All Saints Marriages West Bromwich Staffordshire England
All Saints Marriages West Bromwich Staffordshire England Microfiche can be obtained from 1820 JAN 3 Francis HOLLIS COLE, W, opt & Mary BLUNDAL , SP,otp Wit: John COLE & Mary ?BURY Edward HOLDEN, BA, otp & Elizabeth MASON,SP, otp Wit: Samuel MASON & Ann MASON William MASON, BA,opt & Hannah KNIGHT,SP,otp Wit: John SMALL & Jane HARRISON James HATELY FRANCIS, BA, otp & Elizabeth ROGERS,SP,otp Wit: William JOHNSON & Sarah ROGERS JAN 24 James HYDE, BA,otp & Ann BAYLEY,SP,otp Wit: Thomas BAYLEY & ? BAYLEY JAN 31 John BUTLER, BA, otp & Elizabeth SLATER,SP,otp Wit: James STOKES & Ann BUTLER Thomas CROSS, BA, otp & Ann RICHARDS, SP,otp Wit: Richard CROSS & Martha CROSS JAN 7 ( out of place on the microfiche could be FEB 7 ? ) Barnables HOMER, BA, otp & Elizabeth JOHNSON,SP,otp Wit: Mary HOMER & John MORRIS FEB 14 Edward EARP, BA, otp & Mary JOESBURY,SP,otp Wit: Isaac KIMBERLEY & Mary BURREDGE William COLLINS, W, otp & Mary HOLDCRAFT, SP,otp Wit: James CLARKSON & Phebe BARTON FEB 17 William MASON, BA, otp & Fanny ADDERLEY,SP,otp Wit: Joseph RUSSELL & Mary WHITING FEB 21 Richard DAWES, BA, otp & Hannah COTTRELL,SP,otp Wit: Richard STANLEY & Thomas PARKS Henry KENDRICK,BA, otp & Ann BEDOW,SP,otp Wit: Richard FOSTER & Sarah FOSTER William WARD, BA, otp & Harriet ADAMS,SP,otp Wit: Isaac BROOKES & Hannah BROOKES FEB 28 James HUGHES, BA, otp & Elizabeth HUDSON, W, otp Wit: Richard STANLEY & Lucy GREEN FEB 29 Joseph STONE, BA, otp & Elizabeth LEEA, SP,otp Wit: Richard STANLEY & Sarah LEEA MAR 6 James WATKINS, BA, otp & Sarah COOK,SP,otp Wit:
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