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Repor T R Esumes REPOR TR ESUMES ED 013 275 24 U0 003 987 THE ROLE OF THE AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE FIELDSOF SCIENCE. FINAL REPORT. BY- HABER, LOUIS REPORT NUMBER BR-6-8353 PUB DATE SEP 66 CONTRACT OEC-1-6-068353-1684 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.50 HC-$2.92 73P. DESCRIPTORS- *PILOT PROJECTS, *NEGROES,*SCIENCES, BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICIANS, BIOGRAPHIES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, *RESOURCE MATERIALS, MOST OF THIS REPORT OF A PILOT PROJECTTO GATHER RESOURCE MATERIAL ON AMERICAN NEGRO SCIENTISTSFOR USE IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUMSIS MADE UP OF BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES AND DESCRIPTIOONS OF THEWORK OF 21 NEGRO INVENTORS BIOLOGISTS, CHEMISTS, AND PHYSICIANS.IT IS FELT THAT MAKING THIS LITTLE -KNOWN MATERIAL AVAILABLEWILL INCREASE THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE NEGRO IN THEUNITED STATES AND THUS IMPROVE RACE RELATIONS. THEMATERIAL WAS GATHERED IN LIBRARY RESEARCH AND FROM PRIMARY SOURCES.AN EXTENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE AMERICAN NEGRO IS INCLUDED. (NH) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION c-53s-e) OVilq THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. PII:AL REPORT tilk% To: NissUnaR4 Barrett, Project Officer, Curriculum Branch, Division, of Elementary and Secondary Education, Bureau of Ilsearch, Office of Eaucation, Washin3ton, D. C. 20202 From: Dr, Louis Haber, Project Director Pace College 41 Park Row, new York,P, Yo 10038 Xxagx.t.__Ltunbers 64353 PA- Contract Eurber GEC 1.6.460353-4M Title of Project: THE ROLE OF TNE AMERICA!: UEGRO IN THE FIELDS 0? SCIEUCE September 5, 106 k":...!-tv.11)1966 a ss Ama aa Firl,.ett: 'Project Officer Curricultrin::-:tnc'el.pivision of Elemertary Secorldary Efauctiol:!: Dt.acall of nesearch. Office of Educ ati011, !:Iaz.hinaton L3 C. 20202 ft&om: Dra ne.Louis Haber: Project Director): ItOeColle3e, (21.74 Deafor0. Road: Pleasavtville: rew York 10570 Subject: 11'511-41 7/0-,ri- on- 'Project':o,6-0353 Cont7vact ro. GEC i....o68.)53.1684 Pace Collese: 41 Park 11.=: Usw York, F. Y10038 Tit, e of Project: The Role of the 14.meri can. Negro in the Fi el ao of So lemo am r ioz.sso..tal,ed in Liao pronos*1 for uhib research 'see *-"N. 4' pa,l.e (3 0-ue-1 .0..0o0c-.41) tais was conilot be esnsntiallv cra ozploratory study to be done durin5 the.summer months, with a 'View to deVelOping it intoa more catel:!sive ,Inrojeot if results aY;i7)ar. to TI:.; fru4w.ul This statement Is eapandea uDon on po4se 9 of the proponal wham itis stated: uIf called for: an ar.mlicatoll forea 4 extended study will be is nnaer the 17.issic a)la Res/amyl Programs% can state: t thin timethat have liound rich T;onsibliities forvery rel-mrdirg research woricIn this area that I have been able to only utapu duzinc the uuome? moYlths4 I feel that years of esearah could be done In theaxzea of the role of the it Ye;ro in the field!?. ofseielace- with extremely fruitful results! I plan to submitan applleation for this purpose under the Basic and Applied 45g"c27"11. -Ar Pllo-i-rrvouo of Ve'c OfficeofEaucation2 would point out that it hasLeen somewhat frustratinG to tu to 3athera lot of tIlis mateviial during the sqmer moliths when imortant loenvonnellkey scientists: etc, artaway an their vac%ation and thoreforenot avalla:ble to the researcher .11,a". I011 The Imiy objective of this pilot, study was to secure ancl classify rosourco materials dealir ulth the cott;Abutionsor the Americ,nn rerlo the fields of science; and the role the rev() has played in the eve?opt of scientific progress in tne Utited States, Mese resourcemateriaTh:found in the body of this report, are available herewith to all science teachers anywhere in the United States and can be incorporatedinto curriculum units in elementary and secondary schools, A further objective of this study was to improve the Image of the Eegro in the United States by showing his contributions to the fields of Science thereby developing an increasedaware. ness of the role the Negro has played in expanding the scientific resouroes of this country, This; in turn; achieves a better understandins of the role of the Negro in our history and culture; co important to intergroup harmony and to the production of leaders capable of maintaining and securing those rights and liberties which all Americans cherish. More and more; science teaehers are asking for resource material on the Year° In science. Such material; at present; is either not %readily available or very difficult to locate, It is hoped that the material in this report will begin to supply this kind of resource material, Unfortunatelyt science texts and othersciencebooks commonly used in our schools contain very b little Information dealing with the contributions of the American Negro to the fields of science, While frequent references are made to George Washington Carver and his work; the lack of refer. ences to other Negro scientists would make it appear that they do not exist! Important and significant contributions to science rade by such outstay:ding Eezroes as Dendanin.Banneker; Dr. Charles ty P.. , nr. Percy L. aul:.ah3- Or0 7nirAst,-- E. just, ara a hest of otclers are unfortunately unknown to the average science teacher and therefore to the sciey.:ce stuaente . I In his book on the flegivo In the United States Dr. li'razier, Proossor o± Sociology at Eowqrd University: makes the following statement, nTbe pattern of race relations has tended in otherways to distort the real si .ificance or the cortributians.of rezro P 4 m .1tee, orir. ;Side1-11 VI t-Ct10J r.).pc" For example, thero is little publicity given to the achievements of Just the field of biology, and Charles H. Turner, an outstandirg entomologist, while George W. Carver bac been seizedupon as a symbol of the intellectual achievements of Uearoe5, Carver va;; connected with Tuskesee Institute, which has reprwened in the public nInd the 'right' type of education for ilegroes. In addition, Carver's physical appearance together with the pUblicity 3oncerni2 s his great humility made a special appeal to the prejudices of the whites. In fact, ary Negro who hapDens to fit into the white man's conception of the tearo or playsa desirable role In 'Interracial political may be A,Gilt up into an intellectual Ekanten ?rOOP°11re° Vagc0 Vrtetr16 '14.4 II .i.4,..74aortir.en/113.1.vrv. Roceevnh A most prolific source of information. was the branch of the Lieu York Public Library located in the Uarlem area of Dew York City and knownas the Schomberg Collection. This library specializes in resro affairs and =loved to be invaluable in terms of typo andamount, of material. The Moorland Collection at 'TowardUniversity was also utilized Mb SOe0VII ...... wr MS OaGO SO w via 4171 I Frazier, E. Franklin: The reerro in the United States,rev. ed., nacraillan Company, rew York, 1959 6.4 althovzh it did mt rove to be as fruitful as the Schotiberg Collection Library. in flew York City, T12e Library of Congress in Washir3ton, D. Cs was excellent in terms or manuscripts as well as books and per on the subject. Several trips were made to the Library of Consress anda special pass to he stacks proved to be extremAy helpful irdeed, Also utilized were the libraries at Mora= State College, Pace College, Columbia University, and New York Universtty. 2X114annung"F=40211. The National Archives In Washington, D, C. proved to be very helpful ir,-securing original materials such as lett v154----61cuments, etc. concerning Carver, Dr, Daniel N. Williams, etc. In the Documents Section of the Library of Congress, I cam across a handwritten letter from Thomas Jeffers= to Benjamin Bannekero I spent several tours interviewi21g the widow of the late Dr, Charles a. Drew, of blood bark fame, I discovered that she lived in Washington, D, C. and vas able to arrange to intervitm her. She vas extremely helpful in filling it and In correcting facts concerning Dr, Dreals life and work. I was also able to in a close friend of Dr, Drew Hiss Gertrude P. MdBrown who has been associated with the 01 rational Association for the Study of Negro Life and History for the past thirty years and uho uns able to tell me a good deal of Dr. Drew and his family. uas also able to make personal contact utth Dr, Percy I,. Julians the outstanding organic chemist MO is presently heading his own laboratories in Chicago in medical research. At Eoward University and at :loraan State College, .09 trsi lithlver, I as unalloto contact, such scientir..tsas Dr. Cobb, Dr, 331'ancor,t.ald mally others tAom I hadnlanned to Interview. They uera allauay for the mummer and wee not expected back until the tmening of schoolir September. Tbro.uah di).1aentresearch, and come luck, r was able to locate the granddauelterof Lewis Latimer, the scientist who worked with Thomas in the field of aectricity. Her name is Hiss Winifred Forman and.she has a good deal of materiaa about Latimir in.theform of lettera, pictures, etc., but for some reason is reluctant to allow otherpeople to see this material. She had promised to donate itto the Schomberg Collection Library but has not doneso to date, 3. *WM or.aularltimal Contact was madex by toleplioneana in person, with the followinz !cogrorganizations: Dational Association for theAdvancement of Colored People 20 West 40 Street;Ecil York, V. Y. Congresm of Racial Equality, 38Parlt otr,reWYork, V.
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