,,.-.-. ••>,• •..,


OF THE V II has been esthaajB. ay saslasei. ^^T- ** ** |»* w»V that the available water power to nSHINB CLUBS Canada, both developed aad uadrrel- < P, S. Oakoma. BaUald. defeated xJ oped, ta capable of gsasrsttng laBBU C T. C, «-« »L I Us (Mmbsl. Xr, I-WtaowX. •*. «,L 000 horsepower, of which tSMim Was. at Smith, of Be.**: denied ttmrmittvA BafasPatgaf Wkothe UMA haripawsT are avanabls to papnlated Jsawa lhiacnsr. of University ef Pitts- IMICIVIU fvBaV aaVJeV MINT FDR BOVft TO TAKC m •LACK NIXT SATURDAY Tba qtlll*alioo of this water pow- "'SB^SMJSB.. of BahVld. rfehstad TwaJra- St. am, Agfa** Atw. OCEAN LEDGER er U rapidly Increasing. Dartag last !^ln^J*J?r'*; ??£] n wu Cifv Annual K««nt Open to All Beya Untfar year the Installation, at plants was r™** »°» « Bhwrwood. H. C-». - aj <•». 4PF;U~B/.f?G/\IN completed with a total of «*.*» hone- **> . W a www Vrpa VOL XXUl.-Hw.w4 IB Years ef At* power. Develdpmenta sow ander coo- W. K. Smith. BdaWd. defeated E., - OCEM CHY, N. J., SATUiWY, SEPIQitQI 4» If*. The Annual Sort ''"'frr Toaraa- etroctlou win prodoce STO00D hor-: H. Perkins, of Mooraatowa Field Ctob.,' WITH A FllLL wTOOK 09 FIN* arat given by to* Ocean City Flab- power; and projects contemplated for by default. OROCsUMIsV •OUL.THV AMt> las Club for boys under If years of oop»ofl«a»r power. The waferpawers ta Canada . . ^ c-nfiJ rTY. WB KUN WTVPSTLV ON I JUNIOR RED CROSS nuttej over BRIEF LOCALS AN APPEAL TO THE TAXPAYERS ; QUAUTVaAwMami i«w ••••• . ' oo poaaoatty of HU by Adoption 1 Saturday, September 4th. so UMcoal." rhat for a«*e had been nmnl— Paol A. LeUy. of Poattac. Mlcb Ocean City beach at 17th street. This to waste. Is- now belay made to ton ^ PERSONALS W0RUN6 AT HOME tn# «•.-«!• of imjuaay aad to Ilitrt . Secara tkaaa OF CAPE MAY COUNTY tournament i» opea to all bora under Canada's »ir~-^ snd dwaflujr OMIVfteJnT A wSAtmrw. It )«n aad tbara ta no entrance fee. OVLBI > »«"-*" Cala Qaataa ta. atatata tnuaad aad faarlaaa jailau was Ma.' A aMat extraordinary array of prttee TIOW FOR JULY AMO AUOUaT i 1*e Nortlmtfcr. Mit«aJlifehmnaetCo. rUeaUng ta Wrawa Uaa af sMaa la oar Mgaaat eoart- aad aw. astresstliig la value over ttuO.OO have1 (At HtM* atraet aM Saaali)J Saya Or. Famuht. •wWlo lasaw/ rnaHian la vloUtad la taastata. —bee* ei»bsertbeaV The ftrst prl»a u aj, ooVsers. MOtttD B. AMAH, 3*64 Agmt NOTM OF INTWIUT TO ALL 7 WHAT WILL TMC TAXPAYIfta OOf aay tantey wblob Fifty Dollar watcb donated by A- F., Oa UM kada* of atari Jiaiselbech, rt«l maker and sportsman.;: HJsa VtrHaJa fty. of Palladalphla. taa Jaator Bad < L Tasaayan. attaataoal aatatlosi aawev otortdad far is UM. Another wc- -• ' "*-***-***- Aiumc an. it JL waa amoas tba raoaet vlattora to this "* awna." mat raloe la al •-. -, uua ana a'O raaort. • iraoil mtta>aaM 1 y torta a yaar T»U raads| Uwmts aotad by tha statata that Watch or ilmllar vain* la flTra by Or. | tm uiiNuiinKm.1VilR'|| Mr. aad' Mrs. J. W. Croala and Carteton Simon. Dr. Carteton Simon, Low Blab TITLC AND TRUaTCOk dangbtar. of Aberjteao, Md, wara n- tu lor years Ibe champion rurf-caster) \ BMaaaars tawmaHraa of saaajletBal caat visitors to Ocean City. Of tbe.world. | 2 1Jf ** OMM CHy. a j. B-ttTsls, Cast tba Wart -lBcorporate» vfltaga. boroaga. tows pottsa may ask for taaofty; aad cam Jodca aad Mrs. Nbrtbcott and fata- "or city, or la aay township or county tbaa at aay tlava satuia vtadkatlOB' There are to be seven] eventa and ( * JOT MJ. aa propinoaa as mat BOW far taaeb- Uy of Lazlattoa. Ky, aro sQjoanu.g •"« «*• •yan Maala of dttssnamp. "of tbla State, aball praaaat to aay from say onjost. ssusisfcms ao fae for s short Urns In this resort "Jasticei of tba Oupi ssss Coart anu tba wrltar la mtormad aoaa bavw Mia. Emily a Jacoby. f Dkt -affldavlt, sworn to aad aabatribad to rat doaa so. ar*a la tba (hoa of J1 -by tbetnselres, aad aarUag forta that criticisms to which tbey can hardly Park, paid a recent visit to this re- f»» Ottsanahtp laioagB SaMca" far smallest boys stand an excellent - ' I -thay ara ftaaholdara aad hsva paid ba deaf. Probably, aa tadrrhtaata, chance of winning a rood prize, 'ja aort . otaara. maca OM JaaJor Bad Croaa Is wttW o ••• ••ancj duwaja wMca tba Amart- HOME OF DEALY SCORPION SHOULD 8ET ANOTHER BEAU "•""J- •»« f^» " r£" aoa» of U^-in WWXOBM thai appnr. Challenges bsvs been IMU.I1 by the II WHlttll MALOMET Jars. Jaenes H. Croaslnsnam Is »la-—^ BJ^J Craaa (aataaa taa acboeeaaya —— -aad tbat tbey hava caaaa to baHara tnn!t» Acting slao aa prtvata dt*«' boys of Ocean City to all of the crest j*8 ATTENTION!! •tin* Mr. sad Mrs. B. H. Rood for Raglaa M Mode* Tbat la AvaMad ay aad taa acaaoKMa, an tta •atMdsa LMUs rr.astmty That' I r «M "that tba moneys of each Incorporated „„, tbt nembara of a recent graad Bshlac clubs of the Atlantic Coast snd(£^ aareral waaks. am daaKned to coma wttatn taa raga- Travslara far a Meat •HasOaat Will gvee Kratfieata Mangy Mraak -vlllaga. boroagh. towa or ctty. or of jp,, WBO ^.^ ^„ utud . font of they are Invited to srod teams to com- 15 PREST-O-LITI* Mr. Pao. P. wmum. w»a .no., rraea Pmist Oaa. -loch township or eooaty. ara bain*. , ,«,.,. mot .poblicry oaaaad. mar yete for a verj» handsome cup. Doys If Do Too Know This Young Man? StoraflwrUOwr, ft ^ bag to* work o(taa acaaots, auy ride ap aad dews Maxka. bat .A smaJl portion of sack bv 5! I tns Clob. the Aabury Park FUhlns Jj™ CUs Tanks aibd Ap^tiagcat ! there la one strip of teiiltuij that even ttvlag la Terr. Haata. says tha to.)-cbosa n freeholders of say oomUy cr formalloa waa laid racaatty hafora Clob. >n« Belmar Ffihlng Club and 30 the hardiest sad asost dartag of them dUaapolU News. Be has long bees "tba leartalallva body) of such loeor- «„,, ^^ n^t, to .u,. „ tbe Lone Island Caitlns Club. •' reesat visitor to Ocaaa City. Aaaaricaa Bad Cross PinijBl CSBBSBBV wfU set brave. .It Is a desert country tarated a chair-wanner by tha family "ponied village, boroagh. town or elljr. taxtbtr sltaalon c*n h^» s. -. Can aad aa« a «lB«i Ha*l» was j Tn*a« caitlng toanuuscnts which ( Miss Edith J. Pool*, of Phllade*. tsa, la not a parpsraataoa of taa Jsa- that extends from a petat near the city of tbe girt whom be boaars with his -or township, by raaotadoa heretofore ^^T thaaTto ^«^J ZTZZZ i f BSTe be«n (l*en by the < Xru Cltr, pbla. wera among taa PnlladalphlaBa *<* •«• Cross, bat taa ttatelag a»def Duraogo to the am dais of tbe stats 2307 ATLANTIC AVENW; bar. over the-^^d. Jj»»« «*«--- Am^rteaa^ttiaaabto Flsnlac Clob for the boys In (vaeral I AtitAtiawtiic ddry . N. J J. •fl tar in* past four yi song by ftfty atlhm wide. It U s» Miss Helen Carey baa rstarned from loaaas at aaaad daaaxrsex Oaa of taa sarted that myriads of arorpioaa Infest aatssatarbmagbtaayofettbar. i -um mfmuon miami HED rsM«•'' leal UBga Was »^]^ts^H tO he glvsa A : Malae, wbara aba apaat a Tary aajoy> * "— ' "— ~~* thla regtoa aad ara the moat deadly af -la hia discretion, nutter purely criminal, aad with so ii: ttey bar* dereJoped a nomber of really ; summary tnvsatlgartoo tato political or -ersoaal featare what. wonderful casters. Some of the bors: M Be the "the aCalrs of each eorpnrallna. aad srer. Oaa ghtaco at tha dstea af the «mfiaea year, of a». «r, eastln. rlrrn' pleasant vacation hare. gardad aa aatsUa af lha re him -at hn dlseretioa be auy appoint offenses alleged la etrtsia ladlrt- to S* feec which U a great deal bat- I: Mr. Mlttoa Ness, of Drexel HltL Pa, ' • lo prosecats each tsvestl- a^ta now poMlsbed. sad a terltunWDncufa 8o«n.of " Ocean City Local Express adags. Is high. Ttus Is especially traa| la spending a pleasant vacation bar/ • fte bors wno ban irxhated from the •Oh. rm aa bnasry far candy. Will -thereof to be pabUabed la aaeh sun- whereby aa offenee most be ntaVied R.B.Ladwig Mlaa P. Isabel McCosaeU. of Phila- Inasrt la imaiainatr called, la rrgardad Tbia afurnoon promiw. u> t» aa aach a deadly past that far away Von ga ta the drag star* alth me aa "aer aa be may deeas proper. II wtthla two years or fall, will alva I delphia, la eajoytag a pleasant vaca- sot tha ladrrktaal paplla. ataraal that I caa get somar -aball be the duty of tbe ooVeera aad the true reason for singling oat these tie* In thla resort. sa», hatofal commaeity work aadt as All Kind* of Hauling paid a hsaaty of ^a» csatavo. eajarra- Beroee mass. Crime knows asat ta abaat miTisT cant of imarl I of tb, Oceu City Flahinc Clob la win- »e*i ana tom^ Mlaa Margaret Crowther wsa among jXese^TThSth ^agslarlBvst par- r person ao far ss Ikla harpbm wssgo • tte work. Bat ahsa ate. .nd boldln. tba Oc«n City Cop.! J the Phlladelpklana here over the week-j **-»-*«— ta cfrla aad pentode -' The recent ap- „,,„ (anpagas, swsawiauBv r'lWt-' caadywasboatlivsa dttptfyediw ta- ta tranststa ksta Bfa and sttiaa I -e*w aaeh orders may he paatebed codas*! more competent aad hatter boy., -ho gatu of th. Vat at Club Ueday bolUa' '- Aaua. of £s «0» of the scorpions IN kfllea sad taettsa af paytag the bftL Be. ef paid far thaas sanastly. eaana, aba had la do R hersslf. 1 try; aach Justice as for contempt. trained to penetrate donbtfal traaa- much 1 - , Wayne. Pa_ apeat the weak-ai*! ta at aha Pailess at Ma sod the whole world. «*1.O«» CUy ..am. .^Oeeaa City. taa " • " I . "The costs taewned nader thla set acUoas than the writer, waa wboOy Ihoataam axnlbited br tbapeiaons wh_ .—• hM, the canted tha beat home 1 ' ""'" " " " , of hie own hnUatlvw tboss who will watch tbe race from; >jraiard a Joasa. of PtitiaderpMs. i«HbU4» Ua wiapetaca. en the pasaa •a. anaoal «eot. u reawrT >tm Aa nvbag room. Aad all the rest . - . , — .~_~...|.~. waa within tbe Court's legal ^-. Not only do the boy, torn out paid a receat visit ta thai resort. D,,, asthads •£ errie trslansg, I "lag ohVera of the corcoratioa whoael nowar. and eolely for puMIc policy. L >uln In Ur*. Btnnber 10 do thrlr best, but *« 1y. of Atlantic City, baa Mrs. C. Panasr. of PhUadetphla. ,a- meatad hy paaaphlets aad hatoM ~m- talking of the statement ta the contrary Is their mober* «nd f»th«r» come alons enl"'* <** •«*! (a«orUa Arda Ocean City lojml aa ontlag la Ocean aty over »£^*~ %!£****** 1 ntsd: provided, however. If said untrae. tbe morrow wbro she ate tb>* candy. 1 hlrn w _f_ — «• • - Hawwll Oaf ta-B afVUOr aeM CcMaV eaaat tu c I "at tweaty-ave fresboidtrs at least tea quoted stilut* tn U- reached tacritde v r) " - Howard Scbermertome. R. HOWEUg Mr. Walter L Waterman, of Provt- ilaaga isTiaiiaaiiMiilsiiia let• sea ihfi BEARDS AS BILL COLLECTORS Thl" tlo "n •1Ii'1 Alice. , vtaltora here. wmtsomws- as with chUdraa ta las- I'alull be »•»«» lo 0^ disbursing olBce. fouod tu cdat *>UkJ. ua) t*r«e as a proud of the sarcess the bo>r are cuak* f>"*n Cn> . UO^-U.IKTJMJ boau »i^- Mr. P. a Beck, af , re- Jj£, "^ * ^^.^y^tr^ Meat »akHaasrs Srefer the Ctaaav I "and the lechdaUre body of sacb vll- basU for subsequent action ctvU - Inr and rontnbates heavllj iow«r.!» or* amoiu yoanjt p^. . -lace, beraogh. lown or city, township criminal, aad should aay sorb s ' Uds;ilcaaDot bees. centljf sojourned to this raaort. ..--.-- -. the piixes and other nut'.rs that t-if oul !lll- or county.- from such Investigation aa reaeJre » ""•**" ar» »ni-r*.l In this »»•• r: Family Resort ccflcd. Tfca reaort thai bas Mr. and Mrs. Clinton SmuUen sad . ..._._ Rarnert Jxiklri*. the Londaa pab- tu make It lnterrstJnx. of t-«fh me*Ucur. He com** to Oc The most rataal reading win show action from thla office such aetina ")' A>I- from ih- tallinc rarrs ihr •» Mabfflsatloa af the BM**arte> theUaber »ho occa.t-oally U»HS OS? a These tournamrpta are rarr.«-«l en st and prospered the purpose sad scope of this statute will be promptly taken. nmat thrillioc »ttn' vill t>*> th*> Hx- h ease ay. tta lease sad verleos arher book klmaelf. Ml' tbe atory of bow Older the rales of the Association ut 1 ea one oeraatea, when he *aa dining j II Is to afford s summary aad effective if snd when tha statutory aombnr pr^»s Cruiser Rare. . . j young, using graphic descriptions In his dlsrassxartyteg peers for the aisisanl Snrf .\MllH2<~labs *mi these rul-o are ^t^E^H-tal^g^/^ ?^^^-*^^' Featoa- aahed ta an Jaoior Bad Croaa Ass- with an aor and editor, the aathar means of snowing to the taxpayers of taxpayers, and aa many more as There will be no ban-Hi aj m 1'' natton of deadly gsrasa la eoetay terrt. aa rlgldly\ adbrred tn aa thouer. the E. L PHILLIPS. Mr, and Mis. Wm. ri.-ll.-r. of pblla- tiier as a (inssSJUirj af -the awat war" rad» tht. par"lciiant. 7*00 Boiat Avenue...... — 1: and Ir nni to rltlrenn. have aasun-d the writer per. "I Mar Bed Crass are embodied hi the restaurant • is the event. The llaa c^ptalDs. m**> West Philadelphia. PJ In Ocean City. I pledge of service which tbe papfl takes i pmvlde a basis for Imdllcfni lesat tonally and In wrltln*. that thry will -I ftiiim tbe moaqulto fmea Brazil "That man.* remarked tt<<* anther. anlon If the necatlrv be rr.ER~ PRINT Mr. O. W. Flounders waa amornc' •*" "• •«»» the mrmberahlp roO aad Tia» character. B> baa a publlalu-r Martins yellow fever tn new hinds, the 1 eilat: and the purpo*^ hemtf I. to by ih* aiatute as a basis whereby the hers of the Aaaoriation of Surf An;l:n; r n „ ^^ Ocean OyOy", , bead, » uowrp^^d; dean. le*d. »»d d»e Safert s> Ih, Philadelphia, -bo s^nt the *£ ,2^^ ZZJ^ZLXO fruca aboea be can or\rr extras Clubs and coadart these affairs us ror. hou»e»dy. 4ml* li.real.il witsi rfcAlera. put the mattrr eqoar»!y up lo the g » roart Jcstlrv acquires JOT v ,:*$ Aroon* the ir^*«-il bo.tt week-end here. J ^ ^^ fff^^^t^g f^^.. •oey. What do yna think be dtdr aprrm ~t-.u. IH spwadid broad boardwalk a aymmrrj ^_ ... _. itr. Jeakliw shook a dabi.ua nrud. (Hx>pl^ of thla rounty: to axiu.ilnt dlrtlon to nrrirr a tummary laveatl* <1 Skln L G U . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Alrott. of U*U, -We will esrk tn all ways to ttve ap The two prinripal eC>Dts «r» ' ''* "- *^ - Five milet long, with a handtome Music Pa%itioa nteaninc from it OUT ladrn I.MMe doins; thefr deadly work Svera^v of Di> r-asts in 'J{M-D fi^Nt; . tbe cool waves oi the Adanoc Ocean. Amactrve srenaas awJ bouie. " ~ """"'" ""-" '•'•' . £ (j^roj, oanmtxt* ta Its aerrlee. Mains wells." »sid Prof . Amoai la, Camdra vUltors was Ui. ^-ma - •»—"*" •»••-• •«• . the Iotuc*-st cast of thr*^. Th* *i< vards destbi tbe sutomobtluli. In a rMvnt addrwa. nntblnc deans'- ulthnut rrrvawmy h<# 1 shn.il.li.-, s rv-ponslbilltv itmt ress to sltn: and wkrn properly eie- W. Hlrea. age ev^nt. v>r.lle not prrKiuMit.. r "a.:uorfcjre Ch«rl«-« J. CurT»n. pr«-» « fraaa 0MM CHy t» ndUatef •uch Ion.- rssts. It considered the •- : Fisliing Taclde W. B. Rellly of Fhlladrlphla. SIWDI antll ha got a rh^ck. II" got hu '"' "' IK* South Jersey Racine A* plate. Mnr Vmk Mtf M Ur«« Otiw ul!l r I r WB| "Ut <>f •tn.lreir plsns for th>- ter test t IIM^^ |M^ta by alrvlane. bleak of the line Is counted at i f. try*a laara and do our beet to Inspire a , reason of his position. siafrmenK lhat (he wrli^rsr onfldent bUlrf th*t pror>. >.r.irh rbmprl***^—* halrmaa Fraak Neil reAtlanti c Gry. tbe railroad (are is tbe cheapest ol all resotti -Ttmt." eentlnn'^1 the at"h«r r»- Mr. Rodman KoMm>il«lm o( t*bl!.i- like ret-vrvoee and obedlenea hi those ! It mm thai th» wnrid la latent a|no mnrM^i-*.!):, aa to fl&M a si^vulatlTe beynn.l cavil demand strict Inquiry: » «tlon »III promptly ensue: he out- but !s Sfured a« i^m il:«t^nr^. T^. Our Specialty fumlahlns: an airplane senlcw 1"t r l < ...-ru^n: »V<-i>nr>'. llo»"ird Dran: r>r. io dais •ection. Ocean Cry ft reacbed by Penasytrania. Readtag. and djIpliU Is apendlnii the rrmalcdir ut alx>ot us. i e>e upon Mr. Jenkins' clraa-iiiavrn Bf clear*- p'j*s him ..': •• ( .- ~jr.r.:n ttum» rmta, many of whlcn are nusr Infnnnillnn .whlrh he itwnn .hould „„, ^mr |, wholly for th* fa- (f.lirirk SUrk SiniUfl Wood. f>orr«- Electric raaVaym. Buy through bciets. l'» *nt,,a it th.- UMOID "W'° "in eodeavor tn sU tbesa ways. . rfiln. "Is why rery f..»r |>uhu»l>m »nrar In the l to anov \|.il»r»«a«a. Rol-rt UrKrowa *erf Al- NsMl Mwtate Md CottagM ; a* cood ettlaeoa. to transmit Amerlra | bearda.- fbe loosest cast n* three ar. Crab Traps and Crafcs Nets .mviulvo in tfcWr oatlte cllmee. Tills lish-d r\ parte. nor consistently with! y^, «,tni, rorther provides that T alra. Piank Sltley. of Gennanipwn trv-at.-r. heficr and muiv hcauttfol than ' are at liberty o c-Aat as har<] &» the wUI give them )u»l the means of Iran, the Inlen-t of the public shoald It. ,hf said Jusilr* may In orderlnjt swh th* Lincoln. At "" f""twinlinn of uis acboot pro- Weeda and Hay Fever. Rke on!/ the loaiest Cast beir..- n.-ui la entertaining a party of friends at abe »n tranamtttadalln tbe Junlcn -o fIlx UUl s acfaooCrosst prola -a pra.-e-tlme dunsrr as «»ll as one that • Intpn^nnff oj.^*noll<«» made by laStock Miaa Helm Menklen. ol New York g^t lore for Americas chlldr«a. Dr. William KI>rf| an Fisbaaa dibs iadolae m sport on ... .. , sram nf tbe Junlc- Ilxl Cross la a ruold >>« nasal \ery oeTenalielr tn war. City. number or the Threl Wise th.- Aturr'.cmn l|j>- lV».-r l"n-\niil«iii arid Impartially done as by the .urn- obligation «h.r^hy the <-n*t« thereof tbe bay and , Mis am Helm Menklen. of New York g^t lore for Americas children. Tbe dancer from ISM "»II^«1 batul- Honed arn the KHIlaajCap. donated by; Tke Modern Hardware Store Pools Is spending m (>w days at the ' NOTICK- Ions of death' ts more acrtoua than ooa a»Midatlno. sre r*-pi»rtr. 'oln. j TO elfeet quick sale, we will sell wved-cuttlng rampalfB carried out In oMtr •••v'V auklnc 'he beat aTeragr of Sva r .i,.' P -' ly to cnard scslnst the very evil . a v'ii) VIVS.O TMt 6CCONO OUNO Or ' family of Pbllade.nbla. are enjoying' "£^n ^ Bosrd^ik nniabw of hay fe*ef case* was re- The nelrials ef the United 8taste de- roent like ours ftmjr »»Ht In the llshi 1 . pahJU- moo»ys. It Is following year may be held by any!TKMMIS CHAMPk ' aa outias la thla reeort. . fSSAOs). dared to lews than DO per rent of the WIOlllfa l ow o f — boy who eaa heat his. Clarence ' partaMat af agricalrore hava bees lao»ual pmaVurv. Tbe "Void storagv" • of roll publicity: and no unjust rrn-! ,h<> m^Xn'* ronBdenl beMer that this Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stoat aad fam- Dwelling. Pint street and Central raeetpc of meay »r»»«Mo«ie reterive r baadaome tresrment as* itu- dlanssy. in vbl<-ti sore caa avail to Injure any publlrij^^, ,„,iH n any dUxan from aet- Or eay r««l, Oy. of Boxboro. are spending the re-1 areaoe. 11.069. (or taam work aad the Ocean City prartWatty all inilllatlna !> etrtud-1 ofllrer when publicity shows the rUhl' lng |B |h, prr^at rase. Re wm psr- aeiader of the ~»~- ta Ocean City. DweUtnt Fifth street aad Wesley hi order to Insure the the mot at at| to be his. This U no time to miner' toBMnr yjn ln anv aoch bond tf It bo Isreno*. llaMS. paaaas that It baa bees snoad aeces- Bwapncric potlea. la said to afford only aary as lease a sesisnunt tor tha par- 'words. There Is. aa the writer-roqa|r0d an(jwll l nt ,, n^, be Jobv Mr- George A. Hewitt, of PhOadX., aoonja. House, foorth street aad transmit relief, whfla the taw temI honestl- y bellrvea. a common belief thereta by other persons whoa* i^p aaaa of eiplalnlag >**« *ne arheme le iwrature Is likely to caase bronchitis. — aola. le, spsBrtlag a short time to I West avesoe. tTJM. sot feasible. *V* tha psrpaea of over- """ ~ ' 1 reasons, are. Ilka Oceaa City. j Corrugated Metal Raraca. TU West The enVts of an ahoadsat rain on bay rreane. f 1M*. only araahes the polloa out of' Josttfy LaoUOOSof ear the air, bat also perms nan rty ramovee I -"

•rahahly as arach tatorestad la the iaaaa and tavaata Us WAMTCO. I aswafTWparaitai again blowa late the air! If the prises were of oae- faada la eaaaarrattra alga end* A white gM for haaarwerk «ertag get he of alleged tatormatlon -••«;->'•.' ':• * • aaearttJaa waka ytaaf • ratan «aawiat- aha month of Beptesaber. Can at (It \ —-'- tttag ta be I proved by laborstery that i the aacceas of pa-nj tat wtta taatr Uwjactar. Wesley • h) tta a1aV| whsrh pallea. after at hi wa. grraa to a . tt H expected that over - aajr tJ yaa wash •aost LOST. May haya wttl coataaaT at thai aatali.l Tg. Try It 1W1 Atwjrr* )rdrr of the I ^ af taese Worthy Mama, phv Betatra tol JJaaaamhaa Wiltiam, twT lsrh street. MiitH. 1 aaaf BBBB"aaBBi4i

• •Vj S»?&fiv'.v-;ei:.: •'•>••••••

pto If wa abaald fall to (aaUbstt an aaea to tba atrlckaa paaptaa tt Ba> Ma* an to do. that I caaaot a*aa woaM aatka ao taa amod fbrc*. tf atUod •pan to da aa. ropa. X lndoda an of taaa aad attoajpt to laeogat tbam. I may ra> to waaaa endtt to doa, HARDING 6LAD Tba PraaMaat atat tapUad, aa I •paak with a •aaotoaty tycatbatto •arklMaany.bowaT*r,tbatlfIibo«ld -Tbto to propoato> i tboogbt aoewwaat rtaatraty. that wa baart, wbatbar U to to oaattoa da> *woald ba our own todfl** aa to whotb- raatatod rraaea, or aorary-Waa , rraaklaat af tbto Joat and boooraMa aacb a soctety—Tba Bagaa Mbunal, •aMOCLSAaUS «r wa war* obUaad to tbaaa drcoa- or aoMratrafattac Poland, or «•-rapabltf. I will not empower aa aaatot- whlcb, unHka tba teaga* of Tereanisa, AODlfM*. or not tract** and mtofBldad Boaala, or aaV to ami frnMttowtos, aad srltbla a tow Pnaatd fartbar. bawarar, to raaaooaa laat Uttto Batdaa. ar pttlably.oWTod coawoiuti. u roc btlpleaa aatobbara In week* win nmaa* tte coaimlttsa aa*- t ratotoe Oat Aamtoato aw » to a qarry lacarporatlac tba aaamnp- tba Waat :• ea aMJam tt dawn tkair •ssooa under tba rtialf aaaHla of aa aBaffa aaBBBBam t—a^dA^^-^^^a^—mjA maffaaffl Aaffa aa Aaatrla. ar tba ratblaaj ttrader,Ot v vVeV #Beww9 avvaBaW^BaaaaaaaaajB^ aaaaam BBJBJ ^| §i A FREE PEOPLE tton that tba caaa prortdad, far aad •any, wbkb eaaaa to tba iwjiaan throata at u.<- patot of bayoaato baraa American rspreatutatlva. pnacrlbad bad arlaaa' aad that tba tracedy tbroatb a laadanbto walcb by United av. ia awrlnaa Wa bara "to tbat body wo kara tba fraan bakto to tba rkaM of mtt do- IN Speaeh to Indfauu. Detooatlon astranaooa attack did atlat practoaty brootbt dlaaatar to bar Btojaldaa paa- u : l(kar e»r»l.« far oar gallaat aja- work ot a natty eaVrttra a* It daaa estet today ta Poland,' tba •to. rlov* than that. Her wm I aatoaatjka taUty of eodartac ptaca. Tba fact RtpuWoan Nominte DMtaret Fraatdaat adadttad apacscaBy tbat *wa -It waa wttb tbat faada*. tt ayaw>' power of tlw executlt* to corar m a tbat tba tribunal did aat prevent tba *:••<•- would ba BDtraa If wa did not kaap urn patny aad oratra to atrr*. tbat a»oat **U of aecrecy repeated acta af «•-aroat war te, of coone, niaaltost, bat dafaal aa*aa> BBBBBBBaMflwaBOa dkOa Ba^Bka^raiaBaaWai aaaaaaaBw for Security at Homo. wont* nlactaotly and wltb graM BaiaslTto(a, warranted total faiaaea to iiaJtin af- tba eaoae af tba faUora to no tosa ap. aaW a p all lit. To da aa now. "Baplytag fartbar to a aatarJoa aa I annoancad at tba tima. I wttbi faln of tb* llttl* npahUca af tba waat- panat. Oermany, already aaciway da- I am well aware, to aaawttaiaa which parhapa I oacbt aat to bannaarratloaa daatanad tt iwaaana war ara btodaphOTO. aatb aa ta aa paat few terasinad upon a rathies* taraatoa,wa a to tovHe tba aajaan af ayaJatojpr* EUROPE HAS EVEN NOW conatdrrad aacaaaary. tba Prraldaat taaandal liberty of actJaa. Tba raw. yaan bava not only made aaantoa of abto to pnveat tb* adoptloa of aseaa- QUIT WILSON'S LEAGUE prooooacad a aMral obUfatloa "of ord to atada, and ondar tba ana* cwa- tboaa wbo anoold ba oar friend*, bat ana wblcb ndgbt ban proved <*T*c •We' cooraa. auptilot to a total obUcattoa' dttkma, confronted by tba aaaa altar- bare rtobtfulty dtocndltaa aor caaatry taal. Tb* coadrHoa aew te wboDy dtf- af tba war m and ot-a areatw btodtof fort*' ea tn**r trat*d Mtabbar. farani. Mot only < Vat Pa—malic Party tuilan wm Mttr*. I ab«oM rota now aa 1 Totatl "What, then, becoca** of tb* nnro- UMO. Will •atiiill to Na Wraar. entire world baa profiled to tbe extent I laaal ana af the tklaaa wMah, I Hava (la Bound by Ortataal *a*t meot tbat Contra**, not tb* Prealilent. CaadlMa— Hava Cbaaail •0a tba otbar head. I wltt aat arof aa awful object Isadea, tbe tomma-1 ta tba wordaef auntary Laae- WKb No Aiaarieaa aafaauarwt. to tbla.butaaca at any rat*. ml«bt "Bat tba condltlona hara chanced. abafl not. aa yoa prator, aabmtt towa y eton of wblcb caaaot ba eraa. wsMtld have •keep oa oat of wmrr Tadmteally, of Kipananca baa aroastt tnllcbtaa- wroac aealnat any tawrlnn fWiaaa. tba human mind far tin M all*** to far.' bwt for tba isouataliia cooraa. It could do ao. Morally, wltb wttb reapeet to ettbar bto H*e or btocom*. Tba norrora at war aad tba af tba nsatr* •anal certainty, U coold not do ao aor m*at We know now tbat tba laagaa aagernaaa for peace have kiroaii aal- •STEADY AMUHOAt" conatltTrtad at VenaiDe* to atttrly to> •aaparty, by any pmnonl Tbla ' venal What once sumed at Tbe ; would tt erer do aa. Tba Amerlcaa potent aa a preieuUn of wan. It to aUteBMBt to mad* to an aolemnlty. "We knew nee, tbat tbe liaaai people woold o*r*r permit a rapadla- 1 Bsgue to be a men "^dtwile discus- aiiiatltatod at Yaraallta* teinte r > -Mindful af m aplandM •» MOD of a debt of honor. ao obrlooaly tmpoteat tbat tt baa aat wltb aaaUty for aooa and frleodahlp p>j'V -^'">'i • ••. ampla and ranawlng avary *nll- •no. beaa triad. Tba ortotoal toafaa, ; far an. If tt particularty appUca ta! "An t not rltbt. aty coon turn**, ktexlco, tba application baa bara d>>ln« need of facias terrifytoa; actaaU- wan. It to ae aweiawiry aatlan af aaaociatJon In war, I to aaylnc that wa aaadad only tba mlatakaaly eoocarrad aad aanaaoa- Ue*. Thla makea raatly aaater tbar'taak tent tbat It baa net even Baat aa •eant America ta ba tba rack af ably todatad upon, .baa andooatadty rected by tb* robbery and murder of < yolka of tba an> oatil tbkk aad IwBaa outbreak *f war batwaen Poland and paaaad bayoad tba poaafbOlty ct raa- anadrada of oar owa paopto to rball ef ao etnnrtbeninc The Hague trlba- tited. H eayaa net earvtve _ aaauilt/ at Kama, raaaluta la Roaato to maka aa raallaa at tout aal aa to reader It* Jot imoaa altber ataftoteot. Tbe artatoal wa«Ma, mi- coiona, Am Ban na wiaT a>aBwu9 rlaht«auan>a» and unatunnl* In toratfoa. Tba maturer Jaiirmmt of wabappy country wbo ware tawfolly' acceptable or enforceable. It tono t totakanry oanl " * ' ' aad baat aatfl riwnrl* AM tba Soar aaawrlty and aminmagy af tba' I on* of tb* thlnga which, to tha word* tba world wm ba tbat It diatiud ta tbara aad wen entitled ta ptefctJoa. mtotakanry oanaal atnd aad atfjad wttb tbafeaUaa paw- ' of Secretary tanatai: wa would bara uncommon for tba adracatea of tba — . of tko Ittaavnie Metbodtot law. ban lat tofar. ' bat far tba raatrala- pan* far tba *ary atento raaaon that, I Oa* moat admit tbat tbaae oatraaaa: teaso* of Venainea to eaarraat ua- OartsV baa aaaoaaead tbat tbtt dry v dar aad aaK AM tba wMtaa af tba -Lat a* a* dona wNb wlaaNng coatnry to all of tba trodrarlaa der**- apoa Amerlcaoa an largely tbe man favoralily Tb* Baga* Mbwaal apoa Camdon.—Da*1d C Walla, aa aiaM- • «m baatan at« aad diy. la tba bat- | ln« hand of tba amata. and to fetch oped by tbacmilatac uineaam of thw I caaacaaof tba wtoHtac aad wobbUac* ainltlllty of netoratton. Tba fen eagto to feel rbe kuh ea Soaday. and wabbling. ! bom* to ua tb* danfar af commlt- tbe (round tbat tba trlboaal lacka BBB%aa^BBB#vb*» kaa^afaBWat^aBBadr affaaf aramae faBBaVaaVBaatbl e world gaWfStossssmsMm* f f-nleMBJi aTasHhaaVaasssssasms Jepg*. aat atala aadtlar at tba «ata DOOM. , - "•toady America I Ut a* a*. tbe aaptoe walUna of our owa fOTarm-1 1 bntbar of Jodt* HaraM & Walla of I ' tine ear country to adranc* ta caaaaa teatb. wlUbatbatM toaamf wra oood fortuMa to alt" ' tbat wa know not of? alcbt, ant of rfebt | •jeot. tbotwb tha aitailaaloo naltbai. Ura Inatall tba Teetb. Trratoa. — ateattfattoaa adopted by Bonfcatowa. aada Ua aaeaod mm > —Aenafor U'anvn O. Hardlnv In belpa tba hurt, nor tire* tba nope af. frota drpwtac wbon ba aafad a •••>* i of kte awtauatac party. aa not maka It function, on* added to tba I Thla adsMdltloa to not directed «x-' II tw ai>|>r»prUiied. I would rran go of the controlling forelga pewora. proceedlnga by Mayor Head** wltb tbe Xanay City.—Tb« ncKnatloa u tax . aalattac Bbnitaa, *ad Croai x^oakj af MTT* wttb tba paddias. w 1«\>eUUEil JU1 en O ll.nl'ni. Itrpobllcan nomine* , of nation*. Tba fact ramalaa. b*w- M make It function, ooe added to tbe I Thl* wdmocltlon to not directed ** < „ ^ .^.r,^^,,,^. 1 mvaiA rna „ of the controlling fordga power*. ooamteatoner of John From, recently' •tow tt artdnf. aside tba action of bto 'oa ta IhoM atwalax. Cai« of lowing saccess, provlosd. always, tbat I aor ta wnum wa weuid guoiy SM ndm all tbat to •om* vuartera, that thte course would asdew wswaitortenara. Following tba mad* county purchasing- agsot. waa ae-1 tba aadrtntAld. btbakwiw •cillipK Wiitlia, -Thla to a dtob •***•» "**• Wff*. HATO wtMX aor mo a ant- **>wlng aacttaa. prorioad. alwara. tbat OM1 W gooA and i.'L •»'':;.•.:•'.*•• eepted by ibe city cinnialesiiwiera. wbo t ~~~ l B M one wen America. fortl. a helping band, and whom, ^,4 („,„ hoth organtaitloBa. Tbte tovoive tb* reconvening of tba aatlia adoption af tba nsolottoo the ceamle- I which oftn a Tarlapr of_comhtea- nMt^^^ "* ** j "This pay* to America tbe trlbate prtmartly, certainly _la nrefersoca te. g^tssoeot is broad enough ta tactode cooTeolloa may be regarded aa a *er/ etanen appointed William & Crawford tmmedlatsly appointed John J. Ooppte-; Indiana Itrpuhllrana, declared that ??^?^™ TT Thl b •a chief of police. ptuabsr. ta tb* offler racatad by Proof. ; databHaliod aad ncnaoeaj rblcktn brotb with grary aad anall •"••Hi- — Tba flipping of a cote For myaelt I left no room for doubt acUoo to brtnc about the aBpnme leal-: arrre wtia a »:.g*e arart ana feaer- dderattona and an would undoubtedly be CaUowfd tmw 1 plere* of tba maat oaka layer of tba Laasn* of Xnttooa curmant and that w ta •ractJcally eared tba Ut* tt Carter Ttt- Tba fttrrnnT ilimai' a aalary to 9X* j worked aat tortb a yeas. wwdtaa. nMst aad tn«7 aad Satab tba he put niiuicailua a«lila> becauae he of tb*^UTea»-blcb led a* to cast "»«««• "^ "•,"»«" *"J*i"» one tsbtranre. U H totanded far • fc^n „, mtmia^ ^ promptly by tb» arrrptanc* oo i» boo f ate!. ooUc* to erery aaiaramrat aa ,0. p,,,^ „, Btn,-, •aay of tbte city, aa expert far top witb LI ait a. Baka to a hot ana would nut arrr}>i nmrTatlooa dralgned my rot. in toror of tbat naolutlon. • »°^' °"? "^-» •» l»ntttoa», part of tbe miner member* af tba al- y of Tokyo. Oa Ao- tb. »«o of tb. earth tbat tbeeattea »^^ pr^^^ Itanra. tba ctty lone "laatb ta cook iba aaiiflaa. Sarea aolely to aufavuant American rights. of nyto* exbflwttoaa bat aa a toacbaoe dtafe. Talatoealtod Senator Hanlitu »^:«l: raeoum* of taia nation anpledaad t^. p,«, ^ th<1, „ "There woold b* no material datay. I by tbe tn Ttflaay waa paaasd provldtaa; tor tbe Oaaa Kara! Barr- Something New to maintain tlw tacredneea of Amor- ,„ „. llIK1y1ra „,. • auiKln to Catoaaa raatunata. "I give! )uu In a aplrlt of rejoicing; What can it signify If not tbat •ad two atbar avtotor* deddsd by iba 1I th. 112^000 school boada far tba , for tb* baaaflt of Ocaaa CBy paopla «g«a of a eate wbo should mak* tba •j for School Jeo. 2. Btda tar tbe boada . ' aata obtoet at Iba Sot a rr>4«lnc In tlw waraat. Tttraay lost. Lle-ataoaat Kel- wta U received at tb* muting; of tba ] A—i^.•_..*».. . jT or partial M-i.Mi. o<>l In toe trru'irjUig aa4 taka tba toad only wbara -•1 want 11 known lo the people of twroly-elshl carton, look for the hon* Una of DwatsreatJon Plain. world's hlghrst cnorrptlnn of brlprul powers. Insofar aa I could do so, - :>»>.,-•. . m% aa atafttob avtalor. aad JWm 800- cnmailailonen to be bold September epoonfaU of baktns powder, half a taa- rro»|«^i. .if |wny triumph: not In I bo ir tu n lh aary. win etaaa yoar bout boardtnc boaaa. cnni«-tn|ilL*> -u uf Qbundanc* In th*my .late snd to tbe nstloo thst I sm •»" »'~ - "* " *T- * »»«'t»ooe -Th* line of demarcation between ro-opentloo In tb* ultimata rvallis- out dlareganllnr the vroprletlea. I gaan ware fcfltod wbra tbe exbtMUoo 14. epoonfal of aatt, than add twweopfato Prtrala eottaaa. oflea. or aaytbtaVyoa D<) Iar o to lb or our sttltBd* snfl tliat of oar poUilcal llon. should alve rery earnest snd practical- I Jersey City.—Oomnihsrlooer Mkbael! at rboppad apple*, ooa-fosrtb of a cap- baratoelaaa. Wa fmtokwiwrnbtoc htnnt B.li.< uml ripening com firlde t<4lt.g for war tonlrtit for iLe main- - "« •»•••'" « •"«»• - L tapsa of tbe department of streets ital of ebortanlac aad oa* aad aao- -_ --—..-- •»•* Coenty Board JUNIOR RED CROSS Jy_«*r* "a tba Job. wa do tba raat I* ibe flr»t e-arnila' to tfi« preserva- but as an armm! forrvt prsstilrnt turn made his praliloo dear rocnr th* err* I loo of sn International vital auhja'Ct fnxu ibe day of toy elvi- and public tevproveaeato waa author- foartb rapfola of near. Baka (arty ^D workjoaraataod. Wa wtn do it a>«urtiig aiinrnarli ot atalilllty aftrr a tluu and I should a>k othera to rUlloo for conference and a waeerx-Caioavine read aad b*td a , lasd by tbs City Coounlesioo te make ACTIVE IN EUROPE alaatM to a Mow tm. br^tba eoatract or day. Orra *s a A Telling Admission liatiaa to aaaeax borough. The prtn- fonr watar pipe conoectiona wttb tb* ' niake «ar, not a • ar lhro«t ojMtn aa. _«*rcanlxatl«in w bl/-h calls 1IM-I* a SO- tunlty 10 <*>ula ntlncmilon al ibecisbl* questions, this country tn com- patriotic duty. Indeed. I >boul..•!>• for |I.«- I'nvrntlnn or War sp» namla'cf tne Xtisla am) twice be put'nion with all nations would h* both on the national rvfrtvwlum w* an adapt a laanlallaa nader tbe emerpro- I tbe Greenville and Barges dtoMcto a : Waat^l»aa»a. O*a*» CMy, M. X Mill frve mtui lbJ«*|M*mWnl ami lo • po- roirfutluu, but a »«r dedarvd In r*-p to bare, a cuuntry wbnlly unllrd i. I cy. Tbe Bayonne supply cease* fraa sition of •^Hf-rvllntwv aad bold* lo tba) tat a cwatract tor tbe rm-s»ltlaa of tba ataatea—tbaaa an aaly • tow M (aa JOMga, ROOIMS A IAIUU lirtil <>f i4-lf-*1.-l»ni,lim!ton, wblcti aro at !*^i«l t»ut a ^ftl Into our Aim-rlciin world In ij*-fen«»* of rotund. Armenia ed solely lo safeguard American mesdsllnos uf sorn a eoofervooe could : tba East Jersey Watar Company's ran-' atfflal ttkftt VOHaW AflMartflBaaW tVM M§^ prio-It-m« |aiiwta*-«-.!«.n4 la tint i>r«*rnt Ufa; a war UK for th* rsua* uf the snd ib«- Hurdaii.p|i>s Th* HriUati pr*> rights. II* Mill holds Article 10 tebe accepted without sacrtafing 00 solution of this proltlem upon whlrh —iintate, far bads, ta order tbat tb* ervetn. A aew mala greee Bayoane a 'hast* tba wm»craaba4 caMraa of Iba A. t. JONaV, Msaacar. allies uf UurviNt, a war not for Franc*. raU-r rrpll»t according to tits rvoiarka' be tb* brsrt of th* rorsaant. He doe* oar part or asking soy other power Ibe future civlllxailua so Urgwly de- aktb presaun'sttpply. 0M Wartd. tbe IVftMxrsli- pisiform. Ho doe* the to aacrtlW anatlota of Its nallonallty. petKis. •wad Bay M camplswa baton wtotar. J *X«« u« »uii«r»e itb*i Mroate dad rat* l<«-.u:tlful oa tbe seutlmvnt niay b* In quotrd by the nrwapaprrs, lo th* ef- Treats*. — Tb* State CMI Servic* Camdra, — Tb* •—«~«-»r >- and rtnhluK at le*>t our (r*tltu|>lrlng aa solution.' It r-oiil,| not-lie stt- lions rrVctrd by the PmUlent and kodatea In war and dt-M-rtlng lh« shall urre prompt pauag* uf It— n-»- (to trip. stDce Ibe 4 cast rate went taw: , th* ]>(«-«iitft-t to July of hi it )**ar, d«-notinc«iiran nall'io* n>iut«i allied nationa to nul.lli^iing' th* olullnn. vrlix-d by iiw jirv-lil.-at, de- N esaeodln* Bn'e 8. Rertiea X. by asMteaj affect. Aa aat—nrilla wttb ooe crose Tbay bar* aat ap fur tbt* majesty uf a |teu|*ltt |rf^^«-rty n<4 furnl-h tlo- ln><-|i« and III* l*n!t«*lniut*. Icjk-u* of VrrMlllea. I ilo Dot think claring' at sn «-nd tin- iicv[M»*tt»rnaa con- IDJ «'ir ci.imin.n n.uniry !l *wltb«lrr.w^i from conft^ra- ss those wtx> In proctn!tnlni( Ihem- It lonE^t nrn-uary to rluillrno tlial rents, aa formerly, aad toartng can ALLEN P. LEVERING my tmnd tl**rv U l>ut «me atmwr. H»- dition uf tc< iMilral war sbra •• ar.' The Skee Ball Alleys •dually at i«-n.>-. Slmullaiir.iii.ly. I will pay M-rvatiuns* do th« unfurtunuio IraKus. It haa al- •aloud In tba atrrto iball hava prrf- m ffS. • aa * callt-d U|«ut«- of th«» I'lillrt* Hiatrs Inktnuattf ttiat !i** >«'ou!d |tur»ue such rvudy Dren sl>atiilon*-d by Kunt^. «r»n«»." ' ubuti we bad M»*I-IIM-*| uui!vr Article ill*« for tit* i.ialui.-i.^'i,,- of iLelr by llui Cou»rv»s ,.f lu steal] of 21. 8Jrlan^ Uontvnefrtaa, and AlhaaUaa^l an M «•«•. WM. G, SCHWAITZ^Pras. a hud iM-i < >.in|>lt-t«-lli£i- s roursv In Mrtklnc rallQinilon Is not wbltb hsd i£<>n«> »•• far aa lo accvpt Olooctmtrr Ctty.—Monty an af tba to Anw-riran rolleset In Cncuianunopla I •27 Waalay Ava. Oeaaa C4ty. H. J. 10 ut tLt' leu»t:«* «i'X< iuiDt. tu l-nwrve rli^ita arid the prt-s^rvai.im of I!M powers, wtil'-h hn*i- U-— Daretown.—B*». Ralph E. WalUa of cu\rtiaut InluTil.-t fruoi tlu-Jr f.itlwra. tlntl auilliaM l.y tt:,- |*n>ldrnt tn do to |j> tilru • roiii|il!nu-ni. but rstturt it !•>- 'ornul . .iM-niiiii In trvuiy. On aiilw on btra h»t« recalTad Uwlr and Beirut, and malotatnlnf nor* than I the ii-nltorlul li.i.tilt) of I'ulaod *ss to 'hallrn.-'ballrn.-a bl>. ^urvrlty>lurvrlty. this •nl">-ii»ul>)rrt., ».»•-• are fully InfoniM-Infornu-d at l*-ai»liitlr»n lu ilu* • '.t^miv Ttciory m»dal» Olney. Pa_ who has accepted a call to o«ali>*t exirnisl ni;i;rt-^»luiL' ~V'c hav«* eli'f-n tc the morid th* that very thin:—Unit la. 10 •furni-li the e. I huv* no a bandrrd orphan* of French aoldtera • trtw.p-/ roiiM a d<-arrr Indlnitton nf "I'•I'm mtM-lmi»rlf I do nut qu^»iluqi»-%tlon for a flr^i band. Only il.* uiL«r tLty tbu f nn.lin'g It Vlnalaad.—Dr. Qcorga Canolncnam the pastorate of Ibe Presbyterian at rolUvca aad trad* arboola. In or- ' SympJtky for Poland. »!>«-ciiicl«* of a cr*-at nalluo thai cuuld Chun b her*, will asaume bis charge uuiki- w.ir wishout M-ln»h Intrfit. We wl at would bar« h*-«ii ripecfrd of this momenmomrnt IIMttuJj tmitraib uf uUat tbtf IST.K[s-r.ilM-atIni| th*- iiinnl M»OJ4, eftfhtn-n c.»u..lr> a» a n»rtntM-r of lb« tracutf be aa* day. In (Vntl-er. down tb* penlnaola tt Italy then an I Urw tbv Ur«iudU»« »>ui|>;t!li> fur Ihu "In vli-n of l!i^ -.i..|,u fuct tbit tho Halwn.—Tb* Gayner Glass Works Is rnf> Mifu for 11** tlrat tlliM* lo the ht»- dV«!r--.!J ll.nrtlly. Ki..nr. tnn. think. o« :{•> baa dully •-«:•! lie 1> 'in favor nt America ml(bl Involve Vnu ti>!7 of tbo wortit In th«* nanir uf hu- Laat winter a tbonaBd fYencb call- j Gleaniru; FRANK GROSZER • n-« cf 1'fi; i"L Our |>rr**nt t-u«« i^n 1 'u* 1'rv.l.!. nt. I am n»t. Tbal Is th* nant.' an.I he a>1-lnl. o.lh H.ir:i.i.rt» s>irliiti^l in ll..* iiNr l.avt- slr*tnly for- tvr-i!*-^ «linuM tm rvn drm from tb* Inadequate •neitara of K IIM> ltitt-rtiiitlontil kltiunlluit wblrb noild at that tlnx- of an uu~-lft»h na- ewi-i* ultb them. but. staumlng thst whole diffi'rvtu-vt l«-tw\«-n us, but II tic ou(«t«>k«-un.-K. 'It l« .juiT,. |H..»j- tiiully ti.iii liiijt.l tl.^ir |«-n.^, -:..- pas- btr* aod MIM Elal* Carre for a iteallar much work as four smaller ooes now It* drraatad regiooa war* »ent by th* to give Pulalul turn l.r..Uil.t |u uur ollfinloa. Is - no«t vllal nir. l«i-uu» It lu- Lie ll oil»bl I— .1 .1.. .n,v f. r tb<- h.llrr.1 s*j«w uf tue "vnw n-w>lur!ot; l*r cr 'nf thst foaitlon at Vanrna. Junior Red Croaa to apend tba cold , "Th« council of tn«* l^atfUL' uf Na- n*»;tiln- *tantl» In tb^ way u? perfurm- voltes tp» di>l»rtt- •«! ->-i s wurld -|J»un. furili. r. ••• ihr x l-«. riml'Inr- *r.^» would im-rvly gi\r form il recog- M-. Ttu- l*re.ld<*nt has only to fall 'sort «f Ji •'!>•» auinlwiu nlrd hy s teeing, fonurr ItrltUh aiMlu....i.U r. nition lo an i»hv!ouft fact. ajn draJ wbra b* boosht 10.000 rall- oot- >*-ura old. and her brother Charles, At rb* urn* ttme ttr* tbsneand llttl* i sin aoned o.m-^Tly. itial Ib* 1'nluil Slatra *orl.^ avu. "1^-t u> taL«* stork fi-r s UH nM-yt of Ih-re to vialt Ibrlr cousin. Mrs. Heinaei war* fron tb* (owmmroi at 35 cvnta day at Jonlor Bad Croaa acbool can- I (arefulTq OfEN AU. THt YEAR nece*kar}-. ibe ry^x to wlili»lniul tbe !-• Inri4ti~l—liul lu on J.,^ I lie UK- 'eagua, 00 It* -xin-r ^ Oyf. o-|> Term^ Alr-crir* In Ibe wurM. sr«*. utM nf !*. rlruln. olviity-thr** yean old. at teeoa. BaH> and sold tlvtn to It* rallroa.td aruln*t a rn-at iMiwer In tbe Tht Oinereno*. -'As lonx.' soul \l~,.u .1 Ciej. hard- Alurrkn ut home. Tb«. t-nil of Ifrr wi.r •oa>rany at VI *arh wttsoat tlftisc a 81. kWmlle. American acbool children hara al- taunt easily lUau tvultl ttw rvtiuuiL-u TIVS uinerenos. -'As lon-j.' soul \l~,.i. .1 <:„•,-. hard- . Done f • nteuaiic* of Uw Hffbja of the n»- rUii-tl urlilt. ar* still for«l*rn to our "The dlfftrvn.-.dlfTtrvn.-.-- t*in>t*tn>< n a court of tiy a month ago. 'u"u«. long aas thIbe rlrl.r.1rlrl.nl. fuund our un*emiown. — Eight policemen. ready leleail socaethlnc Ilk* a BiTtBoo • cations uf ITurope. U~I™IIT, nu. 1.1 iilr. In tb« nuiuiniauc* wblcb will own republic. all maukli»t. and u<* ruiUnd, *t «'l;>f John K. BmdUiaw and Bscorder dotlara for the** mterprUaa. aad tlwy •orb aa tl.ls wuuld be the Ont ini lnterr.it.. ual ' ••• aid ll <• council most r>>«<.Tful. I ho invalm. bulb for and tb* «i«K-al«tor wi.b.-« b« had tak- PrintvuL «!\t* to us a new tuarsuly of n«ilua- "It Is •WXKIMT rafa to awume. emu-: by ue league rov.usm la pufwlatlon aod icmtury, of the ctill- world Wwil»r»hip »n* hr»'. • ' fr.«» »reat tblng. and 1 bnnrver Inat tlu- Pn-,ldrfll will nnt almplv but PC .".ii.i.'i. itrd nHintrica of UH- v.orlil (land, out- every direction. \\V lu.l m.1.1 i.. r .Mow MUlvlll#.—Thlerr* .clrrrd tba f1r»t "\ -aUr:n of *lu monthly. In , throofh ramnalcna af ad-1 Prompt and Cartful which was formulated and detuandnl want II ku..wu, Mr. l"re»to>tit and »m- pnreo* Ilila om^.- Fi.ri>n»'cl). he tn# psih uf Amed<.i. n->> >**i ^ ^v ii.«* by tb* President, rpesklng tut that "Tl..- hoe Is a • I'tUial tribunal to *»..»-.tud bi n'"i aud lUrtulir irtn- ahlv to fulnil its . Vu |MII 11 la ltib«-rltHiv>-tf which 1«-1 ia our ^ITI r.efw-e. attj haQ polk* hni<]nuu1«n, and Van Meter In ptviasrln*- his annual re- tn« to eomhat widely pnralaat bUad-' AttentJoo United Stati-a, tue fact of a »pecl*l wltb la* for one, w hro I cast my tot*.' Moo1 un^kr globM and WITWL The panonaca U Into effWi th* number of Isrcroy casrs era, manifestly would bar* brat un- m a»-.n(- ''*nsnr»» to M^MI Amrrlfwo and our cuncv-pllou of Inii-r: atlonal "It Is fur 1 list imine 'yiuranty of na- asaodatk'ti of dlplutuala and pollll- >eagn* they can nradlrally nanv thrlr a«ia( ntiorat»d for the n«w paitor. ha« inrreasM] and disorderly case*. RED CROSS REUEF i dans wbux- 1!.Irrminslkios are sore no trnua.' Cwloubtt-ua) that • tue Ju.tU'v. U> r^«»t«-r. f'10 world wa. rv^dy Bar. J. rranklin Cropp of VhUtdtl- wblh fell off Ibv latter part of laat ; tionality" tbat I slaml t.«U>. and >Aall to git,* ttm tt* cciinit*ftc«. It wa. Ih* STRAW HATS cuunrtl. In ~sd>l»lutf upon th* mrsna* cootlnuv tu stand infWxlbly. so loog earoorac* reprtltlon of a i«fav*t a> 10 be Influenced by coii>:>lirsiU«. of fart. I •••: Is t!»-rr su> g.| ma- •ola. year, are Increasing. " '. IN CENTRAL EUROPE! by which tuv nl.llgntlflos to PoUud rrad. court«ou»l> but qnltr Irmly de- expediency and nallunal »eln»hue«s. 1 aoo why w* -Omuld not avail ourwlvrs berL.uiinc opl-irtuiui-. of lit.- rtTtiurlt-*, aa I shall I* prnultied 10 live. Th* not for It— gkinlM.im.n of il.» n^w Bertta. — Barry Wcacott. •tztr-OB* KaU.ro. — Largo quantities of glass- ' Intl. i»uuV mv ut uur nn»t rrtmMlc Is rttu^l by in* Toncrcr-. Wnst then to "I do not u»-sn *o ssy, noc do I, of Ihl. prlvllrsef I do not uu-m In —an old. aacratary ot LJppard ClrcU. war» are being shlpi«d by factories ' Bat for dmety aaatitipc* of tba covefiaat, would hate so held, and Ilk* rlmtm>tsnaata«. Odd PanU, HOT.' PanU and Blooaee. tu me a |.ric»l«—« >ud hacred Inheri- , "very oatpoai of sjvanrlng dviliaatioa ben hy water bees us* of tbv embargo American Red Croaa durlas tt» but . robobly the conxHenc* of America, tance. Tim* wsa wn*n sn American swer of the RrltUb premier hlnuHf? Ibal I would oVrllnu t,> r«x^ie with 1 ply as a mailer of falnx-M ami rlxht Ii did. ks* WBB ttom ax in* OKITB! rv*. O'b fre.ght. year, a Ura> proportion of tb* 30000.-. certainly ibe opinion of tbv world, In bis own wnrda. addressing a meat- other nations lu sn hoiu-e* ruiiravor ' 10 our own people, h'unrly It Is be- and Invite all nation, to tola IS* fur- did not hmltata tn |>rorialm himself a ther advance to lutlgtita drssiuain<« ll la webat never spproached betore. But dto*aaa-*r •xpoatm. Btm mllOoo do*- JONES'I MEN'S I SHOP aware. Is toeteitur* to tout* th* fore* of *xampW wsa Sung astdv foe tott kets of potatoes aa a dona Bon from-' 1 saoera of rralctsat. Bat why sboUd reports, be said: O.oe.llou Is one uf mrtuod or of prae- wno are tbe main contributor*, white fbrce of srmed alltence. We a*ai«clMl 5 3 Oataa Oty^—Mora than jaaooo, the jfarmers. Ian worth of food, clothing aad mettt- attaarloa. If th* senate had radssd any true American not be free >e say: "'When ibe terrible question at tlrahlltty within Iba >~--v1i preacrlb ssklnx nothing fbr oonelve* excrpt to cal riipg"** ha»* beaa aant to tba BaJ- Hick: Ttm* la moaey. 804 Aib»rj Avow*. Ocean City. N. J. tb* leagae corraant, n-qolrrs ao peace 01 wsr has to be decided, our cd h> •undsnarul-.i prindptas. psnldpal* la a contribution lo theoar readjuamvmu snd restontloas st aaaaaat paioad to pay off a mongas* I Weetnile. — The Victory Athletic ' Wick: ,- • •I am a patriot, wholly noted to my hoBje, and tb* rreai >arriBcw ef mil- af tl&OOO and a total tndat>u>4M»a of IClub of this place Is arranging for a | hr- Bmimenla. Balcarla, *T*f-'* strstcb of tb* Imagination. Son* can coestry. which I bold to be Cud's brat first duty " * BOTcrnaseot te to the Ther* are distlndly two type* of . prossotloo of world p-r.ee/ atiMilaaeim. Rrrbta. Boanla and Oaaaca jdsay tbat tt Is posaltla. To many , people who trust oa not to commit intematloosl ntetionshtp. On* tea a A Vtluia* •uaasstiea. lions of live* and Ullloos of treason tULBMk waa pUdcxl by ta* mctsben , tba bectnnlng of Bad Croaa ra- JONES HAS IT. taanirarkw. » man far Usher attain left us snd th* world groping ta Barer- "•* a Baat throu of iiatton in (h* •GOO ta prises, wttb ao entrant* fees. I jcaadld mteda,-aa to my awn, aarb a .meat and Ibe ptomnOna of ibe world** Mr Irecwjn to any uatestUUhl* ad- onVdave aad dWensiv* aUUnc* of -via-moM Ore* conllnoe*: Th* mm mill, aitaatlaa wfll seem high- best crtllixarloar tba paatar, Ba*. I wbfla aaSUooa of daOaia wortb of food ly piobalila. Let aar aaaaaa tbst tbe ' "Bat I hare a special iwaaaa for 1 Ibe task of drafting a rerunstrodloo I mull war* auda at tba atom- I Paat week caaaad ator* than tSMO ratfcatloa bad taken ptoca. Let aa maktac tbla r*«rrmc* today. I rbal tbe batetaaa pcoptaa of tbe world. ,**«,*.• Then be sugxests furtlwr lln-a formed. 1 jaanaea, furtber, that tbe performance . ttty war Barfare tbto cowatry I* cow> rraak^r, I as oapoaad to aacb * , that -a commute* of the snuie-we march of peace and all lla trltuapba. '- aarrkaa by B«r. Joan I daoaaa to tba araivlad aoovta ban. of tba asetrd task reaaind tba wag- 1 leage Ib* statetaeot tbat tb* patriot milted te it etea to tbe moe« ;tatlted rw Tark. Then waa Alloway. — Candidataa an batat Your dollar today boys lets bread, tea wblcb botds America ant com- ecbesM aa tbat, and I apeak know- i mm* nerer forget tn* amate's rlghia Lara ttaeMssa Our Otaea. Craaa to tbla atrlckaa parttoa at Sa-1 tog of war ason tba Baealin people • form, we must ba aattoSed tbat tbaaa «agly wbaa I say tbat tbe aaeedeted ..dcliutea to regard i. foreign af- iaa, of course. It woald, what would serflafc an to pern.* - "stlndfal of oar splendid enasple at tba Basttot Cburcb ban. aawwa. wttb wbom wa teagbt tba war. ; „,„ brine n-e«forc*d by in. meat- ajMl renewing every obllgstioa of aa- • fault: wbat woold of necessity bare ' ; quote the** tsilteg eactant to accept aacb a proa*- ^ of u,. hoos* of r«pn»iutstires. dtybaabaaa Sakwa. —Tba Harbor C tttm audsllun In war. I want America te>b a ,to neattT Nothing iriiy. we , "To saasn. aa saaae bar* iiai4* lijssee. wttb tba ' and ateo by nnratnase of Ih* President. tbe rock uf security at hums. leaiMaia an sttbry toformod. atace aaly tbe> asedtoasty. thai Iboa* of aa waa r ' . heraus* vrttt " ' Osart—could draw op ta rlgbieoasorw* sad aaaltanbta to** - forea butyoor buys ~ caa dectora war, aad tbe Owr expreas ia a Bin ly better* thai ttea I lake for Tasted tbat the , ^. ar tbtbe rrcoaatructlructloo of canty and auiimuary of tbe tow.Le t •a gnat aa oarrage apoa oner pea-! lka (««,»>. which mvaia b. coososant aa ha gone wttk ' ' by using lisawm rhr greaicet trreswn at an •tea. wbe bare aa gaad a rtabt to seek ««» ^. t^isg not of one. bat of an tbatr aaWtlcal finiiisai aa wa bad ta tjre to Aasertra.' totec todaMHy tba , far awseif. t ebeasd laava seck- Ilar tog to be tafemd. fwiaamat and abava 1TW aad ba«a tba seat* rtgbt ta da- -mskly. I raloo that aaggierton ioftbeaaUoat an stes te be sstogwarded by tbaae *e«opta« — teiare aadar tb* tasplro- .„, utVy. baraaaa « to proffers* I ad reeam* oar aigb ptaoa --- bald tbe mat of tbs pee- daaaf aaHaaalWy aa wa head tor aar- .trrMety to a' brtoful aad frWacOy ate af tbe world. Oar ***»**> . sniHt aad newata aa Impartaat CM Tba Oasar Tyaa, - World aataiaa ea- tha aersawWj of «-4Ma.«*r-mm la* aaiy OCCAM crnr CIXCTRIC scmvicc ' Tba adter type to a aattoty of tm aaniiifeat. rnUHa ar rsteastiawitoa ATL^JVTIC CRT KfrOtTnUC COM* aatlaaa. ar as a seeds Use of fraa aa- It r*e*piwae»da eokataailaUy wbat I attortote of ft>

JTTT Tv*-.*.' 3E »f«H«*'-.V OT'MJMTOtTV -wkmk amlo kJ ta tska pmoa -jjgu QIQ55 AjCTIVB Msjaksr sax IMS. at tko koar tkkfty q-qiiak hi tks foraaoaa win wxm a»aiaw w«w«raw *' REAL ESTATE AND WSURANCE CLAYTON HAINES BRICK I F\^W Tw»«toi. bals. I "•«'•« temr ttmaa. Tw^i. • J-jLjUll *tMda coBtainms two HABRT A. afORRn. City dark. I 411 Etabth SBTMI OcdMCSty, N.J. f |kwto a mm oJarm. T; tbon p. m. PRIWATEM. a n. I tka other, hara beta la ate I rlakt at Ma m I NOTKB m boreky gtraa of tka asm at ChMaasJ . | thlt line la the thretstory had, lot lamt ta tae Ctty of Oeaaa City. sad vecml wsrkara wttk saaj jaiaai. so long tea. jaiaai. Mt aeeded lor pshHe ass. •Jostpk O. CbsmaHsl sT-Waslay STwwi*«U^»h LESSSI FOR SEPTEMBER 5 sat la haadttac abafkw trsatli TTAKK B MOTICB that an tka forhnr- JAMES II CHESTER A CO. r v Tbesr- bedsteads, welch ara made b« wtscrlbed mad sttass ta tba Ctty TUs Piece of News h Important K True 7HB BUItOINO OF TMB TBkWUL entirely of Iron, ara so conatmctsd Hauls Lawraoca T. HM> f C M ef fablis AfMra-aad that they ess be knocked down to a* thafawaaaaaveraaa ot foar dam Real Estate and Insurance ot ntaois was practlctas 1 sjaatk la tkaa Pattsd Bfama. Oaa Mara partlcolsriy aa foOowt: of prajer tor an people.— cosrealeacs m bandlUw la thlpmtat baadred aad ttfty iiimmillln la TBACT Ko. J. Bttaato betwaca Wltllam M. Cimssill sad tranaportatloB. tha tbre»etory fsalj asiaa atama laWiiia. Tka rtftk aad Bhttk strosU aad betwoea OCSAMCSTT. H.x wMTsriac to BHtotaki certain stand- ABbmOICAX. MATSHAb-a Ckrea. bad tepantlnc mto frreparta. tha brad larBSSt aad matt aasuuuiis wt thess Haven aad West svenaes. ards of daaa aad tsaa. taanMr easM. Parks antf •wMIs sad foot BKtloas sad tbe three I«K were tka Odsl wave at Csraaa Ckrmtt, (TBACT No. t- BBODrNINO at tka wttk Its ooennoit akMwaMa. boraM- *pWlili«T TOFIO-Oora Beoea. each bed atctloa haTtag a wlrv m«i- Tessa, aad UrstHm ta ansststrpot. utsrssctioB at tka soatbeasterty Has rly. DB~t. Of rHJaXW AaPAIBE AND I <1~*«awlT^MraaBa treas pennaasntty attached totb e aide t^Kimtaaa. Alabama. OettwJa, OUo, of Atlantic srsaoe wttli tbe sootnwesj- Maaket Mara. Ih dkrias roam ta •uiue aArrrv t-Aabtr, »«» a»d M IMaUIDUn AMD BRM TOPIC aad end pieces. • laamaaaadTllrism ' arty Una of rtftk atreat: tksaca. slow awZtTi. Amarlet* p*pT2 Mm A » "eawa SMaB , PUttsg Our Btat )U» the Bouae er At Iks ends ot each msttraas frame la theat erents at herrer •» par- tka soslhtaatarty Has ot Atlaatle are- Crass •alaetfraSatTtcwaatb.corBaratoBa **** . Sbtrmaa-B table was ta a parttcalarty • •¥! |7)| oj| City (Mark Harry A. Marrla O—Aakar* •a—Askoiy7 areas* aad Uth yOfTMO PKOPLS AMD AOOLT TOPIC are nms tkat at mto Motsplaced u m )a)m,tt «a, ta a auatt»aatarly dtreetfoa tka of tka Croatia of lor trait army aad reUersd of tba tum . hot put of the room. He foand htm- Soileltar Andrew C Batman - "r™ ssJtable be!«Ms *p tb* beat and foot seUtkaraaaMyaaromfortablawttkkhi yet tklitaltma dfctn* go la tka dm- Halloa Ceort JoaUct .frnwela H. Wars aAsbar J^ •koatBV dmtaaes of M0 fast totk a northeast FRANKL DARBY oar WILL infill mlUUiy achlevementa. mlanifrt. DOT win they •»* aad •> |wldtk. »•> feet. artandta» ta a aoatb- coat on. and ao ba removed It. ooe tng roam of ah) hotel. . BaltdlBB laaanttr ..Wa, a. Jiasiit L •ilawist Preasiatlas (0:1-W). bed ear-simply stands vptheiMadaDd I loss was nesrty tka War Department does aot dorm It charged i noon, snd bane tt over tka back of Then Sherman Issued on ulttmstam. gklat S3aa»^ Barstsi :.Jaa. Waajas REAL ESTATE S-S7 tha t Ctmt i Ha secured from Klo«Hlnm: , Ua eof Flftk street, wkea oa- hhwbair. Ba said bs woald fmlsk his meal to \t,Juiftintr ' TUmtMMmm *~ ** L Wood for beams. ceiUnss. abeet- Itsaded. and tba northestterry Hat of •KB DABBY "IBST Ta fka satersn from an dtmatara latiStitUk street, when eattaaesort ended., totk a ..._ _^.— ..ciiaa. M. Watasal durmg fka year, tka aiatifcaB Bad landward Una of the oeesa froot Tto craatfcm of tba koca army pared to (IT* foil InfonnaUaa totb «ea yoaag man who ride, la motorbosts tloa coatantd. ba would eat at aa- themattreteta. ****• ©T -IVINUI • fINANOB IMtphooa BsU St, 2. Stooes for the great foundation. Croat asat IW*** wartk at tap- boardwalk ______to.tse shot aad collar tilioiilaaiiiann. other hotel or oa a street cor 1 were secured from tka Pbotnl- Bedataada of tins sort sre Intended nil,- UA Bad Crees aarssa aad aevsa TBACT NO t BBODJNINO at Ike akraad was tka raaalt of tk« Selective what evidence wfll ba rec-utred ta or- bat tt waa dean aad tka colors wars that a any event ka would not rast William M. ~ * ' daa aaarriea and alto from tha moan- far camps, apartments, steamers or •a-r—l reBsf trama. To mast Iks POtat or hrtsratetlOB of tka tosihweat- Borneo Act of May IS. 1S1T. A~ to ahum > dlaekarca. tba doea coaaarrattva. wtrkhi a mtmeot or a coat agala at mtaWims trntn tarn opon wkkk the temple wat ballt. whererer tba asor space Is limited. aeadtat^TttHTtT-. f-t —m-'-^-n erty lme of nfth street, when «—' two after Sherman took off km cost, tember IS. CMy Csllactar ...B. W. BiirMth SISWaaurAvx. They were ao soaped that when the attap tea renafmtleatapmtad ed. with the laadward Uae of lbs BELL PBOITB as-W bowevrr. tba proprietor of tha hotel Aad aa aeon as be bad Satshed Aast. to Cotlartar ...Isaa B. Adams rhtrty food caateoaa aad aa assay (l^_JJj^_S2_ J_2If!_!VL_!l_' .Henry T. temple was erected-there waa no toand TOKEN OF THEIR GOOD WILL BOr tatJoaa pradlctad tkat ta tka event of BMat rtotdty eiamlaed wbaa It U sub- went oat la sesrek of a korsi •f a hammer beard. .uMsssaey homttah. One koadrtd f**^**_«?• •_?» ^L _S_!l' Lc4 Ma Yoar REAL ESTATE a treat war. tba people of tba United mitted, and matt tbow coadastviy 5. Skilled workmen. Among the Is-' swsemmmi s^lsTaBBBSwat mm? Ctataa weald fall to rms to tba fan that ao Injustice »a doaa to tba Oov- was contrary totk a pomp aad dignity When he bad found one. She* sd. toth e landward Jtae or Haea which or tks eotabflstimeot. mads op km mlad that ko woald rsedret wcra not to ba found xora Eattoa Train to --irlmii Wham ketghts of patriotism aad aetfsecrlflca araaMBt ta grsstlag • dtacharga skilled m this kind of work, so tba They Expelled. ^o51^irr-Wk« IMS tow. or JT JSTS ta defaase of tkatr Country, because Wnnimi glared at btm aad stttsd tha proprietor no causa lor regret, . HIUO .oanrTthTftttieiia can be absototely «ty of Oceaa Ctty^ Draft deserters ara m«a who regla- that maa to ahlrtaleeves are, tortk a rtaotvad tomak e btmaett Juet as : kins arransad wltk Hiram to famish sore the Bed Cross wOl ha rffkt aw Mas or ltaea of tha JOSEPH L. PEACOCK ot aaltab motlrea aad foreign toBa- capable men. : tared, aad wbo tin ordcrad by tba matt part, tka toUers and rapitswil aad attractive at passible. Beset BOVBh1tirra.a.A.K«AMO»>UB. When tbe asriet aorerament took toad tohel p them ta evar, w^. waB^aJj. ^^ ••-s. :-V^'4"*! ••• • '• '• eacea. tka War baa proves tbat tka IL Itlimta BoUsMt the Taaesm contaol In the Urata. writes French m Ajtsjrr ATWBM OMBB C-T. M. J. (O:1 from ssrvfeels aot only alive, bat more tsry *WJ -..-. --_ - - ~" -~ tntatMarj aad dMtarad tkat wkfla I «H4atad. coDad wtra •wtholotr. L Tbe locaUon—lloant Morab (II workmen at Kythttm arcanised thetr hs preeeat loesUoa aad wkea ta each Ckroa.S:l). Tula waa a snttsble Inea- aeriet. They waited ea the American ance a noble collett * . InstanceIns tbe said oeaaa front bosrd- Real Estate in all its branches wldiaaiiad tkaa arar bafora. ptac*. and wbo did not ao rtport. Bwn ta 1Jut staraaa Mid atfgkt ba traa, | tkty bad la Mock. l oesAN crrv LUMEN tlco. at It waa brra tbat the Lord ap- staff at tha mlata and ssld they were aays Harvey^ Weekly, who was noted waft may b* moved tualhosittily to .-.•I i Darin* tka parted of actrra boatm- m«n ara by law bald toba* e bM lo- ______^___ peared to Dolomoa'a father. David. terry, bat a new day had dawned, tafor the profsatoa with which he speot. a aew tocatua: •baaos. ta aaortbaaat- UM, tka OorsrBBMBt was antatfd by dactod tato tba military aar*ica of ¥>„_!_ g£ Tkmt\\min*m AM Piainm f-_ q>»-,-- Z. The dlmcnalont and matertsls. If wasted sad lasl t Rwh of Bacfaelon to Europe for Wivesl Time Table a cubit waa 1» locuea, the tempie satbcradtromraUablaeoarcsaliMUcata.| . -—•-'-— ^ r, ^orr-M. or tk. 00-. m-t appwkaadlas; draft deserters: DR. W. P. HAINES proper was 00 fact lone SO feet wide boardwalk to tks southwesterly Has PHOSsI «X»f Dtftja WAJfTs "A majority ot tba ImmlcraDtt to I BXTLANATtOM and « feet blch." but coaatiBt stream of whom • tba United States ara worn—.* Ckmt>' --...- . _ . _ —— ...... oumtrtaM.Tr. TO US. S.J ~ i 6. Tbe coateota: O) Brssea altar; tkatr Ameriesa frieads sway. The day ' , ease of desertion. MWtatd. ranusrsatstMaMaoaXHO H*Sk*rae77ad BoertrJS HHtS- <3) Ufcr; U> fuWen candlestick; (4) et UMOT departure trrtred sad tks _*"" "•_" •• ^__ ^ . .„..„ . .. . tioaa; bat beeaaae of the fact that i Draft dellaqoaata ars man who were cheraUm. workmea aad their wtvas aad chOdr-o • f*"*- - ^_Tll"_i_S_-B_J^ T_iL___" wkaa i-.a*i»tneOftt lo •*• Immlgrstian bureau ta- ware uutnuatxied wouAJL Sodhu MC.V »Orv. N.J antler tbe mercy teat ahowa U# r -„,,_1 , H*t—t u foasd thh meant tips fortWdWn." that -—i-»— astUtas thetr atatas aad *bom a conaidershlu^^T^ava aamber baree ! ? **•, „,)„", °""_ ,„_,„_*" " ", « «""• »~" of .» or over. ^wmaot roajste S or Seal «^ msnlfr«Uns blmadf with bis peopis to the dead or deeds, sad the ssmrl the bandtags of owaars who f J^f?T. ^?. to^y? tbc Jruyr-r_eoder daIl wlih hJlUM1 JUM. scowd- The humbvr of *tn«1e m«. oatsuni- «J3 ^eadtag fc» on tlw xruuod of s law perfectly kefir Burepoaa Awpiaaa oa^rtaa.. aU over V««lce tlpclog baa been abel- to be **-*«-> aaoa tha betrs aad as-| tkm most tmportaat work toas . ,»i*h, (k* guilty. been convicted. Tbe offense of Irafli |— -~ ' bered atngte wacnra by mars than (Mondays only) sod «ln« stoned for byathO'abeiMlBS Two Danish airplane mmptwlte; ,iabmL nays a writer ta dm Loo dee sUtne of the 1 Por thm purpose attractions wars delinquency la no more to be over- < «t Uoo-L Fulloutsc tlw eouiplvttou bare made appllratlon to ttu- IJaaWi, Dally Han. chaser to rater Into a covenant for tbr .\u• 7M , Wtftlnr t-30 IIWI Phone 277 Tnr »nw rsW art>JI*« Bmre er leMi Issued oa December a. Mil. to tba »«-«» than that of draft desertion. twrm the snea la far i 1M Beading n.ts of Ibe urrUicc. Ihe temple waa filled government for p«rml>aii>a to eetsb- maintaining thereof, and tbe condi- •JIITM.THB KOOrEB. | Tars* Bombers of Ihe men left to ooanre_-.•--.-d. tha.—n t—o VftO.«..-, tbu,e _finaan f (.45 Peana. sMI- j JOHN R WHITICAR M. a with the glory of Jebovah. * Uah s wcater paMeeger and mall In other Italian rtiw*. bat In nooe, ma tion* aad restrictions and covenants far a» I he*e area, so campMrly and abovr referred u> I- «-M«-ct«l lo tU>w. S.4S Bridge ».1S X Boiomoo'e sddrea to lha peuple strrlca by airplane berween Copen- . | Furthermore, atnd* Eoropean wem- Bachelors ra the I'nltrd Sufsj tottl J-fJ Electrtc »J» j °»e«s City. .V. J. ssgen snd WamemLnd*. Ornuany. ,a<-tuall> aa la Vnlre. The noticea are ing, of say description whatever, shall and nan widowed \rety- furHMdVa. or atreet abutting, delineated or laid oat AayKJad AayWaers The ihlpmeat to WtahlBStoa of th*** lly »utpended the paymrat of tbe re- • Penna. li.oa 7 to 8 P. W. allow him to build the Inuple. bat n by ^ay of trala to fl>tl«rr. D*o- on the land described onder Tracts (wm ranno t ran Joly S-wlthdrswn piwulavd that Ids HI abouhl do IIM mark. two boon hy frrry to.Wame- • Nos. I and S. wbea any bonding froota »cordaamoanUnstoU».»l>3.becaala ward of ISO.00 for tbe appreheneion a aV t- t~ew. ** . M — work. Now that tn« work was AUMMC,Brands snd thro by rail to HnUn. At < 00 a street or aveooe. nor within 4 f»*t Marcb. 1»1». Invoil . •.. • •..» • and delhrery tomlllur y •athorltm o•[ SOtlKV Altogether TOrwOt Cl*%rGOOkAG frtok RBa« TSMBS1171>6 *-** Penna. 1I.5SP.M. the trwi'la mas built, and tbe ark of prnrnt prartirollr all of ttw Mrandl- of tbe aide line of any lot (excepting Uuu a comparaUTOijr amail proportion dr»ft "Jeaertert becaoae of the tr»-1 ° BO «JOOG CO O© iniB ».«• nectrie UMAJI. tbe covrouM uu« In Ita plac«*. tbt'y naTlan and Balttr panmcrra anJ •soUed OasTs Oeod Irtawtiea, when a party may own two rontlpioua ld b *f -.-rr.lly umm on any part of the lot or lota the own- him op In the roniu of bla father. •C 01 draft daaeitcr. t«uu ur iut. • ___^ j ibelr appearance in lbs Cnltnl tftatsa. •*l«f Mnntary for Irrland. He hater may desire without regards lo th* nj Ataotr Avtwn. 8. 8uloui«a'e dnllratory prayer (rv. months aU train* ha\t bem rmwde'l told how at state* >—;r» of ag» he Intervening line or line*, provided th.- aidcrtd as BUUOJ offenders. d>slre of the people to see so draft ^ ,f i^^rteto, rt,.aepartmeo t of CS^3). Tbe urit bavins t>e«o plantl la snd th* airplane •enter If e«laMldwd In tile reduction of Uus number, in. desertrr go unpunished. It la believed, j ronimrriv ranb e takra aa an Itvllra- ran away fr«o hla Canadian home, to urn* la not built within I feet of the a moat o«*ly ptan*. and UM> aiMrv«» to II will operate In cn-nf—relWm wlih a join 'tbe army. Hla fattier followed. outaJd* Maea of said lota nor within 1« (oUowlng daaa u. k~.- , „ ^ . wfll he sufnclent Incentive without the ] Woo of the prohabisv demand they tbe people having bora raile-L tbe German company. »blrt> wUI eMab- feet of in efroot Itaea hereof: prmided. about l&Suuu nu-a '" ' ' u" '" "fferln* of a reward for tbe apprehen-; may become r«ea more popular in the *•«• Electric »J» king poors oat bit soul la Vod In Ukh a —calsr aervlre hetwera Waroe- however, that tbe retiiri.tltina above US Brldfe «n nunde and Berlin. x-i.irj d (Withdrawn after Sf'. 13) prayer. In Ibis prarrr BoJ.mxxi cr.i>— >iiiuin.•« nf a bom aoldler. "The old ah*ll not apply to any building fronting llU folly arknowlrdgm Cola t">"lMr». In en lha oreen rroat boardwalk or to ^ tu^latxanu wl«, «lt.t«l In U« " ^ 'bete draft ogendera. CiN> ortm ^ ^^ ^ „,, •I* Oectrtc «.4i> r*fitt*-fnan '««« for giving ro« a MMiml c:s the |«*t. giving cUicy w tuut. ait I Eltctrlt ataot on Co- PUMtm. much aew local loo which IBe orean Army. Natry «r Marine orpa. but Tall- ° ~ «olu hare been dispatched by the de- tlin.l.lntf iheo and then-.** n>uiUe lu !>!• r.. <:.>-. The modern mribud of building aa Hjtmar. **ltut 1 ranke4 not tbe caanl be Termed (w. »M). He |>n->» tt. .t time to tfme. •< to lalorm tb«ir local boarJa 01 tne TO THI Piorit OF NIW JIRIIV nartmwt of commerce. It Is aa- -The boreas JJJ Electric 7.W UlkaadWeelA t.^. COUNTIES •ORKDCRtNO U»OW Boonced. ant when the eamplea arrire «•« Electrt* t.4« ^^ • Rradlns a^S towards the temple whkh be nail — •>M«-k»iaUWItor.p-,for»* TMB ATLA^T^ OCEAN tLSL^J^SSTl "2. '%£ .„ nwd Imnwiiateiy SALARIES TO CHILD MVOIBNI %%£• ^fch^i^SaBn'iactor^. fense. reported lo mllliary campa for people raslding m countlea bordering ,,,f?yi??!yJ-*.O?*r. -^ Uwi*mp>^' the tmpreestea that the bureau bad s.«a ' by the eaemy. even though they had h) at MorwrU. 90 mile* sway, and ts ; NURSES aUothter-boaae. piggery, or tannery Tasdl Sweet aad Weet A u AU Uc Oe tlll- l "•«*«»• ** *«~ * "~ " ««amaati B «„,„ .„ ^^ 1(t40 Electric acceaetbie hy open rsttlac There la. xue..*. or pobllc garage. That no aplrituoos. Ood would forgive and restore (w. a tt n eatlmsted. 20 onn.onn.ono tuos In j !eT^.jr_ VT ?_T^ v » being approached by solicitors and This acdoo was taken becana of "One man asked for Bfly. Sevvrel ,._,. M); (S) to caae ot famine as rhaatlo*- mart. Intoxicating or vinous liquors aftar satlsfsrtom> showing that their .»„ ,nJiSatrecV5t of letters so-1 tbe wide tatsraat crested by the pah- ordered from three towa. PrscOcsllv ****• the dmtriet and larUaaVKW toe* la one , Tha Maw Jersey SUM Board ot preparation*, or substances In Ihe u- wsa not wUfaL llrUnn fandt on behalf of some al-. ncattoa of a racoatdlspatrh from Ban- aU stated tka tua desire*, tt at on- ClOAJt. Electric You Bead COal Baadlag 000 kfflmratte for ISO r«rs, A 40JHO bought. aoM or - " bo, leced ckarttsble eoterprtse or agency. | tend that a targe quantity of sack dsrstood that the sotta. ara sappasrd < (-44 Yoo need targtve and send ram (w. XV. MM to 50JOOO kilowatt-tatloa wOl he bulM have spproved aa Increase Is erw• ooitha Isnd or an*. 8afr thwe Peuna. COAt= (41 to caae ot peetlleaca and akknvwa. during the iniiqiaet of tba War were * °* eaterprlsea or agsariee I salts were OB duptey m Eagttek. storsa. tt reran at about ot> certm •ark." 143 Electric Tes at *ea aOTB tnm Electric If they prayed to Ood toward the tem- ZFSZZZJSUt sa pkymcany lufalr for -nk.. ^^ u'^h^raSr^Im. Undo SajJl "CoUOtS NOBW of VBM Scab Electric ple. Ood woald bear and forgrre (w. hT^l^y $10. down, $10. a Month d. Ragiarrsats who died after their titct the people wMlic te these lo- Etectric «m.atloaofth.Klrw.rtv*SBdoth.,»i«M Barssa (or aarsss ladocton orders were mafliJ .calltlea bare been approached by Electric Elecrtie Electric Jeraealcm, bis prayer should ba heard Hag bouse, or other eeUhttthmeut la | t rev. 41-48): (6) la case of goteg out •*, ApprecisUsg tka thetr the Bsture thereof. That no bunaeasj Boys a $500 40*100 ft Lot reoord. ot UUW totd tkat tkay j^na^ ^Sttt?tky^srMlsT tW, TMt th. hSaada to ral- I of as r cost, of the sales tkan be '—- -1 skooM ba mam-! e mm. wntaa m the fall to wlt> ' Electric CHAS.L ADAMS ABttt liiartins. saw tka rscorda at 17MM applied to same anssad bat dtotsat tat m tha aanh Padar. aad It la dar- : Bridge SaafMa Avease betwees 9ta ass MD Sb ~g«-i—«- iwraalad tka* Okry kad ckarlly whih tll d * mtr that tka mm u . -. la csptrvtty tiifsaai of ate, Ood BMMBjOn* to tXtaj)0oa» bsjhei. of tka libasfb or Sunday), nor I ham) ardsred to raaort fJ^it,^ ^ BATOaCaUISI •wald teT-2r frayera aad restore earn every year. That mesas 1AM0.- tka rmtog east ant/ sad wBtaST fsOwL akla torpaaal a «aaasatty to«t»a^as k *"* i •~»d^ar t_vr .rayar. .,,_,_« to« - <«^ A l_» i a^rrlos Co-mlarto. today i The kUliac at th.> mUtatm m sl> J j W OCEAN CITY, N. J. bteettt tko people (»v. |inrsa-aaajh> I L^^aTlLa*a<1, always tob a «iem*a« /BBBdT amBwa* «Bi> aBa »rasB sooM tdsadai or trom COAL i them faKkfat aad nbwit tkal are ceaceatrcted w- 'people to have tht_ hearts perfect be- are oaatty avaBaUs. Tke attabnmv j tha fact that tka aarate haves ot abas wttk «4S Tracts Nat sad j IC. H. saOBXAJUSB LDMBE. *^%dl walklag !• -a eammaad- meat t a (teat Ur tba meaaAetora | rmtrtmg tk. atlariaa wklek tko Stats ,_* aadttofVss. of aan>^^i>^tefk^C*lavB»ay|-__Mt_<,t rf Haa-kwoaM Bko to , - pOStaj pnpcnjr poaaWaXI UBOU Qaffaa m piHXQ>BSg I aad the people T-at tk-a«dass*r»tdaa-| >• ef the potato waefatts (key CM mart hit pByayb jnm the * ' «ada«itkak_«. I •> How uaaa. cosaaaata ga2M^^d rssti 1 tarom taMedb « hm&j mmt maaaad paM by!the Ocesa Ca» isaiirtarjna, Tra«awaar«aam>< OB tt BOWf pBjUla^ Mff •.,> 1 * *t •asaaay** Wfee^e to Dine || Co-motrow in Hbe Cbutcbee LaRne Beauty Shop rice. A tow Did It Ever Smith's Reliable Shoe nil here to • •IO.HTH ST. AND AMURY AVK. •obvwhatT sa nnas two—j CCKTSTT. AuorroiiiUM FIRaT M. C CHURCH Occur to You Sth to 0th Sta—Aabury ta Wesley Aw •lohtn Stroot aa* Caatral AvamM That price It net dw ant thaw, ta THBM OV1R. CoatSBt la tS» ranurrur of >i* j^poaiTiaaa, eaasw two Msaas a) •a co£idVr • ««<• •I looks caa thoa bo assd hi oar foraoosi as star fott a hs wo a*j»V Ssd with what As ILU «ad ta bdUsta It th«ta was mots eoatast la oar i»»»w OCEAM CITY,H*J. He*. W. B. Lake. Vlaa Fraa. 7.4S-CreoJas sarriea. win. But aniatk trpanahy la *r. Tsi aaro .w«oo boabaa* att aait It,si an ha dasarvta. Tr» 11V n aaya •jfjMnwq OFaBiry, ww woua nan FACIAL MASSAOI—MANICURINO load ior ether evdtaary fasi aarasasa. Mr. THernss R. Port, Vka Pros. cml:t to any cnnciia. Oorkaowi- • - ' of sett esal la the HOLY TRINITY CHURCH trsailBah«stsatos-sC as refaasd to. he litarrlrr«t adooatloa ta lite butaad of hvaUae la«8pal) VIOLST RAY AND ANTItCmC Pbiltdetphia Shoe Repairing Sfco» at all "asw^tata tar ssatse-'lasl. At *• **• **•* oay." He had all Us poMlelty Us naiad imholM Wa woald also OSTS to m WM.A. Welle, avert. Cor. 111a atraat anal Central Avenue. ^yst artcas taa asat hi tao oil has "**< It sasfl ha tala sloe.* wt'h otatr f»i--i WM.C. SCHWARTZ asaaoatas •>« «t «o>a,- aha atgaat Caaiaat la A areit osae* which ALL WORK GUARANTEED. stales dawa la a nua't «ra< >r I •>'< *• ' !<:' -. • I »l THE WAYNE RESTAURANT •—Popular Son*- Serrice. ».3»-Clnirch ecfcooL > /it- until XMI cast r— — tpaciallsts la Kloctrolysls sbaaatsad aseaaaalt waa taa last, as aatomohlM with'.':' .- u«.i i'.i mxy 10.45-XorBbic prayer sad senao ' Otraatay darfac part ef the war waa ha»s f l.(|iw) or h» i;:a" h" • r hj'.l In- 606 BoMoVak. oa JaV Taai. Niaolaoa Iwaaty practically sbat oaT froai ovary aopply Mt aar. asrsr a» ntajM. taay hota tuwt l« th» sis«« •• I •••:• :- «n< ereept first Sunday of moatn. •l«p«r<«ncsd Oc«ratof» In Attondawca t fl _B«t-What»2rJ»-J:3."-l^t-!!-'-1uia_lti- FIIIST BAPTIST CHURCH SsiM Hira IM 9BM TIM •M«or fast sattmyaa cost. aattteo-dM rlaea la tn« lauralr* nrn-e «T1 7.4S—Erenlas prmycr sad silitrssa OCEAN CITT. I.J. Uttsr iBfaasB hj prsSaet cakaw aa alaatas ta taa drlaka I!ceri:i7 J- >h« Iir'.x*it «>a- Tee** ttfatt ami Wesley Avenue tataltr shlnj ant ::it 1 •» •• IIVI-.T »' •«» *sv. Marpla Lewis. P>astor. *»"t tfal anl '•he-vi hi ••>•« iv FIRST PRMBYTERIAN CHURCH isatlsaa ta da taa aaasa tita* la ta»aaoattaaa. At list •> lOMtsd atataa. - S-3O—Saadajr-ochool. Ssvtnth Straot and Waslsy AvmiM. .. tut«the mat an la csal Js tttaot. l>T'v- doca,B«t laan hU tvt li !>• HOTEL COMFORT ' 10.45—Morotos service. Rsv. R. L. Snytfsr. Pastor. whtta la tlaM at wsr Is assdad tsr taa theaaejsaTs 7.45—Brrainx Berries. -ii. CUNTON l_ BRECKLEY pat on a ja; c."i Hippodrome meetings begin on "Sara I win,- ha nodes, 1 Prayn- me»tlB« Wednesday ore- HOUSE AMD SION I war ths allies came aear dsCaU.for do 1 ova shoot sister As* hnsbsad ! tn">ri« JI I ••> ••;•• M nine at 7.48 o'clock. A A lack of It oaly try to •eoopaHas sty vary owa* fsl stteraooa a* ta< I. •-• • y rr. JOHN* LUTHIRAN CHURCH *" ~ PAINTER •—"** . Aaothsr hrprodact from ths cofctac ess*"^ Bo ktaasd bar asjattw tastssd of irm.jl.x; i..jr u ,. j. uc tTM «Mit« to »eew as f Hew. Mm ft. ailllson, Faster. I MACEDONIA M. U. CHURCH *~i :*: Ijrj .-jUfli a Ullla • ' •••.•**V.v.*8 4 tint ClaM Warh by Pint CkwMba. ffiili.ii.r of aae too of soft cost Is MOO cable Later rhsy were saaaaMoed ta ths slls ea 4<>r h-j'-j'. i.'• : : IOUI and Simpson Avo. .tart of caa, available torcoehla s aad dialog rooai and JasMs waa latredated auoc niDi-h aari«r (or oor statss. • ••••••••I •orttaaa. snd ?.-»••••-• -:i- (Pisndlnjt tae ereetloo of too penoaa- a Lymaa Rldont. MlnlsUr. to Af*te. Bo took has eyas of Csn- trlok Use of OJ««'I< •• » ••- at., is t u woaM aomstlmss be ass. cat ekorch sorrlccs will bo bold ,setf msfcts sa admirable o-.i-ry to :«; out *cl cjmb the ststsai PbiUddphia Prming dob orcry Sanday cmlu. hi tbo 3.00-Sosday-ocnoot M wsmUsi tkow sway s too. psir af sl«ta kcs«M *• la ordtr to dUro'-- "• •.. lor a aaoator ovta* to taa gnat fort for foresees, tt people ceaM oaly ,,, usu. while batsc^- the sotioty lea'" •' .' . ow 1st Baptist Church, 7.45 pjs ' (.00—Bong serrlca. •oits wen won sat^wssU yml TKt umt syyftti t* as persoaded to OM It. nomton bar ••r — rvlMtaaca or an folly ajosUHsd for 130—Sermoa'by pastor. soddsalr his knees shosk beoaath him ths oflfee of poaadnnstsr. to lease tint. Then Bay k* Busy wQ*» of senrke ia tktl Contest rslwi .<.»'.• 17. h that Job sad tma (or T—•"I'tsj 707 Atbury Avc ' ST. AUttUSTINrS CHURCH , sad be thaaked haavaa whsa he was .•hlldiaa aod •m»M" -. ti.iln««« tin, i« «Wt c*afido it to the jmk pile uti) SEES INFLUENCE AS HANDICAP 1SSS Asbury Avonuo. ST. JAMBS A. M. •. CHURCH yoa kare u look it over . JOHN R. GROVES numbing .nd •«od maay tMass Oottrtaaos toeted .if'-nc*. U fatt*fin • Oaastaaesfs area wore woadao .MUts, takes las UlUd wlro out of mythical nature of cealeat. IN j wfli be held on 8anday mornlas OceaaGly,N.J. Contractor *****'* ?* fot AfsWS OMfo woaderfaL Oso FRENCH OftY CUUMtO ANO at C30. too. »00 and 10.00 o'clock. 11.00—Preaching. stmnce's osse was pretty. Ante's boao •itlSSIOTSa BATHING surra Derotton on flanday and rridar «»*n- 130— Baaday-scbooL 917 Aabnry Avenue, Ocean City. N. J. Imrs at 7.4S.' J.00—Praschins*. Tires, Tubes, Retreading, Repairing TASKRNACLK •APTtiT CHURCH SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH Free) Tire Insurance. Ask About it. Stti and Wast Ava. oVhwabtaatsIktoPrtoeatooatadsew laotapUy eooM ha ast owmy. Itmeson Avm. N«ar Sfartk Orsnt Harrta. Minister. awrka LMHO*B. Taooc Wlows whs ***?* ««••» shoot a hto ILae—Praachts*. 11.0«-Praschlnc U«—8oaday«cbooL TT J Otis M. Townsend S-SO—Preaehtnc *^0— Prescbtas. MELBA STRAIGHT The Reliable Builder Mr. Bthwab Ud 0m M Ik tnl thoosrtday •• TK£ FACTS ABOUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE Bctter and more ple&aino than foadawfatal of a «K«ssfal Wo.-Co- t^,"^ «2 413 Eighth Street Ocean City. N.J Hap«aetmb!e tatsaritr.- Caarsdar ta «»»»»> »• "?S Ant/ mi/of Havana cigar. ttebm-ts^stlnboatoass. Awaoul ^ *^L^^ STATES THAT HAVE RATIFIED srr.r «f bmiUnt qoalltJaa wfll act' woald sso-Tft It •n-JSi REPUBLICAN FOR CON S T I P AT ! D N take the pier* of this cwuisluoe of j •" oatac It. Bad aas "achl Tiiianat brother ta Couta, 1 Krw Jerae/. O* •m-Or DMt bar. he broke the oews , Xcw Mextro, of the bntea trip. K«w York. Korth Dakota, aar whOsJ* I flbre|W<>rtsaltrwss ft !• tftdaaj K0> aaMtaM a4s aai Mu»--irtiu>«na, ^Jryoor de&ler 6r your /vante sire tsat SO ysan the Imtestry Is ter from tlMwV* be oa*s4 -«a »r«lih. So r«-or. *rn 5KAS3 potnd*. Ttw panrn , J*" * K«k dan Hca for ttffc Oast Wort PLUMBING and HEATING »«• T JUI»«I to cwrr fount «pr<>ou of i.^IjT hda^awpeg miiVr in-™ and MUST ran*. The HI- t f "* 1 A J ATTUOlt, TO .or-vi. j TOTAL nmi^ of IUi> Uland la rrry hot—a> . "*y' KOOSI IT* *"'* oa tae 'ilbii—*—' - CORSET 714 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITY. N. J. It. 1 awemr I hudJC STATES THAT HAVE RTJZCTED To appear yootfaf al ia • .•m»- that It- equator nau tbruutii _..., Stove*. Heater* and Range* Repaired tn^ middle or It—end. to prvkvnt ib» '"r "SPUUklCAN OetJOCKATIO erery woman'* desire. This age of youthful at> HANOSOMK WALL PATS* nulea toe room look ao "^q^h richer. tire calls for youthful J°"""OO i-riilm-nt Jiiailab •cirntW. -\\-ait; wtu-iv arr j»n pitnuT* ALFBEO R. SMITH caJloal hy Tie FasUasjalb "New4\w«" aunnancvd that the r«th would proh- ^ iiatrj-. "You « SM yoa> li«»i Mr nU tO4S Asbury Awe. Or IPS CMy, N. X byeanlkeafjk ahljr cmlinur |« r«l«» for 3X000.000! Wfig |o Cimny. .VUu\,\ ,uUr Torpid Liver, Biliousness, M «'• »ailmliini< lk*l >o»r >nra atnrr. Tnr«e are. of roar--, -Omtiy. nuthlusr" »i»u»-n-d Janu* met aW LUMBIR i. «. !»• «. U «.art tW B«llm r»» • >e< B* TiTT Constipation and other W. a Nuform Cors«U rmind nainl>m. Haaw mtirouwt* eatl- .,ul coiu3 lt, nwlu an ai'i-'lninujit —Tb» fellow «ho krrp* hi. -LUMBEK asate that tb» earth will ll»e for t*» w,|h xaStr. • She', row 11'^ i""nn> disorders of tl>e stomach, "i ill Hun thl» atr. Tb«re hen been anl- j |h#n Conux brricif I*, bot buw th« bowels and liver result- bala of oew kind aad soother oa thla | dnU dll, euj.ul mr £vt bl* «lm undT bU frrt W. B. Formu Braasie WILLIAM 0. AS80TT ing from failure of these DISTINCTIVE I C H. SHOEMAKER LUMBER COMPANY Bred taroach soase sack parted. Ths Aremtfiwo Have Sweet o/gana to perform their | —Ths ball player ran •!«•>• booat as* of man. which la probabiy aaty COOK BY GAS Acrardlnc to tb« third national i T«aa Stna* aarf Wa^ A* duties ia a natural , hla limit by aulita* a hit with the WtJNCAKTCM SJtOi. be. a few thaaaand yean, asssas ths aaar- aas there w«* la Jon*, in*. S0 fac- est trtae.by coaparlaoo. Whaa we tories hi Arstattoa sasaefBrtaitH DoTooNeedAny Kow U U» Ume lo fst yoor GAS Mar how saaa has developed dor- (oocelatea. beahosa aod "«vfHh*- of the organs, with a scythe, aad bis ahjat rear sM I atony ta Mooey bscS If firstbo x pngthatajottfaatihfa * aoa wsa watchla«. —mtnglx mniii< I ,f tao.total priasrt la vary OTY GAS UGHT COMPANY otiginaUty in con- hitieaebt Iteawtty hs saaad: Tape. I r-fcsr aed ether - IsOs to nttrve or sstisfar. ception andttcd' relieve — this quality of MtAaTALL d in* ADVERTISE IN THE LEDGER. B-pdatad track ws tttm oot. .'" i.

•:'.•' i " • • *"

*••-•:•••/.•. ••••.••'A

Bareford Market Twelfth 8t —• AifcaTf Am OCCM CUT, M. J. SftmtftY, 8£Prt«i6r ... WOMAir* **OC«II«». HOtTIM oiML Tka BOL rrv. wi HUM monv ON Sfif RfDUONG T© ATuwme env. of«. QUAUTVMIM.

Tiattad tba '

no toe^-im to* wetf£ ii £ TW Nortfcwesien Mataal Ltfe tmraaceCo. «ta worth wtO*. *XBA*D B. AMAM, Sftki Atm Pottle*-!* not aafiaplf fhrnt aa l^a UdbM would tod. botoa t&eebatrary ,aa_,v« AIUMIICCliT,Itl vary 'complex. • He ataad tto womea *a tlMra ba • Uw t^bMalla« tba par- 1 MT* !?- «Mt • toetoa: Mr. HHaaw Tort SUta. . aoi «b» dM sot eaat fhatr vota. Tba Hlai OanMkf CUffc. of.Wartf PUIad- ""« w •«• Mt *odw ••«• no pa^ Wratfce. rtas ttotr two waeka vtott. B) » ,*,,•-» 1 to*-. «. tola, tuaratvaad t* bar boaaa «U •** ««»o«lo»- ««a •<» ——• e* tba«r tbosfkt wu* to ataaV tto beat aMfJUi **r ™c " *'****. pr. (Mar avaaaa. for tha wtetar moatka. ••at' <« «>• utta. • •• •••« w^^mj «a^ ***•# »^PW aawaa* aaaaajaaawaj _^_^ M |aa^ta«flal* tfai • afll of cartes tor tto aoet aafortaaat. of »!! Vaatol.^mL-. • ' WooMa ara tb* eblaf taetora ta homa an ito war eaaea. Wra. Btntess, et Z?tLt*ZLlZ'2?S22'no. rwown, van bara erar ta* waak-ar- ^,,uit^ rheT tut.^t mum ml tto BarnUoa Army, ami tto «•» "*• Jff*'Jf**. Cbaatar X Cablla. of Boatoa baa noH a«kt for «*• good. Tb*r moat tor. of tto Laaga. ttot ttora fMM ? J^T"-T*"!*^!* J2!f-. bxa apanaiat a abort tlma ta Ooaan mdaralaad that cond awataataut eaa- City. not ba broacht aboat br oo* alaelloo. lira. C. O. Hoal aad Htaa Bbabatb TlM> I>BIMn *"« Baa aa maar daffcta. to toT. a etoar c,r* of tto woaaM Ir'1^;1* ** J JJ"f Mnflr • Ho»l w«ra tmoma tba Ca«id«a naata Otlnulilp • •*" Womia'a lataltloajof but a City toot welfare. .1 Th* Msnta* aerrto* wO aaa — - ' " HeroaaratnUt-n i told la tto C!»b Caa tto luriinaial do that? Nb> A petttloa bi * U. I oftr te - Ocean Gty Local Express aort • |»d tto wommon rHthultoToteand; Nearly 4*t ooaetoa. a»carta aad tto email aaoaat of money ttot City of WOdwood rraaeeflac ito Ctty ht > > Ka 1 Mr. aad Mra. Xanats and faally of "»•»>«"« the women* rortn*. Ttoy(«oatB were ta Ito*. Tto dbmlay >• reeolt of tto *toe- K eeet to brtac the** aea to tto Ron- OaamlaliMiaia to appotat a board of * * ** " ^. "V "» **** W " and eara *f the akfc ta wmmal lh llw 1 tLILLadwio Rarrlatarw, Pa-. w.r* ber* orer tto " * "•*" «** "^^ I •"* ""^ "* «<« ~J «!"• tana Honae U aotbtos eoaparad wttb arbttratloa to apprala* tto total eaa ^•m-waT^Vtaea*,^ ^^^^^^S'rtoiSlt want to b* or not. j ippliaa* of tto onlootorn. >m*e W. Feraley. tto toaett reeerrad by: roapaalea- alaatin aatldpatioa of aaaletaal *wa> afctp aad latuaiaieaaat (rrea tto arabla. U betas alcaed by Ttattora aad •Hkt of tbadaaca (tvao bapataa to tba «««-»•- All Kindt of HauHng a rae*at vUtor to Oeoaa City. OUILO AND AUXILIARY *T M»ao Batb BMay. daaibter of Joa- kka. aaa. Haitian toeaaa* of tto • »**y. of Cuutes. Tb* yoaaa rr P. Staatoa. If any OM deelree to auto a aaaa aerrle* leadera* an eaaaer by tto b> eEi^S •—*" P a Bearer. tbtek to to ta tto Ktnsdom of Hapat- cal eoapaay. Tto rate waa tacreaaed Aa a in ifTamty preta by tto ^^ Sllti Udf •» frwrnt tatar«Udld tt* II aaye aaa «bm \ lit* Tb* fan BMMO Harriot oat ttt part K*w Eadaad atataa. - At bttf aftar «towa It a lecteaJftot ito . I «otatod by Barbara Hriaa rniaacbaa. jbaabadarractaivdalraadlaaM*dana|nLM Twty amir* fbanw. Maay 1 '••aM toareaaa a tott a r. Mr. tosrfav tb* Waatara atataa. baa r*- ,,_„ •««• wto bold aa taponaat pUee tor of bla ttoaach. to aaya to nerar eoapaay to trre better anrrton. bat tajamp np at aaaa aady to tofp to m general i taraad to Oeaaa City. . ' aaaaaavtlay fTH» aalbin Ilia ar* Ales- waa ao nappy before, aad If to oaty —irHam proved ottorwtoa. Areaad pabm af ratratttac aad aaat bava Mra. H. T. SUOwaO. of But Oraac*. .__,„ aader Lavnae*. Jr. laatrl McKeowa caa ft atroas eaoach to so Want to aeon aad at • ottoek ta tto rrenlas »! tad rndOTte SJSfox that the button at«dea | of tta aedfcal rVM«. ^ > lack. a** hto mother before eto dlee. It la lapoalbU ta many part, of tto L>- 'I • 'tatoreaaa*. ; tto BMaTtbaM Ocean City --'-' tt take* a »ery email coarritotloa to reeoat to < &?• N waited frattteaty. Tto P***" at tarae.' n'rkxk P. M. wflt to al Ito _ brtna- a afck *»aer»lfe an tore for baeaana -there atat no saa to to bad." 1 , Ptae war tax. teatead of tt&«« a year two week*, where to reeetrea tnrmaa Oeaaa CUy realdmta aad Ttettora i! HOME SERVICE iTHf. f R.BOWEUS award. W0" '** °* n*M ktodaea that tto aoaey eaa aot bay. ar* aot tto* only coca wto tore bad b B a nrtle angry. EVERYBODY Of «ED -^-^^^or^St: u. Mra. W. A. OrUBn. of Waabtoitoa. ' | *^f?J*J P ^?* Tb*, Club ia eloalnr on* of tto moat An Ito membera TOisntaar ttotr aer- saa trouble 8 • Moatlaii. b* had America's Greatest It^r C la •ajoytat a ptaaaaat vaeatfca Mr. ll C. Mora*, of Trtatoa. baa av ,»irtS^dial«! Oeaca ftty. loyad a pkaaaat atay la ne*aa CHy. itajp. Onu City: aadblacorpa Ererytbhui la ttrea fr*». WOT yoa ANOLSIT* CLUB •NJOV BMOKSK. day HowcUa aUo 1 M*au prraoaalUy. Mr. idr*atbaakoV*rtasttot yoaar* w*U ___ Did* BMn+r did aat appear ac*ta 1 rkb aad Family Resort ^^b, Mra J*aa KaUr eatortalaod tto la- Vr. aad Mra. MOI*r. of Haddon CMrita Joaea. Ora tbataUbtanl In a aooc feat :B m**«in H* comae to Oman aad ptaapcred ia a aeaaer d *m*at AaweUtloa laat Toaadiy "**r Iho w*Ht4ad. Hosteaa Hooae. «M Boardwalk. lat tb* Ctab Hosa* on U«t Friday *co*rlT* > Mr. Bowalla baa a a. B. AUXIUARV HltTK. Tto tblrd aoraa! aleefloa of oOrar* tat WM . ^o^ eajoyabl* a»alr. nor. ttafa«ory aan^TtooSr; fSZSTP^*"**"** *°* " "ygft of elooaenco for IteCieatEa Harbor inlet oaf/, fc ia eeeay acceaba at Am baa of pareaptoif eoMtena. Alao to wore ISMA. aaKbboriy amtoa^ aa toecrotabl. Krlf-artaflxl expreaaieo —^ t t PHHXtPB. year by the Shore Fart Line cat. wbkaj ta boa Ocean Cty bomi- : edited aa fonowa: Bby Cop. won by tb* Caettns Teaa of ttot rarecnt tto 7*M Balat itwu, wale to Ito Atlantic Cty boardwalk, a aSort and piaaaat —^— Preetdeat- Mra. Keston Warn* lh#anh m „„ OThtb|iloe. b* Mm knew It. _ w_™~. W«ot PbltodalpsU. Pa. 'r r. O Dm) Phtl|d*lphta. waa a BS-b-fmj whlch K.ma .,,1, ,„„. -,„. to» aoenrrtnrlT little ttot a* mk£ | nM a*M,- MJ, rrederk* C Mav °ceaa Crjr'a brach i> innffpaaeid; dean, level, and dw Safeet Id. la Tltlttns Mr*. Cbrlee Towna*ad. > i>i>nr h»r» n»»r th* wa*k-*f ""' awake, ro^ fnwral masacrr of tto Amerlcaa |j»raer Cley: aerond. Eari Mltn.n. Jr. Tbor»d«y- ny amft-bmftyy O«»r«r«»» N««l»N««l.. "nat-eoanateoa- the world. Tbe daaaie a tuperb. Tto apieadid brand boadwakra •" a frw daya. | >f, 0 110 Baddealj. a» b*r abatraeted caae Bed Craa. "It gtma aid to *"'"rr Frre aaa long. wife, a haodtome Moac PavSan eakaaaf. iroe • om ' ?" '! Twnw-Mn rn«k *•'"« Ml«a. Tbrl««r" known aa tto -wta- k < . Orern. of Woodbary. 1 M a M» --- a ablrer ' to aoiTtaf nocb tiiiifjleiiii a* *r rT' the cool wave* of the Atlantic Oceaa, AttndWe a«aaa« aad bonla. . aprat a abort lime In Oreao Ctty h*r*. Sr.lWaVcVly. •ereral afUctlona. and h» waa (trvs a ran tbroocb OHI'a frame. From oot. ^i«»«t»» maifcxlnx. i*n»» o«e* ** »ard« dettbt tbe aianmobibtt. -, tt. etodew. of .be fore*~t ba.k o7toeoTuT«r«7to^eblMr- to "* ••*• «r «nd Vr» P. R'k«r. of K*w York. »etloo 10— DHI decorated child HorlUllon. Mlaa CoosUtKc Tarprater rvnUr oral loo. Howard MrNabb'a .B4 T»blrl». Firat IUr»h Lunanrk Solo. -N»»TO BplrliuU" - M*mory- William Hayee. of Cpper.Darby. Pa.. w,^ n*+nx Tlaltora. fnararter atoriee made a proaouat*d go«d a traoooa. fllmy eoiimbiiia; that actual, helpta* crippled children, wtd- HBHfiM.iTraai SMVIC* fraa OOM. aty to ft*** :\ ,^ noroihy MrCoanell. of PhlUd.l- Mr poi-ij LOCAL BOYS TAKt TWO blt U eye* ta aw*. ; awed aad aat/fed nutton, dkOdrco Fishing Tackle Uud rrt*oda her* orer Bonday „. FROM •>. a S. Or* A. " * "Wwood." Ito nun wbo ,, —„.,.,.„,,. u it rrom I ! berkward In actool aad cfcOdrea to r*-.NMY«fcaJ.J Urf. CttM -: Mr. aad Mra. B. Hammond, of ri,|. I ebioaeo. of Srv York. Tto taawa pUirrd on Saturday and talke to hlmarlf with Iho aid of a t Mia r*rp*at»r • M tto pe/birar i.f it* n-w. ik- *— — oooftW wltb tto law*. It reader* eerr- Next to Adamic Cty. the ravoad fate ia tbe cheapen of afl raottt ,' firnre. Aa a TrairiJoqiiUt to la l*» ta tto boonlia and trueleat. to Our Specialty in tha tectiaa. Ocean Cay it rcacaod by Paarrfna*. Reedas. aad ' , Ito Utttarate. to tcoemeat dweUera. to Eteckic taaWayi. Boy daoatb »^MT ttm boowboid to *ltn*H tbia tmnt tto unemployed, aad |M friendly aa- - —*. fthe Blatant* tod advice to foreisa epeak- Mr. M. flbrrwood Johnaon • aWep- . tes (rospa.aalaUan- of tbrlr own proMema.I I Crab Traps and Crabs Nets , Ura. Thom>a Bon* and danthttr. TVIIihtfnl rvfrrahmenU w»r* aerred Vormaa Crana<* Ud tb* t taxi a* of . eloee by her. etaItaeamt a tbl wbtaper* aweaom. Iet j] tto- waa••k lu* ratherioe Hint, of Camden. of M*ira*« P»rk. w*re rtallor* her* by the hMieaaea who were Ura. Fraa- popoJar aotisa. waa Dtek BtnrT* veiea. ! I* Stock Tto Yacht dab ad tbe two > a rereot Ttallor to Ibla mini r**. Mr* llyaore. Mra. Holramb. Mra. til tto elablh tnrilna- when they were It >taa baada with *tb- FaSias GmU aM*. ia aort on Mr. VMIlim I? ftnwMn Jr.. nf Phil- Tfce Modem Hardware Store the bay ad uQk"\ Mlaa Mildred or PhlUdVlphU. w... • orer tto wvek-ead. , •MDhl*. tpeat th* weekend lo (Wan CHARLES C READ * CO. .d !i r- J. V. Janvier, of Laadedowne. Fonowtna* *h* *ntertalnm*nt a Ian- wtlbo w. r. AiuM. -- ' «t aoood, tto door' maika, rhron waa prorlded by tto ctab. A dark flfsr. waa *aia*)y nnottno, patriotic ntob -" MUOA»«,A,* ».***«„ or \r\ par- utacd the Atnfflary ladto. tad ttotr frlMda Taaty refnabmeM. wer. d. Bwaa ta aaata aad parsJea. aVa* entered an ootln. la Oeeaa ** "^ »"• CadwaUder. of PhlUd- rba^ for that porpoae. •4. aad ta tto afternoon 114- Mae- CLOtINO URVICtt AT >m | «ma l VZT «» y ••»• «*ema^ play keaato wto. waa eat of Ito mornlns KTH STRUT CHAPCL. Proa tto wtadew aa*ac pletana ban* . Oreayial ^1^tth^ ?• -1 *•*•«• torttan* Tkraaib Hoa* Barrle. J. «n* . Crawford, of tto Wlh etreei Oupel foriowtas a iwaa*!- avtaaaaeadtoattaca yod a woadarfa I | Ito b> atool laeOltlaa aad toproaot * trant- Tbo*. tatemiod to toae ball ta tbaKriaTrb atteadaat* and Saaday Bebooi *B*M ap rear >•> Oncarla aa waO aa to aacara — ' Mr. John Cattort ft, aad faaJctab: Charlee W. Balnbrlda*. aaper- lly. of f>ak Lan* ar M _ « «_. ™ .. lalvea tbta aeaaoa aad hwMratlooa are now amurmenta are totes made tor m. ta Oreaa Ctty. waUader. aad Tboaa. C. PoMa. an of t^t fo, . .V.tavr t-m next aammer. nuny tmproretaaata. T. B. Calbbertaoa aad family, of Ooraaatowm. F. J*roy Howe.^»t Prealdeat of -^frlM. ^^urM »,,, maorr u Tto cak* and caady aale told Uat uri-ax-^^r-^eaU^^hare-^-^-W^:*^^1?^"^^"^ ~T «««wfaL Mra. Ctorlea H CWyer aaTfaany of fi-^aaato"-?-^ «*-» ••«••»»• oacratary af tto Ctoator of Coa- —tttor a or aJa or -y »—-o ^^ Tjatorb*,*. borne at Mtb aad of tto traaadybad caanea M. c«ya- aad faany of Hmjt#_ ^ ^ ^^^ ,„, team. .^^ Boaraia Oottor for tto BeO • Coatral areaae 1T i In- fn ij_ • to keep tab *a ~ aatoto atoat oto taadrwd P«*~- TatepkM. Coapaay. a*d FabUrlty OONI TO CUVtAAMO. ebaa. aad ow if* todoT«a aS n. ~. _* «.i_^-w»^ Tto etab baa oeea»HI tto tnmlin aseat ta ceaaral. aaya to baa aat Mra. Bftwta a Btow. formerly Mkm ,4. j^ mtm*T ta antes •» W Taliayk TaWI AI»«JI 1} ZLDr. ZT-ZlJu?£2?^i!!t.Morrlaoa Dts. of PaHaaolpMa. 1tar Ito paat wa 1 Tto boyt aaay paopto tkla amaer wto were Kay Caraoa. of fa* city, aad torba y «, mt aa aaayaaa mnaaat at wa hMn Um eaates to Oeaaa City tor alee, aaae wto war* arar ale. eaa. bead "r T Bdwta O. Stow. V. *t tto mat aliUan yaara to lira ta thear wto war* mhiataa, aad otbara wto m. Aray. art bar* tkbj week far d*»e- aaar eaap. Mtm II—1 — fT ~~ **"* — t*"i m •"!•*! UUL fjabi. aiata Tl—'aiaal laaT *- RSWAIta i'.rii: 1, r\ sT^a'and maitora of tto etaa aajayad a ftotatool waa ft tar Ctoa to ttre ta. aow iliiliait Taay war. awntodi at tto dab toaaa tbla Oeel they mast tor* tona aaa tob > «artas Ito ant# " ~ -*— lay to s«t aa nanrai at aB that- tatt o warn ISLANDS WET I POLAND PUTS BAIHLE88 BATH HOUSE 50 MILLION FOR BtMMntk AmmdiMnt HM HO tr w VH4ne HM BIOOMI and OMNI NONEWROLE|^ inrBr" NEW PROBLEM Turidah Bath In twWa.

iasa Undter tlia AaMrlaaji Fiaa LaanUng Aft af Satbtaf * Wu Om tlw Savior-of AaaakaUfa. R«De v ataafta daarada. that tbo aurora of tba Amarfcaji latlaa Maad at «ha Paraf raat Croaa at Trajna ara taacblag tba pax w aravMad for local probJbldoa aaUl a tloa ta tba ApadM quartan of Parla, apadflad patted after tba radios of aa thtavsa, anftwapllfwa of faiiihilna pis tba practical ananfg at tbs^word, Roac.—L«t Iboaa wbo can fraw And yat. af in tbs towns la Serbia, tba war. mokrn and In otbn otadaal paraalts. Train* la tba ona *bl«B_:Bb0aM U Itaw Tort—Tba fnataat —ttmltar WtMattoo ta pnwltDr tn ttra Wa«httnten," Pwlawt. wboae Ulitiirr ~ omrm or tba ParU poat of tlia comfort from th» fact know that H. front Improracwot bra b> BO ptora along tbs Radaon rtrar and TorkJao bath satabUabaMnt t» arrclloa In their ttasd of It now 1 vastly Urgvr plcra of Utaat daabj* to tba Vnltad 8tat«a ptmldrd that ' *» » "»• *»,•*— "*• "*£>** * »*"~ WaS^Tb. p^rartas bVtera o«w tnraaaMd wttb farther laaps and baa been planoM by Httmy HdlbBK, lawa la forta at tbs U» of the Iran.- | ™>««h of tha Turk anoaa Earopa. tba asprrlor «l«ar and laltlaHt* of tba bounda la prl«s. ai» trjrto. to oooada (ommlaaliUHT of docks, and appntai! fonarr Ya»k aoldlara. Tba Patla post thnnaalTea wttb tba dUttiraty. nuda afltct oiitU CDOSiaaa cnactad upVrlal J ^w>" "» "• w««~»» "^..-i^-i -~- «», „, ^ ootnlng acalnct than. Tba tbla city waa bothered wllb tba prof- l~y The ImproNMiSent wlU cost tMfi^ftr IralaUtSoa for tbs lilanda. TbU baa f«.«T. *W«b anas op Poland*a aad tttaatloo growa woras from day to User MMO yean ago. *•* 000, and will require tsn yaaia to caisj. not yat been done I ""* ertotfol history aa follows: daj. Rutar Plssd Prlaia. "** ? l J plete. Work la expected to ba starts* In tba inrantlma ths CVmstitatlon of I "In »!«• aba owtranked nearly e»sry tlieaa BMB, brttortra, ara part of Io tbs rslgn of DlorMlan. wbs ***** * ***• •"? *5t *°?* **** nt aentt eprlnr. tba United Btatw. In all of It. pro- t»tim of tbs continent. Ho»aU aloaa am tratsdy of tba war-tba lotn»«at.1 dooH.be.1 In aoo A. D, tbs snpnor | ^^ Ttil«. with ths proposed Yshlcalav vtatcoa. to not applicable to tba blank <* the Eorapsaa natlona la larger than 1 m, Htfimart at (be Amerkau anay. waa m, Ul.torbed by bla nhjecta. wbo """"" IUIUIH to \ew Jersey, la expected b* ' a#j«.* ».. .» i*» —••!*,« in MMM 1 a• >• •» .1 •»c daring the war. Aa a rmlt 81.Thorn- that one* wars Poland; for uo|»rtV p, got a.taat« of Paris, tbr anlfnna foo.1 rontrolleiv. atajura and other' " « "?"" <* tbs bnl'dlng, ' Will Pay Out In Four Years. ' aa, wbers chamragne anM for $1 u INII- 1 tlcmeU I'oiaod bad an area of 282400 T n# *Tbv tti»t of ronstmctlon Is expect- Oaas, wberand othes chamragnr liquore* anwerMe fo niuallr $1 uy INIIIn-- 1! « pn> r..r liwlf wtlhtn foor yaara*

Mrn-honls In HI. Thomas v.how ' "*>. In urea aw -— — am -» .— rtty*. population baa known nothing) sra wall ha* brm bolK along tbs sna ho*lnrly that of «nprl»tn« i '«naer <^rman empire, UvitxrrUnd, j depths nf degradation. Urn are con- ' |nod« be sellx." and the Imperial wl»b ; for gsneratloaa. Ths youth of tba tire .trrtrli. no rock will bs encooal ship- >tnrr. have roatnxtMl thst pro-! Brlgiam. Holland and IVnmark to- ' stanlly drifting bark lo Paris wbers 1 thst his -filed prices should bs re-1 town are learning file art from tha trrrd to a <). th of 40 feet, aaa blMtlnn s r loral i rf^nwl than tliox- of Fnarr, Brldnm and emp*rur*e Uws and rorwa T *" I 1 nevlr rich and profiler!* were aa Me again. ' •* onenmomlcsl to stop ersn at *~* Ift'tlrvctl^. nnwerrr, thi* Vlrsin hw l[oll«ti.| toaMber; snd matching that Robber Find. Secret I >tneles. They will have tba most Isnil. nrr f>t-lrvrtnr PnfuiMwa has -IVilan-l was thm> tlom psrtltkiaed, ftt. Loois.—Two men stepped Rnman tyrant Implorre his "boeest | h«4trt«ern the panlllnum by the one held op Mlllard A. Toler the nne and only remedy, boycott of: medais Will Os lets . | trr front Is Juat mhst It sras In 1 osrd In ths manufactory of hsr rain ras.cn->* of Vienna In 1SIX When- ' with a rwolrer thi* secnnil man blsh-|irlce« tba oiiKlual partltlon> had given Itni>- arsrrhed bla rxkrts. Finding With this ruler's history fresh In. | ritun In tlH*m at once for tw.o to denature their prwtnct *o that It •la 1M.I"«> ~joar* mlln. IVaula .14.- only a few pennies lbs March- their minds. Ibe modem dUaena of an-1 Xew Tort.—First Kergt. Dan Daly. atarsmshlps. To afford relief Ibe ' can not he oard for hererags pojpo«».. 000 square mlhns and AoMHs iSMO er oVmsnlnl lo know the hkl- ctsot Hra»e are now helng Informed undoubtedly the best known man to dci>artmml has three limes permit •quun* miles, ths mrifkonkoiurtit of that tW following good, are to go op:, all the s«nlin with the exception of The manafnrtnrr of hay ram la ens of IDB 1 Isrv of lit. rash. Bergt. Tntk of Argnnne fame, has l*m th* pier headlines to extend fut tbs chief Industries of 8*. Tbomaa and the n«im coogmw gatv Ilu«-ls ZXK- "Vou're tuo wt-ll dressed to Aluminum gonrtm. Boo prr cent:, i n>. TBi- mure these norrool SOi, VntMsit Stjaoa, mad Aamxriu 3X^- LnlckW, copper gools and,tttefliMIs, «». placed on the liuctlve list of the Ua- »L Joha. tt H« snxHXl si«h s-f«s» rlne CV>rps rvserre. Tilvts wets bumuht Cut, ths'worss taw (00 Kjuarr miles. Slnrh nf the land ropprrs In yiiar pockrt." It— prr cwnt; goods for household ose.' sll|>s bersmr. becsnse hosts bars baaa] •hlch Uos>ls •reared, sixl pscilcnlsr- lurtbtr remerked. such as knifes, forks and spunoa, W»i Dsly won t»o medals of honor for JAP DOTY HEARS OF PEACE • prr oiit; Iron gonda of all ktnda, 000 vsloc In the Boxer rebellion and la continually crowing" bigger." ly Ktrr. hsla cenrmtlon* before. per wth It rearhed nsarly dalll* mUltalre snd the crolx do gweTS dntrd stroctorea which are a dUgraotf anddiss and grand lartstrtaa of tha to tbs Onlf of FlolsBd and at tbs carrtnl a pan* and (ML ' MAIMS FATHER AND BROTHER |from , and the distinguished fa the city. Between each pier thrra aaapirnr. by Poshbal. who as sotrlb'dosm to Ibe Khanate of Crimea. After extracting the ca»b the service cross from Gen. Pershlng. Bis will ba a maximum dockage spscs of Imperial proxy ts rtsltteg ths Us "What ws now know as Ila»tsn Po- ' ruMve handed the empty pnrw Osrl With MstM Harta Araussaat Ovar passing from the active list to go tots SOO fret and a minimum of -TO feet. shrines, aa srell as ths maaanhiim of land u that aork of territory stretrb- hsrk to Tuter as ha remarked: ramaoa Clalsss taN- business removes frum lite in a tinea Two of ibe new piers wlU ba 100 test JtaBnra TnaA. the Bret emperor of Ing wsatwafd hetw»«n the Prasalaa "I'm that back In lbs kick. their moat plcturrwiue of tbs old whta>. anen U0 feet and nine US , and that of Emperor MeUL and Oallcia. This territory has aa and next tints don't bs trying to school soldiers. feet" Whenever any event ef national Im- cheat an booest man." A lung New Turk's water froot tha portance ocean to Japan a mssira New Tork, yet. la aptts of tbs fact fitbar sad brothers engaged In aa ar- dork commission already has nodar gee is sent by the emperor to make a , goaaat ever a famare ahuat to be tn- way other projects under contract report to the ton goddess. lies north af ths tatltads of Wtnntpeg. ; staOed la their home at Dallas CKy., Wife So Jealous She q MI Minting to KOllHHMHH1. After the war with Rossla Admiral tta popstottaa » aa great aa those of STOPS TRAIN FOR HIS -SPECS' Barred Checker Qame Togo reported thanks before the na- New Tork and Sew Jersey esmtlnwl 1 shot her father, Oeorge Bsrr. | 010 UP RUM 100 YEARS OLD tional shrine, which was foonded UNO — estea PoUad. to dita limited • ItaUrasd Snawser Lssss Olasasa, ' , Robert' .«_. canaMs «f a great psata, • data Ow ta Son r"rsoits«-o-— Ills wife waa yean ago aad which contains ths Barr. la the chin. Both men have been . ao jealoo* »he would net sren Workmen Ossullshlag Orawas hi New sacred mirror, emblem of ths god- what andsiatlng. wtlh aa arenas sh> ' , hroaght to a boaplul to Rorilagtoo and ration of abort 400 fast stoptag m> > permit him ta. play checkers York stake Vary Interest- with his brother. Khlriay Uur- lea *Md. ward toward the highlands of OaMda Dallas City. 00 ths aoath and toward the awaiting -^. frum MlneoU hod Jttat polkd oat llngsuw told Hu|«-ftor Jodge from Ibe statyni and bnd procevdrd Baspttsl antherttWa ssy both 1 Johu J. Van Nostrand. lie said n»rbe«ter. X. T.— Interest groond paralleling the Baltic aa the win probably reruver. uorth. It lotas the lowlands of west- less thsn a quarter of a mile whrn Mrs. Kdna a Hurtlngsme broke th« workmen rngafed to removing Toting Bun Meant Ja9 It Montrd. Heads were sboTrd not of A special dbpatch •>>• that I taOh-s from tha ancient Pultnay ttrest ern Orrmaay wtth tbs great ptato 'of Barr declares that she fired to -srt- Senteno. in Kentucky Now • otm Raiets. Its riven are alow '. windows, titrioce wondering why the cause sbs thought her hssrissil reasetrry. to Oenera. waa greatly ea- holt came sa aoddenly. There was no defaswe. rharclii: that her father at- vrssot paying enough aurnUoa banced when a grare srss encoun- Law triumphed orer tradtrlon •nd slagxish. m|tb their months often ' ifsapw^l to etna* her. UTiiu the for-' bat a few dnsrn feet below thrtr . signal to stop sad there tras no train to hrr. He kbowed the Jodaa tered that sppsmitly rt^ltinl pans* m Kantacky when Cloremar ahead. Finally a man )a»t a little 1 naes dlspata vas the Immediate cause 1 scars en bla face, togleted by tratloo. Morrow aanoaacsd that here- aoarres aad aetdcan more than a pro- • of Ihe •assflng. a dUagieismnt over L honored fret below. Their barton hv mars euriaaa than lbs others stef care- t askteg aaalatancs of bastns have nneml them Ing penny aule." oiixned rich alltrrlal snll. aad they fell oolskW o< the Murlne. FIXES WORKING AGE AT 16 the Judgv. "or phr mlfhl have fully cleaned of the acrtutratatloo of Re Is lust withoot them, so be stuffed kllhxi jou." He granted the dl- more than 100 years the following leg lbs "stale from ths dUgrace WIfttar Uks New Isatssal ! the engine and went bach to louk fur worda mere revealed on lla side: "N'vsf of tta hoaUddrV Js the sequel "Rassian Polsnd tmtally haa a whv an Oraea Physical bis glasses." far All OhiMraa taaarMa Bedford Hum. lTVO." Tho wurdlac to a lone treiHst for ths maa- ter somewhat »l.i.M»r to that of Xew Shortly after the trip was cnottoo^i bs.l been blown tola the stone by tba **»!<—* Thetv I- so eveo roM. wtth potter. Othar gOMiuats followed tbs not a-gnvt ov«l uf mow, hat often > PASTOR IS SORED BY BULL About two gallons of BoM wera Urns honored practice of par- with maor-edced vtnda from the BUMPER BABY CROP IN WEST Washington.—Reeommriwistlnn that a mtoanam age of sixteen years be set foond to the Jug. which may oar* ' ig "goa uxars- when they northward. The rt%rrs of this region I Head ef Orphan Mease •" '- originally heid ten gallons. arrasted, but Oeiiiuar usually freese oirr >bos)t ths middle for the entrance of chlMrvn Into Indus- Killed I* ths ~ Morrow says Jail atateacss of December, swt ike Vistula ta under ' Js This Veer. Asasewlisa try la made ta a report hy the per- Chtfc ^Ics far apprextmstety 80 dsya daring ' manent committee on standards of essallssssd aiaaa U Knd Ute, StenhetivUle. OL—Preferring the average sinter. ' ' physical fitness for children entering* Musnllnr, la.—While irylog to ad. "In the eighteenth eenmry. when j rsmioyment. to raanocment to Jell or an asybOB, The committee condactsd sa Inves- Jo»l a haltrr on a,yoaag l-oll Her. aad having failed la two sttrmpta h* Hta Oytaa Call Us>naia\ the city of Winair. nest to Paris, was , wcaslle. Ky^Bscaass hla telo tha moat brilliant city In Europe, this babies or the , tat plain was unusually rtch'tn haras KanssJL The arst sU mtmlhs of «V of lbs devaJUittut of Ighor. beaded by Payne, thirty-two years old. a negra, Dr. George P. Barth of the MUwaa- hocur. witith ef this city, waa fatally •wslloH(d groead glass to tha St~~ and geeas Bocks, though almost bare , year braoght mere marriages than ta gnev^L hcuvtll* Jail, and assy not recover, of tnanafnctarML" ate • oaths stsce ths stats has kes dtjr bealth depailmrut. lie dkd 15 tuloulew after tha acrl a keeptac a record, aad It was the Sa child, aorsrdtog is lbs recoss- ransomed one glass tumbler and ta» After tha bay. loft aJoae In his borne, deal, whlrh aa. «tlo»~rd hy s score qosrt milk Louies. Us bad started h» bast prries far babies ta foor years, ' •smdstinsja. should he prrmltted ha of riillilrrn imi eaifiioyeea. who wan bad acridaataUr abet himself through A***- Twma. f - Births ta the sis meats* sadlag Jose work aatfl hsbas beta drcUrsd pays- rut snate gruand etectria tight btJha ths Intestines, bs tslaphasirt a phr>t- Oatamhaa, lad.—Mn. Reeerca Dan- j S* totaled lMaO, compared to MUM* tosilr at Car tha ponlraUr omspatJon ; pOWill«M» to sive oUL waVn he sras dlscoTsrad. chu'a boaaa, saytng: "•amslklng terra af tDlmbrtbtew* retamed from ' mat year sad 1TJO4 ta tUT. bs Is ahsat ta take up. Prrisdkml a- Brv. Mr. Dwlen was (or ZT yean awful baa kiiniiaid" Thras boars KhethyitUe rerealty whara she rlsttsd ! l«slor of tta Ijiikeesa rharrh al WD- Oog OuKia aMsad Maw. bar aacm. laawa Rows. She was ae- Marriagas tatslad ll.Wa. oa against ton. prtne t» which he was tairhst g AJ J»W. whan ths bafa paraats reromed. a,«n ta m» aad «U» la 191T. Baltimore. JI.L—Rarmoad -" p»t they foam! Him dytag. conrpanlad by another aacis. •••a«l ! la the Muxvilue parochial school. . lost bis s>e-:t.ul si ths Baitle of Rswa of aVartoa. lad. Ths brethera i Deaths totaled 11.9T. compared Mogo aad Ll> ffpaslah fas torriar. MB tw»as, and sn dghtrfosr yean | l*> tsUO ta Ml* sad 1MB. ta tnT. maag. Mass>-A family of U rattkrra aad their mother was Wlraieta CsurtsMp Knaa ta tem^rsaaa, Lary. arts s» hi. eyes. Altar hartaa; Parfcanharg, W. Va<—A "" ~ " retarans sf fas CrrC-, Pitt.t.urvl, trier a courtship aad travesed for >•*» h> all pens of fas war. and are aald to baths etdsst twm coantry. Wd nit the rime hy only fas aatd ta ba Urgsr than a taaa, hi grrtac 1 tattaa, Mcv—A tusOy usalaa held, inannflna near hers. Tbs mother liropo-ai ... .'M.-red ooMy by sirslam t^aaV •W*BBB^MaBakS a%# fa^Aal BBBBM^BBBI AM taaa^aaV I •arriran ef that csaakt. Tbs brsta- 1 faithfal and csrvftt dag. H.-AJJ^ ' at BsaarlUe saa wash recently waa< saaaa faagit far bar yeaag to the •rtegratt'- •' >t<« P. Williams Bad a ta that m J. Back af Bed ! last. After shs waa kuisd U ct. • i inttjaargh. ths Mta a hark ta hta etd • * msitar ta aamsss sf las Utttal •way at ths sight at i Mra, W1UU-.. t«ih basd spuaiara* •- esuaa a Hreilhaod by seillsg pto rash an bats net yat bass ' tstwn far ths arst thns ta SO aai luxi <' > ttrat dass by ths tmV • " attka • the ty ami gatsrvit. nt. Otst af Jan. D. w. OatBa ths Ormfissd are flam ths dtjhjL altamas* ~ taa " tata maaYw ttml ta hta m&mismtj


- 1 • - VOW - ; . iwiyto tasaa- iroaa auMrwara •> ~ta garaaj btaday aUkt.; .IWfr;*. earriar. Utbt brovB eotor. Banltr «*.tka X2


«ea, Beaareslattotoniatcltyef fto wktk an tkaaataratd Rladaa, aad taaaplea erected ttora

^^^r^^^^^TTTa^»?Mr^t!w-saaaBsasaaBl I tor bam. . :.••"- I •ra^t TradtOoa lay* tbeee iarreta .re I Iwaakyaa todo 1.19-1 tto reaaaaata at a Rtada t*a*pte which IMJa for~tto IHUCT Ma. % BBUWfWO at tha fan?fcr a w wbOa yaarra ' of tha -AH rlcbt. TM Baa af AUaaUo ats> --.-, _--- —h» a anafkaaatailf dtraetloa tha -Wepa! Walt a atato-t toUrra Ij yaa raa eeea aitaaaa Hares dataaea of taw faat to tto awttoaat Nt Btf to to ..-« r». •__t .»_ _ alty Has of Sixth street sad of thta aVa^H-fc^heaLeVaBB ^aaHB\ "*- a^aaaaam Maeai^ ....ah daVMBamaaaam vMd> effawaMsHKMSsI SRI HI UfWawe awaattal Wl MUsftfaV caaaatiatad. tto asa waa ailed wltk •sraseUon^^BTSSS JfJ?^«?: > ••• <*"• aitsadtagto a aaath- •atd to caBtor Kaaay. " fto ptaaaare which caaea of a daty da- y >wt> wfc ^om Bat aha* far frsa bans tha arty—~** MM• o f F^^.^p^S— .™.".'"", * toadad.2fJS JaaSd • tt*o aalbaaalail1'?r-. i Ua~ e• *of *iaaallsat ghT to towa now;-Walt Itl111 UP yoa aw bar. iWa tto sweetest repay ay debt to yew." aad la I aad , ^.^^ «i "•*"*• •*•• '««"•''". «• «*a thing." ja^otlWfMtiotM^^^gaarwrtlla of tto of Ihta width '•"••I? ~~ . m_J..wmra^J. . ^ -Aad af osasss yaa rsawasbar An- I ward tto earth, aad waa analbaaslsili - ••ACT NO t BBUINNINO at tto •tOta Wader saa tto aoatbsaaterrr »•*•« "f tatarssetioa of tto soathweat. •Wh.yea.- • btoUasphrmy. cnalBwdt «Oh,aoth- llta* of Fifth street, when * BELL PHOKK Carey triad to repry caaaany. bat • cr ttot art ia heaven, rrary I aa au- ral, for how raa I thtak sf repaylaw street, wtoa axtsadad to tto bad- nvat boardwalk; ttoaea. fa a soath- —'" " " 1 board- aaatorly dtrectloa aloag tto aorttoaat- L* Urn Huda. Year REAL E3TATC / " 'i .•_" . waa amated, bat tto leaalac —-. arty Has of Stetb o^aet. wtoa exUad- Tract No. tv—Baataalaa at tto pomt ad. to tto Uadw.ro trae or Haea which ba yaarafal tacit aatfl ato tired, aad tarreta attll preach a great leaaoa toof tateraectiaa of tto aoathwesterir may to hereafter eaUbHstod hy tto tkea threw tt beck tobfcat AncrUcvw drroat Blndas wto.iistt Bedarea. itaa of Fifth street, wtoa exteaded City of Oceaa City aa tto landward baaatlfnl fact bad lanstaij Oaad to with Ito Uadward Una of tto oceaa Itaa or lisas of tto ocean front board- JOSEPH L PEACOCK Bwaalnd. froat boardwalk! f*" * "~ "" ' " BUaahetb araaaed Ma from ba aat MOOtt HAVE HQT LOST HOPE til AbwBty A«W»M OCMB Oy,ft. J . too pleaaut daydream. arty Uae of Bttth street, wbea extend streets to moved sootbasstsriy from . "'"*'.''• "Wen. Carey, there's toea a htttar ~ ^ ad. lotto Uadward Itas or ltaea which Its present toeaUoa aad wtoa to each rtratry brtweea Xaacr aad antenca. mm lT"iTi "storato «raais a |niay to toiwatter eataNlstod br tto laotanos tto said ooeaa ftoat board- -Beat keep asa la aaapaaaa. Batty. k atay be int• an-*-* of tto work t UTt HLi? •• • •arthwaatarly dtractioa along Ito Mad tnsa to dectda to aa emergency •"* " *•"*• •*>• 1Kb day of Sep. aa opportnnlty to ato« ttat to dM practically staca tto caoaoeat.ta leM I (• -~ ^*r^-. 'S^TrS. tT^-Vrd aaafhasaliilj Mas of Fifth street, what is for their tost Interest, wfll ****** •»* »• «"Ple«ed wtthta Ml "•* "Uiranr trad* ala iJaty. aatSc* of ta« to Ifarkat street wharf. PkOadal- doeeTtaacy aad Bngir were aad al- es Central sola. I whoa sxteaded. to tto place of bagte- attest tteeU also la this rase and *»ra.'altarsto roapry . ttot Ito hoada. a*oat orer algbt AaasOca bad ate to aa%.-a»toUw^^ Mshed aa aforesaid of the ocean front wfO vote that ito eft* retain nerma* "" *» aotmed. hrr dutch, ato " i That tto eale of tto a«bore_ deserfb- EiakaeadWsaeyAeasa . OCEAN CITY. N. J. •ai«aint a moatb BSA Kaacy sentry tto tadttortam plot and also A communication waa recetred from I same aa a deeertrr. of Fifth street, wtoa eateaded. rheaee MMr •atablraaaw* «. ^m, ti ^rti^hSJrtZ caned EacamlUo, o»ls~ar"tn "ttolr ewUrety to tto hUh- see to It iliat aa* tto city expend., tto Ocean City Chamber of Commerce la ito ant two wmfca ao aa t»alWd ' ether plou to left open for the par- protecting acalnit tto lack of efficient I Vi Maw eaa raa gaaaa what I waat joa _??: « B»»r« of Commaaossr. of tto CMyl r•» imm-r Ttwi amis I l_a« verr Iraty yours. Hadrlc Service of Atlantic City New) Cnsalun street ferry, Philadelphia. . -Make Inr. to AnaaUcaT" gWwtotaakaodiltwahhrrknack- And aoilcs,la »«*»», ajyea t»a rf rM W« WtHtK BY BtlLM. "Not To Kaaryl WUI yoa da at, lea -if#tf-nr»T wadto amt o it ray, special election for tto IHUPOM> ~~ PIUXKLTJ* H.~mOUT. IJeraey. | «aa» DR Ka thara goad aaaach" m maa wto oad street station. Phlta- * **• & STANNAM> Oareyr Tto ben a atoat ssrea feat store tto aabmlttln. tto atore oaeatloa U^ saflca ta oar stop wto wa oat, OCfrrtST •'.; ' "Maybe. Betty. -Here's oar atattoa. aad St tte or atoat astal wark lar mm W> allw camas ta. Ba aDowa tto aa* tto Boardwalk aad Stub street. Board of Coamlaaloaen aad pear a. a slacker, aad for that reaa^o any guilty man will racspa." ' * ""I^DEU-HIA «^*W««J>^t^-»oAaaajr 1 ttr patrona. Tha irnnati far tha tH» 4 Cwr K loaa gM todtoa apoa ba back aad Tto laad wtn to sold subject to I ta «*kinc tto wldnt puMMty ot tb, Ttopoymrnt of m fer each draft *?*• Waskdaya ^^a p^®** * - ' ' "tea. Xsary waa fnta« to meet aa And farthernotice »Jiereoy^ rnr ^ caadlttoas. restrlotioas Sept. tin. MM.'" "' ""V"^ •— -n—. o.jiMmm tarn, wtth her car. Oa. there ato ta.- | ttoa ataada erect ao ato caa reach-tto faatmim Mr. EdHor:— [matter op directly with tto Company.; *»" 'bat a list of dnertera will to dteettrr apprehended and mrard ***£*• Headlag t-UAJf. Poooa. > ''•'•U. •*:-:!•& 111 Aa they drara ap tto mala IhiMianh roofs, laah-«rcaf gattara. aad Ctaf P»»"rted. aod. that tto mee wtoat over to tto mlllbry aalhorltlea to. -t? «' rm W, J 8ep ,) t- tto deed or deeds, aad tto "eton or*r tto sale of '"" ''*° '*"' '** "'* * * """""I w L fare of Ito towa. aa tuiiaatia raa> nth. it* tto boOdtasa of owaars wto oatrast Park bad for bonding lota. If the land! "**'to m*1"' •rT»or"»*»l« for tto oa-. -"^- ™11^»« »^« •»•« IM Will De I atoat paawd them. Tto lift drirbas. aad tto fees aftea eqaal tUOO a year. aad ckMtnv at to to biadlBC opoa tto hrlra aad aa-| this aost taportaat workto at . reeted and brcxicbt to trial before o-rtork A. tto swrhlae. nodded at Kaary aad 1 chaser to eater Into a covenant for ton fall, at a time toto se t by tto ' hoarty throBSbost tto night to ap- "" ^ , prtos tto starpto. people ta tto ctty ">,** Imitatatates; thereof, and the eoodl- •MITH. THE ROOTS*, ! lrw T Paaaa. 717 We dartncUr orer Osptala Oarewe. wto ! lions and raatrtctlona and covvnanU »xcb br tto chrT Thatowa to Um- ^ «t«'« « «" the- Coo.fv.ny. j Owaa CJC raferaed her ateady look aawavertar below ttot tha Moor, hsve aot coma Adwrr A l • taardwelk atH beachto to o windy llu" lb# °mf*r" of n Tr wll droning, toaattag mi uf -Ycrfa.- tto Aad Meak sad •Bpleaaaat to older forks' ""' ' ' ' *•' » •*• Pobtlc mil-. Peooa. Betty cantht hla am aad whl» street shatllac. delineated or Uld oat . r»d: j an the toad described trader Tracta AayKiad Aay Wtora i^»ea atb later Anattlca ailmltted K > A MOHBW. Cllr CUrk umr Is not tont wllliln < feet of the -rican end of a new cable tl- jjj heraelf that ato waa annoyed. *ht ' outride lines of said lots nor within 1* feet of Ih efroat Hare bercof: prorldrd. ;<>• ih. rvnrUttnl to.tbv Bnard of Ptib- Teicgrspb company, a Brit- JJS Bectrlo 5S» had daacefaad dined and picalcked barae/B -Baada Beture Mnartee.- poh- how.ivr. ttiat th* mtrW-tl<>n. above lr laa concern, -propoect to lay U» ( with tto charaaa Captain Careve -T.|' '''lllty Commiatlfta and approirtac bat for mry atteottoa to had ahowc lhtod ia ISTU -It hi tto (T»*tr«t aln- NOTICE. •hall not apply to any bulldlnjc fmntloB M I ••» »rtlon of the Chamber of Com- USBWCSV her Xancy Urotoa recrin-d a duuUr >vars.- Mr. CMUa. coatiaaea. -Mwla- on Ito ocean front boardwalk or to l>ome was wrtttes acalnat King rYvd- •uch new VKV>"f» which IIM orven jiia aaanaat. Plaally. ato took EUsatwiL . sow largely to the hindTof rrick of Naples sad Naptteoa HI and • ROIgTHV AND tLfCTIOM. front boardwark may I Haaara. »ST. r pronded partly latotor ceaadeBce . m r-raaHa Jeeeph. and for Italy ta tto time tn tine. tto perrperr-»^» » Have you -Of coaraa.- said BUaabeta. with a Panasnt 10 H». Bo«ee I* torrh* That to toi'dlas or anv part ihcnt-l treat stow at maocaaee. -Care) birth of'a sew frankaa aad a betrayed Hrea l»«l the IHtlHrt Ro»ds of R-». ewtas whl-K -'r-, «, mo<-h cheap n- '""""tlty of tto caa ainh« aad aleo macs aad a Eawspe dbdarbed. If Bat of. elected apen ito aald Int or loUj kaowa yoa'ra rtrwri to Baser, aad Mr* aad Fieri Ion In and frw ito <*. .. i . .. .< «oaal cooftresee ea wtrssaa aad cable ~JalS*IO AMO HEATBaa ~Ob, Beatrr excabaed AacrUca or •kta-draaatec caiahthhrneot. aoap. 1 > taaiaeaaaa* action aad wtth da. cm- . ^ >r Sept. i:> jaea Oardarrl were afcto to aim la abstract pUces hareteafter deslsaaled na:— • ' IK.-- ,.^r r^«>... I "~' " Boreao.". Oder went £2 tor eyes BgWeaed with a sew ta t» l . >pr~d atoai •• • **** «oun»nlcailoaa wer» recenred tagtaa am aaeth. Tto Brltlsh"ei tsterasttooal ana, Tto poeaa are . .—".:".,.' , , . .. T:_~ T~.. 'drett> or ftabtuano masaradory. layer acd tj! aearti 80 years old; bat. tbta. to was I of 1 tto Ma of ito mosled . nT. for lb> oarseas of nm- „ p,,,,,^. «„„». Ttot no splrttaoas. «aey rnach »MM«cUiad hy t. * Ctomptoa atated that - torprsa I. mytag cables aadsr laog. gareraa^no^l way, waarato a daul Tto hast took ****** • "-Wr- •W-tin, fa, the'.,,^ mtoilcatlBg or vinous Uqoora. '"« of t: room aato wa s stoatto Ware , far aa oa tto way tto great war .tamped tto a«r-|Bgt<«a of eawHdal'arnr , preosntJoas. or satoUacee ra tto aa- tmtaeja Arrrea •etnawaeat wtth Naary. KUaabeth w»B» Tto chOdrsa seed to ma .od l' °"M as !«ew Jar- ^aJaLLL am. ato bssbtta U. Tto ated Laash.' -.Th^Srt0"^"l'^I^r*. *""t»rs thereof, shall to manufactured. eaasht htm la her jaafhfal laiirari mas artUca la UOO.' Vic* P^s'Hesii of tto rBtted Males. ^.^.^ Mldorkaptfor«asaaabev- rasa* »to-t. r*.t asaes etc A child I'*' Ttoaamefttoi and klaaad him arraral ttasa. 0 r""»'«»—ata. KoMcMor aad City — la to eatahth* Urn a** aWa Ml fee* * rTT/* 'J?.^ ™: "i ***^ erajr. oa tto laad or aay tolldus ba-s Maotoay aad they ast tired of j' -Carey, yoa darttaar* ato aaatty aea'aHrr. Ooa, tto Kacoad Coanwa- wcU- thersaa. Ttal tto toad shall sa*4 with -waak gas" sad baatoty £35. -^ ' tt worked I It actaslli ts»*V noat add aaythhv aora. bat _^ Mast of as ara aawUllag to glre L "VJeThrVo— !to.W^»ar*toi-r.-P.-r "actrle ss-WIma. aoasy « . „»»«, park. •* ' serresto ea r wark for tea hears oat of tto day. aarh laas 3»—ladeed. * $10. down, $W. a Month aa< damt pat a barked wtrs taaw "** """»<»• Beard af Com- a hoaaa of araaUtsjUoa. towdy-hoaae. < V1 aeer. aadto-a ga d of £. aad bears af w —^ " *" d It and -tosp of tha graaa" "~^^ •* °««aa Ctty Kaar Jar- 'Hlie Boy Stood on the BcnW Deck—' aa realty as yoa da w*th ' r <3m* " k^by d«- «dr aa far less data that aatara ttoraof. Ttot so Boyi • $500 40xlG0ft. U racted te> aatWawaB.XC.lt I bad apoa tto Lords Day (oaaaaaly eearj Friday afHr*> Otray > **" »•». * tfca <3tr af Oaaaa at*. !caHed ito Sassith or Rwaday). nor tua a«tta attoa t to Ore drctaBM. act. aaaBaT or blag to done S,«pnn Af«w,t Ettwtq aa ' Lord's Day. And atoo aadsr and ash- w*w aato tsfl aa M hat tract Tea •mraOAV. WOVBMBCR t tpja. Ijaet to tto imBi cnaditha aad r» laTTBOa-l -bidi •*• *• ***: MVSM •totosn at ate A- M "sa«jelitettoBe that aB prrrsto stables aad ocisAN atr9 K J. ». ¥. tnrl*. aaraasa of oav arrrato gisnai. asst to srsctad am COAL m a newral Wettoa f«r tto raar Baa af tha tat TtotaobsUd- | -trat wsd IKnaad ama»ila» rajtrMs.toy, atol l ha snotna apoa yn of tha BMAJUM LDHW .tiiika*»i'»i;'W"'l'l""lH ««i7.i


1- 1 *'. 'a* j*iara.i. i* *' iat. r-'"* *-'^ IL.. t.- '.Hl':i>l.'. • A :-A : 'ZTLiltMsf. CITY LEOQDI.OCEAJI Go-morrow in Zbe Cburcbee LaRne Beauty Shop Did It Ever Smith's Reliable Shoe Ciaatnra Where to Dine AUDITORIUM. IIQHTH BT. AND ASBURY AVK. TbaaraKayafHaw>aa»HM»»a» lUtmnlof U ApdlJMT. trom oaa WRtT M. B. CHURCH Occur to You •baanad aa • apacUl ear by tka pao- at Ma trtpa. Capt Taiodow da Boay. •to of Walaa aad la aalM at. DavtOa la* arcaaatoctat aad aqtatar at pfatV Hay. Jamaa «aena W. Yard. Patter. btcomldrredmalobof VtlWOHL.tMITH.i20 S, la feoaar af tka aaod at. DtfM. aaaly aataowB na»aa a( Baaaa Do- toftthar; No. 2 Bourse Bldg ^on aalat of 0» Walab, wbo Urad •uaaaaadTaiMaatla.viwdtodUiMaw ARMY KUO-aforaiBC worahfp. •tow. AHM Waga, Vie* Prat. d tha hi tka atxth oaotary. . lark, btoafkt wltk Vm m "awtllaw or. »30 • 1 •HAMPOOINO-MALP TRIATMtNT Raw. W. Ttalu ! tkakiadaf 11 1 w CARL'S mat. Bbt anfafc " FACIAL MAItAOE— MANICURINO ?"?££Z£: T - ** * - " HOLY TRINITY CHURCH credit to any coacara. Oarkaowl. THE HOME OP GOOD EATS" Mn. Oimn a Matter, «M. • T «dra of tArtLfjph* by kaj' oftbaeoaatTT. ttwaa Waat ladlaa prtaat •*•# u wata asplorad ay Oaatala Da Taath Btraat and Waalay Avanua 7.4S—Branlat prayar n4 address. Amrcr Uoatara la thatr hata aa a ajiu'^Booy. No whJta au kad avar kafora Itav: atarpM Lawia. Pastar talof neognltloaonkadar.Tsiacaa- rattnU UM klik aad daaaVcawco" m •mrr PRBSBVTERIAN CHURCH ••""-MM moontalos of that eoaatry. wkkk ara tJO-Soadar«chooL Savanth ttfaat and Waalay Avanua. lababltfd aatlnly by ladUa Mbaa. It 1O.«5—Mornlnr Mnfct. Rav. R. L. Snyoar. r»aator. aaamlaa. tko took many day. of dlaValt n»o«atala 7.45-»r*nlnir aarrlca. Basooa. ~8t. David bad ordarad all dlmblDS to nack tka kalckta «kara *ZH£t?'-tS7i£i'i!at «ar.-~&*» Wdahmra ta a» latb battta wHm tba tfttea U»a la a Uad tt parpataal a «aO alM awdOaa " " P:.m, Wadaeaday CUNTON ' ivir oattra htak. not only ta dlatta- a>ut aad cold, altkoagk «ttkla t«a HOTEL COMFORT ;*8 Prayer ma#tlnc WrdoaaAay are- Booy raourttd thatfar tk a TABLE BOARD AND DELICATESSEN ba bad found tb* aaUraa frlaodly. At nlnr at 7.4S o'clock. HOUSaT AND MOW Otkar wrltara argaa that tka bade* eawy iaar aandlaa aad a cuaaa ralta tkatr eara. Naw Tork to tka oalyt «T. JOHN** LUTHERAN CHURCH ONBnaaw SKCONO AMD BAY AVS. A wa. wont a*oro aa a ftatwiial alfB aad tba Mart b* waa tkmaa to load a cam- aadar oaa arm. kaac traaa a atraa dty wbara tha ataadlac amy baa « Rav. John R, OlMteon, Patter. MACIOONIA M. C. CHURCH , A*~ -. PAINTER b«aaaa leak «aa growa la amy WaMi palfn acataat a aalcbhortas trtba to «Hk tka etkar. aad - boM • «• twolanv waltlac Uat aad alcht. Tkfc» •anka aad iraa tba.fa*ortta T^rtaMa obtala woman aad otkar booty. All kvaa aaaa oa kla taat far koora at to bacinn womaa ara tDowad ta aa* IOUI and aMmpaen Ava. Bret Chat Work ay Brat Oaaa Maa. <^5J"»« Ui* eractloa of tba paraas- of a troa Watahaaa. Mac ta It. kowarar. mk a Lyman RMant, Mlnlatar. Oaatnry to coatoei la otkar -Wrttara of tka teat taalaij otpict tloo aara tba woojaa wara oSarad him. tka AawHria ataa4ta« army la a»wy BmuUy araalM. ta tba 3 00—Sonday-acboot I! bat b* dacUoad. vary aaafaL It la aaad toaaOd eoav trtaa.Mba Amarlraa auadlac Tea waajMa t nmr away a gas. pair af saoes senate the a typical Walak (ardae aa a cardan of drawa no pay. Oa tba coatrary, M Irt Btptlat Church. 7.« pjn.) t.OO—Sooi: anrica. j' ooiooa. aartlc aad la*k. BoaMlf tad- Captata Da Booy coadactad arrlMu- iy TI-'*" aad prortda Utlad aoaa- kvatw aad other trlokata for uratt naya for tho prl«ll« Rav. ThomasF^BIaka. Raetor. f\H and Havan Ava. yaa aave at losk it aver JOHN R. GROVES _.. ^ ^ 71 L. j . * M. Jackaen, Mlnlatar. ticra of tha ancy ar»"on«n crawafot la tha tack by a conductor, 707 Aibsury Ave. Heating Uto MaM will h» h»ld on Saaday roornlnf ,, A_ _«,i,i-_ * alntja or. Tl.'a If acciu- probably itwnlc tho enemy with tear* n B MTV AC ODCkT CtuturiKO* at «*>. ».0O. 9«0 and 10.00 o'clock. "•«>-"«•«««»• Economy Tire Repair Co. NOT ALWAYS PROPERLY 8ANE IJ '.:-. c> :J • Ml? :. t.jj tains Uciuit d L u - t u :- IU ' ' ' ' •'('«. IVTotlon on Sunday and Friday «T«I- *KV-Bondar-aehoot Contractor CUT Or BREAT FlUJUICIcnS aurrs PRKMCO «a •PBCIAL BALS 917 Aabcvy Avenue, Ocean City. N. J. •iUwtlata Aaaart raw Pa**** Havo at Inn at 7.45. 8.0ft-Pr»*cblBV. PraahfarVaavMalaj Cilikiaaid far Ra- All Thaaa Pan CaMMaad a« Thalr FRENCH CRY CLBAMBO AND Tires, Tube*. Retreading. Repairing wirtiaaia Maa. af Oaataa H | TABIRNACLI BAFTIST CHURCH SHILOH KFTIIT CHURCH Maatal FamrtHa free) Tire Insurance. Ask About it Maa Otvaa ta. WarM. |< PRSaMO 7Ba BATHINO BUITB •th and Waat Ava. , Slmpaon Ava. Naar tlitti Many ptopto thlok tkat tka axprva- .Jaateh T. Fayna. Mlnlater. omt Narrla. Mlnlatar. rraakfott. tba taanaa Oanaaa town aa tW Elnr UataT la tko btnb- 11-Oe— Praachtas. * 11 flO-PraachtoB. aa*d by a Jary wtahlna; to _.. .—- -JJO—8noday-acbooL S *»— Soaday-aebooL pU« of tha wo*W« craataat mUUoo- tt*m pan. bat Dambara of doctora aim. It U a wvalthy cnanamlal city. «bo bata aatda a atady of awatal dla- aad qnlt. dK|>r.iportlaBataiy famuaa la < ard»r. onpbaUeally dacUr* It la aocoapartaoa wlU tta actaal ataa. r: ,^. :s'.v^ 1 MU tarm. Tba ButkactUlda. wkoaa aaoratral • Oo« doctor aaa atarad tkat Mnpo- born* I. now the aolttary rrlle of tb* 1 Otis M. Townsend rary toaanlty U a eoadttlon of doobto i opca.famuoa J«wtah ajaartrr of UH- ( THE FACTS ABOUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE rauctooMaaa. aot dlarimOar to n>- n*PT. A paraaa awmaUy qorta aao* Hly; Ib. Hirrna aad tka »p*T«r« la may bar. attacta of imporary abar- < t^idand. aod the Kakaa. lb» Katin. • The Reliable Builder STATES THAT HAVE RATIFIED nttoo laatlac ttttl* mar* than a fawI L»b * Cu a ; RBPUBUCAN af hard, roohoow. nwatal work, ba- 413 Bigfath Street Ocean City, N. J California. Xcrada. tot particularly ttaMa If Inaomata aa- C C O N S T I P ATI D S , lKrnB>or.*Uf»ordlaatyUlbanma- , Now Batopakln IMT of ante—rfal ftnaactal ttrma which , V4O.L KnJmrr,— kad""ihrlr birth or A- rooaiWra ; KawUaxJco, aarly noralac wbw tka parpatrator MJI.O. wara bora on tba banka of tb* Main, j Kaw York. i luva. haa aot wally b«a proparty 'awaka. Konh Dakota. Ta* m>« wbk* la »oaily «1d ta «ad wkat Ohio, ko haa doo*. Tma U a traa aaa at fur thla wwtulucly atranca oatacldaoea | Paenayrrmata. taaBponry laaaatty. bat It la eoanan- la that th* cxxcraphlcal poallloa of Bboda (aland, ttmy rar*. and a awa la aanaal rraaktatt la «Kk that a atstara of ] Boutn Dakota, bMltb woaild aot nS*r ta tmla way. RRY DEFRANCO Waahlncton. A aprHallat m awntal dtaraaaa haa Baaactal cnalaa. atatrd that ha koaw a

C tt SHAW PvarU wara varaabla aa ! bascatow aproe. And—th* axnlua of . China aa aarly aa twoaty-two caari rtaa ' Kmtoo. tb* adapcr of a Saraxin, tka RICHARD H. JOHNSON CO. STATES THAT HAVE WOT RATIFIED SHAW & SHAW nuu. tb» «aiU of ArWU Ib* Uu*f aiv cJI».t^l and Ib* »b»ll s»oily •*«>• '" #«"" Ckrl.iy lUib»«~«». i ••_ Ji TUTAI. TOTAL „.. PLUMBING and HEATING *d t.. allow Ih* tnlprfoctlon of Tarl- o .•— an.l rnui|—.iiv.rf -Central. 817 Asbury Avenue, Ocean Sty, N. J. • Mi. f..r»lim .ul-rfanr*. mblch ara In- ib- .alai .ViUI-u -t |tar.-m-«l-IU- Advertisiii^ •»rt^.| h, iu*an. of a fork^l hamt... .l.M. lU.- IbuiuU ..I * Wjik-ulib. lU.- Hist dm Hea far tfijfc du* Wark. STATES THAT HAVE REJECTED 714 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITXIILf .lick. Tbrw ptll*ta ar» (Mwrally | «MII -I . «Uiiu.n.l.-r >•'-"I-I.1"'^ "" {a tUt paper vrQ bring ina.W. uf pr*par*d mod. hot may b...... r Ty"CJA. tl«-i.i.nr ..f t u«l.-'-tr., REPUBCJCAM na hata all tho very lataat aattaraa M an4 will bo (Ud to hire you call aad ; ELEVEN Sparta I Saailaa* arf SUta> : Will." -That u|i • nlnnl ratm .. fnort. JIllHon* of WKb . ' ,w,u „,. „!! IBI. y.y of Urti Shampoo na^kvaj a*h WH* ,jx Uquid Shampoo Soap. .c« toem. Wa know that yosr laata Tina • • BUILDING BOOM, b » ta l»-nri. «t» uM annually to rblna. Tb* nn Il|l|y aritr „,„! i. i,UIat- i«irt ..I On life follows tha use ol : UfaWatf. W. k.w.- r:.»t ratuabla ar* rlibrr mond or pear . rt. || »!••. d n..(b- Ckanwa parbedv. T*>.<>oaa la .tiro to ba lulled from amooc tba d<||) ufr Dr so r not utkabatr and acalp baiaB fIt •'"•«'- ! |11B ,t .11 bo. plrtiijr ft lluw to rbow Dr. Miles' Liver Pills many pretty ilolcna wo ba«o. C _'tnaa>aka»of WBd* and aaa now wrll we caa aalt joo. Wky w an twy - '' ' tu U~- a |»pulur For many years The P.atfMtoi. *ad «o »nt it rootHattTooic Th» o».r»«« duraium of UT* ta »hort- rmu h ««i*»- Standard Medicine) for ALPRBD R. taUTH «M aa LUMBER i* a i no kt*oa~ hi« bead I,. l.»- fi> •!•• Iri Torpid Liver..Biliousness, tO4S Aabury Ava. Oaaaa OMy, M. 4. kkore walrr dormai l«l the (rau (row cuumry. owlnc to th* pacollar u|>utt tu >l-... II.. Inn*.- M>-> • uadrr hla frvt Constipation and other th*lana<-ii(bMtlacay 1"»—-all'.w-jl.. .ixantd fajrwl: li-l !:•-• I" tlu- disorders of the stomach, DISTINCTIVE _ »1 irr* iron**, aad habitually drink »Mrtw"!n>-wrrtrtmim-*«* Of till. ..•—» with III.- IV-j acawmter wheo naar Ik* coaat. Tka mark,. -mirin-Imrlng m> >'0 '• llj.-r tur • bowels and liver result- • —Tfea ball plajvr eaa altrajri booat C H. SHOEMQKER LUMBER COMPANY t>anf4*'dl» off at akoat forty." A. K. . kralthb bab»«. Ib»«- j r«o bla a*araa* by making a bit with Is* Prait aaya la bla Two Ttara Amove I anodaluanodal-M»J)y u> WttliAM 0. ABtOTT ing from failure of these T-M* Umm ^ w«t A th* fs.»"i»«.i« of Maw flntnaa" "Wa Uutt IhthU babaai mat.- ui> tkaaraa aa It ta taaek Gat a padesg* today, aaa ' aaid tka tarasfa vmttar. - kytka- ^cfaaaaev rajtoaa) yoar UouMas ow«Ii the printad work we tuts ost« BOH> BT AXX ADVERTISE IN THE LEDGER. . ,.••• .•••• •^'vv^.:;r^\^v^-r-;.:^!kvv\^^.^7^^: •/-••••••;. ...•••. -


LAKK rAMILV HA* MUNrOM IVIUTOH 'ALL* ntOM THOCUV HARDING—T$E EDITOR* CHIT. BLAKE * PERSONALS •aWaaar* HnKaat Oaaaal by *trlk> I the Lake family waa batd at Pttta-I Aftar aararal boor, of aaeooaeagaav MEETS DENm aees. wblle at tba bom* of Dr. ADaa Ara Camflaaj a*** on Thursday. September 1. Tb* fol- — tart*, n^ Corsoo. trtysae* MaeCrray waa **• m9mu ; lowlnit officer, war* elected: Boaor- movad to tba Atlantic Ctty Hoapttsl ."* V** ""^ l t Mn 1 . NOTM or iwrntMT TO ALL !7rV!!? !£ - *!L * ~ * * ** yeeterday mornhv. He waa atfll m — of - - - - • rim- • 1 °"«" Crty; president. Hon. «h~», Laalay Btek*. Tt Mrs. (Uaa^.eoraer Fourth sad Wee- "™ °r Wtor* COBS.: trst rlc* 33 aad baa baea apaadtac bat ra- (secretary. Mlaa Mar* L. Corsoo. of Mr. aad Mra. Uroy Hammond hay* ocean City: treasurer. Or. A. C. Mor- ' rooBdnur * a5 left for tbalr a*w bom* la Waanla*> j «an. Philadelphia: historian. Mlas toa. D. C gamb A Rlaiey. pleaaaatnTle. Mlsa Etkal Padts aad Maatar Rob- A local commute., composed of art of MUM!!*, ar* apeodlnn aome Ens A. Lake. Harry Lake. Lewis ssass Urn* wltb Mrs. Raymond Brown, of Lake, and Mlaa Sarah A. Rhley. wa tbla dry. appointed lo tak. chart* of tba pro- Mrs. Geors* Enaltan aad daughters, "am »»«' prortd* for any antertabv tbe ear turned a corner, bla hat blew Anna and Hilda, bar* returned to ment that may be planned for Ihe off. He roafbjnd mad. a arab for II.w harUd , Ir %v of snMalned roncttsalon of the brain and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harrison. Of' " *' An«n«t. Inatmtd of Sep. Philadelphia, war* visitors here last!1*1""" »• •" •»• ""•. Internal Injuries. Captain make waa oo« of tb. beat vMk. ' | TMef hnt 'nteresflnr remarka were The Intnred roan waa taken to the Mrs. Jenalo Poat.r. of C.mden. haa """•• * """'•• W *•*• *nA I'wta office of TV. Corson. where he re- returned bom* after apendlnc the aea- " *•"*' whn ""? «>"»•'•'* »•»» mained nnmnerlona for about tliree •on ln Ocean City. , (Ijie narr w,r work durlna- Ihe late hoar*. When h«- partially reamed •ro. H* waa twice" married, aad n Mr. and Mra. John Wolfenden and.' rf>nBrlonan*-Ha hi* could not recall ihe aarrlred hy a wife, two dancbtara aad nuirif of the how-l In Atlantic City at two aona. One daucnter la the wtf» famQy bar* returned to their horn. Inj n^^ri"^**"™ TrrTweii 'Z lniUr Warren O. Nardlaaj, WipimHiaa iteml of IV. A. C. Morcan. of PbnadalphU. Philadelphia. I. . ... -- - - - wtilch he waa «t»ylnr. and TV. Cor- bla aecoad wife. Hla two 'I At the afternoon session Her. Panl , ta* Marlaa (a> Star. Z^t^H?™" "* "'' "•"""iBfar.er.nt Howe, ractor of the Epto- j MurFTtmr h«d been etarfn* at In* Ho^Captain Cbarlea W. Stake, of Pleaa- Carlisle, of Brldsaton. !„„„„„, , ri-^mnrrhK. Cn.~W w.Mar_. rare an .In- - I i»l Emmett. _ ' I antTille. and Captain Relsoo Blake, Mr. aad Mra. Edward Oo* ara apaad- tererthw and fnitrortlT* talk on tb« or Brldreport. Conn., both of wbom lac a few waeka ta Pbmipabanr. Marflowor Wlrrtm o>ar*ndaata In TAXPAYERS FORM LEAGUE Mra. Ckarlaa Heaa. of Bella PUtn.Vap» Mar County, of wbom there are baa been vtattlss In Oeaaa City. . • „,„, mor# th,n ,, (Meraltr knnwn Mra. FUrel 8mlth. of Phfladetphla. \ A reeolntlon waa paaaed Mwinrnlnr TO PROMOTE CITY'S INTERESTS ft Captain Ceonte EL Blak*. who la ^__^_ lar Pwimaytvani, Railroad Auditor •'•a «l —*• He waa. a member of recently aatartalaed a booaa party at;and rordUnr approrlaaT of the Roi- lh ' Mlaa Anna Browne Cbamploo. « Wealey Methodlat Eptaeopal TI>omM Wort Church, of Pleaaanrrt!1«. and for bury aTcnoe- tore of tbe aaaorUtloa which aoeka "• Uaetad PreaMent— enUlled to laformatlon on a number danthter of Major Inwpb O. Cham-

plcaa- of America with Enrtaad. I bara raluiaed to Caodeo aft rl ant a«mm*r b*r*. Rey.ftmeaE take, wbo, with bla; on* ofjh. lawyer, laJhe co*d*mna-, «* _ber»m# H» bride of Mr. Tbeo- two brat here. Eira aad WeaVty. lion proceedlncs. a letter U lo bs'doce ». Baker, of Atlantic City, on ARW ANNOUNCED delphla. are oecuprtne; tbatr boaaalow I *»•** Ocean City, nr K^ — addressed to htm aakla. as lo tbe|Thureday at noon. Tb. ceremony wa. fbr a law weeks. I eat la* data rettardlaf Ibi 7. _-V uii.ial lecal status of tb. matter. I performed In Ihe Pint Presbyterian

la a haa.i»at visitor to Ooaaa Ctty. hV 1^«^ "• . tbe tmiiaadlaia McLanrtlln. of Atlantic City

Mr...nd Mra. F. A. Howr. of At- .bb tld. and aooa UMed a. tb. potat,^.,, r.ty may b^ome member, of; J^JJ to^LSlSl." to iTZZ ^^^TT^UnM aoaMoriter October S. The Rer. H IHrnMI. mV n a l1 r wboae mlnUtrr Ihe chnrcb waa we*. ,,wMU»lrnr«^....-d.her -«, H,H«r I.W. TTV warked aro-d t.BlnltoB „. to prom*, tb. »™wtb.; ^* «- J|"m^^ ^^'^ «^ ^kTrT.*J£l££TZ- ^«T^ Z •- T..l»d.ncT^ ~ nuylMwb^om.p^m.nent rodent.,-- or«n fro., down to wber.)^^ th# tatw<. „* MBtt ,. tb.;JJ-«-J- all ~^« _m which Ihe M M r u. ^r jy^,^^ Tba IMIowtap; mniUier. wm aitoj «•• - ri-««h rt-»-« ron..arr^.. lh» city and,^.tnvmtnt. lmpro»emeot and bean- »*W» •'• concerned. ^^^ ^ ^^ rtnthwell of \IUnilc d°r">* •h" »•»* «««> Pr«fbr Her. H. K^V mln to a lar»» r»dar on the' IINr,llon „, Ocean CUT- ' • • rit- ' P. ninn. Mnnday: ney. John R. TOWNMNO** INLET ~-tni of th« bearh. «h»r» we h»ld a R^oi.r ro«.ttnn are lo be held In SUaaMIlt AUXILIARY m m Re^Tea. Tu>->dax: Il'v. H. M. Blake. . TO HAVK CHURCH | -r^rer meeftna-. anH H»rlna a rliloa j^,.,, rUr ,h, ,Mra rvidar In Jnn». I Weda«*dar. and Rev n. X K. M»y. jnf wh.l on»ht to h. JM of wM<-h Jolr Anm, and Beptember. with The 8«mt»er Araillary of the Meth-' •«IOHT A SPIAKKR Friday. Townaend*a Inlet U aoon to ba»e a h«a «lnce come to P»M we «na*- gp^-ui me*4lna-a at each tlmea and ^^ phnrtB held ih» u*t mrettnc of T"" foltowlna; w«>k Ihe aerrlrea char^b. Rereral meetlnn bare baen:->tt*d the whole 1al>n». c nrrr ln Ladles' Aid Socle tn of which Mra- E we reported to father oar rUlon. and n|v>n .^u^n notice lo all members. CUrk th# prealdent. tn th. chair " — "" "«^>nd DUtrfrl 1/ouM C. Munlnrk. prt. Cn'-m-ity r ln ,^,1.,, btulneaa meellns * * Con«Te»»m»n Imaai- TUrha- Secretary of rhtlarfrlphU Ai»a. win nrh tn-anrer. and Mra. 8adl* Connltaa. urr lo boy Sao acr»» on contract m(^i|nr. mnch Bierrtment waa ran>*d by«ome - alleiwled a nieettno- of the Third prmrh mornlni and evenlnc. There secretary. Tn* fhorth will be named which he and William take proceeded; A m^iao waa offered hy Mr. nvrno „, ,ht> u now «t nonsherty-a realaarant. 1«1T At- — s» eommnnlty work, participated In by r*-d«1 In orcanla. Ihh^ OrKeO n CltCltr AsA - ,ralfr oprio», the aale off Ibh e CamC p A B^, nm^ TO ^^ ,nU ny Umll>cl arenue AllanllAlllcl CityCll. Thur»daThdyy MANM Y CHILDRECI N ENROLLER D Pfopl. of an tb* cbnrcbea. iiwrl.tlon" , -ronnrt. ••d that the Waco, announce Mu, (||# tf>tek mhU}) (h# AMllUrr «enlnr. The Senator, who had .r«-nl eT f f of Vor. ihaa IUO la now la tb. tress- • • I it* nw-lllon lo the prafwised »ale tnrBwl mtr to thf Ladles" AM waa the <•>••• **' " P*" ">» «>ay •• •»• 8I« hundred rhlldren are enrolled ury of th. Ladies' Aid Society, aad an- WAR VITSKAN DEAD .„ wnr pahjlr war. a« well aa by Unr^ ^ „„, (h- AuxOtary n,. Mi. Holly Fair, erpreased plesaun. at |n the puhllc vlinol. of the rtly for ttwxiaed subscription papers are la thet Harry H. Smith, a Chrlt War rH-,»r|llnT leiien to erery ta«na>er In hr^n orjaalaed. .»*lnc.at Ihe meellnc and told hli ihu srhool yerlB r r - PO* NATIONAL a»ARK; Jeraey Caralry dnrnt Ihe war. He, yr. Bacon atated that In bia opto- tt1rnoea- m. Tin. wa. a detlshlful « " 5 •*» arhool nurse Ibis term. Mlaa A. !*»•» In Ihe patattaar tartness ln Bris-'ioo tB. rity\wu now np lo IU ratl|aak,r j^ trimm ,„) „*„ wm>- • • Ethel Nlckeraon. of Wndwood Creat. Tb* new sdtaVe of St. MaltbeWa tol for thirty years, aod coodocted a boodtsx capacity. Erea If a part of ^^j to4 , a^, mjo^ble afternoon OUARDS SAVE WOMAN haa charsc of the domeaiie aclenc* CathoHe Cbarik wffl be dedicate to- hotel Uler at Potlaiosn for tea reara. «ve Tamp rrooada wei» sold, the , j • and elementary manual tralnlns work. at IMS. Tk* SerlH. waa bora ta rraakford. PblUdeJ-1 aoney aVrtred therefrom would prob. . | Mrs. Wlnrfred Mcfllynn. of 1«M and Mlaa Haxel nairia. of tbU city. I pbla. Tie Vsarea a widow aad rwo'1Dty sooa be make, and Ibe ctty ml«bt •» • Vorth Srxteeatb afreet. Philadelphia, u tescber of Ihe third rasd*. Mlas * *kt • 1> fl^r'i'T to Ittaal tba'sons M. V, ef thla city, aad OsearlBa( be rnnrh better off la a abort BAPTISTS ACTIVE nearty loet ber life tn tbe surf a rew BtsabeUi Hartm.n, of thla ctty. a tiiimimj Mfrt xfll aa Wa.kratTf -'" of Eastoa. Pa. Tbe body waajUaMl. ' days axo. WbOe beyoad tbe break- cradaata of the Samaritan HoapttaL tb* ikmk tor Ike trst Oaaa. Itakea to Bristol tor mtermeat WaaV The lean, baa planned to at> tato With Dr. 1. M. WUbor aa chairman, j era she became etbaasted and sank. PblUddpaia. m arhool nurse. I ---- . ' (bs aAlt,r of tbe'sale of tbe Camp a committee, coaatattajr of four toeallLIf* Coarda Smltb and Kbork eoc- . i s» a. i troaada ta a Iboromk maaaer. be- men aad three aaatr men. baa beea ceeded ta brbutaar bar to tba beach TEACHERS' INSTITUTE ,| BNOAOEstCMT ANNOUMCBO daami from tk* atarttas of tb* «oa> appotated to tak* up with tbe State aad aba waa taken to tbe emerceacy || Mr and Mrs. E*aaitiim«a of Ab- deauallo* nutaidlaia wblcb were Baptist Coaraatioa of tb* hospital, where rsstorattree were ap- Tbe Cap* May Couaty Tsacbers* I laiiiaaiil of tarttnt-^ to obtaai poaeeaasoa of tb. matter of ataklax Ocean Ctty tb* pHast. teatrtate wDI ba b*M at Ooaaa Ctty , Was A limit. u»4. Preaaaaat Fort amM be waa plaoa for a Me aad apectal Baptist aa a» Monday sad Taaaday. ~ m. Cartn lo aTr- WEmaa Haittaar. of m a, teens omeers wosM eesk work. .aurbiHy tkrostkoot each ROAD COMMISSION - ®g .• ."-••".•-'. •i' '".;'"- OcsaaCtty. Ta»»«Ba«»oaala wfflfc* M ast to tk* bottom of Ik* matter. amauMr aaaaaa. U B* amM tkat ao aa* Hlitil'T' baa a •. • Ta* mamkara of tbe Stale Boad LOST—Bmck ^--I^w coataaax *. tkaajkt tkU a aart of tk* tea. a» MSA4MCM AMtOMCO r ••! wd Tlatt Cap. May tetklt^^ ^ ... wttA „». HHIIOM *k)BJSGTI caoaa by mil I Halm w»a to aa CmMty taaay. Tbsra wffl be a eoa- tni „„, „ nt,,^ », Kra. n» Bar. Oaaraa W. *»*. taator * «sar«d en, aU* wttkh) a apaaaoftw* Ta* law. Jaka B. Maaaa. traaaarsr faraaa* hetweaa tk* <—***» ™* *,. i+*.& not*. « . . _- ... . . ^ I,, of ik* rmLibia* AM •etsety. aaa tk* a>*asaara *f tka Cap* Kay IrTXIMU—Oa ' * .'•* T-v'

ASCfND FltOH WOnttf iCttMHTBYJUJCYtttWOmt FDR TrnSMea •***«* OH** *r Tka* Tkara It—fill I* On* af th* **« aa vaaat WMar Tkaa Vat ,ta> Did It Ever — I l»a

fata at tba water *arraasdtoii Samae. -okttfana. "•" — forme, which are of varloa* "OrnamaBtalt OiaaaiauUir • y #• to nradac1* PURELY VECETAIL | o>akac*< - sr* gnat deUcsdw *f tb*the randattw. Ita paaaeafare awl araatht th* bnaktest atltt-^naa I gaaaa aa fstoh," they wtth a (tart, oaned their aatka he caUaAlt eatlarfMMallr. •i Attract*r*Motto* for *a» saajat for wtta enthaatasm by er. haarinca aad than tKgled hi. ant "Toh kla ban all da vCteaai rjr Farposs * a•« aa*» %, - aattta msn, womaa aad child, and aa the ear atappad at Orlaatal atr •anta, aa^aaa." ha aaM, aad i they only stay oa tha sarfsc* of th* to alltht. ] SMoey. Rstaran* ha took «art« tbsa* wonts mat watching tori •Wl a San> yaaac thins ran* tor a tt. And he boomed a thaadeiuua tint. Than my ba tMajr B9M of senrke a rfc It to ta coaaectloo wtth UMM weird •toil at Arseaal aTaaaa. - thaaka that called tba atteatjoa af all 1 tiMt tin Bamoaas* superstition "Arnold Aracaler aans tba coo* dmers aad compallod them Ukawla* to tir*M.WtcorfMtiUw the jnk pile ma . Tb* story U Itmt Tanjraloe. the dactar. . • • yon ktTw n lock it over —And acain th* psaMOftrf mtcrM. —BotthrwattlBs'iool of CBcrtoo. re- LaRoe Beauty Shop 'dtafkter. Tori, down ta earth to the motorman bare cat to with a ally aovarad only whea ha baara a aterrh for a bom*, tn all th* wast* of Hralr »trata from "Lonaofrta" that sttanHff word. Botemalr one reporter Economy Tii^RepairX casM la aad ataadlac ceraoonloiuir IIOHTH rr. AND AMURY AVK. 917 Asbury Avcnua, Ocean City. N. J. fat man to the front of the car called with a hand oa the back of bin chair shorts** of dwelling srrommodatloo. back to the rear: before sltUo* down looked airulckt at Tires, Tube*, Retreading, Rep# •••••iS; Be flwitmwu gar* her a wild vine" to -SOT. eondactor, will joo let me off Uactaoas sad as one intoning a for- Free Tire Insurance- Ask About it plant op 4b* rack which ah* had fooad. at Whetitoner mal srseUac alowly gar* mat to tlie No. 2 Bourse Bldg and It Boarlabod for a Urn*, then died. "Wbttrtooet Whetatoaer wn* th*atnii* word, -alaniltaneoealy." Ttot wa» vexed to think. the «to« ponied wapoaaa. -IV r« u no street -Sl-mal-ta-oe-oue-l/.- tepeaied Cue- (HAMPOOINO-aCALF TMATMKNT | •N" wnald oot thrtT*. but ber father or- by Oat name oa this Uaa." taooa, catching It perfectly and arp- dered ber to dla It bp. TbU tiw did, "Wen. they told me It was near aratmg each syllable wtth rvrancd aod dlicerrrcd that an lh« wltbcrad Arsenic.' and the Cat man ran* (or pomp. "SHaaUa-ae-oasJy," be krpt FACIAL MAMAOC—MANICURINO laares kad torocd to worma, and that, a stnp, aiarararlag as ha basiled exrhatrHy I la ana* (trance manner, tnew worm* Tse eondactor gtanead oat of theabont the awn who had broaght him VIOLST RAY AND ANTItlTTIC •ftarward became men and irmnca. window and crawled: the new word gem. And thoa the Samoana aay. BCD were "Keystone arena*! HOT OIL TMRATMINT* — tad I STMN6E WINDS Of CHANCE And afsto the paawnnn Uttered taailaltota la Uectrotytla BOOKS OWFS BEST FBIEHDS! as the fat man climbed from the car/— rraaab AMst and IntMah NeveUst IndlanapoUa Kewa, Mmsd L> toWewna a a* the Aeaertlen Made That In Uw Imattaa. I tiairixwad Oaetatais la Attendance' Uaa e# Oraat Wrttara Cemplrta OLD STORY TO THE INOIAI M I | b one of th •m^^§S^: WrVs there ta now on *tew a prtmltrre- >,| ... ,.,. . . . •When one* the lore of books baa Warfare, la Contention *f Chtef ly-tathlooed door decorated wtth the WM.CGOETSCH :: - Into a man'a Ufa be caa aerrr tgara of. a Tmhlllan ben*. Thm door •;V^;;••.•;•?..•.:; :.':t .: b y ann nun nramc. PUIU *OU ••••,..•••"<,•,,,•,-' ".'••• can aatvr loae hU taternt In life, he landnof the auulhaiu PadAe. CORSET coa aerer t< qnlu anhappr. Books A«0 UTAIUK To arjp««r yoodhfol Is are the trlead* that ner fil d th sod of Indian folk tore, according is BMB aad womrn that only Ore In books tftea rcstrrarjoa. who asys hia men are the beat aad the moat real Meada TMsagB ofyoothfbl tt- If I war* ta art down the namaa of tire calb for yontfafbl the 30 frknd» wbo mean moat to BM, I shoaid Bnd that more than ooc-hair of mifn fo* wmnion wooM tmhtt their Something New them Urad la the nortte of Dtcseas for the beaaflt of Oe**n City people tfaeattzihttcsofyoatfa, i-i-'-^r.:<:•''.'':'!• -' " " aad Thackrray. Ooma> and Dandet. Wells and Hardy aad Uemdllh. .plots far his norr!* and ptoys. iton np Ocaaa Cty Ha«M deahiaf Cw. SandenstM and Once; er to the aortd of ttrceis and tboim foot from Psrta to Tahiti, aad erm prlT»te rortag*. offlco. or anything >ou I TiT..f,., «. las to make the effect more raaltottr. tute to cieea. Wo fornUii .»«rrtWnKJ I WUIOTUl Corset*. and asHcia. A tare* |«rt of It man be •If the battle* waa to take ptoce whea carried off a doer from Ms rahto. Und to the world of Unatinalkn. And :aataam had withered the lean* and Thj^w-wntu. -Th. U- «d •... Uclng wtth the Imaitnatloo of greet touctwd them toto gold, aptaitiao of 1 writer* we. too. learn to dream, and brant, and yellow made th* warriors ^Z*n died to hi, adopted ho-* ! ' . the happiest- homes to the «•*•! < tog far th* right behind a **O af charaetortotlca af Mr. BaidtoeTa ttts— ataei todaatry to the estaMlahmrat of caa war. and Btraaghaait whaa a dtnary Utarary »atoma.-Harp*r a Ba- Usns^Mtrt^fflcs, to «Isa CooffSssmsa fa. ths twahra Coo- US* wsrth aasal works; aamely. the Bcacal baa. SMT nrasMiafs back. HU graadfatker Sttaa d Aet sVTo sa topermi ^ t ths sall s off lih lightt wiai * andd b bssr :to to od Waal works at KaKL which tama' was Chief Standing Rack, who took Two elect AMsa^tnawa aad 8Uts Sssaton who wOl kssp Nsw eat MOjMO toes of pig Iron par month. | part la Caster's last flght. sad who "WaB, JaMtasTist^t ths "#**—«*' •meactmtnt sad prat*** B**a that thereto aad th* Tata Iran aad Steal works at died at the age of 109 years. •on toencage d ta a* married. We witl af th* *aa> Sspssssc7of^aVlVw eoaetaTtasTa ths Volatssd Aet la its beat tradltloaa. Maato aaS i '• I aafecM. abeat US mOee from Oakatta. write to tha dear todaa d coagrata- ALLEti F. LEVERING pie daaatod a* that they knew net what th* gnat Sipatlliaa party aad aa p*> whfeb baa a aMathry prodactka) of toto arm." la ml and what to fata*. S* that they T^ . t tv^-^nawanM»rCo«ofOhiofoTthpq caitarty St him to ba thatr toatfar to abeat *U»0 tens. Host af thla atg ' The Skee BaHf Alleyt w/ M wl la a auiiij Mr H****rk screed (h* data sat , rern. nvwusereoi. wsnsea ay *3*Dsr> nt h7 ths Democrats to s big vfctory toroa r totsrsstssa d ttes thtao grant crtoto of tha satto*"* Ufa. I traa la taaianad toto ateeL which hi do othenrtos). sad bto wlf* plckad ap • c* betwaea tha glut** that as* tha word leader* adHasdly, far M L ' ' * larger/ seed locally to the prodacttoa wstrbss far tost year. Trad* rnmmbi WM. G. SCHWA1T2. Pras* bw attsibotsd to s srsst dsgra* toth a actrrtty of oar trsds or- stoner H. Lawreaca Ora>aa at Zartch Oeean dty. M. J. y aefl aad th* stark resltttas af wtjJSJSrThira ffNaw TirLy and throoshoot ths asttoa. to luairaklp that wa ar* anaUg *s4 af tafla aad the BDHller atractaral potato eat that asara sad more the ex- -My darting bay." mad th* ' ntnn aad hun—ij. af trsth and * Cox to s proaouacsd •ysl^.sad hs esa bs raliad apoa aat aihttiary. dktatartoL astocratl* > wtth the addltteaal port* af those sitJdee ta the United "vhsl rlorlons n*wal Tear father I atroofth. rale. Wa ha«a had aaeagh af that. If UKlrr KMialiaHluu. Sutra are hefcag cosfleed to tntahed asd I rataka to year happtoew. It . to deal rod ther* woaM h* aa ae of the Tata works -_ ..A *sa^Bm^^»^^^» ^>d)s4uh^^ ^ hss tong-hera oar greataei wish thst win more than triple Ma orevtoaa ea- wTaUCS BswVfVaaMaHal wTHBOaXT yoa shoaid marry I! portlr. aot asar* than a fracUaa af TW wmtm «f f1iilm#i1 A good womaa ta henna's 1 -Tttfeo* (MM aad «f wmtdMs cm- —• (in t* *>*a. Bh* brine* ont all' FRANK CROSZER »?'•' •BppUed from theae two works. heat to hhn aad help* him tosop- 1 W« are in a ppotioo prase an that to em.- ; •upport of which rranklto D. ar* taa ttca, amounted la SlLmjOQL Of Then ther* was a poatocrlpt to a ' to give d •> drrerse to admit of anything af that UstU tea yrurs ago rubber dUTrrmt bandwrtttog: OCCAN crrr. H. a. character. We ha** oar agrlcnltaral thto total th* rala* af th* *-•-•-Tf right, of ths jropl* luve bwsa Mised sad tl»y ara lined up with groap wtth IU Interests. W* bar* tba "Toor mother hss gaa* far a staaa> oa ia tha aUgh^ ntrnggls that is aoon to b« decided by thelabor groap withlts totaresta. We ba*a Keep t*ngir y*e yoamg noodto." And what did Theodore aowaiarl bsttteof ths ballot. the far east haa lamped to the •ar tnaadal Interests. W* here that O?tS AM. f'li Y£« think of Danleto* admtolstradoo of th* ! Ths recent decision of the United State* Supreme Court other great groap knowa aa tha pas- • '••• float end. now U producing nlne-taolha -Job± of (talahad anainu from Swltaer- hu thrown the qaeation of Prohibition squarely tnto politic*. Be, thst has slway* been made tha af th* labber of the vurld. In th*land darteg ISIS, the raat going large- la tb* demstatod anas of Bdgtaa - - .----.- -^,1 it toth s rltal lane ia ths Campaign thst ia sew aadea- way. Th. •goal.' with Us toisnata. An of those toto attUn, Joat when th* Orst rrperl- ly to ItWglaad. Canada aad Japan. and Korlhera Franc* the birds ss I rrat. rranklto IX Boeeerelt. haa bass < prohibttioBtots triad to kssp ths question oat of ths campaign. ar* of vital Interest to 1b» niimsa M*b) wtth the automobile were oader veil ss ths baawa Inhabitants lest s more or tost tonsplcanaa Cuter and weal and I bell*** that Ss**t*r Hard- way. aa Enillahmaa. B. A. Wlckham. They feared the voto of sa outraged and indignant public. •7.""-, "1 nwiaa Saatol ram I»II Us their homes. Their nests snd aastr Printout parti tt to ap toi u member* of tha organised liquor trade—totog " Th* Indiana of Xorthw*st and ccav tag ptorc* war* dsetmyd. In a apurti on "tmerlraalam sad eaoi_ -.• •Tv..".. . the Me* that robber piaata tral BriUah CorsmbU ar* now ta th* Now they km bees torttod back I Prompt and Careful Katloosl Defines" at Chlcsso. Octo- fores the flght That tojus t what ws are doing. win be blradwl toth * comma* totereat _ jrnem an plantotleoa. throes of th* height of the aortal am- for th* matter toast merely on* of *g*> { AttcntioQ • ber as, 191S, Theodora Booavrelt said: Ws have toned the challenge. The Anti-Saloon League •f all. awl all wtu b* ptrtacd* aafa ::' •'•iiviSi-V Saearlng a commtoton frooj the In- •oo. Oa* potlatch ararrely oada ba- tlment. toasmach as tha birds sr* nssd- -llur* barm haa bean don* toth * to forced to flght tt h*» mad* sa appeal for a $30,000 fund to dto gpniuinnit he boxed ap Iho—prt» fnr» another starts. Th* Udlsn* YOUR HA.T,SrRI elect dry Congreasmsa who will uphold the Volstead Act snd af aeeda. chartered s derelict aklp op fanaert crops. j dry fiP''M'W to the State 8snato sad Assembly to fores ratl- tl A d I nthrrtd at Marrlertowa a short ttot AhoyoarVew Bait and (iimo, to ur nothing of your urw Miirt*. 1w«l . *.. ... _...... ^ .. _ «—^grsay. Ther* •«SAO THAT, MR. COX" Liu la lore* comber* uad hate uujjr With thto ohjsct to Ttsw. arena of ! There AMO MR. COX DID RRAO^ ta csch other ill I" woodland ar* hrtar *H aald* and HoJrr)', I ndcrwrar. Kte. Ar* the> all •etecteJ* Well *r* »hu «• b*m arcompHahed to th* nary dartag h* ao queeboB about* tb* AntJ-8»ioon Learia'a ability toto rain rato*s to IM1. aad that nai rrw "" >nt •—*r"T Ko oa* Bucrra. aa ears mad* aa atuauii* -aa poatnle to j tiate tooa r store forjfoa . the but thr** yean has been done by tha aTw"nwt siked. Bow much caa we raiseT expcrtoMato ta tapptog becaa. feathered fjeatuie*. It to"T—Ir t > MPBCIAL HXtK OF HOKT UATS F«)R $i-00 A Kttla incident omasctart wtth had a eoit of doth** to sirs sad . HolUmsJ»loyoarme**nre. .jdMato C*x*a reesat caaajalga •• itke. Mow, th* pottoteh at Bagwtlswt. thst by ssch msnne roloaie* of bird* ! bans eaabbed aad panlitni for th*b> hav* pi«"««^ Do not thmk for a moment that there ia plenty ta Haw York todlcaiss that the : to the" HesaUon district, to an. Th*wffl MMO b* *«tsbll»he proper protection, they will nm'i:pir ' eartato hwlucmt adltartasi which ap- snd iMcnma as namet»u> s> nir U- late. Money most bs bad immsdlstaly if w* ar* tomaintain ' I rmaga fo rtatt to Indianapo- other JONES'!MEN'S SHOP I <>ck: TU^ l« tu-. 804 Asbary Avcas*. Occaa City. N. J. •ami that I ha*w earn* «•**> Ths ftrstyo u svid : traders. Thay a*et th* traannr to> ** Xehher did th»» ham «• When utephoaa glrte to rhnfmasa :c "' ' BSM. And he e>ed ll 'i-*'iin JONES HAS IT. R caototoed with eoe- ! ba on ar tath a wtra. ar ChMbrato ', . r^abasltlaa baa daeatopaa aa spaa- waaO* that ihtneih wood aaS atoa chraagh alln*. FteaBJy ba *Md* his cus^aesu to rstaa ka*w» aa tba ehameetep*. " " wba waa vary MIL whkh ahewe accmratary dto beOtoc ed mrhsianra rnsaldiraM/ harder than! ader yea an grow ao bl«potot af ttaaata aad which brewer* toad. The hud* ba* pat handrada of here to ladtoaapalla," b* MM. "Wbr. Your dollar today buys less bread, •7tond*4hafc Mr. Caa. yea ba*a that Me apnokttag caa to toe bows to tha tables ttat carry th* tra tba ha - - - wire*. Water eatara tha cahtos. avk. tog wtra caaaecttoan aastoaa aadl the less moat, less clothes than ever be- hand atom ar* fonad and laaabad. M protlrm of control of this Mstal ' bertog beetle toam i eaaorfai. accord-' fore, bat your Electric^iDoHar buys art carfwscy to cartabj. caanta asrt- ; (arrant dtaMeja af Fatoad, ator* the | Oabaa Ststa* < more by using tv !H * 10


. • «•. •. r- ^^^ mm^i.

aad which aakt la to toka pteoa oa BHTE lack of tab» •uausMto avanv «ATUIUMV 1amMbwltoM to tb* •*• ••« •W Wavunr AvaatoaT? ttaatalh*«artytaa aabUeaa campakj. faad ta Mew jer. A «-«3IAI. ILienOM 'V the PostoOc* at Ocwta was bald on OCCAM CITY pair af pataat laatber aboaa, •• *f " •• CUT of Oosaa CMy, Cttj. M. J, u ttoMd cbus auttsr. Moaday at tb* City Ran. with Mayor West Jersey tnTettmeat Co, lae, BBJ Bsrhor dtTv-Desptto tb* fact aey amoont to oaly U per cent of tb* Cowttyot Cap* May aad Btato of H«w Mtaay. aot aa«d*d tor pobUe BM.- Jo*»Pn O. Cbampwcj preeMtac to Martha Hob*. Phils- Lot UN o. JAMES M. CHESTER A CO. SATUHDAT. 8EPTBXBER It. UJO. r * oW tb* ieO C la aoaih eld* Atlantic cotmtertsM* la . «*• 'ollowtac Cnmrnlaatoaar* 41 f abed abee than aarsn bad ta mtad orh at. ttx for him when Ma teat w*i* waalaaiii . w. G. A. a Bamliit tor a comity publican waya aad means commttta* •tato of N«w Jaraay. daacrlbad :l efrnac* at tta caaaa at Fras" MUbj bar*. Hamilton P. Kaon, national £ Y~n 1 partlcalarly aa foUowa: BEAUTIFUL CAM* fc-ph o Champion. WmUm »« »*- *» «»»»««• br. a c o. Co, A sad-eyed batler let him tato th* DR. W. P. HAINES '•* aMUMD Stewart aaaatoa. Mrs. Stewart cam* tar ta Tba aaath. . rommltteeman from Haw Jeraey. said TaUCT No. t. Bttvat* bttw -•- NesttoPwat OCSAN OTY. N. JL UAimFULCAM* QftOUNO H.,Dae. 17. lHt „„ Hum A«J> Wasuiv Anami^. Ttaataad. Joaeph Oaraso baa baaa! ib* amoont aoockt ta New Jersey forward with math cordiality to Crast OC«A» cirr. .<». J ^ awcted cbalraaa ot a coanatttot toi «ras KUOfiao for both ttals and na- NewTjens? mi'Ti»T3L^«2l!!5LCJl u wan not th* int4«tM ktad and JMOto-JJw, £n tka dty th* Mtjasat ceUbntloa I Uonal campaln parposta. J£ ^S* V^^S'SS^SL ra they did aot atatmllata with ib* fleer. ICdOto &M)B.£ -Wi^tnmbasowrfjrtta btotor*. -f-Jtatinnnt-lT*. farmTernnrn.isT i*^SJ.2-»?»?^^»*«-*«a«,< ^TS^ ° "a»att*aatottr Ma* witb hSa of AUaatlc araaaa wMb tb* *oathw»st- ' The Soar started to rear op aad atttk* Claytaa. — OaadMatoa an bate* M. near here, was FarBaat t**rd far tb* psatarato of tbs Preaby ttoa • aceota. and tk* aoatbsaatorly Ha* of AUaaUo a«*. CSr mrlan Chsrch. j tasato they fmmd that* a eaaatlty of Tract No. 1.—Sttute bet BMta a aoatbw*atarty diractloa tb* fiouebara, — Deaorrats will pot a • Itasar which bad been mad* from crata «*• «•«» Stnsta aad betw*ea~RaT< dWtM dtotaacaof 5M f**t to tb* aortheaat- 8w*dab_l ssD ticket ta th* Said for oaVea u Ih* alcobol. some boadtac abet, and m» »" "'aaia. "™ "*" erly Baa of Btrth atreet and of this FRANK L DARBY aew bnrtich. terfcit tateroal wiense ttampa. ta Tnct No- >•—Be, width. SM feat, uteodmc ta a aootb- rL W '5^«—^-»~~-1r.» mnnm. and tut*! that H*»a from Walter Raaa. Sapt. « '<*»*«*. «•<> a raom-matr.atr. Bmltb. «bo All w«nt down wltb Jobnaoa. Eroy •prrat* a bos tta* betwera Ibta ptse* talloo can* contatatac whisky, on* ^'.^"^*,!""•• **th tb* aootheai castorly Ua *of PUtb atraet. when n- ^^ 1 »» oioc«. M*m Aabnry and W«a-'<>* ho h d 1 1 aad Caadea tabeta c orcanlaed. ralloa of cnto alcohol, a toacaUo a S^iSffci *12?. Si** ****• «k« tasasd. aad tb* northaaatarty Una of *m Aabnry and W«a-'<>* iwnwnr v luid •» lo«Plnitlonll . BB* pro- drad w aatt. wbkb a qtllt wltb a sort a* DR. M. & STANNARQ BUltacsport — Tb* firemen of tba «*c of wbltky aod anas af bottled L_ ^S? "*!I ' "»• " *««nlle a*

taTof ftttorTd IT" »»~1«'n>-!— • -;•» th* Bo,rd of ComrnlaetoB- Er. C Hea*. Woodbory. widow of of Mn. Stewart, wif. of tb. arnatof atnet. « „_„." ™ a«T.el<»'»«it naea«al*d era and tn w.r th. plant for conald- Crlah Rees. to Aactmtu B. aad Mary *«>•» Xerada. »h* bad a blc formal Tbat waa J5 yesn a«o, bat to tan | ••* Phaaa. ^£1 ?ZZ1 r« i zSi5S?SSSSP gfrtt'Ezssa tt&vxx^^xzBELL PHONE «8-W "Twaen. if tb* mea rompoalnc the, emiion w-tb .hem. Comet aa Joint tenant* Lot 411. Sec n**V—» »»d aaked Johnson'* city ed- day Johntoo irowa pal* and arrroa* Brnilaatoa. — Proattacaowa goa tot-!MMtlo o agenta In th* bama of William aad tb* nortbeaaterry Ito* of Birth ed. with tb* landward Ua* of th* ootma M 10 rlld tu> to u wbtn «"•• City Association, bad been botl-. T>» ?• »»><« «eeaa froat board- Real Estate in all its branches Ml ore, tb* prerioa. year. | may be mad* for tba pte£ee. th* to- "^ £.£??, 3?aiLl?Z£,t2Zl •«» "V >* ™»«« aooUassterty to KNOMNT 10 0 CmnN* ami A«borr ar*, TO ft from Kd at. To n»ct of labor. rxUn« to an account of to* ad> IO |B A*b«ry Park baa tecnaaed th* aal-i Atlaade aty. - Women-, dabs, .treets Is mored aoatnesaieHy from,»»»7hlS^}o ^'^T^T^^'. - =»U* aharn* th, ,»„„.. ti^ t» n^tr+a » J»l» I4S0 olnl.tratloo of lh* f«0*ra! child labor •**•?«» aai Plajttnn l 0 r bot t srte* of certata oaVen 100 per cent | cbamben of commerre. rotary dnbs. tta pretest location asd when ta each! Ii-5L5*Ertl iJJv-22!!2^S r! "^ f|" - ' •= «'• *^< fl!M ^ J tIUbd b th b dafrsadtac htm of dtrkaada to which bmtnea* mea aad wastes, dorters, testsac* tb* aald ocean front hoard-1*"~*W**LTO. "f^TrSSTTLSI PHOME YOUB tMUS WANTS be w entitled aa a tars* ewrkhnlder. • atataten and tawyen thnacbeat New walk aay he aimd aoatbessterty to J" f1?..****": w."**.*r.'!*V?.'.?**5* out tnxuLTv. Oaorr* A. Smerk has bnwebt *atl ta ; Jersey an to be ealatod to a stats a a*w lorstloa: tbesr* ta a sortb-'1* 'Jrr?*fJ,','* "?""*, J*0*? '!? w y " ' " am-"*** t«»k to arbour drln tta eaatertr dtreftwa aloaa; Ih* laadward *~ *r?2 Jy*.J? .F*l%_m«imU Hughes Central Pharmac -V*1., Bad aweth. The rsapslca la to b* dlnct- ••a* which la to be hereafter ettab- •"•» «nended. to Ih* plac* of-bacta- l.THOa>aXVHUCean.p.a «:> Lot 4SJ Sec. K. O. C A. i eompl*v. t SmVV a^CaiPteatrnVW ' u?er>. il.> ft. «r from «w rren the nxilmecta tU r cta 1 ketwearti th* asea of _„ n Lot »!• B«. r o r » h. wV ""* *' * •'• """• "i" * •«* « ««•»• And 13 mar* sod * wtten extended, to Ii wwrrr ft Lot »j«. ?«.. L. rt. r A, ta «E .^tupolanry In for children op tottx - the DUrrtct of ColambU reealn the Wan lh* pBhUe erboam , Jersey City.—A hfndtami crantt* _7_V" ' Board of Commlaalonen of th* CMy i^w^^--:. • erery year and do not retara fsnah ! sfrattan cnettec a Bdtnoa sad s half >lid aotlr* la betebr airea that a of Ocean City. New Jeraey. The sale *&'#•-• :. "v» •>•• -r—,-n «n :m. r«m wbeo un>mi<>l. and that ability to r*ad and write. — WE WOftK «V HULK. . to p.rk th* ooan front with a treat """"" nf ib* it. (-JUW. tU*: |4i Lot. JT3-m. '»» p*rm"m many *x*ui|4l<«>. None of the are Mate* where ebll- HAN9 RIIDafUADrVP Ih* baalc laeplmtloB for tbs back to dollar* and to boos* tbs Tnat Compa- -JJH,! %wTlm, forth* porpoa* of to tak* place oa Moaday (Labor lay. mlnna 'nrl-ialre s»«- H o c. x. tn VW aide &> « rt<*6t treJy of «rhod «aoach- methods ac4 why 4-0*1 le««*r«n »atatliu|l the teetheew nerser *f Banaq *nd v*aT voters of said ftnaa City will be;o*etoekrta ibe-morsta« sad the- pace anoc* ta oar thop whe w* cat. abaa* 4m ihla-ITes!^a«»^i»-r».-«tP-fr»m-Ir»t-*t _*»«.ln_CltTtUnd_lt-«»a_li-'and-ihar -"r I '-*-n frr r ntlnaatltn whnalt PUMHMQ AifB HCATDBC • to be ukrd by clrtr* niiaailllKs all Bto areas** at aa early data. Oppo- W*M oa of sal* to be at th* north corner of r» lorai*d la U(4 ' ^3S0 children were ao Irrrsnlar In te order to make sp for defect!** eda- •*» - - - ^^^ erer the ante. | slto thto tract oa Sto areaa* *ad run- TUiaoAV.OCTOaiRt.ttM !tb* Boardwalk and Sixth street. aad tt ttao r abet metal work tar for rr^, coar 01.n and A»..i 'M' '"•?}**" V1 ^.^ "'.lo.to: «tton ta chiMbaod. Only U etateu . mta Jersey Ctty.-Chlef of l-ollr* Bleb-, atac hawk to tb* Rooleisrd Baasil nber notice to hereby rirew I Tho taad win be aold aoblect to pttroaa. Tka soosoato tor the tick* Ev I •-, >;;«z? l M AB4 ra ""*r r ^r"^" ^ •*£«7-*•««<•»**^.bm. ^-«:-is:i^; *^*; r-"is +rv£?ssz£?££ ~' •rd P. Hatterwty tamad aa order «- Lemar mt the Knlcterbodur Oompsay ,„,, (ks Boards of Reentry aad Bee- the I rtdadac eonlota that an was as *tudes. w r->~> hr w,^r OiamoinB tbat MlWrllle. to Monlo »n<1 Je.n V*rk*n- th* r*a>oo* for ttaylnc oat of arbaol make aach a pmtaloo. fretlnc the comaamltoc eatars of ^1 ta to band a half atta. difar tbmv {S\ wSl meet oa Tselu^Beplember *af tn.iaaal.. »Mc*wffl WJaaertod foots, leak at tat cattan. sad wwathor s»da of tba fstan may meet te • •wn-* rmrmnnlcailoa b* referred ''• rril., tetuata bi entirety Let waaw tn many rsa*. rrlrtal "^r't'i. 7~trr tba nstin tftp-tmm prectoct* to report Is aim ail aaioaaa i tar. which la to he a* meat aadara jnb. ltS». comaesctac st aaweaiaa «*•*««• " *—•*• •*• •*• tb* baOdtacs of owaen who sairast K4 c dntac ti—'nee* ta their pndacts, to- ta tba P*rt 11B* state. o'clock A. M. aad ctostac at *«aB|to bs btadtac Tentloas aad rala dart, ratu la >h« Wrwiw „> Peresae asd TV- '*«' > - ° C. A, Is) VW aid* la addition to lax K1MM4 attendaar* act. which went tato eSart April I. a Ua atost tamortaat work toas . lkrr You uaad SBtfi prther wttb th* naaee ef the-proprle- Tnaloa. — Oenraor Edwards ha* ocloc* p. M, at Ib. foltowtac dealc-, ••«»» "f 2! ',.,„. ._.«..„ ,„ . altndT •"n<». Vntloa carried «*ent-»l «re t» ft. «w from S3d at. ""* » °* the flr* naie. penalt rapidly ettsbUablnc « " chasar toea t coveaaat forth the I What .0^ A.U.,. C. ^* ^ - Vaa aal aas Mm tnm smlTM. TMB ROOttfjl, Twlf* reached either at baadqautOT or ta « *»• : m AtaHIHY AVE. OCCAM CITY w Ntatb atnet sad Atbery tec of ary daacitpllaa wbaterer. shall V r> Ih Cany ' ***attoa as to th* aaa'a kaolty. Hal. ' at aay tla* ba 'ereetd wtthta 10 feel _—t arrbltwta. place walka piers. """ * '""*" * ZS^f***** « Change WHhTTiem" - • , Catoa Bm. — Pnatdest DaaM BT*sa5 orserrsttoa polnu aad other maain- '"' "* •*""•*"» KI "•*» *• n. Xewromb. Jot» T7. 1»1« , ,_,< ,».tber aollce a hereby ctrea of the frost Ma* of aay anas* ot WM- tor . i Baratt* ef Ih* Pint Xiilotial Bask ihat'h*" \* eWctVa for th* parpoa* of *tr**t abatttac dattoasted or Uld oat pal attractions thai wooM toon b*- """' " *°» »>* 'n NT aide Slat at.. 45 ft. from iniee- ST.™*™*" » fsrmsr dewa ta • wr ri^kty-' «tn aot natea ta Ike face of ladkt- "f* .'* n »«*cky who had a » »»"' „ Mary flreer. Phlla, to P**ld ft Caaar oa CHAS.L ADAMS ft Bia "Tt-iirl II liil ilj aiillai araad Jaty. ' TT^BOAT. OCTOBER t. I'M. OB a atraet or areaae. sor wtthls 4 feet bar. taterasted themaejrea and or- '"*" "•"••» •- » l^r>. Ph«a_ Lot tj*. Sec n . O f. Caaar oa alth l T TT * tb* ctty TM Bi a Lff ra win alt of th* aid* Bn* of aay lot (exeepttac tattoo tbat alt city py places 1 % p*rty guy own two eoatlcaooa cantae^'"~d* a" ~atroa c aaaoclatlo•Utinn t•o« r,^pro. -**""" w*t"i no«er •'. if NT rid* Weat a»e. 1*» ft SW*»-^ 3« Pomda there ... «rt, CAtrto.1 m aa a r. '"ImlTr treat are. S*s1*a. To motor j aot aataftad wttb their prceeat waa*. ralr Aaaodatwa, aacreedlnc la* Uto rhew» aa Tseadar., IQU. thes a bmOdtsc mar b* erected tect oar city from *ach * ir*at mts- »*tt»r from r vr ' lo« tor htm to da hot tak* tb* brat. *•••*» os aay part of the lot or lota tb* on- *>r ««mo»t Ore*' Nor. S. 1»1» ...IS*. take. Let erery lor»r of treat, noble ear*, to take **en ta SO days. Tba tbs aaalataat aacratary of tba aasorta- o'ctoek A. M, aad rkatac at irni|W may dsatr* wUhoot recards to Ib* Iblars b* eaxer to Join Pmideni A» be saw htmtetf dereloolnc latti artloo was taken after aaay eauloy- tloo, a bettered to be the Brat weaaa o'cW* V V. ___ _ . taterreatac Has or Uaes. prortded tb* Rixrd of Commtatonen nf seats th^B»rta!rical*««XeSalad » tb* ratted ttotaa to b*rem* a dt- JIABRT A MORRIS. CHy Clerk. „„, u sot boilt within 4 feft of the tereetrd men and b*lp flait for araedulrreW^Oosaaulio^^ a ' ostatoa ltaeaof aald touao/wltht a 1« vorttv thlnra. acttn. Aa he j COAL ttmtaMsm^thbellara* tba wiil brine wm-ai Rrnmaaatl wa. alee Acted : foH of tb afroat Baas bareoTworlded. l > \\ WaaaaalttoSUBM i to lot Vo. """" "* » c . •* »°ad h the rrrot- : the matter to a bead. «o the board, earreedtnc tb. tats WU- NOTI0I. **V?Z,- 5S *** "SlS!iS!JL!f ?"2 JAMEft E. LAKE. —• —» •»» ana oeal him oat a Tot ih* Cnwnrr "<'' 'n >K» rtilted Rtate. ihlt Xo- C. H. 8UOEMAKCK LCMBKB 00. * rranklls.-ja^. M^« .» utn "•• *• * "* Creenrtrka. . -_ aball aot apply to aay boUdtac froatlna Uttte retrlbam* JOMIC*. B» Idea wa> as If they bad A VICTORIOUS CAM* MIITINO T" •n as~e> i "'"her T^ifa I* a ar**! as*. What to gt** htm a tbraahlac that woaU •fGlotohlUr M f-rr has besa named commercial RIOlaTHV AND ILtXTION. aacb »^~|lom^TbVtocited^om i lint ASO WaarAraaik. •fGloorestorcomilyihsraaivallUM t»er has bees Baaed commercial ••OlaTsir AND IIKTKW. --«- ZZ^mStTZm. *ZZJZtLt fn-. ritxriT ttrr """' 'S* reanlt he? Row will th* ?•* "*•' •»•• "P aU arore. to date decade. «acanraa to b* Sued. .^rhertalh.prirfteerh.tobrn. p«r«u« to taw.aotle e U hereby %£^.n^SaT^ "^ ^^ i •be ettJi Camp Meettns cloaed tn "atw loac ta the aaa'a It bad UUlrlUe.-Th.8tato Board of Health Bsrltactoa.—Charced with opent- «!**• that tb* District Boards of Bee- j j*., „ kwildtaa: sr aar part then- •'•••J a* one of the aotewerthy ' ! ' wa»» of tlorr It wa* *qo»\ to nk of th* »or». * '• » foo»lah to forw.ll how h nv SL Oea bsabasaddawrredl . a* tb* orolact- Tv wtmctlewota ta Newtea take, aad thoat who aadar> I doctlac s Primary Etectioa the o, pobtie carac*. That no sptrltooas. CiBTeh and toriety ta reneral. we ' » I-.M.* off tnwwrtSoI a o» iK.. ooMM " Proi»h*«r la In rain malt. Inlffrirartar or rtaoss Uqaora. l WtafooodBot atsnd tb* art ba** been Isndiac as* Bomtaatloa of candldalea for .suit. IntoTtrartar or rtaoos Uqaors.] was* to eooaTM jUt* ih* Ocean Cliy "»-Mw-.iy ni n '• »'»> «»< '>* lot*ni**nr* and gaod anaiwj. ^ Cut Your Fuel B-l Wotte Order of Sons of Aaaarka. a Bordeaiowa.— cam* oat with Bytat color*. -Th» •*- »»•«>• "«~< *"t«m«i. »>4 th* moraU of the • < boscbt. told or kept for sale as a be*-' WtO. anyway. CLaap *~r'hoaae. $10. down, $10. a Month wortajr of Ih* crest pr*acb*re that • «« —- ••**» t wia* '* '• ***"' » "*•• »«•—on* worth* UaTge Careers Potot — Plan* an betas Two Coastabw* (First Ward) „ „, uMaat*. or dssoa or camb- atood oa th* platform. He*. F E. '" >••'-- "*-*k •"•! _ o» — -~. -wn.rr. Rar.lT onr b4BM bade by miialini ef th* Dakm Pica- ' ' ~"— ~" """ aevsrsl Bute; )m^ BOOS*, or inner aotabllahimnt ta | Dacer. Ber. Alfred Wan. Rer. E3i t^ovoarv.far* for tsallmr srltb . Urre |«rt ef - ^ knertanCbareb ban to th* aaton thariof. That no bonne*. < j. -M^,. Buys a $500 40x100 ft Lot . Bar. WUUaai Gnua. B*«. T»» tenth* w»a referred tn tW Oc»aa Oma^-Tha aaaaal cams _, _____' Urn* bt raa War be carried on spoa aald rjzr?*r:z& _ EffectivePrin aaertnc ctosad wtth th* -jtrtt^ar ate* P M. for mtatratloa PB~~** tasd opoa tba Lords Day (commonly H. Rarria aad B*r. P A. D» T- r^n*— to t,H> »*n»«». Fiw erreet aad Ceatnl •ntalalad. After Miy jrart Mkwr »h«»( PVy-k W lmrTWHrtste> posmtatiOn for fanBUKJ Ot r^fiHilMJ fJUT- tit' tk* asm of t» a« m>M Z'U _^ .^- .^ t b» (b* Twar 1tl» m-m- Imkt Riant. . BtBto Bead las**,- chapter SU of muaaa. That tha aad dearrlhe. sa- pow«; properly pauried ud tilled a purdaMer - - acrraad- Xattoaal Pars. - Dteptta the fact » Laws of IMS." *er Trset No. 1 aha- ban thecoaoi-. « tlaao* aatrttaal dory 5Srti -t »au ha*e mmamd mon thas of maottac of Ibe Boards ot ttoa*. coreaaato aad nstrtcUosa of can meet hi* payment* from Ae value of tiw) t44. a*rttoa C. tnm we* aea«a*ttec MBporceatta laaaxms: Ih* Oeaaa C4ty Aaaaastloa which an, »'-«a* HIM awarartau. aad today ta* ate I WABD-Ka, t Fw* Raaa*. to ha naad ta tbs orlctaal dead* of j crop* ratted; • handy man can erect bis own . .ret-* batew St-th atreeitj, - — - - - la thto dty. dwelling and pay* for me lot with the money the seas. Wa aspeaJ to an tra*. J, anKttlTD WAaUV-(*srt ftseat Cltyi k __ _^ -____, % taaartad ta the dead or deads I aad ahaB h* btaa—c aaoB tha hatr*> he U now paying for eutmy* reotak; three RAB»T A. MOaatta. Ctty Clark >ad aaalcaa af th* aarthastr sad tb*| lots for sale, buy one or tlL ™« MCAT» OUAUTV H \?mt Office Bex 322; CAMDEN.N.J 3-.:.

.- ». -••< r- '..




CITVLE8Q THBtCCM OCEAN crrv. N.j. SUNDAY IN Smith'f ReBaUe Shoe WILLIAM MALONEY orneiAL orrv OIRUTOHV <- I T.40 • d#otvio OUR NKW FOOTWIAM i. i Dittrttwtaer •% f_^_-*l ___?• THE CHURCHES eOMINO IN. CALL AMD i The American Red Grots LESSON VIRNON L. «MITH. •» Aafcw- j^- DISEASE MENAGE ctri0 PREST-auTEi m Where to Dine ffl "• AUDITORIUM Storaoe Battery Stb to Stb Sta—Aabury ta Waatay Avas twerlnnn Red Crots wnounoM Gaa Tanks mad Appliances Rav, Jamea — Lake, a D- -res. Tbea, Tnfcae, SpedeeMtars LESSON FORSOTDMBI26 Budgtt of $48^00,000 Baetrte s.40 Rav. John R. Mass* Vie* »rea. For Current Year. CsB aaa a»l a cijar Bafctir free Baetrte 11.40 Rav. Alfred Waaa, Visa rVas. Bactrio —.40 MOM coMMMn. Rev. W. tv Laka, Vies rVss. Pfciladdpfcia S4oe Repairiaff Shu 2307 ATLANTIC AVENUE CARL'S oirr. or PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND «•«• Baetrte 1.4a IEW OISASTER REUEF PLAN Baetrie l«o Mr. Tbomaa R. Port, Vies Praa. " -»-T«-«« rtmin... * At—stk City. N. J. PfcoM -38 J THE HOME OP GOOD EATS" BserHe 14* 806 BOARDWALK Etoetrte 4.40 Mr. Cyrus a Msrtsr, Sea. e\ Tress. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Pvaaa. S.4S Rev. _ A. Walls, tup*. rtllrHOM- r OCEAN CITY, N.J. Pellaa CaurtViMUee .rnmta TTaaiifsg «« HAND«WB»OOm.Y Baetrie SKOAL I UaNai Btatea ati^oouOOO BARGAIN 10JO—Prwehlac. Lass Tkaa Last Year. altar Sapt. II) 740— Popular Sons Sarrtea. SU« Bm mi 8k— Itm T. IM A—uae OCEAM C1TT, |. j. iWM. C. SCHWARTZ announces ike opening ol the A program of relief and asrrlea to- 1 Paana. ward which appropriation^ of J48>j Baetrte UrUW bare been Blade haa bean out- THEUWAYNE^RESTAURANT «*• tsaasa comaritteaQa Director William M. Camawell MO Tamil ttraat and Waalay A lined for Iba American Iced Croes for •REDUCING 606 Boardwalk, oa Jury ThW. Nketeea twenty the Secal year. July L 1830, to July L : BBttsa Mafdcas aboald ba waasiH. |CHy Callaatar •. W. Burials* «•«• . 1831. aeeordtnc to ofBdal announce- j swt that wooU aecaaattatacotiif back j*"*- «• 45ollaet»r ....laaa a. Aaama US meat by national headquarters of Uw.-! sboM half way tato tba precedta* £_!2£_, •_•••• - CLINTON U BRECKLEY organlnllon at Washington. Tbe fig- : ana for U0OO1 are *21.000JX)0 below HOUSK AND SON those of 1818-20, ta wblcb tCa,MjQfiOO ! :*__, A-. PAINTER ^"^ was.apent i HOTEL COMFORT Important among tba Items of the ! k^ **> JOMITt LUTHERAN CHURCH! TABLE BOARD AND DELICATESSEN LIC FROF1RTV: budget for Iba present year Is tba ap- ' proprtaUoa of 01,800,000 for relief In I PHONK -uuetvem, to right I be disease epi- I Szir iterulrs whlcb thrvatrn many countries I STOUT- Spiritual tMMca. A good way ta to P1«»sur« avenue. Two alarm to When the , Hum will b* hrld on 8uod«r moraine Contractor and to elTace largrlj the nmslnlncj •M UM papll to grasp the main tana re»**'e<> toar limes. Two Upa da- , at « JO. g.oo. too and 10 00 o'clock. Irsr-a or tbv bllcht left by Uie World 1 707 Aabury Ave. Devotion on rtundajran d Friday crrn- Tar. II Is rrsanlnl as social aa well | WOMEN of each leaeoo and Ibea stata IU I*** Dote a Mill alarm, , Insa at 7.45. | Bills Arrive as physical annltatl.Hi an a larga scale 1 tag leeaoo. 14—Pleaaure avena* and dh atreet. NGLANDER •XllTS PRESSED SSo SPECIAL BALK __""" f#r JB'» *• D»vlo"a teal for 17—Bay avenue and 11th umt , that will ha*e a direct bearing 00 fu- I the mu with a e-edrtnc Ac- TAIIRNACLB BAPTIST CHURCH COUCH-MO Ood aod (kith to Oori made him COOT- IS—Pleaaare avenue aad llth atn«L lure conditions In Auicrlra. •...i-. !•«•: TI»->'i FRENCH CRV CLEANED AMD count tuqoaatiaosbl/ haa the ! till aad Wart Ava. j Central Compe. tba chief sulTerer ~Xnl «Hir U;in! *VJu:i/; PRESSED 7So BATHINQ SUITB adraatags. , Joaaph T. Payne. Mlnlatar. fi.r JIKI. ll'»- II" Jn.t foti y ad froa the cooflJct. today U lacing an- WILL-O'-THE-WISP •mor and as. hi. own JUI ftm! _J~*"'w 1 """" * "* «"«• Safely. conveniently, recur* 11.00—Prmchtnc * j other alntrr of raoiiua. pestilence sod torn, la tJw« turn* af the Lord of boata _T~ ** ** avenue aad 14th street his obtlgstloes. ' 130—Saaday^cbooL ruin. Tn*u» dumml tnucb dnnoi: S.0O-PT*aehtnc tbe esmrurr moniUa abrre laat «Intel tkara waa a Ood la larari. No opportunity for loss—no It had lie creatm •iroagtKHd. bat phy Laaaaa tor J-»y 11. The frfra^alp so possibility of srfumeot- r*IRST M. E. CHURCH •ICUDS »IIO iniml^iied iba alruatloo _*«*» Jonathan aad Oa*«d waa «5-Ailaad« a—«oa aad Id atr**. at the behest of the Leagoa of Be<1 taaH on srnnlna k.Ta. Banaaa at -la M-BoardwHk and Moortyn terraoa. ao daisy. •loritli Street aad Central Avenue. • ' Rav. Oeoroa W. Yard, Paator. 'Croaa 8oci-tlre hate gt~o Ibetr un Otis M. Townsend Securo these advaatsgaa quallOrd or.|oi..o that this coming win for yoorself: pay bills la tba 10JO— kfominc worship. ter will •— a recurtanca on ao on- Unit In HI |jik,.'s lMf|>llal. future la tbe Ua—-4rted-aad- .I,.. ..-ut.l iKlp liliu cunr «ut «""•• •o*lp»eot. Troly -Lore arakath not , ;30-«ond«yaebool. ' prar-oVnint scale. Tba Bed Cmsa Jlru |4i>4t*il up. s little «nlle IwUlltig . *ar own," 4«—Asbary avenue aad l»th street proved way—tba pay-by-chaek 1 10 'feels II mint continue prwranUra aseas- ilin* !«• liM|tni\«* It** fcltvk. to iiuilte way. 7.45—I-eoiai aa—lea. hl> ulil*. •itTii^hl ntiKllh. "Touve taro l< • f.>nii |«t> ii iii.ixlinum nnviant. You The Reliable Builder laaaiw «ar Jvly la. DailiTa rvgard 4S—Asbury avenue and 13th street Mt:LB. or-a abrwd to aaed this aad other a jr.-a 1 t»-v Ur. Urtlraw." ' <•. >.Hir- It! AIKI Aunt r'nunN-'a 1 deadly ma lad lee frosa tba Called fcr Saul waa doe ta the fact that 4»—Asbury avenue and 15th street. Call ta aad talk with oar : HOLY TRINITY CHURCH "lut. tut.' «a|.| the otd man. Ill*' -'kln,-: Ii « !'•• k-'-»t to taUt ahout. officers. stum State*. 413 Eighth Street Ocean City, N.J. Ond*a -nolnttns oil bad hero placed 821— Central avrnoe aad SOtb atreet (episcopal) RM^ry riHjrMt Ncp was «m)ilint In apoo hit* Tba one opwwtoaqi Ood 51—Central .ve^ aad Horth street. CW. n» street and Ce-tral Aveoue. Mllltona rer Watfc at HanW: •»iillr»T'*riri-i si«d VHrti jtio art- «r)l' Wbrn tlie disease waa awarplng On riMMlfit) to Ci'inv Imrii 10 Ibo olflrt.' rlo'v f« hl« )uun( fare lifti Ultta «tTe all right dnrtag tbe w«rflr-t tlrn>>. 7Jft-Holy Contmnaloa. irsl fUiropa last wlster tbe Amrrlnn OCKAN crrv Bad Cn->. with Iba aid of tbe m«rm- oltrti we couklnt do any bctlrr bat ! Mr rlnpi""! hrr bands and. as If »4o—Clmrch acaooL •1«e ue a lw> In, lay |>tsoi> <•* basloee*.' In r.tr> Ilko annorr. a Illlle flurry of meots nf s aided u 1 loos, andertouk tbe t_rart—wCaS—j. I—,IseefadalT TITLE AND TRUST CO. J10 45-Morning' prayer aad Ocatfcsloet U. Bostrftala wara eataa- •irry Iliar. 'Now "nail girl «h<> Inak »:»m> |«r«r I4OM4MU« alftrd dViwn oa im'r bet OCKAN CITY LBOOIR .! except arat Sonday of month. b.r INWI O»I •IwuMerm. Qii* your child ^o the houera nf Hani and Darld -Wlll." H..-«l.|«>'"»i*1ttaT he whla- rmm» Ocaan City. N. J. 11 then Holy ConorenJoa. . cat rMr>> to tbv hu*{4lal. Kbe'a a rt-irt- darooorlsbed popalatioaa. who by rea- f>-r.-^- -It « K—at. the farm. cU*nfualtAtj 11 7.45—Evenlag prayer aad niiliaaa Ullle thine but }ou l_»w. onrtliur-, SRRY DEFRANCO U.it.heyr.m.toHrtron.ndmaaa son of their aademoarlahmcat ware I actualll turcvt that I am 'tktullns Aunt r"«nul-. l'n.-l» M—and yuo—hut 111116 yi«M i:H tlrrX «ol' H". Ihr III- l t JIMI r.-.1 jiHir^rlf—and tar." > Soap. EXPLANATION ' , PIRST PRISBYTKRIAN CHURCH •Wa—>ri> rir rff coatrtbotad taat year llo brawn curia around IMT facv sod 843 JUWry A-.M, KntteCty nreoVd to he learned hy all men la •tUaetrle-—A. C & 8. RR. lea-lag . Seventh Street and Wesley Avenue. ro tbo great tnraada marta by tbe die- mining that I had s dausutrr s> |xvt- M.ir> Su«- hurtt^l vrry rlitae to him. Mae. b» «tnw of tta knowtedaa of tba an>l hrr hum! fimivl hla hand arxl twl.l Ood'a noHn-as. W. nam* a rut totti- Elihth atreet snd Dosrdwalk sad go-l ; Rev. - • - - ty. W*ll. br~ .IK' rorur-l I Uidil't and dr.es tatlnn* »houl4 h* r-ter-iuv.1. Ignor- Int.- to Market street wharf. PhlUdel-l -ttaraae and tba preseaea of wan aa- labltabed boapttal ceotera. tba A—erf. f •• ...... UadabedM of WUd. anre or Hiou_htlewM'*« sill not «,»phis. ' 10 SO—Mornlnt aervtre. alnojt -lib aw? ITHly Illlle Iblng. root Hast Toosc. a man frum the proally of vlolatlux -Psnna-— Pearu>Uan!a RR. steam »S0-Sunday school. raa Bad Croaa t—s year wfll aadertaha Ood's laws. ir«ina iravlne I'«-nn»>lv.ni_ it-illon. 7.45—Kv-ntng- aervlre. iba werk wttb a new ooaadaaca. tr>." >l>e I "Id him. -WVr» «4n>|J<- fi4k TiKfi-ripj tbe total mt tlUWHOOO ta IU Imunl In ruthrrly fa-lilnn no Laasen for Auouet S- Justice and Eolng to Marke' »trt-«-t »h'arf Phila- I Piayrr mnnn« Wedoesday e C H. SHAW at. I or r^rl a iv-ruMul r-.|«m»4l4Jllr In Judgment were executed onto all thedelphia. ' ' nlnx at 7 45 o'rlork. LCfllf aeool. »b«m David >•. -itahlMu 1 -Reading"—R-adljia: ItR. leaving! the t31.Mn.noo la CUXMLOOO laaa than - h* r.ll^l to nrr. -TtU. I. •!»* 'o ra.l. olbrr for kin* This Is typlral of th.- Mm* wi^n n-a'tlnc alailon. Ti-nth atr«-t. joins to, MACBOONIA M. E. CHURCH M.ry Kur- k-.^r. Ur. J..~- Uc OirUj. Hand's Bon. .lull r-lgn m Chestnut atreet ferry. Pblladi-lphU. I < Mte-iO in 1 la» RICHARD H. JOHNSON CO. rlght-j>qanM« over all the «rth. 10th and Simpson Ava. SHAW & SHAW -total tl&TtXMloa ..,. ,._ -••""t I* r.M»«*Hi>o» of • nerve "Brldae"—PVnaaylvinU eieum train oltb ibe A. E. F. In iTancC" O. Lyman Rldont Minister. Tba tarf—t Item of tbla -bome- In rour t»ly. U Jim" -he uld ~'fllv WILLIAM G. AB80TT Lesson for August IS. Da\l.rs »or- coins to Drrud atrli'll eimu-T \Vhul High Grade Hnmbing "»1;n.*ti a man anwrth that shall « 0iul be al«n ivan." S.39- Sermon by pastor. J.ui D-UMII IKT a quick louk. half ra and asartaca. aad work 1 ,-Wenlal )«.i»- 817 Asbury Avenue, Ocean 5ty, N. J. You Can't Drive a 714 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITY. It J. u dtaastar. Of tbe t"oo"rv Tli^ hojr li-nn-il fnr««r>l. f'-HIni «39 A if Readlni: 815AM ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH loo for clTfJUn rellrf. fT UOOLOO !• i. . .IV be •mlled. lull, ibe old urv^ of life. reo«-«eil Advertisiiij p (Will not run July 5 or S»tit. 61 Ifigk Qau Mca far Hf. Cku Wart ill bring p.rd< ornrv by J. H. Jackson. Minister. BUI, -Till flirle SI." !«• •^•1*1 mt'Tl,!. ibwhain eo Oo G.«f« will (Mondays only) Ai^lf." •ll.jl 111 fiJInx iliiMrt >"U b«Liiu zooi tetnrns oa ibe C ATTtKDIi. TO "«5- neadtnu 8;.'. •rat. fm.1 —T» him honor an.l rlrh.-. Q Poor printing JlOrt—Pr.-..rhlns. -Kh<-'s 0.1 the IrMl. Jim." said Ur- \VllloMhe»l-l»«' T-rlnr*" >. UIOM* lavested & I 30 - Sur.dj\ school. - Tba Bed Croaa urarlably la tba Brat to shun.tanw. -Him that li..nor»lh 00 poor paper never j uaogftt of a eoauraalqr rlattad by ca- Cr.o. s> he Irll. -She's told UH> the paid anybody. Get ' 8.00—Preichlnc. jarity. Wttb tbla la _tod. It waa de- H-UMI itiius-" work that is good | Tmlned hy Iba dacotlre Commlltaa -Vi«j'r»- nuking a |.rwty nlee Ml- Laep-Elevatcd AsrUla. fa mtdr *arr-«l only as O.«r. |>trwg~ . SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH •. prepartnc tba badaat of 1S1M0 to ar> U-r u tin." «u.e>^u-d Jim. aftir ) An extrtiftUtf nc*esrcb on radla HANDSOME WALL. PAPfR sanctinra It. It »»• n..i tuirnn-n's *" Kl»»irlc 1ft i.t enough to bring you i Build a Home U.<;niu li.nl roue. Simpson Ava. Near Slxtti i.ate a and reaerra fund trota whk* '• tran»ml»»l"O» •"••• rvo-ptloo ".lib r-rl- makes Ibo room look ao mucb riruar. worda or hU prayer that dedlrated the *-S" Penna. ll.fto good results. j •u draw la tbeee laataacaa. -Uxi't >"U like II-- oorfcr* Grant Harris. Minister. oua IJI>-a ol aerlala h«» l»rt> In proj: temple: It -aa the manlfmstlon of fWIll ran not run July 5-wlthdrawn 1 For aaslstanca to soldiers. aaUore H... .Ii -.1. IMT •)...). turullig lo louk ' r-u at tbe bur>-«u of standards. Wa>b- II W-PrKsrhlnr. aad a—rrnea In hospitals aad la camps Out i>f •• MliMlim-. ; New Grip p 4 Useaneconom- j tndon. O. C. aays tlm UtlrotlSc and wtll ba glad lo have you call aad Laaeo- for Septamoar 12. OoTa teal paper such as S SO—Ttuan'.iy arhoot. t-ta rear f 1-ttdOQO baa bee- eat aside. Jim I'Mi'-I furoanl a little. l'»>4:iig : American. Onr of th« max Inler-allns S 30—Preaching. roar Billion two hundred thousand at lirr. MJO Hue ~> iii.-l .)ui|«lh-tU-. am them. We know thai your Uata «TfU to Sr.l..nv.o mad* htm to be Eleetrrr • qaeMkaM al Ibe [mvlt time U as to On Life follow* the use of BT*st h-fore tho world, nu fame rare in.io dollars baa been appropriated for tnv -I rnul IH.M IIUOII U •!•••- )ot> for a I tbe rrlall** sd.! aalu. l't- a 1M0P.SI. El-r'rlr :^» or uMial trpe of rivaled serial, sad Or. Miles' Liver Pills many pretty designs wa havo. Come of dlssaaa tbrougboot tba Doited x.-t..|~-l i..i>iv. IM i.ilU^r u-«e !'"•'! tbe unsller cnll aortal or loop.' This of Ood to ih» natinna of the world. 1J« Reading s:5 and come to an eco- Statea dartac (ba crrr—at twele» aad sea bow well wo eaa aolt yoo. Laseon 'or Wapttwaar 1«. Thou- 1.40 Hertrlr ;^ • !•'». **r un nrtu." lit li-uucd liucil lu i question la an>ai-ml by tbe studies of For many yeara The nomical printer. nontba. Tba Bad Croaa Is co-operat- b\- ulie.-l rliclr. .1.•-..,: til- «-je«. half I«4 Prnna. 4 1*. lag folly with tba Caltcd Btatea Health i the huivau. The uuall roll aerial baa &Un<—n. Medicine for • |W> all I'.. r» aod mlarrles of Eleetrlc 4V> Thafsus. (Juickserv- many ad\anl.!,.-*•. but Is usually not se Auraco a. IMITM drunVan! no •errIre In this work and through tta t,,Tr|. rtl>^ «M nolliln: ni-l |>T->i1lltX 1 3.40 Electric 5 J3 ice and good work at . Jimlor Bed Croaa la doing morn to |«i«rrfUI a iLmunlinng snd recel«1ng Torpid Liver, Biliousness, KM* Asbury Ava.' Oma dry. N *. SS5 Brldgi- <:« Jlui I'tMi*.-*! l.i» r>i». >!•!* U*d li«U*n d-flca ss the snienna type of aerial. reasonable prices. spread amoavg rbOd—a th* prloHntea ••(T IU<- •••:••. Utl «IHI «ii» i.-uulua l"r ML, The Hardaat Labor. (Wlt-dm~n after Sept . 13) of aaaltatloa. Aa approprlatloa of IV I It may. b"««»-r. ha»* so worn lowei 4.10 Eleetrlc to lutiil Dt-.lci'l Ilii- l.-ll.-. k>-JlU •».•) mJslancv than the antenna that It b>! Ceasing (r..m lahor, aa labor, ta Dot 4J3 Read In, Urn* — IC H. SHOEM*K£R LUMBER COMPANY OOOiOoo haa bees Bade far dwretoptag ul tin- lr.>-« A,slu Jim Ml a »oMlr disordera of the stomach, a point ..f Sunday obs-nran—a: It «ii tea pe*~ ttam prograas af tba Bad ; equal lo II Iq tranuullttng snd recerr- 4 JO Penna. «.l» Illllr Ihrvnd of »>iululb) brt»r«-o ' tog value. bowel* and liver result- . mains fn>m the labor of the world. (.44) —eetrle T in Toelliai Street mmd Weet A—aaa. Croaa by ae—lea ta ttacaepter e la all UMIU. ~T1». -liftor ll>lnl.a that »i» to labor f"r o«.|. to do his work. w i.ih« on a r.nin —ill n\ am ap 1*1 ing from failure of these I waiting fer It *.HU4-iltiuic—lu live." 1 tn a OKIIIIO tiatlon to rstcb a train. , —n—wn^r. 10 MO MOW m fe fmi ti Q* is 1M«n. htf { Hap m h.r-.ir dowa oa a seat la tbe win ba JlJUKXOOO, Last —ar tbey Mnry "'!•• £'•< u|>. Mollliui a ««nm. Nuw i» the time lo get yoor ti.Vn Xa ft. i,.:l> Hill' .iillo at hlut. -TT»rro are I i.-. ..,.1 .n_r >liit_« thi They r«lte»e promptly— RUT, •*»# *«v*T 4»T A enrnrtcATK shnot t-v l.nura, tbe staltoamaslet >.uiu- p-->r l-v.- In l.kmoj ikiM llx- action mild yet effective, KAM.Kor WATKIt IIKATKR (or the Trva Tlinllasiaaa. folti. I'm ."Ilia 10 vhnH >•* thrrranil I raOl. u|i '•• nir and asked where sbe , ' oa. coin;. her teUIng him. be and their use establishes no Traa ctciirnn« is n»s»iil trsln stint use as they tone up to the common aatara which we i on t Wait m 1 1 all at our -Unovom aad saa tba latest •B atara. It aH«ea firaa •—-~t-m Ii' :t'Y~ »h^ erli-«l t>tok! TbenrV a haa Ju.l >.-••• -"xi there bait aaothe* aod strengthen the weaken- for workers ta cumo and ask yea vhlie throat l.alldtng her a-sl la Ibe, for • U*i; ' •-»•!" ed condition of the organ*. fur a renewal of four uimiriie i, 1,1, of irv.il trev. olltl the ohlle -nti>. u-r'r »«ys tba old lady. "1, -nuxlrU In Krn4 In your d»"ar lo tbe l.:..,m M i»rr It, tike a 9..«ri1uj %lne tbou-M H-- »'"^e ronaarn a»ov»dr, Ifoney back if first box iea. It la aattra «MKB|, n«.r<-M lural duplct of the ti. • II. l CUIIUM. I lore Ib- coaairy. | —-Ituu-wr. of a- i*arlsb' (Joan j fails to relieve or satitfy. aad Imptnad by prtaUjla j Ai«r:iu Ued Crwa. ITetruoie Hi • hint* »ixl the ttoniro. the grrrn j !-»•»• . , tb»- o|.«rtu(.ti and prlrtl-ss ol I :.|.. ullti dul*J«-. and tKlltrrvops. Get a pacing*, today and OU GAS LIGHT COMPANY nrt>:»l^lng your Wto-»bjp by Ww'll b»e It. loo. obea you to-' It OWL ! t>rwu>Hl> auswettug Ibe Jlui awllnl. -Not luorb.' be «"l m mly. uiwlt) Snii-ru. Fw ihn>nfh -V, swxi roaebaddy." dertarad taw] Ne-e—a. 'I JS. l«-f v •!• IIM

- ••• j . -:•?•

' : *itt*V>akar. tk * I aarHe* wm b* ta *ftk*B«r.BvHn*Bmlth.wko TO Mi. d M aeaamaUy dartef th* . . . . •^twa-tt-ta* *tBBa*mad|"«»**r- SeheeL la, a) — HBMI• Bekaat Btealmaa. artll «-« at a*a BBfTmjBBvB I ^^^^e^^mwa) aa^a«B^PBwaaamBBm avajaa* wama*> ama> **V**WV • aayawlta. OM*fc.l«Ma ahareh aarrto* tsttowaaa at ' IMV4.K, ' Mj| aT.4fwinb* 'tin M M.lkmir.tltt Mr. Oart^Batk, ftaaV - d***. >miaim laTtkaaakt torffc * •ftttt • aeta win k* atartad la tk* Mar f.. •f Mr. ;amt Mn.J. 8. Oeeaa City Oatoa. W.aT.tUu Tnatoa aad Waahtamtoa win M at T.«l ifrfa-aywfes^m ka ta Mr. MA '*».' - - - eaatca of tha Daaeoafk. held a mactlBK oa Moaday atgat at aalted tolatoodae e mSer^ "^ aad fkmay. «f Old Yetk Bead, Ab- the Wyomlac BotoL Ta* f*B*whal tfc* >ree*watlM at tk* nttoa. hat* eto**d their aattaaa ta aalean were ilittid; PTialliat. Mn. mmad water* aa tfcir object. Tk* " Cyalkla Bwaai vtoe araetdeata, KM, AUaaUa City Taiblaant ' aabattaa Smith. Mn. Bank Taa Ttaa. MM* Uoa kaa Jolaaa! tfc* *M " •any Day for tha, anktay School I mi®:-.'--••••••• Or. aaA^Mta. H. T. FwaMa, of i. m far Saaday. OatoWr leth. I T-^^t. iv~rf, r"**!!^ ttt-atfaii ale ahiaa Ike Otaaa CHTi l»rai>t ahanan tatKiala. ' • ntaty. Mn. Oeora* Parker* mwrd Oeeaa Ctty kaa a Mafctee; Oak, »tdtad Xsav.lMMaf r. Browalay. las aoentary. Mn. Wnitom Oaidaer: cooaoeed of maay of tha mimlnaj Mn.KahMcaaTntoaaBdMIaaKata tnaaanr. CatharlM Lwwls. aammer lacUaata. whoa* mat da- StMlakUiiaoaaily. • Mra. Harry H. Va* «aat. Tha Oatoa baa beaa imellaa a*n- tight to aaajlag. Tato oraaataattoal tofon orery two weeka. B*ay taa wm abo tak* aa aatfr* tatonat la Mr. aad Kim. *. U Moor*, of t*» oldaat raaMaata of AUaatte Omaty. BMetiasa win b* brt« oa tfc* Brat co-openttac with th* Atteattt City Kbrtt Mate SlMtt. Mooraatowa. aad dlfd Toaaday altht. 8h* waa bora Wadaaaday of each moath. af tana enaateattoa aad ctabt of other eaaat ihalr aoa. Mr. laaaa Moara. hava ra- at Laada Polat i^ tha Baity torttaa o-ctock la tb* aftenooa. Tfc* Mat naorta la the effort to hat* toftoto* . tanad froaa • tiatt to Oaaam City. aad BMtrad to AUaatl* Ctty la 11**. meetlBK too a October etxth. at tho Uoa reacted for th* antoeUoa of aah T. W. Jama aad wtfa, of Ooahaa. *»•• ••» •"» <»««•» •*«»« •• «»• weiaeaee of Mn. Lewto aad Mjam doriac the aaawaias aeaaaa. wat* Ocaaa City rtattora raeaatly. PtMatyhaaU Avaawo aehoal hoaaa, ( Coaard. Catnl Anm Becardtec th* eateMaa; of toedta k Hr. . Bait«._y CBMUIwao*• ,n . . o.f» Oeaa-----a- «Mck waa at that tta* tha oaly • achooltaAUastMCtty. Itwaaaaun CHIRV WATMOS HAH HaTMiWI>|a»ya; -Wa bar* a Catted Stotea ; teat artsiBBy ta Ocaaa hat avdai aus*.aaoash to acaaaaaka* date fh* faw chOdraa who la thaaa Lytbara Albertaoa. af Atmatto City. U_,daya» ,«,aa«B*t ,„ta*. wiattr te th* raaort. laatl* City. a. BUte Saaatar froaa. ft tMefYMM VWlir, H* aVeftatt laatt I HffJ. Ylaft 8ff wndwoad aad am Aatembtyaasa froaa

of tbaiaaata at tfc* Beard Taa Baat. of Soman Patat. who bom atx yean, haa roattaed. totak * affect of Tmholdan at Oaf* May mat Bat- aad eeadaetod at th* Bradford Boa** aad aweta the watata eloar of arday. whea th* Btato Bead Com- aad th* Bay View a •iiiri-Potat. beaa aeaaettid with tk* d»aaitaiia> aloaaa. Why aot a— a law fwatd- mtoatoa WM aatoffataad at tk* Botal flk* to aarttred by two aoa*. Oeear •teaayaara. Rto roXsaatloa toda * dtac them wlthla tho UroMBllo UaUt ' Taa Baat. of Atlaatto Ctty. aad Seav tomhoaMh. Hahaeei^lnlaaaat-aad faratohlag eaeh roaort with a ,_ wnttom B. Btteat. CM- en Taa Baat. of Janay Ctty. aad a DEATH CLAIMS CANDIDATES AT Brldaatoa. towale h ataea he atnarti na. ao that the Xralae aay M)m m aTeaefcmal eaa*3dato far thto dmtrtet. fctntktt. Ciatate Albert Sean, of Mew ***-»*••**»*UU »»T* Tk*»a» be nmladad.ot tb. enatea»eial howa ta Oeaaa Ctty toat OrWaaa, ***** «*»B«»tk— «» «*• tNaWoa whea they Itaor. the to mwajaay. Mniam t* MRS. KAHN. MOHTY FAI 1mdu vaaaat by hto laatieillaa iel of hook aad Ha* flahlat to imiii otOatyOaaa. Carhait. hoth i la tha doaaitaMat. aad wmtoai Prlc*. K,,, aae W »-*— jt»»g*»**» Bnlh naanaaaana Uaae Bacaarach a aaoaibor of tho dvaartatoat. FAFOB mnr UDaMtiATWMf M. |L Barr ntaraad toht o »kOa-| uartn^n- Hf-r* —-*•— "* kto. aottUeal onoaiat. Stato • • •• .at 4X1S Ckaatar Avar died at hor kaaaa la aeaator W. B. Bricht. of WUdwood. Th* CaaUMriaad Coaaty Board of at tit rfnTTinir. oa Baaday took advaataaa of the eaaortaalty riaoboldan haa ass* oa record a* i aoaatiy teara* wm __- Bh* WM a atotor of Tlctor aCerdaCddd by tthh* CCaa e MMay CCoaatyt BBar . DDr. BdBdwardd MlMaxwelU BORaUyt . vhwfaTortah woal* tad* eaaebaeaararrat alt lo BMBOf todatotioaM ear •aafc week aad tfc/» later- —ahef aa AUaatte cS reel aatato ***• •* Caa* May Ceart Boas* oa a wMaly-kaowa Kalieoaal chWcymaa «««« of tanaay from holdlac Be*. Wtmam B. aatast naortad. Get tfc* oaenter Batarday. to meet th* rotera of tho tad edacator. ntlnd far eerml »»tor drttara* Ueeaaa for a aarled of habit of nadtac the Ledaar to kaaa 'w. 'F.h. »», WMM ^boat n eoaaty. Cwatieeeana Baehanca yean, died eaddealy at kto bom*. No. •*• reara. Proaecator Ward tota * B. Mattr. aa Taieiay. - r» beea ta* Mltod OM orer oa Beaalar BrUht III Orator atnet. Baddoaaeid. aarty foaaor of ta* >iomaid leitotoUoa. Mia. M. W. aa Thataday far ,--.. ksowm aa Oeaaa City 8b* **e «ttk Ih* State Blghway Comaila- tack aagiavated by a toaiatag aaan. ttt Watt BMdl* Btraec. Waat Chaa- ^rlM Mrrtod. Her «rat baa- atea oa tta tria Unwih tha eoaaty Be waa ?» yaara old aad to tafrtved »• of BMtor *ekld*e torthlev - •"• rm. rauuMllBattaW rAaTOw UUTBM head waa Oeora* Derr of PhOadel- aad at thh e dlaaar at Caaa May. when by a widoidw aad two daashtenh . Mto<*a t***- Th* Board alao paaeed a reeot*. Mn. Maaal* Battoa. of floath Saa- . ___ Bale, by whom eat had r *ft**—, k* beard OM or two of the Btohway Etoaaor BtUy. who waa Ttaltlaa- fto- Uoa farorla< tb* tacnaala« of motor vflto. aaaat« faw daya wtth frieBda u»r. Beery B. JOB**, aaetor of tb* BOW aboat It yaan old. aad who waa Ceaimlanaaare toad him aa OM of Urea la Kaatacky at th* tiro*, aad «*aid* ndetratloa feea. atOeaaaCtty. . . • Tint Pnahytorlaa Church, of Pleae- MTIBK with her a*other ta Larcamoat. C** May Oeaaty^ npnoaataW** U Mlae Aim Briny. , , Mta. BaMa Baatea aad Mn. Ed- aatnn*. baa MM apaoiated by th* ptcaaaid obtalaed a dhroroa from Tnatoa. Aaa nealt of the Blchway Dr. Bellly had mad* hla horn* la no*fcKR RfSaDcOtT DOS •art MeAlttotor. of Boath BCBTOU. Pr«*bytorlaa Oeaaral Aaeembly to Darr a few yesn after their mar- Commtoaloaan'Ttott aad dlaaor. Bea- Haddoaatld for 4t yean aad had war* mutates ta Oeeaa City oa take cbarW of the rraaaattotle earn- rtac* oa Ih* anaada of deaartloa. «<«r Brtoat dM aot get to tha fair ben eanattoaally well BB to aa hoar Hra. Bboda B. Ladow of i_ Bataiday. •»<«• »t CUca, R T. Be besaa hta aad ah* aad Mr. Kaha. who to a Nrw «»*" "*«r ef the tore* throac bad of hla death. Be had h*M a unbw a^ ^ ^ gunrt,- i,,. at Mr Mto. BtoMor Beyaolda. of 114 ^ datto. e«1tr t*U we«. Tork Mma im». rm a»rrUd »*" for their home* ll'Z^j'^r^J^J*E "• •— » «*• »""-™«- Weet Lona Btnat. Oermaatowa. haa ••»• •• ^ Halchlaaoa, of PhOa- aboat dx yean aaa. She waa her* - , waa aaeoeiaiaj wita anroum-at ta* uternwat waa mad* oa Taeetay taOceaaCttf^f*CT!iJl^^S!TZ^ty ««•'»»»toDr. Joaea. - t^k-. Bahaatneehed of a. .b._««-od toth r* whthno wa. wena tbe,a « odaaatraaal to to*h y «m nth^ with . pohTMASTi^ HBa^XS b«rl***"d l'a "22 tlretawoo1 "*?d *Omctcry "* ~ , T7l»ot-«h yea^r aaMnd wa. aLado oo*w of thw-^TSle orlataarl 1 *"* «•"*«• *e«Bi»a«lloa oa atwaral heart aad kSdaey tToablo. . his late horn* oa Moaday afteraooa. widely kaowa. Sb* taearrtre d by ~ toOeaa a Ctty. I /. wife of Caatala Sooy. who her beahaad. Mr. B. T. Ladow. Inn ehockad to hear of.bar death. for the feat atx yean haa beta Peet- ilVIIEIH ASIIIVKIWART Mr. aad Mta. waiter L. Stun, of She wa* aa attracttre womaa with Mlt Meaary AtMaa, Ommaatowa.1 maater of Semen Potat. baa aeat la At th* Fiftieth Aaaaal Coareatloa MUBwnrn ATOTBAK vnrw of Ihe Brotherhood of America, held I

Mm* SM wmto. af Oeeaa < tk* nem ead*Bt Brotherhood of America. Mmari. Loratt. M*aHrk aad Brooka. bo wMkaald from him aad that Both- * . . ^. m«tt.MdmattoB-»iM.illty * - I «• foUowlac o*Wn wer. .toctod- • Hn. Jeeat* Bamdoask. TT yean tm aay MM waer* M tnU Hkaly he OB. A VACAXSOX Onad Chief Waahlactoa. Atexaade Mtk. tfc* t.erhBudbyhtmaatnhtoeoadltloB Jeaa* A. Chamatoa aad wtf* an ^[""—'J™™" ir™1^ i •.-«•—«*

_ tma# 4MtT CWtaBmattaV ^HOrnVfaV ' -1.IL iJP0***^ ' "~ MT eajlCaamaWiiaa. a^-JTMfBMnJ WMkeat "~


totaawafk? n.'^T'.'^Vi *"»"i i.v »'*,' '.'.'.'•'

CsKrliSvy^if •. {••••:;••


AT Tna Caaa'aTsy Conaty Baart'of |.*^DMIa .VMraakJta, M. Oaaattol Did It Rv«r W-toM Board, of Ctoetlen for taa I Wdtts Twwaafcta, M, Ofaaa* BML Occur to You BSUi RDM» TOOAT

. JUMe To Urn Heard VhM Tkaa BBK ^^Ll aWw ••mart* WTMwUod. M. *1 TIM anflraca liberty ball, which BBBBWRWTWB^WI taLa* wm riag for*-a* flrrt time on BaTeBav*W ^^ J. Reatfw: Aim* aad S Saturday, la Independence Soaare. nnadoJaala, has ftcarad la many Bacharach In Congress Cpper Township—Democrat. JM- WIMwood, ward R. Camp. Joaataaa Haa.: Re- Arena*. ptctoreaqoe raSraca damoaatratlona i . VECE and waa taa meana of coUeetias Froa Xewark Can. Newark? N. J. MalalaClty. 1st Ward—Democrat. Wtldwood. «d. City Ball. Moat- Op to aad tacludtai September 15, thoceaada bf dollar* for the Liberty Frona Hewark Call Martla Walla. Sylvester Frederlcka: «omery aad PadAe Areaaea. Nnr Jeney baa Mat oat MM «•» . I**** BT WIIX P. KKXXEDY Republican. Morrto Bofraney. U H. WIMwood Crest, Borough Ball, compared with 7.I6T to Sana date I Philadelphia and Peantylraala • Inxfioldlera' •nSrac* leadera took • prominent Waahtnirton. D. c.. May * — Rmre- Dowler. Lower Towasblp, Towaaaia Hoase. laatyaar. Tweaty-oae states are ahlp- i Thraa of Ihe featurea moat par- . Sea UI* Ctty. Id. Ward—Democrat. Cold Spring. . ta l l e part la the ceremoalea whan It waa aenUtlTeBacharacb.^arrtntJil. third slstenUy discussed with rotation lo Edward H. Dmr, Oeorc* Qardaar: Wwt Cap* May. Boraocn Ball. btcxeat ahlpaer sow. New Jataay la BTWLIK | a» •^a» • BBBJ • ^ayajal •••^gF former service, men war* flnt »ui- * 8tr##C j »naws»|K aaf rwftam I . . . ~ ~~" jfoarth. Mala* Is shlppls* ttat . seated by Mr. Bacharach—flnt. pro- posal to give every man who went Woodbine—Democrat. Hymaa Hal- Cape May. Jd. ISO Wi forward under th* Sagk l»-year en» dowament policy, th* premium to be paid by the United States govern* mm fS^^S «OHTH.T.AH,AWa^ I meat, aad IJOfl la cash to every man ~»^^ —w- •—»• """"«» osii. can bad been sent to Canada eom- of Strafford. Pa. Mra. Ruaehenbemer 1 No.2BonmBWf ^"*" Jad«nient- '• who waa disabled; second, the sale* ter. Jamea William*, . Cape May Point. Borough HalL pared with 119 can to sam* data but U the donor of the bell. I , la ready to deUte & i — tax, and third the tax on stock ex- Denai. Township. Id Prednet— -> . _m ~~~" rear, aa Indication that Canada has change sales as a good way torais e Democrat. Ollrer Heaton. Prank , TWKI.VK RABIEB ' more potato** for bom* consumption TREATMENT revenue, Barnes; Republican. C B. Corson.i RGCTRE PRDTJ» than last season. Proclaim Uberty Throoihoot the at"> -*m*rwl ^af^smBiaiaka gf^_aa__aaiaa. In .plte of the bitter flght In the 1 FACIAL MASaAaaV-MANICUMNa Land to All th. I^jablU.U.Th^aol~ Warren Wills. J The Sooth Jersey Farmers Ex- | Mlddle Township. 1st Preetnet—; Btae HIM™-* «--" •" "-1 chance loaded and shipped Its »«0th VIOLET RAY AND ANTIU*TIC waCaTVcfl YOUl DtSSI Hona..ndiaU,*R*pubUcaacaucu. mm 9mm HOT OIL TRBTATMIMTS • w7^a»^#J • ^BTaaajRi BwsW^aTajayaa) against th* proposed sale* tax. Rep- 5^HM°, r'plnTLu^u seTt STLSSL *^L^:S!?5??- v> resentative Bacharach la unahakenly Baeharach I. that ha tono t • . . for It, and btllevea he will yet hare TJemoVrat. Jones B. Hand. IHAAC BACHAKArH , la^afpi4*%*Maf%sIaaltjas reason to be proud of hto detannlaa- #r- !« '«Wr atl.nd«l and drew a Daretown Uon 1 bperfeaced Oparatara In Atteadaaeej |IH9**«I wO«sra9 * - H* has just received canaldera- . S4 VnHntt—, rr**t rt«l of attention to the But* . Elmer The Trinity M^,. Prot-Unt ^T^^ZZZ'Z ble encooragement from th* endorss- I . . meat of the Chamber of Commerce In keeping well babies welL Hhlloh Crossing!'.', Church locate at Ohio and Horn- .„.„„„,„,.„,,»„,. aHM,Ion 1Bd mock Avenuea. Atlantic City, will ob- . followl., "^""^~™ . of the United mates. Representative nurse, were In charge and about Woodstown '. v M Bacharach feeto convinced that the WM.CGOETSCH sales tax I. the only logical one for ••• • •.;>-w^'^M- IVtnornit. B. T.. How.ll. Harry <"** • Th* Tolr A.wcl.tlon prorld«d P»l«Hne . the country If In any ws>- at all the Tyl»r: R»pnbllr«n. Perry IVnmlanf. ten blue ribbon, for "Blae Ribbon -;! nmr ruao nnoac. rum vote high cost of living I. going to be Prlrwler Rpeure. Bable»." bat Iwelre came to the Sta- UlK admit Oy, R. J. '^n^r rally d.y. Th. church waa of'he Ur»M' '"• «»*• '» '"• »«. HI* abjection to Ihe larUi sod North WiMwnml.l. - ll.ff Ward— tlon. who were entitled to the rtbbon. U d the excess profits tax. which la now • . .•»•.* •••.-;-; .!>.«•-i IVmormr . Ceorre R. SJWSJWrr . WWmem r x. «• l*o more wililll hare to be par-1 | Aw ramaM. founded h, le» than a «x,re «f " , ^ ° ' ' S"' K""" ™"- -„. ,117 Methodist, in 1«9T. only a few of ™'Wrla« ladaalrtoa. which contain. __ " _ yvaia» aa> m M • being discussed amid much applause wh..m .urrlre. •Amer.c.-.Cre.te^Ptoy.round." the ••-•-. .••.-•• .1-.•:.•:•:;!•:•«••'•?- .,and.r . for pHxe w^ln, d he tZZnJSZFS*. It has been snnounred thst In coo- Uwf '•"""« d^rtrt •» *»» •'"- You are opposed to ONE-MAN Govenunent in >° .<>><• "<»»•• >> «"•' **"> «»•»» .* by the Bute are: r ^nnl^n with the celebralloB a fund "*r; aBd l0 mbuh rMlde •»«"> »' down tbe line adda on more thin rt, of t»0« will be raised as an anal- »>'"H'«"rhl«-. leading manufacturer.. NallAlial Affairs* enough to carry the load, while with .»„,.. > snipping polnti _rer«ry offering. Thl. ramI . needed Representative Bach.rach la serving only one paid and no on* can have Horhes. Chart*. Bpter. * *T fed with mother", milk fa"*™ in ..rder f defray a bill for reaorat- i0'h • versatile coutltuenry has 0 11 Inc the propertv. Remittance* will •°ondant opportunity to attract st- city of WTMwood. •* Ward— reguUrly for at lea»t six months. Jl" ?™"* " " 00 You desire a return to Constitatioiial Goverament; JZZ^^^^^Z:^ Pe-norrat. Harry Keatlnr. Minarrf T. "">'w "«ht for ">•n »'»M drt»r- £", " *J?' «•«• r *"* boardto. hooM. be made either to Pastor Jones or to t*""on In his work. prlraU cottafa.' oOea. or aaytalac yon Bot generally recoinln thst It toth e con- i^.v I t Hooaem.n: Republican. Edwin M. mine, the digestive power of .aalmi- «•"•» Uamuel C. Ctork. church treasurer. •»'• entaiU also a whole lot ofh rd ut H y ihU ! I Johnson. Bentamln C. Inreraoli. Jr , latlon of food, and the mother", milk »»•' ^ILV" West S»lde Lumber Company. « »<"* •* ">• Capital, snd de- o1> c ln You with for an Honest. Conscientious. Progressive Z£Ll£j ' ' " *** Otr of WIMwond. 3d Ward— ***'** «1»«« «"• necessary stsrt In **" ™" * m , manda versatility snd broad builnrsa Democrat. PrM Wetr. Chas. Nicker- •"• M* 'oundatloB atrength. '"«••* '** A«»a> MIXtKTKH HOSOtlKD •*••"« °»th " ••»« of the represents- 1 s\dnunistntk>n of Office; ^rii'^rch^ Z£X£ w>n: Repnhllcan. Jo^h J. Oennlson. "">• •l»an w.re as follow.: •^T'""'' ' US The quarterly meerlag of the West '« 'n Congress. Viewed Impartially Jer»w Presbytery waa held la th* from the Washington end. Rcprwcn- preached lo his colleagues on the •t.nley Roberts. ! Clara R Ytartcks. Cap* May. • £»» •»• • • • • • • Ill 730 Wett Aveaua. Oewa. CM,. N. X _Pi^byt»rtonj»ureh._Barrtne^B,_N,_Ullx*_B^ iVSi I Borough of WTIdwood Prert-' Albert S. Cn-e. Bio Grande. l2£E*SL— ^M fcttPSor 7JW J.. nn Ta<«lsr. with the rice moder- truat rery creditably, You want a ftqtmirtion of Effident, Pranpt and ^^T^^TZ atnr. Rer. Oscar Morton, of Bridge- <*a Way. aad Means rnawlftee ,,.,,^1'B. Paran. : nuiiaReouhl.e.m A. -JUSTte* T—. - - Helen R»i»—-— - ton. presiding, the moderator. Judge Having such large business Inter- N M i-il Borough of Weet WTIdwood—Detn- ??. fn<1lratt. of Attontlr City, being loo ests. eepectolty maaufacturlng. In his —Courteous Service in Your Personal Affairs; "ua^.^int*co^!m^tte* c^id gi« III th Mtend. Ahoal US ministers dlstrlet. Repraaeatatlre Bacharach Brke*: Republican. Edgar Pag*, i °«>r»» R. Bertelet. Fraakfort Pa. Xon»« • • • to thl. problem, he has told hto col- Thimtu B. Armsfmnr. i and laymen were present aad, after sought membership on tbe Ways aad b «»lma Goodman. Sea Ule City' Point Airy accepting In* resignation of Rev. Dr. Means Committee, feeling Ibat there Lower Township—Democrat. Ber-' Dorothy B. Wllllama. Whlteaboro Alloway .. FbeF You believe in tbe use of Conservative Business Judg- coru~iorit.r.; .'counTror,h: Dim ffnrder. Waller Tavlor: Repub- A. P. Bouford. of Woodbary. aa be coald be of Ihe largest service to , || ^ • are* » other side of Ihe Atlantic Ocean are Charle. Cotwell Bat,, pu^nao, 'iTorktowa stated clerk, elected Rer. Dr. A. B. those business Interests. The Ways &: lf<-an. Jacob Barnett. William W. I Oeoriiana LewU. Phnidelphla. I t Ui HlnfHMll Attain^ . aUhlllsed and know^where theystand. •*e#«». Collins, of Bridgeport, to that oaSe*. and Means Commute* to th* tnostl »v\- Pr. Botsford. who resigned because important la all Consrias it >•« I Any wokable tariff must be based, he West Cape Vay—Democrat. Chas. ^^^ ^^ J wy a n«l • •• t* »«.. a t* . a a says, oa the difference to cost of M. Hughe*. W. O. Btotner: RepoMI- HOT FmHT W *maa» pntVT ' The Skee Ball Alleys to do with framing sll legislation Ton nave Irioe in tne continued rrogress, Advance- produrtton m thi. country and m old. has serred In th* oaV* for 10 which haa to do with ralalng reve- ran. nen.ent R. Newklrk. William B. * -maaw PO«T GHFKT •> . _ af conserallr* yean and on recommea- nues. producing enough money for 9 - gm '#«* •% a • tr» foreigihn countriesb , snd It Is Impossibleto . datloa of Dr. Collins and R*r. Dr. Uacto Sam to pay bis bills aad ssfe- nwnt and Influence of Your District and its Pres- » ~ * °°™> *'»•>. *« *»* Raymond H. Osge. of Wenoaati. reeo- gurd sgalast the proverbial nlay i at the romlnc ele*- K»poa»lhl» , flgures on cost of production thit •enter: Repabll<^n. Fiord P.Ha«h»-«. lotions paylag a tribute to Dr. Bots- day. and to aaticipat* with legUls- t i dw- b on H.>v>l4 Rand. tlon. There will be rnnte*!. for ford and hto serrtoss aad former tloo any Uresteslag SaancUI paale ent Representative in tbe Interest of Good Gov- STtiJS at ^.i-. " "J .Freeholder.. Counell. A.^«or and •"" Bwatert epidemic in the hl»- activities, were adopted. or disturbance of business. r»r>* V»r ntr. J4 Ward—Demo- lor of aiaraiaBsslSJV Entirely aside from his legislative er»t. John Kenem.n. fSeorre Hlrker: Clfr Clerk, .itordln* to the petition. > »>»»«'»<« «hr»e4en. .New York ' Rev. James Kerr. of Darby, waa go |mport-at are dull** oa la* filed with City Clerk J.me, Brail, for Cl""- ln «h« oP'o'o" of Dr. Roral S. eraOsCaal , duUes, but woikiu as a good Infla- Hef>nMlrtin. Srdner R. Coff. Kdwln r admitted to th* Presbytery aa pastor War.aB d Umwt committee Ihst each Dr»-tinr«te. the nomlMllon of nndld.le. at the opeUad. roramlMloner of healti. for aninq FRANK GROSZER of the Haddoa HelghU PresbyterUn meaber to excused from service oa . . eBC* through lh* Hoai* to s role Into Church, and hto installation was held uy othn t^^u,, «*,, „„, dwot. which hto kindliness of feellac and P»l>* Mar Cltr. Jd Ward—TVmo- ' The followlnc petition. h«re been "Er^rr "»r ha. been followed by and . O mi. Wlllf.ni Rlre. John haa M. Pnhhlna. Rep.; City Treasurer. O«»r Mcholl.: «'"•»•« •"• '» *°^ »•» »- '"' th* sermon. publlcaa from New Jersey lo be a come lo be "Ike conciliator." He Is' City Clerk. Jame. Broil. Rep., and low*d bjr l0# * as member of this committee since I III. Caoe Mar Cttr. Hh Ward—rtemo- nia u a prim*, good fighter himself oa fWar Doo.hty. Dem.: Freeholder. •»• «««"»eo« of lh^ «,n. PrimBYTKIUASM when 81 ratto * was on It. Vote For The Return of rr»f T^wi. f>. Bennett. Zarh.rr T.y- ' OPtM AU.THE VFM occasion! snd will stubbornly Debt lor: Beoobllftn. A. IJOB Twlnr. . Allen Tallman. Dem. and Hep. nilMlooer on a .unrey prepared «P«< ™ <* «»• »"»1<»> departn^ m. Dem.: A«*«or. Raymond Inter»oll. T"* •opr«r »ho" «h»« •"• "—'-- Pierfajes Flmr fntdiaaifk Psosd Takes) Republican Cosgress wss Bacharach'. Vm By Rserwa** rasasaattes Ml( for protection of the chemical For The Return of ^^E^BBzE^ Printing alas* aad scieatilc Inslrnmeat maau* particular Instance of this was whea r the pledge of tutatium Indaatries. Thee* lados- ReprescpUtlve Nicholas LooB»aorih the Presbyterian Chntcb to th* Inter- ^j,. ^^ formerly belonged to Oer- Isaac ^^Bacharac^ h of Ohio, fathering the dye -bill, and Attention cfcorrh World Movement, whlcr. has „.„, .„„ w#f- Amtticuitu) 4fg| ^*B aTg| _f*^ Baam Moore, now niavor of PhllsdrlphU. Wlllitme. lion doltora. wer* considered at a service bonus teglslatloa has beta M wL^rf M Jaffai RV >• B 1/11 sy*t! BL „ m • both member, of Ihe Ways and Means r m m r meetm* of the Executive Commlasiou of |B# 1^^^ problema to- "*»^a»' •" ^ ^"* ^" - ** ^^ •*»•»»^»» *\ ^ Committee, got Into a contest flrst Uiteiaour To The House of Representatives of Theover the Hous. orgaaliatlon and then viehael Lmnon: Repab Bo*"". Hep.; Council. A. «~« »or,U SALK QV ^FT HATH FOH »100 W. R.bh-on. C l wV^^^T^^r^itr".^ «~— «-• •*»-"« - co-~- frienover dth oef dy bote hbill ba. dThe a yrer wery diplomatie »Irtusllc) D«n- ud R^. .,*• ^ ,h. dlacrd and t _ __ Joalb sword.la assumin' pointg , tloa ar Iht es Ways ihse an ond e aad oaly member of a board of medl* atloo aad conciliation. tabemiliMl. and MES'I Strattaa. Cucene W. Uoyd. Fred Maaley. Rep. MEN'S fsiiop United States * Speaker OlUett sad former Speakers 1 Cannon and Clark have all spoken „„, •'• i""- •»<« dtoaater. Th. «4 AtW, Avenue. Onaa City. N. J. highly of the value of Representative MP hoa la •ITaTTRD mXOmtKT BfXIRO i * * «odl«oa In erery Bacharach"» strrlces la th* Hoose. «IONES HAS rr. Msaeat between Ire 1920 nwtlera are purely of a roatla* asv ••••M abera aad eisht Deav oten." All those of hto constituents tare, rt waa stated. Dr anaanal otf*o< i thto polat. who apply to him gat Immediate **o£«ckoal Taacaer: raid tar ay Joka K.ttvaas, "— f--lri Osawastt Oeaaa Clt7. l-' v . the aaprna*. eaMto. WwcTm^u " alettac taa- K aato net moath. The buy. wm V ; n aa fa* "art taa i f A -bwUn-j ^Wtad ««t-U lor Ua v*n«. Part; pud * k«M. o«rpi B BtUUO VWCS MAT ADVAXCK """" " * °" will MI k ; wan tap I .J* r oatoa.aa4adoatkwotaaUM.reso- I»oU^ of VtaeUad; grand gaard. O. •«»«»«• "*n«thaAlaalaaa» of Aaaart- atajramoa^ talkaaaat ZDA LAMPS rS2 OCCAN enrr Rwtccnuc .wince ATtiim« "• of th. ectry. Ooktaa Baata. kaM la Taaatoa. Maav Kaataara. Vtoalaad; smad traatoa tara. tscr -w- •» --»**-• «««• wnaaam a Ba^( iweaty-Ulrd aaaaai -Bat thereto n o rettef ta abjht at I at*, oar la a aticatr aoadl *>* *fry— »•••» «*» «»^ aad wa aaaa ha fartaaaaa IfaOawa: OtaaaJ cbssf. Aitaer a altor U UaMkaa*aXa«aUIMIIa.| tta« laaaatry. aa tka tt wa an afclato t a ak*a4 ' I Whit*, of - " ' " fair. AUMtta Cttr. afutaar ••'••• •. ' . '' /'-'"''•',»';••'•«

mitt-•'** «*«i arta at1fa tak a fkaa •• tb«t* M • tyaa of aam Np# Jersey REAL ESTATE AND WSOiANCE i

aWBajaaV"^TlaB«l VM CfMVaM gwfavCal of CM tainy vaaaK ta taa lor*- ClAYTOrt HAINES BRICK oa Ottobar Brtt 1MI. -Aad aba kaa >dtf,N.J.

I ROnOBbib*r*BygtTCaiottk*aala »*• (atlw' ""hdrew cb* dian* of lar- NOTIOB. I of Mat la tka Ctty of Ootaa City. „,, aialtwt tba ted. Tba (My pfoat- . A •PCCfAI. ILBOTMM AND *"^ ^ V '** sckool sod cksRku far *nvtn aaa. HaddoBOefct—ICtaaatbwKttraUiof RIOIaTBATrOM. JAMES M. CHESTER A Ca »ar way. la tto tewar •*'• P**"*- PMtdvat of tb* Stat* W. a at tfca City C. T. O- baa b—a MlicNil oaa '^— Real Estate and Insurance : llld W;k'.TV : fllaaW. flltajll Bai I itl fat Ml. I*Bl If fwfcaafi •fBACT Me. L ttttaata aftbaCltyClaifcofaaid OCIAN CITY. N.1.

Tnotoa,-,TuU* Oat tatot. aiparaN BBOoanKo «t tb* Ifaalaa BMlai of Mcyctaa oa tb* lag Fit* Ml* Baacb taa Two Mil* N«w laraay. oa *M*w*tta ITbtlaa- ptoblutfa by Iba imKb. t» bunr aUod la by a dredgtnr —— aatborttHa b*r*. compaay. Paolf ar*. •« wwiiM at* tb* aianbora. — Fliaam bar* aa«* ... _ . acaoobi Mia that tb* BaptM Ckafck «w^tod their tnaaary by a«aity 11,700 "•"•••* •*•" *• v dlraetiaa tb* l tt fMt to tb* aottbaat f balag attUaad for 1 lif 3J* * •Jty Ha* of Bfirtb atraat aad of tWa FRANK L DARBY O«aaa CMy^-Tb* two acaoola bar* atraL 2J»™ *£*2 M M b sg, s y taraoettai of tba awiihaMiMli iiml aaatiuli Ua aof fifth Mr*at. wb*a •» Tr«to*-TWiwoaTa»fbrth»Hwt. atfllanUmoutttlaaof tatapMdM. ofAtlaaSs TTJSZ wtttdTaoMMia? SZdTaad ^^.tlMaatartyttM^f CoBcrMaofMothmrClabsaadFaraat |» b* sathand th»aaxt fottalcht. *rly Ua* of PUtk atrMt:tb«Maloaii •Wbttrert, wbM«rt«uLX to th* itt DABBT PIBIT 711 At4aw« Am, OcaaaOy.ll. J. Tiatfcaf Aaaodaaoaa at. Atlaatle City WUdwood—Mia. Maty Baaar. widow th. aoatbaaatnty tte* of Atlaattoa?! Shrardui. of ItaMM treat taKoreMaarwaapbuuMdatawMtlin of tb* lat* J. TboaVMa Bator, pro- "^ofB a aoathwaattly dtnctloa th* boardwalk •f to* attt* board of the aaodattoo ienud 200 MatMleU books aad paav fMu1^ ofiM «Mt to tb* aorthaaatatw TBACT NO t BB0INNIHO at (h* IntbiacUy. Taa aMatlac waa attaad- pbtota to th* Ubtaiy htr*. YJ&?'?l*ai •*••* ••*"*•*•• width petal or latanactiea of tha aoatlnraet- •d by Mat* oateata aad-coaaty chair- llalaca. — Tha CaatMriaad Cooaty 5!?J?~ •**_"*tnt n • •Mtbaaatarty *rty »M of Rfth atraat. wbaa artaal 9 tk BELL PHONE 88-W naaaaoatoa —Th* body of Joba L UnTZTT« Trl 7 i..zZ.ZrZ^Hr.^r?JL fjf*^".^of Fifth **street" , wto* •»Mb**ataitya ext. Is froaa.wtththalaadwardBa*oftb*oaMV boardwalk f tbaac*. la a aoatha< WoolbtH. Jr, who died white la Iba I, l La4 ik Ifaadk Your REAL ESTATE ataBiar poetttoa te New ward Ba* of tto ocean front hoard- •a. to IS* laaawarrt Kaa or Mac* which inrled wtthmUltary bonora. Mlllrtl^.-Tto Caabertaad Oooaty Tract No. t-B*«tearas at Ito point Atlaatle Ctty. — Wcatley N. Btato. Xracher*- AMoetattoa wUI bold tta fan of tatmeetloa of tto aoathweaterty JOSEPH L. PEACOCK In politic It waa sot goad for maa, "' < Oarm Apptecat*. Ulddl* Two. who bad aS U» AdBry A««BM Onaa <*y, *. J. to t» alon* aad w* btltora flnnlyl N>v d married 2Stert1rS^ 4 tor. aad took tor to Cotendo. atraet CTOMIOS In PkaMntnite, aod tnat a a«w dar baa dawa«d npoa oa. |O«atlfni»n: Foartb «.. J«0 ft. SB from Atlantic ; When George recovered froaj tto Tb» aaloona did not wast wom*a I AT*^ 40.100. To mator by Bobtrt Real Estate in all its branches the booth*. Thl to d d world*! htrtory. bat tb* rafranrbla*- BaTtn"»T < •oatalacd a fnctarrd akan aad other saT ^?^S.=«;^» GEOlOl ADAMS ft ; •.'• •:.-;!•: 1 Cap* Hay.—Work waa began oa oa or be- "«• *•*- A- »E ««• *»«w»T AT*. 7S J"*!^"".^" *. ^EH*"***'' •ST**" Bte*le«rra eaaTtaea^a? •""'f ••*"•'' 7HABmi<\ RLLWCOP PHOtal VOUM OBJOQ VAN1S l B itt p 1 Tre.taa.-Uia. Baraa x^roiioea. a .^ Weit to Broadway. . .. TOUB. We appeal to every noble, boaor- 1#lU0 ^ r^l* ^tT-Sr-bi«. "*"•* " " -Cadatead.- B* •n—an of tto faculty of tto Treotoa ecnlrtwl by aMatala. teetaac* tto aid or*aa front board-|te MM BrlOALTY. to P.. February i# J»J« w ahl* woeaan of oar glorloa* K. of **•»* awala. MMdto Towaabtp. wrote to aataal frleiKla aad teamed High Reboot, baa beea Baaed by Chair- H>^4^«.H _in poaad'rhaaael *»» **r a»Ted aoatbaaat at and Ocean Clara and J. TC B tr to aund by the flag that ha* _.,™.~ , in* ttilft rtaak ft Aahmead. Upper Twp. ttot EM* aad her mother bad left aaa Beher of tto Diaacratle County baaa. raacht by Jaaa da Antoato at • * VMttoa: ttoac* ta a Hughes Central Pharmat Bberty t» female drl Committee aa chairman of tto woaea'a ^jr. MatTwaVaa «Alht^toi«* eaatorry direetlOB along tto_tai_ Eiat**aaW**ifA OCEAN OTY. N. J. 7* l>.O.C. t riw.i jaina. in-, .A) of PefUtfgroea la tfiO. of th atreet. wbaa extra***, ttoat* *at bidder. Tto eaflctoacy aa to tto cooaty branch *f ta* Hattonal Woa- nr 0Ul UUlTUI*. — To glr* bapataa to ttom . Mnhweaterlr direction .tea* tto prtoa, bowenr. to to toaamaa by tto worth* of thin great honor. ^!11^ * aa-a party whra th. fight lor tha bal- drlf foe auo aiaaibtra of tto aewty or- aoathweaterly Ma* of Fifth .treat. Board of rumailaalnaara of tto Ctty n«ort* W. Boa?. P*t*rabar trr b* «*nMd air gaalatd chamber of rwnai hart- whea steaded, to tto piac of toato- of Ocaaa Ctty. New Jereay. Tto aate aaaa a»a wtu tor* a erttc dlaaer la ates. to take Mac. oa Koaday (Labor Day. WB WOKK BV BULB. tto Flm M. B. Teapte. Tto prladpal Aad aotlco la hereby tlwathhtj September «. UM. at tto hoar of 1* No -thafa toad aniMf aa •;.>*..-• ••••"- aa<^ n tto glw u^ at th* as* *f aa of epeetel eleriloa for tto pnvoM of tfdort ta tto moraiag aad tto plae* aiaetyyy. Phiy*ajat »ot* waa ^— aaaaattUag tto-atore-ajaiattoa to-tto «f aVI»te U tto aorlh cora*r of aaaVataoazahaawtowaeaL caat for Freeawat for Piaaldiat, aad *»« «te^ <* "" Oemm CttJP wm W «*• Boardwalk aad Stab atrwt. aad at tte or atoat BMtel work far ear to aerer baa alwJ Tatiag arac*. patnaa. Tate Uoaat Holly^-I^k. Anaatroas. wan ft I* ao lMl«l«cMt lacfcUat ta a '• Tb* «t» EMMr roportad that la PblU.. to iUmn*l Woolford. aad eonaaata. «Uch win to teaartad tya Uf* wh*. th. b«d of tb. moat '*• »««•' •» •"• »«« all tto ate • avaaa* * afreet •frr*»• a d ."--II .1 — I Vteetead. Mra. John Northrop, of I thte city, waa throw* trea bar aato- however, that tto reatrictteaa abo** (1 hlatory of tto Pair. Tto *wfa* Show aaV b.^ STtW CO-AX# formtea; HaaaTfaa ateaaa, aa* af tto aban aot apply to aay baUdtes froaUna •«» •» th« nnm JZ711 I aoblte ea Mate from her aaaaer • attractloa* than •Maat atraata to Kertb Bergea, taia li uate llaalwi f r'"i ml mtin MOT I OB. 00 tto ooaaa froat boardwalk or to AH of tto c "" te froat of tto a paiaaala ttoraaghfare, to fogn—• each saw rr^ft*" which ta. oceaa With •arrow wo pr*doeUaatlB«. xl a brotoa ara> aad hndaa*. Mr. Of froat boardwalk may to located from whom Mr Kaa- 7«« c "" , C. H. SaOBCAJCBR LD tograatdry. Xurtto-^a-tort wto. tto ^ ..f^sTBV AMD BLICTIOM. . ha alghed. -w«e, ! Unt ASO Wan Avi Ulirt- tine to tha*...... ^^m. —, _-- ~ —• KipemaioBraeerrlatee%«r.. wer e pr^aareT- **« ,That^l^ta«ar «jy partt»*+ of Meaaantniie. Hla mother waa the •«« There were aoral o*?eriag» from ^-- *• ° - a moat rer- B* •-- T , natea nala a Octoto* bee a ap-1 Paraaaatto taw. aotto * I* hereby oa tto aalatot o r lota dw^htorofrMnUlI^k^ Hlaf^hw *«.bott »«nbr f to raeeatatlr. J eahlb brMdU olf atoep. wits waa Caaa> Dn. angadtar Uaaara! twiry or onmpl*< aa a trrery .. .. C Bate havtec taraad over tto coat- Satoa) coaaty. eteate. dy^boaa*. boa* bontag ouCtty braa 2^ "" " progreea. T* ate aatealibmtat tto aaa laaawavr «* awa«yt* Bilaadli Oaaaral O B. Ba- Bay - Uadtock.p«-de.,of U^ ^. p«fa«. tha, aad amaUed ate HUI--«Tt warda. trat of tto hrtgad* etarch. teapbUck. poa- r'nii «n at tto dMatea to reach tor*. wto fiU fraa a freight pteeea bar»lnin*i - BBb^aaao auaufactory. I car tore, to te a critical coadMtea te TUBaOAV. BKPTBMBIB aV ta«l laa»latl*a te hertafa tto Mntitte BaapttaL betwaaa Ito toa/a of aerua A. Mo-r pahtts gaiaga. That ao aplrttaoaa. Tea* Street aed Wool A CbiaHraiH. A farana day wtll aad atae P. M_ for tto perao*. matt. .tataneaUag or Ttaoo* Itejaora. to told tor* Wedaeaday, •nitiakir niaarallnaa or aabattacea te tto na- f St. A dteptey of frulta. ' '' ' ture - - - - ..--—. Carat pwdacla wUI b* a Tto Boetora of a Ptnliaat u bought. aoM or ed prta* dairy am. Vie* Piiallaat of tto Oanea Statea. erase oa tto taad or aay hafldtaa BhlteB.—Thlrty-an youag r—r- — erectod ttoreon That tto toad atoll aaantliaa fraa tto not to need, or erected or aet ap. or earoOed te tto agrtrolrufal daaa at tto toaal Dtetrlet. •hnoh arboet c maid to to erected or **t op oa aUearwara valaea at BV00O frea» tto aald taad. aay toDdtas to to aaed aa niaaihbln II in thaa X boaa* af nuetttultoa. tawdrbouaa, eoaataaey. la all .. -— - eteared at tto aaaual harraat: _ hoai* of tW faa*. or daae* or gamb- $10. down, $10. a Month of eeoataa w* caa »ay maay bar* *•* alwaye remai utter. 1B. F^eajnlng. of Camdeai. for aaother' Terh total Ito Filiiiiito M. K. Charca. tora. Baeoad Ward) , ltag boaa*. or other atibltobmrnt ta I caaraMd aa bat we are eoaetralaod to •ctrrtty. *•- vateaa at tto aaaa aaaaac awm imm Two CeaaHalta fFInt Ward) ' Ito aatara Ibmnf That ao toitam | , Lot 174.: taeat of aerea raara. atartla* test Ofg* waa walktac teward tto I •f P. L Fhintpa. Beoeady tto tar tto iterttoa of tto aereral i n> 14 raatrate tto National Baak of New of aay ktad wtotaoenr-aton at aay r* Mini' * To grantor b» Taaeday. Tleo-ChaaeaUor Laamlaa- •*»**•. Be ataefc ••'- - rtrk fraa, pattag oat cuah af Ito •*—* t* Biit Cfl^uaiHaaa. i tha* toraafUr to canted oa upon aid Bay* a $500 40x100 ft Lot aad Rarrr a waa flnt aapotatad be th* lat* Char~ •aid Board* win ateo alt at tto taad aaaa tto Lord"* Day (eaaaoaly For a Ha. to «•»• of fto teto Braa* Moda to ate1 tin iinet ilqU' 11 *1 •*«<» Mae«e. Se^— awaettoart WBMB ahoaM ge te ate wid- totweea tto toara of a» eaOed tto flakiitti or aaaday). aor M|t ow. Mm. Aaarttea Mode* of aMWaaV Santa* Aveue bttareea Mh aai letk St> t*""k * •** **• **-' »" * by Vtoa ttea of I Mia. M*a OCEAN CITY, N. J. *f tto lot That ao I Bfa: tto charch *. 1M ~a» gtarytag la hte tto ctty aQ «rad. aaeaaatla« poatto 1 ewam to a latentato Oaaaerc* -,a:L srf5s-oa-. aet tea thaa flat***, pravtd- ttato VaMCtai aWi MBcdutfl P0BMBBOH tof fafBUKJ Of riefiw^twQ p*j poBet; prupeffr planted «ad tiBeti • pordaMer' tU*|ttotr CBBL BBQCt n> pByflbtntf/ fvocn the VBBW of tot) ctofM nttedt a hBody BBIU cm erect hit OWB fJwelEog and pay lor die lot with tht money heMnowpayno for exntaffe natak; time loti fry tftft tuy 0— vt aJL

CaBBML M. J • 7-i Effli- I'

'•>••',. • •

• - "MB^kAejHa a)t.v«BTV, a^aaa ftMT LESSON F0B0CT0BEB 3 Rev. John ft. Maaon, Vlea Praa. William H. Campbell C.43 Readloc ».M anrtat tkam to rota for tka reaonl- atraam ot watar. bat th» UUrt oa- HWWIB OIIBtf NOOOaMT Prana. • 10.00 Rev. Alfred Wa#g, Vlca Praa, Ireetor, Peat of Street*. Public Im- 7.20 aaUoa of Coagraaamaa laaaa Baeha- ffoalto Wlldwood Craat baa aotblas •'• of a modern Roblaaoa tVuoa. CM Taadn aad rT Ti"* *« THE HOME OP GOOD EATS" Mr. Thomaa ft. fort, Vlca Prea. PhiUdelphi. that bla ability art good Jadanaat — • — Tire*.Taaea,*. " ~" M .halt call Ma i Mr. Cyrua a Marter, tee.- * Traaa. JMW for h* .hall Mm bit peopla win maJta Ma atrrlaaa of araat Tataa PAPKR MOTH OOMno UMlr alaa,—Halt. 1:11. I| Rev. E. A. Walla, Supt. ALL WORK GUARANTEED aot oily to kto State bat to tka aatlra | toonlty. HIa latter la aaU-axalaaa- Papar avlta for maa are being Im- 12307 ATLANTIC AVENUE| 10.30-Preacbtag. tory art n aa followa: aorted by numerooa daalera. mora aa p 7M— Popular Boos 8er*tee. Electric ft 40' -Tharotaraof tkaflaeort Ooaaraa- a eurloalty than anything etae. ftvr- JUNIOR TOPIC-TIM Cblkl Jiaue Ke- I 1 Bridge (J.2J SPECIAL OFFER I WHO. SCHWARTZ -T— From a WKkM KiKn pa •toaal Dtatrlct of Haw Jarsay: aral eoaalgamaata kava already ar- Health Onicer ohnaon Withdrawn .fter Sept. IS) IMTKRJICOTATE AND IENIOR TOPIC T. Laa Adama Electric e\M Shoe Km IWSIMTI -In vtew of tha work of Import- **rad for local dealera. • Prnna. 485 ance that will coma bafora tba «7th Tha autta. which lacloda coat. THE WAYNE RESTAURANT • LIIU. ChlU. Pnnu. Conareea. at*l W»erfany Oia~C6m-;"ouaaia and Teat, ara patteined after A REAL BARGAIN 1306 BoaitafcroaJury TointiNiaaaaea hr«ary Tanth *™* •»« W DIPT- OP RKVBNUI * PINA Electric mlttaa oa Waya art Maaaa. I am tka boalaaaa maa'a wiater araryday mnch Intareatad ta tba campaign of •»>•• Tha colon ara dark, with Clarence S. Scull B.40 Electric Hon. Taaac Bacharaek for reaomlaa- «trtaaa of vmrlooa printed colon, ao — I City Collector E. W. Vurlnlgh, SM Pennn. SIS lloa at tka prlmariea oa flealembar <>Ta being naed. la weight they are ' 9.30—Sanday-eehool. Aaet. to Collector ....lona 6. Adamei «M0 Electric MI 1 ; 10.45—Morning eerrlce. /Aaaaaaor Henry T. Pould. «rln« July 11—Withdrawn Sept. 5) Hlh. Aaaodated with Mr. Bacha- t" ** **»< ^ Mo 10 s at lhl« time. Mr. Baehaneh la a ••< •»M through London flnna. Il (Pending the erection of the perraaa* a?^T«irvlaor'' Cnaa.P Nab* Pmna. -« M ..!• BBI«I fthAv win •••* tekr m .h i« Alilllonft or Americana are rater-- ' eat church eerrlete will be held mtntt mu**rtnar -""• r* "~°| ».«« Headlnc 10.15 A 9(0 man of energy and ao-f«e, nuall- • «« tkay will Ita-t for a .hort »a beeo -~~ •—*— * -. ta Ike ai.Mii u»n : Elrrtric 11.40 tl« nf .M!..r .^ wod judgment •'•"•. and can bo w^ahed. «u.< l« botb 45 p.m.) ""• ALARil aoxaa 1«.«0 Elrctrlc 13.40-A.M. IMt mak. hi. ^mce. of great »»«««•' .nvTnnTn "n*^ «» *T «o .In.pllfy th. form. —————— yj,, ringing of the flrv hell locale* • bamao and .ilrio, (tm. 0:7). Tlie Slru- «nt only to M. St.f but to the «"»«* ^^W IUI iJtn* '°' «*'•« °a« 'Ocomo tax return.. Philadelphia Pressing Qnb ST. AUOUSTINaTB CHURCH the box from which tlie call haa bwn _ _ . „ _ ,_' . _ JOHNR.GROVK country. Fallur. to reUIn men ooff TO CAKT MI.I/VfH IMS A.o«ry AV^HM. ,„. or ln.tanre one up follow- Tide Tahl. for Elflh.h and B...h ..nmiiK imnmouil. rblch term meiuie wnt F hi. rallhre In Cnngre« wnnwnM be aa ,TThT.On..B of hI.mluloner of Internal revenue. Wil- la all II. tolimt. <5od for a.; God with g grave mlatakr, liam M. William*, ha. been Induced 707 Aabury Ave. Be; Go.1 m u«. . Thomaa P. Blaaia. Rector. ^ bjp/ou r in^ctttt lria, u,r cajj j,,, Srptembcr— Occaa cur. it J. ve mlatakr, 'MJ h Tl ., 1^.1^ TAncre«»">»n Itarhararh merit* Darl*h lo ""* •• l>o11' >h" P"niary by the n'inieroa. complaint, he hu II Th« Mjgl Seek leraal'a King (2:1. Contractor received from bualneu men tnat the 2). •MM. win be he!d on Sunday morning ""X" '""* "" "' ^ *,' *"*"• ^"t ^ r° M. "'*" «>«aH.«~. .mi .nnBnw «f ih. election on Peptembor I«th. and (ten- SUITS PRKUID 380 SPECIAL SALE preaent forma are unneceaaarlly com- nn(1 confidence and •upport nr the ..„,.„. „_ Vmmh, ,H _„. The Rlnc ha>l a roott h«'iirtl*w re- at tin. 0.00. 9.flO and 10.00 o'clock. Plenaare a»>nu». Two aUrm I.; s Ui0 z:> jt.«i , •io,.«.tv ir,,.. h. .in K- Mnm.1 miNCH CRY CLIANIO ANO »lnr»rclv lru»t he will be retume.1 cralnollr plicated, and require a tremendoua crptliio. Ttiu kln^'ltin, nu»-tiitt ready p nf the Second TK.trirt. an1 I *»' •••"Io Churchn on. NovembeTrentonr, -d. wa« Deration on Sunday nnJ rriday even- repeated four Unic. Two tap. de .sg J<(1, gM j,.^ ^.( In Cnncrej»rcl.«.tv lru»ir,,.. wllt. h e.lh wil.i»nl v»rr bKe- Mnm.retume.«otH>lan1-1 ullered at Ihe nervlces of Rt. Franrl. amount nf labor and frequently for him. Ill* mlv.'iit »-iu.lirraMrO hy Rev. Father Rathner, recently. After PHI.SIO 7Sa •ATHINO surra Inc. at 7.45. 0o((. a am) aiami. ;; 'i;«i «4•."..'. rlrir obligation, tnmtlgate the rhar- the form, at a. early a date a. paa- Otis M. Townsend 1 fatamllr. nf Tatlnaal Park H«T» FdU OS '.AH! r>oul.il.- •• itirmicli tlw Indin-n.v «f ilw 7'—Ocean arenar «rul Tfh itr^e' -, ret 11 I * » »i artera nf Ihe candidate, before rot- •Ihle. The period for filing ret a nu- ll from January I to March 15, 1921.; (OH A Jrw. «lm fmalnnl In .tenu;.V«T.«e ' .,K.»ciJh »••••• aireei- 4 S.nn .... :< Inc. Pon't rote for any man who Eighth Street nad Central Avenue. *1— Aibafr ar»-one and Id »»""-t * ••'• ' "* •'•*- • •• • clln-rt Imthrinv <.f I>ani.-I .v.n.llr. ;JJ-«onday aehool. «-Aib-:ry av.nue nnd 4th iimi. violate* the law of God. If a man I. The Reliable Builder to IhU tluie. • lht*> |iu,.(, k,.t-, qualntnl wiib IIM- II..|,- ,.f a 3Ir«.ljh. 3>K> T Til.- ll*llt Ih.-y hail «u« ,llm. lilt Ilier 4«—A.hury .,v. n;ie :TA VI\\. ,T. • Prie.. rrom n^rhy lo-n. toM •* " "'- ""«« « HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 10 413 Eighth Street Ocean City, N. J. lltnl U|> to llu> l»-»t lfM-> h:ii|. T" *'—A.kary av^-n- ir..| !r;h » ,. MELBA t»OM> who art upon tlu- l-r^t IIL-M III«-> (Epltcepal) 4»-.\it,nn- «inii:» an.! Vih itreet STMOT ^•1. /- . _ . _ _ .__ Trif cr li ii <; Fourth fttreei an4 Moaameal X*eaoe. Bureau of I.«a«al- et I North »f.,-! Katlnnal Park. The boron.h nffidal. " °''i ntr:.l , were pieaeat aa Invited neeta. "— Individual, ara paying Income . y^, xfc^, flg^re. aUo o. rrfo City Y. C*. : • U in ara. c»l»brate<1 for th* flrat II «on offlcara. Ha refnaed. In fact, to thu •apart law Caaiag. a , •. i. - - •• th* chnrrh at in.l*. with Rev. Peter c.rof ••»• ?*'.IP J.!'.,, ^JoLoTLtch^ ra^- Hared (••kin, to Kill the Kl '~ H. and Or, J. Petrl. of Altxatle City, aa rh* »*) ^ "ithaKla ***""" . „ ~»« ta«a la fua | T.4$-BWBbjC prayer art addi OCEAN CITY LEDGER relehrant. Per. Maarir* T.. Brie, of SRRY DEFRANCO In 'In- bright Innuo •>( \uutti ihrrv - Tha bureau", atalament ahowa that I* Ai Hw Trn knmi BatWr IMV b*- no aurh wont ;i« fjn>

n#«4|tM an math M a Hinrth. CH.SHAW ' •nblnmrl Muggln.-"Blone. I. m»l per.1.1- 91. V«tth»>w'» Chareh waa orptmn- RICHARD H. JOHNSON CO. LCflMi lr#M In Jalr. 191S. and maiui for tf» •«« "> looking for trouble." Buggln.. did not want a sartor When the Tw hml W 1 l<>o11 forlreobIe to ">• Tenth afreet, goinr to i flr*t tin*** vai> *+l>hrat«M In th*> hom*» aaia ihem from tn»lr ajj»: *-«nrtay-achooL S Jaa?^ "•»«- • 'r K#1lr. Tht>o • »••»• w«« —prnneylvaala at ram trmln'i H# who !• mr High Grade Phnnbing • folng to Broad afreet nation. Phil.-, SHAW & SHAW rrwfH atnrt 'pr two T*mm %+Tr\r+* ddphla. ;,- wrt«r<» hold In tK»* ft>nl In tb*« wnnin%**r 0w maa with a checkiag Ar- r. nn«hi ard In |h*> hnlM haltdlasT In 817 Asbury Avenue, Ocean Sty, N.~X BT. JAMES A. M. B. CHURCH ' POR PHILADELPHIA 'j count uoquMtioojbly he It advaauga. PLUMBING *nd HEATING th*» w)nl*r. Oroond W»P hroVon for sea .;;* "** aad Have« Ave. Utk dsst Mea far tfi*> dan Watk. J r W1L1JAM G. AM0TT •*« fwih there- - •*• Jackaon. Mlnlater. Safely, conveniently. »ccur 714 ASBURY AVENUE OCEAN CITY I AnHI *0 nuhrn tTaUh liM fh" r^ XtSSBKi ATTOMb TO "««»• of UM wvaithj. >*•»—Preaching. hi* obUgaUon*. OCEAN CITY. It 1 r*>r*f^ne*. T^* hnltrilnc I* nf •11" IP<> * No ofipoitualiy for !oi»—to Stove*. M CB0WZ fui^log over exact chat coaae la many qasnen today no poeaJblllty of arpuci IV. Tba Kla. rmm4 (TT_ J,, , SHILOM BAPTIST CHURCH nodday. Rtir.i.T msTTO.tr LOTS. HANDSOME WALL PAM* << .-.X at»Ti.r " "T"1" o6f«l«"l r»i» »« of Ihe Melhnrit.t Tha poata kara fcaaa trying to tall form, him tato a alava of tka bar- atrad «*' «~a<^o. .un«l taunedtat.. Ora«« Harria. Mimat^T ber, tka manicure -prif"** art tka d#nnmlnatlnn fr*l herun In lr.r<»| It J, to and^lM, king. A. «oo „ they MJo-IVaaeatB«r^ """•*•*• rutora la Uwtlme-trtrdani'- Build a Home Ikey hAT» mada auca a uu w u aortal la laaa data tfcaa tt woald Uka proved way—tha pay^»-ck«. Lova caa te csrad. bat tt laat Call lo ud talk nab oqr aad a liaataaia opportoalty aalil la aura to be aolted tram imf. tka r-tm.n traveled over th. dl.trirt •• Mar tkay ara mairlad- wonkwklla. It la tae taaetaattac a Backache, Sciatica, Rheu- ermllnr prorldenrw In all thl*. flun- . ita tarrlhU prograaa. Tka beat tnaa- many pretty dealgna wa bare. Oeaaa »!• uf >rwr* Urfurr. Ih* ¥T*t. no>t M> order- er» In the cfnlt wer. th. Rev». Jnhn time for tka heart, ralargi.ia; to to ad that Uary •h-xiW be brought lo in* vt-noionn. Redcewiek Ru.llnc and aaay Uataa Ita former eapKtty, bat pain yield quickly to ALPHEO «L •aUTH ctry to gtr* Mrth to Oirl«» On) nr- ' OCBAN CITY what It aoaa to tha mlad la DR. MILES* lOaa Aakary Awa. Oaaaa OHn •»• A tal to ooataaaalata. Uadar tka smBa- _ M OVf>art an- j J5 a hoot (Tan a rear for their aerrlm. after way. tbcrsby drfratuig ilerodk ; f! . TITLB AND TRU4T CO. LUMBEJt aaoaof lova, wa aaa Ma weak ctarka Electrle Th. .teamboat rraBc on Ih. TVIa- baytac U jjaackaa at vtaUU. atroag Anti-Pain Pills wicked paqwf The gift, of Lara* I . \ Electric Ocelli City. H. J- aad lUmtMrf HM*MM • war. now becam. a thriving Indorfry. aad taartoMyoaas athtataa' "— wtae mo. God pat Into the hand, of - I Priig, Th. boaia for Cape Mar atopaed at The Eaeai«et Ptia Jaareb asd Mary before going tc ' . -«>.. -n »ft»r •gypt, OoohllrM they •erre'l a giml f Rectrlr or aay babh'loraUa, draaa. narpnn la merttng ihelr exprttw* dor I C H. SHOEMAKER LUMBER COMPANY tnnraaaa aad aoatfceiaera. wb« woaM law tkelr May there. i • mm* dowa oa th* aid Frenrtitowa ReBef fa A amaQ paKkaaje, V. Tha KMa Pfatoitjd (TT. I«-II». - , ^^^^^CCCSOMCCCOCOCCCOO a«d New Outle Eaflroad—the fret !••/ tn rairjr •nil rjlmtanr railroad erer raa ta tkta eaaatry. COOK BY GAS T» aarape Herod** wVted alnu (laa to taka. dtretied Joaeph to take Ujry aud the . Ther weald cocoa o*ar ta carrtagaa (MM Jem and tWe to Egypt n i aUadwkats from Balttatore to Freaebtowa. la Kow to tka ttava to fat yoar OAS nly «Moo. he I -Ha«a aaad Or. Wfca* Aad- taadrnaataed notll flerod-a drath tt it a teaatf taaaaj tm Q* aaaHL *aaa POb lor arearal yaara for * RJUtOE or WATER HKATBB aar tka la OMraj Alma, ' kaadacka, aaaraagia aad afl ta gtvtog ot Ihtaa alma loqulrt sa< R kaa aat baaa aa aa 'yaantkat zS Mkataml iUadaofaala: kaMaoipaktari t andtkaaarka aa mack tato t*e pcraoo. aa bja aar»« betwaaa Atlsatte Ctty i ICaaabtay "" ally. Ood look, not aa m»rh oo tb- tkara waa aaa tsag atn • ofbarraa ], a mcrtta at aim that raqalraa. aa to rkr •art walk «Maw tnaa 1 • art tkara at a — — . If the aadoalyafawi •« I,, .a. t§ tf,., tULU fafla to f.Bwi or mtkty. CITY GAS UGHT COMPANT •OLD gJT AXL OBOOQIRI iil bant ta Oaaaa Ctty.

r r B B » ? *^^^^viWjp |[r SPR^^^5P^f t?^^-'^^'^^''-'''-':'.''-'^--'^';*;:.'.:i' i % i^¥^MS^^^

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•rta*. ta_# CBM Kit Omtf >-•__*-»___-__•_

lataOtjrkMtw ' Id-* at tk* Mt. Tnajto Ojoct r___

O » g nnksit BB__L. at.—sUaar M^ aaata. Ba dras alaiajl _uuk ttaat aad Waala. AwmmTwin m *"* *ataa, wanana awaaaas aaqr ta tka «aty. tar a writ «V „ ta- dan - ratal-.TO. t a AdaaUa Cttr. tka aart-rarl ta tha atty* * " .. May.-MCkaa.B.fwitor.afPnaiaa •_?"-*'*?!??-w^.*'***>-.. «aaor haatt tka t a aacaa aa-bar -—— atapart-aaf thaaM. _, ____ _**• Oraaca; aaeratary. Va. B. Ba-nrt. J™*D"V ___™___**•*•__ trmeaaratoa taatoaiaat _tka Baaa BU—a Btaateaa. wan >miaa> kara. aaw saaiihy tka ffllaaic. IB*- kaa haa ra-af kha. «t taa Ma Ottn traaaarar. L. t. _••_*__••*_» _J_"";?It"? »nla_»tta w_tor . If thto ha traa bar at tka bar. wka haa baaa acaa- Mr. Partial ~" """ Oaaay. af WUdwaad. aad a-aptata. _*«?*'?_'•'*•_!?__.!_ __*_ * »" » *»*• kaady far tha boy- taa. la Caadas far tka aaat ata iif-HU Oaaaa Ctty . Mw. 1mm -atmta aad aaa Ba*. tka Bar. Joha T. Oini.aa. at Baa °* Atlaata City, waa aea-aatad to aaat-a. haaratataad to Ith—H I Ctty 'aicaa. aad Mr. Barrta aa a at tka art, af Wwadkary. kaa kaaa fattta. ate, —~— P. Uray Bowa, ehahmaa of tka aad waanlatid Ma-irf wtth Maya. _*•*"• •* **• kaaK af ttrial-. 0t :--:v--e.'V-\V: ; • 1 bar aot-ar. Mra. a B. B—k. Tha Chaabar aaua waat aa raoard ______•____> Batartilaaaat Oaaalltaa. atartad oa Balak Baraaart af T waa art. — ***latka-aatttkatetkaaaart T*** .... - .. C—ra-aaTBT-ar-Mi w-a.etCaaa aa_tfartaw a brldca aaraaa tka Data- ______•______• • -(•»•-^oayostarday.-rtwowaa__ thatr Uw _m O_t for aaay ysaia ui satka_y tka> aatttiat tka aCMto ytta r aaatt . < May, vtottad At—ads Ctty. Caa aa wara Brrar fraa Tiatra to Phlbv- ______B______f •* kaaat tha toast Idaa whara hato wa a _aawa aa Waattaa, —araaart A Ctty a_d Oaaaa Ctty raeaa-y. dates—. Tha Okaakar. tkraa yaars __B^__B^__KT_BKT__KT_| •»***• ~_htac farkaaa. staat-—_ Mr. •to—i Mra. wMtiVrt*! TTilnT. at P—U—M- -fa. adaatad a rawlaMaa aloac thto ______—— late Mr. Waattaa aa «__ kaa rstarasd haaa after a •—a. bat so—a at tka aawar aaatan ______It thsaa aotas ara to ba a aacesss Boroachof Laacaort.to w_a h ' la Oaaaa Ctty agrim! tha tkaackt tkat tka or- __^__^__^__^_BH an af yoa follows wUI karato bato . Jw haa baaa atoatad I Praak a MaOoau, at ltt |BUUatlaa shoaid taka farthar acttoal —._« ___ •.«,_ >-w__. _*__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m IXaaTaat droarap anttaa go_to s teO aa aaa wha —wat—aa aadlaopata. Co--lo-nasrsr yaaac. attaraaTha ratary toa Attaa-a at —a|___l _ ,._, _._% __„ _ •irtild to t-rtta tha tear I — . |ctty la tln-ac to a taraa uM» off fL!/ *T km aaata la Ca»a May| that —ahoys|a—atkshtr. •—•—m>•a-asstatoa—kal Iten a ttta witta c Maatay ata-tlhto ~ ~ aaltt-tttaiaaa—Okaraat ** *** <* l-kmt tbsy had baaa datac an WHBtt Baka Xrtat_aa at ramt oa tha rawat| '. That waaM ba taa. bat an Patty T* %iQpa fttmaAto OMt r ka_M In MBI* 4§g|^ oC fonMv 9 atortaa ara karrad. BayMtaad jr-—H« of _aaaana— Oaart - - - - MariaOaaaa aakar. of WBdwaod. . I WatI JkOta taka aattea. Vtoa Chaaralior i-IWJ, sw, mm i-_ .-.Had irtth tmt liliiaL Tka aa—-aattas at tka -bar. 1 T-ss_-r.w-_sst-__—thaCai-isa|__ Mr. aad Mra. B. & Mtaa aadtMr te ootaksr. wfll ko baM ta tkla «ty.| aat—a to tha sal» of tka ba waa tedIraatty a party ta tka aatt Oaraatatowa. ka»a maraii traai 'a «nwad tha aMatt_s *ad IO—apOroaad—p Oroaadff at Ckarlaa —. Bteaay. af PHI—am, WM£^'&: akMt atay ta Oaaaa Ctty. ' ia^Ntaawd itaa tar tha in aad attara who sasktoraatrata th a ___» mrfminAmmjHH* •* <—> *--«-_« _•_ aad tha aiiiai I Bara yoa haard tha aaw ptayar (tty aaaak—aaan at W-dwaad fraa Jo-a^a-aa taa aaka bar fmrt-sr Tonour uuhani aw. at Narbartk. I_. »a« kar i n_>tor Oaa_ia a aa tka Daawifr.ilal fraa •chat—sasrto Craat e , |^S_fite — — '• tt davalopad tkattta vfa a c_aaaaO—r • • •-/•;:-'^'-;C:. Jtta, J*aaa» ftraar, at kBBr-tfa. |Otkac BaawtU-afthlaatty. .._. .—_.--._ I wtta. at tkta i tatak•«» i Ctty. aaaaaaaa tka aa^a_saaat 9t t I Tha rato la thto atty laOawat tkatr aiaa-Nr. Oara. tad Arthar wha wm kaar U ta Traatoa aaxt aad Uailaaa. t» _rdaara. Mtoa Baato Taaaday . • -__. m_- __ „ ._. ——^ _. •StlBfctflaA . _ . r aa aaaraiar ni mm _a_i Tssaaaoaa neraar xaasa caw. eaaaaai »ar taa __»_• _OT___ -——> of __ __•_ traa Oaaaa Otty. wkara tkay lCaat-ay.iaaaahara. Bta-atur. avara that tka raaaral af ^ rt^T^ WaaaaTdaaliwt tawwV wdaarty totear aww a tka DtatrM—W_—— B. Brlcbt. l«t: • • tka waCk wm ha*a his a—ata wtt_- ^-. .-4 „___ _. r7tlmi -_- Hd Ba baas Waika.iib. tit. la—1—d ha Orawyd aat asaaa af aaaanac ar hw*ta_ ta»nh> late aoUtka aatt to aad tkatr tt—Oy; a| SN* n«a-»tlMaaaaa»to«n-aaaaad aambar at Oaaaral AasaWy— Mat 0_"_ Baatria Bauraak. thatr •raaarttoa. Tha attaraay also i_|^aMyaaa BoawaU aad 1 aftarwai—. bat I wwakt aat Aadtaw C BaawaU. MX. Ha>htar tt Bayal B. Baltaoak aad daetorad tkat tka WMwaad naaali -_._-__, ^ -__ artatkat aar_. a that thay cat an tka way ciunaa BaaJ 0 fatirull ltt ~tfr if nit rttr ill 'itiatlT fitr r ' -"- " '- __q "H'~r* Oaaaa Ctty. ia_finan«1 l-akataak da- ja._os at tka Paaea J.ha J. sad Akjktaa CTaaiaa hkCrae-aa. of ajrta at tka attgaaj tajaaoMaa toaaad aad hto attonuaa raatfad os-_aa< ta Cra- Man HI at HiaHifi Tkara waa a fair naiacUy «i tkay war* iataad by Dr. ttoa aaary aaattaa t* Caaa May taa—Dr. B. T. raalda. 1M; _____ -yd. Tka yaaac aaa waa sat-ysd waaaa to east —air haOata at Ika DaToa for a ateaie, Oaaaty tada-tttad wtth tka Chaabar j. Has—a, tt; Ca—h Oo—_1, tt. by Mr. Ba_took ta Ooaaa CMy dailat A aa—t w.d.tag waa inlisisia. at ptt-..ct- -» TVmttr Thto Mr. aad " "" " * •-• vafaaaaca af tha 1ST. HJaaar. of th# 4*&n of tha aoaiia to Sea-rUto. toat aaaday altht. whaa Pt__*ata*ta aad Oeaa Ctty. aotarod , tJ staad aad latarast thaaiaaHa la tha to Bam Uto Ctty rasaatty. to a—sad ____s thto aaahat— dactaraHoa. ttvm tor tka Sscoad Caa>raalnas1 |M_s A—On Shaaa ~- *- I-fairs of tha Nat—0. aad that tt waa Ufa I—tbaraa Chat— aad T_It tha nad aa as—act from a eoaianalaHii oistr—i—-WU—ua —. Bright, iza; | |of Lsroy maatmaa. Tha brida waa _,atoukaoathspsrtol thaOatara- partor aad hto wtfa. drtatar. a area aa-bar of whtek had —sat la (Mac Uaa tka fna-hlaa. Mr. aad Mra. B. T. Baaafald aad beta dtotrtbatad la At-—Us Ctty. Ba _—-bar of Oaaaral . ACaira at tha aoUa waat aa aa tkaagk tkatr *•-g——• a—a la—-1 Baaa- fart-tr a—tad that la tka East, as—a Aadraw C Bos-sd. lit. I 8toa__a. hto bralhsr. Alur a thm wtmn ^ f^n f^M^ a^,, ' •"-•—-"• Ostoaar—BaaJ. a tacaraoU. 114. rary . rt hoaayaiooa Mr. aad Mrt Stoat- «*» ui Ihalr Uraa. tawa. Pa- ha*« rotuaad traa aaaad- lac eataattoahy U Maw Tent cay. jast-s of tho Paaos -ambart borato wtt h bar f___y at bar sam- •»•"• tocathar with Mr. sad Mra. „,_ u^, -_,,_, wttl »~-a thaa» 1 ttaa'atOaaaCtty. «-• »a*k at tka radUato haa aat baaa t*mUtn. IT; P. H. Wara. t. _., _M U thto elty. whara thay C-" " ataotmaa. of Sonars Mat. ^^^ abto ,_, wUUa_ to brt» m »n w. -_4 M_ «,__. > T___O Wt ao aaak aato th a WaaU hat lha M___T oaaaty K-o-tra CoaaU- ,_ arababty hara to rsaala for wttl au_o th«lr homo oa MoatoHlar __«„, for lh# baManoaet of tka "*•-•—• "*..~owr"_f!."""" -___- -~ __-i_> K»M_ tka East, taa flarsart B. Scall. 114; Jos. O. HM __W hacaaaa at bar coadU-a. A-—aa. AUaatla City. CM- ^^i coaatry will ba sssa aa tka lit: B. H. Hatty. 114. sbo haa a dbaattearloa of a—sasaa. „ .* ~_ .- fatara aaraUa. •• Bm •1 i w Jl?A?S_SS; SLJ^'-brw^ra^rrar n_-^ ^l_J_A=^^o.|j^ =___^__r-_. ^-/J-:-JI_«-^-^«-----~ - M tt a taiaaall party Moaitay ara—tac at . Tba Boardwalk "^ ^ - <-ra^VU_A.^rS.V |L^o_T-^rp1wa_rc_tha hoaa af ktrs. t. Praaatt Cadn-n^. M-,------^^-^^^...,..- Jaattoaoftha - - . tat'Aabary Araaaa, by tha - -.-- - at tha A TOO-O Tho -a__ar. tha fraa ••_ M* C^y.vho IHtH-4 Charck. Mm. Wataoa waa araaaatod wtth a tradaaad thatapraaka Ou t was Jost start—. taataad of asartac Cad__attt*a_f Lawto State- tt ssaaa that tha ctty la ctaaaaa *-»«_— toaar hto fathar. Chanaa J. Comas, at Iha „, _. haaakaakMT Ma. Otta J. Bayrlaw Batat. -oasara Patet. Uaat. _„, u* ___-_, a«« ««us __:__. ___: ••"-*«•. >- ia-u-adto Waahlag . ^ _a „ _, .._» tta U to harry tktata at >m Thaaahjaatl •*'*j t law at

akad tenah Walter B. Chattto. 1; l-sa.- wttfl M-. B. . Mr. aad Mra. J. D. _ MaBaa. af

MM* «ad .4Sf.K. Bar.Or.Oaak.1

i'r"T • ^ (r*