Rare Book List I
RARE BOOK LIST I Rare Book List I ERASMUSHAUS HAUS DER BÜCHER AG • BÄUMLEINGASSE 18 • 4001 BASEL • +41 61 228 99 44 • HDB@ERASMUSHAUS.CH • WWW.ERASMUSHAUS.CH 1 AMMAN, Jost (1539-1591) & Philipp LONITZER (+1599). Insignia sacrae caesareae maiestatis, principum electorum, ac aliquot illustrissimarum, illustrium, nobilium, & aliarum familiarum, formis artificiosissimis expressa: Addito cuiq; peculiari symbolo, & carmine octastico, quibus cum ipsum Insigne, tum symbolum, ingeniosè, ac sine ulla arrogantia vel mordacitate, liberaliter explicantur ... 4° (198x147 mm). [118 of 120] ll. lacking ll. [82 and 83]. 19th century half Russia leather gilt. Top and bottom of spine slightly scuffed. Frankfurt am Main, (Georg Corvinus for Siegmund Feyerabend, August), 1579. CHF 2500 Jost Amman’s famous book of coat-of-arms in its rare first edition, published before its German translation (Stam- und Wapenbuch). The illustrations are generally family arms on the versos, and allegories, mythological figures, social types, etc., on the rectos. The allegorical interpretations of both are by the historian Philipp Lonitzer (-1599), a brother of the physician and botanist Adam Lonitzer. The last 14 p. before the colophon have blank shields, four to a page. The preceding 40 p. mostly have full-page blank shields with figures, alternating with allegorical figures, both without text. The woodcuts are by Jost Amman (some signed IA) and other artists represented by the initials MF, LF, MB, MT(?), CS. Provenance: Damiano Muoni (1820-1894), Italian historian and bookdealer (stamp on ll. 2, 4, 26, 50 and last leaf). – Leon S. Olschki (1861-1940), famous Italian antiquarian bookdealer and publisher. References: Becker 24; VD 16 (Online Kat.) L-2468; Lipperheide 638; Hiler/Hiler 25; Stirling Maxwell Emblem Catalogue SM-647; Adams L 1458.
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