Philip Cook The Golden Fleece Burnside House Main Street, Brough Brough

Painter Bar Food & and Decorator Drink All aspects covered Facilities available for 017683 42956 small functions or 07834 632828 017683 41314/41392

Lisa Holmes Professional Dog Grooming and Pet Care Dog Grooming Day Care Home Boarding Licensed & insured For all your pet needs Brough 017683 41522 07818 478067


Dandelion Lane Dandelion yellow Dandelion bright How did you turn so Fluffy and white? Here in the hedgerow Once dressed in gold Your head has turned silver Your petals grown old. Now as I blow To make dandelion time Your parachutes fly And I hear your clock chime. One o'clock, two o'clock Count out the sound Watch the white angels Float to the ground. Here near the meadow You'll grow once again And then I will find you In Dandelion Lane

Brenda Williams

Could all material for the JUNE ISSUE please be in before May 20th, Copy may be e-mailed to the editor, Colin Edney: thewayeditor305 Please note that attachments to the email, should be in ‘word’ or ‘works’ format (not pdf.) please Alternatively, deliver by hand or post to “The Way "Four Winds, Church Brough, , CA17 4EW Tel: 017683 42073

3 Holiday Let Upmanhowe Cottage South Stainmore 17th Century Farmhouse Tranquil Setting Sleeps 4 Beautiful countryside views Mob. 07516256481 Email : [email protected]

JAMES POPPS Owen’s Garden Services LOCAL REMOVALS Friendly And Reliable DELIVERIES - Lawn Mowing CLEARANCES - Hedge Trimming WE ALSO BUY AND - Weeding SELL ANTIQUES FURNITURE ETC. - Garden Tidy Ups TEL : 07890282301 - General maintenance : 017683 42303 Mob : 07490926793 j.poppssculpt@ Email : [email protected]

4 Easter Celebrations Different people helped create a lovely Easter garden on the green in Church Brough, three wood crosses bringing home the Easter story, then ringed by beautiful coloured primroses in a stone circle. Very creative. Which was enjoyed by many. 100 palm crosses and Hot Cross buns were shared around the village. Easter Day we celebrated Holy Communion with the Rev Judy Polkinhorn outside the church below the East window in lovely sunshine, again being spoiled with Chocolate Easter Eggs, Hot Cross buns and lovely decorated cup cakes. Great to have so many adults and children celebrating together, and a huge thank you to everyone who donated all the food gifts. Judy Dobson

RECYCLING SUCCESS Recycling at the new site (100m past Grand Prix) has been a great success so much so that the bins have been unable to cope with all that has been offered. Two additional bins have now been added, hopefully this will assist. When dropping off your recycling please ensure boxes are broken down. Just tear the corners and they should flatten. Far more can be accommodated in the bins when boxes are flattened. Also fill one bin before starting a new bin, full bins are emptied more quickly thereby maintaining maximum capacity. Keep up the good work and remember monies raised from recycling at the Brough site support initiatives in Brough – a real win for our community

5 Brough Parish Council Due to Covid restrictions the Parish Council Meeting was held remotely on Thursday 15th April 2021 at 7pm. Cllr Simpkins was in attendance. Cllr Dew sent his apologies as he was attending another meeting. Defibrillator in Church Brough signage is in the process of being obtained. Tennis Court. An order for the work to fence in the tennis court has been placed and it is hoped that this will be carried out later this month or into the next. Cllr Simpkins reported on the continuing roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines which is going well. Recycling Centre concern was expressed about the need for more bins for cardboard at the Recycling Centre. It was noted that the waste collection contractor was providing extra bins, and it was also pointed out that better use could be made of the bins by encouraging people to squash boxes down and to fill up each bin in turn – the contractor only empties full bins, so if bins could be filled in turn, rather than partially filling each bin, the bins would be emptied on a more timely basis. Cllr Dew submitted a written report which stated that the MASCG still hasn't fixed a date for the 2021 Appleby Horse Fair. Three dates are being considered: 22-25 July, 12-15 August or 2-5 September, 2021. A decision will be taken on Tuesday, 20 April, 2021. Proposed Footpath at the MUGA / Playing Field. The Council considered a proposal from Cllr Brocklehurst for a concrete footpath at the MUGA / Playing Field site. This would enable wheelchair access and provide a safer, less slip- pery and muddy path in wet weather. This was agreed by the Councillors. Brough Surgery Opening Hours – Cllr Brocklehurst raised the issue of the level of service in Brough. The surgery’s opening hours were considered unsatisfactory. The surgery is now open for fewer hours despite the fact that there is a growing population in Brough. A number of residents were expressing concern about the future of the surgery in Brough. It was agreed that local residents should be encouraged to seek appointments at the Brough surgery, rather than at Kirkby Stephen. It was also agreed that the Clerk should write a further letter to the Practice, requesting it to give further consideration to extra hours in Brough. BT Payphone Removal Consultation. The Council considered the proposal to remove the payphone on New Street, near the Clock Tower. It was agreed that it had no objection to the removal of the payphone as it was little used (average of zero calls per month in the last year). The Clerk will respond accordingly. This is a brief summary of the meeting. For more details or further information contact Mr Andrew Bedford on 017683 42394 or you are very welcome to attend the meetings. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20th May 2021 in The Methodist Church, High St. Brough. CA17 4BY at 7pm. Information is also available at website. Pauline Capstick

6 Parish Hall PLANT SALE Thursday 6th May 9am – 4pm Come along to buy garden plants – on sale outside the Parish Hall For more details about the plants on offer - please ring June on 51753 All proceeds to Warcop Parish Hall

Brough’s contribution to the Cumbria Way “Homeless Scarf Knitting Challenge” Has to date produced 379 feet of scarves and these have now been delivered to the homeless in Blackpool, Blackburn & Sunderland. The Cumbria Way is a 112km (70 miles) linear long distance footpath in Cumbria, The route goes through the heart of the National Park linking the two historic Cumbrian towns of and . The route cuts through classic Lakeland country via Coniston, Langdale, Borrowdale, Derwent Water, Skiddaw Forest and Caldbeck. It is a primarily low-level long distance footpath but does contain some high-level exposed sections. The idea is that Cumbrian Knitters produce 112km (70 miles) of scarves and gift them to the homeless of Northern . Brough’s contribution to date is almost ¾ of a mile. This is a “2021 Challenge and is ongoing throughout the year” so I have no doubt the Brough Community will produce a mile and possibly even two. You can continue to drop off your contributions at the Post Office and if this isn’t convenient Longway, opposite the Café and Chippy in New Road. Happy Knitting!

Dimensions are 5ft x 6inches wide - Dark Colours Preferred


Your local financial adviser/planner in Warcop Julie Bayley Dip PFS

Mortgages & Equity Release Protection and Insurance Investments & Pensions Estate & Tax Planning Care Fees Planning Mobile: 0777 367 0488 Email: [email protected]

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

Sue Tyson Post Office Mike Howard openings times HANDYMAN

Decorator SERVICES Brough Post Office Interior & Exterior Guttering, Domestic & Monday to Friday Commercial 9.00am - 1.00pm Fencing Wallpapering a Plumbing speciality Warcop Post Office No job too small Tel: 07747 738431 Tuesday only Call Mike for a quick Established 1996 2.00 - 3.00pm reply Based in Call 07950 428136

8 Air Ambulance Drop-in Collection Wednesday 26th May After we had to cancel the planned November drop-in collection due to the sudden extra covid-19 lockdown, I am pleased to announce to all you folks who phoned me during that (and the previous) lockdown period, that -- The next drop-in collection will be on Wednesday, May 26th, when Brough Memorial Hall will be open at the usual GNAA drop-in times of 12 noon to 1pm and then in the early evening from 5pm to 7pm. The usual items continue to be welcomed, that is, bedding (sheets, blankets, duvets, pillows etc), clothing (any material including leather), belts, handbags and shoes (please fasten shoes together in pairs), books (in a box if more than six), printer cartridges small or large, and mobile phones (working or not, but for your own security, please remove the SIM card if you know how).

If you can’t manage the 26th May, but have something for us, please phone me on 42135 to discuss alternatives. If I am not able to answer, please leave a recorded message after the request tone, with your contact number (and a name which helps me to contact the right person) and a brief mention of what the call is about. If you need bags for your offerings (and they DO appreciate it if their official bags are used) I have a large supply so please give me a phone call on 42135 to agree how you can receive or collect them.

Do not forget that any time you have special circumstances which would result in having to store a large number of bags (say 12 or more) for a long time till the next drop-in, please call me to arrange bags and a subsequent special visit from GNAA’s van at a time and place to suit your convenience. We and they even managed this during the lockdowns Dave Williams 017683 42135

We continue to receive items for the Upper Eden Food Bank which are taken to the distribution centre in Appleby. Again, these are much appreciated so please keep them coming. Remember the porch door is always open for you to drop them off.

Also the One Stop Shop in Brough now has a Food Bank collection point. Graham & Heather Simpkins

9 Christian Aid Week May 10th to May 16th 2021 Christian Aid Week is a time when we can reflect on the plight of the poorest communities of the world. This year the focus is on the many people on the front line of the climate crisis. They are losing food, water, homes and family. Now they face a double threat as coronavirus threatens lives and livelihoods . Never before has the access to clean water been more vital. Christian Aid works with local partners to help vulnerable communities adapt and become more resilient to prolonged droughts caused by climate change. You will have received an envelope in this edition of “The Way” which gives you an opportunity to give a donation to this work. There are several “ drop off” points for the envelopes BROUGH Heather Simkins, Long Way, New Road, Brough CHURCH BROUGH Jackie Featherstone, Corner House, Church Brough KIRKBY STEPHEN Liz Botterill, Manor Lea, High Street, Kirkby Stephen SANDFORD Freda Lodge, Platts, Sandford WARCOP Kath Wood, Croft House, Brookside, Warcop BROUGH SOWERBY Margaret Askew will collect house to house as in previous years in the week May10th to 16th Another way to donate if you prefer is to use website or call 08080 006 006 Christian Aid works tirelessly to end poverty worldwide. It provides urgent help in times of crisis and stands with people of all faiths and none. Please help this vital work. Thank you, Liz Botterill (Christian Aid organiser for Kirkby Stephen Area)

Teddies for Tragedies

Currently we have 260 teddies and bags for them to travel in just waiting for lockdown to ease. Joy is hoping to have an outdoor dedication service at Musgrave in August as the weather should be fine then. For those of you who have provided these lovely little fellows, thank you all. You will be making a sick child in hospital or a disadvantaged child in a refugee camp very happy. Unfortunately this is an ongoing need so please keep them coming. You can always leave them in the porch round the back of the house. If you would like to knit one and need a pattern, just ring Heather on 017683 42476.

Thank you also to all those anonymous people who have kindly left blankets, hats, gloves, scarves etc. in our porch. It is like Christmas every day when we come down to these surprise packages! They will go to various charities, such as Boxes of Hope for example, where there is always a need.

10 St Michaels Church. It seems a long time since I wrote, though it’s only a matter of eight weeks. In that time we were really delighted to celebrate Mothering Sunday at church, not IN the church but outside! Very easy to socially distance, and fun for the children to be outside without constraints. Having found the great outdoors, we celebrated Easter Sunday Communion outside too! At least cream eggs are individually wrapped, so we could share those at the end of the service, and the seasonal hot cross bun to take away. The trend for outdoor worship has continued, but I don’t promise it every time! We have now started to think about regular Services at St Michaels, and though not fully back to all Services, we will be having Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 10.30am. ALL ARE WELCOME, and do bring the children, there is a decent play area at the back of church for the younger ones. And if you are concerned that they may make a noise…well, we have all done that as children, and I, and the congregation can cope! So, whatever the difficulties we have faced over the last year, we have at last started to come through them together, and look with hope to the weeks and months ahead for the rest of this year. That brings me to the word HOPE. I expect we were all touched by the death of Prince Philip in the last week or so, whether a Royalist or not. I guess it was because a family were put in the position of sharing their grief with a nation. Not an easy thing to do, however used to sharing your life you are. One could not help feeling for the Queen in her loss after 73 years of marriage. But one thing struck me about the Funeral Service, how filled with hope were the various items chosen by Prince Philip. Even the last Post was followed by the Reveille, unusual at such an occasion. His hope, and faith, were in the God he worshipped all his life, the God who he chose to celebrate in the joy of creation in the Book of Ecclesiastes , and in Psalm 104. The hope of things to come, in, and through the Resurrection of Christ. His hope was also in the generations following him, the hope for good stewardship of the world, the care of young people, the joy of continuing friend- ship in the Commonwealth. Whatever our age, we are all part of that hope. We carry the torch for those we have lost during the Pandemic, or at other times, young or old. When I was Ordained, the Finance Director in my then “day job”, a fine needle woman, gave me a piece of framed needlepoint, with a reminder of faith and hope.

“FAITH is being sure of what we HOPE for, and CERTAIN of what we do not see!”

May WE all be sure and certain of the love of God which is new, and endless, every morning.

Take care dear all. God Bless Rev Judy Polkinhorn

11 CHURCH OF ENGLAND SERVICES FOR BROUGH & STAINMORE May 2021 2nd Sunday 2.30pm Evening Prayer St Stephen’s, Stainmore 9th Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion St Michael’s, Church Brough 16th Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion St Michael’s, Church Brough 2.30pm Evening Prayer St Stephen’s, Stainmore 23rd Sunday 10:30am Holy Communion St Michael’s, Church Brough

METHODIST CHURCH SERRVICES May 2021 2nd Sunday 10.30am Rev A Sterling - Holy Communion Brough 6.30pm Zoom Connexion Service 9th Sunday 10.30am Rev J Teddutt - Holy Communion Kirkby Stephen 16th Sunday 10.30am Mrs A Kirkman Brough Sowerby (Chapel Anniversary) 23rd Sunday 10.30am Mrs S Thackray Brough 10.30am Rev T Dent – Holy Communion Brough Sowerby 30th Sunday 10.30am Local Arrangement Brough 10.30am Mr D Askew Brough Sowerby

All services are subject to any Covid restrictions in place at the time.


Church of England Services - Heart of Eden Benefice St Columba’s, Warcop with St Theobald’s, Musgrave May 2021 2nd Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion St Columba’s, Warcop 9th Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion St Theobald’s, Musgrave 16th Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion St. Columba’s, Warcop 23rd Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion St Theobald’s, Musgrave 30th Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion, St Lawrence Church, Appleby (Benefice Service)

METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES May 2021 2nd Sunday 10.30am Rev J Betts – Holy Communion Warcop 6.30pm Zoom Connection Service 9th Sunday 10.30am Rev A Sterling Warcop 16th Sunday 10.30am Mr M Harris Warcop 23rd Sunday 6.30pm Rev T Dent Warcop 30th Sunday 6.30pm Mr R McGregor Warcop

All services are subject to any Covid restrictions in place at the time.


Thompson’s Garage Unit 1A Brough Industrial Estate Brough

All types of vehicles > Repaired & Serviced > Tests > Tyres & Exhausts > Batteries ______

Tel : 017683 41791

DOES YOUR GARDEN NEED A MAKEOVER? Trusted & Locally Recommended Landscape Gardeners working year round. MAKEOVERS FULL LANDSCAPING CLEARANCES BLOCK PAVING DRIVEWAY INSTALLATION NATURAL SANDSTONE WALLING & RAISED BEDS MAINTENANCE Call David at Rural Landscapes & Garden Care on 017683 42578 or 07377 566 417 - 5 star on [email protected]

14 Smoke from Fires or Bonfires Facts Smoke damage people's health, particularly children, the elderly and those with asthma and other breathing problems.

Ensure you do not burn plastic, rubber, painted/ varnished materials, plywood and chipboard as they give off poisonous chemicals and create noxious fumes (some of which can cause cancer) polluting the environment.

Smoke prevents neighbours from enjoying their gardens, opening windows, or hanging washing out. If the smoke from your fire or bonfire causes a nuisance to someone, they can make an official complaint to EDC.

Anyone lighting a fire/bonfire and allowing smoke to drift across a road can face a fine from the Police if it endangers traffic due to reduced visibility.

Burning wet wood produces excess smoke and smell.

It is illegal to burn waste that is not from your property, for example, from your workplace, or from a neighbour.

Please be considerate to your Neighbours

Contact: Environmental Protection Team Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01768 212490 Address: Council, Mansion House, Friargate, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7YG

15 Recycling is the answer!

Many items of household waste can be reused or recycled. We are fortunate that there is a fortnightly kerbside collection of recyclable materials and Garden waste. If you do not have bags, boxes or bins please get in touch with EDC and they will arrange for you to have these free of charge.

Alternatively there are local recycling depots in your village which generates income for your local Parish Council for your Community. OR recycle at the Kirkby Stephen HWRC or Flusco as they recycle and dispose of all types of waste.

Good Bonfire etiquette - so as not to cause smoke nuisance. Before having a bonfire, let your neighbours know. This gives them an opportunity to shut their windows and bring any washing indoors. Avoid having a bonfire when the wind is blowing onto neighbouring properties. Avoid burning when the air is still and damp in the air, or in the evenings when smoke tends to hangs on the air. Only burn dry material. For domestic properties, there are no laws that prohibit having a bonfire. However, a bonfire can be a statutory nuisance.

Smoke and fumes from fires and bonfires can be a statutory nuisance. Due to posing a threat to health.

Eden District Council have powers to deal with smoke nuisance and to prosecute for dark smoke offences. A nuisance is something which is unreasonable and causes substantial interference in the use and enjoyment of a person's property. It is much more than just an annoyance or being aware of something

Things that are considered are: How much smoke there is. Does it affect nearby properties? What is being burnt as the type of material burnt affects the production of smoke and how noxious the fumes from the smoke are. And how often does this occur?

"The world's favourite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." Edwin Way Teale

16 WALKER’S MARK JENYON Painter & Decorator Independent Family Funeral Directors Interior & Exterior Chapel Street Oaklands Appleby In 017683 30321 Warcop [email protected] Appleby CA16 6PT A Caring and Professional 24 Hour Service to All Areas Tel : 017683 42512 Alan & Susan Smyth, Mob : 07817 902265 Damon Steadman, Dip FD, MBIE

17 From Councillor Graham Simpkins, Longway, New Road, Brough.

Heather and I are hosting a weekly Produce Point every Thursday, in our garage from 10am to 12noon. This is an initiative that provides free groceries - from bananas to toothpaste, from eggs to tins of soup, and everything in between. Some have close sell by dates and would end up in landfill if not used. We never know what will arrive from one week to the next so it is always worth coming and having a look. At the moment the nearest Produce Point is in Kirkby Stephen and as people from Brough who don’t have a means of getting there miss out, it was decided to see if it is a facility that would be utilised by Brough residents. Everyone is welcome. This is not a food bank but a free community initiative supported by local businesses. Please do come along and have a look at what there is. We shall be wearing masks and keeping the appropriate distance and we hope everyone else will be as sensible. Free tea and coffee will be served outside if the weather is fine.

Have you had a walk near the Brough weir yet? The mad knitting lady has been yarn bombing again! As in past years it is a fund raiser for local charities. This year donations will be given to Kirkby Stephen Mountain Rescue Team. If you are passing Longway take a look at the little characters brightening the weir and perhaps putting a smile on a face or two! If you like what you see and would like to pop a donation through the “Longway” letterbox it will be greatly appreciated.

When it is all taken down the amount raised will be announced in The Way.

18 19 STEPHEN CLOSS BROUGH Kevin Hanna Ltd BUILDING MEMORIAL HALL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Hire fee £13 - £15 & Roofing, Plastering per session HEATING etc. Heating extra Also interior & GAS SAFE & OFTEC Use of kitchen incl. exterior painting Bank House, Bookings GRP Flat Roofing High Street Reasonable rates and Jackie 41033 Brough no VAT Email : - No job too small broughmemorialhall 01768 341303 017683 41486 Facebook or 07950 327567 07716 573 052 Brough Memorial Hall Mike Addison Optician The Shire Hall, Market Street, Appleby, Kirkby Stephen, 017683 53199 017683 71555 - Providing eye care for all the family - Private & NHS patients welcome - Children & over 60's receive free eye examinations - Supplier of all spectacles & vision related products Email : [email protected]

DOGGIE HOME BOARDING Away on Holiday or Business? 07486-109010 Local & Licensed

20 Brough Sowerby in 1829 (Source Parson & White Directory of Cumberland and Westmorland 1829) Brough Sowerby name means “ waterlogged part of Brough until they managed to drain its land. Sowerby is a Norse name i.e. the first settlers spoke that language and as Norse farmers, came hither by boat up the Eden from Ireland. In the 1891 Census , Brough Sowerby had in it 31 houses, 34 families and 180 people. In 1801, 139 people, 1811, 155 (These figures include its outlying farmers. It had 21 farmers, of whom 6 were yeomen (owned their own land and house). One of the six was a yeomen, to coin a word: she was Margaret Bland, Below House, (which may be her pronunciation of Belah House). Seven of the farmers are named. Brough Sowerby also had in it one affluent man of private means (did not need a job), John Dickenson, gentleman, 2 joiners /one also a wheelwright, one blacksmith (and social centre), one clogger, one pub (Black Bull) and two ladies of private means. There were five Rudds, two Adam Thwaites, two Longstaffs (the joiners), two Waistells. The farmers included Thomas Alderson and William Brogden (both were yeomen) Helbeck (Hilbeck here) had in the 1821 census 21 houses, 21 families, 101 persons (in 1801 74 and in 1811 98). Helbeck Hall was built by a spirited but unfortunate gentleman: John Metcalf Carleton Esq: full of energy and ideas but lacking the finance to develop them properly. He borrowed from the brothers who foreclosed; took his house and land, etc, by way of repayment. They let the Hall to a farmer. J M Carleton had built Yosegill Cotton Mill and the Fox Tower above it to help develop the district and provide jobs. By the 1829, Yosegill Mill was derelict but nearby was now a coalmine owned by Robert Buckle of Hagg Gap. In Helbeck township was a lime kiln worked and owned by Thomas Armstrong. Helbeck Mill (oats) was worked by Thomas Rudd. There were two weavers, George and Isaac Robinson and eight farmers (five of them yeomen), four of the farmers are named but not the Hall’s farmer as such Jeremy Godwin

21 Walk of the Month Thorney Scale Enjoy a short winter walk from Church Brough, it is just over 4 miles. There are a couple of stretches on quiet roads, and some of the fields can be wet underfoot. Note that a couple of stiles were designed for long legs! From the school in Church Brough walk up to the top of the village and go through the underpass on the left. Turn right at the lane and walk up the grass verge of the A685 for 100 yds to a gap-stile. Go diagonally right up the field to a stile over a fence by a big tree. Walk down by the hedge on the right to another stile, cross this and walk straight ahead to a gate. Continue to Sowerby Park and cross a gated stile to the right of the farmhouse. Turn left to a gate, and then follow the track all the way to Brough Sowerby. Turn left and follow the lane over Brough Sowerby Common for 3/4 mile. At the top of a steep hill go through a gate on the right and turn left sp Thorney Scale. The path follows the hedge to a stile and downhill to another stile. This stile is a little awkward with a drop on the other side, but there are trees to hold on to. Go slightly left initially and then right. Plough through the deep reeds, looking out for the handrail of a bridge over a stream. Cross the bridge and walk down the field, aiming for the right end of a spinney, where two stiles take you in and then out of the trees. Walk up to a gate at the right end of Thorney Scale and enter the farmyard. After 20 yards go left and then right past the farmhouse to a road and turn left. Follow the road for ¼ mile to a crossroad and continue up the hill. Take the first of two tracks on the right down to High Parkhouse. After crossing a cattle grid go through a gate in front and to the left. Keep left by the fence and then drop down to a stile at the end of a wall. Follow a track to a gate and walk the field ahead, keeping to the right of electricity poles. Cross a stile at the far end and cross the track to Augill Castle to a gate. Follow the hedge to the right and then take a gate into a field. Cross to another gate leading to Augill Castle Farm. Keep left by a wall to a stile and a bridge. Turn right and then left over a stile and walk to the far end of a field. Continue through a gate and past a barn to a stile over a fence. Walk ahead and slightly right to follow a stream to another awkward stile. From here go ahead and slightly right to a footbridge over Augill Beck. Follow the Beck through an un- derpass and via a gate and another stile to emerge at Ford Bridge and back into Church Brough. Roamin Robin 22 SEASONED IAN HUTCHINSON D. A. STEADMAN WOOD FINISHING LTD FIREWOOD ______Restoration In dumpy bags BUILDING Painter & Decorator & Hardwood £76 Restore wood ROOFING SERVICES Softwood £62 & painted kitchens, For All Your Building Price inc. VAT @5% tables, floors, & Free Local Delivery Kiln Dried Logs Available doors, furniture, etc Roofing Requirements Woodsure Ready To Burn Tel : 017683 71008 ======Thomas Ewbank Mob : 07966948496 No vat Tel : 017683 42210 017683 62746 “Excellent refs” Mobile : 07876 222 269 HETAS Quality Assured Fuel Able Memorials Ltd

Monumental Sculptors & Architectural Masons

Showroom & Office 1 Wildman Street, , Cumbria LA9 6EN Tel : 01539 735583 Mobile : 07779025745, Email: sales@ableworldof Fax:01539732416, www.ableworldof MICHELLE Musgrave SZYMANSKI Parish Institute Available for hire for all MOBILE HAIDRESSER your local events and functions at extremely For all your hair dressing competitive rates, needs in the comfort of inclusive of heating and your own home power. Main hall has stage and tables and chairs to Call for an seat 100 with ease. appointment on Contact Mick Oughton Tel : 017683 41633 or Sallie Oughton Mob : 07792239265 on 017683 41990


CHURCH OF ENGLAND CLERGY Revd. Judy Polkinhorn, Brough with Stainmore (Kirkby Stephen) 017683 41473 Revd. Clive Hicks, Warcop and Musgrave (Appleby ) 017682 54409 METHODIST CLERGY Revd. Stephen Radford, 50 South Road, Kirkby Stephen. 017683 71202 CHURCHWARDENS (CHURCH OF ENGLAND) St Michael’s, Brough with Stainmore: Mrs Judy Dobson 017683 41439 St Stephen’s Stainmore: Mrs Rosemary Bainbridge 017683 41285 St. Columba’s, Warcop: Mrs J Keetley 017683 41390 St Theobald's, Musgrave: Ms H Fox 077998 70403 CLERKS TO PARISH COUNCILS Brough: Mr. Andrew Bedford 017683 42394 Musgrave/ Warcop Mrs. Heidi Strong, 017683 41102 Stainmore: Miss Janet Walton, [email protected] 079662 48501 CLERKS TO BROUGH SOWERBY PARISH MEETING Mr Bryan Palphreyman [email protected] 07713 031087 DOCTORS & HOSPITALS Brough Health Centre 017683 41294 Kirkby Stephen Health Centre 017683 71369 Appleby Health Centre 017683 51584 Cumberland Infirmary, Newtown Road, Carlisle. 01228 523444 Penrith New Hospital, Bridge Lane, Penrith. 01768 245555 Westmorland General Hospital, Burton Road, Kendal. 01539 732288 VETERINARY SURGEONS Pendragon Vets Ltd, Hamilton House, St Luke's Rd, Kirkby Stephen. 017683 71359 Old Hall Veterinary Centre, Cross Croft Industrial, Estate, Appleby. 017683 51507 SCHOOLS Brough Primary School 017683 41284 Warcop C of E Primary School 017683 41471 Kirkby Stephen Grammar School 017683 71693 POLICE ALL ENQUIRIES (this deals with all calls that are not emergencies) 101 GENERAL Post Office, Brough, Monday to Friday 9.00 - 1.00pm, Warcop, Tuesday only 2.00 - 3.00pm Tourist Information Centre, Kirkby Stephen 017683 71199 Community & Council Centre Kirkby Stephen 017683 71775 Library Kirkby Stephen 017683 71775 St Michael’s Church Hall Bookings Tucker Dobson 017683 41439