Section One - Sessions 1021

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Section One - Sessions 1021 OESOR Section one - Sessions 1021 BING CROSBY IIITH DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA February. 11.1932 New York City,NY ARC ree.session Same as 3105.but: BCr(ve.)added. DE3205a St.Louis Blues veBCr Br 20105,CBS 88035 BX1l263 -A DE3205b St.Louis Blues veBCr Br 20105,Co CK·66372,CBS 88035 BX1l263-B DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Same session BCr(ve. lout. DE3205e Creole Love Call Br 20105,CBS 88035 BX1l264·A DE3205xa Creole Love Call unissued BX1l264-B DE3205d Rose Room Br 6265,CBS 88035 B1l265-A NOTE· 3205xa Same as 3205e. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA October 18.1971 Cinema Le Colisee Roubaix,F Concert Same as 7147. DE7151a C-Jam Blues unissued DE7151b rBlaek And Tan Fantasy unissued DE7151e ICreole Love Call unissued DE7151d LThe Mooehe unissued DE7151e rKinda Dukish unissued DE7151f !.Roeki n' In Rhytl'vn uni ssued PG(t.s.):DE(p.):JBe(b.):RJ(d.). DE7151g Happy Reunion unissued As before. DE7151xa Having At It unissued DE7151h Take The "A" Train unissued DE7151i Fife unissued DE7151j Chinoiserie unissued DE7151k I Can't Get Started unissued DE71511 "HARLEM" unissued DE7151m Satin Doll unissued DE7151xb Perdido unissued DEl151n Addi unissued DE7151xe Come Off The Veldt unissued DE71510 Medley: alI Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart unissued b)Don't Get Around Much Anymore unissued e)Mood Indigo unissued d)I'm Beginning To See The Light unissued e)Solitude veTW unissued flIt Don't Mean A Thing veTil unissued g)I Got It Bad veNB.CII unissued DE71510 h)Everybody lIants To Know veNB.CII unissued i)Sophistieated Lady unissued NOTE· 7l51xa Same as 7l39h,but: int4DE;P32BAND,32PG: 7l51xb Same as 7107f: 7151xe Same as 6821d.but: lib36RJ: 71510 h) Everybody 1°4DE,8DE&CII(ve.):2°/6°NB:7°BAND&NB. OESOR Section one - Sessions 1022 THE MILLS BROTHERS WITH DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS FAMOUS ORCH. December 22.1932 New York City,NY ARC rec. session Same as 3213.but: AHa(vc.)out:THB(vc.)added. DE3214a Diga Diga Doo vcTMB Br 6519.Co OL·6770,CBS 88082 B12781-A DE3214b Diga Diga Doo vcTMB Co CK·66372 B12781·B ETHEL WATERS WITH DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA Same session AW.CW.FJ(t.):LB.JN(tb.):JH(a.s.,s.s.);HC(b.s. ,cl ..;DE(p.):FG(bj.);WB(b.);SG(d. ,ch.);EW(vc.). DE3214c I Can't Give You Anything But Love vcEW Br 6517,Co OL·6770,CBS 88082 B12783-A DE3214d I Can't Give You Anything But Love vcEW Co CK·66372 B12783·B DE3214e Porgy vcEW Br 6521,Co OL·6770,CBS 88082 B12784·A DE3214f Porgy vcEW unissued B12784·B DE3214g Porgy vcEW unissued B12784-C NOTE - In Porgy. as second chorus is used the theme of I Can't Give You Anything But Love. 3214f Same as 3214e; 3214g Same as 3214e. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA November/December 1947 Lookout House Covington,KY MBS broadcast Same as 4722. DE9013a Riff 'n' Dri 11 unissued DE9013b Ole Buttermilk Sky vcDP unissued DE9013c The Mooche unissued NOTE - 9013a Same as 4609f,but: 1°X,12DE. 9013c Same as 4705c,but TG instead of WDP; and: 8°I17JHa·HC(cl .)·RP(cl .)&RN,t. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Earl y Jul y 1967 Carter Barron Amphitheater Washington,DC Concert Same as 6759. DE9019a Take The "A" Train theme unissued DE9019b Swarrp Goo unissued DE9019c Girdle Hurdle unissued DE9019d The Shepherd unissued DE901ge Mount Hari ssa unissued DE9019f Salome unissued DE9019g Passion Flower un; ssued DE9019h Things Ain't What They Used To Be unissued DE9019i Medley: alSatin Doll unissued b)Solitude unissued c)Don't Get Around Much Anymore unissued dlMood Indigo unissued elI'm Beginning To See The Light uni ssued f)Sophisticated Lady unissued glCaravan unissued hlDo Nothin' Till You Hear From Me unissued i)I Let &Don't Get unissued DE9019j Things Ain't What They Used To Be unissued NOTE - 9019a Same as 5702a: 9019b Same as 6705h,but: cod4RP(cl.),t: 9019c Same as 6746c: 9019d Same as 6708b: 901ge Same as 6707h: 9019f Same as 6759ae,but: int22CCo: 9019g Same as 6233c: 9019h Same as 6124x: 9019i a)int6BAND,8DE:1°BAND: 2°24DE.8BAND:cod4DE. b)Same as 6680j, c)Same as 6003m, d)Same as 6110j, e)Same as 6023g, f)Same as 6538i, g)Same as 6350d. h)Same as 6344h, i)Same as 4624h,but: int8DE; 9019j Same as 7250ac. DESOR Section one - Sessions 1036 JOHNNY HODGES AND HIS ORCHESTRA May 20,1937 Master Records Studio New York Citv.NY Master rec.session CW(t .. vc.);BB(cl.);JH.OH(a.s.);HC(b.s.);DE(p.);FG(g.);HA1(b.):SG(d.);BCk(vc.). DE3710a Foolin' Myself vcBCk Va 576.CBS 88185 B21186-1 DE3710b Foolin' Myself vcBCk Ra RTE·23005.CBS 88185 B21186 -2 DE3710c A Sailboat In The Moonlight vcBCk Va 586.CBS 88185 B21187 -1 DE3710d A Sailboat In The Moonlight vc8Ck Ra RTE·23005 B21187 -2 DE3710xa You'll Never Go To Heaven vc8Ck unissued 821188 -1 DE3710e You'll Never Go To Heaven vc8Ck Va 576.C8S 88210 821188-2 DE3710f Peckin' vcCW FDC 1022.CBS 88210.TOH 10 821189·1 DE3710g Peckin' vcCW Ra RTE·23005.CBS 88210 821189 -2 DE3710h Peck;n' vcCW Ra RTE·23005.CBS 88210 B21189·3 NOTE - 3710xa Same as 3710e. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA August 19,1951 New York City.NY Gotham rec.session Same as 5111,but: NO(vc.)out. DE5124a Take The "A" Train theme SoP P-575 DE5124b Fancy Dan Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R).SoP P·575.Du KLJ- 20034.P30 02 DE5124c The Hawk Talks Gt (GRC-DE1R/DE2R).SoP P·575.Du KLJ· 20034.P30 02 DE5124d 01' Man River veAH Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R).SoP P·575.Du KLJ- 20034.P30 02 DE5124e C-Jam Blues Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R).SoP P·575.Du KLJ· 20034 DE5124f Caravan Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) DE5124g Mood Indigo Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) BS(p.)added. DE5124h Blues No.04 Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) BSCp. lout. DE5124; Tea For Two Gt (GRC·DEIR/DE2R) DE(tk.); JHa.RP(cl.).HC( DE5124j Monologue Gt (GRC-DE1R/DE2R) As before. DE5124k Duet Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R).Gt (GRC·2873) DE51241 rV. I.P. Boogie Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R).Gt (GRC·2873) DE5124m LJam With Sam Gt (GRC-DE1R/DE2R).Gt (GRC·2873) DE5124n Primping At The Prom Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) DE51240 Moonlight Fiesta Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) DE5124p Sophisticated Lady Gt (GRC·DE1R/DE2R) NOTE· V.I.P. Boogie and Jam With Sam are presented as Threesome. 5124n Same as 5318a; 51240 int4BAND;1°JT;2°16BAND&CA.16WS; 3°CA;4°BAND&CA;cod8JT.2BAND: 5124p 1°DE;2°WS:cod6WS. OESOR Section one - Sessions 1023 DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA December 21,1936 Los Angeles,CA Master rec.session Same as 3505. DE3612a Scattin' At The Kit Kat (Scattin' At The FDC 1022.CBS 88140,FMRS (FM-4001/02) L0375-1 Cotton Club) DE3612b Bl ad. Butterfl y Br 8044,CBS 88140 L0376-1 DE3612xa Black Butterfly unissued L0376·2 DUKE ELLINGTON Same session DE(p.) . DE3612c rMood Indigo Ma 102,CBS 88140.Ra RTE-23001 1 DE3612d ISolitude Ma 102,CBS 88140.Ra RTE-23001 IL0377-1 DE3612e LMood Indigo Ma 102.CBS 88140,Ra RTE·23001 J DE3612f rln A Sentimental Mood Ma 102,CBS 88140,Ra RTE·23001 1 L0378-1 DE3612g LSophisticated Lady Ma 102,CBS 88140.Ra RTE-23001 J NOTE - 3612xa int2DE:lo8HC&DE,24BAND;pas4BAND;2°LB. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA March 3,1961 Radio Recorders Los Angeles,CA CBS rec.session Same as 6102.but. AB(b.)otJt,alid. AlIK(b.)added. DE6103a Where In The World vcMG CBS 26306 RHC070041· DE6103xa Tulip Or Turnip vcRN unissued RHC070042-2 DE6103b Tulip Or Turnip vcRN FMRS (FM-4001/02) RHC070042·3 DE6103c Tulip Or Turnip vcRN CBS 88654 RHC070042 -6 DE6103d Song From "Moulin Rouge" vcMG CBS 26306 RHC070043· BS(p.)out;DE(p.)added. DE6103xb Harlem Air·Shaft unissued RHC070044- DE6103xc Harlem Air·Shaft unissued RHC070044· DE6103xd Harlem Air'Shaft unissued RHC070044· DE6103e Harlem Air'Shaft unissued RHC070044·2 DE6103xe Harlem Air·Shaft uni ssued RHC070044·6 NOTE· 6103xa Same as 6103b: 6103xb int4DE;lO(nc)2PG; 6103xc int4DE;lO(nc)28PG; 6103xd int4DE;loPG;2°(nc)13BAND; 6103xe Same as 6103e. DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Earl y 1937 Los Angeles,CA Soundtrack Same as 3505, but: The Chrinoline Choir(vc.) added. DE9012a All God's Chillun Got Rhythm vcIA, TCC TCM R2. 79805 NOTE - The feature lenght film title is "A Day At The Races". produced by Metro Goldwin Meyer. 9012a ver8IA;pas4IA;l"IA; pas4BAND;3°3TCC+4IA.3TCC+4IA,6IA&TCC,4IA+2TCC,16TCC;pa s4TCC.6BAND,2BB:4°(nc)14CW,2BAND:pasl0BAND:5°(nc)16BAND: cod6BAND. DESOR Section one - Sessions 1037 DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA July 29,1940 Eastwood Gardens Detroit,MI NBC broadcast Same as 4003. DE4014xa At A Dixie Roadside Diner unissued DE4014a Harlem Air-Shaft JM (DE·003),Ev EV-3005.NI 4016 DE4014b All Too Soon (I Don't Hind) JH (DE·003).Ev EV·3005.NI 4016 DE4014c Me And You velA JH (DE·003) DE4014d Jack The Bear JH (OE'003) DE4014e Concerto For Cootie JH (DE·003) DE4014f Ko-Ko JH (DE·003).JS 705 DE4014g Orchids For Remembrance JH (DE·003) DUKE ELLINGTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA March 9,1964 Konserthuset Stockholm.S 2nd concert Same as 6376,but: ES(b.,vc.)out;and: JW(b.)added.
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