Andrei I. Goția Single

22nd of February, 2021

Schlossgasse 21, 2521Trumau, Austria + 43 664 581 3172 – [email protected]


2019- Associate Professor for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Sources


2015 Accademia Vivarium Novum Field of study: Intensive summer school Director: Dr.

2006, 2007 Aestiva Romae Latinitas Field of study: Intensive Latin summer school Director: Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD

1999 – 2005 Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Ph.D. Field of study: Classical Philology

1998 – 1999 Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Master’s Field of study: Classical Antiquity

1994 – 1998 Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Licence Field of study: Classical Philology

1989 – 1994 Gheorghe-Șincai High-School, Cluj-Napoca Major:

1981-1989 Școala generală nr. 21, Cluj-Napoca


Title: Les couleurs chez Quintus de Smyrne et ses modèles Abstract: The research looks at the way Quintus of Smyrna, following in the footsteps of and , uses colors. Like his masters, he favors black and white, light and darkness, indicating thus that for Homer and Virgil this chromatic selection was not haphazard, but the best way to represent a world reduced to essentials: day and night, life

1 and death. In addition, Quintus uses this chromatic opposition to describe his main characters. Distinction: Summa cum laude Committee chair/members: Prof. Dr. André Hurst, Prof. Dr. Dan Slușanschi, Prof. Dr. Ștefan Borbély, Ce Dr. André-Louis Rey, Ccs Dr. Antje Kolde.


2006 – 2019 Lecturer, International Theological Institute, Gaming/Trumau, Austria

2005 – 2006 Instructor, International Theological Institute, Gaming, Austria

2002 – 2005 Visiting Lecturer, International Theological Institute, Gaming, Austria

2000 – 2002 Assistant, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,

1998 – 2000 Preparator, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


2015– Guest Lecture Coordinator, International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria

2007 – 2016 Admissions Officer, International Theological Institute, Gaming/Trumau, Austria


1995 – 2000 Co-editor, Echinox magazine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


2004 – 2007 Co-editor, Familia Creştină (Christian Family) magazine, Romania

2004 Joint-coordinator of the erection of the cross on Dreieckberg, Gaming, Austria

2000 Volunteer, Jubilee Year in

1999 – 2001 President, ASTRU (Association of the Greek-Catholic Youth), Cluj-Napoca, Romania



2008 Certamen Vaticanum LI, publica laus (III prize), Rome, Vatican

2001 Latinity Prize, IV prize, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2000 Latinity Prize, VII prize, Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1997 Student scientific session, I prize, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1993 Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas (International Latin Contest), Arpino, Italy

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS ______a) Professional (book, contributions to collected works, articles)

Goția, A. (2017). “Dum spiro, spero.” Vox Latina 208 (2017), 294-308.

Goția, A. (2016). “Ut Unum Sint.” In A. Tat (ed.), Deja, dar nu încă. Studii ecumenice, 107- 136. Cluj: Ed. Napocastar, 2016.

Goția, A. (2016). “Blessed Vladimir Ghika: Prince, Priest, and Martyr.” Logos 19:1 (Winter 2016), 79-97.

Goția, A. (2014). “In honorem Reginaldi Foster.” Vox Latina 198 (2014), 587.

Goția, A. (2014). “Perfer et obdura.” Vox Latina 197 (2014), 439-450.

Goția, A. (2012). “In vitam ineo.” Latinitas 4 (2012), 350-359.

Goția, A. (2012). “De senectute.” Latinitas 2 (2012), 133-142.

Goția, A. (2012). “Avia et nepos.” In Non omnis moriar. Beatrici Tătaru monumentum in aeternum. Edited by V. Rus, 41-48. Târgu-Lăpuş: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2012.

Goția, A. (2011). “De peregrinatione sacra litterae.” Latinitas 3 (2011), 210-220.

Goția, A. (2009). “Iosephus et Maria.” Vox Latina 175 (2009), 81-88.

Goția, A. (2009). Lumineux-obscur et couleurs chez Quintus de Smyrne et ses modèles. Târgu-Lăpuş: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2009.

3 Goția, A. (2008). “Memoria quaedam temporis lycei.” Vox Latina 171 (2008), 116-120.

Goția, A. (2007). “Light and Darkness in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica 2.” In Quintus Smyrnaeus: Transforming Homer in Second Sophistic Epic. Edited by M. Baumbach and S. Bär, in collab. with N. Dümmler, 85-106. Berlin/ New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007.

Goția, A. (2007). “God's Image: The Betrayer and the Betrayed in Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory.” Logos 10:1 (Winter 2007), 106-115.

Goția, A. (2006). “De Catholicis Dacoromanis in Transilvania.” Vox Latina 164 (2006), 293.

Goția, A. (2005). “Soarta lui Quintus din Smyrna în româneşte.” In Koruphaiôi andri, Mélanges offerts à André Hurst. Edités par A. Kolde, A. Lukinovich, A.-L. Rey, 107-116. Genève: Droz, 2005.

Goția, A., et alii (2005). John Paul II, We Love You: World Youth Day Reflections 1984- 2005. Edited by Barbara A. Murray, passim. Mary's Press, 2005.

Goția, A. (2004). “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth in the view of St. Augustine and St. .” In C.-D. Paţulea, A. Tat (coord.), Studii augustiniene, urmate de E. Gilson, Filosofie şi Întrupare la Sf. Augustin, 19-25. Târgu-Lăpuş/ Cluj-Napoca: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2004.

Goția, A. (2004). “Adoro Te devote – a synthesis of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Eucharistic Theology.” Verbum, Analecta Neolatina VI:1 (2004), 109-116.

Goția, A. (2002). “Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces.” Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica 3 (2002), 117-123.

Goția, A. (2002). “Dei Filius (Can. 1-4). A commentary.” Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica 3 (2002), 111-116.

Goția, A. (2001). “Patriotism de faţadă? Note despre inscripţia în limba latină de pe frontispiciul Sălii Unirii din Alba Iulia [Façade patriotism? Notes about the Latin inscription on the frontispiece of the Sala Unirii in Alba Iulia].” Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica 4-5, Litterae perennes 1991-2001 (2000-2001), 151-156.

Goția, A. (1999). “Ciceronis Sallustique Catilina sive De damnatione memoriae.” Echinox 1- 2-3 (1999), 31-32.

Goția, A. (1998). “Râsul lui Telemah [The laughter of Telemachus].” Echinox 7-8-9 (1998), 12. b) Popular (book reviews, articles) Goția, A. (2018). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” latinitatii/ (15 mai 2018).

Goția, A. (2017). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia anul XXVIII, nr. 8050 (15 mai 2017), 7.

4 Goția, A. (2016). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia anul XXVII, nr. 7753 (16 mai 2016), 6.

Goția, A. (2015). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia anul XXVI, nr. 7448 (15 mai 2015), 4.

Goția, A. (2014). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia anul XXV, nr. 7149 (19 mai 2014), 5.

Goția, A. (2013). “Portretul luptătorului la bătrânețe [The Potrait of the Fighter as an Old Man].” Tribuna 264 (1-15 septembrie 2013), 9.

Goția, A. (2013). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia 15 mai 2013,

Goția, A. (2012). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia 16 mai 2012,

Goția, A. (2011). “Ziua latinităţii [Dies Latinitatis].” Făclia 16 mai 2011,

Goția, A. (2009). “Adevărata ortodoxie.” Vatra 9-10 (2009). Bookreview of C. Bădiliţă, Orthodoxie versus ortodoxie (Bucureşti: CurteaVeche, 2009).

Goția, A. (2007). “Degetul pe rană.” Familia creştină 2 (23) (2007), Bookreview of C. Bădiliţă, Degetul pe rană (Bucureşti: Curtea Veche Publishing, 2006).

Goția, A. (2007). “Obscenitatea publică.” Familia creştină 1 (22) (2007), Bookreview of A. Pleşu, Obscenitatea publică (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 2005).

Goția, A. (2007). “Scrisori latine [Latin letters].” Lumea Catholica 11 (2007),

Goția, A. (2006). “Amintiri din copilărie.” Familia creştină 7 (20) (2006), Bookreview of I. G. Ogoranu, Amintiri din copilărie (Timişoara: Marineasa, 2001).

Goția, A. (2006). “Vladimir Ghika, Fragmente postume.” Familia creştină 1 (14) (2006), Bookreview of V. Ghika, Fragmente postume (Cluj: Dacia, 2003).

Goția, A. (2005-2013). Monthly reflections (over 45, in Romanian). c) Translations (book, articles)

Goția, A. (2008, 2013). Tissot, Arta de a ne folosi greşelile [The Art of Using One's Faults]. Târgu-Lăpuş: Galaxia Gutenberg (2008, second edition, revised, 2013).

5 Goția, A. (2007). “Cum ne face puternici slăbiciunea Crucii? (II) [How Does The Weakness of the Cross Make Us Strong? by Peter Kreeft].” Familia creştină 4 (2007),

Goția, A. (2007). “Cum ne face puternici slăbiciunea Crucii? (I) [How Does The Weakness of the Cross Make Us Strong? by Peter Kreeft].” Familia creştină 3 (2007),

Goția, A. (2006). “Sfântul Ignaţiu de Loyola (1491-1556) – 450 ani de la moartea sa [St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) – 450 years since his death, by C. M. Card. Martini, S. J.].” Vatra 4 (2006), 4.

Goția, A. (2006). “Sfântul Francisc Xaveriu (1506-1552) [St. (1506-1552), by R. Card. Tucci, S. J.].” Vatra 4 (2006), 5.

Goția, A. (2006). “Să ne amintim împreună cu Fericitul Pierre Favre (1506-1546) [Let us remember together with Bl. Pierre Favre (1506-1546), by D. Bertrand, S. J.].” Vatra 4 (2006), 6.

Goția, A. (2004). “Ariditatea spirituală [Spiritual aridity, by Fr. W. G. Most].” Familia creştină 4 (6) (2004),


Goția, A. (2021). Holiness That Attracts (completed manuscript to be published).


Goția, A. (2019). Ut unum sint. The Latin Correspondence of St. Giovanni Calabria and C.S. Lewis. Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 4 April 2019.

Goția, A. (2018). Sisters across Centuries: Thérèse and Joan. Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 8 March 2018.

Goția, A. (2017). The Art of Using Our Faults (with St. ). Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 23 March 2017.

Goția, A. (2016). Like Daughter, Like Parents (on Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin). Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 3 March 2016.

Goția, A. (2015). The Diary of a Soul of a Saint (on St. John XXIII). Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 12 March 2015.

Goția, A. (2014). Blessed Vladimir Ghika (1873-1954) – Prince, Priest and Martyr. Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Trumau, Austria), 6 March 2014.

Goția, A. (2007). The Only Happiness on Earth… – An Encounter with St. Thérèse. Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Gaming, Austria), 23 November 2007.

6 Goția, A. (2007). Cinderella or Latin in the Church. Lecture at the International Theological Institute (Gaming, Austria), 1 March 2007.

Goția, A. (2002). Adoro Te devote– a synthesis of St. Thomas Aquinas's Eucharistic Theology. Lecture at the International conference on St. Th. Aquinas (Peter Pázmány University, Piliscsaba, Hungary), 13-15 December 2002.

Goția, A. (2001). Patriotism de faţadă? Note despre inscripţia în limba latină de pe frontispiciul Sălii Unirii din Alba Iulia [Façade patriotism? Notes about the Latin inscription on the frontispiece of the Sala Unirii in Alba Iulia]. Lecture at the celebration of the founding of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University (Alba-Iulia, Romania), 25 May 2001.


Latin (language, literature: Virgil, Cicero, Sallust; Neo-latin) Greek (language, literature: Homer, Quintus of Smyrna) Mary in the Fathers (St. Bernard, St. John Damascene) St. Thomas Aquinas (hymns, commentaries in particular) St. Therese of Lisieux Romanian etymology Faith and culture


Introduction to Latin (all periods) Introduction to Greek (classical, New Testament) Latin Reading (all periods) Greek Reading (classical, New Testament) Greek Literature (Homer, Sophocles)




2001 – 2002 Visiting research student. The International Theological Institute (Gaming, Austria)

1997 – 1998 Visiting research student. Département des sciences de l'antiquité, Chaire de grec (Geneva, Switzerland)


7 Romanian: mother tongue English: fluent in reading, speaking and writing Italian: fluent in reading, speaking; good in writing French: fluent in reading, speaking; moderate in writing German: good in reading, speaking; moderate in writing Latin: good in reading, speaking, writing Greek: good in reading