第 40 号 『社会システム研究』 2020年 3 月 85 査読論文 Education, Well-being, and Healthier Practices in Bangladesh Ileas Mia Mohammad *, INABA Kazuo ** Abstract This study investigates the impacts of educational attainment on well-being with the Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure data for 2010. The dichotomous response variable indicating the presence and absence of chronic diseases is treated as well-being. For the estimation, logistic regression model is used to assess well-being, pre and postnatal consultation, safe childbirth, access to hygienic latrine and safe drinking water in relation to education. The estimated results show that the women with secondary and higher secondary education reap better health outcome of education and men’s educational attainment does not have statistically significant association with their well-being. Women’s education is positively and significantly associated with healthier practices like giving save childbirth, household having access to hygienic latrine and pre and postnatal consultation. As for the access to safe source of drinking water, educational attainment does not seem to play any role. This study is important in designing policies related to human resources and achieving sustainable development goals in Bangladesh. Keywords Educational attainment, Well-being, safe childbirth and hygienic latrine * Correspondence to: Ileas Mia Mohammad Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, Japan and Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. E-mail:
[email protected] ** Correspondence to: INABA Kazuo Professor, Faculty of Economics, Ritsumeikan University 1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan E-mail:
[email protected] 86 『社会システム研究』(第 40 号) 1.