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Sportsiurfone Athletic Field Speciali$S SPORTSIURFONE ATHLETIC FIELD SPECIALI$S PROPOSAL INDEX 1) Letter From Our President 2) Bid Forms 3) Synthetic Turf Grass System Questionnaire 4) Qualification Requests s) Financial Statement 6) Equipment List 7) Synthetic Turf Qualifi cations 8) Sports Turf One Information Bonrerrual SPORTSTURFONE ATHLETIC FI ELD SPECIALIS$ Sports Turf One, Inc. has been Florida's leading Sport Field Builder for almost 20 years. We have not hundreds but thousands of successful projects under our belts with projects varying from T-Ballto Major league sports 'venues. Working with Pro soccer, Major League Baseball, the NFL and many Colleges & Universities. We can say without reservation, there is no company in the Southeastern United States with more experience or better company work ethic. Working with Architects, Engineers, Owners, Municipalities & General Contractors, STO has had great success with design build projects & project planning. Our efficiency, and attention to detail has made our company the one to turn to when fast track projects and strict specifications meet tough job conditions. As a contractor, we plan, execute, & perform. We make those daunting tasks appear routine. STO is heavily involved in Sport Complex maintenance as we have close to 30 annual maintenance contracts. With experience on both side of the fence, we build with the end user & his maintenance staffin mind. We don't just install what is on the plans, we take the plans & combine our experience to take the project to completion in a timely fashion but also to higher level of qualrty. \- D onrGrNAL What makes all this possible is our staff. Leadership & supervision at all levels, and commitment from a staff that has had very little tumover. With a work force of over 40 employees, our employees have been with the company on an average of 12 or more years. For more information about our company and scope of work please visit our website at Thank you for your consideration of Sports Turf One, Inc. for your project. Sincerely, Dell Haverland, President Sports Turf One, Inc. 9819 US Highway 441 Boynton Beach, F133472 Off: 56 1 -3 69-7994 Cell: 561 -722-1035 dell@ sportsturfone. com B onlGlNAL B onrorNAL \- DOCUMENT ()()3()() BID FORMS TOWN OF DAVIE Bamford Park Aftificial Turf lnstallation BID NUMBER: 8-17-99 SUBMTTTED. 51512017 (Date) This Bid is submifted to: Town Council, Davie, Florida. 1. The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that he/she is acquainted with the site of the construction as shown on the drawings and specifications and has fully acquainted himself/herself with the work to be done; that he/she has thoroughly examined the drawings, Specifications and all Contract Documents pertaining thereto; and has read any and all addenda issued prior to the opening of Bids; all as designed under the Enginee/s Bid Number B-17-99. 2. The Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to secure all required permits, furnish all necessary materials, tools, construction equipment, all necessary transportation and labor to complete the construction as shown, detailed and described in the Specifications and on the drawings. 3. lt is understood by the Bidder that the quantities in the following quotation form are given for the purpose of the Bid comparison only. 4. lt is understood by the Bidder that all Bid item amounts shall be submitted. ln the event any item is not included, rejection of the Bid will be considered by the Owner. 5. lt is understood that certain portions of the Bid section may be deleted ftom the awarded Contract at the Owne/s discretion. 6. The Bidder acknowledges that, included in the various items of the Bid and in the total Bid price, are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Act of 1990, 7 . The Bidder agrees that, if awarded the Contract, he/she will sign the Conhact Documents within seven (7) calendar days of the Notice of Award; that he/she will commence the work on the date stated in the Notice to Proceed; and that he/she will have the work fully completed for Owner's use within 100 calendar days. lf not, liquidated damages will be assessed at the rate of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per calendar day, Sundays and holidays included. 8. The Bidder is licensed as a Contractor to this Bid and holds License No. CGCO193 BIDDER Sports Ttrf One, Inc ADDRESS 9819 State Rd 7 Boynton Beach, FL 33472 Addendum No.3 (5/1/17) Project 0312017 Bamford Park Artificial Tuf I nstallation 96-1630.1 12 Document 00300 Page 1 of 22 ! onrorNAL \-, The Bidder further proposes that the following subconhacting firms or businesses will be awarded subcontracts for the following portions of the work in the event the Bidder is awarded the Conhact: 1. Synthetic Turf (Portion of Work) Field Turf USA t-352-242-7620 (Name of Subcontractor) (Telephone #) 742t5 Cote-de-Liesse Road Suite 200 Montreal Quebec H4T lG2 Canada (Sheet) (City) (State) (zip) 2. Concrete & Flat Work (Portion of Work) Homestead Pawing Co 3A5-258-t972 (Name of Subcontractor) (Telephone #) 4550 lv{able St Naranl a FL 33032 (Street) (city) (State) (Zip) 3 Fencurg (Portion of Work) 'Carlson Fence Company Inc 305-593-8590 (Name of Subcontractor) (Telephone #) \- 8491 N.W. 64th Street Mrami Fl. 33166 (Street) (city) (State) (zip) N/A 4. (Portion of Work) N/A N/A (Name of Subcontractor) (Telephone #) N/A N/A N/A l.t/A (Street) (City) (State) (zip) 5. NiA (Portion of Work) N/A N/A (Name of Subcontractor) (Teleohone #) N/A N/A N/A Nla (Street) (City) (State) (zip) Sports Turf One, Inc. BIDDER ADDRESS 9819 State Rd 7 Boynton Beach, FL 33472 \-. Addendum No. 3 (5/1/17) Prolect 0312017 Bamford Park Aftificial Tuf lnstallation 96-1630.1 12 Document 00300 Page2of 22 ffi B onre rrunl t'*EL:il\n/ (Sign below if lncorporated) ATTEST: Sports Turf One, lnc. l,/ (Name of Corporation) V oilrt l-\"rn-Jo^r,fl (Secretarf) and TitleLac"eL. V (coRPoRATE SEAL) lh, I / \) r,n.lo^rl,9u4o-y (Type NAme and Title signed above)Jp 6 gt-a-ar- lncorporated under the laws of the State of Florida Addendum No. 3 (5/'l117) Project 03/2017 Bamford Park Aftificial Tuf lnstallation 96-1630.1'12 Document 00300 Page3 of 22 B ontolNAL ffik ^t'"'Y \-. \d BID FORM: IF BIDDER IS: 1. An lndividual By: hT/A (sEAL) (lndividual's Name) Doing business as: N1A Business Address NI/A N/A Phone: N/A 2. A Partnership By: }TIA (sEAL) (Firm's Name) I.llA \- (General Partner) BusffiqAdd ress: N/A Phone: N/A By: I{/A (sEAL) (lndividual's Name) 3. A Corporation By: Sports Turf One, Irc (Corporation Name) Florida By: Burdell Haverland to President (Title) Phone: 567-369-7994 (Corporate Seal) Attest: Business Address: 981 9 State Rd7 oynton B each, FL 33472 NIA Phone: 561-369-7994 \- Addendum No.3 (5/1/17) Project 0312017 Bamford Park Afiifrcial Tuf lnstallation 96-1630.112 Document 00300 Page 4 of 22 D onrorNAL 4. A Joint Venture By: N/A N/A (Name) (Address) By: N/A (Name) N/A (Address) (Each joint venture must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) \- Addendum No. 3 (5/1/17) Pqect 0312017 Bamford Park Aftificial Turf I nstallation 96-1630.1 12 Document 00300 Pagei of 22 I onrorNAl ffi h ^Jo,.,,i, \- \d/ Bid Form Bamford Park Artificial Turf lnstallation Bid No. 8-17-99 Bid Estimated Unit Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total l. General Mobilization/Demobilization/SWPPP Not to exceed 1 5% of Total Bid I LS $74.300.m $74.300.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing/Demolition 1 LS $86.641.00 s86,641.00 3 Testing and Survey 1 LS $9.360.00 $9,360.00 SubtotalGeneral $170,301.00 ll. Paving Artifi cial Tu rf I nstal lation including drainage ;11423,431.0r $1,423,431.0 4 system/subgrade/base/header curb 1 LS $31.92 $21.067.20 5 Tall Header Curb 660 LF 6 Reconstruct Wooden Stairs 1 AL $1,500 $1,500.00 7 Gravity Wallwith Field Wall Paddinq 1 2 1 LF $245.97 $29,762.37 6" Concrete sidewalUconcrete apron including 8 stabilized subgrade (various width) 4,857 SY ffi4.42 $312.887.94 I Demo existing concrete sidewalk 2,060 SY $l1.68 $24,060.80 10 4'High Chain Link Fence 2,565 LF $25.84 956,279.ffi 11 Aluminum Pedestrian Rail 94 LF $103.00 $9,682.00 '12 Removable Bollard 3 EA $l.063.00 3,189.00 13 Sod 1,520 SY $17.71 $26.919.20 14 M iscellaneous Appurtenances 2 EA $10,661.m $21,322.00 15 Adjustments to Existinq lnigation Systems 1 AL $5,000 $s.000.00 TOTAL BID PRICE $2.11s.402.11 il. Administrative \- Addendum No.3 (5/1/17) Project 0312017 Bamford P ark Artifi cial Tufi I n stallation 96-1630.1 12 Document 00300 Page6 of 22 E onlGtNAL Town of Davie Engineering Permit (10% of Total s2tt-\40.22 $211.540.22 16 Bid Price) 1 AL Town of Davie Building Permit (2o/o of Total Bid $+2.108.05 $42.308.05 17 Price) 1 AL Subtotal Fees $253.848.27 TOTAL BASE BID (ltems !Thru ll!) $2,369.250.38 Two Millim Three Flturdred Sixty Nine Thousand Two Hrurdred Fifty Dolla's & Thirty Eigtrt Cents (Total Base Bid Written) The lowest Bid shall be determined by the Total Contract Amount ALTERNATE TTEMS NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN BASE BlD Item Estimated Unit # Unit Price Total A1 Unsuitable MaterialAllowance (see note 1) 100 cY $42.18 $4,218.00 Note: 1.
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