“Violations of the Rights of Orthodox Christians in Europe in 2015” Impressum: Representation of Moscow Patriaracate in Strasbourg 21, Quai Rouget de Lisle 67000 Strasbourg FRANCE www.orthodoxrights.org

Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required. Contents

Introduction...... 3

Chapter 1: Defamation of Orthodox Churches and believers...... 4 A.Reaction of the Orthodox Local Churches to the defamation against the Orthodox Churches and their believers...... 8

Chapter 2: Humiliation, hate speech, inhuman treatment and murders of Orthodox Christians...... 15 A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the humiliation of their members, hate speeches and violence...... 21

Chapter 3: Violations of the freedom of expression of Orthodox believers...... 32

Chapter 4: Discrimination of Orthodox Christians...... 37 A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the discrimination of their members...... 40

Chapter 5: The Right of Freedom of Assembly for Orthodox Christians...... 54 A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches and the State authorities to the violation of the freedom of assembly of the Orthodox Christians...... 62

Chapter 6: Acts of Vandalism and Desecration against Orthodox Worship and Sacred Places...... 65 A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the vandalism and the desecration of the Orthodox worship and sacred places...... 84

Conclusions...... 87

Photos...... 90

3 Introduction

The Centre for Monitoring the Rights and In 2015 the CRFO cooperated with Freedom of Orthodox Christians in Europe different human rights’ defenders such (CRFO), established in 2014 to monitor as organizations «Public Advocacy» and violations of the rights and freedoms «Forpost Advocacy» from Ukraine, Institute of Orthodox Christians in Europe and «State and Religion» from and used supported by the Representation of the the materials of UN, OSCE, the Council of Russian Orthodox to the Council Europe and the European Union. of Europe, presents its annual report for the year 2015. This report could not cover all facts due to the lack of information about Monitoring the rights and freedom of different countries and to the difficulty of Orthodox Christians in Europe within 47 languages. It is necessary to recognize that countries of the Council of Europe means a lot of information on the violations of registering violations of freedoms of the Orthodox Christians in Europe is not conscience, expression, assembly and other accessible in English. Therefore, it is very freedoms and rights. Usually violations much welcomed any information that can occurs as defamation, humiliation, be sent to the Center of Monitoring about hate speech and action, discrimination, the violations of the rights of Orthodox intolerance, hostility against Orthodox Christians in 2016 in Europe and which can priests, Church stuff or Orthodox believers. also complete the present report. The Centre is observing only the violations, which are related directly or indirectly to the Orthodox Christian faith or morality. As rule at the end of a chapter of the report it is presented the official reaction of the local Churches to the violations of rights of their believers in order to inform different national and international institutions about such cases. The appearance of such reactions speaks about serious attitude of communities to violations which happen. This report is prepared on the basis of open sources accessible in the Internet and contains references to the sources. The preference, as rule, is given to the primary sources – websites of Orthodox Local Churches, dioceses and parishes, Church- linked media.

4 Chapter 1 : Defamation of Orthodox Churches and believers.

published a comment on the statement of the The CRFO observed cases of defamation Minister Mezhviets: “The Latvian Orthodox (presenting in public false information) Church is an independent, self-guided by the of the Orthodox Churches in different law on the and European countries. by other regulations of the Latvian State, is not involved in politics, and, by virtue of its independence, is not subject to any internal Defamation of the Orthodox Church and external political influences. Making his () ministry, it educates its faithful flock in the January 11, 2015. In the program “Nekā Orthodox faith, love of God and neighbor, Personīgā” (channel TV3) the head of the loyalty for the Latvian state and the people. Security Police of Latvia Normund Mezhviets The Latvian Orthodox Church prays every argued that the Orthodox Church in Russia is day for the Latvian state and its people”. fused with the government. Sources: “Relations between the leadership of the http://rus.delfi.lv/news/daily/latvia/pb-rossiya-ispolzuet-dlya- Orthodox Church in Russia and the ruling vliyaniya-na-latviyu-pravoslavnuyu-cerkov.d?id=45438712 regime during recent years in the context of the http://www.pravoslavie.lv/index.php?newid=5929 crisis in Ukraine became especially close. The Orthodox Church believes that all Orthodox Christians who support this religion shape Fake information about the one community. It is closely linked with Russia export of Wonderworking of and reproduces the unique role of Russia in the the Orthodox Lavra of Pochayiv world civilization. The Russian and Latvian (UKRAINE) Orthodox Church (LOC), like any religious denomination, definitely has the potential March 23, 2015. Law enforcement agencies and to influence at least on a part of society, “- SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) identifies said the head of the police. Mezhviets also persons who spread fake information about pointed out that in recent years the LOC has possible substitution of the Wonderworking developed activity with children and youth, Pochayiv icon of Holy Lady the Mother of God and is actively working with . “Given with consequent export of the original out of the fact that the the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra as reports is very closely linked with the government, Department of UOC and UNIAN. This has this activity automatically generates loyalty to been stated by chief of Ternopil Regional Russia, to the conception of the Russian world, Militsiya Department Oleksandr Bogomol, at to the unique mission of Russia in the global a press conference. context,” – said Mezhviets. “The information had been spread with the The of the Latvian Orthodox Church aim of destabilization of the situation in the

5 region, and this will definitely be given the Metropolis of Peiraus. legal treatment”, – said Oleksandr Bogomol. Metropolitan of Piraeus Serafim and According to his words, 80 law enforcement metropolitan of Kalavryta Amvrosios reacted officers went to Pochayiv with the purpose against the documentary. Metropolitan of ensuring the rule of law and they have Serafim sent a personal letter to the owner prevented destabilization in the city. of the Channel Sky (Mr. Giannis Alafouzos), One day earlier, MIA Department in Ternopil in order to cancel the broadcasting of this region refuted the information about an documentary. The building of the channel attempt of substitution of the Wonderworking is located in the territory of the spiritual Pochayiv icon of Holy Lady the Mother of jurisdiction of the dioceses of metropolitan God with its copy. Chief of Ternopil Regional Serafim. He asked politely the owner of the Militsiya Department had personally visited channel to respect the religious feelings of Abbot of Pochayiv Lavra metropolitan faithful during the Holy Week. Instead of a Volodymyr. During the meeting Metropolitan reply the channel ignored the petition of the disclaimed the information about alleged metropolitan and provocatively it broadcasted export of the icon from the territory of the the documentary. For this reason metropolitan monastery and assured, that there has never Serafim announced that from now on, the ever been an intention to do this. The officers diocese of Piraeus interrupts any charity of Ternopil Regional Militsiya Department cooperation with this TV channel and he gave had also had an opportunity to get convinced in public a communiqué so as to inform the that the icon is in its own place and is safe and faithful. fully protected. Metropolitan of Kalavryta Amvrosios Sources: denounced this documentary in his personal http://vzcz.church.ua/en/2015/03/24/pochayiv-law- blog. He posed very important questions: enforcement-agencies-and-ssu-identifies-persons-spread-fake- Where are the judges to apply the dispositions information-about-export-of-wonderworking-pochayiv-icon- of the law against racism? Why there was out-of-pochayiv-lavra/ no reaction from the audio-visual council http://religions.unian.ua/religinossociety/1058982-militsiya- which is responsible? He also underlined the ta-sbu-vstanovlyue-osib-yaki-rozpovsyudjuvali-nepravdivu- informatsiyu-pro-viviz-pochajivskoji-ikoni-z-lavri.html important detail that the documentary was broadcasted at 22:00, time when all faithful were prepared to go to the Church. He Defaming documentaries during continued by saying that the channel didn’t the Orthodox Holy week (GREECE) stop the night of the Holy Saturday. The day of Easter they broadcasted two documentaries: April 11, 2015. The Holy Saturday and while at 22:00 “The secret lives of the Apostles” faithful were prepared to go to the Church to and at 23:00: “Jesus, theories of conspiracy”. attend the celebration of the Resurrection; a Metropolitan Amvrosios mentions that both blasphemous documentary was broadcasted the documentaries had a common and awful from the TV Channel Sky (ΣΚΑΙ), in Greece. context: they called Mary Magdalene as The documentary was presented as a scientific the “girlfriend” of our Lord. For this reason work against Christ and was trying to prove he urges people not to watch from now on the “creation of a Messiah”, as reports The Holy any emission, documentary or film from this

6 blasphemous channel. Prokhanov, the icon has raised controversy and led to debates about the appropriateness Sources: of depicting Stalin, who played an www.imp.gr/2012-03-27-20-22-23/916-έθος-του-σκαι-η- instrumental role in the destruction of the κατά-την-αγία-μεγάλη-εβδομάδα-ανασταύρωσις-του-κυρίου. html Church in the 1930s, in an icon. Prokhanov himself described the painting as a symbol of http://www.mkka.blogspot.fr/2015/04/blog-post_14.html the “victory of light over darkness.” Responding to the controversy, the Defamation of the Russian Archdiocese of the Belgorod region slammed Orthodox Church by Appearance of the painting, saying that the image cannot be ‘Stalin Icon’ (RUSSIA) counted as an icon, and verges on blasphemy: “Although the painting is done in the style May 31, 2015. Representatives of the of an icon, for many reasons, it cannot be Belgorod Archdiocese of the Russian considered as such. Firstly, the Russian Orthodox Church have issued a statement Orthodox Church counts none of the denouncing a painting created in the style depicted historical personalities as canonized of an Orthodox icon featuring Joseph Stalin . Secondly, some of those pictured in and Soviet the Second World war generals as the painting were persecutors of the Church.” reports Sputnik. The Archdiocese suggested that the painting In the end of May people gathered at “serves as a manifesto and illustration of the Prokhorovka field, the site of a key the Second idea of a ‘civil religion’, which is opposed World warbattle in Russia’s Belgorod region, to revealed religion and to the Orthodox to hold a ceremony dedicated to the fallen, Church.” featuring the painting, entitled ‘Sovereign Pointing out that monk priest Athenogenes is Holy Mother’, which shows Stalin and his not a member of the Belgorod Archdiocese, marshals on Red Square under the gaze of the Church’s statement also noted that Mary, the mother of Christ. participants in Thursday’s celebrations did not The painting was carried and transported by appreciate the painting’s presence, “expressing vehicles through the site of the battle, passing their confusion and frustration about the churches and monuments; a monk priest pseudo-religious views being imposed on named Athonogenes prayed for the fallen them.” This is not the first time in post-Soviet heroes. Russian history that lone religious figures and believers have attempted to fuse images The Battle of Prokhorovka was one of the of Stalin with those of Orthodox . largest armored clashes in history, and part A scandal blew up in St. Petersburg in 2008 of the larger Battle of Kursk of July-August surround a painting entitled ‘Matron and 1943, which broke the Nazi offensive and Stalin’, featuring the controversial leader’s gave Soviet forces the strategic initiative for alleged wartime meeting with the Blessed the rest of the war. Eldress of Moscow, a canonized 20th century Commissioned by the Izborsk Club, a Orthodox Saint. The ‘icon’s’ presence in a conservative think tank led by Russian literary local church led to the dismissal of the priest figure and political commentator Alexander who had hung it up, despite the priests’

7 protestations that Stalin was a man of faith. request at the session of the Volhynia regional council on August 14, 2015. Source: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150531/1022778000. Fr Vladimir explains that the reason of the html#ixzz3crFDmLJC accusation is the church. The church of Nativity of the Mother of God was built in 1886. It is an architectural monument and, obviously, An Orthodox priest is accused of is another target of initiators of seizures of “a desecration of the national canonical Orthodox churches. symbols” (UKRAINE) Sources:

August 20, 2015. Archpriest Vladimir http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/81540.htm Greben, rector of the Orthodox church http://pro.church.ua/2015/08/17/zvinuvachennya-u-bik- of Nativity of the Mother of God in the svyashhennosluzhitelya-upc-u-seli-verbichne-politichnij- Verbichno village of the Turiysk district of naklep/ the Ukraine’s Volhynia region was accused of desecration of the national symbols. Deputy of the Volhynia regional council The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Alexander Pirozhik (the All-Ukrainian found fraud in the collection of Union “Svoboda”) appealed to the public signatures for the transfer of the prosecutor’s office and the Security service Kyiv Caves Lavra (UKRAINE) of the Ukraine with the request to look into the “provocation”. The priest was alleged to December 14, 2015. The press service of paint over the Ukrainian state emblem on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow the church gate, as reports pravoslavie.ru. ), claims that there is fraud in the collection of signatures for the transfer of Kyiv According to the priest, the life of the Caves Lavra, as the website Interfax-religion Orthodox community had been peaceful reports. until several “activists” appeared. The painting over of the national emblem of the Many users of the Internet, which in the e-mail Ukraine was merely a scheduled repair of the came dispatch to confirm the signing of the fence round the church territory: the fencing said petition, explained that when the user was repainted in blue and during the works, opens the link with the purpose to know its the upper yellow-blue plank on the gate was contents, or to unsubscribe, will automatically covered with a new layer of paint. Will the receive the message that their vote has been law-enforcement officers see a crime in this? counted in support of the petition. It remains to be seen. According to the Pro. The rector of Pochayiv Lavra, Metropolitan church.ua portal, there was no image of the Vladimir, said that this initiative to transfer national emblem on the church gate. Lavra has the purpose to create a sectarian Fr. Vladimir who has served in this village for strife and he warned that it will end with 38 years, says that the new Church-political unpleasant consequences. The transfer of the group of activists is closely linked with the spiritual cradle of Orthodox monasticism in All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” (“Freedom”) Rus’ Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra to the dissenters whose representative voiced the “sensational” means to close it for believers.

8 Everybody today knows very well that none and political expediency”, said Metropolitan of the Orthodox Churches of the world Arseniy. He reminded that this is an effort to does not recognize the so-called “Ukrainian draw the attention of people from the serious Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate”, said things which happen at this moment in Metropolitan Vladimir in a letter. Ukraine. The Rector of Svyatogorsk Lavra, Metropolitan Sources:

Arseniy also made a statement in an open http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=news&div=61299 letter, and in his speech pointed out not only http://news.church.ua/2015/12/11/vidkritij-list-namisnika- the seizures, but also the arson and looting of svyato-uspenskoji-pochajivskoji-lavri-mitropolita- churches of the UOC: “Such things did not pochajivskogo-volodimira/ happen from Gentiles or pagans but from http://svlavra.church.ua/2015/12/11/otkrytoe-pismo- people who call themselves Christians. They do namestnika-svyato-uspenskoj-svyatogorskoj-lavry-mitropolita- it under the guise of pseudo-religious slogans svyatogorskogo-arseniya/ A.Reaction of the Orthodox Local Churches to the defamation against the Orthodox Churches and their believers.

The Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Sources: Church published a comment on http://rus.delfi.lv/news/daily/latvia/pb-rossiya-ispolzuet-dlya- the statement of the head of the vliyaniya-na-latviyu-pravoslavnuyu-cerkov.d?id=45438712 Security Police of Latvia Normund http://www.pravoslavie.lv/index.php?newid=5929 Mezhviets (LATVIA)

January 11, 2015. The Synod of the Latvian Reaction of the Volyn diocese Orthodox Church published a comment on to the defamation by Kyiv the statement of the Minister Mezhviets who Patriarchate (UKRAINE) in the program “Nekā Personīgā” (channel March 13, 2015. The official website of the TV3) accused the Church to work for Russia: Volyn diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox “The Latvian Orthodox Church is an Church (Moscow Patriarchate) – UOC MP – independent, self-guided by the law on the made the official statement about the public Latvian Orthodox Church and by other offences of metropolitan Michael (Kyiv regulations of the Latvian State, is not involved Patriarchate). in politics, and, by virtue of its independence, Several Ukrainian web-based media is not subject to any internal and external communicated that the head of the Volyn political influences. Making his ministry, it diocese of the Kyiv Patriarchate metropolitan educates its faithful flock in the Orthodox Michael made a statement during events faith, love of God and neighbor, loyalty for honoring the memory of the Ukrainian poet the Latvian state and the people. The Latvian Tharas Shevchenko in Lutsk (Ukraine). In his Orthodox Church prays every day for the speech he called the priests of the Moscow Latvian state and its people”. Patriarchate “separatists in cassocks” and the

9 faithful of the Moscow Patriarchate – “slaves”. migrants. So it is immoral to blame our faithful to be “slaves”, “of little worth” and “antichrists”. In particular, the statement of the Volyn Hiding behind the soldiers of the ATO and diocese (Moscow Patriarchate) says: “In trying as if to “assign” all of them, metropolitan such a case he presented false information Michael offends those real fighters who are as if our priests do not perform funerals for our believers, calling them “antichrists”. soldiers of the Antiterrorist operation (ATO) and do not participate in the panikhidas The document concludes: “In the light of the (commemorations of the dead faithful). all mentioned above we call for metropolitan Moreover metropolitan Michael mentioned Michael to make official public apology for his that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is words. In addition, by the fact of his speech the supposed to transfer its dioceses of Crimea to Volyn diocese of Ukrainian Orthodox Church Russia. Metropolitan Michael’s speech is not will appeal to law-enforcement authorities. just a deliberate lie, but his speech contains Source: signs both of administrative offences and crimes. Firstly, it is a slander. Secondly, it’s a http://volyn.church.ua/2015/03/13/volinska-jeparxiya- podavatime-do-sudu-za-naklep-ta-rozpalyuvannya-religijnoji- public insult. Thirdly, it’s an inciting of religious vorozhnechi/ hatred”. The Volyn diocese announced that they will appeal to public prosecutor office and security services of Ukraine to check the Appeal from Metropolitan of facts described above. Pochayiv Volodymyr with regards The Volyn diocese (Moscow Patriarchate) also to rumours about alleged export refutes the information which the head of the from Pochayiv Holy Relics out of Volyn diocese (Kyiv Patriarchate) mentioned Ukraine (UKRAINE) in his speech. In particular, on the 11th of March 22, 2015. Metropolitan of Pochayiv March this year at the official press-conference, Volodymyr, Abbot of the Holy Dormition which took place in the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Pochayiv Lavra, published the appeal with there were given documentary evidence regards to rumors that have been spread about that the dioceses of Crimea stay a part of alleged export from Pochayiv Holy Relics out the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow of Ukraine as reports Department for External Patriarchate). Church Relations of the UOC. The Volyn diocese (Moscow Patriarchate) “Dear brothers and sisters, dear assures that its priests always perform funerals contemporaries and fellow countrymen! of the ATO soldiers upon their relatives’ requests. The priests of the diocese make also Glory be to God, the Lord has vouchsafed prayers for the state authorities and the army us this year to go through more than half of of Ukraine during each religious celebration. . This time of year, for us Orthodox In the statement is affirmed: “Moreover the Christians is very special. According to the Church could not but perform funerals of teaching of the Church, Lent is seen as being its parishioners, there’s a big amount of our both “soul-saving and favorable”. We analyze faithful among ATO soldiers. The Priests the image of our lives, repent and mend and and laity of Ukrainian Orthodox Church remember that life on earth – is merely a always help to the Ukrainian army and forced preparation for the future, for eternity.

10 Unfortunately, after the third Sunday of Great our nation. In fact, we fervently pray for “our Lent, the Veneration of the Cross, the mass God-holding nation” – for Ukraine, and in the media started to make accusations against the prayer “of peace for all the world” clerics pray inhabitants of Pochayiv Lavra. Once again, and for peace in the whole world. old accusations are being repeated: namely, Some may ask, “Why is there no peace in that Holy Relics are being exported, anti- our country?” This may be simply because Ukrainian sentiment within the Lavra and the people do not live their lives in as righteous like. St Apostle Paul warns us: Do not listen and devout way as Christians must do. And to those who cause divisions and offences we may ask in our turn: “What percentage of between you, they that are such serve not God people actually attends church services every (Rom. 16:17). Sunday?” I, as Abbot of Pochayiv Lavra, assure you all that Once again I assure you that Lavra relics are the Holy Relics, to which both we and pilgrims in their place, and implore you not to listen daily pray, are in their place. I invite everyone to to those, who have for the past fifteen to come and worship them, because it is through twenty years been saying that everything has the Holy Relics that the grace of God acts and been taken from the Lavra. To where would enlightens our minds and hearts, if with faith we export? This is our spiritual home that we we accept this grace. Who, in your opinions, dearly love and to which we have dedicated do you think are the visible custodians of our our very lives. The brothers of the Lavra – are monastery relics? The answer is: the Abbot your fellow countrymen who might have been and the brethren of the monastery. We bear a once villagers or may have been close relatives, responsibility – to guard, as the apple of one’s grandchildren, they have hence devoted that eye, that we ourselves were bequeathed, and what is most precious – their youth and life. then to subsequently hand down to those who This can be seen by all who visit the Lavra. come after us, for posterity. St Apostle Peter says: beware lest ye also, A living example of how carefully the being led away with the error of the wicked, Pochayiv relics were preserved and defended, fall from your own stedfastness (2 Pet. 3:17). are testified to by events from the second half Let us live in peace and harmony, for so of the twentieth century where the Pochayiv teaches us our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. monks were convicted several times for not He promised that if we fulfill this and the leaving the Lavra and for not allowing it to other commandments, then he shall take us be converted into a museum and a centre up to our heavenly fatherland after our earthly of atheism. Pilgrims who visit the Pochayiv lives – something that I wish for all of you. Lavra see how this shrine, has in recent years, May God help us with rejuvenated souls and been transformed into a glorious temple built enlightened hearts live so till Holy Week, after on the Pochayiv hill. Does this not testify to which we may celebrate the glorious day of the fact of how the brothers of the monastery Christ’s Resurrection”. care about this Holy Place?! Be on your guard! Unfortunately, there are forces that divide Source: our people and divert it from God. Do not http://vzcz.church.ua/en/2015/03/23/appeal-from-abbot-of-the- holy-dormition-pochayiv-lavra-his-eminence-metropolitan-of- listen to those who spread gossip and lies that pochayiv-volodymyr-with-regards-to-rumors-that-have-been- in Pochaiv, we do not pray for Ukraine and spread-about-alleged-export-of-pochayiv-holy-relics-out-of

11 Reaction of Serbian Orthodox the two world wars by the states that are now Church against the accusations members of the military union… To forget of the Montenegrin Minister of the innocent victims, cross the river of the Foreign Affaires (MONTENEGRO) innocent blood is what, obviously, our NATO propagandists are ready to do and for a utopia May 4, 2015. The statement of Montenegrin that can only lead to new misfortunes and new Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Lukšić on the divisions in Montenegro”. occasion of his discussions with the head of German diplomacy Frank Walter Steimayr – The bishop also mentioned that the relations of confirmed by the report by the Montenegro the Serbian and Russian Orthodox Churches Embassy in Berlin which was disclosed – traditionally were good. “We have always according to which “The Russian pressure been closely linked to Russia and Russians in on Montenegro is developed through many the first place by the common faith, but also structures of the , on the basis of a common origin, tradition, opposition to some NGOs”, caused many writing, historical and cultural ties through reactions in Montenegro, especially after the the centuries. I think that no nation in the of its authenticity as Evening world has such a capacity for understanding News and Orthodoxie.com report. us and share with us our joys and difficulties, to recognize and highly appreciate the values The Bishop of Nikšić-Budimlje Joannice told that we inherited, and for being so open the Belgrade newspaper “Novosti” that such to every aspect of fraternal collaboration conduct and such statements are not those in the highest mutual respect” has even of a statesman. “This declaration degrades said bishop Joannice. In St. Petersburg, he the image of Montenegro and discredits Mr. visited the of Ohrid John, who is Lukšić as head of its diplomacy. It is shameful recovering at the Novodevichy Monastery. for a foreign minister to slander his people “Glory to God, he endured imprisonment, and the Church, which has the highest trust being unjustly imprisoned; he witnessed the of the population of that state. Besides the fact apostolic way in the word and in the deed of that public money is spent on the lobbying the holy Orthodox faith and fought for the and on the intense campaign, the feeling of unity of the Church. I hope that his sacrifice the majority of the population remains firmly will be the foundation of the solution to opposed to Montenegro’s entry into NATO”, the schism in Macedonia, which is greatly said the bishop Joannice whom newspaper damaging, above all, for the people who live “Novosti” interviewed on the return from his in a spiritual isolation. The Russian Orthodox visit of several days in Russia. Church has done everything for us to help “Can we blame the Church to remember and ourselves and Archbishop John. He will commemorate in prayer innocent victims of soon return to Macedonia on his episcopal its attacked people? We can not forget the cathedra, to his people, and to his sacred crime done by the NATO against the innocent ministry”, concluded the bishop Joannice. population, especially Murina [17 bombs were The Archbishop of Peterhof Ambrose, dropped on the village, killing including three President of the Ecclesiastical Academy of St. children], also not the previous crimes and the Petersburg, honored him with the Medal of terrible destruction of our Homeland during St John the Theologian.

12 Sources: The Albanian Orthodox Church’s www.novosti.rs/вести/планета.480.html:545559-Luksic- press release about the defamation kleveta-narod-i-crkvu made by the Albanian Parliament http://orthodoxie.com/leveque-de-budimlje-niksic- (ALBANIA) joannice-montenegro-a-reagi-aux-accusations-du-ministre- montenegrin-des-affaires-etrangeres-a-legard-de-leglise-orthod- October 17, 2015. The Albanian Orthodox oxe-serbe/ Church published a press release reacting to the session of the Albanian parliamentary assembly on 15th October, where it was a Reaction of Metropolitan of Borispol discussion about the destruction of the church and Brovary Antoniy of Ukrainian of St Athanasius in Dhermi (Drymades). The Orthodox Church (Moscow Albanian Orthodox Church was accused Patriarchate) to the defamation that “at least during the last two years she has of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church not given money for the restoration of the (UKRAINE) Albanian monuments”, as the official website October 7, 2015. Metropolitan of Borispol of the Albanian Orthodox Church reports. and Brovary Antoniy of Ukrainian Orthodox According to the statement of the Albanian Church (Moscow Patriarchate) commented Church, it is very sad that the responsible the attack of Ukrainian media against the services informed falsely the Albanian Prime canonical Church, as reports pravlife.org. Minister and for this reason, he created an Metropolitan Antoniy invited the faithful unfair image of the Church by not informing to concentrate on liturgical life as a way of objectively the Albanian people. reaction against the defamation of the Church. The Albanian Orthodox Church reminds that He said that the lies will be soon uncovered even though she has not still taken back her after the triumph of the truth. All the false propriety and she had financial problems, she information, the attacks and the brutality achieved to gather more that 11 million euros from the opponents of the Church proved from donators in order to restore more than 60 their truth face. monasteries and churches, which are cultural He also said that the pressure against the monuments in several regions of Albania. Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church is The press-release also mentions that some unprecedented and that fundamental rights relative documents have already been published and freedoms guaranteed by the Ukrainian in the newspaper «Ngjallja» and in other Constitution are now violated. He encouraged newspapers under the titles: «Lynette Hope, the faithful by mentioning the example of the Resurrection. The Orthodox Autocephalous persecutions during the totalitarian Soviet Church of Albania 1991-2003», «Restaurimi period and the attitude of the priests of that i Kishave Orthodhokse Monumente Kulture time. në Shqipëri. Tiranë 2005.” “Vepra ndërtuese e Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale të Shqipërisë Source: gjatë viteve 1992-2012. Volumi I. Tiranë 2012. http://pravlife.org/content/mitropolit-antoniy-veruyushchih- “Vepra ndërtuese. Përzgjedhje e vëllimit II dhe lyudey-fakticheski-obyavili-vne-zakona III”. Tiranë 2014. “Vepra ndërtuese e Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale të Shqipërisë gjatë

13 viteve 1992-2012. Volumi II, Tiranë 2015». It is presented that each owner is entitled to compensation from the state except for the The Albanian Orthodox Church reminds church. This is illegal treatment to the Church about her donations about monuments which property. The authorities try to lead the public after the restoration by the Church, were opinion to the assumption that the request abandoned by the State and for this reason they for reimbursement of the Metropolitan is were destroyed again. The Church gave 54,830 something dishonest, although this does not USD for the restoration of Saint Athanasius correspond to the truth. in Karavasta and 130,000 USD for the church of Saint Spyridon. Unfortunately, the State The diocese was deprived and confiscated large did not do anything to keep the safety of the assets after the Second Word War and it is not monuments. entitled to demand from the municipality and the local authorities those funds. The assets Lastly, the Albanian Church considers that were acquired by the faithful in a legal way it is very strange that her great contribution and certainly, they would not want the Church to the restoration of the Albanian cultural to manage them carelessly and irresponsibly. monuments is kept in silence even though in Therefore, the Church is obliged to take care of the official information of the Parliamentary the property, which was inherited or received Assembly. For this reason she gives in public in lawful possession. The obligation of the state photos of the restored monuments by the towards the Orthodox Church, as well as the Church. other religious communities, for the return of the confiscated property will not stop, as long Source: as these assets are not returned. http://orthodoxalbania.org/alb/index.php/el/lajme-2/ blog/3603-11 The largest part of these funds paid on this occasion by the municipality of Budva will be invested to the completion of the Cathedral of Press release of the diocese St. John Vladimir in Bar. The consecration is Montenegro and Littoral about the expected next year, on the celebration of one efforts of defamation against it thousand years from the Martyrium of the (MONTENEGRO) Saint. The rest will be spent on a number of charitable and other activities in Montenegro. December 24, 2015. The diocese ofThe money after these activities will be Montenegro and Littoral expressed its returned to the citizens of Montenegro. discomfort concerning the wrong image, which is created from the local authorities The new law about freedom of religion and of Montenegro, and the defamation of the the confiscation of the church property is Church, as the official website of the diocese not a surprise even if the local government reports. tries to confiscate the property that left after the post-war government. The authorities There is defamation of the Church concerning of Budva consider that it is justice to fight the financial reparation that it is owned from against the Church, just because the Church the municipality about the construction of the wants to defend its assets. It is better for those road in the land of Budva. The church of Saint who consist the government of Budva to stop Petka is exempted from this compensation. making defamation to the Church and find

14 solutions to make better the life of citizens. Source: http://www.mitropolija.com/mitropolija-crnogorsko- primorska-sredstva-dobijena-od-opstine-budva-mali-djelic- onoga-sto-je-drzava-konfiskovala-crkvi/

Metropolitan Onoufry urges to end the war of defamation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UKRAINE)

December 29, 2015. On the annual assembly of Kyiv Diocese, Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and all Ukraine has spoken about the issue of defamation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as press service of the UOC MP reports. “Today all of us are witnesses to the open and planned informational war against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, using unchecked and sometimes even slanderous information,” the said at the annual meeting of the Kyiv Diocese. According to him, such actions lead to “growing tensions in society and threaten internal security and stability in the country.” Metropolitan Onoufry urged clerics to denounce actively such false information and stated, “Certainly, your own life should not give any grounds for journalistic or public discussions. You should be as careful as possible to not give any reason for conflicts and pay maximal attention to your flock.” Source: http://news.church.ua/2015/12/28/dopovid-blazhennishogo- mitropolita-kijivskogo-i-vsijeji-ukrajini-onufriya-na-richnix- jeparxialnix-zborax-kijivskoji-jeparxiji/

15 Chapter 2 : Humiliation, hate speech, inhuman treatment and murders of Orthodox Christians.

In 2015 CRFO registered incidents of offensive Source: statements, inhuman treatment, batteries, http://inserbia.info/today/2015/01/djakovica-albanians-stoned- murders which violate the Article 2 (Right bus-with-displaced-serbs-in-front-of-a-church/ to life) and 3 (Prohibition of torture) of the European Convention on human rights. Humiliation of the Orthodox believers (GREECE) Bus with Orthodox pilgrims stoned in Djakovica on Christmas Eve January 8, 2015. The Greek popular website (KOSOVO TERRITORY) LIFO.GR republished the well-known drawing of the French magazine “Charlie January 6, 2015. A bus which with about 40 Hebdo” but adapted it to the Greek audiance. displaced Serbs from Djakovica was stoned The drawing shows the Three Persons of the in front of the church of the Dormition of the Holy in sexual action among them and Most Holy Mother of God in that southwestern it is addressed to the bishop of Thessaloniki Kosovo-Metohija city on Orthodox Christmas Anthimos by saying that “Anthimos has three Eve, by Kosovo Albanians as report tanjug.rs daddies”. As the magazine claims this title is and inserbia.info. related to the gay marriage and to children who have two parents of the same sex. The “On the occasion the driver of the bus suffered article of the magazine is full of hate speech minor injuries,” president of the Association against Orthodox Christians alleging that the of the Displaced from Djakovica, Djokica Orthodoxy offends and humiliates people as Stanojevic, told Tanjug. Stanojevic added that it does not accept the satire against Christ or the incident occurred despite the police escort against the Saints. The article says clearly that the Serbs had. whoever does not accept this type of satire is “This year we again failed to light a Yule log a fascist. Regardless the opinion of the Greek (young and straight oak log burnt on the website our Centre is not willing to reproduce evening of Christmas Eve) in the city from this image on its pages, as it is extremely which we were exiled. At the to the offensive to the Christian faith. Nevertheless, church a group of Albanians was waiting for to see the caricature you can go to the website us and they threw stones at the bus,” he said. of LIFO.GR. Image: Stanojevic said that front glass on the bus was Source: broken and the driver suffered minor cuts. http://www.lifo.gr/team/bitsandpieces/54438 “We returned without bringing Yule log in the church,” he added. Novosibirsk NGOs protested against insults of shrines and believers Stanojevic condemned the incident, recalling (RUSSIA) that this is not the first time and that something similar happened a year ago and earlier. March 1, 2015. The activists of a dozen of

16 non-governmental organizations expressed of Kyiv informs: “In Borispol unidentified their distrust to Novosibirsk personnel and persons kidnaped a priest of the Ukrainian cultural policy of the Marie, of the Governor Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) and of the Government of the Novosibirsk from Kramatorsk and tortured him several hours. The plan “Interception” was launched region as reports the Novosibirsk diocese. in Kyiv and in its area. The priest was found The protestation gathered about 2 thousand in the district Baryshevsky. He refused to people. be hospitalized. The police started criminal proceeding according to the article 146 of the The protesters opposed to the demonstration Criminal code («Kidnapping of a person »). of the famous Tannhäuser in the interpretation of the director Timofei Kuliabin in the Source: Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre with http://www.mvs.gov.ua/mvs/control/kyivska/ru/publish/ the support of public funds. According to the article/147551 participants, this interpretation offends the main symbol of the Christianity – cross and distorts the life of Jesus Christ. The Theater Court drops case against presented the story of the allegedly sinful life Novosibirsk opera theatre director (RUSSIA) of Jesus Christ in his young days, and the main background decoration is made as a huge March 12, 2015. A magistrates’ court in the poster with a lying naked woman between Central District of Novosibirsk acquitted the the spread legs of which the crucifixion is put. opera director, Timofey Kulyabin, and the Several musicians, scholars and public figures director of the Novosibirsk Opera Theater, came also to support the protestation. Boris Mezdrich, in an administrative case over the stage production of Richard Wagner’s The gathered people think that “cultural opera “Tannhauser” at the theater as reports experiments”, which destroy traditional Interfax. spiritual and moral values, are unacceptable. It was reported earlier that local prosecutors Such an experiment as the Novosibirsk Opera had opened the case against the pair on charges and Ballet Theatre presented is a provocation, of “intentional public defilement, damage or which can destroy the unity of society. destruction of religious or liturgical literature, items of religious worship, signs or emblems, Source: symbols and attributes of faith.” http://nskmitropolia.ru/metropole/news/1247/ The contemporary adaptation of the opera, written by the 19th century German composer, is set in modern times. In the region of Kyiv unidentified The inspection was carried out at the request persons tortured an Orthodox priest of Metropolitan Tikhon of Novosibirsk and (UKRAINE) Berdsk, who complained, in particular, about the misuse of church symbols in the opera. March 10, 2015. In the region of Kyiv unidentified persons kidnaped and tortured Kulyabin’s adaptation of “Tannhauser” several hours a priest of the Ukrainian premiered in December 2014. In it, the Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) as minnesinger Tannhauser was portrayed as reports MIA of Ukraine. The press-service of a film director who made The Venus Grotto the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region film. The leading part was performed by Stieg

17 Andersen, a soloist at the Royal Theater in Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Uhryniv was Copenhagen. The musical performance was roughly taken over by the Kyiv Patriarchate’s directed by the Latvian conductor Ainars supporters led by A.Turaco. The community Rubikis. has repeatedly appealed to the court seeking justice, however, it has not found reaction up Source: till now. http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=11897 Source: http://volyn.church.ua/2015/03/23/v-ugrinovi-prixilniki-upc- Representatives of Kyiv kp-pobili-svyashhenika-upc/ Patriarchate attacked a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate in Volyn Priest and Nun of Ukrainian region (UKRAINE) Orthodox Church of the Moscow March 18, 2015. In the village Ugriniv (Volyn Patriarchate murdered in Kyiv region, Ukraine) the Kyiv Patriarchate’s (UKRAINE) supporters attacked father Rostislav Sapozhnyk, priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox July 29, 2015. Kyiv priest Roman Nikolayev Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP) (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow and rector of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Patriarchate), died of gunshot wounds on church as reports Volyn diocese. Wednesday morning at the age of 40. The new possessors of the church – the Kyiv “The venue of the funeral service and the Patriarchate – which has taken it over in burial place of the newly departed priest autumn 2014, started its reparation ignoring Roman Nikolayev will be reported later,” the its status as architectural monument and Ukrainian Orthodox Church reported on its without the permission of the Department of website. architecture. Archpriest Rostislav Sapozhnyk The priest, who was prior of the Church of sent a request about ongoing works to the Martyr Tatiana in Kyiv, was attacked in a appropriate authorities. When representatives residential building on Heroyev Stalinhrada of the Department of architecture arrived Avenue in Kyiv in the early hours of July 26. at Uhryniv, they met the main initiator of The attackers fired two shots to his head. The takeover of the church – local deputy and attackers left after the attack and the priest was businessman A. Turako. found on the staircase by his neighbor, who However, when father Rostislav, who is called the police. The attackers did not rob the resident of the village Uhryniv, wanted to priest. Father Roman was in a coma before he enter the church to see it from the inside, he died. was categorically and rudely denied to do The investigative branch of the district this. The supporters of the Kyiv Patriarchate, department has entered the information into using physical force, pushed the priest out of the unified register of pretrial investigations the church. Then father Rostislav from behind based on Part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal was hit on the head with a stick, so that he got a Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder). A hematoma in the head. A.Turaco participated pretrial investigation is underway. directly in attacking father Rostislav. The police The day before (July 28) sister Alevtina, a was called and its representatives recorded the nun of Florovsky Convent in Kyiv, was found incident. murdered in her apartment as the Ukrainian Earlier in September 2014 the church of the Orthodox Church reported on its website.

18 Later her nephew found the nun’s body with posted the confirmation in Facebook. her hands tied and traces of torture. The late “Ukrainian military used brute force and nun was 62 years old. arrested the nun Varvara (secular name This is the second murder of a member of the Tatiana Shirolapova), archimandrite Nikon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Alexander Dublyazhenko) and priest of the Moscow Patriarchate in a few days. Ledonid Mironenko,” father Zakharia said. The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church “The only thing mother Varvara managed to Patriarch Kirill has expressed condolences in tell us by telephone was that the Ukrainian relation to the deaths of prior of the Church military had arrested them.” reports TASS. of St. Tatiana in Kyiv Father Roman Nikolayev Father Zakharia also said the clerics had and a nun of Florovsky Convent in Kyiv, come to the buffer zone on a humanitarian Sister Alevtina. The text was circulated by the mission. patriarch’s press service. “Mother Varvara delivers humanitarian aid “It is especially alarming that these outrageous to parishes located along the frontline at the murders of a priest and a nun were committed risk of her life and it was the distribution at the very time when seizures of churches of of aid that she was doing at the moment of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church continue, arrest,” he said. “She had more than once when false charges and threats are voiced in received threats and warnings she should the public space concerning its clergy, monks stop bringing aid to the frontline,” Zakharia and laity,” says the patriarch’s message of said. condolences to Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Onufry. Darya Morozova, the ombudsperson for human rights of the self-proclaimed Donetsk The patriarch voiced hope that law enforcers People’s Republic confirmed detention of would conduct “an impartial and thorough the clerics earlier on Wednesday. She said investigation of the offenses, the offenders the Ukrainian military had accused them will be found and held duly liable.” The of assistance to a terrorist organization. document says the Patriarch prays for the Morozova said however she had information souls of the departed, for the strengthening only on the two priests. “As for the nun, I don’t of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and also for saving from evil those who have chosen to have the data on it.” She admitted it would be dedicate their lives to God. rather difficult to attain the priests’ release. “This isn’t the first case since the beginning of Source: the year the clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox http://news.church.ua/2015/07/29/pislya-vazhkix-vognepalnix- Church reporting to Moscow Patriarchate poranen-vidijshov-u-vichnist-klirik-mista-kijeva-svyashhenik- find themselves in detention,” Morozova said. roman-nikolajev/ “Hieromonk Feofan was detained earlier but we managed to release him from captivity under a one-for-sixteen formula.” Ukrainian Orthodox Church “A second arrest of clerics during the year confirms 3 clerics arrested in cannot be called in any other way than an Donbass (UKRAINE) outrage on faith,” she said. “The pro-Kyiv forces don’t care for religion at all. To say nothing of August 12, 2015. President of Mercy Without a crude encroachment on human rights.” Borders fund, archpriest Zakharia Kerstyuk has confirmed information on detention in Morozova said all the data on the arrested Donbass of clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox clerics had been sent to representatives at Church reporting to Moscow Patriarchate. He the talks on settling the conflict in eastern

19 Ukraine. “Now we’ll wait and see how this was victim of battery as the Information and situation will develop.” Analytics website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports. The Archpriest was injured Source: and for this reason he sued the attackers to the http://tass.ru/en/world/814112 police. The police decided to close the case on 1st October 2015. The document of the 1st October falsely Orthodox priest beaten (ALBANIA) presents that the mentioned priest wanted September 10, 2015. Fr Christos Pappas, a to leave the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox 77 year-old Orthodox priest in South Albania Church (Moscow Patriarchate) and to enter in the parish of Saint Haralambos (Sarande the Kyiv Patriarchate’s jurisdiction. Moreover, district) was the victim of an assault and there appeared a new document in the case battery. which refers to new circumstances which are in contradiction to the first document written Two men impersonating police officersby the police just after the crime. The initial wearing balaclavas intercepted the priest document presents that the attacker was as he was about to enter his residence. They holding a stick and was shaking it over his didn’t steal anything from the house and they head in a threatening way, while the recent left the residence after neighbours heard a document describes that the attacker was only commotion. Fr. Pappas was transferred to the shaking his hand on the level of chest. local hospital. Source: The incident is linked with the recent events http://pro.church.ua/2015/10/06/spravu-pro-pobittya-svyashhenika- in Himare, where Albanian state authorities v-ugrinovi-znovu-zakrili-novi-svidki-novi-versiji/#more-3336 demolished the Orthodox church of Saint Athanasios because the authorities claimed that it was illegally built. The victim priest Murder of an Orthodox sacristan is the father of the new president of political party Omonia, Leonidas Pappas who reacted (UKRAINE) strongly against the actions of the Albanian October 7, 2015. The sacristan of the authorities to destroy the Church. church of the Three Hierarchs in Lugansk Sources: region (Ukraine) Leonid Zheleznyakov was murdered from a Ukrainian military, as http://en.protothema.gr/orthodox-priest-in-southern-albania- assaulted-by-suspects-dressed-as-cops/ the information service of UOC Moscow Partiarcate reports. http://www.romfea.gr/epikairotita-xronika/2961-iereas-epese- thuma-agriou-julodarmou The autopsy proved that the body was shot in several parts: head, jaw, neck, hip and arm. http://www.balkanweb.com/site/prifti-kristo-papa-agresoret-u- prezantuan-si-punonjes-te-antidroges-policia-shoqeron-22-persona/ There were found signs of struggle and theft. The murderer did not try to extinguish the traces of his crime, which happened outside at the yard of the church. The battery case against an Orthodox priest is closed again The rector of the parish, who is also nephew (UKRAINE) of the sacristan, Archpriest Alexander Strebakov said that the fact that the murderer October 6, 2015. On 18th March 2015, the shot the victim in many parts shows pride and Archpriest Rostislav Sapozhnyka, prior to the arrogance. Another person who served in Church of Holy Cross in Uhryniv (Ukraine), the army with the murderer underlined that

20 the only motive of his crime was the hate for Buturlinovsky district of Voronezh region Moscow Patriarchate as he was an adherent (Russia) was killed, as the website pravmir of Kyiv Patriarchate. reports. Source: A young man who came in the church in http://news.church.ua/2015/10/27/luganska-oblast-skojeno-zuxvale- order to discuss about its renovation killed the vbivstvo-oxoroncya-xramu-sjeverodoneckoji-jeparxiji-upc/ priest. The motivation of the crime was the robbery as the murder (25-year-old citizen of An Orthodox priest stubbed Uzbekistan) admitted. He stubbed the priest (UKRAINE) on the chest with a knife. October 27, 2015. In Darnytskyi (Kyiv, He was arrested by the police and he admitted Ukraine), Archpriest Dmitriy Plotnikov his action. The dead priest was 52 years old. was the victim of a 40 year-old woman Source: who attacked against him by knife, as the information service of the UOC (Moscow http://www.pravmir.ru/nastoyatel-selskogo-hrama-ubit-v- Patriarchate) reports. voronezhskoy-oblasti/ In the morning, she went to the chapel. After standing for a while, she suddenly started throwing stones. A priest made remarks to Persecution of an Orthodox priest her about her actions and as a reaction, she (UKRAINE) took a knife and stubbed him on his hand. December 15, 2015. In the village Ptichnoye Taking advantage of the panic audience, she of Rivne region (Ukraine) the supporters of the disappeared from the chapel. The police of Kyiv Patriarchate continue to exert pressure Darnytsa arrived to make investigations and on the superior of the local Church of the an ambulance. The doctors provided the Dormition of the priest Nicholas Sisonyukn as necessary medical care to the priest and today reports Union or the Orthodox Journalists. Father Dimitri is in satisfactory condition. The police identified the 40 year-old woman In an interview the priest said that, the and according to the Criminal Code of persecutors damaged many times his car Ukraine, she faces up one year of corrective by using nails and they threw in the yard of labour. his house funeral wreaths. He added that the persecutors often attack by night: on the The Ukrainian Orthodox Church expresses 11th of December security cameras recorded its deep concern about the increase of woman who dispensed feathers of hens all attacks against the priest who are under its over his place; on the 14th of December, two jurisdiction. young men left graffity on the wall of his house Source: and left when he saw them. http://news.church.ua/2015/10/27/kijiv-zdijsneno-napad-na- Source: svyashhenika-ukrajinskoji-pravoslavnoji-cerkvi/ http://uoj.org.ua/novosti/sobytiya/v-sele-ptichya-organizovali- zhestokuyu-travlyu-svyashchennika-upts

An Orthodox priest was killed Criminal case against a 19-year- (RUSSIA) old student for inciting hatred for religious reasons (RUSSIA) October 30, 2015. The Hieromonk Roman Perov, rector of the Church of Protection December 22, 2015. In Omsk (Russia), it of Mother of God in the village Puzevo of started a criminal case against a 19-year-old

21 student of the Omsk Transport University, as Athens, as the website newsit reports. They the website of the Investigation Department were dressed like priests and they were kissing of Omsk Region reports. The student is each other in a provocative way outside of the suspected of committing a crime according church. As a result, some faithful reacted but to the Penal Code (Art. 282, actions aimed they did not take a persuasive answer for this at inciting hatred, humiliation of a person or offensive action. group of persons on the grounds of religion, being member of a particular social group At the same moment during the session of the and use information and telecommunication National Assembly for the voting of the new networks, including the “Internet”). law about civil partnership for the same-sex persons the deputy of government (Syriza), According to the investigators, in 2015 the Mr Koukoutsis said, “except for a very small suspected person posted on his account in the minority, all the rest of the bishops of the social network extremist statements aimed Church are wearing pink skirts under their at the humiliation of a group of individuals cloaks”. This provoked the reaction of the who selected on religious grounds the option President of the National Assembly who asked “Orthodox”. not to write this phrase in the Acts of the session. The investigations try to examine all the circumstances of the crime. The investigation Sources: is going on. http://www.newsit.gr/ellada/Symfono-Symviosis-Mikroentasi- ekso-apo-tin-Mitropoli/480908 Source: http://www.newsit.gr/politikh/Symfono-Symviosis-Live- http://omsk.sledcom.ru/news/item/999521/ PSifizetai-simera-sti-Voyli/480897 Humiliation of the priesthood from homosexual persons and a deputy of the Greek National Assembly (GREECE)

December 22, 2015. A group of organised homosexual persons decided to have a reunion outside of the Cathedral of the diocese of

A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the humiliation of their members, hate speeches and violence. Orthodox Metropolitan says themselves publicly because of the fear that that Serbs in Croatia are afraid their rights to have normal life would be to declare themselves Orthodox endangered, Serbian Metropolitan Porfirije of publicly (CROATIA) Zagreb-Ljubljana said, as reports the official February 25, 2015. In Zagreb 30,000 Serbs website of the Serbian Orthodox Church. live, but many of them are afraid to declare The Metropolitan also noted that the arrival

22 of Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate) in Zagreb, on the feast-day of Meeting of the issued the Declaration with regard to Lord (February 15, 2015), the state holiday the provocation that took place near the of Serbia, was a great encouragement for the Transfiguration Cathedral in Sumy on the 1st Serbs in Croatia. of March 2015, on Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Metropolitan Porfirije added as examples that only about two or three hundred Serbs attend “As the events that took place on 1 March church services on Sundays. “The reason is 2015 near the entrance to the Transfiguration fear. It is particularly precarious in situations Cathedral of Sumy, got high publicity, the when there is a possibility that a camera of Sumy diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox some media is present, and consequently even Church considers it necessary to make the a less number of them go to church, because following official statement. they fear to be seen. They fear that they could On 1 March 2015, Sunday of the Triumph have problems”, he said. He also added that of Orthodoxy, a group of approximately these problems were different, but the people 20 people, wearing masks and camouflage fear, in one word, that their rights to have clothing with the emblems of “the right sector” normal life would be compromised… organized a provocation near the entrance He added that our people in Croatia rejoiced to the Transfiguration Cathedral of Sumy. at the arrival of the Serbian Prime Minister During the liturgy which was attended by the in the capital city of Croatia, “because it is clergy of the Cathedral Centre, an activist of primarily an expression of Serbia’s concern the election union “Svoboda” (“Freedom”) for the position and problems of the Serbian Volodymyr Oleksiyovych Ganzin, holding a people in Croatia”. “There are numerous open poster with an offensive content, first started issues between Croatia and Serbia regarding a verbal fight and then attacked a security the status of the Serbian people in Croatia, guard of the Cathedral, causing him bodily which cannot be resolved without a dialogue. injuries. The security guard requested medical The lack of communication is of no use for assistance. The attackers organised a video anyone, and the problems deepen. Hence, this and audio recording inside the Cathedral and visit of Prime Minister Vucic, it seems to me, in the street. represents a shift in relations between the two A group of young men wearing masks gathered countries”, Metropolitan Porfirije concluded. near the Cathedral and blocked the entrance Source: threatening to the bishop, clergy and to the faithful. As the bishop was supposed to exit http://www.spc.rs/eng/metropolitan_porfirije_serbs_croatia_ are_afraid the Cathedral after the end of the liturgy, the members of the parish informed that those aggressive persons could pose a real danger. Declaration of the Sumy diocese But the bishop addressed to the faithful saying regarding the provocation that took he would not change his route and would exit place near the Orthodox Cathedral through the central entrance, while blessing in Sumy (UKRAINE) those who came to pray, as it was common after the Sunday service. In the meantime the March 3, 2015. The Sumy diocese (Ukrainian youngsters in masks were screaming various

23 offensive words and threatened with violence. view and from the point of view of a common The crowd had pushed the attackers aside – sense. This only confirms the cynicism of the only this made it possible for the bishop to initiators of this provocation. reach his residence. After that the attackers The non-activity of the State authorities and had left shouting out patriotic slogans. their inability to stop the unlawful actions that Later on, some of the attackers returned to the were taking place in front of them in the very Cathedral demanding an urgent meeting with center of Sumy shows that the citizens of Sumy the bishop. They initiated a word-fight with are absolutely unprotected from any possible the dean of the Cathedral, archpriest Mykolay criminal actions. One of the Sumy mayor’s Smakouz and demanded to open the doors of deputies, who accidently witnessed the events, the Diocese Administration Office. After they did not make any attempts to intervene and had been informed about the working hours to prevent the rowdiness. Together with the of the Diocese Administration those persons police officers, who finally had arrived at left. They were invited to come on Tuesday, the Cathedral, he only observed the events during the working hours, however nobody indifferently. had come. Disengagement and non-activity of the Analysing events that had happened, it can be State representatives created the feeling of stated that Volodymyr Oleksiyovych Ganzin impunity of the offenders, who – through brought a poster of the colors of the Ukrainian their provocative actions – are trying to national flag with the text of an offensive establish the atmosphere of panic and show content in order to initiate a conflict and to their superiority over the rest of the Sumy’s provoke someone of the Orthodox members inhabitants. Not by an accident one of the local of the parish to take that poster in hands. newspapers named one of the main motives of Those actions were supposed to become an the provocation “to show who the master of occasion for accusations of disrespect towards the house is”. the national flag. As the initial plan didn’t Any accusations towards Sumy Diocese of bias work, Mr Ganzin started a word fight with a and prejudice are groundless. security guard and caused him bodily injuries. This fact is confirmed by a police protocol and We call the citizens of Sumy to maintain by the results of the medical expertise of the public peace in the region. But also to be victim. aware and sensible: in the event of a real threat to the Orthodox Christians to stand strong for The provocateurs that acted as hooligans near the protection of churches and shrines. God the central entrance to the Transfiguration of peace and brotherly-love may bless each Cathedral of Sumy on a very special day for Christian soul!” the Orthodox Christians – Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy – acted cynically Source: and aggressively, trying to hurt the religious http://www.portal-pravoslavie.sumy.ua/zayava-sumsko- feelings of the Orthodox faithful. parx-ukransko-pravoslavno-czerkvi-z-privodu-provokacz- shho-stalasya-blya-spaso-preobrazhenskogo-kafedralnogo- The provocateurs, in order to draw more soboru-m.-sumi-1-bereznya-2015-roku-v-nedlyu-torzhestva- pravoslavya.html attention to their actions, involved minors, which is unacceptable from the ethical point of

24 Protest of the Holy Synod of MP), as a result of which fifteen people were Orthodox Church (GREECE) injured, and two of them taken to the hospital.

April 7, 2015. In Greece there were published The archpastor has also stressed the photos with shoes which have the symbol of the inadmissibility of using coercive methods in Holy Cross on the under surface of them. The the settlement of religious conflicts as well Holy Synod of the reacted as participation of extremist forces in these to this fact with a Communiqué, according to conflicts. its official website ecclesia.gr. Metropolitan Onufry has directed The Holy Synod “considers that such a using Poroshenko’s attention to the regular violation of the Holy Cross constitutes desecration, of the religious legislation in the Ternopil abuse, irreverence and insult against the region, which led to the religious animosity in Redemptive Symbol of our Orthodox faith. the area. For this reason the Holy Synod expresses its His Beatitude has expressed his wish that the discontentment, opposition and repugnance intercession of the Mother of God will save against this profane action, which took place the Ukrainian people from wars and discord during the Holy Week and demands the recall and restore the peace and prosperity in the of this specific type of shoes”. Ukrainian land. Sources: Source: http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/holysynod/holysynod. asp?id=1994&what_sub=d_typou http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/82428.htm http://www.pravmir.ru/elladskaya-pravoslavnaya-tserkov- osudila-obuv-s-krestom-na-podoshve/ Moscow Patriarchate’s statement about hostility of Greek-Catholics Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv (UKRAINE) and All Ukraine has appealed to October 23, 2015. The Department for the Ukrainian President Petro External Church Relations (DECR) of the Poroshenko to protect believers Moscow Patriarchate made the statement from violence (UKRAINE) as reaction to the Major Archbishop of the September 22, 2015. Metropolitan Onufry of Ukrainian Greek Sviatoslav Kyiv and All Ukraine (Moscow Patriarchate) Shevchuk’s interview with Austria’s Kathpress has appealed to the Ukrainian President agency, as DECR Communication Service Petro Poroshenko in connection with the reports. violent assault on Orthodox believers in the The Department for External Church Relations Katerinovka village of the Kremenets district of the Moscow Patriarchate expresses its strong of the Ternopil region, as reports pravoslavie. protest against the claims made by the Major ru. Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic The hierarch has expressed his serious concern Church, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, in an interview over use of force against the faithful members with Austria’s Kathpress agency. Like many of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC other speeches of the hierarch, this interview

25 is imbued with aggression against the at present as it was in the past. Orthodox Church and contains attacks on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, It is not the first time that Archbishop as well as politicized opinions on the tragedy Sviatoslav tries to set the two brotherly unfolding in Ukraine today and insults to the nations, the Ukrainians and the Russians, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. against each other. Probably, the ideas of narrow nationalism are dearer to him than the In a time when the Orthodox and the spirit of which manifests itself in Catholics at various levels exert special efforts the words of St Paul who said that in Christ in order to get the dialogue back on track, the “there is neither Greek nor Jew” (Col 3:11). statements by the head of the UGCC bring deplorable dissonance into the process of Following the schismatics of different hues, this joint search, aimed at deepening mutual the head of the UGCC makes outspoken understanding and overcoming disagreements attacks on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and bewilderments, accumulated over the past claiming that “the pain and suffering of the centuries. The unia, in the person of its first Ukrainian people against the war” are not “the hierarch in Ukraine, manifests itself again as matter of the UOC”. He continues, “Therefore, a sad survival of the time, when the Catholics the common people ask the question: if the and the Orthodox regarded each other not as Church is completely abstracted from its allies, but as rivals. people and acting from a position of outside judge or mediator, then who is it? How can As far back as 1990, members of the Joint a church that claims to be the only national Commission for the Orthodox-Catholic Orthodox church of the people, separate of Dialogue made the following statement the matter of its life or death?” concerning the Uniatism, “We reject it as a method for the search for unity because These lies are directed against the Church, to it is opposed to the common tradition of which the majority of Orthodox Christians our Churches.” In 1993, the Commission in Ukraine belong and which is the only underscored that the Uniatism “cannot be canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine, as accepted either as a method to follow or as a was repeatedly stated, in the past and in recent model for the unity which is being sought by times, by the primates of the Local Orthodox our Churches.” It was noted that the attempts Churches. made in the past to restore the unity between The Ukrainian Orthodox Church fully shares the Eastern and the Western Churches by the pain and sufferings of her flock both in the means of the unia had only aggravated the East and the West of the country. For her, the division (“Uniatism, Method of Union of flock, entrusted to her by God, is living human the Past, and the Present Search for Full beings whom she leads to Christ, regardless of Communion,” Balamand, 1993, paragraphs their political views and preferences. She is 2,12,9). aware of her duty – to help the afflicted, those Regrettably, the common condemnation of who have lost their homes and livelihood, the unia by the Orthodox and the Catholics those who have lost their relatives and friends within the framework of the official theological or have been severely injured, no matter on dialogue has had no effect on the rhetoric of what side of the political conflict they have the Uniate leaders, which is as hostile to the found themselves. The primary concern of the

26 Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the current Rus’ regardless of borders and ethnic, racial situation is to voice her call to peace and and other differences. Among those who nationwide dialogue and to pray fervently came out of Vladimir’s font are not only the for the suffering homeland, as His Beatitude Slavic peoples, but many other nations as well, Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and All Ukraine among which the Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly demonstrated by his words and performs her ministry. deeds. The allegation made by the head of the UGCC The head of the UGCC refuses to regard the that the Russian Orthodox Church “is imbued Ukrainian Orthodox Church as patriotic with “pain and joy” of the Russian people” simply because she remains faithful to His only, is as deceitful and insulting as his attacks Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. on the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Moreover, the Uniate leader goes as far as to The Moscow Patriarchate is a multiethnic and make direct attacks on the Patriarch. “Whatever supranational Church that unites Orthodox Moscow Patriarch tried to pretend to be “Rus” Christians living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and not just “Russian,” in contemporary reality Moldova, the five states of Central Asia, the it is evidently not possible,” he says. “The three Baltic countries, Japan, and China, say moral right to represent “pain and joy” to the nothing of her multimillion and multilingual people of Ukraine have been questioned even diaspora on all continents. by the believers of the UOC, considering their Patriarch “Patriarch of the aggressor”.” Cutting historical ecclesiastical ties between Moscow and ancient Kyiv, “whence the land These words of the Uniate first hierarch not of the Rus’ came into being,” became the only run counter to the inter-Church etiquette, major slogan of the church schism formed established in the past decades, which does not in Ukraine in the early 1990s. The arguments permit such outrageous assaults in the media used by the head of the Ukrainian Greek sphere; they are deeply insulting to millions of Catholic Church are in tune with those of the Orthodox Christians of various nationalities, schismatics. While speaking of the necessity united by the Russian Orthodox Church, who to reformat the existing canonical order in the commemorate their Patriarch during every Orthodox world, the leaders of the unia and the Divine Service. schism place the “establishment” of a national Orthodox Church in Ukraine (as if there is no It is the faithfulness to the Patriarch of the such Church in Ukraine) in direct connection Ukrainian Orthodox flock, those “common with the separation of the Ukrainian Orthodox people” and “the believers of the UOC,” on Church from the Moscow Patriarchate. behalf of which Archbishop Sviatoslav for some reasons considers himself entitled to At the same time, Archbishop Sviatoslav speak, that is the most convincing argument claims that “the analogy between the unity against the slander coming out of his mouth. of the UGCC with the Universal Hierarch This faithfulness is based not on a current and unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church state of things in the political sphere, but with Patriarch of Moscow is, put it mildly, the on the awareness that the spiritual kinship failure.” Indeed, it is difficult to draw a direct springing from the baptismal font of Prince analogy, since the dependence of the UGCC Vladimir is stronger than any moods of time on the Roman See is more immediate than and unites Orthodox Christians of the Holy the dependence of the UOC on the Moscow

27 Patriarchate, which is merely of the spiritual allegedly, not corresponding to the facts. We nature. clearly see double standard in the words of Archbishop Sviatoslav. From his point of view, The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is a self- the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, linked with governing Church, independent of the the Moscow Patriarchate only by spiritual and Moscow Patriarchate in administrative prayerful bonds, should secede from it in order and financial matters. The Holy Synod of to get the right to call herself a national and this Church elects bishops without seeking patriotic Church, while there is no need for Moscow’s approval. The only way the spiritual ties of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the UGCC, which is in direct administrative the Moscow Patriarchate manifest themselves dependence on the Pope, to secede from him. is that the Patriarch is commemorated at The supreme authority of the Moscow the UOC parishes and approves, according Patriarchate has always believed it important to the UOC Statute, the election of a new that a full-fledged dialogue between the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine. Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the UGCC The Roman Pontiff has the similar right should continue, since the dialogue is in respect to a newly elected head of the necessary, first of all, for restoring peace in Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. However, the longsuffering Ukrainian land. However, the Pope wields much more considerable the success in this matter can only be achieved power over the UGCC than the Patriarch provided that the rhetoric, aimed at stirring up of Moscow and All Russia wields over the interethnic and interconfessional hatred, is not Ukrainian Orthodox Church. According to used any more. The Department for External the Dogmatic Constitution “Pastor Aeternus” Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate of the First Vatican Council, whose decisions expresses its sincere hope that the Primate of are obligatory for all Catholics, “the Roman the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church will not Church possesses a pre-eminence of ordinary resort to such rhetoric in the future. power over every other Church, and that this jurisdictional power of the Roman Pontiff is We are praying to the All-Merciful Lord that both episcopal and immediate. Both clergy He may grant the long-awaited peace and and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both accord to the longsuffering Ukrainian land in singly and collectively, are bound to submit the nearest future. to this power by the duty of hierarchical Source: subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, https://mospat.ru/en/2015/10/23/news123987/ but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world.” The Serbian Orthodox Church protests for blasphemous action in Following the logic of Archbishop Sviatoslav’s the Serbian Parliament (SERBIA) statements, in order to become truly national and patriotic, the UGCC would have had, December 2, 2015. The Holy Synod of the first of all, to secede from the Pope, whose Serbian Orthodox Church protested strongly position on the situation in Ukraine the to the Serbian National Assembly, as the head of the UGCC publicly criticized as, website b92 reports.

28 In the Serbian Parliament, it was used toilette citizens of Ukraine! paper, which had the Cross printed on it. The Church considered this to be deeply offensive On December 18, on the eve of the holiday, not only to all Orthodox– Christians but to the UOC believers were not allowed into the Catholic and Protestant alike just like “to all church, which representatives of the Kyiv people of faith, and of a sound mind“. The Holy Patriarchate and the Right Sector activists Synod asked from the authorities to “find and had been illegally holding for some time. The publicly announce the name of the person parishioners of the UOC have on hand all the who committed this act of blasphemy“, as necessary documents and court judgments, the official website of the Serbian Orthodox proving the ownership of the religious Church reports. building. However, the local authorities and representatives of the UOC-KP completely An anonymous MP made a photograph ignore the rights of believers of the UOC! showing the controversial toilet paper, as the website novosti.rs reports. While attempting to get into the church, the UOC parishioners were beaten and used tear Sources: gas against. However, they managed to enter http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society. their sanctuary. Having served morning and php?yyyy=2015&mm=12&dd=02&nav_id=96239 evening liturgy, part of the community locked http://www.spc.rs/eng/node/37562 themselves in the church in protest against the arbitrariness of the local authorities and the UOC-KP. The letter of the metropolitan of Rivne and Ostrozhsk Bartholomew Now the police and the aggressive-minded to the Ukrainian President to stop representatives of the Kyiv Patriarchate keep the violence against Orthodox these people under siege as some criminals. believers (UKRAINE) They are not allowed to pass warm clothes, water and food. The church building is cut December 20, 2015 the metropolitan of Rivne off from electricity. The temperature indoors and Ostrozhsk Bartholomew (Ukrainian is +4. The parishioners‘ physical state has Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate) aggravated. An ambulance doctor was sent the letter to the President of Ukraine allowed in, but he did a hasty check-up and Piotr Porashenko to stop the violence against left insufficient amount of medication. Orthodox believers in the village of Ptycha (Dubno district, Rivne region). Here you can Tell me, who is a real offender in this situation? find the full text in English. How can one do such things during one of the most important and merciful holidays for “Dear Mr. President! In Rivne region, on St. the Ukrainians? Nicholas, terrible events occurred. In the village of Ptycha, Dubno district, real pogroms At night the UOC faithful had the windows and violence began on the ground of religious of their houses smashed. “Molotov cocktails” enmity and discord. Local authorities, the were thrown onto the doorsteps. Some police, radicals of the Right Sector, incited by families have minors. One child was injured. the Kyiv Patriarchate representatives, raised Those who arrive in Ptycha to support persecution and physical violence against the UOC parishioners are subjected to

29 harassment as well: their car tyres are made Human rights defender from flat, car windows are fired at with air guns. Ukraine calls to stop injustice and The UOC community of Ptycha village feels violence against Orthodox believers scared and shocked. (UKRAINE)

Today the Right Sector fighters and the most December 21, 2015 Oleg Denisov, Human aggressive supporters of UOC-KP are getting rights activist, legal Adviser of the Kyiv ready for a night assault and the seizure of the Metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church religious building. The experience of previous (Moscow Patriarchate), made the open conflicts suggests that they act violently, statement addressed to the Council of Europe, outside the law and Christian morality. Council of Europe High Commissioner for Human Rights, OSCE High Commissioner on Mr. President, in your eyes, ordinary National Minorities, UN High Commissioner Ukrainians, as patriotically-minded as you, for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur of are deprived of basic human rights. They are the Human Right Commission on Freedom treated as second-class beings. Their children of Religion and Belief, International human are being harassed, their property – damaged. rights organizations and to Mass media, as Such an ugly phenomenon as pogroms, which reports orthodoxrights.org. Here you can find seems to have been defeated forever more the full text in English. than 70 years ago, is coming back to Ukraine. “On behalf of the human rights community and Our state is pushed into the flame of religious the parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox hatred. There are no winners in such Church we ask all international organizations, conflicts, only losers. Public wounds caused state authorities of Ukraine, representatives of by such conflicts cannot be healed for many the media and the public to pay attention to generations to come. the difficult situation in Ptycha village, Rivne Mr. President! I ask you to intervene region. immediately and protect your fellow citizens! In this village, the community of the For the sake of Ukraine, for the sake of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church has the right of common future, for the sake of life and health ownership on the church building. Since the of ordinary believers. May the Almighty end of 2014 the Kyiv Patriarchate followers, be kind to us all! May He empower us to interested in taking the religious building understand and forgive each other! May He away from the community of the Ukrainian save the Ukrainians, who face off against Orthodox Church, have attempted not once one another! Some – from evil and violence. to seize the church. Already three times Others – from their own blind hatred and the the conflict has been heard and decided in sin of theomachy!” courts of Ukraine, and in all the cases, it was Source: confirmed that only the owner of the church is a religious organization – the community http://rivne.church.ua/2015/12/20/zvernennya-do-prezidenta- of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. However, ukrajini/ despite this the attempts to seize the building have continued up to now. An unprecedented fact was the pressure

30 of the head of the Dubno District State Ukraine are involved in the state of inter-faith Administration Yuri Parfenyuk and the confrontation, changes in methods of making deputy of the Regional State Administration conflict by the parties, namely the transition to Alexander Savchuk on the Ukrainian an open use of force and special weapons such Orthodox Church congregation in order to as “Molotov cocktails”, as well as cold arms and obtain from them the decision to transfer the firearms, may lead to a radical change in the church to the Kyiv Patriarchate denomination situation, not only in a particular region but for alternate use. Despite the refusal of the throughout the country and affect the security parishioners to allow in the building belonging of the European Union. to them by the ownership right the third This situation requires an immediate response party, by the decision of the Ptycha village from the law enforcement bodies and the council was established alternate use of the international community. In the present case, church premises by the Ukrainian Orthodox on behalf of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Church community and the Kyiv Patriarchate and international human rights organizations denomination. This resolution is obviously official statements are sent to the UN Special illegal and discriminatory, shows disrespect Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, for the rights of the religious organization the High Commissioner for Human Rights, – the owner and a complete negation of the the OSCE High Commissioner on National fundamentals of public law and order on the Minorities, other officials and organizations part of particular civil servants, permitting responsible for protection and respect for this decision. Currently, it is appealed by human rights in the world. the community of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the administrative court. “We hope that the quick response of the international community and close attention As of today, 12/20/2015, the parishioners of the of the central authorities of Ukraine will avoid Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the community tragic consequences”. that owns the church, were forced to lock themselves in the religious building because Source: of the threat of its seizure. Our parishioners http://orthodoxrights.org/human-rights-defender-from- were delivered an ultimatum to vacate the ukraine-to-call-to-stop-injustice-and-violence-against- church building; otherwise the “Right Sector” orthodox-believers.html representatives will begin its assault tonight or late at night. According to information available, “Molotov cocktails” were thrown Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia at the church building and windows of the disapproves strongly the attacks parishioners’ households were smashed. The on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church people trapped in the church do not get food, (UKRAINE) water and suffer from cold in the unheated premises. At the same time the public December 23, 2015. Patriarch of Moscow and authorities do not guarantee the security of All Russia, Kirill disapproved the attacks and parishioners and are not ready to protect the illegal occupations of churches in Ukraine by ultranationalists and urged for the unifying parish property. role of the religious hierarchy towards national Given that more than 40 towns in Western unity, as the website prenglish reports.

31 His Holiness expressed his concern about the incidents in the orthodox church, under the canonical jurisdiction of Moscow Patriarchate, in the Ukrainian village of Ptichiya, where armed extremists from the Right Sector party threw self-made bombs, and a group of Kyiv Patriarchate attacked worshipers with sticks and stones. Patriarch Kirill said that, with visible social fragmentation and struggle for power, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the only force that can unite the people, from north to south and from east to west. The Head of the Russian Orthodox Church warned that this policy of attacks against the Church and the believers, encourages divisions among the Ukrainian people and he regretted that the internal forces are not working to achieve unity and reconciliation. Source: http://www.plenglish.com/index.php?option=com_content&tas k=view&id=4461301&Itemid=1

32 Chapter 3 : Violations of the freedom of expression of Orthodox believers.

Orthodox believers as other religious and the author of Serbia’s first Constitution, communities cannot enjoy religious freedom as well as a diplomat and writer who had unless they have the right to express their great influence on the medieval Serbian beliefs freely without facing violation of the literature, Saint Savva played a great role in freedom of expression as it is defined from the the history of Serbia. His religious identity Articles 9 (freedom of religion), 10 (freedom of cannot be separated from his personality and expression) of the European Convention on his activity. Human Rights. The NGO reminded headmasters of state schools and “responsible persons in the government” that there are members of An NGO’s attack against freedom other religions, “as well as atheists,” among of expression and presence of schoolchildren and their parents and teachers. Orthodox Christianity in public According to the statement, they are denied sphere (SERBIA) the right to celebrate St. Sava’s Day as “a true January 26, 2015. The Movement forschool holiday open to everyone, regardless Enlightened Society NGO has declared that of their religious and ethnic orientation.” the marking of St.Sava’s Day as the patron Earlier this month the Movement for saint day of schools “violates the principle Enlightened Society criticized President of secularity” in Serbia, reports news agency Tomislav Nikolic for sending his Christmas b92. St.Sava, who was born in 1175, is the message and taking part in Christmas patron saint of schools and students and his rituals held at the presidency building as death on January 27 is officially marked as St. “impermissible abuse of the holiday and Sava’s Day in schools in Serbia. violation of the Constitution”. The NGO also protested over Serbian In a multicultural society where citizens Orthodox Church (SPC) priests taking an have a great appreciation of their religious active part in school celebrations, “with prayers identity the way to manifest respect to and inappropriate sermons, and performance different religious or cultural communities of religious rituals,” in this way “additionally for the state is a very important element of stressing the religious importance of the democratic governance. The ignorance of holiday.” According to the NGO’ statement religious heritage of a country or artificial “by celebrating patron saint day of schools secularizing of religious feasts are regarded as a religious holiday, the Constitution of as unrespect and discrimination of religious Serbia is being directly violated in Article 11 communities. So the State authorities must that mandates the separation of churches and make the respectful gestures for great feasts religious communities and the state”. of different religions. The scale and their As known, being the first head of the forms should be proportional to the presence autocephalous Serbian Orthodox Church, and recognition in society of a community.

33 Source: “Yesterday we launched the site in the test http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society. run mode. But after just five hours of work it php?yyyy=2015&mm=01&dd=26&nav_id=92981 was attacked. I am so surprised and upset that constructive ideas are like burrs in the saddle Verbal attack on a football coach to some,” Grymov told TASS. because of his faith in Mother of God (GREECE) Grymov had been working on the project for two years as he had wanted to make it easier February 3, 2015. An ex-politician in Greece for people in Russia and from around the Thanos Tzimeros attacked verbally the coach of the football team of Paok in Greece for his world to learn more about the faith. The site is faith in Mother of God as reports Tilegrafima. said to focus on Orthodox Christian news and This attack followed after the words of the coach interviews with clerics expected to run blogs. Mr.Anastasiadis that Mother of God is present The slogan says: “Seek and ye shall find.” in his daily life. The ex-politician Mr.Tzimeros commented in public that “in any serious State “This will be a convenient guide for worshipers they would send this coach to a psychiatrist, if as they will be able to search for everything he thinks that God or a saint has the ability they need including church calendars, to affect his life”. He also mocked the religious and prayers. They will also be able to pose blessing during the inauguration of a shop. questions to the Russian Orthodox Church,” He said that “maybe the water that we drink Grymov, who is also a member of the Culture or the air that we inhale has something inside Panel in the upper chamber of the Russian otherwise there is no explanation for believing Parliament, said. that we have a blessing for the work of a shop”. Source: The site rublev.com is not run by the Russian Orthodox Church, though Grymov did http://tilegrafima.gr/nea/item/1265-o-tzimeros-epitithetai-ston- proponiti-tou-paok-gia-tin-pisti-tou-stin-panagia consult with representatives from the church to get their ideas surrounding the project. “Our information desk treats the idea of such Russian Orthodox search engine a site with benevolence and will read it with cyber attacked (RUSSIA) interest,” the Synod Information Department March 4, 2015. Russian filmmaker Yuri of the Church. Grymov has presented his Rublev.com project, Sources: a data base on Orthodoxy and a social network for believers and all those taking an interest in http://tass.ru/obschestvo/1807630 Christianity. But the site was hacked just five http://rt.com/news/237725-orthodox-internet-site-russia/ hours after it appeared online reports Russian inform agency TASS and RT. Local authorities in Sumy banned The website remained non-operational all-day Orthodox believers to hold a long on the 4th of March, with the main page traditional religious procession claiming a DDoS-attack. The website returned (UKRAINE) online on the 5th of March and is running in testing mode. Identity of the attackers remains March 20, 2015. The extraordinary meeting unknown. of the executive committee of the city of

34 Sumy (Ukraine) prohibited the traditional the church of Saint Mark in Venice (Italy) cross procession of believers of the Ukrainian arrived in Athens (Greece). It is the first time Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate after 1000 years, due to the 70th anniversary of (UOC-MP) as reports Topgorod. the Church Foundation “Apostoliki Diakonia”, that the relics of this Saint are in an Orthodox The community of St.Sergius made a request country with the permission of the Roman- for a permission to organize religious activities Catholic Church. There is the major part of on the feast of the venerated icon Mother of the body of Saint Barbara. The relics will stay God Feodorovskaya – on the 27 of March. On in Greece for 14 days and the Archbishop of this day, from 8:00 to 17:00, the community Athens and All Greece decided that it would planned a religious procession in which the be a blessing for the patients of the hospital faithful would go around the perimeter of “Saint Savvas” (a special hospital for patients Sumy to protect the city. This event passed with cancer) to venerate the relics as romfea in the last years with the participation of the reports. This is the only hospital in Greece clergy and did not lead to any disorders in the treating cancer that has both adults and city. children as patients. The administration of the A member of the executive committee Maxim hospital gave its agreement for this action. Galitsky (representative of the movement On the 11 of May, in the morning broadcasting “Freedom”) appealed to his colleagues to on the Greek television, the Parliamentary ban the religious procession taking into consideration the tense socio-political spokesman of the government party Syriza situation in the country. According to him Mr.Nikolaos Filis said that “this is a practice there can be a provocation in Sumy during of the Middle Age and a commercial one”. He the procession. Some activists supported also said that if this happened it would be a him, thinking the procession to be a political wrong message for the society and to the event – “pro-Russian action.” The movement patients who will think that medical science “Freedom” reminded that the icon is related is not necessary. He underlined that people to the and it is regarded as should not submit themselves to the logic that one of the shrines of the Romanov’s House. the relics can heal the patients. The relics can There were disputes among the members of go to the Church but not to the hospital. the executive committee. As a result, none of The reaction of the Director of the Press its members voted “in favor” of this decision, Department of Archbishop Mr.Haris and the procession was banned. Konidaris was very strong. He said that Mr.Filis Source: is the one who is making a commercial of a left anticlericalism and not the Church and http://topgorod.com/news/sumy/obschestvo/17754-ispolkom-zapretil- upts-mp-provodit-masshtabnyj-krestnyj-khod-v-sumakh.html he is trying to limit the freedom of religion which is protected from the Constitution of the country. Mr.Konidaris mentioned that it Interdiction to Orthodox patients of would be better for Mr.Filis to go himself at a hospital to venerate the relics of the hospital and ask the patients if they want Saint Barbara (GREECE) to venerate the holy relics of Saint Barbara. He added that it would be good for him to be May 12, 2015. The relics of Saint Barbara from taught by the Prime Minister of the country

35 who respects the religious feeling of the Greek ethnically Serbian student activists in the people. self-proclaimed state created a page on Instagram called “No to Kosovo’s Membership Metropolitan of Sidirokastro Makarios reacted in UNESCO.” There they posted photos also by saying that if Mr. Filis dared to say the of numerous Orthodox Christian places same for the Muslims now he would be killed. of worship and significance, including He also said that the real problem for Mr. Filis monasteries, churches and cemeteries, is not the transfer of the relics but the fact that which were demolished in the years after crowds are visiting the church to venerate the relics from the moment of the arrival. He ethnic Albanian Muslims gained de facto mentioned that saints go where people need independence with the help of a deadly NATO them and the hospital is the suitable place bombing campaign and EU endorsement. because people suffer there. Instagram responded by blocking the account for its “disturbing content”, as the website The other parliamentarians from different sputniknews reports. political parties (conservatives and socialists) who were also invited in this morning Nemanja Bisevac, one of the account’s broadcasting said that it is very important to administrators, said that: “We have been told respect the religious feeling of Greeks. that we are posting disturbing images, and we simply posted the truth – the burning of Serb The left political party “To Potami” (The River) churches and monasteries, the holy places, the published a sarcastic statement by calling as “a destruction of monuments, tombs, and so on”. great development of the medical system” the transfer of the relics of Saint Barbara. Students for Truth have produced videos in Serbian, English and Arabic, showing the The Vice-president of the Greek government almost total annihilation of Kosovo’s Serbian Mr. Panos Kammenos answered to Mr. Filis religious and cultural heritage. that it is better to venerate the relics of Saint Barbara than doing other things. Source: Sources : http://orthodoxrights.org/instagram-deletes-account-for- revealing-destroyed-orthodox-churches-in-kosovo.html http://www.romfea.gr/epikairotita-xronika/590-sidirokastrou- o-n-filis-an-elege-auta-gia-mousoulmanous-tha-ton-eixan- katharisei ISIS promoters broke up website http://topotami.gr/nea/voithia-mas/ of an Orthodox church in Moscow http://www.romfea.gr/diafora/593-panos-kammenos-enantion- (RUSSIA) n-fili-gia-ta-leipsana-tis-agias-barbaras December 2, 2015. Unidentified malefactors broke up the website of St. Thomas Church Instagram deletes account for in the Kantemirovskaya Street in Moscow revealing destroyed Orthodox (Russia), where renowned priest and churches in Kosovo (KOSOVO Daniil Sysoyev worked and was TERRITORY) killed, as the website Interfax-religion reports. November 7, 2015. Hoping to foil Kosovo’s The criminals posted a banner to promote attempt to become a member of UNESCO, ‘jihad‘, the Islamic State terrorist organization

36 and against Russia at the main page of the church. At the present time, the Internet resource functions as usual. Father Daniil Sysoyev, Founder of the Orthodox Missionary School was known for his active sermon among Muslims. He was shot on 19th November 2009, in St. Thomas Church where he was the rector. Soon the suspected in the murder Kyrgyz citizen was killed in Makhachkala during his detention. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said that pseudo-Islamic radicals stood behind the priest’s murder. Source: http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12577

37 Chapter 4 : Discrimination of Orthodox Christians.

set at 1%, i.e. UAH 12, 18, for 1 sq. meter The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms has to be secured without discrimination as per year. “There can be no privileges on the it is defined by the Article14 prohibition( of basis of religious confession. The Decision of discrimination) of the European Convention of the Kyiv CIty Council to deprive one of the Human Rights. Orthodox Christians become churches from the benefits for the real estate also victims of discrimination and sometimes tax contradicts the Constitution and will be they don’t enjoy an equal treatment from the revised”, – the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko authorities. said as the Kyiv City Council voted to adopt this Decision. The Decision of the Kyiv City The executive director of the Institute of the Council providing tax exemption Religious Freedom Maxym Vasin explained to all the churches except the the new rule: “As “parish” we usually consider Ukrainian Orthodox Church a religious community, because the law does (Moscow Patriarchate) entered into not use this term. Therefore it is more likely force (UKRAINE) that the real estate property that belongs to the Kyiv Metropolia or other legal entities of January 31, 2015. According to the the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow information on the official website of the Patriarchate), with the exception of the Kyiv City Council and internet portal communities, will also benefit from the tax LIGA: Zakon its resonance Decision dated 28 January 2015 No. 58/923 entered into exemption set by the Kyiv City Council”. force on 31 January 2015, as reported by the Earlier the expert noted that the city mayor Institute of the Religious Freedom. In spite had no power to quash the Decisions of the of Vitaliy Klychko’s (mayor of Kyiv) previous City Council which is a representative body. statements, the Decision of the Kyiv CIty However, according to the Reglement of Council on the real estate tax rate, depriving the Kyiv City Council, the mayor can only the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow suspend an adopted decision within the 5 Patriarchate) of tax benefits, entered in force. days after adoption and can propose it for the According to the Decision, the tax rate for repeated hearing by the City Council. the real estate is set in the percentage of the minimum wage for 1 sq. meter of the Thus, most likely, the mayor Klychko did not property. use his right to suspend the abovementioned Decision of the Kyiv City Council, but instead Tax rate for the real estate property which will seek the modification of the Decision by belong to the buildings used for worship the Kyiv City Council. or religious activity is set at 0,01%, i.e. UAH 0,1218, for 1 sq. meter per year. This Sources: privileged tax rate is not applied to “the kmr.ligazakon.ua/SITE2/l_docki2.nsf/alldocWWW/10E8146E9 buildings, structures and premises which 41D859FC2257DE7006DFD6B?OpenDocument belong to the parishes of the Ukrainian http://www.irs.in.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=art Orthodox Church”. For them the tax rate is icle&id=1527%3A1&catid=34%3Aua&Itemid=61&lang=uk

38 The Albanian nationality was procession with icons and church banners accorded to a football coach but from Mtskheta to Tbilisi followed. After that a solemn service was performed at the Holy not to the Orthodox Archbishop of Trinity (Sameba) Cathedral of Tbilisi, reports Albania (ALBANIA) Blagovest-info. March 28, 2015. The president of Albania Simultaneously, a number of parliamentary Mr. Bougiar Nisani accorded the Albanian deputies from the opposition, especially nationality to a football coach in order to activist of the United National Movement (led honor him for his work and his service to the by ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili) Chiora Albanian football team De Biazi. Contrary, Taktakishvili said on TV channels that they were disappointed with the decision of the several last years, Archbishop’s Anastasios to hold a large- (Giannoulatos) petitions for the Albanian scale prayer rally right on the international nationality have been rejected by different day of struggle against homophobia, which Albanian government’s bodies, as reports virtually drove back those who wished to himara.gr. participate in that day’s festivities from the central city streets. The Albanian authorities still continue to deny the Albanian nationality to the Orthodox The United States Ambassador to Georgia Archbishop. On the background of the Richard Norland, speaking on TV channels and news portals at the same time, called upon accordance of the Albanian nationality to the residents to celebrate “the day against the coach the refusal of it to the Orthodox homophobia”. He expressed his opinion that Archbishop, who has been exercising his every person has a right to realize his or her full functions for 22 years since 1992, could be potential. “Tomorrow the international day of considered as discrimination and humiliation. struggle against homophobia and transphobia will be celebrated for the eleventh time. On Source: this day we once again express our support http://himara.gr/4316-albaniki-ipikootita-ston-propo-niti- to equality and dignity of all people and tis-ethnikis-omadas-podoasfairoy-kai-oxi-ston-arxiepiskopo- confirm that human rights are universal. We anastasio join everybody who is laboring in Georgia so as to mark this day peacefully,” the American diplomat’s statement reads. Protest action of Orthodox Nineteen Non-Governmental Organizations Christians in Georgia against and human rights groups called upon the the promotion of homosexual Georgian authorities to ensure safety of the propaganda (GEORGIA) activists who on May 17 were going to celebrate “the day against homophobia”. May 17, 2015. As was announced at a press conference at the Georgian Patriarchate’s The information on the venue and other details office, it was decided to hold a prayer rally of the event (that was to be held on May 17) on May 16-17 in connection with arrival of were restricted and the journalists were asked the wonder-working Atskursk Icon of the “to obtain accreditation”. Mother of God to the Georgia’s capital, reports Through joint efforts of the aforementioned Pravoslavie.ru. NGOs an action of solidarity with A procession of the cross started with a representatives of the LGBT community was solemn service at Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in held at “the Round Garden” park, situated in the historical town of Mtskheta, then a festal Vake – the most prestigious district of Tbilisi.

39 Police squads were guarding the rally religion Mr.Tasos Kourakis had a meeting with participants. There were no reports of any the Atheist union of Greece as the website of incidents involving the defenders of traditional the Atheist union reports. Christian values and the LGBT community The President of the Atheist union Mr Fotis representatives. Fragkopoulos deposed the demands of his Also the action, “No gay Europe”, was organized Union to the Minister. Mr.Fragkopoulos asked in Tbilisi – with such a slogan people came the urgent exemption of the course of religion to the office of Delegation of the European for every student, the abolition of the mention Union to Georgia, reports Geomigrant with of the religious conviction of the students on the reference to Mir24. the certificate of secondary education. He also asked the abrogation of the morning prayer The principal demand of the protesters is at school and the participation of Greek to cancel the fines of between 2,000 and students at Liturgies. He asked the ending of 4,000 euros: the European Court of Human the blessing ceremony at the beginning of the Rights imposed these fines on the Georgian school year, the expulsion of the icons from government for moral injury to those who the rooms of teaching. He also asks the repeal suffered during the rally against homophobia. of the exaggerations like miracles from the The protest took place in Tbilisi in 2012. books of Religion and the re-writing of those “We have gathered here to fix our attitude books by atheists who can be more objective. towards homosexuality. There should be no He also demands the disestablishment of place for this phenomenon in our country, and the celebration of the three Hierarchs as 99% of Georgian citizens agree with this. We Patrons of the Greek letters and to replace this are wondering where the European Union was celebration with a general celebration of the when under Saakashvili demonstrations were Greek education. broken up, people were murdered, prisoners The vice-minister of education promised to were raped, and business was suppressed? cooperate with the Atheist union of Athens Why didn’t they express their indignation and in order to make important changes in Greek impose fines on the government then?” said education according to the statement of the chairman of the Society of Irakli II (an NGO) Atheist union of Greece. Until now, there Archil Chkoidze. is no statement from the Greek ministry of According to activists of these NGOs, their education to explain the actions of the vice- actions will be held regularly and on a larger minister. scale— in order to get rid of the propaganda Source: of homosexuality in the country. http://union.atheia.gr/συνάντηση-με-αν-υπουργό- Source: παιδείας-06-08-2015/ http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/79462.htm

The Atheist Union of Greece proposes to eliminate all links of the Greek education with the Orthodox Church (GREECE) August 6, 2015. On the day when the Church of Greece celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord the Greek vice-minister of education and

40 A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the discrimination of their members. The Kyiv Council’s discriminatory Protest from Orthodox clergymen decision on the Ukrainian Orthodox and monks against the support by Church (UKRAINE) the mayor of Thessaloniki to LGBT movement (GREECE) February 9, 2015. Representative of the Russian Church in Strasbourg Hegumen Philip May 13, 2015. The Convention of Orthodox (Ryabykh) urges to not allow new persecutions clergymen and monks (important professors of Orthodox Christians similar to those of the of the faculty of Theology of Athens and of Soviet times, reports Interfax agency. As was Salonika and significant priests and monks) reported, late in January the Kyiv Council wrote a letter to Mount Athos asking from excluded the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the monks to demand from the mayor of from the list of religious organizations that Salonika Mr. I. Boutaris not to organise this have privileges when paying real estate tax. year the “gay pride” as reports the website impantokratoros.gr. If they cannot persuade Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klichko called the deputies’ him the authors of the letter propose to the decision unconstitutional and demanded representatives of Mount Athos to condemn to cancel it.” It causes anxiety that 78 MPs the passion of homosexuality or to send to the in Kyiv voted for this decision. It shows that mayor a document, which will not allow him authorities are ready to declare a religious to enter anymore in Mount Athos. If it is not organization their political enemy and possible, the monks must find a way to dismiss conduct a course on its discrimination and him from the presidency of the “Mount Athos oppression of its rights,” the priest said in his Centre”. The signers of the letter also express interview with the Ogonyok magazine.The their annoyance as they saw that the monks church official pointed out to numerous facts attributed a great honour to the mayor during of destroying and setting on fire Orthodox his recent visit in Mount Athos, while at the churches, capturing of churches by the groups same time they know well his activities and his of self-proclaimed Kyiv Patriarchate, threats to support to the movement of homosexuality. UOC priests and believers. According to him, The mayor of Thessaloniki (Greece) Mr. I. resolutions similar to the mentioned decision Boutaris is the president of the institution of the Kyiv Council are “only giving fuel to fire “Mount Athos Centre” (Agioritiki Estia). of internal civil confrontation in Ukraine”. The Representation in Strasbourg also informs the It is an urban-non-profit organization, founded Council of Europe about the facts. I suppose in 2000 by the Municipality of Thessaloniki it should be done more intensively, otherwise in collaboration with the Holy community we should face open persecutions against of Mount Athos and it essentially forms the canonical Church in Ukraine similar to Soviet institutional continuation and the natural atheistic persecutions,” the priest believes. “evolution” of the monumental exhibition “Treasures of Mount Athos”, held in 1997, Source: within the framework and under the auspices http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=11819 of “Thessaloniki: Cultural Capital of Europe”.

41 It is run by a governing body of seven Legislative 200,000 rubles for citizens, a fine of 500,000 council members presided by the mayor of rubles to 800,000 rubles for officials, and a Thessaloniki (ex officio). Also the council has fine of 500,000 rubles to 800,000 rubles for an honorary president–Overseer of Mount entrepreneurs who work without establishing a legal entity, if their actions do not have any Athos in office. As for the other six members signs of a criminal offence. of the council, three are appointed by the Council of the municipality of Thessaloniki Legal entities may have to pay fines from and three are representatives from the Holy 500,000 rubles to 2.5 million rubles or may be ordered to suspend their operations for a period community of Mount Athos. The position of of up to 90 days. “The artificial termination vice-president is held by one of the council of pregnancy funded by mandatory health members from the Holy Mountain. In the insurance will be possible only in the presence event of the absence of the president, he is of certain medical or social reasons,” the press represented by one of the appointed members service said. from the city council of Thessaloniki. This initiative was criticized by Vice President Olga Golodets and speaker of the Federation Mr. Boutaris organises “gay pride” rallies in Council Valentina Matviyenko as reports the Salonika since 2012. His action is coming in Interfax-religion. contradiction with the administrative duties that he has as President of the “Mount Athos The state should not finance abortions, the corresponding law should be adopted, the C e n t r e”. Russian Church officials believe. “Believers Source: and society cannot financially participate in committing abortions and state laws should http://www.impantokratoros.gr/5246A52A.el.aspx reflect it, head of the Synodal Information Department Vladimir Legoyda was quoted as saying by his press service. Church insists on adopting the According to the church official, some people law excluding abortions from the claim that it is better to spend money on system of compulsory medical abortions than support poor mothers and insurance (RUSSIA) education for children. “Perhaps, it is cheaper to kill than finance disabled and mentally May 19, 2015. The deputies of the State Duma disturbed people,” he resumed. introduced the draft law to eliminate state support of abortions as reports the website Head of the Synodal Department for Interfax. Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told Interfax-Religion Members of all State Duma factions have that “Russia will cease to exist with the supported a bill allowing only state-run current level of abortions, destruction of a healthcare institutions to perform abortions family, pornography and unquotable words and cancelling mandatory health insurance in Internet, perversions, hopes for foreign coverage for abortions. The press service of accounts and houses exchanged for entire head of the State Duma committee for family, control to “outside forces.” He also said that women and children Yelena Mizulina, a co- Orthodox churches collected signatures author of this bill, said that, according to the under an address for criminal punishment for proposed document, performing abortions abortion and suggestion to entirely exclude it outside of state-run healthcare institutions from the country’s life, “thousands of people should carry a fine of 50,000 rubles to have already signed the document.”

42 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia practice but does not allow the teaching of the suggested excluding abortions from the system Orthodox Christian course. of compulsory medical insurance speaking Except for the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian at the Christmas parliamentary meetings in January 2015. Orthodox Church, many Bulgarian parents protested for the same issue, by sending also Source: a letter to the Minister of Education and http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12035 Science. They say that the course of Yoga is propaganda of an apocryphal movement, which is dangerous for the spiritual health The Bulgarian Orthodox Church of their children and absolutely far from the educational tradition and the Bulgarian about the propaganda of Yoga culture. (BULGARIA) Source: June 2, 2015. The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian http://www.bg-patriarshia.bg/news.php?id=175375 Orthodox Church sent a letter to the Bulgarian Minister of Education and Sciences Mr. Todor Tanev, asking him to prevent the propaganda of Yoga in the public schools of Bulgaria Orthodox bishop: “The Orthodox as reports the Bulgarian Patriarchate. The Church in Montenegro is under Holy Synod considers as unacceptable and persecution” (MONTENEGRO) unsatisfactory this practice in the Bulgarian system of education. June 7, 2015. During the Sunday preaching Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan The Church reminds that the obligation of the of Montenegro and the Littoral Amfilohije authorities and of the educational system is to (Serbian Orthodox Church) made statements assure the spiritual and psychological health about the violations of the freedom of religion of teenagers. The efforts to diffuse the practice in Montenegro in relation to the diocese of of Yoga as a mean to fight against stress are Montenegro, the largest and most prominent an unwelcome way of propaganda. The Holy diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church as Synod is referring also to the danger for little reports romfea.gr. children because Yoga is taught even in nursery schools. Children and teenagers have a lack of In particular, the metropolitan said that “the religious education and it is difficult for them Church in Montenegro is under a continuous the distinction between lies and truth. persecution and the authorities use the excuse of nationality against the Church The Holy Synod asked also explanations from and the priests”. He continued by affirming the deputies and the Minister of Education that “the authorities support their European about the texts during the exams in Bulgarian ambitions and for this reason they will never schools where the students were obliged to return the Church property. Contrary, they deal with texts, which promoted Yoga. Those steal the churches every day. The authorities texts, according to the Holy Synod, do not in Montenegro destroy the churches as they give the exact information about Yoga and did with the destruction of the gold Cross they have as purpose to convert children, who of Njegos, by saying that the Church simply participate in practical courses without their doesn’t exist for them”. own will. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church asked once again the teaching of religious Source: course at schools. The Bulgarian system of http://www.romfea.gr/patriarxeia-ts/patriarxeio-serbias/1145- Education allows Yoga, which is a religious mitropolitis-amfiloxios-i-ekklisia-sto-maurobounio-dioketai

43 Protest of the Archbishop of Athens Circular of the Orthodox Church and all Greece against the bill of of Cyprus protects the right of civil partnership (GREECE) the Orthodox Christians on their conviction about the family June 16, 2015. The Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Hieronymus II sent a letter (CYPRUS) to the Minister of Justice, Mr. Mihalis June 22, 2015. The Holy Synod of the Paraskevopoulos, to express his opposition Orthodox decided to against the bill of civil partnership that the publish a Circular by taking clear position Greek Government prepares. This bill is against the bill of Civil Partnership, which is going to include also the right for registered prepared by the House of Representatives as partnership the persons of the same sex and the website of the Church reports. thus will be applicable to all citizens which do not agree with it as reports ecclesia.gr. According to the Circular, the Church of Cyprus does not want to impose the Teaching The Archbishop sent the letter on behalf of the of Christ to anyone but she keeps always the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece and he right to express her opinion. She mentions expresses his disapproval to this kind of life, that she will not accept as a union anything which represents an offense to the real meaning else except for the religious marriage and that of family. He says that Church is against civil there are no excuses for homosexuality. For marriage and civil partnership because she this reason, she does not accept the partnership has a more serious proposition for the life of people, which is the religious marriage. He of homosexuals and she invites them to fight also mentioned that this short of life, without against their passion. responsibilities that the Government tries to The Holy Synod continues by mentioning legalise with the civil partnership is against that the Church cannot accept the bill of the Greek Constitution, which demands the the House of Representatives because the protection of family from the Government. partnership between people of the same sex is He also asks the Minister of Justice if he is an absolute aberrance. The Church expresses ready to create the “homosexual family” after the opinion that the bills and generally the this law because it creates all the conditions laws have to educate people and not only to to be demanded by activists. This law is not a treat social differences, to satisfy people or to legal development but it belongs to the ancient transform a deflection to a rule of law. The roman times where paganism was dominant bishops say that it would be better for the and for this reason it will confuse the lives of House of Representatives to avoid bills which people. are strangers to the customs and the moral The Archbishop decided to convoke urgently values of Cyprus. Such bills contribute to the the Members of the Standing Holy Synod of dissipation of the society. They underlined that the Church of Greece on Friday 19th June, Cyprus will live the destruction of the family in order to discuss about the official reaction and the corruption with such a bill. At the end against this law. of Circular, the bishops call the House of the Representatives to guard the values and the Source: morals of Cypriots. They also call the faithful http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/holysynod/epistoles. to remain loyal to the Church and to guard asp?id=2015&what_sub=epistoli their own religious and human dignity. Source: http://www.churchofcyprus.org.cy/article.php?articleID=5329

44 Orthodox Patriarchate of Bulgaria how men “win hatred with love”. pronounced in favour to preserve The Archbishop expressed the opposition of Saturday and Sunday as days-off the faithful Orthodox residents of Zaporizhia (BULGARIA) and asked from the Mayor to protect them from moral decay and degradation that leads July 9, 2015. The Orthodox Patriarchate of to sin in the religious sense and to decline of Bulgaria during the session of the Holy Synod culture and civilization in the secular sense. expressed its disagreement with the gradual He continued by underlined that they are abolition of Sunday in Bulgaria as a day-off as against all that destroys family values, against the official web-site of the Patriarchate reports. manifestations and propaganda of sin. The Holy Synod says that in Bulgaria it has The Mayor’s office answered to the Archbishop been established 40 hours of work per week, Luka that the municipal authorities have no which means that on Saturday and Sunday right to interfere with the form and content of people are free to have some rest. Their free outdoor advertising and this rule is enshrined time has to be devoted for God and family life in Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine on in order to have a balance and to have joy in Advertising. the grace of God. Diocese of Zaporizhia will continue seeking The Holy Synod underlines that many legal ways to remove social advertisings, which employers recruit people to work on Saturday make propaganda against the traditional and Sunday. They follow the interests of the family from the city streets. enterprises by neglecting the family relations and the spiritual needs and this can be harmful Source: for the society. The Bishops underline that for http://risu.org.ua/en/index/all_news/community/religion_and_ Christians Sunday is a day of rest as it is the society/60831/ day of Christ’s Resurrection.

At the end of the document, the Synod calls The Romanian Orthodox Patriarch: the authorities to take indispensable measures and to regulate this issue by ensuring the moral and religious education of respect of Saturday and Sunday as days-off by children and youth confronted with avoiding the enforcement to work where it is secularized approach (ROMANIA) not really required. September 24, 2015. The 8th National Source: Assembly “Christ conveyed to children”, was http://www.bg-patriarshia.bg/news.php?id=178808 organized by the Romanian Patriarchate in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research and World Vision Organization in Romania, at Caraiman Ukrainian Orthodox Bishop Monastery, from 21 to 23 September 2015, objected to the propaganda against as the website of the Romanian Orthodox traditional family (UKRAINE) Patriarchate reports. August 14, 2015. Archbishop Luka of The Romanian Orthodox Patriarch Daniel Zaporizhia and Melitopol of the Ukrainian expressed his concern about the immense Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) responsibility of the Church to transmit addressed to the Mayor of Zaporizhia because religious faith, cultural and national identity, of an outdoor advertising in municipal to educate the new generations of children property. This advertising was about to show and youth. The purpose of the educational

45 act in religious school education and in from religious studies classes. The Deputy parish catechesis aims towards forming the Minister has vowed to change this, stating child and the young man in order to become that a signed letter from a parent should be faithful, loving Christ and the Church, capable sufficient. of dialogue and cooperation in family and The reaction of the Greek Archbishop was very society. strong and he reminded to the new Deputy The Patriarch also mentioned that today’s Education Minister that her plan is against the Christian population of Romania is confronted Greek Constitution, which mentions clearly with a more and more secularized approach that the education of Greek students must be to education, which aims at excluding the national and following the Greek Orthodox Christian contribution in the educational religion. He added also that if the Government process. This happens in exchange for a wants to follow her plan it has to change the system limited only to the knowledge of the Constitution but first it must ask Greek people material, limited and passing world, without if they want it. apprehending the work of God’s grace over The new Deputy Education Minister expressed creation and in people’s life. the respect of the Greek Government to the At the end of his message to the Assembly the Greek Orthodox Church but she insisted that Patriarch explained that the final target of the freedom of religion must be respected in the religious and moral education must be the national schools. spiritual upbringing of children and youth in Source: the love of God and fellow people, by involving them both in the liturgical life of the Church, http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/82510.htm and in the cultural, social and philanthropic activities of the parish community. Head of Source: accuses Kyiv of being unable to http://patriarhia.ro/intellectual-information-and-spiritual- protect the faithful (UKRAINE) formation-in-the-moral-and-religious-education-of-children- and-youth-8243-en.html October 1, 2015. ‘We are unpleasantly surprised by the fact that Orthodox parishes are captured and the Orthodox are subjected Orthodox Archbishop of Athens to discrimination in Ukraine. Where is the and All Greece Ieronymos state power, which does not defend people and pronounced his position about the fails to ensure their religious rights? Ukraine wants to be a democratic state, but there must religious course in Greek schools be order in a democracy’, said the Primate of (GREECE) the Polish Orthodox Church, His Beatitude September 27, 2015. Orthodox Archbishop Metropolitan Savva of Warsaw and All Poland, of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos reacted during his meeting with Archpriest Nikolay to the statement of The new Greek Deputy Danilevich, vice-chairman of the department Education Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou for external church relations of the Ukrainian announcing the simplification of the procedure Orthodox Church (UOC), who is in Warsaw for opting-out of religious classes for Greek for an OSCE conference, published DECR Communication Service of the Russian students. According to the present system, a Orthodox Church. student must sign an official school document declaring his religion or conversely declaring During the meeting at the metropolitan’s himself as an atheist in order to be released residence, Archpriest Nikolay informed

46 His Beatitude about the present situation restore the public property of all religious concerning the rights of the UOC faithful objects that were built prior to 1918. According as some local councils have adopted to it: “Goods representing the cultural discriminative decisions with regard to the heritage of Montenegro, and on which the UOC and its churches have been captured. right of ownership or right to use is owned Metropolitan Savva, on his part, spoke about by a religious community shall not be sold or the status and rights of the Orthodox Church taken out of the state without the consent of in Poland, regulated by a special state law the Government”. adopted in 1992 whereby the Orthodox minority in this Catholic country enjoys all The Government of Montenegro planned the necessary rights. a public discussion on the draft until 14th September but it extended the deadline until His Beatitude also spoke about the situation 30th September in order to leave enough concerning the Ss Cyril and Methodius time for submitting suggestions, objections Monastery in Ujkovice, which was closed by or proposals of all interested parties regarding the decision of the Holy Synod of the Polish the text of this regulation so it is in accordance Orthodox Church for various canonical with European standards and Montenegrin violations. Among them are cases in which specifics, as the website cdm reports. the monastery clergy concelebrated with representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox This draft caused the strong reaction of Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radović) and of the KP), which is not recognized by the world Serbian Patriarchate. As the official website Orthodoxy. It was noted that the number of of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and Ukrainians has noticeably increased in the Littoral reports, Bishop Amfilohije opposes Polish Orthodox churches today, and the local to this draft because the Church is going to clergy give them the proper pastoral care. lose a great part of its property and it will be weakened. He also thinks that it will provoke Metropolitan Savva said he prayed for Ukraine many problems to other religions for the same in this crucial time for the Ukrainian state and reasons and he underlines that this practice conveyed words of fraternal support to the belongs to totalitarian periods. Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv The Minister for Human and Minority Rights, and All Ukraine. Mr. Suad Numanović, said that the draft law on freedom of religion will not be withdrawn from Source: procedure, just because the most influential https://mospat.ru/en/2015/10/02/news123291/ religious community in Montenegro is not satisfied with it. He also said that Religious communities and the Church should not Reaction of the Orthodox have a say in law-making, as the website cdm Metropolitan of Montenegro and reports. Littoral on the Montenegrin new Minister of culture Mr. Pavle Goranovic said draft law on freedom of religion that the new law for freedom of religion will (MONTENEGRO) create an additional monitoring system of the country over the property that wasn’t October 16, 2015. On 28th August 2015, sufficiently protected so far, as cdm reports. the Government of Montenegro deposed on the European Commission for Democracy Sources: through law the draft law on freedom of http://www.cdm.me/english/ministry-we-wont-allow- religion. This draft law has the intention to discussion-to-be-diverted-to-politics-and-ideology

47 http://www.cdm.me/english/video-public-hearing-on-draft- law-on-freedom-of-religion-extended The Ukrainian Orthodox Church against homosexual propaganda http://www.mitropolija.com/intervju-mitropolita-amfilohija- beogradskoj-politici/ (UKRAINE) November 19, 2015. The deputy chairman of the Department for external Church The Ukrainian Orthodox Church relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church urges to stop discrimination of Archpriest Mykolay Danylevych said that the Orthodox believers in the country Ukrainian Orthodox Church does not support (UKRAINE) discriminations against homosexual people but she is against the homosexual propaganda, October 28, 2015. The Holy Synod of the as the official website of the UOC MP reports. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow During the press conference after the meeting Patriarchate is concerned with kindling of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and religious hostility in the country, as the Religious Organizations on Thursday 19 information service of the UOC Moscow November, archpriest Mykolay underlined that Patriarcate reports. the new bill on Labour permits propaganda of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church published gay lifestyle. a statement, which mentions that: “Cases At a press conference held in Kyiv in the of violating civil peace on religious motives premises of the news agency “Interfax- are fixed in certain regions of our country. Ukraine”, the representatives of Ukrainian There were attempts to capture churches of faiths presented their official position in public the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, cases of regarding the recently voted draft law by the violations against believers and even attacks Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) on against their lives”. Participants in the session the amendments to the Labour law. The press held in Kyiv say some local authorities admit conference was also attended by the head of the violations of the law, and law-enforcement association “Novomedia” Ruslan Kukharchuk, agencies do not always stand to protect legal archbishop of the Kivien Patriarchate rights of the communities, clergy and UOC Yevstratii (Zorya), deputy chief rabbi of Kyiv believers. David Milman, the head of external relations The Statement of the Holy Synod underlines of Ukrainian greek-catholik church archpriest that: “All these facts not only stand in the way Alexei Petrov, senior bishop of the Ukrainian of realizing constitutional right of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church Igor Lukyanov. citizens for free confession, but also provoke The representatives of the Council underscored social tensions in our state. In the time, when that the bill was not adopted democratically, extremely difficult peace-making process is and the provision banning discrimination underway in Donbass, we face the danger to “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” of destabilization social situation in other was not exposed to extensive discussion but Ukrainian regions”. it was voted in violation of the procedural Source: norms. They also noted that homosexuality is stranger to the Ukrainian culture, and if http://news.church.ua/2015/10/27/zvernennya-svyashhennogo- Ukraine expressed its desire to enter the EU, sinodu-ukrajinskoji-pravoslavnoji-cerkvi-do-virnix-chad- ukrajinskoji-pravoslavnoji-cerkvi/ it should give back to people a higher level of morality and not the immorality that they try to impose and promote. The draft law included the legislation terms

48 “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”, expressed its position during its month which are new for the Ukrainian legislation. regular session concerning the bill about the According to the members of the Council, civil partnership for people of the same sex, making such amendments to the current as the official website of the Church of Greece legislation of Ukraine could lead in the near reports. future to discrimination against people who The Standing Holy Synod reminds the decision practice traditional family values, the Christian of the Holy Hierarchy on 17th October view of marriage, as well as allegations of so- 2013 and it insists on it. It ratified again this called homophobia. In the future, this will decision on 19th June 2015. According to this open the way for the introduction of other, decision, it is mentioned that the Church of now common in some European countries, Greece cannot accept this new type of family standards, and legalization of gay marriage, and life as it is against the theology of marriage the introduction of quotas for homosexuals and family and it consists aberration from in employment, the possibility of adoption the institution of family as it has functioned of children by homosexual couples and the during the centuries in the life of believers. banning of criticism of the homosexual lifestyle. This decision is characterised from the Standing Holy Synod as stable and non- The representatives of doctrines recalled that changeable. It is clarified that the positions in the early stages of the bill, the Council of the Church are based to the respect of submitted a proposal, which would allow the human dignity, which is the centre of avoiding discrimination on any grounds, but the Orthodox Theology, and to the Greek the Parliament did not consider it. Constitution. For this reason, the Church of Archpriest Nikolai Danylevych noted that the Greece cannot accept civil partnership, civil main motive for the adoption of this draft law marriage, single parenthood or cohabitation. was the implementation by Ukraine of the With civil partnership and all those new types requirements for visa liberalization. However, of family, it will be a degradation of the family there are countries in the world, including life. some Latin American and Arab states, which Source: have criminal penalties for homosexuality, and in fact these countries have a visa-free http://ecclesia.gr/epikairotita/main_epikairotita_next. regime with the European Union. “So, you can asp?id=1659 get visa-free travel without the legalization of gay marriage”, said the representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church visited Source: Strasbourg and had several http://vzcz.church.ua/2015/11/20/protoijerej-mikolaj-danilevich- meetings in the Council of Europe mi-ne-vistupajemo-za-diskriminaciyu-gomoseksualistiv-mi- vistupajemo-proti-propagandi-gomoseksualizmu/ (UKRAINE) December 14, 2015. The representative of Ternopil and Kremenets diocese, hegumen The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Gerontius, rector of St. John Merciful Church of Greece about the civil Monastery, and the legal adviser of the Kyiv partnership of people of the same Metropolis and also chief of the human sex (GREECE) rights organization “Public Advocacy” Mr. O.Denisov had a meeting at the Council of December 9, 2015. The Standing Holy Synod Europe with the Commissioner of Human

49 Rights Mr. Nils Muiznieks. The representative and to the governors of the respective areas of the Russian Orthodox Church to the and turned to the courts. However, if the Council of Europe hegumen Philip (Ryabykh) courts considered the applications of believers accompanied them at the meeting, as reports quite objectively and if they defended justice, website of the Representation of the Russian the executive and the law enforcement system Orthodox Church in Strasbourg (REOR). which would have taken effective measures to bring to the justice the perpetrators responsible On December 15th, the same Church for the seizure of power, did nothing to prevent representatives had a meeting with the Council conflicts. of Europe’s Director General of Democracy, Ms Snežana Samardžić-Marković. A human rights activist said: “It seems that in some cases the central government and At the meetings there were discussed the regional administrations consciously support situation of human rights in the Western the Kyiv Patriarchate in their initiatives to Ukraine due to the increasing number of bring the communities of the UOC into seizures of the temples of the canonical their jurisdiction, even when the faithful Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow claim that they did not take a decision on Patriarchate). Special attention was paid to the transition to the Kyiv Patriarchate and the consecutive statements of the Ternopil the local authorities surely know about the regional council, which contain conflictual existence of the communities of the UOC. language against Pochayiv Lavra. Members of Some government representatives forced the the local government bodies are involved in parishioners of the UOC to transfer their its application and they claim that Laura is a property into the possession of the supporters “anti-Ukrainian centre”, which supports the of the Kyiv Patriarchate, covering the so-called separatism and the “russifying” the Ukrainian “alternate” use of the temple and ignoring the people. Such statements are examples of fact that the property owner is not required hate speech and, according to human rights to “share” it with others, especially under the defender, promote the religious hatred, and threat of violence. For this reason, there is a therefore inadmissible. law enforcement system to protect citizens The attention of the Council of Europe was from such unlawful attacks”. drawn to the egregious violations of human To summarize his words, Mr. O.Denisov rights that occur in the village Katerinovka said: “Due to the fact that conflicts become Ternopil region. The authorities used force widespread, we addressed to the international unnecessarily and the police beat more than human rights organisations, specially designed 13 parishioners of the canonical Ukrainian to deal with such cases. Such appeals are the Orthodox Church near the temple, which undisputed right of believers and should be belongs to them. Another issue of discussion considered as part of the normal activity of was the conflict in the village of Rivne region any human rights group, which claims that its in which the UOC, cannot use the church rights are systematically violated. In particular, building as the legal owner, despite the positive we have already prepared and submitted an court’s decision because it is captured by the application to the European Court of Human supporters of the so-called “Kyiv Patriarchate”. Rights, as well as in other international institutions”. Mr Oleg Denisov mentioned that, “in all cases of violations of human rights the UOC Following the meeting, an agreement was addressed to the police, as well as to public reached with representatives of the Council of authorities, to the Commissioner of Human Europe on future cooperation in the protection Rights of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in sent applications to the President of Ukraine Ukraine.

50 Source: Greek hierarchs about the new law http://strasbourg-reor.org/?topicid=1198 of civil partnership for same-sex persons (GREECE)

Bulgarian Patriarch asks President December 20, 2015. The adoption of the of Ukraine Poroshenko to protect new law about civil partnership for same- sex persons provoked the reaction of the Ukrainian Orthodox believers from Greek Hierarchs, as the website pravoslavie.ru persecutions (UKRAINE) reports. December 16, 2015. Patriarch Neophyte of Metropolitan of Piraeus Seraphim talked Bulgaria expressed his concerns with violations about the state persecutions against Christian of Orthodox believers’ rights in Ukraine, as faith: “The politicians shamelessly refer to the the website Interfax-religion reports. European consensus concerning legalization The Patriarch addressed to the Ukrainian of sodomy, but they conceal the fact that post- President Pyotr Poroshenko and said that he is Christian Europe has become Sodom and concern about the numerous registered facts Gomorrah. The persecutions are approaching. of violating rights of the believers belonging We will be threatened, we will be reviled, we to the only canonical Church in Ukraine. He will probably be imprisoned and murdered. underlined the issue of the seizures of the However, we must remain faithful even unto UOC churches by force. death”. The Bulgarian Church’s primate stressed the Metropolitan of Larisa and Tyrnavos, attempts to take the Pochayev Lavra and the Ignatios underlined that for the Church Kyiv Lavra of the Caves from the canonical “Homosexuality is an abominable sin which Church and to give them to the self-proclaimed leads people to inevitable spiritual death… The Kyiv Patriarchate. politicians are following the stench coming from the “civilized” countries, which before “Realization of such scenario will not only us recognized that black is white, that bitter is destabilize the social situation in Ukraine, sweet, and that unlawful is lawful…” but also will make it impossible for Orthodox hierarchs, clerics and believers from other Metropolitan of Sisanion and Siatista, Pavlos countries to visit the mentioned Lavras as made some very interesting questions to the we do not have and prayerful politicians: “Does someone sincerely believe communication with schismatic structures,” that the Church can betray its eternal values the letter reads. and adapt itself to the momentary needs of each historical epoch? The undeniable right Patriarch Neophyte asks Poroshenko to take of the Church is to bear witness to the truth. all necessary measures to protect rights of Homosexuality is inconsistent with Church the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, securing its life. Gentlemen of the government! Perhaps churches from being captured, and other forms tomorrow you are going to demand that the of forceful, information and other pressure. Church accepts bestiality and paedophilia. Source: Some expect that as soon as ‘the Free Cohabitation Law’ is adopted, you will be http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12611 forced to legalize paedophilia. Europe will put pressure upon you and you are ready to do anything. Do you really think that we will ever agree with this?” As the website romfea reports Metropolitan

51 Pavlos warned that soon it will start in Greece to be inside or to stay out of the church life, a pogrom against free citizens who dare to because we believe that no one has the right disagree with homosexuality as option of life. to violate human freedom, which is a gift from He also said that government cultivates the God. On the other side, it is completely far fear in order to scare people to express their from the ethics of our people and it is very opinion. He mentioned that the majority provocative to consider the same-sex couple of people in Greece respect the right of the as family, by recognising for it social and legal others to live, as they want. It is a chance for consequences as “adoption of children” etc. the government to prepare a new law about For this reason, we please you wholehearted the adoption of children from homosexuals not to adopt this new law especially before because soon Greece is going to be condemned Christmas. Our voice is coming from sincere by the European Court of Human Rights for interest for the progress of this country, which discrimination and then the government will Greek people trusted to your government. use again this excuse to prepare a new law. Maybe the temporary withdrawal of this bill Metropolitan of Fthiotida, Nikolaos said that would provide the necessary time for open “the Prime Minister threw the Gospel in the discussion and would give the right to Greek garbage, he presents the unusual things as people to express their opinion about such a great virtues and he offends the majority of serious issue, as it is the institution of family. decent Greek people”. He also said, “The Greek deputies to dared to vote this new law must This solicitation of the Fathers from Mount not come again to the Church”, as the website Athos is conveyed to all political parties and romfea reports. to all deputies of the Greek National Assembly with hope that they will contribute as they can Sources: to avoid the urgent adoption of this law”. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/88986.htm Source: http://www.romfea.gr/epikairotita-xronika/5275-siatistis- paulos-etoimazetai-progkrom-enantion-kathe-eleutherou- http://www.romfea.gr/agioritika-nea/5286-parembasi-agiou- politi-pou-exei-apopsi orous-gia-sumfono-sumbiosis http://www.romfea.gr/epikairotita-xronika/5332-labros-o- mitropolitis-fthiotidos-kata-prothupourgou Patriarch of Serbia expresses concern for discrimination against Intervention of Mount Athos about canonical Ukrainian Orthodox the new law on civil partnership for Church (UKRAINE) same-sex persons (GREECE) December 23, 2015. In his message to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All December 22, 2015. The Representatives and Russia, the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox the Abbots of the twenty monasteries of Mount Church expresses concern for the new facts of Athos addressed a letter to the Greek Minister violations of the human tights of the faithful of of Justice Mr. Paraskevopoulos, as the website the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Below is the romfea.gr reports. text of the message published on the website The letter says that “this new law is an of the Department for External Church aberration from the principles and the values Relations (DECR) Communication Service of of the Orthodox Tradition, which consists the the Russian Orthodox Church. root and the identity of the Greek culture. As Your Holiness, orthodox Christians, we absolutely respect the personal options of everyone and his right Dear and Beloved Brother and Concelebrant

52 in the Lord: hatred with love and patience in Christ! With profound concern and sincere distress Invoking God’s blessing upon you, we learn again and again about violations of the rights and discrimination of the faithful of Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Patriarch Irinej of Serbia has also sent a Special concern is caused by continued violent message concerning the present situation to captures of Orthodox churches by local His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv pseudo-Orthodox schismatics and radical and All Ukraine. nationalists. ‘The Serbian Orthodox Church has heard the With compassion and prayer the Serbian call of Your Beatitude to pray for the clergy Orthodox Church is following the development and the suffering parishioners of the church of the conflict in the Ptichya village in the of the Dormition at the Ptichya village in the Rovno Region, where our fellow faithful have Rovno Region’, the massage states. ‘We are become victims of pogroms and violence; lifting up prayers for those who have become where the Orthodox clergy are beaten up by victims of pogroms and glaring violence in the unbridled fascist militants; where the weak village, for the clergy who have been beaten up elderly people and women have been locked for the name of Christ, and for our miserable up in their own church for several days now fellow faithful who have been starved in their without water and food, even without being own church for several days now, denied even provided with the necessary medical aid. necessary medical aid. May the Lord give them strength to confess Christ and go through all No less concern is also caused by the recent the hardships for Him with courage!’ attempt to take away the Kyiv Laura of the Caves from the canonical Church, as we have Source: learnt from the press. The Kyiv Laura of the https://mospat.ru/en/2015/12/23/news126272/ Caves and the Pochayev Laura are great shrines for the whole Orthodox world, and we have learnt with indignation about the intention Protest of the Holy Synod of the to hand them over to the schismatics who are Serbian Orthodox Church about not recognized by any of the Holy Orthodox the abolition of religious course Churches. (SERBIA) By their fruit you will recognize them, says Holy Scriptures (Mt. 7:16). Evil can dress December 25, 2015. The Holy Synod of the itself up in the clothes of faith, light and truth Church of Serbia expressed its protest for the but its fruits – falsehood, division and hate sudden decision of the Minister of Education of the neighbour – will invariably expose it. of Serbia Mr Srdjan Verbić to abolish the Schismatics from the so-called ‘Patriarchate of religious course from the elementary and Kyiv’ have long been renounced by Orthodox secondary school, as the official website of the Churches and refer to Orthodoxy only by Serbian Orthodox Church reports. name. And their disdain for the norms of The Holy Synod reminds to the Minister of Christian morality and readiness to hate, to lie Education that he has to serve Serbian people and to spill blood is living proof of it. and to take into account that the majority We pray that the Lord may strengthen Your of Serbians 95% are Orthodox Christians. Beatitude and the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox The religious education is very important Church in the feat of confessing Christ and and Serbians were deprived of it during the give you strength to oppose the violence and totalitarian regime.

53 The Serbian hierarchs underlined that Mr.Verbić, as well as his ideological predecessors of fifteen years ago, explained only ideological reasons and motivations for the abolition of religious education from schools. Apparently, he does not belong to the majority of Serbia, who broke the bond with the totalitarian legacy. The Holy Synod considers that Mr. Verbić can provoke great damage to the civic education because the students who attend religious course learn to apply human values, human solidarity and respect for human rights and freedoms. Religious course and civic education differ in terminology, but their contents are related. Source: http://www.spc.rs/eng/node/38075

54 Chapter 5: The Right of Freedom of Assembly for Orthodox Christians. In this chapter the Center presents the facts the ‘veche’ also threatened the local priest and when Orthodox Christians are deprived of forced him to change the jurisdiction. their right to freedom of peaceful assembly The local authorities pretend that everything (Art. 11, ECHR) to exercise their religious is going on legally. The village council did not prescriptions. do anything to prevent the illegal actions of the non-resident radicals and so let create one more place of a religious tension. The ‘Right Sector’ captured an Orthodox church in the Cherkassk Source: region (UKRAINE) http://news.church.ua/2015/02/12/cherkaska-oblast-v- umanskij-jeparxiji-predstavniki-radikalnix-ugrupuvan- February 12, 2015. The Right Sector captured pereshkodzhayut-viruyuchim-potrapiti-do-xramu/ a church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (UOC MP) in the Cherkassk region (Ukraine). The clergy of the The Kyiv Patriarchate took over church was forced to change their jurisdiction one more church of the Moscow from the Moscow Patriarchate to the Kyiv Patriarchate in Ukraine (UKRAINE) Patriarchate as reports the UOC MP website. March 18, 2015. The church of the Nativity of The church was surrounded and anyone from the Most Holy Mother of God in Milcha village the parish was not. ‘After the liturgy, a group of of Dubensky district (Rivne region, Ukraine) men in camouflage uniform with arm-signs of was taken over by the Kyiv Patriarchate as the “Right Sector” surrounded the church of reports UNIAN. The secretary of Rivne diocese the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the village Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow of Bolshaya Sevastyanovka (Khristinovsky Patriarchate (UOC MP) archpriest Vitaliy district, Cherkassk Region) and did not allow Guerlinskiy mentioned that “the church was to anyone to enter in it. captured by numerous group of unknown people. A group of people came to the village According to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, at 8 a.m. There were also 5 representatives the illegal capture was anticipated by a so- of clergy of the Kyiv Patriarchate. The total called popular assembly “veche” (traditional number was about 100 people, most of them democratic meeting in Slavic tribes), where were non-residents of the village. A group of people who have nothing in common with people broke a door of the church that belongs the parish directly insulted believers of the to the UOC MP. They occupied the building UOC MP. Moreover, the combatants of the and held a worship service. The members “Right Sector” kicked out archpriest Vasily of UOC MP community from the village Mikhanchuk from the meeting and did not let gathered around the church, people from the him express his view of the situation. district and region also came there.” The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow The representatives of the local authorities Patriarchate also mentions that organizers of sealed the church of the Nativity of the Most

55 Holy Mother of God at about 3 p.m., till court of the Kyiv Patriarchate are nothing but public decision. The secretary of the diocese adds: opinion poll that has no legal force. On the “It would be more reasonable if both religious basis of these referendums representatives of communities had come to the agreement to the Kyiv Patriarchate “transfer” the churches solve the problem in the juridical way. However under its jurisdiction. The truth is that the it seems that the occupies do not rush to the Kyiv Patriarchate keeps silence on how they court. They used raider methods as grinders do it. Methods are always the same – grinders and crowbars. As far as the church is sealed the in hands of people. For me as for most of worships of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church orthodox people today’s event is nothing but will be held outside the church or in the parish force takeover.” building.” The secretary of Rivne diocese believes that the The secretary of the Kyiv Patriarchateconflict is provoked by the local authorities in archbishop Evstratiy Zorya made comments Milcha which support representatives of the on this occasion at his page in Facebook as Kyiv Patriarchate preaching “national church”. reports UNIAN. He wrote that enquiry of He also emphasized that there was no answer residents on ownership of the church of the to the complaints made by UOC MP to the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God state and law enforcement authorities. Father was initiated by local community of UOC Vitaliy confirms: “Precisely this indifference MP. Evstratiy Zorya considers: “By free vote from the side of the authorities is the reason 90% of the community voted in favor of the of these unpunished raider takeovers of UOC Kyiv Patriarchate. The church belongs to local churches.” community on the right of ownership. So on the basis of community’s decision the executive Source: committee of local council made a decision http://religions.unian.net/orthodoxy/1057140-rovenskaya- to allocate the church on community of the eparhiya-upts-zayavila-o-zahvate-hrama-v-sele-milcha- dubenskogo-rayona-pomeschenie-opechatano-do-resheniya- Kyiv Patriarchate. The community addressed suda.html the archbishop Hillarion to appoint a priest. The priest arrived today, the community was waiting in the church, and the Christ’s passions Greek-Catholics tried to capture an were celebrated. There was no conflict or Orthodox church (UKRAINE) violation.” March 22, 2015. An attempt at seizure of an In his turn the secretary of Rivne diocese of Orthodox church was made by representatives the OUC MP archpriest Vitaliy Guerlinskiy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church doesn’t agree with words of Evstratiy Zorya. (UGCC) as report the official website of Father Vitaliy Guerlinskiy emphasizes: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the “The statement of Evstratiy Zorya about mospat.ru. the ownership of the church by the local community on the right of ownership is very The rector of the church of the Nativity of strange. Once again the representatives of the the Most Holy Mother of God at the Stenka Kyiv Patriarchate equate religious community village, Buchatsk district, Ternopol region, to a local one, disorienting common people. So Father Vasily Moisyuk, has reported that at called referendums initiated by representatives about 15:00 a group of UGCC clergy clad in

56 committed an act of provocation Sources: near this church. These actions of the Uniates http://news.church.ua/2015/03/24/ternopilska-oblast-uniati- were supported by the Buchatsk district pid-prikrittyam-bojovikiv-namagayutsya-zaxopiti-pravoslavnij- council deputy Andrey Buchinsky (All- xram-na-ternopilshhini-video/ Ukraine Association ‘Svoboda’). Taking part https://mospat.ru/ru/2015/04/01/news117317/ in the action were also over 50 young people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lEWYs9HnfE in balaklavas and fatigues, who impersonated the Right Sector representatives. They tried to The Ukrainian court recognized get into the church allegedly for prayer. The illegal actions against the Orthodox faithful of the local Orthodox community in Sumy (UKRAINE) refused to let them in, explaining that anyone March 27, 2015. Zarechniy District Court of can come into a church during the liturgy, Sumy (Ukraine) recognized illegal actions of but one can only come into a house of God Vladimir Hanzina who on the first of March without weapons and with one’s face open. 2015 committed hooliganism at the entrance According to the chief of the Ternopol regional to the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of the police Alexander Bogomol, reinforced law- Orthodox diocese. Having found the guilt of enforcement units were used to prevent a Mr.Hanzina proven, the court sentenced him violent conflict on the religious ground at the to a fine as reports Sumy Orthodox diocese. village. During a press conference he said that Source: the Right Sector activists had come to support the UGCC representatives. The conflict itself, http://portal-pravoslavie.sumy.ua/sud-zarchnogo-rajonu-m.- sumi-vins-rshennya-shhodo-protipravnix-dj-1-bereznya.html he said, was that ‘the UGCC sought after a possibility for holding celebrations in the Appeal of Ternopil regional Council church that is used by the Ukrainian Orthodox to the expropriation of Pochayiv Church. The Right Sector representatives Lavra from the Orthodox Church tried to stand up for the position taken by the (UKRAINE) UGCC community’. April 28, 2015. The deputies of the Ternopil Alexander Bogomol noted that representatives regional council (Ukraine) voted for taking of the local authorities promised to take away the Holy Monastery of Pochayiv Lavra actions to ensure a possibility for the both from its canonical Ukrainian Church, as communities to worship in peace. reports the website pravoslavie.ru. At 17:30 on the same day, the Greek Catholic This vote is the reaction to the petition of priests and the Right Sector representatives Ternopil regional Rada (legislative body in the gathered together near the UGCC chapel Ukraine), which on 3rd July, 2014 initiated located in the same village. During that an appeal to the Prime Minister with the gathering, radicals yelled insults at the request to rescind the agreement between the Orthodox faithful and assurances that Uniate Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the state priests will enter the Orthodox church of the and to give the monastery buildings back to Nativity of Our Lady by all means in a matter the state as it was in the Soviet time. of days. The reaction of Metropolitan Vladimir of Pochayiv, abbot of the Holy Dormition

57 Pochayiv Lavra, was very intense. In his Ukrainian Orthodox nuns request interview to the Ukrainian newspaper president Poroshenko to delimit “Segodnya”, Metropolitan condemns the their monastery from neighbouring intention to transform the Pochayiv Lavra into prison (UKRAINE) a museum of history, as a non-Christian action which is coming from Christian deputies. He August 18, 2015. The Orthodox nuns of St. underlined that by this action the monastery Haralampius Convent in Hamaliyivka are (founded it in 1240) might be governed not by collecting signatures to petition Ukrainian the abbot and the brethren but by a museum president Petro Poroshenko to demarcate director and tour guides. Metropolitan between the convent and the Shostka Vladimir analysed in his interview the relation Correctional Facility № 66 for men, as reports of the Pochayiv Lavra with the State since pravoslavie.ru. Ukraine has become independent. St. Haralampius Convent, which is situated Source: near the village of Hamaliyivka in the Shostka district during the years 1713-1924 could http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/79008.htm have been an important centre of pilgrimage Interruption of divine celebration today if it had not become part of the prison. and capture of an Orthodox church The monastery complex is an architectural (UKRAINE) monument of national importance and historic value—there is the family tomb of August 24, 2015. Unidentified persons the Skoropadskys, including one of the last entered in St.Vladimir’s church in the village of Hetmans Ivan Skoropadsky and his wife Malye Dmitrovichi, the Obukhov District (the Anastasia. Kyiv Region, Ukraine). They interrupted the , which was taking place. They Nowadays the Cathedral of the Nativity of called themselves representatives of the local the Blessed Virgin Mary is a prison church self-defence and they started swearing. Under where a priest comes to officiate on a regular those circumstances, the rector stopped the basis. Next to the Cathedral, there are former celebration and the parishioners left from the monastery cells, and now there are bathhouses church and the church was closed. According for prisoners, workshops and administrative to press service of the Ukrainian Orthodox offices. Church, priests of the self-proclaimed Kyiv Patriarchate later joined the invaders. During his presidency, Viktor Yushchenko signed decree №4/2010, which states that Militia arrived on parishioners’ call, but kept the men’s correctional facility should vacate away from the incident and did not interfere the premises and buildings of the former when the celebration was disrupted. The monastery. This decree required considerable local community turned to the prosecutor’s funds to transfer the facility to another space. office complaining on the intruders and law- enforcement officers. Source: http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/81497.htm Source: http://news.church.ua/2015/08/23/kijivska-oblast-rozkolniki-z- upc-kp-zirvali-bozhestvennu-liturgiyu-na-kijivshhini/

58 The Right Sector and police help P.Poroshenko in connection with these events. members of Kyiv Patriarchate Source: to seize an Orthodox church (UKRAINE) http://news.church.ua/2015/09/22/pravij-sektor-kijkami- dopomig-rozkolnikam-zaxopiti-xram-miliciya-ne- vtruchajetsya-15-cholovik-travmovano-poranenix- September 22, 2015. The incident happened gospitalizovano-video/ on the eve when believers of the canonical Church celebrated the Nativity of the Mother of God near St. George Church in the village Village in Dnepropetrovsk Region of Katerinovka in the Ternopol Region. defends its canonical Orthodox The Liturgy was celebrated in the open air jurisdiction (UKRAINE) as followers of the self-proclaimed “Kyiv Patriarchate” had barricaded the church September 15, 2015. A meeting was organised earlier, as reports UOC press service. by a local farmer in the village of Chumaki, The members of the self-proclaimed Kyiv Dnepropetrovsk Region (Ukraine) as reports Patriarchate seized the church under Interfax-Religion. He tried to cause a division jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox in the community by preventing people going Church of the Moscow Patriarchate with the to the canonical Church under Moscow support of The Right Sector militants. They Patriarchate according to the testimony tried to chase away old people and children of Aleksandr Ponomarenko, the head of who prayed at the churchyard. Later, about 3 the Zheltovodsk Deanery. The Orthodox p.m., unidentified people penetrated into the Christians of the village united to support church through the side door and broke open a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the central doors, and then representatives of by refusing to go over to the self-proclaimed the Kyiv Patriarchate came into the church. “Kyiv Patriarchate.” The believers of the canonical church (UOC) could not enter the church as fellows with The looming schism resulted in the stripes of the Right Sector blocked their way. reconciliation of the Orthodox Christians, who were united by father Ioann, the senior According to the report of the UOC, when priest of a local church, who has a spotless representatives of the community asked reputation among his flock. That decision to give them way to the church in order to played the important role and members of take holy things from it, militants of the the village community decided to reconcile in Ternopol-2 battalion of the Interior Ministry church during a divine service. of Ukraine started beating believers of the Moscow Patriarchate severely. The result of It is known that the local administration and the militants’ condescending action was 15 an influential businessman began the process people to be traumatized, one person to be of transferring the community to the “Kyiv hospitalized with severe injuries and some Patriarchate.” others to have their limbs broken. Source:

The Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12303 metropolitain of Kyiv and all Ukraine Onuphry sent a letter to the President of Ukraine

59 Orthodox faithful struggled hard of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the to exercise their rights to pray Moscow Patriarchate, in the district of Dubno together (UKRAINE) (Ukraine), as the information service of UOC Moscow Patriarcate reports. October 9, 2015. In the village of Chudnytsya in Goshcha area (Ukraine), the believers of On 8th April 2015, the Economic Court the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow had recognised the rights of the Ukrainian Patriarchate) cut the road to prevent attackers Canonical Orthodox Church to this building. of Kyiv Patriarchate to arrive and interrupt On the 2nd September of 2015, the Economic their liturgical life as the website prochurch Court confirmed the rights of the canonical reports. Church on the church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary in this area. For more than a year, the believers of this area were victims of the aggression of Kyiv Employees of the district department of the Patriarchate. The first aggression took place in Interior Ministry arrived on the scene, after March 2015. Attackers arrived during one of being informed by faithful. They could not the church liturgies, they threw icons and the interfere to the case. The believers protested on Gospel; they displaced people and seized the the road Kyiv-Chop to express their discomfort church. All this happened in the presence of with the practice of the Kyivian Patriarchate. the police officers who did not prevent them Due to the decisive action of parishioners, the from doing it. Since then they continued the regional police intervened in the situation and violations in many ways. solved the conflict peacefully. On the 4th of October, before Sunday liturgy On 2nd November, 2015 in Dubno district an inscription was found on the wall of the the council held a round table with the church, which informed that the church participation of deputy chairman of the area belongs from now to Kyiv Patriarchate. The A. Kozak, the members of the Holy Dormition faithful of the UOC then blocked the highway community and representatives of the Kyiv road to their village to protest against such Patriarchate in order to discuss peacefully the provocation. The police reacted this time and issue. forced the supporters of Kyiv Patriarchate to Source: stop the provocations and the aggressions in http://news.church.ua/2015/11/02/rivnenska-oblast-kijivskij- this village. patriarxat-ne-viznaje-rishennya-ukrajinskogo-sudu/ Source: Ukrainian Court held the violation http://pro.church.ua/2015/10/09/viryani-upc-sela-chudnycia- of rights of the believers of the perekrili-mizhnarodnu-trasu-kijiv-chop-cherez-svavillya- Ukrainian Orthodox Church rejderiv-z-upc-kp/ (UKRAINE) Attempt to seizure an Orthodox church (UKRAINE) December 8, 2015. The court found violation of the rights of believers who are under the November 1, 2015. The representatives of jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox the non-canonical Patriarchate of Kyiv tried Church (Moscow Patriarchate) in the case to take the church of the Assumption of of the seizure of the church in Rivne region Virgin Mary, which is under the jurisdiction (Ukraine), as the official website of the UOC

60 MP reports. Attempt to seizure an Orthodox On March 1st, 2015 in the village, Chudnytsya church (UKRAINE) Goshcha district of Rivne region radical people December 15, 2015. Representatives of the entered into the church of Saint Paraskevi and self-proclaimed Kyiv Patriarchate tried to removed from the walls the icons, they pushed seize the Orthodox Church of St. Anna in the the lectern and toppled from the Gospel. village of Kuta in Ternopil region (Ukraine), as Following these events, the UOC community reports information service of the UOC MP. was not able to have its church. They gathered in front of the church door, Believers have applied to the police. The demanding to give them the right to alternate police did not bring it to the register of pre- services to the community of the Ukrainian trial investigations. In June 2015 the UOC Orthodox Church. Shouting requirements, community representatives filed a complaint after a while they attempted to enter the with the Goshchansky District Court, church. which ordered an investigator. However, the investigating police station Goshcha V. The law enforcement officers intervened to Kralkovskyy illegally closed the case again, prevent the seizure of the building. The rector as the interviewed representatives of the Kyiv of the Church agreed to negotiations on the Patriarchate were involved in the capture of possibility of alternating the divine services, to this Orthodox Church. prevent the conflicts. The court recognized the illegal actions of the Sources: investigator and ordered him again to resume http://news.church.ua/2015/12/15/rozkolniki-zalyakuyut- the investigation. viruyuchix-silovim-zaxoplennyam-xramu/ http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=news&div=61313 According to the Department of Information of the UOC, on 19th October, the decision of the Economic Court of Rivne region was Albanians protested claiming the declared invalid the certificate of ownership ownership of a Serbian monastery and the decision of state registration issued by (KOSOVO TERRITORY) the religious community “Kyiv Patriarchate” in the village Chudnytsya Goshcha district December 17, 2015. Hundreds of Albanians concerning St. Paraskevi temple. The faithful have protested against a court ruling to of Chudnytsi had to make protest actions and suspend the decision on the confiscation of to block the road Kyiv – Chop in order to be land of the Visoki Decani monastery, as the able to pray in thier church. website inserbia reports. Source: The half-hour protest went without incidents http://news.church.ua/2015/12/11/sud-viznav-porushennya- on Thursday afternoon, and saw participants prav-viruyuchix-upc-u-chergovij-spravi-pro-zaxoplennya- chant “UCK” (“Kosovo Liberation Army”; xramu-na-rivnenshhini/ KLA), “Constitutional Court violates the Constitution,” “Hands off from the land,” “No to new demarcation,” “International factor, don’t put pressure.”

61 The protesters, organized by the Albanian Source:

Alliance of Historians of Kosovo, accused http://inserbia.info/today/2015/12/kosovo-albanian-protesters- Visoki Decani hegumen Sava Janjic of claim-serb-monastery-as-their-heritage/ “conducting propaganda.” The protesters said the Serbian Orthodox Church monastery, a UNESCO site, is a pat of “cultural and historic Seizure of a church in Ukraine heritage of Kosovo Albanians.” (UKRAINE)

A member of the Albanian Alliance of December 27, 2015. Priests of the so-called Historians of Kosovo, Shkodran Imeraj, said “Kyiv Patriarchate” and a group of radicals of that the ruling was contrary to the Kosovo the “Right Sector” took by force the church Constitution and called on the government of Saint Nicholas in the village Zhytomyr and the assembly to declare the property of two Kolodyanka (Ukraine), as the official website companies, Apiko and Ilirija, as the property of Moscow Patriarchate reports. of the Decani municipality. Archpriest Stefan Markiewicz, dean of He wants the Constitutional Court to Novograd Volyn district of Zhytomyr diocese withdraw the decision and its president to of the Transfiguration, told about it to the resign “for legalizing decisions from the times of violent measures made during the 90s that Union of Orthodox Journalists. were discriminatory and anti-national for According to the priest, the representatives Albanians from Kosovo.” of the “Right Sector” were waiting in several He said that hegumen Sava’s statements and cars at the entrance of the village on Sunday stances were of a “highly waring” nature, morning on 27th December. Father Stefan says, representing “an announcement of his plan to “As soon as they saw our car they followed us destabilize general circumstances in Decani.” to the church. Then, about 50 representatives of the Kyiv Patriarchate went to the temple Imeraj also claimed that the monastery was and took it. A few dozen of radicals from the “not attacked by Albanians because it is a Right Sector watched their actions”. structure of cultural and historic heritage of Albanians.” The believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church built the Church of St.Nicholas in the “The malicious propaganda of Sava Janjic is village Kolodenka 20 years ago. The religious evident not only in this case… the whole time community was registered in 1992. Supporters he has been calling on Serbian nationalist of the so-called “Kyiv Patriarchate” started against the Albanian people in Decani and agitating the village when the construction Kosovo. He and his friends should know of the new church was completed and the that the monastery of Decani was built by dissenters came from Novograd Volyn and Albanians themselves.” neighbouring areas, as father Stephen says. In Hegumen Janjic on Thursday recommended their speeches, they used standard arguments that Serbs delay their travel to Decani, due to that sound almost every day on television. the announced protest by “the historians of Because of those speeches they managed Kosovo.” He also published a video from the to have several supporters who applied for p r o t e s t ”. registration of their community.

62 The priest said that the action of the “Kyiv the village there are about 300 households, but Patriarchate” urged the Head of the Sector only 25 believers attend the church regularly, for religions and nationalities of Zhytomyr all the others, in their own words, come to the State Administration Alexander Pivovarsky to church once or twice a year.” “Today we were visit them on 25th December. He said to the pushed to allow the dissenters to legitimize conflicting parties that the legal resolution of their illegal actions, said the dean. – And all the conflict can take a long time. this in the presence of representatives of the Security Service, the police, inside of a public Now, the activists of “Kyiv Patriarchate” set institution. We refused strongly and we will the locks on the gates of the church fence and apply to the court. We sent a statement to the of the gate of the temple, and put their own Ministry of Interior of the violation of our protection. rights under Article 161 of the Criminal Code On 28th December in Novograd Volyn of Ukraine.” district, the local council attempted to discuss On 18th December, the dissenters and the the situation that has developed around the radicals of the “Right Sector” had gathered at new church. According to archpriest Stefan the temple with the requirement to transfer Markiewicz, the chairman of the local council the church building to the Kyiv Patriarchate. Mr Rudnicki, responded to the representatives In order to avoid a large conflict, the of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox who suggested to solve the dispute according Church agreed to close the church and to the law: “Why do we need this law, let’s vote to address the problem in a legal process. and that’s all.” However, a week later, the “Kyiv Patriarchate” The representatives of the community of the violated the agreement. Ukrainian Orthodox Church were pushed to Source depose the issue through a referendum but they http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/4311369.html did not accept it. Church dean of Novograd Volyn Preobrazhensky District says that “in A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches and the State authorities to the violation of the freedom of assembly of the Orthodox Christians.

The Diocese of Ras and Prizren concerning the construction of the church of (Kosovo) published the communiqué Christ the Savior in Pristina. on statements of the Albanian press Some texts published in certain media of concerning the church of Christ Kosovo in Albanian language claim for the the Savior in Pristina (KOSOVO innumerable time that the cathedral of Christ TERRITORY) the Savior in the center of Pristina is built February 6, 2015. The Diocese of Ras and illegally and, therefore, must be destroyed. Prizren (Kosovo) published the Communiqué The Diocese of Ras and Prizren of the Serbian regarding statements of the Albanian press Orthodox Church, on this occasion, stresses

63 again that the construction of the mentioned attempt to undue political exploitation of this church began on the land that is the property issue. of the Serbian Orthodox Church, according to the existing legal procedures at that time. The Bishop of Ras and Prizren in time provided The diocese has detailed documentation with all the documents relating to the construction permissions and extracts of the cadasters of that church and the ownership of the land proving that any statement about an alleged to all international institutions in Kosovo and illegal construction is unfounded. TheMetohija, and is ready to defend its rights by construction of the church began in the all legal means. Any attack against the church full agreement with the institutions of the will be an attack against the Serbian Orthodox state and of the regional authorities, as well Church itself, whose rights are clearly defined. as with the direction of the University of Source: Pristina, located in the proximal distance. No http://www.spc.rs/sr/saopshtenje_za_javnost_eparhije_ complaints were expressed in relation to the rashkoprizrenske_1 construction under question. If it is claimed that this construction must be again legalized, it must be valid for all buildings built at that Orthodox believers ask Poroshenko time in accordance with legal standards then to protect churches from illegal in effect. The selective interpretation of the takeovers (UKRAINE) law to the detriment of the Serbian Orthodox Church is more a matter of discrimination May 25, 2015. Parishioners of the Rovno on ethnic or religious basis than of any Diocese turn to Ukrainian President Pyotr legislation. Poroshenko with the request to protect them as Rovno diocese reports. The construction of the church of Christ the Savior began in 1992, while approximately “Parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox 40,000 Serbs lived in Pristina. Since the Serbian Church, the only canonical Orthodox church Orthodox Church had only a small church, in the state, have become victims of the insufficient to cover the needs of the faithful, disgusting and terrific phenomenon – illegal the construction of a larger church was needed. church takeover,” they say in their open letter The claim that the construction of this church addressed to Poroshenko and posted by the was politically motivated is a provocation. Rovno Diocese website. Indeed, the idea of building a church was Over 900 residents living in certain villages promoted by bishop of Ras and Prizren Paul, of the regions signed the letter, they pointed future Patriarch of Serbia, which received the out to the facts of forceful takeovers of the approval of the institutions, competent then churches, saying that “representatives of the for this project. In addition, the land on which so-called Kyiv Patriarchate” attacked church is located the unfinished church of Christ the communities. Savior in central Pristina is still in cadastral possession of the Serbian Orthodox Church, “They spread rumors that the Ukrainian which proves the last extract from the cadaster Orthodox Church supports separatism. of Kosovo got in 2012. So all the speculation Though in fact they are separatists as they about an alleged illegal construction of this separate Ukrainians, by deceit force them to church is unfounded and constitutes an change confession, create hostility between

64 branches of Orthodox faith and call our canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Orthodox Church hostile to the Ukrainian Kyiv Patriarchate and members of the Right state,” the letter reads. Sector, who demand that the church be turned over to the sectarians. “How can we speak about approaching to Europe, when Middle Age savagery and We are convinced that these events in the disregard of basic human rights reign in the Rovno region are the result of consistent very heart of Ukraine?” local residents wonder. attempts to cover up infringements on the They urge Poroshenko “to prove that Ukraine freedom of religion and the rights of believers has started living on principles of legality and by the Ukrainian authorities. Despite serious morals,” and asked “to prevent terrific plague tensions, the OSCE leadership and the OSCE of religious separatism.” Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM) have not reacted appropriately. Source: http://www.rivne-pravoslavne.org.ua/парафіяни-рівненської- The SMM obviously regarded as sufficient its єпархії-прося/#.VnA3fb_70zt “vague” account of events presented in the December 24 report for media and the public, Russian Foreign Ministry speaks according to which they “did not observe of OSCE’s lack of action toward significant incidents” and could not “confirm seizure of churches of the canonical the occurrence of any serious clashes or Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UKRAINE) injuries.” We would like to note that the SMM observers relied on information provided by December 29, 2015. The Ministry of Foreign “an interlocutor from the local police,” which Affairs of Russia is worried about the situation they did not bother verifying. We recommend surrounding the Assumption church of the that the SMM discuss this issue with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Ptichya in the Rovno region and calls on the (Moscow Patriarchate) to get an objective Organization for Security and Cooperation picture of the situation in that and other in Europe (OSCE) to assess appropriately the Orthodox churches in Ukraine. Kyiv authorities’ attitude towards the seizure of churches belonging to the Ukrainian In our opinion, the OSCE should characterise Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Kyiv’s stance regarding the seizure of the churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Below we provide the full text “Comment by the Information and Press Department on a (Moscow Patriarchate) as a violation of Kyiv’s recent attack by Ukrainian radical nationalists international commitmens in the sphere of on the Dormition Cathedral near Rovno” human rights. Russia is seriously alarmed by the situation Source: regarding the Dormition Cathedral of the http://www.mid.ru/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/ Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/2003393?p_p_id=101_ Patriarchate) in the village of Ptichye near INSTANCE_cKNonkJE02Bw&_101_INSTANCE_ cKNonkJE02Bw_languageId=en_GB Rovno. The church and its parishioners have been attacked by the followers of the non-

65 Chapter 6: Acts of Vandalism and Desecration against Orthodox Worship and Sacred Places. In 2015 the Center observed incidents of front of the door and on the door itself there vandalism and desecration in Orthodox were drawn inverted crosses, anti-Christian churches which hinder to faithful to exercise symbols. the right of freedom of worship (Art.9, ECHR). Source:

http://www.ouest-france.fr/rennes-des-degradations-cette-nuit- devant-une-eglise-orthodoxe-3105521 Vandalism at an Orthodox site (ALBANIA)

January 3, 2015. Unknown persons destroyed An Orthodox church in Lipljan a cross in a small Orthodox site in Himara vandalized with KLA graffiti (Albania) reports Romfea. This place is (KOSOVO TERRITORY) dedicated to the dead persons who lost their life in 1990. Vandals destroyed also the January 10, 2015. Graffiti of Kosovo Liberation religious monument which was dedicated to Army (KLA) appeared on the walls of the Saint Kosmas who passed by this place in 18th Orthodox church of Saint Flora and Lavre in century. The monuments were made from Lipljan on Saturday morning, and the police strong materials but it wasn’t enough to protect and the Diocese of Raska and Prizren have them. This happened after the decision of the been notified about the incident as reports Albanian government to unite two regions – tanjug.rs. one with Muslim population and the other President of the church municipality of Lipljan with Orthodox Christians. Zoran Simijonovic said that citizens notified Source: him about the graffiti at around 8 a.m. that morning, after which the police were called http://orthodoxrights.org/vandalism-at-an-orthodox-site-in- to inspect the area immediately. According albania.html to him, citizens are distraught although no inter-ethnic problems in the area have been recorded lately. We did not see something Desecration of an Orthodox church like this coming and we are worried about (FRANCE) potential new incidents, Simijonovic said. January 10, 2015. The French police started Lipljan priest Slavisa Spasic said that the the investigation of the desecration of appearance of the graffiti on the church the main entrance of the former St. Anne walls was a distressing experience for Lipljan Catholic church which since June 2014 citizens and Serbs. No incidents involving the became a (Route Orthodox church happened until now and no de Lorient, Rennes, France) reports Ouest- problems ever occurred here before, Spasic France. Two large flower pots, posed on the said. both sides of the main entrance to the church, were deliberately fallen and broken at night. In Chief of the Kosovo Administrative District

66 Srdjan Petkovic noted that Lipljan citizens Photo documents from personal archive of are frightened and that they did not wish to archpriest Sergei Temnik appear in front of reporters’ cameras because they are afraid of potential retaliation. Sources: http://religions.unian.net/orthodoxy/1036253-v-Kyive- Source: neizvestnyie-brosili-shest-kokteyley-molotova-v-hram-upts-v- babem-yaru-foto.html http://orthodoxrights.org/an-orthodox-church-in-lipljan- vandalized-with-kla-graffiti.html http://www.babiy-yar.org/#!sobitiya/cymc

Arson attack on an Orthodox church Orthodox Church of St.Procopius in Kyiv (UKRAINE) attacked and desecrated in Visoko (BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA) January 21, 2015. An attempt to set fire in the church dedicated to the icon of Mother of God January 22, 2015. The Orthodox Church called “Joy of All Who Sorrow” of the Ukrainian in Visoko, which was declared a national Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) treasure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been took place in the National historical memorial vandalized – the outside walls were desecrated reserve “Babi Yar” in Shevchenko district of by graffiti with anti Serbian and offensive Kyiv, as reports UNIAN-Religion. content, as reports klix.ba and There Must be Justice. The rector of the damaged church archpriest Sergei Temnik said that attackers had thrown Parish priest and elders of the church of six petrol bombs, hopefully only three of them St. Procopius, Marko Jakovljevic confirms had ignited. The altar side of the church was that the police did an investigation, and that damaged by fire. the first information shows that the church was “invaded by children”, according to the In the morning watchman heard a loud footprints found on the spot. explosion and immediately called the police. He saw three men walking near the church Certainly, children could not write the graffiti, who left the place. The watchman stopped the and adults did it. There were, obviously more fire with an extinguisher. 5 minutes later the groups according to the signs and symbols of police arrived and investigation was launched. coats of arms more football teams. The attackers were aiming to set the fire to the wooden construction under the roof – said the The unknown persons, who entered the church rector. According to father Sergius, a wall of through the window, have scattered the items the refectory of the church was also sprinkled that were in the altar, and Jakovljevic said that with petrol. nothing was stolen and that their goal was just to inflict damage. “The attackers left evidence of their criminal actions that was found by the police. The size Investigation was performed by Police of the material damage is to be established,” – Department Visoko, police officers came to said archpriest S.Temnik. the conclusion that the two underage boys, born in 2000, may be related to these crimes, Previously, the alike incident took place in the civil protection service cleaned the graffiti and same church on the 3rd of December, 2014. repaired the damage.

67 Church of Saint Procopius in Visoko was feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ at declared a National monument of Bosnia the Temple, several hundreds of Serbs from and Herzegovina by the decision of the northern Kosovska Mitrovica visited an Commission to preserve national monuments Orthodox cemetery in the southern part of on March 8, 2004. the city. They arrived by buses and by cars with the police escort, as reports inserbia.info. Inscriptions in Bosnian “You should all be castrated (in order) not to reproduce”, “Dead Archpriest Milija Arsovic said: “You can see chetnik (Serb) is good chetnik”. that there is absolutely nothing good here. People came here today in large numbers, Sources: to this sacred cemetary, because many pious http://www.klix.ba/vijesti/bih/visoko-policija-pronasla-djecake- people are buried here, and they did not koji-su-provalili-u-crkvu-i-ispisali-uvredljive-grafite/150123073 deserve this to be done to them. Simply, I https://theremustbejustice.wordpress.com/2015/01/22/the- have been coming here for 15 years with these orthodox-church-of-st-procopius-in-visoko-bosnia-and- herzegovina-attacked-and-desecrated/ people and I can say that every time we come we find the situation worse”. The chapel at the cemetery was also destroyed. Inscriptions on Orthodox churches More than 70 percent of gravestones at the (GREECE) cemetery was destroyed or desecrated after the conflict ended in 1999. February 5, 2015. The diocese of Arta (Greece), expresses its strong protest to the Source: authorities of the region for the sacrilege action http://inserbia.info/today/2015/02/kosovo-chapel-at-orthodox- against the church of Saint George of Arta says cemetery-destroyed-graves-desecrated-busts-stolen/ Romfea. Unknown persons wrote slogans on the wall of the church. The diocese expressed also the objections and the resentment of The desecration of an Orthodox the Church council and all the parishioners. Church (CROATIA) The council called the authorities: (the major and the police) to take measures so as to stop February 16, 2015. In the night from the desecrations of Orthodox churches which 14th to 15th of February, on the eve of the happens often in Arta. great feast of the Presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Temple, unknown persons Source : violated the Serbian Orthodox cathedral of http://orthodoxrights.org/inscriptions-on-orthodox-churches- Saint Nikolas in Carlovac in Croatia, as The in-greece.html Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church reports. They caused damages in the altar, stole all crosses and broke all the worship Chapel at Orthodox cemetery objects related to the of . destroyed, graves desecrated, busts stolen in Northern Kosovska According to the Serbian Orthodox Church, Mitrovica (KOSOVO TERRITORY) such attacks took place previously several times. For example, in 2014 the attackers February 14, 2015. On the eve of the great wrote on the walls of the church threats and

68 offensive words. The representatives of the and Donji Livoc and urged the competent Serbian Church complained to the Croatian authorities in the southern Serbian province authorities but the perpetrators are not still to find and punish those responsible in order found. to finally put an end to such vandalism. Source: It is with great regret that we have to http://www.spc.rs/sr/napad_na_saborni_hram_u_karlovcu acknowledge the fact that a decade and a half since the incident in Krusevac, the authorities in Pristina and the international community have still not found a way to put an end to this Two Serbian Orthodox cemeteries vandalism which is unlike anything else in the desecrated (KOSOVO TERRITORY) civilized world, the Office for KiM said in a February 20, 2015. The incidents happened release. in the villages of Krusevac near Obilic and of “Such failure to act is an indirect message to Donji Livoc near Gnjilane, as report b92 and that small number of people who hold nothing the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Raska-Prizren sacred that attacks on Serb cemeteries, Serb Diocese. churches and monasteries, such as last week’s In Krusevac, tombstones were torn down, robbery of the Temple of Saint Demetrius in covered with garbage, plastic and rubber, Susica, are welcome,” the statement said. and then set on fire. The diocese said that the The Office for KiM called on the international photographs taken by its priests show that the community and authorities in Pristina to tombstones were completely destroyed. find and punish the perpetrators and not to The diocese condemned the incidents in the allow a small group of individuals to cause strongest terms, expressing deep regret that damage to their reputation, because all these the practice of desecration of Serb graves in incidents not only undermine the spirit of Kosovo and Metohija continues. multiculturalism in Kosovo-Metohija but also compromise all efforts to normalize relations RTV puls is reporting that in Donji Livoc, the and make normal coexistence in the province grave of Gradimir Milosavljevic, buried in possible. 1998, was desecrated and exhumated. Sources: Speaking about the cemetery desecration, http://www.eparhija-prizren.com/sr/vesti/oskrnavljeno-srpsko- Kosovo police spokesperson Ismet Hasani pravoslavno-groblje-u-selu-krusevac said that they were “aware of the case” and had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi7bukOc7Vs launched an investigation in cooperation with the public prosecutor. He added that a pathologist from Pristina Destruction of Church equipment would examine the crime scene, “after which it (ALBANIA) will be known what was taken from the tomb.” March 2, 2015. In Tirana (Albania), the The Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo- authorities decided to violate the territory Metohija (KiM) condemned the desecration of the Orthodox Cathedral destroying the of cemeteries in the Serb villages of Krusevac iron railings and uprooting the trees and

69 the plants of the north side of the building, shelling, report the Severodonetsk Diocese reports Romfea and Himara. This arbitrary and Interfax. intervention took place without any formal The shells hit the church roof, causing and preliminary announcement from the major damage to the altar, icons and walls, Albanian authorities. according to a report posted on the website With this action the Cathedral is becoming a of the Severodonetsk Diocese of the Moscow public place by putting in danger the safety of Patriarchate’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church. the building and the propriety of the Church. The Trinity Church, built in 1840, is one of the The land where the Cathedral is built doesn’t largest and oldest Orthodox churches in the belong to the State but it’s a private propriety Luhansk Region. which is registered according to Albanian legislation. All in all, 12 churches of the Severodonetsk Diocese have been damaged since the conflict The spokesman of the Autocephalous erupted in the south-east of Ukraine in April Orthodox Church of Albania Mr Thomas 2014. Demas said that the Cathedral is in danger after this violation of the building. He claimed Sources: that the argument of the Albanian Ministry http://sed-eparhia.com/78-novosti/980-vsledstvie-boevykh- of Culture that they interfered only for the dejstvij-postradal-svyato-troitskij-khram-s-troitskoe.html renovation of the Monuments in Tirana is http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=11883 not serious but an excuse as the Church is the owner of the specific land. He added also that in the basement of the building there is very Orthodox memorial crosses expensive equipment which is now without desecrated in the Nikolayev region protection and can be stolen. Mr Demas finally (UKRAINE) mentioned that this action is against the law 10057/22.1.2009 (Agreement between the March 7, 2015. During the night, unidentified Cabinet and the Church) which guarantees persons desecrated Orthodox memorial the respect and the protection of the worship crosses in the Pervomaisk and Arbuzynka places of the Orthodox Church in Albania. administrative districts of the Ukraine’s Source: Nikolayev region, reports the Moscow Patriarcate Voznesensk Diocese’s press service. http://himara.gr/4209-diamartyria-tis-orthodoksi-aftokefalis- ekklisias-tis-alvanias Thus, a memorial cross at the border between the Pervomaisk and Arbuzynka districts was cut down by the vandals who poured An ancient Orthodox church flammable liquid on it and set it on fire. The of Luhansk region damaged by cross, glory be to God, has escaped damage. shelling (UKRAINE) The culprits also felled another memorial March 6, 2015. The Orthodox Trinity Church, cross that stood on the highway near the located in the village of Troitskoye in the Semenivka village of the Arbuzynka district, Popasnaya District of Ukraine’s Luhansk poured the flammable liquid on it and set it Region, was seriously damaged as a result of alight. Nearby they dropped leaflets calling “to

70 free the country from spiritual slavery”. 3. Saint Nicholas church in Popasna (broken windows); The ruling bishop already not for the first time appealed to the law-enforcement agencies 4. Saint Nicholas church in the village of in order to identify the circumstances of Gubovske Popasnianskyy District (numerous commission of the crime, reports the diocese’s wall damages caused by shelling); website. 5. Holy Trinity church in the village of On December 30, 2014, similar acts of Troyitske Popasnianskyy District (holed roof, vandalism were committed: unidentifieddestroyed altar and icons); people felled two memorial crosses that stood 6. Saint Nicholas church and Seraphim of at the road near the villages Mygiya and Sarov chapel in the village of Novotoshkivka Semenivka. Popasnianskyy District (numerous wall Source: damages caused by shelling); http://voznesensk-church.in.ua/arkhierejskoe-sluzhenie/ 7. Saint Pantaleon chapel in the village of ocherednye-akty-vandalizma-na-territorii-voznesenskoj- eparkhii Toshkivka Popasnianskyy District (numerous wall damages caused by shelling); 8. The Intercession of the (Pokrov) 8 Damaged Orthodox Churches in church in the village of Triokhizbenka (broken the Lugansk region (UKRAINE) windows, damaged walls after the direct hit of a missile). March 8, 2015. According to the information available on the official web site of the Head Source: of the Lugansk Regional Military and Civil http://www.moskal.in.ua/?categoty=news&news_id=1550 Administration Gennadiy Moskal, for the period of military actions in the eastern part of Ukraine eight churches of the Ukrainian Vandalism against the historical Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) were church of Mother of God damaged on the territory of Lugansk Region (Kapnikarea) in Athens (GREECE) controlled by the Ukrainian army. Most of the churches have broken windows, damaged March 14, 2015. An act of vandalism against facades and roofs. Some of the churches were the historical church of Mother of God damaged seriously after the direct shelling of (Kapnikarea) was committed in Athens as the artillery and missiles. reports protothema.gr. A group of 200 people was going to the ancient center of Athens, List of the damaged churches: Monastiraki, demonstrating for the rights of 1. Saint Elijah Church in Lysychanks (damaged migrants. The group consisted of 30 Greeks roof, crack in a wall); and 170 migrants. The crowd stopped outside of the church of Mother of God and of Saint 2. Church in honour of Three Holy Hierarchs Barbara and one of the Greeks jumped in the in Popasna (numerous damages from shelling yard and wrote with a spray on the wall of of the walls and the dome, the roof of the the church: “We are breaking silence; we are parish house is holed); getting out in the streets”.

71 The people who saw his action negatively 1) theft of items which are dedicated to the reacted to it, trying to stop the young man. religious worship from a specific religious But he continued to write on the wall and place, 2) damages, 3) arson, 4) disrupting of then answered aggressively that “he will do the operation of Law school, 5) illegal carrying whatever he wants”. People were afraid and and usage of weapons (misdemeanor). didn’t continue any conversation with him. The files were divided in two parts. Those, The church of Mother of God and of Saint which concern the criminal action, were sent Barbara, known as “Holy Church of the to the Interrogation, while the others about the University”, was built in the 11th century misdemeanors were sent to the Hellenic police and belongs to the University of Athens. The in order to find and arrest the perpetrators. archaeological service of Athens was informed The police officers are called to act according and the experts will clean its wall from the to the law about the “flagrant torts” so as to colors. prevent any other similar crime. Source: Sources: http://www.protothema.gr/greece/article/460163/vandalisan- http://www.kathimerini.gr/807523/article/epikairothta/ kai-tin-istoriki-ekklisia-tis-panagias-kapnikarea-stin-ermou/ ellada/mhnysh-gia-thn-katalhyh-ths-nomikhs-kate8ese-o- prytanhs

http://www.vimaorthodoxias.gr/eipan/item/55881-ανήμερα- Desecration of a historical church in της-σταυροπροσκυνήσεως-πρωτόγνωροι-βανδαλισμοί-στους- Athens (GREECE) αγ-αναργύρους-σόλωνος-και-μασσαλίας-φωτο

March 16, 2015. The desecration of the An Orthodox cemetery destroyed historical church of Saint Anargyri, which is by heavy shelling near Donetsk located near to the Faculty of Law in Athens (UKRAINE) (in Solonos Street), happened early in the March 20, 2015. Ukraine president morning as reports Kathimerini.gr. The Faculty Poroshenko’s assistant Yury Biryukov has has been illegally taken over by 200 anarchists published on his Facebook page a video of who burnt cars and desecrated the church. The Church is a metochi (representation) heavy shelling of the Orthodox cemetery in of the famous Petraki Monastery which the Monastery of Mother of God Iverskaya that has existed for more than 1000 years, and is took place in fall 2014 near Donetsk (eastern located next to the building of the Holy Synod Ukraine), as reports Zvezda. of the Church of Greece in Athens. The public The publishing of this recording caused prosecutor’s office of district and judges of an outrage among Internet users. Most of the court of first instance of Athens (Greece) all, because of the cynical comments about started the prosecution against persons, who explosions. After a wave of angry comments made this desecration. The public prosecutor’s Biryukov deleted video from his page. office called this action as unprecedented. Source: The head of the prosecuting department Mr. Elias Zagoraios asked directly the http://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/ content/201503200912-eo8j.htm communication of the files and the criminal prosecution against unknown persons for:

72 People in masks desecrate an The church was not damaged, but the fire Orthodox church in the Kyiv Region damaged the Sunday school building located (UKRAINE) in the basement.

April 4, 2015. Unidentified people in military The diocese says a local paper had published uniform raided the Transfiguration Church an article calling for one of Koval’s hospital of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow churches to be given to the self-proclaimed Patriarchate) in the village of Gusintsy, the Kyiv Patriarchate the week before the incident. Kyiv Region, Ukraine as reports the website Source: “The Orthodox life”. http://news.church.ua/2015/05/24/volinska-oblast-u-koveli- “Group of armed men in masks introduced nevidomimi-bulo-pidpaleno-likarnyanij-xram/ themselves as officials of the Ukrainian Security Service and performed a search, desecrating church shrines. For instance, they Vandals smashed an Orthodox disassembled the holy altar,” the UOC reports worship cross near Sochi (RUSSIA) at its website. May 28, 2015. The big crucifix situated The raiders did not provide any documents between Dagomys and Uch-Dere (Sochi or orders allowing them to perform a search. region), is found broken down. They explained their actions saying they were It seems that the cross was hit with a searching for weapon allegedly hidden in the sledgehammer. Furthermore, the vandals church. painted on the pedestal of the cross in red Sources: color the hammer and sickle, soviet symbols. http://pravlife.org/content/4-aprelya-v-lazarevu-subbotu-byl- “The Lord protects the people who live in oskvernyon-svyato-preobrazhenskiy-hram-v-s-gusincy-chto-na Dagomys, who could make it, I have no idea. http://news.church.ua/2015/04/06/pid-privodom-poshuku- It was the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, zbroji-nevidomimi-u-vijskovij-formi-skojeno-narugu-nad- prestolom-starovinnogo-xramu-u-kijivskij-oblasti/ perhaps this vandalism was timed on this occasion”- says rector of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God church of Dagomys archpriest Orthodox church set on fire in Volyn Alexander. region (UKRAINE) The motives for the crimes are not clear. May 25, 2015. Unknown individuals have set A criminal investigation has already been fire to a hospital church built in honor of holy opened. martyr Panteleimon in the city of Kovel, Volyn Source : Region of Ukraine. The incident occurred in http://orthodoxrights.org/vandals-smashed-an-orthodox- the early hours of May 24. Fire was set to the worship-cross-near-sochi.html building on two sides. The firefighters, who were called by an eyewitness, managed to extinguish the fire, the press service for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has reported.

73 Desecration of an Orthodox church Nicholas Church and smashed windows in its in Cormeilles-en-Parisis (FRANCE) alter section, the UOC said on its website.

June 1, 2015. The Orthodox church of Saint At the Church in honor of St. Antonius and St. Nikolas, which is located in the retirement Theodosius of the Caves, the miscreants again home in Cormeilles-en-Parisis (commune Val- smashed windows in the alter section and d’Oise, department Ile-de-France, Northern caused significant damage to a stained-glass France), was desecrated by perpetrators who window with the image of Christ. stole liturgical items and icons as reports the “It is obvious that this is yet another provocation website exarchat.eu. The unknown persons aimed against the Ukrainian Orthodox made damages to the church. Church,” Bishop Nikolay of Vasilkov wrote on The police was informed by inhabitants of his Facebook page. the retirement home about the incident and The photo documents from the mitropolia. started investigation. The police officers took Kyiv.ua website the fingerprints of the unknown persons and examined the situation with the rest liturgical Source: equipment. http://mitropolia.Kyiv.ua/skoyeni-akti-vandalizmu-shhodo- dvox-xramiv-u-misti-vasilkiv/ The reaction of His Eminence Archbishop of Telmesos Job (Patriarchate of Constantinople) was immediate. He condemned the Attack on an Orthodox Church desecration and asked from the rectors of building in Istanbul (TURKEY) all churches and chapels, which is under his spiritual jurisdiction to take measures in order June 9, 2015. In the early evening hours of to protect the churches and the liturgical this day, a man, who appeared to be in his 20s, equipment. For this reason, he asked from threw a lit Molotov cocktail at a wooden side the rectors to write down in a catalogue every door of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church liturgical item and all the icons that belong to in Kadıköy, Istanbul, (Turkey) according to their churches. witnesses at the scene as reports Morning Star News. He then stood outside the door Source: screaming “Allah Akbar (God is greater)” as http://www.exarchat.eu/spip.php?article1691 the flames spread upwards. As police arrived and took the assailant into Two Orthodox churches vandalized custody, he screamed out, “Revenge will be in Kyiv region (UKRAINE) taken for Al-Aqsa Mosque,” an apparent reference to one of Sunni Islam’s holiest sites, June 9, 2015. Vandals have attacked two located in the Old City of Jerusalem. Police churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have not released the name of the man taken (Moscow Patriarchate) in the town of Vasilkov into custody. It is not known if any charges have outside Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital. been filed against him, if he has been released or if he is under medical or psychological care. The incidents occurred in the early hours. Vandals tried to break the door of the St. No one was injured in the attack on Holy

74 Trinity and the damage to the building was searched without warning by the staff of the repaired in two days. The faithful believe that colony, so that the altar cloth, the cloth of the the assailant, who was arrested and declared prothesis as well as the sacred vessels had been by the police as a person with psychological desecrated. Father Igor also reported about a disorder, was pressured to commit the attack disappearance of the hard disc drive, which by a group who wants to provoke religious, contained collection of the religious books, ethnic and political problems in Turkey. films and preachings. Foto and video documents from haberler.com Source: Source: http://www.pravoslavie.ru/80068.html http://morningstarnews.org/2015/06/christians-shaken-after- attack-on-their-church-building-in-istanbul-turkey/ The third time non-identified persons vandalized the territory of the Orthodox spring in Lipetsk Sacrilege in the prison Orthodox (RUSSIA) Chapel (RUSSIA) July 1, 2015. Attackers vandalized the territory June 18, 2015. The website pravoslavie.ru of the Orthodox spring located close to the informed about the violations of the orthodox Holy Dormition Monastery in the city of prisoners’ rights at correctional colony no. 3 Lipetsk (Russia) as the web-site of the Lipetsk in Kabardino-Balkaria (Russian Federation). metropolia reports. The administration of the prison prevents the orthodox priest from visiting the facility. The The attackers burned the wooden dressing monk priest Igor (Vasiliyev) is supervising the room, broke down the cross, established over prisoners of the colony for more than 10 years the font. In addition, the attackers left on the now. For his activity he was even awarded with neighbor wall to the spring the inscription, a medal of the Russian Federal Penitentiary indicating that they belong to a neo-Nazi Service three years ago. organization. Around twenty Orthodox icons were burned in the wooden dressing room. However, according to father Igor, last year he According to Andrew, one of the Orthodox was not allowed to visit prisoners for Easter. donators, in recent months non-identified Moreover, he was charged with an offence persons had broken down several icons of the for the attempted bringing of alcohol in the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints at the prison (wine that was supposed to be used source. In general, this is the third attack on at the liturgy). The kulichi (traditional Easter the spring by the vandals. In 2013, they had breads) which he brought with him were all already broken the crucifix and damaged icons. destroyed by the staff of the prison. He was In December last year, attackers smashed the not allowed to enter the prison for Epiphany and dropped it into the water. and for the Bright Week either. Holy spring, named after the Mother of God In spite of the assurances of the State officials “Life-giving Spring”, located next to the ancient not to allow such situations in the future, monastery of the Lipetsk Region – Holy the reality looked otherwise: as stated by Dormition Monastery. This place is venerated father Igor, the altar of the prison chapel was and beloved by many Orthodox faithful who

75 come here to take water and to plunge into the of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, the water. The source and the area around have memorial cross which marks the spot where been equipped on the public initiative and on the remains of Tsesarevich Alexei and Grand the small private donations of the faithful. Duchess Maria were discovered has been vandalized for the third time, as reports Royal Source: Russia. http://mitropolia-lip.ru/index.php/lipetskaya-mitropoliya.- novosti/v-lipetske-vandaly-vnov-napali-na-istochnik-okolo- The vandals had ripped the memorial cross svyato-uspenskogo-muzhskogo-monastyrya.html from the ground and thrown it into the woods. The damaged memorial cross has been tied and nailed to a nearby tree. The State Ministry Desecration of an Orthodox church of Internal Affairs and the Sverdlovsk regional (KOSOVO TERRITORY) police have started an investigation. Mr. N. Neuimin, an employee of the Sverdlovsk July 4, 2015. Unknown perpetrators Regional Historical Museum, verified that it desecrated the Orthodox church of St. Petka is the third time that the memorial Cross is in the village of Drsnik in central Kosovo- vandalized. Metohijam as reports by inserbia.info. The Orthodox Church was broken into, money In June 2014, a resolution was passed by the from it stolen and its icons vandalized. Sverdlovsk regional government, designated the site where the remains of the family of The Minister for Communities and Return of Russia’s last tsar Nicholas II and members of Kosovo Mr. D. Jevtić, urged the authorities to his family were found on the national cultural arrest and to punish the perpetrators. In his heritage list, and is now included in the state written statement, the Minister said that the register of protected sites. attack on the Church of St. Petka was an attack on all Serb returnees in the Klina municipality Source: and called for greater respect and for better http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ImperialRussian/blog/index. protection of all the religious sites. He also blog?entry_id=1468774 underlined that such incidents have happened in the past and he asked from the authorities to prevent any future attacks by giving the Attempt of destruction of an names of the vandals in public. Orthodox church (ALBANIA) Source: August 21, 2015. A very serious act of vandalism took place at the holy church http://inserbia.info/today/2015/07/kosovo-orthodox-church-in- drsnik-desecrated/ of St. Athanasius in the town of Dhërmi. Unidentified persons driving cars without license plates destroyed the cement floor of the Orthodox cross vandalized again church during lunchtime. The moment was at Russian Royal family memorial witnessed by the church priest, who is also a (RUSSIA) resident of Dhërmi. His life was put in danger when he was almost crushed to death while July 9, 2015. In Ekaterinburg (Russia), a week the unidentified persons were trying to flee before the 97th anniversary of the murders the scene as repors Autocephalous Orthodox

76 Church of Albania in its press release. undertake the establishment of Orthodox religious buildings. The local ecclesiastical authority released a penal denunciation against this act of Sources: destruction of property and intentional http://orthodoxalbania.org/alb/index.php/en-us/lajme-3/ attempt to cause an accident and increase blog/3541-the-church-of-st-athanasius-is-again-violated-and- social conflict. the-life-of-the-priest-endangered http://www.himara.gr/?view=entry&id=4702 The Orthodox faithful of Dhërmi were shocked by this harsh act of violence to their holy place and from its ongoing desecration Shelling in Gorlovka caused serious and destruction. They strongly demand the damage to an Orthodox diocesan state authorities to urgently react against the building (UKRAINE) offenders and intervene to stop any other attempts of further destruction. The faithful August 25, 2015. In the town of Gorlovka are especially outraged by the attitude of the in Donetsk region (Ukraine), a building of media and some individuals who are trying to the Orthodox diocesan administration was politicize and legitimize the destruction and damaged during shelling, as reports interfax. violence, and even to create pseudo-national discrepancy. According to the press release of the Gorlovka Orthodox Diocese blast and missile pieces The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of damaged the fence, the glazing, the front doors, Albania condemns such acts of vandalism, and the façade of the building. Several five- which affect the property and freedom of storey building and two compulsory schools religion. It calls the faithful to remain calm are among the damaged buildings because of in the face of these provocations and to stand the shelling. Residents from other buildings firm in defense of the Church. The Church of the neighbourhood were hospitalized with requires the state to act on legal obligations health problems. contained within Law no. 10057 / 22.01.2009 / “On Ratification of the Agreement between Source: the Government of the Republic of Albania http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12266 and the Orthodox Church of Albania”, which guarantees the inviolability of places of worship and their protection by the state. The Albanian church of Saint Athanasius was destroyed The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of (ALBANIA) Albania will reconstruct the church of St. Athanasius in Dhërmi. According to law and August 26, 2015. At around 4 o’clock in court decisions, the church of St. Athanasius the morning, the Orthodox church of St. is not a cultural monument, but under the Athanasius was secretly and insidiously possession of the Orthodox Autocephalous destroyed by construction inspection forces, Church of Albania, and this is recognized which arrived from other areas of the country. by the Ministry of Culture and the Institute The purpose was to avoid any conflicts with of Monuments. Therefore, the Church is the the residents of Dhermi in Himara. All the only authority recognized by law that can sacred utensils were buried under the rubble,

77 as reports Orthodox Autocephalous Church Source: of Albania press service. http://orthodoxalbania.org/alb/index.php/en-us/lajme-3/ blog/3545-press-release-the-orthodox-church-of-st-athanasius- According to the Orthodox Autocephalous was-destroyed-dhermi-drymades-himara Church of Albania, this incident is a violation of the universal right of belief and secularism and a violation of the Agreement between the Desecration of a Serbian Orthodox Government of the Republic of Albania and the church (CROATIA) Orthodox Church of Albania (Law no. 10057, 22.01.2009). Under this Law “Buildings and August 27, 2015. Unidentified person facilities which serve for religious ceremonies desecrated a Serbian orthodox church of Saint and services are considered sacred by the Nikolas in Karlovac (Croatia). According Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania. to the President of the Coalition of Refugee The intervention of the state authorities Associations Miodrag Linta who condemned is prohibited…” (Article 21 / 1, 2). The strongly this action, it is the fourth break-in intervention was made without prior official into the facility owned by the Serbian Orthodox or informal notification and the clergy were Church. In his written statement to the media, ignored. The hierarchical representatives,Mr Linta underlines the indifference of the Protopresbyter Fr. Pandeli Mitru, Fr. Efthim Croatian police and Prosecutor’s Office, as they Bixhili and Fr. Athanasius Kareem demanded do not sanction the anti-Serbian incidents. an explanation by local authorities. After the Mr Linta demanded from the EU to react first attempt of destruction of the church on with determination and invited the Zagreb 21st August, the Albanian State affirmed to government to put an end to the intolerance the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs that against Serbs as reports inserbia.info. they would not go further. The Greek Ministry welcomed the commitment to respect for and Source : full protection of the individual, religious and http://inserbia.info/today/2015/08/croatia-orthodox-church-in- property rights of the minorities in Albania. karlovac-desecrated/ The local authorities claimed that the church was an illegal construction recently built. Protesters ruined a temporary However, the church was erected by the faithful chapel of the Ukrainian Orthodox 20 years ago, in the same place where the old Church (UKRAINE) church had been destroyed by the Communist Regime. They said that it was not under the September 1, 2015. A chapel of the Ukrainian possession of the Orthodox Autocephalous Orthodox Church was destroyed at the Church of Albania, but documents prove the Mariinsky Park near the Supreme Rada in Kyiv. opposite. The protesters made vandalism by destroying even a wooden Cross, which was set there, as The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 26th reports interfax. August announced that “until now we have seen the destruction of sanctuaries, churches Minister of the Interior Affairs Arsen Avakov and sacred utensils only in Middle East and accused the Svoboda party and its leader Oleg North Africa from djihadists. Today we saw it Tyagnibok of organizing clashes and according in our neighbour country”. to unconfirmed info, the Svoboda party stands

78 behind the incident. The press service of the regional Department of Internal Affairs confirmed that they have The Protesters demonstrated against the already identified the attacker and thay changes of the Constitution about the will proceed investigation of the motives of decentralization of power. Due to the clashes vandalism when he will be found”- said police more than 120 law-enforcement officers and spokesman Alexander Glushkov. civil residents including representatives of mass media were injured and several men This is a second episode of desecration of were killed. orthodox worship place in this village, earlier a smaller cross was torn from its basement and Source: stolen by local malefactor as reports arctic-tv. http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12279 Source:

http://flashnord.com/news/v-murmanskoy-oblasti-srubili- Vandals left insulting graffiti on a poklonnyy-krest wall of a Kyiv church (UKRAINE)

October 2, 2015. According to the press An Orthodox church was stoned service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (KOSOVO TERRITORY) (Moscow Patriarchate), desecrators wrote on a church wall in Kyiv the inscription “Moscow October 15, 2015. In Orahovac (Kosovo), priests go away”, as reports interfax. unknown persons started to throw stones in the courtyard of the church of the Dormition It is underlined that it is not the first time that of the Holy Mother of God, as the official such hostile attitude is expressed by radical website of the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate groups against the priests and the churches of reports. the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Earlier they set on fire the church of the Icon The incident took place after the Liturgy, of Joy of All who Sorrow in the Babi Yar. which had been celebrated in this church on the church feast-day of the Protection of the Source: Mother of God and while the children of the http://mitropolia.Kyiv.ua/skoyeno-akt-vandalizmu-shhodo- parish priest of Orahovac Revd. Velja Stojkovic xramu-u-obolonskomu-blagochinni/ were playing in the churchyard. According to an eyewitness, who also gave a statement to the police together with the priest, four Desecration of the Orthodox Albanian young men carried out the attack worship place (RUSSIA) while they were passing by the church, one of whom all of a sudden threw a stone at the gate October 6, 2015. Police ivestigation started of the churchyard. Young men escaped to the after the destruction of the worship cross near area of Orahovac that is inhabited by Kosovo the construction site of an orthodox church Albanians. in a village Loparskoye (Mourmansk region, Russia), as reports FlashNord information The priest informed the Kosovo police about agency. The wooden cross was cut down with this incident right away, and the police started an axe. conducting an investigation.

79 Local administration considers such attack Desecration of an Orthodox Church as planned and it “continues to create an in Simferopol (CRIMEA) atmosphere of fear and lawlessness”. Last year on October 14th, the same day of the Great November 13, 2015. The church of the Icon Orthodox feast of Virgin Mary, Albanian of the Mother of God Sovereign in Simferopol extremists stoned the parish hall of the church, (Crimea) is desecrated, as the website Interfax- where the local parish priest lives with his religion reports. family, as reports novosti.rs. On 10th November, unidentified persons Source: wrote on the wall of the church the inscription http://www.spc.rs/eng/church_stoned_orahovac “Heil Hitler,’ SS lightning bolts and a swastika. The believers partially painted over the inscriptions in order to restore the damage of Arson prevented in an Orthodox the wall. monastery (UKRAINE) The church was built three years ago and the October 26, 2015. A church guard found bags believers cannot afford the construction of for garbage buried in the ground when he a fence, which will protect the church from was passing near the walls of the Protection vandals. This is the second time that the Monastery in Kharkov (Ukraine). Those bags Church of the Icon of the Mother of God had five bottles with flame liquid, which were Sovereign is desecrated. ‘Molotov cocktails’, as the information service Source: of UOC of Moscow Patriarcate reports. http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=12511 The priest Dionisy Zaloga, staff member of the Diocesan Administration, underlined that the officers believe that a terrorist act was Act of Vandalism against an prevented. Orthodox church in Rivne region “Flame liquid was found in five-seven meters (UKRAINE) from the monastery wall, there are diocesan November 19, 2015. The Church of the Holy and monastery buildings, and the oldest in Trinity under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Kharkov the Protection Cathedral behind Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate them. It proves that unidentified people are (UOC MP) was robbed and desecrated as the ready to commit an arson of church buildings official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox any time”, he said. Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC Source: MP) reports. The Church is located in the city http://news.church.ua/2015/10/24/poperedzheno-terakt-u- Rokitnoe in Rivne region in Western Ukraine. xarkivskomu-pokrovskomu-monastiri/ According to the press service of the local diocese, the criminals took the money kept in the church hand, and put fire on five areas of the building. They burned the sacristy with vestments, the altar Gospel and the floor.

80 Metropolitan of Sarny and Polissya Anatoly Desecration of an Orthodox Chapel commented that: “Last year, ten churches in a hospital (GREECE) of the Sarny diocese were vandalized. It’s a shame that the vandals continue to destroy November 26, 2015. The Chapel of Saint the shrines of the Polesie region, bringing pain George, which is located in the hospital at in the hearts of the believers of the Ukrainian Chania in Crete (Greece), was desecrated, Orthodox Church. By its actions, the criminals as the official website of the diocese Kydonia inflict a wound that bleeds on the body of the reports. C h u r c h”. The attackers tried to rob the chapel and for Source: this reason, they caused damages to it. Bishop http://pro.church.ua/2015/11/22/na-rivnenshhini-obikrali-ta- Damascene and the president of the Council pidpalili-pravoslavnij-xram/ of the chapel expressed their sadness for this action. According to the police, the perpetrators Remains of an ancient church under entered from the main entrance of the church, danger of destruction in Voronezh which is always open for the believers who (RUSSIA) need to pray for their beloved persons in November 20, 2015. In Voronezh (Russia), at the hospital. The police officers took the the site of the ancient Church of Nativity and fingerprints of the perpetrators and they of the cemetery, the authorities decided to continue the investigation. build a multi-storey building. In this cemetery Source: was buried Archpriest of Ostrogozhsk Andrei Fedorov and elder Abraham, who very well http://www.imka.gr/teleytaia-nea/1887-ιερόσυλοι-εισέβαλαν- known for his ascetic life as the website στον-νοσοκομειακό-ναό-του-αγίου-γεωργίου.html pravoslavie reports. An Orthodox Church put on fire in The Church of Nativity was built in 1680. It Rivne region (UKRAINE) was rebuilt as wooden church in 1745 and November 30, 2015. The Iverskaya Church, 1773. In 1785, the believers began to build a which belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox stone church, which was consecrated on 22nd Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and is March 1795. It was badly damaged during the located in the town of Rokitnoe in Ukraine’s Soviet years. In the 30s, there was a clubhouse western Rivne region, has been vandalized as and for many years, the existence of the church the official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox of Nativity remained unknown even for the Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC inhabitants of nearby houses. The Regional MP) reports. Directorate for the Protection of Monuments did not include it in the list of protected sites. The vandals slipped into the church, set fire to Archpriest Gregory Samoilov managed to its altar, burned the antimins, the altar Gospel stop temporarily the demolition but there is and the holy . They robbed the no guarantee that it will not be continued. church donation box and set fire to another three places inside the church, as the press Source: service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church http://www.pravoslavie.ru/87986.html has reported.

81 Source: after the end of armed conflict in 1999 in http://pro.church.ua/2015/12/01/na-rivnenshhini-vandali- this part of Metohija. The village is under pograbuvali-ta-pidpalili-chergovij-xram/ the jurisdiction of the diocese Raska and Prizren. In 2003, during an attack from the extremists two Serbian children were killed Attack in a Serbian Orthodox village in the Bistrica River, and several others were (KOSOVO TERRITORY) injured.

December 7, 2015. Early in the morning, Source: unknown persons attacked by putting fire http://orthodoxrights.org/attack-in-a-serbian-orthodox-village- to several Serbian houses and demolished in-kosovo.html the monument of the victims of the war, as the official website of the Serbian Orthodox church reports. Vandalism of a monument to an Orthodox priest (GREECE) This morning’s attack is also the most serious ethnically motivated attack on Serbs in recent December 8, 2015. Unknown persons months and shows that the security situation vandalized the bust of the Archimandrite in Kosovo and Metohija escapes the control Ierotheos Baziotis in Nafplion (Greece). of local institutions that are unable to provide Malefactors used black colour and they security to citizens, according to the press painted it, as the website romfea reports. release of the diocese Raska and Prizren. The reluctance of police and local judiciary to The bust of the Archimandrite is located in resolve the numerous incidents and attacks the yard of the church of Saint Nikolas where on the Serbian returnees in previous years, he was as a priest. It is a donation from the created an atmosphere of lawlessness that gives students of Nafplion to the Church. space for new attacks and the continuation of Archimandrite Ierotheos Baziotis was a terror against the remaining Serbs in Kosovo teacher and a priest and he participated as a and Metohija. soldier in the war against Nazism. Bishop Theodosius has asked from the Kosovo Source: police and KFOR, to do everything in order http://www.romfea.gr/diafora/4953-agnostoi-bandalisan-to- to prevent new attacks on the Serbs. All the agalma-tou-arxim-ierotheou-mpazioti frequent incidents in Kosovo ethnically motivated are threaten the future of the Serbs and of all citizens regardless their origin. It is a Orthodox sculptures demolished proof of the dangerous situation. (RUSSIA)

Six months ago, this monument was also December 10, 2015. In the Central park of attacked with Molotov cocktails, but the Vladimir region (Russia), Orthodox sculptures attackers have not yet been found. A were demolished, as the website Interfax- new attack caused great concern to the religion reports. inhabitants of this village, which is the only Serbian village that had been destroyed and According to the national tele and radio ethnically cleansed by Albanian extremists company “Russia Vladimir“, ten Orthodox

82 sculptures made of white stone have been Sacrilege action against an destroyed with a bulldozer, under the excuse Orthodox Church (GREECE) that they were dirty. Broken into pieces, the sculptures then have thrown to the incinerator December 15, 2015. Eight icons were stolen under a pile of rebar. The issue was not from the Church of Saint Dimitrios in Pogoni discussed at the city monumental commission region (Greece), as the website romfea reports. beforehand. The unknown perpetrators violated the doors of the Church. The academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Andrei Balashov expressed his discomfort The Church of Saint Dimitrios is a historical and he promised that they will discuss this monument that was built before 1814. It was question on the sculptural commission of an important place of prayer for Greeks during the Academy of Fine Arts, and sculptural the years of Revolution against the Ottoman commission of Union of Artists of Russia. Empire. Sources: Source: http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=news&div=61267 http://www.romfea.gr/diafora/5092-ierosuloi-xtupisan-akomi- mia-fora-nao-tou-pogoniou http://vladtv.ru/culture/75644/

Vandalism and desecration in an Vandalism of an Orthodox Orthodox Chapel (GREECE) Cathedral (GREECE) December 16, 2015. Unknown perpetrators December 11, 2015. In Rethymnon (Crete/ vandalized the chapel of Saint Irini in Spilia Greece), unknown persons vandalized the region in Crete (Greece), as the website cathedral of the diocese of Rethymnon, as the neakriti reports. website rethemnosnews.gr reports. Unknown perpetrators violated the doors of During the night they wrote inscriptions the church in order to steal money. As they did by using black spray all around the outside not found the amount that they expected, they walls of the Church. The inscriptions were caused serious damages by breaking the icons blasphemous against Mother of God. and destroying the screen, which separates Bishop of Rethymnon Evgenios said for the nave from the sanctuary. They continued the incident: “we understand absolutely the by throwing everything on the floor and reasons that led the young people in such spreading everywhere human waste. anger. I wish our world was different in order The priest who arrived in the morning and not to push them in such actions”. found the church in a horrible situation called Source: the police. http://rethemnosnews.gr/2015/12/ρέθυμνο-υβριστικά- Source: μηνύματα-στο-μητρο/ http://orthodoxrights.org/vandalism-and-desecration-in-an- orthodox-chapel.html

83 Criminal prosecution for offence of the believers, as the website of Metropolitanate religious feelings (RUSSIA) of Montenegro and the Littoral of Serbian Orthodox Church reports. December 16, 2015. The Investigative Committee of Kirov region (Russia) started a Father Slobodan Zekovic, priest in criminal prosecution against two inhabitants, Danilovgrad, said that the thieves violated the as the website of the Investigation Department door of the church of Saint John the Baptist of Kirov region reports. The prosecution is in Zagorka and St. Athanasius the Great in based on the Criminal Code (public actions, Mijokusovici, and that in the church of Saint expressing obvious disrespect for society in George in Kujawy they broke the window. order to insult religious feelings of believers). “It’s not the first time that the temples of the According to the investigators, at the evening region became a target by thieves and vandals. of September 22nd the two men agreed to The church in Mijokusovici has been already make a scarecrow and place it at the Orthodox vandalised ten times. He added that according worship cross, located at the entrance to the to the information they took more money village of Staraya Malinovka Vyatskopolyansky from Kuiavia church. In this Church they district. Their purpose was to insult the tried to violate both doors, but they failed and religious feelings of Christian believers. they broke a window in order to jump in the church. Police officers started an investigation At night of 22nd to 23rd of September, they and I hope they will manage to find the took with them pieces of clothes and tools in perpetrators, “commented the priest, as the order to make stuffed pants (jacket, rope, hat, website vijesti reports. mask and screws). They came to the village of Staraya Malinovka and using these items of The temples under the jurisdiction of the clothing and dry grass, they made a scarecrow diocese of Montenegro and Littoral, located that placed it at the Orthodox worship crosses, in the Municipality of Danilovgrad, have been located at the entrance to town. for years a target of thieves. The criminal proceedings are conducted On the incidents that occurred in the churches investigations, which aimed at establishing in the villages Danilovgrad Kujava, Zagorak all the circumstances of what happened. The and Mijokusovici, the Ministry of Human and investigation is continued. Minority Rights of Montenegro react by the following statement to the public: Source: http://kirov.sledcom.ru/news/item/1000227/ “The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights firmly condemns the vandalism and the desecration of churches in the Vandalism in Orthodox Churches in villages Danilovgrad Kujava, Zagorak and Montenegro (MONTENEGRO) Mijokusovici. It is not only criminal acts but also shameful and barbaric assault on December 22, 2015. Churches in Danilovgrad Orthodox churches and the religious feelings in the villages Kujava, Zagorak and of citizens in those areas. The Ministry urges Mijokusovici (Montenegro) were violated. the responsible state authorities to protect The thieves took money from the donations of believers and the property of churches, to shed

84 light on these crimes, arrest the responsible Having waited until the church will remain persons for these shameful acts and prosecuted empty; the one defendant with the teenager in accordance with the law”, as the website of stole jewellery from the icons. the Ministry reports. Employees of the church tried to stop the Sources: attackers, but they managed to run out of the building, to be hidden in the car and to be http://www.mitropolija.com/obijene-crkve-u-danilovgradskim- selima-kujavi-zagorku-i-mijokusovicima/ driven by the other defendant. http://www.mmp.gov.me/vijesti/156241/Saopstenje-za-javnost- Their illegal actions caused damage to povodom-pljackanja-i-skrnavljenja-crkava-u-danilovgradskim- religious items, and it is estimated more than selima-Kujava-Zagorak-i-Mijokusovic.html 180 thousand rubbles. Afterwards they went by car in Ufa, where Vandalism in an Orthodox church they planned to sell the stolen jewellery, but (RUSSIA) traffic police detained them.

December 24, 2015. The District Court The defendants partially admitted guilt in committing a crime. of Meleuzovsky region of the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) condemned two citizens of Given that one of them has been previously 20 and 19-years old respectively, for robbery convicted of theft, the court sentenced him and damages in a church, as the website of to five years ‘imprisonment in a penal colony, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of while the other to 3 years’ imprisonment with Bashkortostan reports. a probation period of 3 years. The criminal case against their minor accomplice will be The court found that in April 2015, the two held separately. citizens and their minor accomplice planned to steal valuable items from the Orthodox Source: Church in Meleuzovsky. http://bashprok.ru/m/news/35996/ A. Reaction of the Local Orthodox Churches to the vandalism and the desecration of the Orthodox worship and sacred places

Communique of the Raska-Prizren “During the Christmas holidays KLA (Kosovo Diocese on the Christmas incidents Liberation Army) graffito was written on the in Lipljan and Djakovica (KOSOVO walls of the church of Sts Florus and Laurus in TERRITORY) Lipljan. Regrettably, writing political graffiti, particularly those which were left on many January 12, 2015. The Raska-Prizren diocese desecrated and destroyed Serbian Orthodox of the Serbian Orthodox Church published churches since 1999 it is evident that the the official communique on the Christmas religious freedoms of the Serbian Orthodox incidents in Lipljan and Djakovica (Kosovo- Church in Kosovo are still not respected. As Metohija), as reports the website of the diocese. perpetrators of similar incidents before have

85 not yet been brought to justice, the expectations major Christian holidays are definitely not a that the Kosovo police and EULEX will path towards better future in Kosovo and do do it this time are quite poor. However, we not contribute to the building of confidence remain in hope that all reasonable people in between the communities in this region. That Kosovo, regardless of their political, religious is why the rhetoric must be toned down and or national affiliations will understand that we all have to turn towards concrete measures provocations and messages of hatred against how to provide all citizens with peaceful life, others cannot bring any good. In fact such freedom access to their homes and properties provocations against Christian sites can only and above all full respect of religious and mar the image of Kosovo in Europe and the human rights and freedoms for all. world. In these blessed days of the Nativity of Christ Аt the same time we express our deepest we wish to all who respect us as well as to all disappointment because our Christmas who don’t a message of the Christmas peace pilgrims were not allowed to visit the church – Christ is born! We remain in hope that the of the Holy Virgin in Djakovica this year Godchild Christ will enlighten the hearts of all too. Their bus was attacked with rocks, one with sincere desire to live in peace and mutual windshield was broken and one person respect regardless of their differences.” injured. On the Christmas day the protest was Source: organized in front of our church in Djakovica which made it impossible to serve the http://www.eparhija-prizren.com/en/news/communique-raska- prizren-diocese-christmas-incidents-lipljan-and-djakovica Christmas mas this year too. Similar incidents in Djakovica are becoming a regular practice which only confirms the lack of basic religious Metropolitan of Odessa region rights and freedoms in this city. The Serbs from Agafangel speaks about increase of Djakovica are systematically prevented to robberies of Orthodox Churches in access their church and homes, many of which Odessa (UKRAINE) lie in ruins. We can also see the continuation of political manipulations in which all Serbs December 28, 2015. Twenty failed attempts of from Djakovica are blamed collectively for the robberies and burglaries of churches occurred misfortunes of others. The extremist political during the last month in Odessa and its region groups are continuing to manipulate with the (Ukraine). The Orthodox Metropolitan of feelings of those who lost their dear ones in the Odessa region Agafangel announced it in a conflict of 1999. It is true that many innocent letter addressed to the clergy and faithful of his Albanians died in Djakovica in 1999 but in diocese, as the website of the diocese reports. this city and others in Kosovo many innocent Serbs suffered and were abducted and dozens According to the bishop, the thieves carried of Serbian Orthodox holy sites were torched out of the churches the donations collected and destroyed after the conflict in summer for the needs of the temples, for the refugees 1999 and 2004. Instead of inflicting pain to of Donbass and the displaced people, as well one another we all need more solidarity and as jewellery from the icons. The behaviour of forgiveness. the thieves shows that they did not make it because of poverty, but they are cold-blooded The attacks on holy sites and pilgrims on and cynical robbers who did in conscience,

86 without any sense of respect for God and the holiness of the place. Metropolitan Agafangel warned that their sacrilegious actions will be punished by God. The hierarch urged the faithful to strengthen their prayers for the prosperity of the holy churches of God and he reminded to the faithful to keep their churches away of sin. Source: http://eparhiya.od.ua/sobyitiya/sobyitiya/2949-obraschenie- vyisokopreosvyaschenneyshego-agafangela_-mitropolita-odesskogo- i-izmailskogo-v-svyazi-s-ogrableniyami-hramov-odesskoy-eparhii

87 Conclusions

In 2015 the rights and freedoms of Orthodox The most eloquent example of discrimination Christians in Europe are violated significantly. during the past year was the decision of the Especially there are serious and numerous Kyiv City Council providing tax exemption violations in December-January, when the to all the churches except for the Ukrainian Orthodox believers celebrate Christmas and Orthodox Church. Also the Government Epiphany, and in March-April, when they pass of Montenegro prepared the draft law through the Great Lent, spiritual preparation on freedom of religion which has clauses for Easter. So the violators chose for their discriminatory to the present property of the actions the most religiously important for Serbian Patriarchate.

Orthodox Christians period of the year. Besides, new legislation concerning moral 1. Last year are registered incidents of issues in different countries creates a tool for inhuman treatment, harassment, intimidation, authorities to violate the right of believers and detentions, beatings of Orthodox priests and to provoke tensions and conflicts between believers, which violate the Article 2 (Right the citizens. For example, some groups in to life) and 3 (Prohibition of torture) of the societies, demanding the respect for their European Convention on human rights way of life, launch campaigns of defamation (ECHR). Several priests and Church staff and humiliation against Orthodox Christians, members were killed or injured in Albania, their way of life and their beliefs. There were Ukraine and Russia. The hostile attitude to even demands in some countries (Bulgaria, the Orthodox Christians persists in Albania, Greece, Serbia, Russia, and Ukraine) to Kosovo and Croatia. A new country with a deprive Orthodox Churches of their presence growing hostile actions and even violence in public sphere (mass-media, education, health system). against Orthodox Christians became Ukraine. In this country the Ukrainian Orthodox In 2015 the Orthodox believers protested in Church was a target of many attacks by some countries (Cyprus, Georgia, Bulgaria, different radical groups. Romania, Russia, Ukraine) against the judicial norms which impose to Orthodox citizens 2. In 2015 Orthodox Christians faced the new values – abortions, the same-sex unions, discriminatory actions of state authorities yoga classes and others. (Albania, Ukraine) because of their position about moral values or because of false 3. In 2015 there is an increase of a well- accusations of some political position. organized defamation against not only the

88 Orthodox hierarches or believers personally of human dignity and hate speeches. Such cases but against the Orthodox Local Churches in took place in different European countries Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Latvia, Montenegro with the dominant Orthodox tradition and Ukraine. Usually there are two principle (Greece, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine). Very reasons for these campaigns. First, attribution often humiliation and hate speeches are also to a Church of some alleged political position, related to the Churches’ position about moral usually in favor of another foreign state values or about society problems. (Serbian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches). 5. Many facts are established when Orthodox Second, negative positions of the Orthodox Christians are deprived of their freedom of Churches about a legislation which introduces peaceful assembly (Art. 11, ECHR) in the new moral values and contradicts the Christian temples, which belong to them on the basis of values (Church of Greece, Russian Orthodox the right of property, to exercise their religious Church). duties (Ukraine, Kosovo, Albania). Some Usually defamation is realised by several Orthodox communities (Ukraine) cannot methods. First, a person having some authority use their legal possessions (Art.1, Protection in a society (a representative of government, of Property, Protocol to the Convention for a famous figure, an expert, a journalist or a the Protection of HR) which are captured by blogger) presents to public some negative radical groups of citizens and the authorities reflections, accusations or comments about an cannot ensure the rule of law. Orthodox Church without any proof (Albania, Latvia, Montenegro, Ukraine). Second, a film Last year the nationalist forces demanded to or a reportage distorting beliefs of Orthodox take the Lavra of Potsyaev and the Lavra of Christians or Orthodox Church’ life is Kyiv from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church distributed in the mass-media to discredit and to concede them to alternative community Orthodox Christians (Greece, Ukraine). – Kyiv Patriarchate. The political forces, Third, Orthodox symbols or faith motivation which initiated these actions, used a shrine are used in order to justify extreme words, of Orthodoxy for their political purposes. In actions and performances and to link them some regions of Ukraine (Volyn, Lviv, Rivne, in the conscience of people with Orthodox Ternopoli, Tchernovtsi) there were menaces or Christians (Russia, Ukraine). By using these cases of captures of temples of the Ukrainian methods some society groups want to present Orthodox Church with the tolerance or even that it is the society which rejects the Orthodox participation of the local authorities. Church. 6. In 2015 were observed incidents of 4. To the defamation is very close humiliation vandalism and desecration of Orthodox

89 churches (Albania, Croatia, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine). Such actions do not only humiliate the dignity of the believers and also make obstacles for the religious celebrations in the desecrated churches.

7. Publishing the official reactions of Orthodox hierarches and heads of large communities against some incidents of humiliation, defamation, discrimination and hostility to their congregation shows that Orthodox communities are concerned with the facts of violations of their rights. Respecting the secular character of the States and secular groups of societies the leadership of Orthodox Churches addressed many times to the authorities not asking a special treatment for their believers but in order to ensure properly protection of their rights and freedoms. As rule, defending their rights the Local Orthodox Churches choose the way of dialog with society, mass- media, state and international organisations.

90 July 31, Ukraine. Fr. Roman Nikolaev priest of UOC MP shot dead near his house

September 10, Albania. Fr. Christos Pappas, a 77 year-old Orthodox priest of SOC assaulted

October 7, Ukraine. Sacristan of the church of the July 27, Ukraine. 62 years old ortodox nun Alevtina Three Hierarchs Leonid Zheleznyakov shot dead for tortured and strangled in Kiev supportung UOC MP

91 March 7, Ukraine. Orthodox memorial crosses desecrated in the Nikolayev region

October 6, Russia. Desecration of the Orthodox worship place in Murmansk region

September 1, Ukraine. Protesters ruined a temporary chapel and lifted worchip cross 92 May 28, Russia. Vandals smashed an Orthodox December 7, Attack on a Serbian Orthodox village in worship cross near Sochi Kosovo

February 14, Kosovo. Southern Kosovska Mitrovica destroyed Orthodox cemetery 93 March 5, Ukraine.The Orthodox Trinity Church was seriously damaged as a result of shelling

February 15, Croatia. cathedral of Saint Nikolas in March 15, Grece. The desecration of the historical Carlovac desecration on the eve of the great feast church of Saint Anargyri in Athens

94 November 19, Ukraine. The Church of the Holy Trinity robbed and burned the sacristy with vestments, the altar Gospel and the floor

July 1, Russia. Vandalizm and arson on the territory of the Orthodox spring in Lipetsk

June 9, Turkey. Holy Trinity church in Istanbul arson December 7, Attack on a Serbian Orthodox village in Kosovo

95 December 8, Greece. Bust of January 21, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Attack and desecration of church of orthodox priest vandalized St. Procopius considered as National treasure of BiH

December 11, Greece. Vandalizm of cathedral of the diocese of Rethymnon

August 26, Insidious destruction of Saint Athanasius church in Dhërmi

96 March 22. Ukraine. Over 50 radicals in attempt at seizure of an Orthodox church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God at Stenka village

March 2, Ukraine. Ukrainian nationalists attack Moscow Patriarchate’s church in Sumy

97 orthodoxrights.org

The “Centre for Monitoring the Rights and Freedom of Orthodox Christians in Europe” invites the cooperation of everyone. You can communicate to us any mistake or inaccuracy that you find in the information on the website. Any additional and new information, proved by documents, photos or video about violations of the rights of Orthodox Christians in Europe related to their religion, is also welcome.