For the Love of Meteors by Cathy L. Hall, Kingston Centre ([email protected])

November 17/18, 1999

igh in the mountains above Malaga, Spain, far above the Hbeaches of the Costa Del Sol, eight meteor observers from several continents were treated to a memorable display of Leonid meteors. The group included Jürgen Rendtel, Manuela Trenn, Rainer Arlt, Sirko Molau, and Ralf Koschack from Germany, Robert Lunsford from California, and Pierre Martin and myself from Canada. Further east, another group of Canadians, Les MacDonald, Joe Dafoe, and Gwen Hoover, observed from northern Cyprus. Over the course of more than five hours that night, those of us in southern Spain recorded an incredible number of meteors, with most of us seeing between 1,000 and 2,000 . The group in Cyprus was Left to right: Robert Lundsford of San Diego, California (IMO Secretary-General and AMS Visual hindered by cloud, but was still delighted Program Co-ordinator), the author, Pierre Martin of Orleans, Ontario (Ottawa Centre’s Meteor Co- with the Leonids’ performance. ordinator), and Sirko Molau of Aachen, Germany (IMO Video Commission Director). The photo was It was a beautiful display in the taken at the Berlin Observatory prior to flying to southern Spain to observe the Leonids. mountains over Malaga. The meteors and comets I have seen over the years have mountains as the Leonids started to fall. like soft notes on a flute. There would be always been very personal things. I like The earliest Leonid meteors were a a brief lull, followed by another tiny burst to enjoy them alone, if possible. So, while pale orange in colour — fast, delicate, of delicate meteors. the other observers in our group huddled and with trains. The visual effect they Just after the time of maximum, in the lee of a hillside by some old Spanish gave, while falling over the orange lights which occurred about 2:00 UT, the rate ruins, I set up my sleeping bag and cameras of the Spanish towns, was almost beyond gradually eased back, and the meteors in the middle of an open field a fair distance words. The rate started to pick up at about did not come as frequently. Leo started away. A strong wind was blowing, and it 1:30 UT, and it was as if the meteors built to move closer to the hillside where the was cool, but not cold. Far below me in to a delicate, rising crescendo over the other observers were huddled. I was the east, I could see about half a dozen next half hour. The wind blew, and the pleased that I had not heard them during tiny Spanish towns, all sparkling orange meteors fell over the mountains. Most of the night, as their noise would have spoiled in the dark. From north to south there the meteors by now were a pale white in the tranquillity of such a beautiful was a low line of mountains, dark against colour. Leo was well up in the sky, and experience. the horizon. It was absolutely beautiful. the , the point from which the Later, when the rates were much I turned on my radio, and the lively popular meteors originated, became quite evident, more subdued, the average brightness tunes of the European music scene kept as many tiny faint meteors started to fall. picked up. Although I was concentrating me moving to a soft beat, and tapping I saw a beautiful point meteor, coming on visual observing, I did run some cameras my toes to the meteors. My favourite song right out of the Lion. I think the most over the evening, using several different was a beautiful Irish piece I had never meteors I saw in any given second would types of film — P1600, tungsten 320T, heard before — “Just My Imagination,” have been about six or seven — tiny, faint, and Ektachrome Infrared EIR. Although with the female voices of a group called most with trains, falling silently out of my results were modest, it was interesting the Cranberries. It wafted over the Spanish the sickle. It was exquisite and delicate, to see the different appearance of the

February/février 2000 JRASC 9 same meteor on all three films. through Alan that I started attending the sitting in lawnchairs, so that all faced a RASC meetings, and through him that different compass point, and the centre It was, however, the visual aspect of this our school club was invited to observe at of the field of view was about 50 to 60 particular Leonid shower that was so the “Quiet Site,” a radio-quiet observing degrees above the horizon. The coffins beautiful, not the technical aspect. The site owned by the Defence Research Board were designed by Les MacDonald, our mountains, overlooking the little Spanish and used by the Ottawa Centre’s amateur meteor co-ordinator, and were quite cozy. towns with the meteors gently slipping meteor observers. They were later wired so that one could out of the sky, were just wonderful, and Who were the observers back then? record the observations by microphone the melody of that song and the 1999 At the time I joined the Ottawa group, onto a large tape recorder set up in a Leonids are still imprinted on my brain. the co-ordinator was Les MacDonald. warm-up trailer about 20 metres away. The other observers included Ken Hewitt- As an added touch, the guys set up stereo Prelude White, Steve Craig, Dave Paterson, Chris speakers so everyone could listen to music Martin, Peter MacKinnon, Lindsey Davis, wafting over the fields while they were Amateur meteor observing in Canada Sylvia Wake, and others, perhaps fifteen observing. There were many wonderful goes back many years, and has had a long different observers in all. The core of the nights spent listening to Joan Baez and and interesting history in the RASC. The group had been started back around 1962 the strains of “The Lady Came from professional meteor observers, such as by Les MacDonald, Joe Dafoe, and Brian Baltimore”… Dr. Peter Millman, inspired many amateurs Houlihan. We had great times out at Quiet Site to become involved. The study of meteors It was an interesting time when I — many of us grew up there. At the end was, and continues to be, one of the few started going out meteor observing to of the school year, we would have a book- fields in astronomy where the amateur the Quiet Site. The Centre had banned burning party down by the Ottawa River, can still make valuable contributions to females from using the telescope at their where we would collect hundreds of feet science without requiring a lot of small domed facility in town, as a result of extension cord so that we could run equipment. It is also perhaps the best of an indiscretion on the part of one of the big music speakers down to the water. area of amateur astronomy for beginning the male observers and his lady friend. We saw many deer and fawns at the site, observers — it teaches them how to In consequence, females entering the and it was common for bats to swoop observe and find their way around the group at that time had to work twice as down over our heads while observing. sky without optical aids. hard to prove to the male-dominated During school holidays, we would camp How did some of us get involved in observing core that they were even half out there. There were also many star such an interesting pursuit? I was eleven as interested in astronomy. That was, parties held by the Ottawa Centre, with years old when I saw my first meteor, however, not a problem. In the early 1970s, people bringing telescopes and enjoying from my parents’ driveway. It was 1964 female meteor observers dominated the hot chocolate and hot dogs. I saw my first and we lived in the town of Alliston, Ottawa amateur group for several years. comet there one night — Comet Heck- Ontario, where my father was posted with For those of you who have never Sause — through Ken Hewitt-White’s the air force at Camp Borden. We moved heard of the famous Quiet Site or our telescope “Big Bertha.” to Ottawa soon afterwards, but I did not meteor observing coffins, I will describe The group had an excellent training become aware of any local astronomy them. Owing to the cold Ottawa winters, regime set up, mainly as a result of the groups, so for the next four years I recorded the group decided to make some sort of efforts of Les MacDonald. He taught us meteors on my own, all plotted and observing shelter. The professionals (Dr. how to find our way around the sky, the recorded on a set of index cards. I would Millman and group) had been using a set brightnesses of the stars used for judging not go to bed at night until I had recorded of eight individual wooden enclosures, meteor magnitudes, and how to distinguish at least one meteor, satellite, or weather nicknamed “coffins” by us all, each with the various meteor showers. Some of us balloon, duly plotted. For years I telephoned warm air piped in for the observers’ plotted meteors as well, on charts that the Dominion Observatory to ask the comfort. One person sat in the middle of the National Research Council had made names of the satellites I had seen. They the eight coffins, which were arranged for the International Geophysical Year. were never able to help me, and they never like spokes in a wheel, and recorded the What Les also made us do, though, was once told me about the astronomy group meteor observations of the others. learn the various Arabic or other names that met next door in one of their own Our amateur group decided on a of the stars. That way we got to know the buildings. single pie-shaped unit that would hold sky even better. On quiet nights, we often I finally linked up with the Ottawa eight people, feet towards the middle. played an astronomical word game to Centre around 1968, through a member That way, the group saved on the cost of keep us alert. The first person would give of the astronomy club at my high school, plywood, and we could put a single heater an astronomical name or word, such as Alan Miller, a quick-footed redhead and in the middle, down by everybody’s feet. the name Aldebaran. The next person telescope maker extraordinaire. It was The eight people were all inclined, as if would have to give an astronomical word

10 JRASC February/février 2000 starting with the last letter of the current evening we heard it again, but from a many of Canada’s meteorite experts, such word, in this case “n.” The game would different direction and closer. Still later as Richard Herd of Ottawa, and Alan go around the coffins until we tired of it, the howls were back, and much closer, Hildebrand of Calgary. The committee or hit too many cases of “z” or “x.” It was but that was the last of their serenade. also has the continued expertise of Ian great fun! Where are those Ottawa meteor Halliday, one of Canada’s foremost meteor In those days we recorded meteors observers now? Well, Les MacDonald researchers. Several noted RASC members in 10-minute periods, synchronized to teaches political science at a university donate their time as well — Damien Lemay the Universal Time signal. We spoke our in Ottawa. Joe Dafoe is the owner of several of Rimouski, Quebec, and Gary Dymond individual names onto the group tape nature stores, also in Ottawa. Ken Hewitt- of St. John’s, Newfoundland. MIAC collects recorder with each meteor, so that, if White, at one time Director of the H. R. fireball reports from across Canada in an necessary, the individual data could be MacMillan Planetarium in Vancouver, attempt to track down possible meteorite separated from the group counts. The now works freelance for television and falls. The primary interest of MIAC, meteor co-ordinator would transcribe planetariums from his home in British however, is in the geological aspects of the group tape after the observing session, Columbia. Alan Miller is in meteor science. In other words, our usually the following day. Many nights telecommunications in Belgium. Lindsey amateur meteor observers are interested we would have four or five observers in Davis is a professional astronomer working in observing meteors, whereas MIAC is the coffins, and for major showers the at Kitt Peak in Arizona. Sylvia Wake-Hood interested in studying impacts and coffins would be full, plus there would is a software engineer in California. Peter meteorites. The two are complementary, be other observers nearby in lawn chairs. MacKinnon is an economic advisor to of course, but there is a difference. What were some of the highlights Canada, over in Britain. Doug Welch is a Many decades ago the RASC had over the years? I suppose that my favourite renowned astronomer working on the “National Co-ordinators,” who attempted nights back then were December 13/14, age of the universe, and travels the world to co-ordinate amateur observations in 1971, and December 14/15, 1974. In 1971 in that pursuit. The rest of us are in various fields, including meteors, and to I set the Ottawa Centre’s observing record assorted, more mundane careers. Many act as a liaison with the professionals. for the longest observing time without a members of the former crew are not active The program was disbanded after the break — 8 hours, 40 minutes, during the in meteor observing any more, and some 1960s. Nowadays, most amateur meteor Geminid . In 1974 I set a of us have taken breaks from it and are observers in Canada have joined one of new record, jointly with Doug Welch, back! the North American or international observing 9 hours, 30 minutes without organizations that specialize in the moving. It was warmer that year though, Meteor Groups Today observation and study of meteors. about –12˚C as compared to –15˚C in The oldest such group is the 1971. The have always been my It is now the year 2000, and we are entering American Meteor Society (AMS), founded favourite shower — bright meteors and another century. What meteor groups do in 1911 by Charles Olivier. Although lots of trains. It is so beautiful that you Canadians belong to now, and what originally “American” in the United States just do not notice the cold! resources are available? Canada’s amateurs sense, over the years the society has I also remember the unusual meteors have an excellent resource in the new acquired much more of a North American that I have seen over the years. One night generation of Canadian meteor identity, with many observers in Canada. at the Quiet Site, I saw a beautiful yellow- professionals. We have Peter Brown in Dr. Olivier’s original goal was to organize gold meteor that travelled across the sky, London, Ontario, Robert Hawkes in New a joint effort between amateur and flared, died, and then exploded — and Brunswick, and Martin Beech in Regina. professional astronomers for the purpose you could see four individual golden pieces There are others as well, but those are of conducting visual observations of falling down. It was exquisite. I remember the names with which most of us are meteor showers and sporadic, i.e. non- several very long, slow, red meteors that familiar. There is also a wonderful effort shower, meteors. In the late 1970s, the traversed the sky just above the trees — on the part of some of the older and more leadership of the AMS passed to David what I always referred to as “down in the experienced astronomers in Canada to Meisel, and the headquarters of the society weeds.” I very rarely see colour in meteors, forge ties with the current amateur meteor moved to Genesee, New York. The activities so it is always a special treat when community. Foremost in the effort is of the society were expanded to include something like that happens. Jeremy Tatum of Victoria, who has helped more radio meteor studies. Nowadays, I also remember the wolves. One co-ordinate a number of amateurs who the activities of the AMS span a wide cold winter night, when Les and four of are interested in fireballs. variety of fields, from visual to radio to us women were out observing, I heard Canada also has the Meteorite and spectroscopy. There are even several wolf howls in the distance. We turned Impacts Advisory Committee (MIAC). Canadians on the volunteer operations down the radio and yes, the others heard Many of the meteor researchers belong staff, myself, as well as Ed Majden from it too: yapping and howling. Later in the to the group, but it also encompasses Courtney, British Columbia.

February/février 2000 JRASC 11 In 1988 the International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in response to a need for international co- WEB RESOURCES FOR METEORS AND METEORITES operation in amateur meteor work. The IMO’s main objectives are “to encourage, Where to find out information on meteor observing: support, and co-ordinate meteor observing, to improve the quality of amateur North American Meteor Network: observations, to disseminate observations includes an observing guide and star charts for beginners, and a monthly on- and results to other amateurs and line newsletter with information on what showers are currently visible. professionals, and to make global analyses of observations received world-wide.” The American Meteor Society: includes meteor shower IMO, in spite of its fairly recent existence, has revolutionized amateur meteor basics, answers to frequently asked questions, and also information on radio observing. It has standardized the way and spectroscopic observation of meteors. most visual meteor observations are now done, so that observations from countries International Meteor Organization: includes info on visual, all around the globe can be combined photographic, video and radio observations, some excellent meteor software, into a computer data base, and and a neat computer simulation of a meteor storm called MetSim. observations of both meteor showers and sporadic meteor activity can be analyzed Where to get further info on major and minor showers: Gary Kronk’s Comets on a global basis. (The main changes in and Meteor Showers: includes historical the standardization of observing technique information, and a special education corner with on-line movies of comets, relate to individual as opposed to group meteors, and asteroids. counts, the timing of meteors to the minute, and more precise estimations of Where to find out what your sky will look like on any given night: Your Sky, an the limiting visual magnitudes of individuals.) Such data are a great resource interactive planetarium on the web ( for both meteor professionals and amateurs. Excellent, recommended easier to view for beginners if you delete deep sky The other meteor organization of objects, constellation boundaries, star names, and codes, set stars to magnitude note for Canadians is the North American 4.0, and adjust colour to your preference. Meteor Network (NAMN). It was founded in 1995 by Mark Davis of South Carolina Where to find out what satellites you will see while meteor observing: and George Zay of California, and was gives daily predictions for where in the sky initially a completely Internet-based to look to see the brighter satellites, and what their names are. organization. More so than the other meteor organizations, its purpose is to Where to learn all about meteorites and impacts: Meteorite and Impacts Advisory help new people get involved in visual Committee to the Canadian Space Agency: meteor observing, and to teach them how /~mhiggins/MIAC. to have fun and to contribute to a worthwhile scientific cause. Basically, NAMN provides a user-friendly interface Where to see meteorite samples up close: The Meteorite Market: to the type of observations done by the, a great source of information on learning IMO. NAMN has a complete observing about different types of meteorites, with lots of colour pictures and information guide on its website, as well as star charts on various falls. and other useful information for new observers. The monthly meteor newsletter Where to view various astronomical movies, including the Peakskill fireball: NAMN Notes is available via E-mail and has on their website. The group runs a very an incredible selection of online movies and animations from NASA and elsewhere, informative E-mail list, maintained by on all aspects of astronomy. Lew Gramer, where meteor observers and new people of all ages are welcome to Where to find books on meteors to further your knowledge: Knollwood Books: discuss meteor topics and to ask questions of all kinds. The NAMN, besides being probably the most active group on the

12 JRASC February/février 2000 continent, is also the only meteor Join a weekly meteor Internet Relay Avenue, Apt. 1211, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H organization with no fees of any kind. Chat (IRC) session. They are held every 9B1, Email: [email protected], telephone: Monday evening, starting at 8:00 PM EST, (613)–828–8807. Some of the great publications and every Saturday morning, starting at available from these groups 11:00 AM EST. To attend, download a Conclusion copy of one of the many IRC client 1. Meteor Trails, the newsletter published programs. mIRC is a good one for Windows Visual meteor observing is one of the very by the AMS, American Meteor Society, computers, as is IRCle for Macintosh few fields left in astronomy where the is available for US$8 for the year, and is computers. Both are available as try-to- amateur can truly make a difference, and called “associate membership.” To receive buy shareware on the Internet. Once you can contribute a great deal to worthwhile the newsletter, send a money order payable have an IRC client on your computer, science. No fancy equipment is needed to “AMS” to Karl Simmons, AMS Treasurer, connect to the server on DALnet known — no telescope, no computer — just the 3859 Woodland Heights, Callahan, FL as and enter the IRC command unaided eye and a willingness to enjoy 32011, U.S.A. for joining our meteor chat session: /join the night sky! #meteorobs. It is an ideal pursuit for both young 2. WGN, the bimonthly publication of the and old alike. Meteor observing provides IMO, the International Meteor Who are the RASC meteor a wonderful opportunity to learn about Organization, is available as part of observers? the heavens, the constellations, and the membership in the IMO, which is US$25. brightnesses and the names of the stars. Send a money order payable to “Mr. Robert Who are the amateur meteor observers It is a great way to introduce kids to Lunsford,” to Mr. Robert Lunsford, 161 across Canada and the RASC right now? astronomy as well, to teach them about Vance Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910, U.S.A. That is a difficult question. I am aware the wonders and the legends of the night of some of you through the RASC E-mail sky, and to show them what a wonderful 3. NAMN Notes, the monthly newsletter list, but the participants on that list resource we will lose if light pollution of NAMN, the North American Meteor represent only a very small percentage keeps encroaching outwards from our Network, is available free of charge. If you of the observers across Canada, and only cities. wish to have it E-mailed to you, please those with Internet access. So, as we enter the new century, with drop a note to Mr. Mark Davis at I am aware of several meteor all of its constantly changing technology, [email protected]. It is also amateurs in Quebec, several in the never forget that astronomy still needs posted on the NAMN website. Maritimes, a couple in Ontario, at least actual observers — those people who love one in Saskatoon, some in Edmonton, going out under a dark country sky and To communicate or ask and a couple in British Columbia. The observing — with just their own eyes! Clear questions of the amateur RASC has about 3500 members, though, Skies and Many Meteors to All! meteor observers around and I would like to put together a list of the continent and world- those members who would like to find wide out more about meteor observing, and would like to keep in touch with other Join the NAMN meteor Email list, which amateurs, or at least be advised personally is administered by Lew Gramer, the Internet of interesting meteor events coming up! Cathy Hall has been observing meteors with Co-ordinator of NAMN. Send a note to I expect many of you may be interested the RASC since 1968, and is currently a Lew at [email protected] to in visual observing, but if your meteor member of the International Meteor join or just to post your own question. interests are related to photography, video, Organization, co-author of the monthly We have active list participants in such radio, or spectroscopy, I would also like newsletter of the North American Meteor diverse locations as California, Vancouver to find out who you are! Network, and one of the Assistant Visual Island, Beijing, Australia, Slovenia, and Please drop me a note and introduce Program Co-ordinators for the American the slopes of Mt. Etna! yourself! My address is: 2604 Draper Meteor Society. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario.

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