
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. B-22 WIIIBMI,Wg it ISSO Young David Ladd Bows THE PASSING SHOW In Dad's Film at Palace By HARRY Mae ARTHUR Author Fry Yearns Star Sue Wrtur Ooldwyn, bi Jot Prime** sad Villi* Harvard, Producer Samuel mat a Han »» Jam,, Sdvard Oraot Jr., quality that la (¦few tvemm Mails, in Tathsl- SEARCH... . captures a oefor AtIf th, hl4» For Garden in not In overabundant supply- TtMtH. Wales 4 genuine human warmth—ln his OtiTia a. IKvASS A . .. . By JAY CARMODY VA 4T* i p _ m I "The Proud Rebel.” arriving Mm Spaa Jaw < Stftr Dtim CdUor today at the Palaoe Theater. ¦Sfe.v.vcaffgaSi ... Dim ROMS. Italy—Hereafter when anyone asks if we have ever He has had acme help, of irtftfh fun 100 | met Christopher Pry. we can say: ‘Yes, and under circum- course, from Director Michael stances that could not have been more lurprising" Curtis and from a cast KSfKiNI J*m#i headed by Olivia de Tr*velln« Belr*m*n. John CftrmdMM We ran into the English playwright, well, figuratively, at HavUland. tiiwlthe dot) ICfwg Cinocltta, which Is Rome's big movie studio. It was at luncheon and his son. David. time In the most elegant of the I studio's cases, the one reserved Young David, in fact, proves what happens and in fact there no for executives and the more ex- to be a thespic theft of la not a surprise in store for pensive talent Mr. Pry was the mean ability In his movie debut. MOM Is Investing 14 million you In "The Proud Rebel." small, graying, shy-looking man dollars It Is approximately the A W He tackkm a chore that would sitting across the room. His sise of Rome In Ben Hur's days, give pause to a more seasoned Some of It tends to be over- presence there could not be which meant that lp spite of I I St w actor—playing a boy who has melodramatic and some of it '¦*9§mr more surprising than the dis- our mutual shyness, we had to Jr literally been struck dumb when veers toward the mawkish, but WOMAN’S covery that Bhakeepeare had ask Mr. Pry one question: |||pggf# mr" his mother died in the home Mr. Curtis has managed to keep tjr essays. * flred by marauders. written Francis Bacon's “How world does any- m Bherman s moat of It In bounds. Enough of suggested in the A brings off authentically "He's visiting." we up to anything He It his film Is heart-warming to one write that appealingly. to Morgan Hudgins, our host. big?” as wall as make you forgive Its faults. working.” Morgan ex- boy’s the one by “No. Pry It la the affliction on In addition to plained. “He’s working 'Ben Mr. said he didn't know which the sceenplsy by Joe Ladd, ap- on perhaps David there’s another which Intend make but that we all would Hayward, pealing portrayal by Mias De Hur*. we to know the that Pvtraces and Lillie not merely the most spectacular answer to later. from a story by James Edward HavUland. And Ladd hasn’t ever made, but also the best **• e Grant, centers. The Civil War managed this well since written. Would you like to meet Having answered our ques- Is over and Ladd Is on his way "Shane." They create a trio of him?" tion. It was Mr. Pry's turn to north with his son. seeking a humans for whom you can have "Next to Bt. Peter.” we said, doctor who can effect a cure. Mr. Jagger com- ask one. In fact several. some concern. dropping the first big name that Along the way they run afoul plements them expertly as an entered our head. “Do you have a garden in Taj of the villains of the piece unprincipled sheep rancher who “He's shy,” Morgan explained. Washington?” he wanted to 'headed by ) and dog as bait THE NEW DE HAVILLAND—OIivia de HavUland, i would use a man’s “So are we." we said. “Well ; know. ' a maiden lady farmer (Miss De to get him within gun range. get along who started out In movie life as a sweet young HavUland). Just fine.' we a but *• * * We said did. small ingenue, plays a woman approaching—but saved fight completely loveable one which Haled Into court after a a Pry from—spinsterhood Proud Rebel.” Alan sons, he HH We did, too. Mr. was not hope being happy In “The wfth the former's is a bit surprised that we was and new bailed out by the latter and goes we were while we were spend- Ladd and his son David are her costars In the Jott fttrrr surprised working beautiful work her farm. Ladd bat- ond A SON’S \ to find him ing a spring In Europe. film at the Palace Theater. to on Cemm Ronlmnstt on a project “Ben Hur.' tles sundry foul deeds with like > quite wrong time to ... "I’m writing the ending.” he "It's the fortitude, finally. In despera- DEVOTION I be away from one’s garden, I lo«*q said. “Oore Vidal and some {isn't It?” he said wistfully. tion. he sells his son's beloved of others are writing begin-' sheepdog to pay the boy's way giAYHousi ¦£.»??„ r: the "You keep thinking back to It, Washington's No. 1 playwright! volume called “An Experience nlng. They are writing forward to Rochester, Minn. SAM )!((• IVIN,MAI wondering what has *™*> happened) In the English language. of Critics.” ** * * L !»»iLJM Nfl TMV HI and I am writing backward, C 't|A* 77 ¦ 8 ! to this seed and that plant and • MIOAV: WIWOOW .Wf H- in the natural said he glad. deed, You hardly need to be ANQ and. course of you could have left both He was Tomorrow: Sometimes it told l * SAMINA" events, meet 'how we shall some- at they to hear this and that he was seems as if all Americans this side of the time when need where—well the you most. I never stop think- sorry he could not stay to talk abroad are drug-exchange ad- middle. I'm sure.” ing my garden longer. With that, he knocked dicts. We had visited of in Wales. Just the set This really not good for his pipe out more around on Wyler | is a which William Is writing, tray—and shooting the film In {man's but how Is he| than into our ash which to maintain a garden unless he left to resume writing back- does some kind of profitable ward toward Oore Vidal on mmmMmaJKmSrnSSmSmmmmmam f outside work?” "Ben Hur.” ¦ We agreed that this was the The Impression he left be- “A FASCINATING JOB!” SMaGOUdWN*. WHERE frustration, if hind was that of the only man —XT V Time, not the absolute could tragedy, of modern man. In the world who write - like the of “The Lady’s AND * * author WHEN ** v ALAN LADD OLIVIA deHAVILLAND Carrent Theater Attractions Not For Burning." “A Pho-nix f

FIRST WASHINGTON SHOWING marSdiMbß. p Ix - MIS-MATE[fejf nsrrsw-arjsu I yM TUB FMINCM FOLUNS A—..,—. I—u-ty . T-a.i Co. I. i——, to, . I.i.... fl IBBBSS w. lAMtS AILE PHUIS -M VS a... .m .. MER! IWJWk coming 1 sm. >MB WIEY ¦ 108 M UNiTLDPD ARTISTS Lm SHCIAL SHOUT SUIJFCT ' Griffith Stadium I j&u, (d kiPIN Wfm "PHILIPPINE! CHALLIMGE TO ABIA" f I It TECHNICOLOR ft Florida Are. N.W. STARTS TOMORROW <>»•» ii:oo ahcowomowir L— EDDIE 25, 29 CQNSTANTINE 9 June 24. 26. 21. ¦ jComiCAPITOL RN-MM»y Hwmr, O—— RrodMlM dbaqos* 57 f t*»o«« as M* REpoM* 7 >OOO _ > . R| ¦ No Prrf. Frl . Juno ft 11 WRff • CKensraggy by NMsg *wm

MSB11 ONTARIOCOLUMBIA ROAD AT 17th ST. HV 17 UJT TIMK TODAY: LmJIaCTS,PIfSISINever Be- I John Derek in "The Flesh it Weok'

m . tore in America. ¦ |jjU Tfcit Year lt'» Hx Moif 1: H Thrilling, Exciting Circui ¦ I in Ringling Bro>. Barnum I J b Bailey History. |

PRICES: RESERVED SCATS. M ¦¦ ft. ft 10 AND S.T. TAX V INC. Generol Adml'elon. I ¦ SI.AO. Sold only ol Griffith ¦»: SHOCKER ¦ stodlum Prior t« Perform- §9 oner. Toro.. «rd , Thor*. K-BJf ¦ Cm., S:IA PM. 3 Perform - I euro Sotordoy ol 10:30 ¦ ¦IB 0.m.. 5 Ml end M IA pm. K| -m I Prrformenrr -under— OF THE YEAR! TICRCTS ON SAI-E AT TH« 4 SITER MUSIC CITY STORES SUPER MUSIC CITY BOX OFFICE 1350 F N.W, ST. 3-3234 mmmS] St. , SONGS CsyNslve Way New An electrifying Morion Picture.' \ IS»T H ST. N.E. LI. 3-TOOI An 1110 Ttk ST. N.W. til 4-11*1 SAOO GA. AVI. JC. 8-7800 BOOKER T '££ Now 3rd Week Sidney Lust Theatres ‘ STARLIGHT BELTSVILLE DRIVE-IN • ALLEN «ROOF I NATIONAL THEATRE DANCING,^ Tte THE STIRRING NEW MUSICAL STAGE PLAY VOGHTI.r •»M- IA* 't and BC»T SUM MON (!U ISA! • PM - «30 A«A 7* Crewßlig Experience _MtMO*Akt 1000 AND OtldKS ' I Driv, * 9 toe A GAIA OCCASION AßC lß Csral CONGRESS

.. feuticer mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Muriel Smitli • l—Mill01 41101 niiflllltaananMOMni ALSO j Starrinc and Ann Suckles MenatiNiltntif IN . WAMNCTOWI OORT Eves, of 1:10 thru Juno 21; end June 25 thru 21 Church Arlington, Vo. aeon am soar Foils TOS tfSftVATIONS ¦ y TIPNCTC. WITHOUT CHAtOi PHOMf BOGEH smith IMfylfiyfuncom tw mi yioo. own u.w^ MllfitlJ. NA. 1-9440, Ot CAU IN rEKSON at theatk HOTEL • msivw I mamnrsSr7anrrT.uc.vT r> nwsra PENM.AVI.IHSTW.W,