Syllabus :

No Theory, only practicals

1. Physical exercise which would help the basic movements in dance 2. All types of ‘ Adavu ‘ - in three kalas 3. Emotional movements of neck, eye, eyebrows 4. 1 - Alaripu (Trishra or Chaturashra) 5. 1 - Jatiswara 6. 1 - Thillana 7. Action for two Devaranamas 8. Say the ‘Adavu’ - to tala for talas


Syllabus :

Theory: 1. Knowledge about Paribhashika shabdas. Bharatha (Bhavava-raga-tala), - , Jathi, Adavu - Varieties of them. Teermana (Muktaya), Solkattu, Nrutta, Nrutya, Natya, Hastha, Arangetrum (Gejjepooje), Angashuddi. 2. 4 types of expressions: Angika, Vachika, Aharya & Sathvika 3. Asamyutha - Samyutha Hastha - Usage Nrutta Hastagalu 4. Musical used in dance 5. Knowledge about dance dress & costumes 6. Beginning of dance, historical background - 4 types of dance system in India & their specialties. (Bharathanatya, , , Manipuri) 7. Kolata - types - folkdance - knowledge 8. Special knowledge about talas and their Angas - three kalas, Gathi bhedas. 9. Ragalakshanas - of few ragas 10. Nruthabandha Lakshanas - Alaripu, Jathiswara, Shabda, Varna, Pada, Tillana


1. All ‘Adavus’ - in 3 kalas 5 jathis 2. Asamyutha - Samyutha Hasthas, their age and Nrutta Hasthas 3. Two Hecchige Alaripu 4. Two Hecchige Jatiswaragalu 5. One Shabda 6. One Padavarna 7. Two Hecchige Tillanagalu 8. Two Padabhinaya - 1) Choornika Abinaya 2) Kannada Devaranama Abinaya 9. Kolata 10. Singing - to sing with Shruthi, Tillana, Solkatta, Jatiswaras, Pada, Varna with Tala.

For Senior Dance: 100 marks for practical examination 80 marks for dance 20 marks for music


Syllabus :


1. Knowledge of Paribhashika Shabdas. Anga - Pratynaga - Upanga - Pushpanjali - Sthanaka, Mandala, Plavana, Bhramari, Gathi, Charl, - Angahara, Natyadharmi, Lokadharni, Bhava & Rasa theermana (Muktaya) 2. Adavu Jathis - their angas (Sthanaka, Chari & Nrutta Hastha) & their divisional system. 3. Special education of 4 types of expressions - Hasthaviniyoga - (Devatha, Dashavathara, Bandhavya) as given in Natyashasthra (Theory of dance) & Abhinaya Darpana. 4. Rasa & Bhava & their classification methods. 5. Nayaka - Nayaki Bhava & their explanatory practice. 6. All types of angalakshanas, necessity, importance & specialties of Bharathanatya programmes. 7. Natyapatra - Good & Bad things 8. Shirobheda, Greevabheda & Drushti Bedhas. 9. Knowledge of dance drama, Geyadramas, Bhagavathamela, , Kucchupudi & Koravanji. 10. General knowledge of folk dances of different regions. 11. Dance dress - Costumes 12. Stage - arrangements 13. Sculpture - Shiplakala Bhangi 14. Knowledge of Tatwa, Sushira & Avanaddha 15. Life history of dance/musical exponents 16. Knowledge of all talas 17. Ragalakshana.


1. Adavu Jathis - in three kalas 2. Three Alripus 3. Three Jathiswaras ( in different, ragas - talas) 4. Two shabdas 5. Two extrapadavarnas ( Hecchige) 6. One extra thillana 7. 4 Slokas - 2 Choornikas 8. 4 expressions (Hecchige) 9. Ashtapadi (1 Sarga) 10. Two Javalis 11. Navarasa Abhinaya 12. Bharathanaya - two light dances 13. Songs - Solkattu - Theermana 14. To dance for a Devaranamas Special attention to Angashuddi.

All the essential costumes, music troops, instruments must be arranged by the candidates themselves on their own expenses