Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan Progress Update - February 2017

The Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan was approved by Council in 2010, following an extensive public planning process. The Plan helps to guide growth and development throughout the neighbourhood in the coming years.

This bulletin provides an update on development taking place in the neighbourhood and on community amenities being delivered.

Recap on the Plan

Key objectives of the Plan include: 1. Focus on the revitalization of Kingsway as a local high street 2. Support the development of new community spaces and public amenities 3. Enable residential neighbourhoods to evolve incrementally and organically 4. Create more affordable entry-level ownership opportunities, particularly for families, while retaining the ability to include rental housing 5. Improve safe and enjoyable pedestrian and bicycle connections while minimizing impact on local traffic


Since 2010, implementation of the Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan, approved by Council 2010 Neighbourhood Centre Plan has included improvements to Kingsway, 2010 Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Shopping Area: new residential zones, a Public Benefits Public Realm and Transportation Improvements Plan Strategy and a Public Realm Plan. 2011 Norquay Park upgrades

The timeline opposite gives an overview 2012 Kingsway Streetscape Improvements begin of key milestones in the process and public realm improvements to date. 2013 RM-7 and RT-11 Zoning District Schedules and Design Guidelines approved by Council For more information on the implementing policies visit the website Transition Area Rezoning Policy approved by Council and click the Documents tab: Public Benefits Strategy approved by Council Clarendon Connection between East 33rd and East development/norquay-village- 34th Avenue completed neighbourhood-centre-plan.aspx Street Mural painted at Ravine Street and Euclid Avenue

Dundee Community Garden created

KEY 2016 RM-9A Zoning District Schedule and Design Policy Implementation Guidelines approved by Council Public Realm Improvements Public Realm Plan finalized Community amenities delivered

Norquay Park Upgrade Clarendon Connector

Norquay Park Improvements Clarendon Connector between East 33rd and 34th Avenue • Water park • Vehicular, bus and active transportation improvements • Sports court • New sidewalks • Children’s play area • New trees Cost: Approximately $800,000 Cost: Approximately $2.5 million for construction and Completed: 2011 property purchase Completed: 2014

Kingsway Streetscape Improvements Community Partnerships

Creating a unique identity for Norquay’s retail high street Delivering projects in partnership with local community and improving the pedestrian environment organizations • New centre median, curb bulges, ramps • Pedestrian connection at 5395 Dundee, completed as a • New community garden in 2013 • New trees and landscaping • Ravine Street Mural at Ravine Street and Euclid Avenue • Sidewalk treatments (stamps at tree surrounds and corners) Cost: Approximately $2 million Commenced: 2012 Community amenities arising from development

6 rezoning applications since 2010

1 2667-2703 Kingsway 2 2220 Kingsway 3 2395-2469 Kingsway • Constructed 2014 • Under construction • Approved 2016 • 130 residential units above • 392 units residential units above • 122 residential units above commercial at grade commercial at grade commercial at grade • heights of 12 and 4 storeys • Building heights up to 14 storeys • Building heights of 12 and 4 storeys Public benefits Public benefits Public benefits • Mid-block pedestrian connection • In kind CAC for Transportation • Mid-block pedestrian connection and sidewalk improvements ($200,000) and sidewalk improvements • Cash Community Amenity • In kind CAC for Parks and open • Cash CAC for Childcare and Contribution (CAC) for Childcare spaces ($800,000) Community Facilities ($400,000) ($105,000) • Cash CAC for future amenities • Cash CAC for Housing ($400,000) • Public art on 2400 Motel site ($3 million) • Public art • Public art

Copyright Reserved

This plan and design are , and at all times remain the exclusive property of the architect and cannot be used or reproduced without written consent . Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions . Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job . This office shall be informed of any variation from the dimensions and conditions on the drawing.

PL PL 12 12 8.5 REVISIONS 8.5


1'-9" 1'-9" 2'0X2'0 2'0X2'0 CLIENT REVIEW FEB 2015 5'0X6'8 SLIDER 5'0X6'8 SLIDER PROGRESS REVIEW FEB 2015 PROGRESS REVIEW MAR 2015

2'0X2'0 2'0X2'0

CL 5'0X5'0 5'0X5'0 2'0x5'6 3'0x5'6 3'0x5'6



7'6X5'0 7'6X5'0

3'0x5'6 3'0x5'6

+ 275.50' F 3'0x7'0 275.70' E 2'8X6'8 NEW + 274.00' F 5038 NANAIMO ST. EAST 34TH AVE. 273.00' F+ 273.90' E + 272.90' F 273.50' E 272.90' E EXISTING HERITAGE BUILDING PROPOSED INFILL


4 2298 Galt Street 5 2312-2328 Galt Street STREETSCAPE - NANAIMO STREET6 2308 East 34th Avenue Constructed 2015 Approved 2015 Approved 2016 • • • F O R M W E R K S A R C H I T E C T U R A L

I N C O R P O R A T E D • 4 • 28 secured market rental units PL • 4 townhouses PL • 4 storeys • 4 storeys • 3 storeys

12 8 T.W. 296.60' Public benefits Public benefits 161625 W.5W.5th AveAvenue, VaVancouvever, BC V6V6J 1N51N5 FaFax 685-2-2076 Phone 683-5-5441441 • 28 secured market rental units • Heritage restoration and protection 6'0X6'8 3'0x5'6 3'0x5'6 CL CL Project :

2308 EAST 34TH ST



2'10X7'0 9'3X5'6 3'0X5'6 2'10X6'8 Drawing Title : 274.00' F+ NANAIMO STEET 274.00' E 273.40' F+ 274.40' E + 272.90' F 272.90' E 2322 EAST 34TH AVE. HERITAGE "ADDITION" EXISTING HERITAGE BUILDING




SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" SHEET

DATE: MAR 2015 JOB NUMBER: 4023 A 09 172 development permit applications submitted since the RM-7, RT-11 and RM-9A zones were approved by Council in 2013 and 2016 (Summary generated Feb 2017)

Number of DP applications by housing type Number of DP applications by zone

One-family dwelling* 31 RT-11 = 102 Two-family dwelling* 76 RM-7 = 64 Small & duplexes 13 RM-9A = 6 Multiple dwelling** 30 Laneway only 17 Secondary suite only 3

Other 2 District Schedule overview

RM-7 - Encourage RT-11 - Encourage RM-9 - Permit medium Total 172 Applications development of development of multiple density residential ground-oriented small houses and duplexes development* stacked townhouses on larger lots and * Including laneway house or secondary suite as part of *Refer to the Zoning and new development or rowhouses, while assembled sites, while continuing to permit continuing to permit lower Development By-law for a definitive statement of **Multiple dwelling - Including stacked townhouses and lower intensity intensity development on development. smaller sites. district schedule intent apartment units and regulations.

Public Realm Plan

The Norquay Village Public Realm Plan is the last of the implementing policies Guiding principles in the Public Realm Plan include: associated with the Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan. The Plan (2010) and the Public Benefits Strategy Local Identity (2013) were duly adopted by City Council Create pedestrian friendly streetscapes, protect mature trees and direction was given at those times and strengthen neighbourhood identity to complete the final implementation documents. Connectivity and Mobility Provide safe, comfortable routes connecting community places

Map 1: Norquay Village Public Realm Plan Map includes completed improvements as well as future improvements that will be delivered as opportunities arise and as funding becomes available.

E 27th Ave

E 28th Ave


Atlin St

Kamloops St Penticton St Brock Public Space E 29th Ave Park

Brock St Sidney St Galt St Slocan Park

Euclid Ave

Clarendon St

Duchess St E 30th Ave Improve existing parks and public spaces, and create flexible Ravine St

Kingsway John Norquay Todd St Elementary Cheyenne Ave Baldwin St Gothard St Earles St

Horley St Moss St

Mannering Ave Fairmont St

St Victoria Dr Slocan St Ward St Killarney St

GladstoneSt new public spaces Map 2: Public Realm Improvemnts 2011-2015 E 33rd Ave Manor

Duchess St Duke St

E 34th Ave

E 35th Ave


HighgateSt St. Margarets St Park E 37th Ave Moss St

E 37th Ave Cunningham Fairmont St Elementary Bursill St Killarney St

Rupert St


Earles St


ClarendonSt Slocan St

Chambers St Rhodes St Rhodes E 38th Ave Sustainability School Ave

E 39th Ave Dundee St

E 40th Ave Earles Park

Killarney St

College St

RupertSt Lancaster St Provide support for walking, cycling, and use of public transit E 41st Ave

E 42nd Ave StirlingSt E 42nd Ave

LEGEND Bikeway Clarendon Street extension Corner bulge / tra c calming and encourage water use efficiency New sidewalk/ramps (one side of the street) Ravine Way pedestrian link New tra c / pedestrian / cyclist signal New sidewalk/ramps (both sides of the street) Duchess Street pedestrian/bikeway Park improvements improvements Landscaped medians and lighting Plazas Streetscape improvements NORQUAY VILLAGE

PUBLIC REALM PLAN NORQUAY VILLAGE PUBLIC REALM PLAN 5 Click here to download a copy of the Public Realm Plan