wylie, Fourth Ave. ty on crows' eggs. Gus Rosenar, Div. 5 R.W 32.00 * * • semi-service and chiffon, in popular shades Mr. L. H. McDonald, the weed In­ B. Westfall, Div. 1 R.W 6.00 Purchases Combine BRITISH AMERICAN spector, gave his monthly report to T. Somerville, Div. 1 R.W. 4.00 W. A. Strong, well known farmer the Council. A. Raugust, Div. 2 R.W 5.00 of the Rose Lynn district, will com­ li PRICED AT A letter from the Herald-Elks' Sun­ Henry Gall, Div. 2 R.W 30.40 bine this year, having purchased a new shine Committee was then read. Mov­ John Gall, Driving Surveyor 7.40 outfit from E. A. Laughlin on Tuesday. ed by Councillor Somerville that we D. G. Faechner, Div. 2 R.W. .. 16.00 * • • GASOLINE take no action In this matter. Car­ D. G. Faechner, Div. 2 R.W. .. 16.00 Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Steeves and chil­ ried. Royal Bank, For Weed Insp. dren returned home on Tuesday, after and 75c to $1.75 pair Mr. JenBon, of the Richardson Road McDonald 50.00 having spent the past three weeks at Machinery Co., waited on the Coun­ A. B. Riddle, Div. 1 R.W 10.00 Mr. Steeve's former home in New cil. Brunswick. Moved by Councillor Stubbs that M. Sullivan, Div. 4 R.W 10.00 John Rosin be advanced the sum of Fred Pfahl, Div. 5 R.W 6.00 * * * LUBRICATING OILS J. H. STEPHENS & CO. twenty dollars and secretary be In­ Fred Pfahl, Div. 5 R.W 16.00 A. L. Burrows and daughters, Miss PHONE 28 LIMITED PHONE 28 structed to write Pension Board recom­ G. Faechner, Div. 5 R.W 8.00 Charlotte Burrows, motored down mending that he be allowed twenty S. Rust, Div. 2 R.W 82.00 from Edmonton last week, and were C926-36 dollars a month pension. Carried. J. T. Hamilton, Div. 5 R.W 42.50 guests at the home of Mr. Burrows' are now distributed locally by Moved by Councillor Stubbs that D. Crawford, Div. 5 R.W 10.00 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. W. Bur­ P. E. Coldwell be notified by register­ A. Pfahl, Div. 5 R.W 36.00 rows. Friends of Mr. Burrows will ed mail that the Council consider the Wm. Pfahl, Div. 2 R.W 90.00 be pleased to know that he ls making sum of $54.55 (as per our original of­ Chas. Witty, Div. 3 R.W 8.00 good progress toward recovery, follow­ i fer) as a fair recompense for land, A. B. Riddle, Div. 1 R.W 56.00 ing a lengthy illness. damages, and all things connected C. Deiter, Div. 5 R.W 71.00 * * * Campbell and McCallum with this diversion, considering that Grant Yoder, Div. 5 R.W 16.00 Visit Hanna Hospital BREAD ffl this district has already erected the Mr. Grauman, Div. 5 R.W 8.00 Miss K. S. Brighty, registrar of Phone 113 e *. ^v Unwrapped COFFEE fence around the diversion. Carried. Mr. Faechner, Div. 5 K.W 36.00 nurses for Alberta, under the Depart­ 20-o>. Loaves The most popular brand Moved by Councillor Morton that Jake Slppert, Div. 3 R.W 40.00 ment of Public Health, together with . '•% B922-3BT, the Coldwells' appeal re assessment E. Kelm, Div. 3 R.W 32.00 Miss Peters, assistant-superintendent **W****gm in the district. be accepted as if It was received at C. Kelm, Div. 3 R.W 24.00 of municipal hospitals for this prov­ the regular time, and the Alberta As­ R. Koutz, Div. 3 R.W 24.00 ince, were visitors in Hanna this 2 FOR 15 sessment Commission be notified, in Otto Slppert, Div. 3 R.W 24.00 week, and made their official inspec­ consideration that no notice was sent H. Ditchfield, Div. 3 R.W. .... 24.00 tion of the Hanna Municipal Hospital. \W*AW him. Carried. A. C. Murray, Div. 3 R.W 16.00 S. E. Benedict, Div. 3 R.W 16.00 * • • Moved by Councillor Sim that the Mr. and Mrs. M. S. MacLeod and 3 lbs. following bills be paid: Ed. Bell, Div. 3 R.W 14.00 C. F. White, Div. 3 R.W 48.00 family have returned home from Syl­ G. Mohl, Div. 2 R.W $ 16.00 van Lake, where they spent a short TEA 85c Red Rose S.D., Req 337.00 Fred F. Patterson, Div. 3 R.W., for Henderson 16.00 vacation, guests of Mr. A. Lees, for­ FLY Chas. Witty, Div. 3 R.W 15.00 merly of Scotfield. Otto Slppert, Div. 2 R.W 24.00 J. L. Ringrose, Div. 3 R.W 16.00 COILS R. S. Congdon, Adm. Expense 8.30 Union Tractor Co., K. A. Morton, Rd. Inspect. .. 10.00 Repairs, Grader 21.90 "S3 A. Gauze, Div. 2 R.W 16.00 J. Lanfesty, Div. 3 R.W 52.00 15 FOR .25 Alta. Govt. Phones, J. Hammond, Div. 3 R.W 44.00 Rent and Calls 4.60 King's Printer, Acts .80 FREE! Fred Green, Div. 3 R.W 300.00 Hanna Mun. Hosp., D. Sinclair, Div. 5 R.W 5.00 re Lydia Kura 15.00 SKIM MILK CHEESE F. Gibson, Div. 4 R.W 16.00 Hanna Herald, Minutes 8.19 Buy a Cake A. Rose, Div. 4 R.W 32.00 Alberta Wood Preserving WOODBURY'S REDUCTION A rare, delicious cheese, and most economical. C. Schneider, Div. 4 R.W 83.00 Co., Div. Expense 253.08 R. S. Congdon, Div. 4, M. Sullivan, Div. 4 R.W...... 117.00 FACIAL SOAP Rd. Inspect 960 Hanna Co-op., Div. Expense .... 497.11 David Karg, Div. 4 R.W 8.00 L. J. Kirby, Div. Expense .... 9.49 for 25c irn »% H. Coulson, Div. 4 R.W 16.00 Dept. of Public Health, on Lumber! H. Coulson, Div. 4 R.W 8.00 Health Expense 93.00 And Get a 25c Tube m*"-*. FLIT 45c, 65c and 90c Jack Beck, Div. 3 R.W 48.00 John Connan, Div. 4 R.W 29.00 WOODBURY'S Lower Prices—Compare Them John MacLean, Div. 3 R.W 5.00 E. E. Cole, Div. 4 R.W 37.00 K. A. Morton, Rd. Inspect 9.60 Frank Lomaa, Div. 4 R.W 24.00 FACIAL CREAM BROOMS 50c Jake Slppert, Div. 3 R.W 10.00 E. A. Laughlln, RepalrB 10.90 flDo you know that Lumber prices CHLORIDE OF LIME, 2 for 25c R. S. Congdon, Adm. Exp 8.30 Dept. Attor.-Oeneral, Relief .... 50.00 are down? Carl Kouts, Div. 3 R.W 32.00 West. Mun. News, Stationery 1.05 SWEET MIXED PICKLES, qts 40c Parr S.D., Requisition 50.00 G. Mohl, Div. 2 R.W 48.00 FREE! flHave you talked to us lately about PUUIL tiWEwrAit;'-mflie-amt mruwu, gai w *!-»•.•• T 7». q.ia., vtmw, -11&.Q0 I Ch&>. Knr(. Div. 2 R.W 48.00 building? GEM JARS, qts., per doz $1.45 C. O. Hannah, Div. 6 R.W 32.00 Fred Slppert, Div. 2 R.W 32.00 D. B. Green, Div. 5 R.W 16.50 John Rades, Div. 2 R.W 200.00 flDo you know how reasonable you GEM JARS, y2 gals., per doz $2.00 S. S. Board, Refund re Roc. 290 44.64 John Raugust, Div. 2 R.W 20.00 50c Value DILL PICKLES, per tin, 2-Vfe's 22c S. S. Board, Refund re Ree. 294 239.02 Albert Mohl, Div. 2 R.W 8.00 can make needed repairs, build Dept. Mun. Affairs, Collections 1285.67 Adam Mohl, Div. 2 R.W 16.00 for your new home, or remodel your Hall Ins. Bd., Collections 784.59 G. Newbauer, Div. 2 R.W 32.00 old one? EST Hosp. Board, Collections 1431.32 M. Gaetz, Div. 2 R.W 16.00 £BK D. H. Wise, Div. 3 R.W 40.00 G. Kelm, Div. 2 R.W 8.00 ^Better get in touch with us at once. C. H. Witty, Div. 3 R.W 202.00 D. Rust, Div. 2 R.W 8.00 B. F. Mitchell, Surveys 25.00 Arthur Morton, Div. 3 R.W 10.00 fiWe can show you a substantial L. J. Klrby, Weed Killer 41.15 D. H. Wise, Div. 3 R.W. and 25c saving from the previous prices. Can. Bank Commerce, Stamps 10.00 Pests 7.00 K. A. Morton, Div. 3 R.W. .... 7.80 K. A. Morton, Div. 3 R.W 5.00 fflf you are planning to build, re­ R. Koutz, Rd. Diversion 10.00 R. S. Congdon, Adm. Expense 8.30 Corner Drug Store model, or repair, come in and let L. H. McDonald, Weed Insp'r .. 75.00 Albert Martin, Div. 2 R.W 32.00 us give you figures. PHONE 124 A925-36 T. Somerville, Council Fees .... 7.30 Alta. Govt. Phones, WATCH OUR John Gall, Council Fees 7.30 Rent and Calls 7.40 [ SPECIALS ] K. Morton, Council Fees 8.20 Carried. OET IN TOUCH R. S. Congdon, Council Fees .... 8.30 Moved by Councillor Gall that meet­ A923-36 T. E. Stubbs, Council Fees .... 6.10 ing be adjourned. Carried. C917-34 WITH US TODAY! A. M. Sim, Council Fees 6.20 John Rosin, Relief Advance .... 20.00 Alex Clarke, Div. 3 R.W 48.00 GOODYEAR ENDLESS Hugo Quashnick, Div. 5 R.W. .. 31.00 Crown Lumber Co., H. S. Quashnick, Div. 5 R.W. .. 40.00 FOR SALE Hanna LIMITED Alberta S. C. Petersen, Div. 4 R.W 32.00 L. Morton, Div. 3 R.W 4.00 TWO SECOND-HAND SMALL E. A. ELLINGSON, Mgr. T. W. McBeath, Div. 3 R.W 8.00 "KLINGTITE" Jock Fairweather, Div. 3 R.W. 16.00 B924-36T Wm. Metsgar, Div. 3 R.W 16.00 w W. Slinn, Div. 5 R.W 24.00 SEPARATORS S.*******************++*********++++*.H E. A. Portfors, Div. 6 R.W 43.20 G. A. Vowel, Div. 5 R.W 24.00 Also Thresher Belts Aug Quashnick, Div. 5 R.W 28.00 D. Sinclair, Div. 5 R.W 11.60 TWO SECOND-HAND TRUCKS Bert Lewis, Div. 5 R.W 9.60 E. Erickson, Div. 5 R.W 64.00 with 70-bushel tanks See Me For D. E. Green. Div. 6 R.W 24.00 E. A. LAUGHLIN Phone 31 PRICES E926-36T

We are unloading within the next few days Real attractions are billed for S-"* a \- this and next week. another carload of— THURS., FRI. and SAT., A lew oi the ate FORD CARS August 14,15,16 | many that s lBk1r.:*^ 'THE SONG OF LOVE' i to be iound »^ and will be pleased to show you our brand new models. An all-talking, singing, com­ our August Sale \ edy drama; full of pathos and entertainment. LUMBER PanOpenerV ... 19c We would like to demonstrate our— catalogue. MON., TUES. and WED., August 18,19, 20 PRICES are HEAVY DUTY TRUCK 15c Bvv*•%50!or \: •,%t^tf!3- ve? " BULL DOG DRUMMOND" 35c ' m Bottotn \ to you, and can assure you that the Ford is a strong REDUCED! 'Veg- *° <> With Ronald Colman. A 100 *•• per cent, attraction. See iti OWING TO LACK of demand : 7 and economical "job." on the prairies, lumber prices ^\ITW TUE8DAY are down. FAMILY GIFT NIGHT Vacuui» ..T i aH _tftS, • • Our slogan today is Ford Product—"Value MILLS ARE competing, keen­ <• THURS., FRI. and SAT., <• Far Above the Price." ly, for business and as a result August 21, 22,23 we are now able to buy from $10 to $12 lower than last seas­ reg- **• - The great stage and screen l&Sff-. •** artiste— on's prices. This gives you the l "GEORGE ARLISS, in benefit of an immense saving. r*- W ° WE INVITE you to make free " THE GREEN GODDESS" use of our service and assure You remember this star in you of the usual high quality Tom Harley "Disraeli". in all lines, for which this firm Saturday, August 16, dance In has become well and favorably ,«y^E- *". j&ft-W* fOBD DEALEE, HANNA the Memorial Hall. Music by known. Bert Johnston's orchestra. Ad­ B926-36 mission 75c a cou£la, b. U. KUttiNSON LUMBER, LTD. ' D926-36 uW»***z2k S. B. ROBINSON, Mgr. A924-36T • D924-36
