TourMagination Timeline JUNE 2020 As TourMagination celebrates our 50th anniversary, we look back over the last five decades to see how and when we have grown and changed.

1969 1970 1971 1973 1974 - John Ruth first serves as Exploratory tour of Jan Gleysteen & Arnold European Anabaptist Wilmer Martin travels on storyteller on the May 20 – Western Europe with Jan Cressman lead the first Heritage tour is offered the Anabaptist Heritage June 4 tour. Gleysteen & John Ruth TM Anabaptist Heritage and has been offered tour as a guest of TM - TM partners with Mennonite & family. tour. every year since. under the Leadership Board of Missions’ Outspoken program. program for a bicycle tour of Holland, & Switzerland. 1975 1978 1980 1982 1983

TM offers first tour with TM organises a Dutch TM offers first non- - TM leads first tour to TM offers first tour to Hesston College. Mennonite tour to North European tour to Jamaica Israel/Palestine. South America. America, including the & Belize. - Wilmer Martin becomes Mennonite World a shareholder in Conference in Wichita, TourMagination. Kansas.

1984 1986 1988 1991 1992

- TM offers first tour with - First TM tour to First tour to & - TM becomes - First TM tour to Eastern Mennonite . Scotland. incorporated as a Mexico. College. - Celebrates Bicentennial Pennsylvania corporation. - First tour done in - TM leads 8 tours to the of Mennonite migration - Henry Landes becomes partnership with MEDA Mennonite World with Trail of the Conestoga a shareholder. - Jan Gleysteen retires Conference in Strasbourg, tour from Pennsylvania to from TourMagination. . Ontario.

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Arnold Cressman retires TM opens brick-and- A Vienna music & culture TM begins to offer Alaska - Mennonite World from TourMagination. mortar travel office. tour is led by Wilbur cruises. Conference tours to India Maust. and India/ Indonesia - First tour to Scandinavia - First tour to Poland & East Germany.

1999 2000 2003 2007 2008

First tour to . Wilmer Martin becomes Four tours are taken to - Henry Landes retires - First TM tour to president and CEO and Mennonite World from TourMagination. Antarctica. first full-time employee. Conference in Africa. - First Mystery tour.

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Nine tours are taken to the - Audrey Voth Petkau New priority to family Strong emphasis on the Renewed interest in Mennonite World becomes a share holder custom tours. Holy Land with 6 tours. Iceland. Conference in the - TM offers 15 tours that Paraguay. include the Oberammergau Passion Play.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Inspiring service tour to Jack & Irene Suderman’s - Wilmer & Janet Martin 500 year Martin Luther TM offers the first Haiti. first Cuba tour. retire. Celebration tour. women’s tour to - Audrey Voth Petkau Tanzania. becomes President and sole owner.

2019 2020 Invitation tour to the “Explore, Experience, Expand your World” opening of Ichan Kala Surviving Museum in Uzbekistan. COVID-19....