,,.-.-. ••>,• •.., 2/.^^j^^:;. OF THE V II has been esthaajB. ay saslasei. ^^T- ** ** |»* w»V that the available water power to nSHINB CLUBS Canada, both developed aad uadrrel- < P, S. Oakoma. BaUald. defeated xJ oped, ta capable of gsasrsttng laBBU C T. C, «-« »L I Us (Mmbsl. Xr, I-WtaowX. •*. «,L 000 horsepower, of which tSMim Was. at Smith, of Be.**: denied ttmrmittvA BafasPatgaf Wkothe UMA haripawsT are avanabls to papnlated Jsawa lhiacnsr. of University ef Pitts- IMICIVIU fvBaV aaVJeV MINT FDR BOVft TO TAKC m •LACK NIXT SATURDAY Tba qtlll*alioo of this water pow- "'SB^SMJSB.. of BahVld. rfehstad TwaJra- St. am, Agfa** Atw. OCEAN LEDGER er U rapidly Increasing. Dartag last !^ln^J*J?r'*; ??£] n wu Cifv Annual K««nt Open to All Beya Untfar year the Installation, at plants was r™** »°» « Bhwrwood. H. C-». - aj <•». 4PF;U~B/.f?G/\IN completed with a total of «*.*» hone- **> . W a www Vrpa VOL XXUl.-Hw.w4 IB Years ef At* power. Develdpmenta sow ander coo- W. K. Smith. BdaWd. defeated E., - OCEM CHY, N. J., SATUiWY, SEPIQitQI 4» If*. The Annual Sort ''"'frr Toaraa- etroctlou win prodoce STO00D hor-: H. Perkins, of Mooraatowa Field Ctob.,' WITH A FllLL wTOOK 09 FIN* arat given by to* Ocean City Flab- power; and projects contemplated for by default. OROCsUMIsV •OUL.THV AMt> las Club for boys under If years of oop»ofl«a»r power. The waferpawers ta Canada . ^ c-nfiJ rTY. WB KUN WTVPSTLV ON I JUNIOR RED CROSS nuttej over BRIEF LOCALS AN APPEAL TO THE TAXPAYERS ; QUAUTVaAwMami i«w ••••• . ' oo poaaoatty of HU by Adoption 1 Saturday, September 4th. so UMcoal." rhat for a«*e had been nmnl— Paol A. LeUy. of Poattac. Mlcb Ocean City beach at 17th street. This to waste. Is- now belay made to ton ^ PERSONALS W0RUN6 AT HOME tn# «•.-«!• of imjuaay aad to Ilitrt . Secara tkaaa OF CAPE MAY COUNTY tournament i» opea to all bora under Canada's »ir~-^ snd dwaflujr OMIVfteJnT A wSAtmrw. It )«n aad tbara ta no entrance fee. OVLBI > »«"-*" Cala Qaataa ta. atatata tnuaad aad faarlaaa jailau was Ma.' A aMat extraordinary array of prttee TIOW FOR JULY AMO AUOUaT i 1*e Nortlmtfcr. Mit«aJlifehmnaetCo. rUeaUng ta Wrawa Uaa af sMaa la oar Mgaaat eoart- aad aw. astresstliig la value over ttuO.OO have1 (At HtM* atraet aM Saaali)J Saya Or. Famuht. •wWlo lasaw/ rnaHian la vloUtad la taastata. —bee* ei»bsertbeaV The ftrst prl»a u aj, ooVsers. MOtttD B. AMAH, 3*64 Agmt NOTM OF INTWIUT TO ALL 7 WHAT WILL TMC TAXPAYIfta OOf aay tantey wblob Fifty Dollar watcb donated by A- F., Oa UM kada* of atari Jiaiselbech, rt«l maker and sportsman.;: HJsa VtrHaJa fty. of Palladalphla. taa Jaator Bad < L Tasaayan. attaataoal aatatlosi aawev otortdad far is UM. Another wc- -• ' "*-***-***- Aiumc an. it JL waa amoas tba raoaet vlattora to this "* awna." mat raloe la al •-. -, uua ana a'O raaort. • iraoil mtta>aaM 1 y tor taa yaar T»U raads| Uwmts aotad by tha statata that Watch or ilmllar vain* la flTra by Or. | tm uiiNuiinKm.1VilR'|| Mr. aad' Mrs. J. W. Croala and Carteton Simon. Dr. Carteton Simon, Low Blab TITLC AND TRUaTCOk dangbtar. of Aberjteao, Md, wara n- tu lor years Ibe champion rurf-caster) \ BMaaaars tawmaHraa of saaajletBal caat visitors to Ocean City. Of tbe.world. | 2 1Jf ** OMM CHy. a j. B-ttTsls, Cast tba Wart -lBcorporate» vfltaga. boroaga. tows pottsa may ask for taaofty; aad cam Jodca aad Mrs. Nbrtbcott and fata- "or city, or la aay township or county tbaa at aay tlava satuia vtadkatlOB' There are to be seven] eventa and ( * JOT MJ. aa propinoaa as mat BOW far taaeb- Uy of Lazlattoa. Ky, aro sQjoanu.g •"« «*• •yan Maala of dttssnamp. "of tbla State, aball praaaat to aay from say onjost. ssusisfcms ao fae for s short Urns In this resort "Jasticei of tba Oupi ssss Coart anu tba wrltar la mtormad aoaa bavw Mia. Emily a Jacoby. f Dkt -affldavlt, sworn to aad aabatribad to rat doaa so. ar*a la tba (hoa of J1 -by tbetnselres, aad aarUag forta that criticisms to which tbey can hardly Park, paid a recent visit to this re- f»» Ottsanahtp laioagB SaMca" far smallest boys stand an excellent - ' I -thay ara ftaaholdara aad hsva paid ba deaf. Probably, aa tadrrhtaata, chance of winning a rood prize, 'ja aort . otaara. maca OM JaaJor Bad Croaa Is wttW o ••• ••ancj duwaja wMca tba Amart- HOME OF DEALY SCORPION SHOULD 8ET ANOTHER BEAU "•""J- •»« f^» " r£" aoa» of U^-in WWXOBM thai appnr. Challenges bsvs been IMU.I1 by the II WHlttll MALOMET Jars. Jaenes H. Croaslnsnam Is »la-—^ BJ^J Craaa (aataaa taa acboeeaaya —— -aad tbat tbey hava caaaa to baHara tnn!t» Acting slao aa prtvata dt*«' boys of Ocean City to all of the crest j*8 ATTENTION!! •tin* Mr. sad Mrs. B. H. Rood for Raglaa M Mode* Tbat la AvaMad ay aad taa acaaoKMa, an tta •atMdsa LMUs rr.astmty That' I r «M "that tba moneys of each Incorporated „„, tbt nembara of a recent graad Bshlac clubs of the Atlantic Coast snd(£^ aareral waaks. am daaKned to coma wttatn taa raga- Travslara far a Meat •HasOaat Will gvee Kratfieata Mangy Mraak -vlllaga. boroagh. towa or ctty. or of jp,, WBO ^.^ ^„ utud . font of they are Invited to srod teams to com- 15 PREST-O-LITI* Mr. Pao. P. wmum. w»a .no., rraea Pmist Oaa. -loch township or eooaty. ara bain*. , ,«,.,. mot .poblicry oaaaad. mar yete for a verj» handsome cup. Doys If Do Too Know This Young Man? StoraflwrUOwr, ft ^ bag to* work o(taa acaaots, auy ride ap aad dews Maxka. bat .A smaJl portion of sack bv 5! I tns Clob. the Aabury Park FUhlns Jj™ CUs Tanks aibd Ap^tiagcat ! there la one strip of teiiltuij that even ttvlag la Terr. Haata. says tha to.) -cbosan freeholders of say oomUy cr formalloa waa laid racaatty hafora Clob. >n« Belmar Ffihlng Club and 30 the hardiest sad asost dartag of them dUaapolU News. Be has long bees "tba leartalallva body) of such loeor- «„,, ^^ n^t, to .u,. „ tbe Lone Island Caitlns Club. •' reesat visitor to Ocaaa City. Aaaaricaa Bad Cross PinijBl CSBBSBBV wfU set brave. .It Is a desert country tarated a chair-wanner by tha family "ponied village, boroagh. town or elljr. taxtbtr sltaalon c*n h^» s. -. Can aad aa« a «lB«i Ha*l» was j Tn*a« caitlng toanuuscnts which ( Miss Edith J. Pool*, of Phllade*. tsa, la not a parpsraataoa of taa Jsa- that extends from a petat near the city of tbe girt whom be boaars with his -or township, by raaotadoa heretofore ^^T thaaTto ^«^J ZTZZZ i f BSTe be«n (l*en by the < Xru Cltr, pbla. wera among taa PnlladalphlaBa *<* •«• Cross, bat taa ttatelag a»def Duraogo to the am dais of tbe stats 2307 ATLANTIC AVENW; bar. over the-^^d. Jj»»« «*«--- Am^rteaa^ttiaaabto Flsnlac Clob for the boys In (vaeral I AtitAtiawtiic ddry . N. J J. •fl tar in* past four yi song by ftfty atlhm wide. It U s» Miss Helen Carey baa rstarned from loaaas at aaaad daaaxrsex Oaa of taa sarted that myriads of arorpioaa Infest aatssatarbmagbtaayofettbar. i -um mfmuon miami HED rsM«•'' leal UBga Was »^]^ts^H tO he glvsa A : Malae, wbara aba apaat a Tary aajoy> * "— ' "— ~~* thla regtoa aad ara the moat deadly af -la hia discretion, nutter purely criminal, aad with so ii: ttey bar* dereJoped a nomber of really ; summary tnvsatlgartoo tato political or -ersoaal featare what. wonderful casters. Some of the bors: M Be the "the aCalrs of each eorpnrallna. aad srer. Oaa ghtaco at tha dstea af the «mfiaea year, of a». «r, eastln. rlrrn' pleasant vacation hare. gardad aa aatsUa af lha re him -at hn dlseretioa be auy appoint offenses alleged la etrtsia ladlrt- to S* feec which U a great deal bat- I: Mr. Mlttoa Ness, of Drexel HltL Pa, ' • lo prosecats each tsvestl- a^ta now poMlsbed. sad a terltunWDncufa 8o«n.of " Ocean City Local Express adags. Is high. Ttus Is especially traa| la spending a pleasant vacation bar/ • fte bors wno ban irxhated from the •Oh. rm aa bnasry far candy. Will -thereof to be pabUabed la aaeh sun- whereby aa offenee most be ntaVied R.B.Ladwig Mlaa P. Isabel McCosaeU. of Phila- Inasrt la imaiainatr called, la rrgardad Tbia afurnoon promiw. u> t» aa aach a deadly past that far away Von ga ta the drag star* alth me aa "aer aa be may deeas proper. II wtthla two years or fall, will alva I delphia, la eajoytag a pleasant vaca- sot tha ladrrktaal paplla. ataraal that I caa get somar -aball be the duty of tbe ooVeera aad the true reason for singling oat these tie* In thla resort. sa», hatofal commaeity work aadt as All Kind* of Hauling paid a hsaaty of ^a» csatavo. eajarra- Beroee mass. Crime knows asat ta abaat miTisT cant of imarl I of tb, Oceu City Flahinc Clob la win- »e*i ana tom^ Mlaa Margaret Crowther wsa among jXese^TThSth ^agslarlBvst par- r person ao far ss Ikla harpbm wssgo • tte work. Bat ahsa ate. .nd boldln. tba Oc«n City Cop.! J the Phlladelpklana here over the week-j **-»-*«— ta cfrla aad pentode -' The recent ap- „,,„ (anpagas, swsawiauBv r'lWt-' caadywasboatlivsa dttptfyediw ta- ta tranststa ksta Bfa and sttiaa I -e*w aaeh orders may he paatebed codas*! more competent aad hatter boy., -ho gatu of th. Vat at Club Ueday bolUa' '- Aaua.
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