VOLUME IV Addendum: Final EIR No. 148 Consultant Studies — Exhibit Materials — Homeowner Association Submittals Project correspondence and signature petitions incorporated for reference purposes by the Thousand Oaks Planning Commission, July 9, 1987, per Section 15164(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act ( CEQA). Dos Vientos kanelt SPECIFIC PLANS 8 & 9 / ANNEXATION 89 LAND USE AMENDMENT LU$ 5- 143 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS TRAFFIC IMPACTS - SECTION I Letter; Martin Wallen, P. E., Wallen Associates/ Transportation Consultants Traffic Distribution and A. M. Peak Turning Exhibits prepared by Potrero Valley Home Owners Association NOISE IMPACTS - SECTION II Revised Noise Impact Information, BBN Laboratories Inc. Lynn Road Corridor Sound Contour Analysis, Sheets I - 4 Borchard Road Corridor Sound Contour Analysis, Sheets I - 2 Letter; Linda Sanderson AIR QUALITY - SECTION III Herald Examiner Newspaper Article submitted by Joan Corner SCHOOL IMPACTS - SECTION IV Letter; Vicki Sakakini representing Cypress PTA Letter; Mel Roop, Director of Planning and Facilities, Conejo Valley 1 Unified School District Letter; Therese Hughes, Cypress PTA t Letter; Renee Graves and Therese Hughes, Cypress PTA GRADING IMPACTS - SECTION V Planning Unit 15 Slope and Concept Lot Study VENTURAVENTURA COUNTYCOUNTY COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY COLLEGECOLLEGE DISTRICTDISTRICT - - SECTIONSECTION VIVI Letter;Letter; StephenStephen P.P. Deitsch,Deitsch, SaboSabo 66 Deitsch,Deitsch, AttorneysAttorneys atat LawLaw Letter;Letter; GregoryGregory P.P. Smith,Smith, AssociateAssociate Planner,Planner, CityCity ofof ThousandThousand OaksOaks Letter;Letter; ShawnShawn M.M. Mason,Mason, DeputyDeputy CityCity AttorneyAttorney VenturaVentura CountyCounty CommunityCommunity CollegeCollege DistrictDistrict DataData ElementsElements ARCHAEOLOGICALARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACTSIMPACTS - - SECTIONSECTION VIIVII Memorandum;Memorandum; NancyNancy D.D. GrasmehrGrasmehr I HYDROLOGICAL IMPACTS - SECTION VIII Letter; Nedjatollah Cohan Letter; David A.
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