
Lecture Series: The of the Matter, 4250, Fall 2010 1

Topic 3: Spacetime Geometry and Clifford Algebras

Dr. Bill Pezzaglia CSUEB Physics Updated Nov 28, 2010

… for geometry, you know, it the gate of science, and the gate is so low and small that one can only enter it as a little child.

William Kingdon Clifford (1845-1879)

1 Index: Rough Draft 3

A. Dimensional Democracy

B. Grassmann Algebra


D. References

4 A. Dimensional Democracy

1. Why use Gibbs’ Vectors?

2. Pseudovectors

3. Problems with Gibbs’ Vectors

4. Thinking outside the box

2 5 1. Gibbs Vectors

1881 Inventor of the vector system we now use.

Oliver Heaviside used these vectors to reformulate Maxwell’s equations

“... a sort of hermaphrodite monster, compounded of the notations of Hamilton and Grassmann” -Tait

Why use Gibbs vectors? 6

• Notational Economy (3 equations in one) • Coordinate free (physics should not depend upon coordinate system) • Encodes isotropy of space

A mathematical language has utility when the metaprinciples of physics (e.g. isotropy) are built into its syntax

3 2. Pseudovectors & Pseudoscalars 7

Gibbs’ vector algebra represents a plane by the vector perpendicular to it, which means a “vector” can mean either a line or a plane (ambiguous)

3. Problems with Gibbs Vectors 8

The “problems” with Gibbs vectors are:

• Higher Dimensions: Cross Product won’t generalize to higher dimensions (n.b. 4D for relativity)

• Incompleteness: there are only vectors and scalars. You can’t directly represent a plane.

• Ambiguity: Instead you use the vector perpendicular to a plane. Hence if I give you a vector, are we talking about the directed line, or the plane perpendicular to it?

• Parity Problem: the cross product is not preserved under mirror reflections (the cross product is not really a true vector, rather a “pseudovector”).

4 4. Thinking “out of the box” 9

A particular language might build in unquestioned prejudices.

Gibbs’ algebra (and conventional tensors) have “Dimensional Segregation”, You cannot add different ranked geometries

10 B. Grassmann Algebra

Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877)

Inventor of “Linear Algebra”

1844 publishes massive work (which nobody understands) [1 year after quaternions!]

5 11 1. Each Dimension is represented

12 2. The Exterior Product

Note: cannot add a scalar to a vector (unlike quaternions) Note the wedge product is similar to Hamilton’s cross product, except the result is a PLANE, an idea that will extend to any dimension (where as Gibbs or Hamilton cross product does not).

6 13 3. The Dual and Inner Product

14 4. Products of Planes and Lines

7 15 5. Grassmann Calculus

Aka “exterior calculus” r ∂ ∂ ∂ (a) Gradient Operator (“nabla”) ∇ = eˆ + eˆ + eˆ 1 ∂x 2 ∂y 3 ∂z

Poincare Lemmas

In 3D these are equivalent to: r r • Div Curl=0 ∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ (anything) = 0 r r • Curl Grad=0 ∇ •∇ • (anything) = 0

16 (b) Differential Forms

Vector Differential r dr = eˆ1dx + eˆ2dy + eˆ3dz Area “bivector” Differential: 2 r dA = d r = eˆ1 ∧ eˆ2dxdy + eˆ2 ∧ eˆ3dydz + eˆ3 ∧ eˆ1dzdx

Volume “trivector” Differential:

3 r dV = d r = eˆ1 ∧ eˆ2 ∧ eˆ3dxdydz

8 17 (c) Generalized Stoke’s Law

3 r r r These are all basically ∫∫d r ∇ • E = dA• E the same idea, the VV∂ integral over some “N” r r r r dimensional region of the ∫∫dA •∇× E = dr • E gradient of a thing is AA∂ equal to the evaluation of b the thing on the “N-1” dr •∇f = f (b) − f (a) ∫a dimensional boundary.

Differential Forms: ∫ dF = ∫ F V ∂V

18 C. Clifford Algebra

William Kingdon Clifford (1845-1879)

•Translated Riemann’s work


•Died shortly after inventing algebra which combined Hamilton’s and Grassmann’s ideas into one form

•Forgotten until recently.

9 William Kingdom Clifford (1876) 19 1. That small portions of space are in fact of a nature analogous to little hills on a surface which is on the average flat; namely, that the ordinary laws of geometry are not valid in them. 2. That this property of being curved or distorted is continually being passed on from one portion of space to another after the manner of a wave 3. That this variation of the curvature of space is what really happens in that phenomenon which we call the motion of matter, whether ponderable or ethereal 4. That in the physical world, nothing else takes place but this variation, subject (possibly) to the law of continuity.

Clifford Algebra has “Dimensional Democracy”, allowing you to add lines to planes

Unify Phenomena Dimensionally 20 Using Clifford Algebra, get 2 equations in 1

P is the momentum, S is the spin, F is the electromagnetic field

10 1. Defining a Clifford Algebra 21

For “N” dimensions {σ } j =1, , N have “N” basis vectors j L

•They anticommute σ1σ 2 = −σ1σ 2 •Square to +1 σ1σ1 = σ 2σ 2 = +1

Or: single rule

2δij = {σ i ,σ j } = σ iσ j +σ iσ j

2. 3D Clifford Algebra is Pauli Algebra 22

Geometric interpretation of “i” is volume Bivectors are a “quaternion” group

11 3. 4D Clifford algebra is Dirac Algebra 23

There are two different “metric signatures” that work for special relativity: (---+) or (+++-)

4. Properties of Clifford Algebra 24

12 4. Properties of Clifford Algebra 25

Can do things that Grassmann can’t, like multiplication of two planes gives a plane

Most important, Clifford algebra can do rotations like Hamilton’s quaternions (more later)

5. 26

Like quaternions, you have sums of scalars and vectors (and bivectors and trivectors …)

13 5. Geometric Calculus 27 You can get 4 Maxwell’s equations in ONE! r r r r (∂t + ∇)F = (ρ − J ) F = E + iB

r ⎧∇ • E = ρ scalar ⎫ ⎪ r r ⎪ ⎪− ∇× B + 1 E& = − + 1 J vector⎪ = c c ⎨ r 1 ⎬ ⎪ i()∇× E + c B& = 0 bivector ⎪ ⎪ r ⎪ ⎩i∇ • B = 0 trivector ⎭

6. Example of Utility of Clifford Algebra 28

Left side is using Gibbs vectors, right side using Clifford Algebra

14 Continued 29

Solving 4 equations in one can save many steps!

References 30

• The problem on previous two slides was the derivation of the Characteristic Hypersurfaces for Maxwell’s equations. – The standard (Gibbs) treatment was adapted from Adler, Bazin and Schiffer, Intro to General Relativity (McGraw-Hill 1965), pp. 108-112 – The Clifford Algebra derivation is from W. Pezzaglia, in Lawrynowicz, Deformations of Mathematical Structures II (1994), pp. 129-134, or hep- th/9211062 • EM in one equation, see Bernard Jancewicz, and Clifford Algebra in Electrodynamics (World Scientific1988) p. 78 • William Baylis, Electrodynamics, a Modern Geometric Approach (Birkhauser1999) • The best quick introduction to Clifford Algebra is David Hestenes: – Space-time Algebra (Gordon & Breach 1966) – New Foundations for Classical Mechanics (Kluwer 1986) – Or, my Ph.D. thesis (I’ll post this on web site) • The best explanations of Grassmann algebra are usually in the books on Clifford Algebras. However, a standard is Flanders, Differential Forms, Academic Press (1963). • Another summary of Grassmann algebra would be: D. Fearnley-Sander, American Mathematical Monthly, 86, 809 (1979)