= Brain Tilt Making Sense, Conceptionalizing and Understanding Homeopathy Todd T. Frisch DC, FASA, FIACA, DABCA March 17th – 18th, 2018 - Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 8am-2pm Cost: $325 - Texas College Postgraduate Studies - Pasadena, TX 281-998-6061 – [email protected] Holiday Inn Express – ask for TCC special rate. Hour by hour outline:

1. Why look for an alternative to the allopathic medical model? a. The dis-ease model b. Three stages of illness 2. What is homeopathy? a. Understanding “like cures like” 3. History of homeopathy a. From Hahnemann to Bach to Reckeweg & beyond 4. Dosing a. Understanding x, c, m, etc. 5. The 12 Schussler tissue salts a. Good starting point in the use of homeopathy b. How we can enhance the chiropractic adjustment: i.e. Mag Phos is a muscle nutrient, Kali Phos is a nerve nutrient, Calc Phos is a bone nutrient, etc. 6. Classic homeopathy vs newer thinking a. Understanding the theory of multiple remedies & homaccords b. Just as chiropractic has evolved, so has the science of homeopathy. Discussions will respect both the “old” and “new.” 7. Homotoxicology a. Understand the theory of Hans Heinrick Reckeweg, MD b. How his theories and explanations of “how we get sick” perfectly mesh with the chiropractic philosophy 8. Bach flower remedies a. Understanding Edward Bach, MD theories in treating emotional issues b. Basing remedies on the body having an “innate” ability to heal itself 9. Homeopathy for children 10. Homeopathy for adults 11. Homeopathy for geriatrics 12. Don’t leave home without these basic remedies a. Detailing essential remedies for the most common conditions b. There are certain remedies that are (or should be) in every doctor’s office and for that matter, in every patient’s cabinet. i.e Arnica for injuries, Mag Phos for muscle spasms/problems, etc. 13. The future a. Is it bleak? b. Government’s desire to end homeopathy 14. Case studies and Q & A


Materia Medica – , MD Science of Homeopathy – Bio-therapeutic Index – Han Heinrich Reckeweg, MD Homotoxicology - Han Heinrich Reckeweg, MD Principles of Homeopathy – Ivo Bianchi, MD The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schussler – William Boericks, MD The Complete Book of Homeopathy – Dr. Michael Weiner Homeopathy: An Illustrated Enclycopedia – Dr. Christopher Hammond How to Use Homeopathy Effectively - Dr. Christopher Hammond Practical Homeopathy – Vinton McCabe Portraits of Homeopathic – Catherine Coulter The Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics: Jacques Jouanny The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, MD – Nora Weeks Bach Flower Remedies of Edward Bach, MD – F.J. Wheeler, MD Homeopathic Medicine – Trevor Smith, MD An Encyclopedia of Homeopathic Medicine - Trevor Smith, MD Homeopathic Medicine for Common Complaints - Trevor Smith, MD A Women’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine - Trevor Smith, MD Homeopathy for Teenage Problems - Trevor Smith, MD Geriatrics & Homeopathy – Ivo Bianchi, MD