UNICEF Weekly Situation Report No.45- 21 November 2011 Reporting Period: 13-19 Nov. 2011

A pregnant Ivorian refugee receives antenatal care supported by UNICEF at Janzon Clinic in ©UNICEF/LIB/2011/Pirozzi Highlights  UNHCR reports the total number of Ivorian refugees in Liberia currently standing at 138,000 with 43,761 in camps and 94,403 remaining in host communities.  A nationwide Measles campaign targeting 577,030 children 6-59 months of age and includes the polio vaccine, Mebendazole and Vitamin A supplementation in being planned to take place between 25th November – 1 December.  A total of 1,672 cases of separated children and unaccompanied minors have been identified to date. All identified children are benefiting from case management services supported by UNICEF and Child Protection partners.  More than 11,427 refugee children are now registered and benefitting from safe learning and recreational activities provided at Child Friendly Spaces in Nimba, Grand Gedeh, and Maryland counties.  833 children under five years were screened for acute malnutrition during the previous week - 145 of all children screened were found to either be severely or moderately malnourished (global acute malnutrition), 29 per cent of them are Ivorian refugee children.  Over 36,600 Ivorian and Liberian children in camps and host communities are accessing primary education and Early Childhood Development services supported by UNICEF and partners in the four counties affected by the crisis.  UNICEF continues to have unmet funding needs of $17 million which continues to affect programming in all sections.  The Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) Workshop to consolidate the needs analysis for the Liberia 2012 submission took place on 17 and 18 November 2011.  The overall security situation in Liberia remains calm but unpredictable. The UN continues to monitor the situation. This situation report is produced regularly for UNICEF headquarters in New York in addition to contributions submitted for the ‘One UN’ Weekly Refugee Humanitarian Response update

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Situation Overview  UNHCR reports the total number of refugees in Liberia currently standing at 138,164 with 43,761 in camps and 94,403 remaining in host communities.  As of 10 November 2011 there were 62,554 refugees in Grand Gedeh, 42,126 in Nimba, 36,061 in Maryland, 11,530 in River Gee and 377 in Montserrado.  UNHCR has in the recent past facilitated the voluntary repatriation of 422 Ivoirian refugees while more refugees are asking to be repatriated. They cited insecurity in Liberia and calls by the Ouattara Government for civil servants to report to work as their reasons for returning.  While many of the refugees have recently started to return home, a majority still remain in Liberia continuing to require sustained assistance in camps and host communities.

Humanitarian Needs  Both refugees and host communities continue to require access to essential services of health, nutritional screening and treatment, water and sanitation, schooling focusing particularly vulnerable children.  Prevention and treatment of diseases provided through access to essential health services remains a priority through the bolstering of health systems and services in remote areas.  Nutritional screening has revealed cases of both Ivorian and Liberian children requiring treatment for severe and moderate malnutrition within host communities.  There remains a high risk of water-borne and sanitation related diseases and epidemics within the areas affected by the crisis.  Particularly vulnerable children left separated or unaccompanied as a result of the crisis remain in need of foster care and family tracing.

UNICEF Response UNICEF, in collaboration with partners, has developed strategic sector plans considering the different programmatic environments in four counties. Nimba Bahn refugee camp; Zorgowee transit centre and New Yourpea way; 16 designated host communities; more than 80 border community/entry points Grand Gedeh Solo Town refugee Camp; Zieh Town refugee camp; PTP refugee camp; Toe Town transit centre; Janzon way station; more than 50 communities close to the border and along the main road Maryland Little Wlebo refugee camp; more than 30 border communities River Gee More than 25 border communities

Refugee Population by Counties

County Previous Change Current

Grand Gedeh 66,856 - 4,302 62,554

Maryland 36,061 - 21,003 15,058

Montserrado 377 - 377

Nimba 53,891 - 11,765 42,126 River Gee 11,530 - 11,530

Old Case load 6,519 - 6,519 175,234 - 37,070 138,164

Repatriation Spontaneous 37,070 Assisted 422 Total 37,492

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Health  In preparation for the upcoming nationwide measles campaign scheduled between 25 November and 1 December; advocacy meetings among partners at national and sub-national levels are being conducted at counties affected by the refugees’ crisis. Measles and Polio vaccines, injection and health promotion materials are being delivered while micro planning, identification and engagement of vaccinators and training have been completed. The airing of social mobilization radio messages has already started in all 15 counties, including emergency locations.  Training of the national supervision team and deployment is scheduled for 18-21 Nov. The training of county level teams and vaccinators is scheduled for 22- 24.  The campaign targets 577,030 children 6-59 months of age and includes the measles and polio vaccine, Mebendazole and Vitamin A supplementation.  A training of trainers for the Ministry of Health (MoH), NGO partners, WHO, and UNICEF will be completed this week on the topics of cold chain and vaccine management. After the training, knowledge and skills gained from the campaign will be transferred down at sub-national levels including counties affected by the emergency to ensure the maintenance of vaccine efficacy. An Ivorian refugee girl is being examined for suspected malaria at the UNICEF-supported Nimba Janzon clinic in Grand Gedeh  UNICEF is supporting mobile health clinics that run once a week ©UNICEF/LIB/2011/Pirozzi in Dimplay, Bewhalay, Biaplay, Kparblee, and Younlay communities .  Malaria continues to top the causes of morbidity in the county - 49% of total consultations were cases of malaria and were treated, 51% of the malaria cases were found in children under the age of 5 years. Grand Gedeh  2 cases of suspected measles were each found in Gbarzon and Toe town clinic.  A total of 1,465 consultations were made, 655 refugees (45%) and 810 (55%) from the host communities. Children under five years formed 45% (659 cases).

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 Malaria and ARI were the leading causes of morbidity in the general population, and in children under the age of five years accounting for 45% and 20%; and 52% and 28% of the total cases seen respectively. Maryland  A training on the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV has been completed in Maryland with materials and supplies being distributed to the 17 participants. The first facility outreach will take place by end of the next reporting period.  The Health Team with support from UNICEF has launched the Health Education Project in Little Wlebo Refugee Camp. The launching event included informational presentations, dramas on childhood disease prevention and musical performances. The event was attended by Ivorian refugees, Harper residents and local school children. The event served to kick off the public health awareness project to educate the community and refugees on childhood diseases, immunization, and nutrition and hygiene practices.

WASH  UNICEF continues to lead the WASH sector in its response to humanitarian needs in all counties bordering the Ivory Coast.  The team of Emergency WASH coordinators has reviewed and planned for more strategic WASH interventions meant for Ivorian refugees and their Liberian hosting communities aimed at promoting community level ownership and the sustainability of WASH infrastructure.  With funds made available from ECHO, DFID, and the Swiss Development Cooperation for the improvement of WASH services in refugee affected host communities, the team is soliciting requests from potential partners for further program implementation. Nimba  UNICEF has completed the monitoring of school WASH activities implemented by CIS in 20 schools in Garr-Bain and Kparblee districts.  A Project Cooperation Agreement with CIPORD for the implementation of WASH activities in 20 communities in Gbehlay-Geh statutory district is being reviewed by UNICEF.  An emphasis is being put on hygiene promotion and organizing community WASH management structures – water committees, spare parts distribution outlets, and training of community members in a variety of aspects related to WASH. Grand Geddeh  ECREP has completed the initial digging and fabrication of culverts for 7 of 13 planned hand dug wells. The NGO has also completed pit excavation and moulding of pit lining blocks for 3 out of 5 schools whilst construction is on-going at two sites (Sennewein and Pouh elementary schools).  Meanwhile, 50/100 family latrine cubicles have been completed in 8 communities reaching up to 2,500 persons.  A list of 4 agencies (LINDA, Care International, Oxfam and Mercy Corps) has been shortlisted for potential partnership into host communities of Grand Gedeh. River Gee  UNICEF continues to support the Ministries of Health and Public Works as well as NGOs DRC and SPIR for WASH improvement in River Gee. UNICEF has supplied chemical reagent, pool testers and chlorine to facilitate water quality testing and analysis.  As part of the hygiene promotion activity UNICEF will collaborate with the Ministry of Health (CHT), Ministry of Education and River Gee county administration to observe a belated Global Hand Washing Day celebration on 18 November in three schools in Fish Town. The event will be celebrated with dramas, songs and performances. Other agencies including New Era and Samaritan’ Purse will also take part in the event. Maryland  UNICEF continues to support four NGOs (APA, ERS, PSI, & SI) WASH interventions in 30 communities and 10 targeted schools including the rehabilitation of 19 existing wells out of 20 planned in the project.  UNICEF is funding and facilitating a two-days WASH technical training planned for 22 and 23 November in Harper. 25 participants from I/LNGOs, government counterparts and local contractors will be trained in WASH facilities construction and rehabilitation techniques, community mobilisation and participation, WASH committee formation and functionality, water quality analysis and treatment.

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Nutrition  Total of 883 children U5 were screened, 29% of them were Screening refugees.  Of total screened, 145 were identified as malnourished, 23% 100% 42 of them are Ivorian refugee 80% 239 children. 626 60% 345 Liberian  At the Outpatient Therapeutic 40% Feeding Centers, 41 severely 85 Refugees malnourished children under five 20% 134 257 38 were newly admitted, 52 were 0% cured, 9 defaulted while 612 Grand Nimba Maryland Total children are still undergoing Gedeh treatment.  At the Inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Centers, 4 severely malnourished children under five were admitted, 3 cured, 1 died while 8 children are still undergoing treatment.  At the Supplementary Feeding Centers, 54 moderately malnourished children were admitted and 34 cured.  Preparations are underway to inform and engage partners and community members to participate in screening during measles vaccination campaign.  To date, a total of 2,349 children under age of five were admitted for treatment of severe malnutrition (in OTP and SNU).  65% of them were admitted in Nimba, 19% in Grand Gedeh and 16% in Maryland. Nimba  Of the 383 children screened, 67 (or 17.5%) were malnourished. Severe and moderate malnourished children  At OTP and SNU, 23 severely malnourished children were 100% admitted, 21 were cured and 80% 37 111 discharged, 4 defaulted while 620 60% 60 14 Liberian are still undergoing treatment. 40% Refugees Grand Gedeh 24 20% 34 7 3  Of the 373 under five children 0% screened, 61 (or 16.4%) were Grand Nimba Maryland Total moderately and severely Gedeh malnourished.  At OTP and SNU, 21 severely malnourished children were admitted, 33 cured, 5 defaulted, 1 died, while 237 are still undergoing treatment. Maryland  Of the 127 children screened, 17 (13.4%) were suffering from acute malnutrition (moderate and severe).  At OTP and SNU, 1 child was admitted, 1 cured while 100 are still receiving treatment.

Education  Over 36,600 Ivorian and Liberian children are accessing Childhood Development (ECD), Primary Education, Early and Vocational Skills training services supported by UNICEF and partners in Nimba, Grand Gedeh and Maryland Counties.  UNICEF with Ministry of Education and other Education sector partners have been engaged in preparations and sessions of the CAP workshop on 17 and 18 November. Discussions were held with UNHCR on the payment of teacher’s incentives and with WFP on school feeding for refugee children. There is an agreement that in 2012 UNHCR will deal with the payment of teachers incentives within camps and UNICEF will look to make the payment for the host community teachers.

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Nimba  Over 15,700 children with equal percentage of Ivorian and Liberian children have access to Monthly average # of children primary school with 200 teachers. reached by EIE activities - total # of 4  The current average number of pupils per counties teacher is 1/79 that have been improved from the last reporting period but still behind the ideal 38,979 ratio of 1/40. 35,901 36,685  Over 3,490 pre-primary aged children are attending ECD centres with 110 caregivers.  In Bahn camp, currently 500 children are in primary schools and ECD centres with 36 teachers/caregivers. The current attendance 22,064 rate both primary schools and ECD centres are very low compared to the initial registration 13,492 figures. 12,344 11,882 Grand Gedeh 7,209  Over 11,400 primary aged children (57% Ivorian, 43% Liberian) have access to primary education with 156 primary teachers. The portion of Liberian children increased from the Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. last reporting period as the attendance of refugee children in the 2nd shift in schools was low during the election run-off period due to the security concerns by refugee parents. The current average pupil-teacher ratio in primary schools is 1/73. UNICEF with partners continues teacher training activities to secure the adequate number of qualified teachers.  Currently 1,800 pre-primary aged children in ECD centres with 47 caregivers.  Education activities have commenced in PTP camp last month. Currently 790 pre-primary and primary aged children have access to ECD service and primary education in the camp school. The number of children is expected to increase as refugees in some host communities as well as in another camp may relocate to PTP camp. Maryland  Over 3,700 primary aged children (72% Ivorian, 28% Liberian) have access to primary education with 72 primary teachers. Although the weekly attendance figures of children is fluid, the average number of children in Maryland particularly in Little Wlebo camp school has increased from the past months as the relocation exercise of refugees from River Gee to Maryland has been going-on.  Currently 1,520 pre-primary aged children in ECD centres with 24 caregivers. Current number of pupils per caregiver is 63.

Monthly average # of children reached by EIE activities Nimba Grand Gedeh Maryland TOTAL 45,000

38,979 40,000 36685 35,000 35,901 30,000 25,000 22,064 20,000 13,492 15,000 11,882 12,344 10,000 7,209 5,000

- Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov UNICEF Liberia SITREP# 44 [6-13 Nov.2011] PAGE 6

Child Protection  1,672 cases of separated children SC (574) and 583 unaccompanied minors UAM (1,098) have been 600 identified so far among the refugee population. All affected children are benefiting from case 500 management services.  190 foster families identified to date (84% 400 trained).  More than 3,000 children attended Child 288 300 261 252 Friendly Spaces (CFS) this week throughout a 227 total of 38 functional CFS locations; more than 11,427 refugee children (45% girls) have been 200 registered in CFS to date. 61  The Ministry of Gender and Development 100 (MoGD), which employs child welfare officers in all four border counties has reported limited 0 capacity to address child protection issues Separated Children Unaccompanied Minors adequately. Technical and operational support is, therefore, necessary in order to strengthen Grand Gedeh Maryland Nimba the capacity of the MoGD to respond appropriately to the child protection needs of both refugee and Liberian children. Nimba  88 community members in Nimba participated in awareness sessions on children’s rights.  5 children’s clubs were established in . Maryland  Sports and play equipment was distributed to trained volunteer leaders within Little Wlebo refugees camp in Maryland County in order to commence regular play and learning activities in the camp.

Total Children Registered in CFS

4,089 3,346 1,919 1,803 270

Grand Gedeh Grand Gedeh Maryland Nimba Refugee Nimba Host Refugee Camps Host Refugee Camp Camps and Communities Communities Relocation Communities

HIV/AIDS An analysis of the data collected between April and September this year showed that 6, 213 pregnant women were tested for HIV in the six months period in Nimba county. 150 of the tested women were infected with HIV/AIDS. All infected women are receiving counselling.

Communication Social mobilization requirements in the form of posters, banners, fact sheets and radio announcements for the upcoming nationwide measles campaign have been developed and produced in English and French.

Human Resources UNICEF Liberia has 106 staff many of them are engaged in the emergency response. 39 staff work full time on emergency, including staff from stand-by partner organisations (DRC, NRC, Red R Australia and CANADEM), and UNICEF international staff from Nigeria, Guinea, and Cambodia Country Offices.

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Funding To date, UNICEF has received US$ 12,499,236 out of its US$ 29 million requirement as per the EHAP. As per the new funding requirements, UNICEF needs an additional 17 million to continue humanitarian assistance until December 2011 for Education, Health, WASH and Child Protection sectors.

EHAP Requirements $29,998,993 Funding Status $12,499,236 % Funded 42% Funding Gap $17,499,757 % UnFunded 58%

UNICEF Liberia Office would like to thank all Donor Governments, EU/ECHO and UNICEF National Committees for providing the much needed financial support in response to the Ivorian refugee crisis. Your support has been crucial. UNICEF looks forward to your continued generous support to enable us to provide the urgently needed humanitarian assistance to children and families affected by the Ivorian refugee crisis in Liberia.

Inter-Agency Collaboration, Coordination, Cluster Leadership and Key Partnerships  UNICEF participates in the weekly sector working groups and general coordination meetings in Monrovia, Nimba, Grand Gedeh and Maryland. (See coordination meetings list below).  UNICEF is represented at the weekly Humanitarian Action Committee briefings and the fortnightly operational coordination meetings in Monrovia.  UNICEF is leading the WASH, Nutrition, Education (co-lead with Save the Children) sectors, the Child Protection sub-cluster, and is participating in the Health and HIV and AIDS coordination mechanisms.

Coordination meetings Monrovia Day Time Sector Venue Monday 10:00 Logistics & infrastructure (fortnightly) WFP 14:00 Child Protection (including UAM) UNICEF 15:15 Protection (including SGBV) UNHCR 16:00 WASH (fortnightly) MOPW Tuesday 09:00 Food WFP 10:30 Nutrition UNICEF 11:00 Education MOE Wednesday 09:00 Security (fortnightly) UNHCR 10:00 Shelter (including NFIs) UNHCR Thursday 10:30 HAC Jordan Ryan Conf Room, UNRC Friday 09:00 Operational Coordination (fortnightly) UNHCR 11:00 Health (including HIV/AIDS) (fortnightly) MOHSW

Nimba – Sanniquellie, Saclepea Day Time Sector Venue Monday 09:00 Bahn camp coordination Bahn Camp UNHCR Saclepea 15:00 Saclepea refugee camp coordination UNHCR Saclepea 10:00 Health – UNHCR & partners UNHCR Saclepea Tuesday 10:00 Education County Education office, SQ 10:00 Food (fortnightly) Ministry of Agriculture, Saclepea 10:00 *WASH (fortnightly) Nimba CHT, Sanniquellie 10:00 *Health and Nutrition (fortnightly) Nimba CHT, Sanniquellie Wednesday 10:00 Protection UNHCR Saclepea 10:00 WASH Nimba CHT, Sanniquellie 10:00 Health Nimba CHT, Sanniquellie Thursday 10:00 Inter-agency coordination (fortnightly) Sanniquellie 11:00 GBV sub sector (fortnightly) (TBC) Sanniquellie, MoGD

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13:00 Security (fortnightly) UNMIL Sanniquellie Friday 08:30 Shelter UNHCR Saclepea 08:30 New Yorpea coordination New Yorpea way station 11:00 Infrastructure UNHCR

Grand Gedeh – Zwedru Day Time Sector Venue Monday 09:30 Security UN ConfRm Tuesday 09:00 WASH Hospital Wednesday 10:00 Education Library 13:30 Child Protection MOGD 15:00 Protection LRRRC 17:00 Health Hospital Thursday 10:00 Inter-agency coordination meeting UN Conference Room Friday 10:00 SGBV Working group LRRRS

Maryland – Harper Day Time Sector Venue Monday 16:00 Little Wlebo camp coordination Little Wlebo camp Tuesday 14:00 Education County Education Office Wednesday 10:00 Food and Logistics WFP

Thursday 09:00 WASH JJ Dosen Hospital Conf. Room 16:00 Health and Nutrition JJ Dosen Hospital Conf. Room 18:00 Operation Coordination UNHCR Friday 16:00 Protection (+Child Protection) UNHCR

River Gee – Fishtown Day Time Sector Venue Tuesday 09:00 WASH Fish town Health Centre

Contacts:  Isabel Crowley, Resident Representative. (English, French, Spanish, Italian) Tel: +231-6-702281  Fazlul Haque, Dy. Representative, [email protected]: +231-6-516010  Miraj Pradhan, Communication Specialist, [email protected] Tel: +231-6-282074

Next SITREP: 28 November 2011

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