Humber Valley Village – Identification Sign and Royal York Court

Date: April 18, 2011

To: York Community Council

From: Acting Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District

Wards: Ward 4 – Etobicoke Centre

Reference p:\2011\Cluster B\TRA\EtobicokeYork\eycc110068-tp Number:

SUMMARY This staff report is about a matter that Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.

The purpose of this report is to request Etobicoke York Community Council's approval for the Humber Valley Village Residents Association's proposal to install and maintain one community identification sign at the northeast corner of the intersection of Royal York Road and Royal York Court.

The Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on Royal York Road. They were advised of this proposal and do not have any objections.

RECOMMENDATIONS Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council:

1. Approve the request from the Humber Valley Village Residents Association to install a community identification sign commemorating the "Humber Valley Village" community at the northeast corner of the Royal York Road and Royal York Court intersection;

2. The sign is to be designed, located, and installed to the satisfaction of the Acting Director of Transportation Services;

3. As required by Section 215-31 of the Etobicoke Municipal Code, the Humber Valley Village Residents' Association shall pay an application fee of $75.00;

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4. The Humber Valley Village Residents' Association shall be financially responsible for all existing and future costs associated with sign manufacturing, installation and maintenance;

5. The Humber Valley Village Residents' Association shall enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the City for the location and maintenance of the proposed sign at no cost to the City; and,

6. The appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto, including the introduction in Council of any Bills that may be required.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from adopting this report.

ISSUE BACKGROUND Humber Valley was created as the cut away the remnants of the ancient shoreline of Lake Iroquois. Although laid out as farm lots by 1905, the land was resurveyed and subdivided for development by Robert Home Smith as the "Humber Valley Surveys" in the early 1930s. The neighbourhood was planned as a unique suburb similar to The Kingsway to the south. Over the next 30 years, the area was fully developed with a mix of single family homes, apartment building, and a shopping centre.

The Humber Valley Village Residents Association requests permission to install a community identification sign commemorating the area. They propose to install the sign within the boulevard area at the northeast corner of the intersection of Royal York Road and Royal York Court. Attachment No. 1 illustrates the proposed sign location.

Since the proposed sign is to be located within public road allowance, it is subject to the "Identification and Directional Road Signage Policy" that was adopted by City Council at its meeting of April 14-16, 2003. All signage requests within public right-of-way that are made pursuant to this policy require Community Council approval.

In addition, signs on public property proposed within the limits of the former City of Etobicoke are subject to the minor variance process described in the "Signs on Public Property" section of Chapter 215 "Signs" of the Etobicoke Municipal Code. Chapter 215 requires that applicants pay an application fee of $75.00. In all other respects, however, the City of Toronto policy regarding community signage within public right-of-ways is more restrictive than the applicable sections of Chapter 215, and this application is being processed according to the 2003 City of Toronto policy.

COMMENTS The "Identification and Directional Road Signage Policy" requires that applicants satisfy a number of conditions before the municipality will approve community identification signs within

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public rights-of-way. Briefly, requests for signage such as this current proposal from the Humber Valley Village Residents Association must:

a) be made by organizations that are registered and/or incorporated;

b) that the actual name(s) used to identify a community or neighbourhood generally have a historic context that is confirmed by the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Department;

c) all approved sign installations are subject to an encroachment agreement;

d) signage complies with the location and sign structure criteria described in Appendix "A" of the Policy; and

e) requires notifying adjoining property owners before the sign is installed.

The Humber Valley Village Residents' Association is a registered community group. The proposed sign measures 3.82 square metres in area and will read "Humber Valley Village." Attachment No. 2 provides a drawing of the proposed installation.

Humber Valley Village Residents' Homes Association is financially responsible for the cost of manufacturing and maintaining the sign, as well as the costs of obtaining an encroachment agreement with the City.

The location of the proposed sign will not interfere with sidewalks, transit shelters/stops, street furniture or driver sight distances.

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In view of the foregoing, approval of this application is considered appropriate, subject to the recommended conditions.

CONTACT Don Pardoe, Supervisor Traffic Planning, Right-of-Way Management, Etobicoke York District Phone: 416-394-8422, Fax: 416-394-8942, e-mail: [email protected] AFS


______Steven T. Kodama, P.Eng. Acting Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District


Attachment 1: Map Attachment 2: Drawing of Proposed Installation

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