Lectures on Lie Groups Over Local Fields
Lectures on Lie Groups over Local Fields Helge Gl¨ockner1 Abstract The goal of these notes is to provide an introduction to p-adic Lie groups and Lie groups over fields of Laurent series, with an emphasis on the dynamics of automorphisms and the specialization of Willis’ theory to this setting. In particular, we shall discuss the scale, tidy subgroups and contraction groups for automorphisms of Lie groups over local fields. Special attention is paid to the case of Lie groups over local fields of positive characteristic. Classification: Primary 22E20; Secondary 22D05, 22E35, 26E30, 37D10. Key words: Lie group, local field, ultrametric field, totally disconnected group, locally profinite group, Willis theory, tidy subgroup, contraction group, scale, Levi factor, invariant manifold, stable manifold, positive characteristic. Introduction Lie groups over local fields (notably p-adic Lie groups) are among those totally disconnected, locally compact groups which are both well accessible and arise frequently. For example, p-adic Lie groups play an important role in the theory of pro-p-groups (i.e., projective limits of finite p-groups), where they are called “analytic pro-p-groups.” In ground-breaking work in the 1960s, Michel Lazard obtained deep insights into the structure of analytic pro-p-groups and characterized them within the class of pro-p-groups [32] arXiv:0804.2234v5 [math.GR] 28 Dec 2016 (see [10] and [11] for later developments). It is possible to study Lie groups over local fields from various points of view and on various levels, taking more and more structure into account. At the most basic level, they can be considered as mere topological groups.
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