Revista do Instituto de Geociências - USP Geol. USP, Sér. cient., São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, p. 89-117, junho 2009 Geochemistry and Nd-Sr Isotopic Signatures of the Pensamiento Granitoid Complex, Rondonian-San Ignacio Province, Eastern Precambrian Shield of Bolivia: Petrogenetic Constraints for a Mesoproterozoic Magmatic Arc Setting Geoquímica e Assinaturas Nd-Sr do Complexo Granitoide Pensamiento, Província Rondoniana-San Ignacio, Pré-Cambriano de Bolívia Oriental: Caracterização Petrogenética de um Arco Magmático no Mesoproterozoico Ramiro Matos1,3 (
[email protected]), Wilson Teixeira1 (
[email protected]), Mauro Cesar Geraldes2 (
[email protected]), Jorge Silva Bettencourt1 (
[email protected]) 1Departamento de Mineralogia e Geotectônica - Instituto de Geociências - USP R. do Lago 562, CEP 05508-080, São Paulo, SP, BR 2Faculdade de Geologia - UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR 3Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas y del Medio Ambiente - UMSA, La Paz, BO Recebido em 04 de dezembro de 2008; aceito em 15 de maio de 2009 ABSTRACT The Pensamiento Granitoid Complex (PGC), located in the northern part of the eastern Precambrian shield of Bolivia, is tectonically assigned to the Rondonian-San Ignacio Province (1.55 - 1.30 Ga) of the Amazonian Craton that is made up by Archean and Proterozoic provinces. The Proterozoic ones result from accretionary orogens that become successively younger southwestwards, such as the Rondonian/San Ignacio (1.37 - 1.32 Ga) and the Sunsás orogenies (1.20 - 1.00 Ga). The PGC crops out mainly on the “Paragua craton” bounded to the south by the Sunsás belt, and composed of granites and subvolca- nic terms, and subordinately of syenites, granodiorites, tonalites, trondhjemites and diorites as orogenic representatives of the Rondonian/San Ignacio Orogeny, intrusive into the Lomas Maneches (ca.