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*. 1. Michelle Cotlins is as iime, or the inclinat

hen €r"loded back on ou scrcens in Coro"dfton St/€et' last vear as lhe latest Ror€rs Retum publican, Stela Pdce,Iou could hear the cdtics sharp€ning iheir knives aU the \.ay Fom $reatherfield to London (Michele's bi lve€liy con1mute, incidentally). .$?ird', snifed o!€, on the d€cision to cast Michelle. &nile another lanbasted her northern acceni as "a*ftIl Bri these snide comrnents are jut a tiny bljp in a career ihat, unusua.lly, includes the nationl t$o best-knosn soaps: Filst, Mich€lie plalrd tarttnd"ru' rilainous Cindv Beale for ten years, leaf ing ihe programme in 1998. Then, in JDe 2orl shejoined Co?r*, wh€r€ she receltly had her contract erlended untii 2013. ln-betrveen those tllo l.tndmdk parts, she rer€ived .ar€ rcvielrs for her nl.o \.ear stint as Abb] lvala.e in lao

1 2, ftlr,qoadit kt 6w..d. rk,. r. a.. 1 e.: klr Wom an's W eekly Celebr ity


Neuer See Me " I) unning a ir about b€ing an lleverywoman to everybody, even a bit of an agony aung'say5 Mkhelle, , who as Stella Pric!, now pi€sider ovar the Rovers netum in Corl€, H€rel a r.nindei of sme ol the chaE