Nitrogen-fixing symbiosis inferred from stable isotope analysis of fossil rings from the Oligocene of Ethiopia

Erik L. Gulbranson1*, Bonnie F. Jacobs2, William C. Hockaday3, Michael C. Wiemann4, Lauren A. Michel2, Kaylee Richards1, and John W. Kappelman5,6 1Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 3209 N. Maryland Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211, USA 2Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University, 3225 Daniel Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75275, USA 3Department of Geosciences, Baylor University, 101 Bagby Avenue, Waco, Texas 76706, USA 4U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53726, USA 5Department of Anthropology, University of Texas Austin, 2201 Speedway Stop C3200, Austin, Texas 78712, USA 6Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

ABSTRACT for the study of the evolution and paleoecology The acquisition of reduced nitrogen (N) is essential for life, and have developed of N-fixation strategies of arborescent plants. numerous strategies and symbioses with soil microorganisms to acquire this form of N. The evolutionary history of specific symbiotic relationships of plants with soil bacteria, however, METHODS lacks evidence from the fossil record confirming these mutualistic relationships. Here we use modern plants in the N-fixing clade of to develop a geochemical method to assess the Proxy Development presence of symbiotic relationships with N-fixing soil bacteria via δ15N values of tree rings. Genera (n = 9) from the N-fixing clade of the Application of this method to Oligocene tree rings confirms the symbiosis of certain arbores- rosids, including tropical plants from cent legumes with N-fixing soil bacteria. The results suggest actinorhizal symbiosis for some (n = 7) and temperate plants from Betulaceae Oligocene non-leguminous . The specific age, genera, and presence or absence of bacte- (n = 1) and Rosaceae (n = 1), were selected for rial symbiosis of these fossil trees provide new information on genera that have maintained N isotope analysis of tree rings to test whether or lost the ability to form symbioses in the N-fixing clade. We envision that this approach, as N-fixing plants provide tree ringδ 15N values that applied to paleoecology, can lead to greater understanding of the response of plant symbioses are (1) diagnostic of N-fixing symbiosis and (2) under variations in atmospheric chemistry for N-limited ecosystems. distinct from trees without N-fixing symbiosis (Fig. 1A). Trees that maintain active N-fixing INTRODUCTION genera could result in losses or gains of this symbiosis (nodulating) are represented by four Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for all form of symbiosis (Wall, 2000). Thus, the ori- genera in Fabaceae and one of Betulaceae. forms of life. For plants, N is a limiting factor gin, losses, and/or gains of this symbiosis along Trees that do not maintain active N-fixing sym- for growth (Vitousek et al., 2002). Competition the evolutionary pathway of these plants are not biosis (non-nodulating) are represented by three for N results in unique strategies for nutrient clear from host plant phylogeny alone. To better genera of Fabaceae and one genus of Rosaceae. uptake via symbiotic relationships of plants constrain the evolutionary history of N-fixing For all plants, air-dried whole wood from tree with soil microorganisms, such as the N-fixing symbiosis it is necessary to develop confirma- rings was sampled along the circumference of clade of the rosids that maintain symbiosis with tion from the fossil record that such symbioses stems at ~0.2-mm-wide increments, sequentially N-fixing bacteria (Terrer et al., 2016). The phy- existed for certain fossil plants. sampling in the radial direction; 25 mg of each logeny of the N-fixing clade provides predic- This study focuses on geochemical methods sample was homogenized by mixing wood pow- tions of its evolutionary history, such as evolving to detect the presence or absence of N-fixing ders generated by subsampling a tree ring, and from a yet-unknown common ancestor (Soltis symbiosis in fossil plants via two approaches: encapsulation in tin for N isotope analysis on et al., 1995; Werner et al., 2014). The origin (1) demonstration that the geochemistry of an Elementar VisIon isotope ratio mass spec- of N-fixation is ancient, predating oxygenation modern, phylogenetically related, non–N-fixing trometer in continuous-flow mode interfaced to of the atmosphere (Sprent and Raven, 1985; plants and N-fixing plants can be distinguished a vario MICRO elemental analyzer at the Uni- Stüeken et al., 2015); however, the fossil record based on N isotopes of wood, and (2) applica- versity of California, Davis (USA; UC Davis) of symbiotic relationships of N-fixing bacteria tion of this approach to well-preserved legumi- Stable Isotope Facility. with plants is poorly understood because of the nous and non-leguminous fossil woods from the lack of fossil root anatomy of these interactions Oligocene of Ethiopia. The nature of N pres- Geologic Setting and the microorganisms (Taylor et al., 2015). ervation in the studied materials is assessed The fossil trees used in this study are from While the origin of host plants of the N-fixing via solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance the Chilga Basin, Ethiopia; they are perminer- clade dates to the Late Cretaceous and Eocene (NMR) and the preservation state of wood anat- alized in quartz, contain well-preserved ana- (Schönenberger and von Balthazar, 2006; Sprent omy. N isotopes from peptide-like structures in a tomical structure, and are late Oligocene in age and James, 2007), the spectrum of affinities of lignocellulose matrix are presented as the fossil (ca. 27 Ma; Kappelman et al., 2003; Jacobs et N-fixing bacteria to host plants implies that spe- archive of the N uptake strategies of these Oligo- al., 2005). Fossil wood was collected at site ciation during the evolution of the host plant cene trees. This wood anatomy and geochemis- CH107 in the Chilga district in the North Gon- try method creates a framework to measure and dar Zone of the Amhara Regional State, Ethio- *E-mail: [email protected] interpret N isotope variations in fossil woods pia (12.9167°N, 37.01°E). The most complete

GEOLOGY, August 2017; v. 45; no. 8; p. 687–690 | Data Repository item 2017223 | doi:10.1130/G39213.1 | Published online 19 May 2017 ©GEOLOGY 2017 Geological | Volume Society 45 | ofNumber America. 8 For| permission to copy, contact [email protected]. 687 9 indicate that the age of the fossiliferous hori- the absence of paramagnetic metals (e.g., Fe 8 A non-nodulating trees zons is between 28 and 27 Ma (Kappelman et and Mn). Therefore, we used a dilute (10 wt%) 7 al., 2003). hydrofluoric acid solution to remove metals 6 and silicates prior to 13C NMR analyses. The 5 Wood Anatomy information from 13C NMR includes the relative 4 Slides of silicified wood were prepared by abundance of the functional groups composed

N (‰) 3 15 standard thin section techniques. Images and of C-C, C-N, C-O, and C-H bonds, as well as δ 2 growth direction measurements were taken on an Olympus BX40 calculated molecular structural dimensions. 1 nodulating trees microscope with a Diagnostic Instruments SPOT 0 Insight digital camera. Anatomical descrip- RESULTS -1 -2 tions follow the International Association of -3 Wood Anatomists (IAWA list of microscopic Nitrogen Isotopes of Modern Tree Rings 0 20 40 60 80 100 position in growth ring (%) features for hardwood identification; Wheeler Concentrations of N in modern tree rings non-nodulating trees nodulating trees et al., 1989). Images and descriptive data on range from 1% to 0.1% for a given specimen; Prunus pensylvanica L. Alnus glutinosa modern woods were accessed using the Inside- the highest concentrations are in the vascular Cecropia sp. } (L.) Gaertn. Wood database and the references therein (http:// cambium and ring boundaries. Nitrogen concen- Cecropiaceae yagrumo Enterolobium schomburgkii Benth.; Wheeler, 2011). Iden- trations exponentially decrease from ring bound- Dialium guianense Ormosia paraensis (Aubl.) Sandw. tification was to genus of an extant nearest living aries to the interior of a ring (Fig. 1B). No clear Ducke Erythrina herbacea L. Myrcia aff. mollis Hbk. relative, and no attempt was made to describe distinction between nodulating or non-nodulat- Pithecellobium niopioides new fossil genera (Appendix DR2). ing trees and N concentration is observed. Spruce ex Benth. For non-nodulating trees (Fig. 1A), the mean 1.2 B Fossil Wood intra-annual δ15N values are 4.7‰ (±1.8‰, n = non-nodulating trees nodulating trees 15 1.0 The mineralogy of the samples was assessed 30). Intra-annual δ N trends are either invari-

via X-ray diffraction of powdered samples ant or exhibit an increase in δ15N values near the ) 0.8 (Appendix DR3). Fossil wood was microsam- middle of a ring. Nodulating trees have mean pled from the tangential plane along the direction intra-annual δ15N values of −1.0‰ (±0.5‰, n = 0.6 of growth by sequentially grinding away 0.3 mm 62). Tropical nodulating trees have intra-annual

parallel increments of wood with a diamond- δ15N variation ranging from invariant to display- ogen (wt% ogen 0.4 coated bit on a rotary drill. The powdered sample ing an increase in δ15N in the middle of a ring. Nitr was homogenized via mixing and 20–25 mg was The temperate-latitude nodulating tree displays 0.2 loaded into cleaned tin capsules for stable isotope invariant δ15N values. fossil wood N concentration analysis. (For data reduction and normalization, 0.0 s e sa see Appendix DR3.) Replicate analyses at the Fossil Wood um nica rumo molli g rgkii raensis a ylva ya glutino olobium University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) and A total of 36 collected fossil wood specimens Prunus s er nt des pens opia E ombu Myrci thecellobioi 15 cr Alnu h Pi UC Davis indicate analytical precision ( N) of from site CH107 contain 16 wood genera (see ythrina herbacea sc mosia pa δ Ce Dialium guianensEr Or niopi 0.2‰ and 0.1‰ (1 standard deviation), respec- Appendix DR2). Of the specimens identified, 15 Figure 1. δ15N values and N concentrations tively. Accuracy (δ N) is better than 0.4‰ and seven genera with identifiable growth intervals for modern plants of the N-fixing clade. A: 0.6‰ for UWM and UC Davis, respectively. and/or well-preserved wood anatomy permin- Average N isotope results of tree rings of tem- Stable isotope compositions of C and N in fos- eralized in quartz are used in this study (Tables perate trees (Alnus and Prunus) and tropical sil wood are reported in the conventional δ (‰) DR1 and DR2). The specimens represent the trees (all other genera); relation of data to is shown below. Samples were made notation. N isotope data from samples with leguminous and non-leguminous wood diversity along the direction of growth (indicated by <0.01 wt% N were discarded because they yield from the CH107 site to test whether N isotopic arrow) for multiple rings (Alnus and Prunus) insufficient N2 peaks for precise isotope analy- composition would differ significantly among or single rings (all other genera). B: N concen- sis. Thermal diagenetic effects were evaluated specific genera. trations for the studied tree rings, separated by non-nodulating trees versus nodulating with pyrolysis experiments that were carried out trees. Gray shaded region defines the range on sample splits, with one split being a control. Isotope Geochemistry of N concentrations of the studied fossil wood Matching areas of both the control and pyrolized Concentrations of N in fossil wood range for comparison. materials were microsampled sequentially, and from 0.12% to 0.01%, with trends of increased homogenized powders were analyzed for C and concentration at inferred ring boundaries. Trends N isotopes (Appendix DR3). in δ15N values of the specimens, which average and well-dated section in this basin is located all isotope values for specific percentages of a along the Guang River and is correlated to site Solid-State 13C NMR growth interval, indicate three types: (1) δ15N CH107 (see Appendix DR1 in the GSA Data Solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy can pro- values during the inferred growth interval that Repository1 for details). Paleomagnetic rever- vide chemical structure information on organic are consistently close to 0‰ (Detarium, Mag- sal stratigraphy and radiometric geochronology matter that cannot be extracted from samples nistipula, Fig. 2A); (2) relatively invariant δ15N dissolved in solvents. Several 13C NMR methods values (Antiaris, Tetrapleura, Trilepisium, Fig. 15 1 GSA Data Repository item 2017223, Appendix were applied to the analysis of organic matter 2B); and (3) fluctuatingδ N trends by >1‰ DR1 (map of collection site), Appendix DR2 (wood in fossil wood (see Appendix DR4 for details). (Entandrophragma, Trilepisium, Fig. 2B). anatomy, characters, and figures), Appendix DR3 Cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (geochemistry: XRD, pyrolysis experiment, stable (CPMAS) NMR provides a sensitive semi- Organic Geochemistry isotope analysis, and data set), Appendix DR4 (NMR 13 methods), is available online at http://www.geosociety​ quantitative measurement of carbon functional The C CPMAS NMR spectrum of organic .org/datarepository​ /2017/,​ or on request from editing@ groups. Direct polarization MAS NMR spectra matter preserved in a fossil Carapa speci- have lower sensitivity, but are quantitative in men, which was selected for analysis as a

688 | Volume 45 | Number 8 | GEOLOGY 9 Detarium are consistent with those from lignin pyrolysis phylogenetically related non–N-fixing plants 8 Fabaceae Tetrapleura } A experiments conducted at temperatures below are compared to tree rings of N-fixing plants 7 Magnistipula 350 °C on laboratory time scales (Sharma et al., (Fig. 1A). Non-nodulating plants displays δ15N 6 2004). Analysis of the N-containing functional values >+2‰ in repeatable patterns, indicating a 5 growth direction groups indicates that amine (N-H) and amide predominant supply of soil N. Nodulating plants, 4

(N-C = O) nitrogen are both likely to be present. however, display mean tree ring δ15N values con- ) Air (‰ Air 3 sistent within the range of N-fixing biomass of

N N 2 15

δ 1 DISCUSSION −0.8‰ ± 1.3‰ (Steele et al., 1983), indicating 0 sufficient nitrogenase activity in the root nodules -1 Diagenetic Alteration to supply fixed N, as a dominant source of N, to 15 -2 To understand the effects of diagenesis on these plants. Overlaps in δ N values occur in -3 the isotope patterns we used three evaluation nodulating and non-nodulating plants, and may 9 methods: (1) thermal effects via pyrolysis exper- be linked with the abundance of soil-derived N 8 Antiaris Entandrophragma B iments (Appendix DR3); (2) compositional versus microbial fixed N for nodulating plants, 7 effects via 13C NMR and wood morphology; and or pioneer species colonizing sites previously } Trilepisium 6 (3) systematic versus unsystematic isotope vari- occupied by N-fixing plants (Craine et al., 2009). 5 ation via comparison of inter-ring isotope pat- The use of multiple consecutive rings for a given 4 terns in specimens with defined growth intervals. tree, modern or fossil, is useful in distinguishing Air (‰) Air 3 Pyrolysis experiments indicate that C isotope growth-dependent trends in δ15N values related

N N 2 15

δ fractionation is systematic following thermal to changes in N source (Poulson et al., 1995) or 1 alteration, and that intra-ring isotope patterns yearly translocation of N within a tree (Hart and 0 13 -1 growth direction are preserved in spite of a positive shift in δ C Classen, 2003). The analysis of multiple rings -2 values (Figs. DR3 and DR3). The N content, from a fossil specimen can provide quantification -3 however, was reduced below nominal detec- for time-dependent variations in δ15N values that 0 20 40 60 80 100 average position in growth ring (%) tion limits in pyrolized material, resulting in a are unrelated to the source of N uptake (Fig. 2B), lack of intra-ring patterns, and large variance which could confound interpretations of plant- Figure 2. δ15N values of growth intervals. in the likely erroneous δ15N values. Thus, high- microbe symbiosis. Results are reported as averages (bold line) temperature alteration (>350 °C) will likely The NMR data collected from the fossil Car- of growth ring position and standard deviation (shaded regions), and 2-point weighted aver- mitigate the use of N isotopes in this manner apa specimen suggest that N in the fossil wood age of one growth interval for Magnistipula. on fossil woods. is found in amine and amide functional groups, A: Average N isotope results for growth rings NMR results indicate that carbohydrate-like resembling peptide-like structures (Fig. 3). The of Tetrapleura, Detarium, and Magnistipula. (60–90 ppm) signals, methoxyl (45–60 ppm) presence of these functional groups, absence of B: Results for Trilepisium, Entandrophragma, signals, and aromatic bridgehead C (≤20%) have thermal and/or microbial degradation products, and Antiaris. low relative abundances, which are indicative and presence of a lignocellulose matrix suggest of early-stage lignin diagenesis (Filley et al., that N is in a well-preserved state, of compo- representative of the range of diagenetic altera- 2002) and low thermal maturity, similar to coal sitional form analogous to N in modern wood tion of the studied wood, is dominated by aro- with the rank of lignite (Solum et al., 1989). (Werner and Schmidt, 2002). Therefore, the N matic and phenolic (aromatic ether) C, as indi- All specimens preserve fine morphological and isotope data are interpreted as Oligocene archives cated by the predominance of the signals near structural elements such as pitting, vessel ele- of the source of N uptake by these plants. 130 ppm and 150 ppm, respectively (Fig. 3). The ments, and parenchyma bands, indicating that Leguminous plants (Fabaceae), which dipolar-dephasing spectrum indicates that aro- open-system diagenetic alteration was insignifi- can have symbiosis with the rhizobia class of matic structures have bridging alkyl side chains cant, because these features would have been N-fixing soil bacteria, composed a major plant of 3–4 carbon atoms on average (see Table destroyed in the process (Hatcher and Clifford, functional type of Oligocene ecosystems in the DR4‑1). This is very consistent with the struc- 1997). study area (Pan et al., 2010). Two of the studied ture of the lignin polymer in wood. The spectra C and N isotopes do not display covariation trees are arborescent legumes, Tetrapleura and with sample mass that would be indicative of Detarium (Fig. 2A). As members of Fabaceae, Aromatic-C diagenetic alteration as seen in pyrolysis exper- it is possible that these genera maintained rhi- 15 Phenolic-C iments. Repetition of isotopic patterns within zobia symbiosis, in which case their δ N values

y N-Alkyl/ and between specimens suggests that diage- would be −0.8‰ ± 1.3‰ (Steele et al., 1983). Alkyl-C 15 Amide/ Methoxyl netic effects from organic matter decomposition The δ N values tend to be near 0‰ during wood

ensit Carboxyl (NMR), isotope exchange, and thermal alteration growth for Detarium (a legume) (Fig. 2A). Mag- (pyrolysis experiments) were systematic in these nistipula also displays 15N values near 0‰. It

int δ

ve samples, resulting in low variance of mean intra- is not reported that Magnistipula (Chrysobala- ring delta values. C and N abundance is relatively naceae) is actinorhizal in modern ecosystems;

elati 15 r consistent for a given specimen, displaying simi- however, the δ N data from the studied speci- lar reductions in C and N from assumed precur- men strongly suggest some form of N-fixing sor values of 45 wt% (C) and 0.2 wt% (N) to the symbiosis for this tree in the Oligocene as com- 300 240 180120 60 0 -60 -120 measured values that range from ~2 wt% (C) and pared to extant actinorhizal trees (Fig. 2A). The chemical shift (ppm) ~0.04 wt% (N). Tetrapleura specimen, as a member of Fabaceae, displays 15N values >+1‰, inconsistent with 13 δ Figure 3. Cross-polarization C nuclear mag- 15 netic resonance (blue) with dipolar-dephasing Nitrogen Isotopes in Tree Rings the hypothesized 0‰ δ N expected for trees (red) spectra of organic matter in fossil Carapa Modern tree ring N isotope data indicate that with rhizobia symbiosis. Tetrapleura, however, specimen. mean tree ring δ15N values are distinct when is known to be a non–nodule-forming tree and

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Earlier versions of this manuscript benefitted from Mullin, B.C., Dowd, J.M., and Martin, P.G., 1995, Manuscript received 7 July 2016 the comments of five anonymous reviewers and Dr. Chloroplast gene sequence data suggest a single Revised manuscript received 7 April 2017 C.J. Harper. This research was supported by National origin of the predisposition for symbiotic nitro- Manuscript accepted 10 April 2017 Science Foundation grant ANT-1142792 to Gulbran- gen fixation in angiosperms: Proceedings of the son, grants BCS-9726900 and EAR-0001259 to National Academy of Sciences of the United Printed in USA

690 | Volume 45 | Number 8 | GEOLOGY