Sheboygan River Area of Concern 1989 Remedial Action Plan
THE SHEBOYGAN R_fVElJJl}l .. ,. - ' REMEDIAL ACTION PI.ANiI, ..,., Wisconsin Department o(1i'Jatff,:m,i Resources Southeast District Headquarters iX,F - I \ I Milwaukee, Wiscon~in -¥'.: July 1, 1989 PUBL-WR-211-88 -' -~ ~t' ·.v. '\;'.1.,.-=;- Wisconsin Department of Natural· Resources Board '.'.-b::~v.,:_ ,.: Thomas D. Lawin, Chair Herb .Behnke Stanton P. Helland, Vice-Chair Neal Schneider Donald C. O'Melia, Secretary Collins Ferris Helen M. Jacobs Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources'·· C. D. Besadny; 'Secretary . i Gloria Mccutcheon, Director Bruce B. Braun; Deputy Secretary Southeast District Ron Kazmierczak, Asst. Director Linda H. Bochert; Executive Assistant Southeast District e Jeff Bode, Water Resources Supv. Lyman F. Wible; Division ;k~tpisti;,~toii; · Division of Environmental Standards Charles Ledin, Chief, Policy and Planning Section Bruce Baker; Director, Bureau of Water Resources Man~g~m~i;it ' Plan Authors: Laura Maack (Primary Author) Jeff Bode Neal O'Reilly Dave Meyer Lynn Persson Steve Skavroneck State of Wisconsin \ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Calloit D. Besc..,,,'r:_'.'.. ""~s'. Dox li ...... r Madlaon, Wl1con11i_-1 537.-,? TELEFAX NO. 608-2S7•357P TDD NO. 608-267-6897 July 31, 1989 IN REPLY REFER TO: 8250 To the Citizens of the Sheboygan Area: I am pleased to approve the Sheboygan River Remedial Action Plan as part of Wisconsin's Water Quality Management Plan. The plan is an important contribution to Great Lakes cleanup. It is also an important step in the long-term effort of the communities, industries, and citizens of the area to restore and protect this valuable state resource. The Wisponsin Department of Natural Resources in conjunction with the International Joint Commission and the United States Environmental Protection Agency have targeted the Lower Sheboygan River and Harbor and nears.bore Lake Michigan as one of 42 Great Lakes Areas of Concern.
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