TCC Minutes December 13, 2017

Transit Coordinating Committee December 13, 2017 – TCC 9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. SACOG Rivers Rooms 1415 L Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA

Members of the public wishing to address the committee on any item not on the agenda may do so at the beginning of the meeting. We ask that members of the public request to speak and keep their remarks brief. Testimony will be limited to a total of ten (10) minutes.

Conference Call Option - Please contact Azadeh Doherty ([email protected]), Barbara VaughanBechtold ([email protected]), Caroline Payne ([email protected]), or the SACOG receptionist (916) 321-9000 for Conference Call information. Please do not put your phone on hold during the conference call; instead please hang up and call back when you’re free.


Lisa Cappellari, Paratransit, Inc. Brian James, El Dorado County Transit Jen Pollum, Shasta RTA Jose Luis Caceres, SACOG Sharon Sprowls, SACOG Teri Duarte, SMAQMD Tiffani Fink, Paratransit, Inc. John Clark, BCAG Mary Pooler, Citrus Heights Keith Martin, Yuba-Sutter Transit Mike Costa, e-tran Teri Sheets, Jeff Flynn, Unitrans Lynne Goldsmith, public advocate Mike Dour, Roseville Transit Matt Mauk, Folsom Stage Line Will Garner, Placer County Transit, TCC Chair Mike Luken, Yolo County Transportation District Terry Bassett, Yolo County Transportation District James Boyle, Sacramento Regional Transit District Mike Rosson, BCAG Diego Ayala, SACOG Hilda Iorga, SACOG Caroline Payne, SACOG Nancy Iseri, ACC Rides Jeff Tardiguila, public advocate Raquel Chavarria, e-tran

1) TCC Coordination (Garner/All, 20 minutes) a. Public Comment on non-agenda topics b. Brief introductions and sharing of significant news about transit systems RT – RT lowering student fares next 6 months to see if can bring back student ridership, TransLoc micro transit pilot planned for Citrus Heights in the New Year (2018). SACOG – FTA is requiring an RFP for procurement of the Transit Asset Management Tool. The group can select a vendor after the full process. Other places have sole sourced since FTA initially funded the Cambridge Systematics TransAm tool. Have until October 2018 to complete TAM planning. PCT – PCT/TART will postpone winter service in Tahoe, and curtail service because of lack of operators and maintenance workers. Cutting back on expansion plans funded by hotel tax, though this is not as acute of an issue since not seasonal. YCTD – Recreational marijuana legalization is having effect on operator/transit workers’ ability to pass physicals. YCTD – West Sacramento is planning on starting on demand service, A TCC subgroup may want to discuss the impacts to other operator transfers of RT lowering student fares. a. Joint Transit Operator Project or Training Opportunities – SACOG – Hilda Iorga, SACOG staff, sent about an email to everyone regarding White belt/Lean 6 sigma training in February. This training is California specific regarding streamlining our state/local process. Cal Human Resources will be running the training.

TCC Minutes December 13, 2017

b. General TCC Information  DUE December 21st: SB 1 – STA State of Good Repair project listings to SACOG – Based on SACOG Board meeting dates. Only need letter at this point but resolution will need to come from agencies at as soon as possible. YCTD – Releasing a 12 year service RFP.  Delivery Plan Project updates: DUE 5 PM, January 5, 2018 for projects using CMAQ or STIP funds – This only applies to a handful of operators in region. Tell SACOG your schedule if you will be turning in paperwork this year. Let SACOG know if you already submitted request for CMAQ transfer to FTA. YCTD – There may be a 13c implication for TDM Grant to West Sacramento for their on demand transit service, due to overlap with existing YCTD services and potential loss of existing YCTD operator jobs if on demand service causes YCTD to make service reductions.  Other – YCTD – Civic Lab Process 2nd meeting – 6 of 9 projects are transit projects. One of the things that TCC needs to watch out for that there was a general lack of coordination at the regional level. Civic Lab leaders at SACOG unaware of TCC. Have transit staff participate in future Civic Lab meetings. Disconnect at meeting. SACOG Civic Lab staff had no clue how many operators were in the room at the meeting. YCTD – Have transit operators lean forward. PI – How will Civic Lab funding will work with Discretionary 5307 process? YCTD – Have discussion at TCC about micro transit, rural transit, ZEVs. Standing Civic Lab report item. Talk to Raef.

2) Review and Approve October 18, 2017 TCC Minutes (All, 5 minutes) – Approved as is unanimously.

3) Presentation on North State Express Bus Service (Redding to Sacramento) (Jennifer Pollom, Shasta RTA/All, 15 minutes)  see attachments  April 2016 TIRCP Application – Shasta RTA is in the midst of business plan and looking for TICRP funding and is working with SJJPA to solidify operations funding with – 5 ZEV buses for and an opportunity for rural service to buy buses. Want to co-locating charging stations and make them available to other operators with ZEVs. Worked a little with City of Sacramento about a driver and bus area under highway 50 and connections with to the airport, and heavy rail with and . Shasta RTA would like to get examples of existing transfer agreements. Learn more about Connect Card and the possibility of becoming part of that system. YCTD – Have any ridership forecast been done or cost estimates? Can’t share that information yet. Other operators may be offering applications for competing service(s). Shasta RTA – Currently there is only minimal Greyhound service between Redding and Sacramento, with no midday service. through way bus service requires a train ticket, which adds additional cost. Amtrak is considering curtailing northern Amtrak bus service in Chico. YCTD. – What would funding source be? Shasta RTA – SJJPA could fund I-5 service if Amtrak service was curtailed. Feasibility study was completed in 2016. Ridership survey of 750 people has been done. 5311(f) funds – fund existing services and is a Caltrans goal. Less 5311 funding if available. PCT – Looking at serving commuter or general service. Shasta RTA – Not much connection to south urban areas. Large majority looking to go to Sacramento International Airport, 30% of survey respondents looking to come to Sacramento for business as needed. One of the goals of this service would be to decrease number of SOVs on I-5. Jeff T (public) – How accessible will service be? Will there be lavatories on-board and will they be accessible? Shasta RTA – Currently looking at accessibility including how to access the vehicle (either lift or ramp), having electrical outlets (charging electric wheelchairs), interior accessibility etc. Trip time to airport 2 hours 10 minutes, and 2 ½ hours for downtown Sacramento. PCT – Over the road coach? Shasta RTA – Looking at over the road coaches that will have bike storage on outside of buses to avoid boxing. The TCC meeting was recommended as a place to come and discuss this proposed interregional transit service. PCT – Bus congestion in downtown Sacramento currently and issue. Shasta RTA – Look at how buses will travel through the downtown Sacramento area.

4) BCAG Chico to Sacramento Commuter Bus Service (Michael Rosson, BCAG/All, 15 minutes)  see attachments  BCAG – John Clark, ED, Mike Rosson, Transit Manager – Looked at feasibility study of transit service from Chico to Sacramento. Would have good ridership on service. Have 3,000 residents that work in the Sacramento area. Can view the study on the Planning tab on BCAG website 0Plan%20Web.pdf . Expect 40% farebox recovery. There would be 2 AM and 2 PM buses, Oroville, Marysville then on to Sacramento. Taking item to BCAG Board for approval to apply for TIRCP and LCTOP funding.

TCC Minutes December 13, 2017

$3.5 million for TIRCP and $1.9 million for LCTOP. Three hybrid MCI buses. Oroville rail depot would act as the interim park and ride and a hub for rail service.  BCAG – Morning buses would be staggered and align with Sacramento service to allow transfer over to other commuter routes, rail service, and airport service. Have met with Yuba-Sutter Transit, RT and SACOG. Would like to get support for grant submittal. MCIs are ADA accessible and are commuter coaches. 2 hour one-way ride and will have WiFi, lavatories, etc. Vehicles will be fueled with renewable diesel as the current fleet, and will use for hybrid diesel electric. Plan to have 70-80 one-way trips per day. YCTD – LCTOP is for operations. Does Butte county area have enough LCTOP? BCAG - The LCTOP amount is for over a three year period. BCAG would contribute $300,000 in LTF and fare revenue. PCT – What is the target date to start service?  BCAG – Would like to start mid-2019. Mainly need to get buses ordered. Have been in discussion with MCI. Have a piggyback procurement available to join and would take 1 to 1.5 years to get vehicles. Yuba-Sutter Transit was involved with the LSC study. We want to coordinate with Yuba-Sutter Transit and RT to make sure we are interlining and not negatively affecting route structure.  BCAG – We will keep the group apprised of progress.

5) SB 1 Non-Transit Specific Funding Opportunities (Caceres/All, 20 minutes) a. see attachments – see presentation. SHOPP – 2/3 for highway maintenance. Local Streets and Roads Program, ATP, Local Partnership Program, Congested Corridors, and Trade Corridors Program, Caltrans Planning Grants, STIP. Local Streets and Roads – Goes directly to cities and counties – CIP – move up transit projects, more money for transit related improvements. Goes directly to CTC to tell them what will be done with funds. YCTD – May be future discretionary process for SGR and will be up to SACOG. SACOG – Allowing SACOG to have control of SGR allocation. Future years may be a discretionary pot. No decision has been made. ATP – Doubled in size, can build safe routes to transit or at transit facilities. All competitive. Revising guidelines this year. YCTD – Could be used to expand bike share? SACOG – Will check into that and get back. Local Partnership Program – new Prop 1B self-help counties. Voter approved sales tax for transportation. Give money for projects or match. Any City or County with voter approved tax or fee for transportation. Unitrans – approved fee for Unitrans transit service. Contact CTC or Jose Luis. No definition of voter. Broke into two with formula and discretionary. 50% formula and 50% competitive. 2/3 threshold tax. Based on revenue and population north south split so one isn’t competing against the other. Roseville. – Fees for roadway improvements but not voter approved. Small set aside for additional funds for these type of entities. 10% of funds? Paratransit, Inc. – Do layered taxes get taken into account? SACOG – Yes more money taken in then more distributed. Have to demonstrate have tax/fee voter approved 2/3. 50% competitive – 90% of that can only be competed for by self-help entities – probably fair share distribution, prioritize projects and may have GHG improvements. 10% for everyone else that may have a fee that was not voter approved – looking at total revenue. Split it again – will compete only with like size cities/entities. Guidelines are posted. Eligible if owner of fee. STA is owner of Sacramento Measure A. Probably going to use current STA formula. SACOG not involved. Your tax collector and CTC are the only ones involved. Paratransit, Inc. – SB 1 language, cap and trade may reconsider maintenance of existing services. Chamber working on this can include as legislative policy changes. SACOG – Congested Corridors – definition of congestion is vague. Program “shall” be multimodal. Caltrans probably applicant and will be looking for transit partners since highway projects must be multimodal (transit, bike/ped, local feeder etc.). Hard to apply and deliver on same schedule. Not sure how much can we expect to get since we’re competing with Bay Area and southern CA. Caltrans planning grants. Stabilize the STIP. Jeff T. (public) – Rural representation on the CTC commission? SB 1 for trains only a portion of passenger rail. SACOG – Congested Corridors will likely have passenger rail.

6) Toll/Transportation Development Credits (Iorga/All, 15 minutes) – Not new money. See handout. SACOG will need to decide whether to allow Toll credits for match for discretionary 5307/5339 round.

7) Connect Card Update (Googins, LTK/All, 5 minutes) Mari and Gary – launched at RT in November 2016. Rest of operators now launched. Biggest transition is corporate accounts – large increase from that. RT is planning on stopping selling paper passes at end of 2017. Rest of transit agencies hopefully will follow (poss. 1st quarter 2018). By summer next year at the latest. Paratransit, Inc. – Will still have paper pass with RT sticker. Casey Courtright is the person at RT to follow up. It may be possible to create a Connect Card ID with decal integrated. Raley’s retail partnership is currently at a minimal number of stores that are Connect Card is partnered with and may have five more stores than those that exist. RT – is a big partner with the Jacksonville and Bay Area universal fare car programs. Connect Card – Clipper Card issues in SF. Ticket vending machines will have CC functionality. Looking at libraries and other civic locations to partner with at retail location too.

TCC Minutes December 13, 2017

YCTD – Hanger card concept? Connect Car – Card based system and have to wait until evening uploads. Could have pre-valued cards, but retailers don’t want to deal with that. Exploring an account based system. Card info would live in the cloud. YCTD – Why can’t the system work like buying a movie card where value is there instantly? Connect Card – Buses can’t query back office since buses don’t have cellular connections. YCTD – RT voted to lower student RT passes. Connect Card – Cost to deliver low student fee will be absorbed by RT, so no change to transfer agreements. RT. – Will verify for group. Connect Card – Have been talking to North State Transit agency to join Connect Card and have system set up for others to join. Like Paratransit, and NNTMA. Bike share has also been talking about integration. Connect Card – CC fully deployed and operational. Staffing challenges in customer service area and in process of making sure call center is staffed as needed. YCTD – Mobile fare payment and customer service may affect rider buy-in. YCTD – Make mobile fare app MOU a front burner issue. Connect Card – We understand the value of corporate accounts. Connect Card can save even small businesses with corporate accounts. Save on FICA 15% with pre-tax payment. TPAs and vouchers are expensive and can be done away with. YCTD – Some users “hoard” vouchers and have too much to put on CC - $360 max.

8) Meetings/Events/Updates (All, 5 minutes) a. Meetings or Events- Matt Pinkerton RT Acting Internal Accountability Auditor – FTA Triennial Request. b. Updates on Other Items

9) Set Next Meeting Dates (All, 5 minutes) a. Potential Operator Only – TAM Subcommittee meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 – at SACOG – Tiffani willing to do RFP review. b. Next TCC meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 – at SACOG c. Adjourn TCC

Post TCC TAM Update:

A. Transit Asset Management (Sprowls/All, 30 minutes) Update/Tool Funding Discussion

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