. J TRADES. FEN 787 Ma.rshall Herbert (to Mr, Williaml Smedley Wiiliam (to William .Tames Wright William (to Robert E. Cand­ Ward), Eastville, Boston Thompson esq.), Postland, Crow- well esq.), Maw A.rthul' (to Messrs. Maw Bros.).! land, Peterborough Young George (to Willis Wray esq.), Aspen farm, Holme, Doncaster Smith H. (to Mr. L. Wilscm), Scop- , Burgn Maxey Mark (to Frederick W. Griftin wick, Lincoln esq ), PosUand, , Peter- Smith Harry (to Mr. George Maw), P' ARMEliS' CLUB. borough Bigby, See Club Farmers'. Moulds J0ohn (t{) Mr. Jdhn Tom.lin- Smith John (to Ja.s. Hemingbrough son), Somerby, Grnutham e-sq. J.P. ). Crow le, Donca.llter FARRIERS. M01mtain Asher,, Alfrd Smith Joseph (to .Alex. Hugh Bergne­ ~oove Willia.m (to David Tong esq.), Coupland esq. J.P.), Skellingthorpe, See Smiths, Blacksmiths & Farrien. Soutlh Carlton, Lincoln Lincoln Padley Isaac (to F. Ward. esq.), Bur- Smith William (to W. B. Barnes FAT MERCHANTS. ton-Ped waroine, Heckington esq. ), Amber Hill, Dogdyke, Lincoln Howitt Matthew Henry, Clasketgate & Palmer Charles (to Richard Dring Smith W~lliam (to W. H. Ward esq.), Cattle market, Monks road, Lineoln esq.), Pelhams Land,Dogdyke,Lncln Midrville, Bo.s.ton Wing Joseph & Son, 16 Pen st. Boston Parker J:~.mes (to W. HuJI esq.), Spencer Harry (to T. J. Belton esq. Grebby, Spllsby sen.), Amcotts, Doncaster FEATHER CURLER. Parker William (to Mrs. Pockling- Spikins Herbert (to A. E. L. Fowler Scargill Mrs. .Amelia, 16 Maude st. ton-Coltman), , esq.), New Bolingb1·oke, Boston Grimsby Patohett Daniel (to Mr. William Bow- Spurr John (to Edward W. Howard ser),Stone farm,Thore&Way, e11q.), Ingleby, Lincoln FEATHER MERCHANTS. Pat man Bobert (to .Albert J as.Preston Stanton Bobert (to .A. Knapton esq. ), Fogarty E. & Co. Limited, Trinity esq. ), Deeping St. Nicholas,Spaldng Luddington, Garthorpe street, Boston ~attison John (to Edward Cross esq.), Stenton William (to John Bladworth Porter \V. & Son, 25 Silver street, 0-wmby, Linco:n esq.), Luddington, Garthorpe Boston. See advertisement Paul Joseph (to Col. Wing), .Abbey Stephenson William (to E. P. Rawns- farm, North Ormsby, Louth ley esq.),Hall farm, Raithby,Spilsby FEATHER PURIFIERS .. Peart William (to F. Wilkineon esq.), Stevenson George (to E. S. Tomlin- .Anderson F. S. & Co. Wide Bargate, Yarborough, Louth son esq. Rauceby), Leasingham Boston Pepper George (to the Rev. Wilfred Moor, McCann Tally & Day, The Feather .Augustus Hold-en Tho.rold ~ . .A.), Stevenson George (to T. M. Worth Factory of the Fens,Billingborough, Gunby, Grantlham esq.), Hurn bank, Folk.ingham Pick William (to John J. Glassup Stones John William (to JohnBarnard esq.), Spittlega.te, Gran tham esq.), Owston Ferry, Doncaster FELLMONGERS. Polil Frederick. (to Col. Charles Birch- Sutclifie Henry (to W. J. Warriner Beynardson J.P.),HolyweH, St&mfd esq.), Stow, Lincoln Chapman Joseph, Northgate, Louth Poole Jesse (to J. H. Houghton esq.), Taylur Charles William (to Charles Clapson Thomas, Upper Ings road, Brauncewell, Lincoln Gilliatt esq. ), WDdmore, Lincoln Bartorr-on-Hnm ber Portas David (to Charles Marfleet. TS~bb William (to Major-Gen . .Sir M. Daubney Jn.Thos.Willoughton, Lincln ~sq.), Boothby, Lincoln W. Willson K..C.B., J.P.), Kelby, Donnington G. Ma!t~y-le-Marsh, Alfrd Priestly Joseph (to Mrs. Mary Wild- Grantha.m Go~h Edward Will~am, Clay lake & smith), Lowfields, Harmston,Lincln Till Zacbariah (to T. J. Blades esq. ), H1gh street, Spaldu~g . Rawden Joseph (to George Godson Coppice farm, Epworth Doncaster Hall J. W. Hagworthmgham, Spilsby esq. jun.), East Heckington, Boston Tomlinson J. (toW. B. Barnes esq.), Lait Robert, Newton, Folking~am Bedford Willia.m (to G. C. Harris Six Hundreds farm, East Reeking- Lord Geo. 106 Church st. Gamsboro' esq.), , Lincoln ton Boston Mason M. W. New Bol1ngbroke, Boston Reeson Geoi.'ge (to S. W. Harper Torn' .Al!fred (to A.. Kna.pton), Lud- Mays T. W. & Sons Limjted, East- Smith esq. ), The Fen,Kirton,Boston dington, Garthorpe gate, Bourne Reyno1ds Smith (to H.J. Cool1.e esq.), Tupling Bobert (to Jonathan Cheese- Par~er Percy, Charles street; workl, Whip(}hicken faron, Postland, Crow- man esq. ), Holme, Doncaster . High Holme road, Louth land, Peterborough Tysoe S. (to Sir B. D. G. Sheffield S~mmonds C. P. Colsterworth,Grnthm Ricbardson Samuel (to Mr. Wm. Hal- hart. M.P., D.L., J.P.), Normanby, 81mmonds W. (exors. of),Colsterworth, kon), .Asbby, Doncaster Doncaster Grantha_m_ Robinson Edwin (to Lord Heneage Vickers William (to B. Smith esq.), Sutto~ Willmm S. North Somercot~s P.C.),House farm, , Lincoln Horbling, Folkingbam Waddmgton Samuel & Son, W1de Robin.son Joseph (to T. J. Belton esq. Warrinm Frederick (to Mr. R. Wil- Dargate, Bo!!ton jun. ), Amcotts, Doncaster kinsrm), Scopwick, Lincoln Robinson Peter (to Mr. J. T. Need- Was!! William (to the Rev. W.Esdaile FENCING (IRON) GATES &c. ham), , Louth M.A.), WHsthorpe, Stamford Bayliss, .Jones A Baylisa Ltd. Royds Henry George Trower (to the Waters William (to W. H. Sewards patentees & manufacturers of all Burghley estate), Burghley park, esq. ), Dyke, Bourne kinds of hurdles, railing, galvanized Stamford Waterlow William (to V. D. H. Cary- 'Corrugated sheet fencing, · gates, Sadler Thomas {to B. R. Langton Elwes esq. D.L., J.P.), Boxby, tree guards, wine bins, wheel- esq. J.P.), Langton, Spilsby Doncaster barrows, · Sanders Asher (to Geo. Bowser esq.), Watton Jose,ph (to Mr. William (Patent) Scre-mby, Spilsby Dickins), Scredington, Folkingbam Sanderson Bobert (to Mrs. Emma Webb S. (to Mr. John S. Mills), Dyke FENCING GATE &c. Goodwin), Snelland, Lincoln fen, Bourne Saunby .Alfred (to J. Langham esq.), Wells Frederick (to John Langbam Little PontGn, esq. ), Hough-on-the-Hill, Grantham Scothorne George (to Samuel Kelsey Whiley Georg6 (to W. Dowser esq. ), esq. ), Heapbam, Gainsborough West Fen, Stickney, Boston Sentance William (t