Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1865-06-08
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s . k ' | , . d v: T 1- - - T - — . - . — « . T SYI 1 J.E BMLY JOURNAL NUMBER • KKN'TUCKV, TIII’liSIiAY. JUNE 8, 1865. VOLUME XX'X\ I.OVISVII.I.E, ——M————rWiWiW————^—i Ib nrt Sm'orrn he •!!• Bernoon of Robert 9ra r riwteiw inp. i.dtnce of llie N. Y. .loimial of Con, uorc.] hc^u t iw^encd-that it tnowr tla* >a WocDtAWN Ra. E8— Dat.— —The tta ErnoPEAN “A? always haprecs, the prople. astounded CCo Tin <rriR A PT-TTf'! VT entry into Riiuer's NEWS, Jh J4JL\JXL^-X rilG lx i!i O* rietennined to kave tte Cat-iael very s-»n, w«4 matched act vear of Kohert’s schoql sorrow, only now feel all ttiey have FASHIONS. B'nnc«Bent that “Asteriod” JOURXaL their ' wa* SUr» 6«M I *«. LOUISVILI.E inr rk;i'icts bv PARIS ~ 110 «li®pnte. no difference®, or i?i!. ranni't be aecertained, but he quite a t uta .P.B»r»w's or kxou.hii t >ryibr. I and Tas had I«»t. Condemned b% the fon-e of events to tie- against “Loadstone" for two- mile beet*, best two first hi* maater’s ar Pauls, May 11, .. Plcsu'ent Johnson. Hi* nl-u MIow when he Mt caa* Th« ruam aim rrm-'a*™® [Kuni the Laudmi Herald, May IHh.) . listen with a preat man. Mr. Limoln has c-.ined .v come 1 be CiOTmiMfUt and tbe Davis Trill, l'rt®ldeni ar - of a re ct In three, drew together a Ter* large atttre.Iaoce walk over the glebe farm and p«C the churcRrs "ilie i^ewR fu.m Til's cnidtal was more deeply moved, more "i,,!,, v«ith the ^ ©SWHIM, AmpO-* ia now Biournfu’ly irlory wlikh he uerer coveted. With wl,a* Moor to iiile'.llgeice and fric’ud'v th.\racti-r, .rnd the Pre®;- yard from the West Lone B-miom ntUkTirE, erev it i*, excited, by the startling of cerdia’ yesterday. Every available car of tbe L. t. j iu tenor. The awift oi^enn im rtw-c.;- Isrpi-r wnnld refused it if. at Sil -h hlfHy A jov he have Mr. 8lan Um areeutird? nreet—a distance of about a mUai, or a mile and I esident Lincoln l>y deu.’s leiaiitiis whh OP'KIOE BUlU)IllOi which were wrr.tto h»ing uf, nice or ten <1 »v« the ass.'.ssinstlon' of Pi tlian ^ a fa. ^ > XlLUNAL a price, he conld hare spared ilia couiilrv the R. R. wa* brought Into requisition to transport for him. and Aunt i S i IT which has occumsi dtriag Its M?Dner not jrt DrCldPd I agrt.al.Io and comdcnUal. He bJi nevtr a half—wa* a long way NeUy af'er the exer.t the iHinea of the zreat biltles wa.s si.jwii t.i ai v loreign event a P0n« AWarart* TVUrA am4 ranrth. tiisls from anul which his name largrr haim for haring to trudge *• «fM* a»raW, The public bo.diw and the h-ii snv kind of dilference with him m" h the eager crowd, among which were a used to pitv her in which the lonz etnhirinz iuToi-m of t'le His etory will survive many a paudy and lone set irs of vt ars. rise. Secretary i.f 'V-r, nor tar to and fro. He bad not heato lomiat Behoil difi iie piera vied with each oilier in expros-ijns of lets a tiiliiaion with hi* nnroher of ladle*. Tbe day wa* bighlv hvorv Soutli i>«*t and Ita worst Asainattbe force hollow rcrown. It will give a new feature 1 4<mei, fad states in ih'dr civen sneh a®.suiance toj an» cne, M ij .r- when the seaeon of harvest .\uni of it.f it Min', era hie tie R> mi'atliy for the United bereave- tublicatioD of Soppressed TosUuojy i i.as he in from armies, the va.-l wcat'h. that lire ideal which plac-es pre.Uress in sim- Me, tbe track exr client condiiKie, and Litfle 9t«i D. PRENTICE, 1 for the atruciiv tiemral or otherwise, as ha* been attrlbnttd to Neilv went out gleaning IWBal bate GEOROE Irrrihle and irresistible luect. and of horror of the I xt\ perseverance ol the plicity. which makes jiower hend to the l-iw, -'XT is? ar? I the high repatatk>n which both htjrwe* had son petitioned hi* father for leave foaeemn: j an abler iwn than mine has him. NcrU,.! m ik;< pic, now tell us that the aeony is dec® separate licmism from -elf- crime. Ere this ri' Prints t'sr C«Bni!'ifril»k. and whicli not st^emeu; Aunt Eltanor and the gleoncn. Btumt I PiWif U columns of the -Mr.pirouchalsosvs thU laUM ade, great snort wa* expe-'led. By tbe time fa, over, that the str.'Dz has in- donliiicss recorded in the .Tonr- n I* triumphed, ani dvi dal 1 shonld say if I said that Mr. Dafgfr to the Uves of trUaeSSf-S. I? •fs - enMigh oi rfe^M?ent Johns^'n. means a{ proved the rei|oe*t. aa ha arewad * l.'s the suiilMs-ilions and isprea- iS not bv autfcoritv 1 If stead fit those victories of the patriots, tho*e taking the pi.l of nuneree we reached the ground tbe exeitemeDt hal i " Lituadn was a Christian statesman, h : . 1 hi\^ divW.'^i fourpence. «r poaMblv iizp«ni( AOVAKCE: of P.vrlsian newspapers as to the bi ll- Tbo PecTfiarv of the Tre-wirv he did not pay »ITW. lUrni^NS EV UAIL-IK darinz deeds that ttniie every true heart in Eisz- never thonulu < f slons the : wf rd in its noidest sense. He g'owr intense, and we were forc'blT remiiMied for seboolhic, ta th* this tragic incident will have in the a week son’s azpwete- Dai / 1 * Inr.d isat with such exuitani p. iut>athy, c*i int himfelf; and so hi" own conntrv and the whele ing wllcli fsath llieli;M|.F«r*UM .lOae «f TVm. rf ibe good old dav* rJ racing, when Lexing- U< n that the yriUBg scholar should leave bis liver to ns the ninsier-toll of vd, li-ts fu'ure jiolicv of our flovemment with 1 f? i?L the de the will keep him in their memory forever.” 5! friif world and foreign leok.s at the fliM temptation, ftic tbe peiitie.m ol the priu.ners. and with vex iii lefcience to its domestic poliev ve- Nkw York, Jvne 7 ton, B.-*ton, Wsgner, L"*N>inpte, «tc., Ac., held tedious and m. ENc.t.ANi). PANIC IN THE HANK OE biiiceiebiiiccie desire is almost nniversilly w*B granted in the following terms: “ i.i r '.y n :>p out tf.r ns the 1 ist panzs and thr«H*« laiUns.hilir ns. A •«> Dc *T TrU'me acnounce* that Ih'j Piedd'-nt sway and achieved imperUhab'e renown in the 1 1 T* 1 U the IxnidoiiSisr. May I'.'.] frtlfl 1*0. 0 F. “Weel. gan: but thou mana be oot a* day. i it ot I'eopie. IKirm maiilfcetcd for lI'C liaciaeatl-m of .nr conntrv, Circular Grand LodSf 1 n 1 44 1 (0 1 4 it' Waeklr * i f, a d_'it t Events sn .-ccct events, mid will s.ion k?iie a pro' laiaailon re-toring .he \i liv'"c be-.n annals of the tnrf. As ?rtJd lud ruled favorite nae snulkiag, and nae shirting. Aad tnom 'to t At I M. 4 to e M bfcvc iu< Tl'c p'.nimilepicKHide of todvlodyapjMiirsspiHiirs to life lor a continuation of amicable elaticuabc- t hII but cce aiiinz. s j<'h and ' 1 ki. • m *’ Tbev follow in proltaiiin of the writ of habeas c.irp i®, aoJ *" fra first t’ th’ end of * n, a fa s to« > W' 1 fau U- fa lx 1 montli suci'e‘r],,p by direetore of the Bunk of Kngl ind the Prapl'c and the great R-pabli^ frrm the sta't and sold in the pools at about the maun gan tbrongh tbe tfal j rs-i'id that to fix them in i.ass'.nz is re iebtd the tw.en r.i t«. t » t n • w If launw ag.viiist the ol wc.ther is gkarlng.” Un this uuderstaading Robert axd t' • s lAatanBMUtbaraauUrea as Irird a- to hit ll'C »w .'illow iu tlicir J II Cl t*. inns Hommiuc* Whin sm-b glmlous -iimmer that Stales. • (-"J* A.- tbe at ••• • - on thi wiuz. luvltatloo to Ro'oUfd proj i,rtl«.n of I'-t.' to lo. These odd* were freely -tod 1 • v» 4» 4 1 r>-.|>m'f a *<a- l'«.tr oiacan Aunt t.a k » • taiM<a a»vv«< la A Wei-i London lLdutiri.il K.vliibiJ.m. Ttie in which wc are now n-velliog b.ir-ts nj><m u.s E'ranor -tarted lor their vagrant toii, but kv 4 W i M tl.e tii>t I rack in a cn st .1 rase s .re ids <*i imo tl.c ‘ U.M.ii'.w June 7. «0 1.. t • 4 W 4 taken and we'l they might have been, for “Lovi- U ng before snn.set tired. •• titliiir is so luilicr.u>ly childish th H it as it b'ls done Hiis vear, after an un- the boy wm very Ho So.