The Notre D Ame Scholastic
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THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 227 The Notre D ame Scholastic A LITERARY—NEWS WEEKLY PUBLISHED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME —ILLUSTRATED— Bisice (Bmsi temper l^icturusi : Vitt (guasii €tai ilIonturu£( INDEX PAGE The Week... J. A. 229 Spiritualities Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C. 235 Father Corby Joseph P. McNmnara, '28 238 Editorial 239 A Pinch of Dust... Francis C. Miller, '27 241 The Seers (A Poem).. Francis C. Miller, '21 242 Our Fathers Have Told Us Rev. John Cavanaugh,C.S.C. 243 College Education Pays Joseijh D. Becker 245 Lines on Life.... A^iselm D. Miller, '25 246 Book Leaves Joseph P. Burke, '25 247 Sports 248 The advertiser in Notre Dame iniblications deserves the patronage of Notre Dame men. Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1108, October 3, 1917. authorized June 23. 1918. • -. - -• ,..-.. ^•.-.. „_»••»,•.^, .^.^^^ 228 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Dim shadows of the trees, and dimmer laughter. Lights, where friends are, to be remembered after. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 229 Oh, for the confidence of Deor, he of the and returned without exciting the comment famous lament, who consoled himself ^^ith that advance publicity would have indicated. the optimistic refrain, "That was o'erpassed, Alas, poor James! The reporter steers a this will pass also." precarious path between the Scylla of mis information and the Charybdis of misin Another week has rolled by, bringing with terpretation, and many are destroyed. it the confirmation of our belief that pro fessors reck not of time or space. Ignoring Campus organizations are warming up. the quarterly struggles of the previous week, The Scribblers having- finished the one-act ignoring the aftermath of the Nebraska IDlay contest are expecting gratifying results delirium, refusing to recognize the proximity from the poetry Contest which- closes De of the Northwestern game, and alloting no cember first. Brownson opened the smoker consideration to the approach of Thanks season, and the MetropoUtan Club has giving, assignments have commenced pour fallen into line behind them. City and state ing in with renewed vigor and intensity. clubs are working feverishly on plans for All of us who are coming back after Christ Christmas Dances that will put out the mas should let our professors know. The cur native eyes. No matter what part of the rent opinion seems to be that we want to country a Notre Dame man finds himself take our A. Bs. and ETCs. home with us in during the give-season, if he keeps his. for the Holidays. freedom he'll have an opportunity to attend; The Purple grasped a mean grip on the a real Notre Dame dance. The Engineers are tail of the Blue Comet, but only succeeded dividing their vei-y little spare time between in securing- a good ride and failed to pull admiring- the cup the S. A. C. gave thent the star to earth. Now Mr. EckersaU grants and AATiting letters to Father O'Hai-a. The that if Notre Dame succeeds in winning the S. A. C. is kept busy awarding cups and Carnegie Tech game and any post-season ti'ophies and arranging rather relievedly for battle, that there will be no dispute about the last Gridgraph exhibition Saturday. the national championship. As they say in Honors for carrjdng the ball this season some instances, "Magister dixit!" seem to be split between the quartet of equestrians and Bill Daily. Chicago must look upon her stock-yards with increased respect after the great in Rumors of a Thursday only hohday were flux of pigskin enthusiasts from Wisconsin satisfactorily stilled by the posting of notices and Notre Dame for the two games last that the usual Wednesday afternoon for Saturday. And in the games, the scriptur- fasting and Friday morning for recovering- ally minded saw the humble Northwestern would surround Thanksgiving. comparatively exalted, and the exalted Chi Only three more weeks until Christmas. cago comparatively humbled. You'd think Good news for both of us. In the meantime,, the Conference was twisted enough as it is you'd beter start buying up the pillow-tops, without instituting "moral victories." Notre pins, rings candy, etc., because there's a Dame's "he-man" contingent apparently'' in scarcity the last few days, and an alibi vaded the habitat of the wily haberdasher doesn't make a good Christmas present. 230 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC "RESOLVED, that we deeply deplore the loss A dministration which the Board of Lay Trustees has sus tained in the death of our esteemed Col league, and we offer to his wife and chil The annual meeting of the Board of Lay dren our heartfelt sympathy. Tmstees was held on Tuesday, November 18. The officers of the Lay Board are: RESOLVED, further, that these resolutions be inscribed in the permanent records of the Mr. A. R. Erskine, President of the Stu- Board of Lay Trustees adn that the Secre doebaker Corp., President. tary of the Board be instructed to send a Mr. Edward N. Hurley, Chicago, Vice- copy of the same to the bereaved family President. of our departed friend. A. R. ERSKINE, Mr. MHes W. O'Brien, South Bend Lathe Pres. of Board of Lay Trustees Works, Treasurer. BROTHER FLORENCE, Secretary Mr. William A. Mclnerny, Assistant Treasurer. NDS The Finance Committee is made up of Plans are afoot for the enlargement of ]\Ii\ A. R. Erskine, Mr. Miles W. O'Brien the gymnasium. Before the close of the and Mr. Edward N. Hurley. year it is hoped that the work will be com pleted, and the gym enlarged to about The meeting concerned itself largely with twice its present proportion. The plan in the investment of the Endo\vment Funds cludes a basketball court with a seating collected by the University during the past capacity of about five thousand. two years. NDS -NDS A report was read to the Board of Ti-us- Word has been received from the Office tees by the President of the University deal of the Director of Studies that Notre Dame ing with the Academic changes and im has been admitted to the Association of provements dui'ing the past year. American Universities. N D S The financial report was presented by K. OF C. DRIVE FOR THE Brother Florence, C. S. C, Treasurer of the GIBAULT HOME University. The Notre Dame Council of the Knights N D S of Columbus completed the campaign for Resolutions: Condolence sent by Board the Gibault Home for Boys Thursday even of Lay Tmstees to the Widow of Mr. Joseph ing, November 20, and, according to the M. Byrne. local authorities, it was a complete success. The campaign was started here on the WHEREAS, the members of the Board of evening of Tuesday, November 18, at the Lay Trustees have learned with deep re- Knights of Columbus meeting. Father gi'et of the death of their Colleague Joseph Hugh O'Donnell, Mark Nolan, and Grand M. Byrne and Knight Harry McGuire talked to the meet WHEREAS, the deceased through his mem ing, their purpose being to instruct the bership on the Board and his life long members of the Council as to the nature interest in everything that pertaind to the and plans of the Home. The following day welfare of the University and its Alumni, at a mass-meeting in the Gymnasium, the an interest unabateid through nearly half same speakers told the students of their a century of years, had won the affection plans. The active campaign began on Wed of all friends of Notre Dame; therefore nesday with the soliciting of funds. Mem be it bers of the committee canvassed the halls THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 231 on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and unanimously elected President of the Na- the Blue Circle worked Thursday. tional Association, and for the past four Comprising the Knights of Columbus years he has been an Alrnnni representative Committee are: Mark Nolan, chairman, Al on the University Boai-d of Lay Trustees Hockwalt, Al Foos, John Hurley, Art Bid- Until a short time before his death Mr well, Gus Scolaro, Paul Rahe, Bob Hurley, Vincent Schneider, Willard Jones, John El liott, John O'Donnell, Dan Culhane, Bill Daily, Jun Sheerin, Jake Purcell, and Mc- Lane. Les Brady had charge of the Gibault Home Drive publicity. Ai't Bidwell has been appointed director of K. of C. mem bership for the local council. This is a local office, newly created by the Notre Dame Council. The Blue Ch-cle Committee was composed of, George Schill, John Kilkenny, Firmin Fusz, Henry Hudson, Dan O'Neill, Walter Cyr, Dutton Griffin, John Dugan, John But ler, Harold Watson, Frank Murray, John Stockley and Ed Crowe. DEATH OF JOSEPH M. BYRNE, SR. Mr. Joseph M. Byrne, Sr., a Trustee of JOSEPH M. BYRNE, SR. the University of Notre Dame for the past Byrne was President of the fimi J. IVL four years, died suddenly at his home in Byrne Co., Brokers and Insurance, of New Newark, N. J., Sunday evening, Novem York City and Newark. He was a trustee ber 23. in the Fidelity Union Trust and Sa\ings. Mr. Byrne had not been in the best of Co., of Newark, and Vice President of the health for some time but no one looked for United States Savings Bank of the same a fatal culmination of his illness at this city. He was a director in the New Jersey time. Funeral services were held at St. Fire Alarm Company and President of the Colombia's Church, Newark, Wednesday New Jersey Fire & Casualty Insurance morning, November 26.