Scorpions of the Eastern Mediterranean
Advances in Arachnology and Developmental Biology. UDC 595.46.06(262.2) Papers dedicated to Prof. Dr. Božidar Ćurčić. S. E. Makarov & R. N. Dimitrijević (Eds.) 2008. Inst. Zool., Belgrade; BAS, Sofia; Fac. Life Sci., Vienna; SASA, Belgrade & UNESCO MAB Serbia. Vienna — Belgrade — Sofia, Monographs, 12, 209-246 . SCORPIONS OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN Dimitris Kaltsas1,2, Iasmi Stathi1,2, and Victor Fet3 1 Department of Biology, University of Crete, 714 09 Irakleio, Crete, Greece 2 Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete, 714 09 Irakleio, Crete, Greece 3 Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25755-2510, USA Abstract — The scorpiofauna of the Eastern Mediterranean region is presented. Taxonomy and distribution data of species are reviewed based on scientific literature until August 2008. We report the presence of 48 valid species in the area, belonging to four families and 16 genera. Examined material of nine buthid species collected from Egypt (including the Sinai Peninsula) and Libya is recorded. The current knowledge on taxonomy, chorotypic status, and origins of species, complexes, and genera in relation to their biogeography and phylogeny is also discussed. Key words: Scorpion taxonomy, E-Mediterranean chorotype, Buthidae, Euscorpiidae, Iuridae, Scorpionidae INTRODUCTION The scorpiofauna of the Eastern Mediterranean area has long ago attracted the inter- est of scorpiologists worldwide in terms of taxonomy and biogeography, due to the diversiform morphological characters and the high venom toxicity of several genera. The number of publications dealing with the systematics of scorpions of the Eastern Mediterranean since Linnaeus (1758), Amoreux (1789), and Herbst (1800) amounts to several hundred.
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