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[email protected] if you have any queries regarding use of the file. Proof 11 The Extraordinary Case of the Blood-Drinking and Flesh-Eating Cavaliers1 Angela McShane In May 1650, A Perfect Diurnall of Some Passages and Proceedings of Parliament and in Relation to the Armies in England and Ireland reported that ‘very lately […] at Milton in Barkeshire’ a ‘company of [5] Royalists at an alehouse, being drunke, they out of zeale of affection to their King at Bredagh, would drink his health in blood, and to effect this, unanimously agreed to cut a peece of their Buttocks, and fry their flesh that was cut off on a grid-iron’. The group were discovered when one man’s ‘excessive bleeding’ forced his companions to call a surgeon. In turn, this alerted another man’s wife who lived nearby. She burst into the room and ‘laid about her’ with a pair of tongs ‘so sav[ing] her husband cutting of his flesh’. The ensuing commotion drew the attention of the authorities. The men were questioned by the Governor of Wallingford, Major Arthur Evelyn, and were bound over to appear before the next Quarter Sessions.2 Little further information about the case remains.