The Manager 9 June 2020 Market Announcements Office ASX Limited Dear Sir/Madam Form 604 (Notice of change of interests of substantial holder) We act for UAC Energy Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 640 077 747 (UAC). Attached is a Form 604 (Notice of change of interests of substantial holder) in relation to Infigen Energy Ltd ABN 39 105 051 616 and Infigen Energy Trust ARSN 116 244 118 (ASX:IFN) (together, Infigen). UAC is required to give this notice pursuant to section 671B(1)(c) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), pursuant to the off-market takeover bid that it has made today for all the stapled securities in Infigen. Yours sincerely Andrew Rich Nick Baker Joshua Santilli Partner Partner Solicitor Herbert Smith Freehills Herbert Smith Freehills Herbert Smith Freehills +61 2 9225 5707 +61 3 9288 1297 +61 2 9322 4382 +61 407 538 761 +61 420 399 061 +61 424 092 771
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Herbert Smith Freehills LLP and its subsidiaries and Herbert Smith Freehills, an Australian Partnership ABN 98 773 882 646, are separate member firms of the international legal practice known as Herbert Smith Freehills. For personal use only Doc 86114460 ANZ Tower 161 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T +61 2 9225 5000 F +61 2 9322 4000 GPO Box 4227 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia DX 361 Sydney 604 GUIDE page 1/1 13 March 2000 Form 604 Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B Notice of change of interests of substantial holder Infigen Energy (Infigen), a stapled entity comprising Infigen Energy Limited (ABN 39 105 051 616) and Infigen Energy To Company Name/Scheme Trust (ARSN 116 244 118) ACN/ARSN As noted above 1.