To download an OverDrive audiobook to an Android phone or tablet

Here’s what you’ll need to get started: 1. A Delta County Library card. 2. An Android device running version 1.5 or higher. 3. A account. 4. The free OverDrive Media Console app installed on your Android device. 5. An active wi-fi connection.

To download the free OverDrive Media Console app: 1. Go to Google Play’s app store. 2. Select, download and install the free OverDrive Media Console app on your Android device.

To find audio library : 1. In the OverDrive Media Console app, select “Menu”. 2. Select “Get Books”. 3. Select “Add a Library”. 4. Enter “Delta County Libraries” in the search field. 5. Alternatively: a. Select “Browse Libraries”. b. Select “United States”. c. Select “Colorado”. d. Select “Delta County Libraries”. 6. Press the star to bookmark this library! 7. Again select “Get Books” from the menu. 8. You’ll see “Across Colorado Digital Library” listed. Tap on this selection. You will be redirected to the Across Colorado Digital Consortium website. 9. Sign in by selecting “Delta County Libraries” and entering your library card number. 10. Search for a you’d like to hear! You can find these under the “Audiobooks” section of the main page. a. You can search by keyword, author, title, or subject in the search box. b. You may also wish to click the “Only titles with copies available” dropdown, located in the “Show Me” box. c. You may further refine your search by selecting from Format (choose mp3), Subject, Publisher, Language, Rating, and Device filters, if you wish. 11. If the headphone icon in the upper right corner of a book cover is bold, the book is available for checkout. If it’s greyed out, the book is not available but may be placed on hold. 12. Once you find an audiobook you’d like, tap on the audiobook cover. 13. You’ll see either a “Borrow” or “Place a Hold” button, depending on the audiobooks’ availability. Click on it. 14. If you place the audiobook on hold, you will be notified when it is available. 15. If you’ve clicked on “Borrow”, you’ll see a “Download” button. Click on it. 16. Bring up the OverDrive Media Console’s menu and select “Bookshelf”. 17. The audiobook will appear on your bookshelf in the OverDrive Media Console app. 18. Tap on it and begin listening!

To return a borrowed audiobook prior to the loan’s expiration date: 1. While the audiobook is open, bring up the OverDrive Media Console menu. 2. Tap on “Return/Delete”. 3. You’ll be asked if you want to: a. “Return/Delete”. This will return the title to the library and delete it from your device. b. “Delete Only”. The audiobook will be deleted from your Android device, but will remain checked out to you, and is available to download to another device. c. “Cancel”. If you don’t want to return or delete the audiobook, select cancel. 4. When you select “Return/Delete”, the audiobook may continue to show as checked out to your account in OverDrive. Bring up the menu and select “Refresh”. You’ll see the audiobook has been removed from your account.