EMTitAXGF.D. like, and whether, he, too. was a hu- Important Items. applied to her benefit until then by THE ASCEXT OF CHIMBORAZO. A Taster Had® Happy. man butterfly lighting every flour the on f*ankey, the gospel singer, has be- executor, Alvah Wilson. I have been greatly Bt LTDIA F. HINMAS. and constant to none. troubled with mv kidnev? come a resident of Brooklyn. There are eight living graduates of Hr. Wliymper'K Srcrad Trip to the and liver for over twenty years, and during that entire time I was never free kneel ? I have She asked hersel' whether fat Mr. West Highost Nn unit ofthe Mountain. from pain. Mv medi- Why you yet Bell’s says that Mrs. Langtry will Point who have fulfilled their cal hills were enormous, and I you. Smith, who went out from thesuite of Life visited both the Forgiven three-score years upon the rolls; Cap- Hot and White Springs, noted for The wrong a man a go on the stage shortly. The Star and Herald publishes? the the curative deepest apartments below’every day with silk tain Andrew ofBaltimore of the water. I am Could ever do Tallcott. who following of a qualities happy to say lam umbrella under his arm, dyed mus- Miss Grundy says that some Sara- translation declaration now a well man, and entirely A trusting woman s love. was graduated in 1818; General Tyler as the result of taches and had toga ladies wear stockings worth 5125 made by one of the two Ecuadorians Warner s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. So fond and true. smoothly-shaven chin, of Montgomery, Ala.; Captain Edward Not onlv who accompanied Mr. Whymper on this, but my little daughter has been cured of St. P|RG his amiable weaknesses likewise. per dozen. D. Mansfield, of Morrow. Ga„ and Major ‘ Vitus’ Dance by Warners Safe Nervine, I say you are forgiven. I almost wish,” said Daffodil to her- is his second trip to the summit of Chim- which I The Prince of Wales’ life insured Josua Baker, of New Iberia. La., always keep In myfamily. With such glorious re- But yet you in borazo ; kneel, self, “that I had remained unmarried. for $200,000. sults. lam too glad to testify And why? You kiss my hand His annual premium on 1819; Lieutenants Barberia, of George- I. Javier of only _ regarding the Xo I don’t either! I—l don’t know this is SI,OOO. Campana, Quito, hereby icuiedies which have wade me so happy. Until I feel sum town, D. C., and Tufts of Rahway. X. declare 3, Rev. P. F. The quick this what I do wish!” that on July 1880, I accom- Makklkr. tears start at A physician at Tiffin. Ohio, accident- J. ; Colonel E. G. Butler, of St. Louis, panied Coal Run Crossing. Aiiamsas. Sad, mute appeal. So, woman-like, Daffodil had Mr. Edward Whymper to the begun ly gave himself a fatal overdose of and General George D. Ramsey, of to cry. very highest point of the summit of Miss Parker of Grantville, Mass., a What would you ask ? “My trust opium. Washington, all in 1820. But the pleasant twilight walk in the Chimborazo. We were also accom- maiden with $50,000, became enamored And love; and then, to Xo has been taken To blot out ray park, and the melodious whistle the London society women propose official notice by panied by Jean-Antoine Carrel and Field, head waiter at an Ot- from heart of the Roman Catholic Church al- by of John The bitter pain. robin at the bird fancier’s, had cheered organize a raid against the professional of the Louis Carrell (Mr. Whymper’s two tawa hotel, and offered him her hand And memories, and take her up again, fer the time being. beauties. Sensible for once. leged miracles at Knock, Ireland, but Italian mountaineers) and by David accepted. Their You back again!” the Rev. Havermans, and fortune, which he But she could not be blind to the fact It is said that the ordinary life of a Father a vener- Beltram of Machachi. seemed but he able and wealthy Y., happiness complete, did you come not with bee is only ninety days. The end of a priest of Troy X. Mr. Whymper placed his tent, on said that Why to tease that John was her so much as thus 1880, died a few days ago, and it is My heart for aye, during the five weeks after their mar- bee, however, is very lively. records his belief “I visited July 2. on the northwest side of unwonted ease fretted him to death. The thought oftrembling lips Knock the great shrine for pilgrims. Chimborazo, at a an height, so he tells me, ♦ • and pray, riage. Xow and again of evening When you take no interest and lose That plead Crowds pour in from all quarters of of about 16,000 feet, Fayetteville. Tenn. ISSO. one 1 he would be absent without a sufficient your to be and he provided April 30th, When this answer principal it is not good a the globe. Sirs—My wife has been using your Kidney- Must give always. excuse, and, with a smothered pang at The miraculous cures for the use of myself and of David the loan. which take there are which were necessary for Wort for a short time for Kidney Complaint, and her heart, Daffodil had thought of Olive place surprising. things an as- is benefited Enclosed find the My love you always have. Thomas Sherman, the priest-son of The lame, the blind, the sick all seem, cent, namely, good strong boots with greatly thereby. I could will Dodworth, the brilliant young actress, his inonev tor another package. not General Sherman, is visiting father to be benefited.” large nails, warm gloves, spectacles to REV. A. B. COLEMAN. It otherwise. It is even then playing at one of thn minor at Washington. Yond human skill city theaters. The royal family of Belgium is popu- protect the eyes against the glare of the Hartford, Wis. Sept. 13,1580. To change its power. In death “Does he care for her yet?” Daffodil Mrs. Bull, the widow of the dead vio- lar, but is not viewedby the people with snow, and ice-axes to help us along. Wells. Richardson & Cos., Burlington, Vt. I’ll love you still. linist, to return at once to her pa- that We started from tent at 5] on the Dear Sir—For years from time to time I have asked herself; and there came no satis- is obsequious awe which prevails in the been troubled with lame back and have never rents at Eau Claire, Wis. morning of July 3, 1880. and at once No need to ask to be factory answer to the query. other monarchial countries. The king, been able to get anything that afforded me little Forgiven. Well And so it happened that to-night, as The worst thing a man dressed in Leopold 11., is a man of striking ap- began to ascend toward the summit. if any relief, until I was recommended to use your You knew before you asked. geraniums, light-colored clothes can do is to get pearance. He has a long, oval face, The way at first was over loose stones, Kidney-Wort, have used but part of a box and My lips would tell she stood among her look- am entirely cured. Respectfully Yours, ing into a fight with a coal-heaver. prominent features, and wears a long but after we had ascended for about TUG GREAT GERMAN Aye, e’en were my soul out at the sunset, she was not quite 1,000 DAVID M. lIATTEN. In deepest hell. happy. not find the cli- beard. His brother, the Countof Flan- feet we came to snow, and the re- Lady Dufferin does mainder of the ascent was entirely BLOOD PURIFIER, “In old times,” said this bride of six mate of Russia as healthy as that of ders, and his wife, the countess, are the over The Turks are excessively irritated But ah, my trust in you only other of the family who snow, with the exception of one or two against the Armenian Patriarch, and Indeed is o’er. months to herself, “John was always Canada. She has justbeen ill of fever. members CURES DYSPEPSIA, to at The places where rocks came through the not ago. during to Like some proud wreck it tossed home take me for a walk in the twi- daughter of Senator Blaine are all prominent. daughter of long a visit he paid Liver Complaint, Costiveness. Bilious At- to shore, The the king to snow. We stopped to eat on one of a pasha, poison given From shore light. He never thinks of it now.” caught at Moosehead Lake the other is about marry the Prince was him in a tacks, Indigestion, Jaundice. Loss of Till, tempest-lashed it sank Were Aunt Jocasta and Mrs. Mudge Imperial (Rudolph) of Austria. these little patches of rock at 8:35 A. cup of coffee. The Patriarch was made Appetite, Headache, To rise no more. day the largest trout that has been liDizziness. right, after all? Was man a delusion, M. and after Mr. Whymper had exam- very ill, hut after returning home he Nausea, taken this season. his mercurial en- 1 ne’er can lake you back, and life a dreary series of disappoint- an ined barometer he called in physicians who relieved him. Heartburn, Sores, Antics of Ape. us to Depression of Spirits. Forgive I pray, ? Miss C. M. Olney, once a well-known couraged proceed by telling us Boils, Pimples, Diseases, Erup- ments A fiery monkey caused Skin The phantom past would rise As these dispiriting reflections pass- fashionable New York milliner, has untamed that we had already got more than half For Homoeopathic Medicines only tions. Foul Breath, andall Diseases Like shadows grey, a at Pan, some excitement on State street at 8 way up from the tent. From this place one medal was awarded at And rack soul with tortures ed through her mind, she was started committed suicide in hotel centennial arising from Impure Blood. my o’clock the other morning. The beast we saw the sea. & The Hamburg Props are recommended as being Kvery day. by the unexpected sound of a footstep France. Philadelphia, and that to Boericke belonged to a combination saloon, con- We went on again at 9:05 A. M., and the best and cheapest Family Medicine ever offered, on too and Mrs. of Tafel, established in business since 1885. and at bitter pain the floor—a footstep light Sartoris, daughter General canvass, are sold by Druggists and Dealers 50 Cent# Apart, the cert hall, and menagerie under found that the snow got steeper. We Chicago establishment is at 35 a Bottle. Directions in Eleven Languages. Genuine We elastic to be that of her husband. Grant, is coming over in the fall to see Their may forget, justsouth of Xo. 335 State street, and were all tied together with a goodstrong Clark St. They make a specialty of bears the fac-similo signature, and private proprie-, And in the She turned and was amazed to see, the “old folks,” and the of <’.. coming days— will spend win- run by John Long and James F. King. any and tary stamp A. VOfiF.I.EK A Be happy yet, in the indistinct light, tjie tall figure of ter in New York. rope in case one should slip, Medicine Cases and hooks for family Baltimore, Mil, U. S. A. The animal, wich is a large ape, weigh- except for this When future years shall land a beautiful young lady, richly dress- If. and for things with use, and veterinary treatment. Send Us past regret. Alexander Stephens is reported to ing about seventy-five ed, and wearing such a Parisian bon- pounds, and al- which we had been provided I should for descriptive price list. be in better health than for years past. leged to be a gorilla, is kept in a big not have been able to get along at all. ■ You do not understand net as poor Daffodil had never seen He can now sit on a hotel piazza at the A woman’s heart?” cage with a bear cub, acouple of coons, Sometimes it was very cold, and there IT MAY BE WOKTH KYOWIXCI, (!od before. You never will. But seaside without paper weights on his and some other brutes. The monkey was much wind, but when we were in That one of the most certain remedies known tor angels part “Pardon me for intruding,” said the And coat-tails. has been savage ever since the firm has it the cure of Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, and all The veil, and know how they lady, with a royal air, “but are these the sun was very hot. Whether in Bo bleed and smart. Mr. Grey’s rooms?” There has been an unprecedentedly had him. King had a tussle with him the sun or in the shade the snow was onus of Bowel Diseases, is Carter's Compound large gathering of yachts at Cowes this a couple of weeks back and got his left Extract of Smart Weed. A little nutmeg “They are,” said Daffodil, summon- very soft, and we sank in deeply, often And writhe with pain, and live The Formosa (Prince of ear torn about half off. The to grated on a teaepoonful of the above medicine is yet, ing all the dignity at her control and season. beast, sinking up the knees. This was And love, but got a sure cure for Diarrhea. Though I forgive and love if Wales) won the Queen’s Cap. however so soundly chastised for very fatiguing, and it was owing to this secretly wondering this might not be O. NOBLE & CO., Proprietors, Erie, Pa. You still; shall fret the hete voir of her thoughts and fancies The Queen of Italy has made a gift this by King (who used to tame alli- that we took so much longer time in as- And jiine, perhaps,still I gators and other vermin down south) cending I not to a Catholic church in Boston of a the upper than the lower part Tlie Voltaic llelt Cos., Marshall, Mich,, fan ne’er forget. —Miss Dodworth. “But did hear very you knock.” bronze statue of AugustusCaesar, an an- that he has been shy of offending of the mountain. will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic (L>d I but pray him since. however, bye! can “i did not knock,” said the anony- tique of exquisite workmanship. He appeared, to To break the ascent we zigzagged Be ts to the afflicted upon 80 days’ trial. Now asyou go, take a violent to Henry Martin, about, mous fair one, hauteur. An “Good dislike and at one time cameround to Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean That in that better land with exchange says, wives are nightwatchman in the who is fronting say. Write without delay Jod will bestow Doffodil colored. tent, said the side Guaranda, and then what they them wanted in the Northwest.” Surely this to have annoyed the animal by trying On me, the same fond trust "I am Mrs. Grey,” said she, quickly. is not strange. Is there any place came back to above the place where Of long ago. to him by poking a stick The London Needle Cos., of New York “Pardon me.” said the lady, “Jam not wanted? subdue the tent was pitched. At last we got on where they are through the bars of the cage. Yester- the and could see the two summits. City, want Male and Female Agents. “And The world is wide Mrs. Grey. top you?” I suspected something of In addition to the first prize of the day morning was in soft It will pay any one out of employment We will not sigh this new King the cage The snow was very indeed here, order of things,” with a con- Paris conservatory having been award- it when to write to them for particulars. See For long, though now this seems. temptuous curl of her lip, “and I have cleaning out, the ape sprang and we went along very slowly, and had Toyou and I, ed to Miss Griswold, of Cincinnati, for over him, out of the door, and jumping to to breath. their advertisement in another column. come on from Chicago to counteract often stop get The highest Safe The only grief that life singing, another American, Miss Hark- on his enemy, Martin, commenced two bye. it.” of the summits was on our left Yen E>ross floods. & Can hold, tlood ness, has been singled out for her violin tearing and biting him. Before the hand, that is, upon the side KIDNEY LIVER “Madam,” said Daffodil, standing north of New Fall Dress Goods, Silks and Dry Goods of playing. beast was chased off Martin was bitten the mountain, and we went to it, with- CURE very erect, although she could feel her- every description for the Fall Trade are now ar- More than one-half of American in about twenty places, on the thigh James ailments arise DAFFODIL’S HUSBAND self trembling all over, “you must be Two thousand one hundred super- out going upon the lower one. As we riving at Morgan’s Dry Goods Establish- from disordered Kidneys orLiver. These organs ficial feet, belonging to the ecclesiastical and hands principally. He was attend- ment Jfcrl and 388 East Waterst. Milwaukee. Wis. are the governors that regulate the entire system insane! 1 was married to Mr. Grey on approached the very highest point we and while commission, in Park Lane, a fash- ed by Dr. Montgomery and taken home saw that there was something strange they are seldom painful themselves, ItV lIKI.KN FORREST CKAVKS, the first day of last January.” The purest article is the cheapest in the end. most diseases have their origin in them. The only London, to West street. & discovery which has everbeen The lady laughed—a hard, mirthless ionable district of sold lately Xo. 105 Washington upon it, and when we got up we found Dobbins’ Electric Soap, (made by (Vagin Cos. made in the scien- an The ape tent, tific or medical worlds that Is a certain remedy Saturday Night. at the rate of $1,250,000 acre. escaped from the ran the pole of the Hag which Mr. Whym- Phila..) is perfectly pure, snow white, and pre- for all such troubles is Warner’s laugh. clothes washed with it. Be and it. Safe Kidney and north on State street to Van Buren, per had put up on Jan. 4, 1880. It serve sure try Liver Cure. It will cure Bright’s Disease, Catarrh The snu had dropped behind the tall “Indeed!” said she. And/ was mar- It was terribly confusing to the small of the Bladder, Gravel and plunged into a laundry, then ascended stood up about 1j yards above the all diseases of the towers of St. George’s twin-steepled ried to him on the (>th of October, two Chicago boy, during the Knights Urinary Organs. For Female Complaints it is to the top floor, going in over transoms snow, and very little of the Hag Invaluable. For sale all ehurch, the soft June twilight was set- years ago. Poor child!” as the pallor Templars to see sixty brass remain- by druggists. conclave, and scaring people, but biting no one. ed as it had been torn to pieces by the 11. H. WAltXlfft & fo., tling, like an iinpalpapahle veil of overspread Daffodil’s countenance, “I hands going in different directions and M. He was caught by being lassoed, and wind. I took a small piece of flag to TUTTS Bocliester, Y. over don’t suppose you are to blame, but in to to liquid amethyst, all the little have decide instantly which one then knocked over the head with an show to my friends below, and was tilled apartments, Grey at this hard world we have to suffer for follow. and Daffodil stood iron bar. Several shots were fired at with joy at being the first Ecuadorian the window, carelssly toying with the one another’s crimes. Where is he?” The centre pole of a circus was seized him, but he escaped them all. The po- to reach the summit of the great Chim- New Music Books! geranium-leaves, gave a sweet, “I —don’t know.” faintly admitted pills; that out the in Kingston, N. Y., the other day, on lice and the afternoon paper said the borazo. pungent fragrance to the touch of her bride. an attachment for the salary of a bare- very lingers, “Humph!” said the lady, compress- animal was killed, but this is false. He We arrived on the highest point The Anthem Harp, ($1.25.) My 1)k. and thinking—thinking ! back rider. was returned to his cage, where he is of the summit at 1:20 P. M., and about It was just six months, this day, ing her lips. “He is at his old tricks, SYMPTOMS OF A W. 0. Perkins. (Just out.) Judge Spofford, of Louisiana, who nursing a bad headache and a black the same time ashes from Cotopaxi be- Anew Look intended as a successor for “ Perkins’ An- since she was married—six months I see. Well I can wait. You don’t years died the other day, was a eye the result of the application of the gan to fall. They Hlled our eyes, noses, them Book,” published some since, and which since she had left the old farm in Ches- ask me to be seated, but I shall take TORPID LIVER. was a decided success. The new hook contains music brother of Ainsworth 11. Spofford, iron bar.—Chicago Inter-Ocean. mouths, and ears, and made the snow LossofAjopet^^ perfectly within the reach ofcommon choirs, and is ter county, come the great city that liberty without your permission. destined to a great and to Librarian of Congress. quite 7n With adullseESuonii! have sale. to live, And she sat down, Hinging back the black. Mr. Whymper, however, r prepared his instruments, and was at tae back'part. Fain unfertile ahouicler- I)ITS(NA C<). also call attention to their three bks !” folds of her rich India shawl, while Queen Sophia of Sweden is suffering Why We Eat Raw Oysters. for SINi.ING CLASSES ; recently published, atreadx “You’ll he desperately homesick tlade, eating, with a disin- said, Daffodil watched her with silent dis- more than ever from heart disease, and London MedicalRecord. work during the whole time we were on very popular, and worthy of universal adoption; Aunt Jocasta had with a solemn did not sit down of the head. may. is going to Amsterdam to be treated by the summit. He once tUnatloQ^exertlb^fb^^^^^SdJ^^ The Temple. ($1.00.) By Dk.W. O. shake Dr. William. Roberts, in his interest- to refresh himself from the time we !" Was this true? Had John Grey really a distinguished physician. Perkins. “Not with John she had responded, ing lectures on the digestive ferments, left the tent in the morning until the deceived her? He whom she had loved English insist ‘ radiantly. The upon honest judi- writes: Our practice in regard to the time that we returned to it in the even- The Voice of Worshp. ($l.oo.) By 1,. “.Just fancy,” Aunt Jocasta, so entirely, trusted so infinitely? if this cial administration in Cyprus. The groaned oyster is quite exceptional, and fur- ing. He took the height of the moun- umTtTEielTeart. DolTTelbrin^H^ye^ 0. Emerson. fields was really so there was no truth in all Cadi of Papho has just been condemned a| “exchanging all these and hills nishes a striking example of the gen- tain with his barometers and told us TeTfo^^^STn^*Headache',' Restlessness the world! to five years’ imprisonment for bribery. highlycolored bra:", Johnson’s Method for Singing Classes. fora city eral correctness of the popular judg- that the observations he now made night, “Every one lives in Hats nowadays,” The shadows gradually deepened: the “Come, bub, tune up your fiddle and ment on dietetic questions. The oyster IFTHESEWABNINGS ABEliNHEEDED. (60 cts.) By A. N. .foilnson. clock on the mantel as ” agreed very well with those which he SERIOUS WILL SOON REDEVELOPED. Tile Temple an Singing School Daffodil had retorted; “and John says ticked busily as give us ‘God save your grandmother,’ is almost the only animal substance iirst of Chim- DISEASES contains excellent if was a — made upon the ascent arc especially adapt*..d to Course, and a large number of Glees, Songs, Sacred 1 shall find things very convenient.” it running race against time TUTT’SFILLS practice, says an irreverent youngster of the which we eat habitually, and by prefer- borazo on Jan. 4, 1880. such cases, ouo dose eltcclssiieh achange Tunesand Anthems for and for esc in classes. there, L. (), Emerson’s Voice of Worship has exact “humph!” said Aunt Jocasta; “I and still the two sat silent, speech- ence, offeeling ns to astonish the stilierer. l> Prince of Wales’ family to his brother. in the raw or uncooked state; At 2-] I*. M. we left the summit, and the same end in view as tin; other, but has a different never in myself, hut I’ve less, eaah dreading, yet longing, to hear method, entirely was love been The Empress Augusta of Germany and it is interesting to know that there down as fast ss we could, only and different music. .Johnson’** told that people who are, would believe John Grey’s footsteps on the stairs. came .Viethot* is for those who wish a low-priced bonk ; is has a mania for wearing rich black is a sound physiological reason at the stopping a little from time to time to A Noted Divine says: admirably simple and clear, has plenty of music, and At last ho came. thorough anything. I suppose John is law and silk. She maintains that it is the only bottom of this preference. The fawn- allow Mr. Whymper to collect rocks at Dr. TUTT —Dear Sir: Forten years Ihave been has u course in Note Reading.* gospel to you now!” “Sitting in the dark, pet?” he cried a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Last Any book fnnilfd for retail jtrice. suitable dress for ladies past middle colored mass which constitutes the various places. We arrived again at Spring your Pills were recommended; I used them. as he crossed to the mantel good “Of course,” said Daffodil, laughing. merrilv, dainty of the oyster is its liver, and 5:10 P. I am now a wel I man, have appetite, digestion and lighted the gas-jet. “I must age. the tent at M., and found it perfact, regular stools, piles gone, and have gained I.VO\ A IIKAI.V. Chlraso. 111. So she had married the young hero see this is little less than a heart of gly- forty poundsflesh.They are wort h their weightin gold Ex-Governor Paul O. Hubert died at covered with ashes from Cotopaxi, Ky. of her hopes and dreams, and gone to your dear little face, for I have some- cogen. Associated with the glycogen, OLIVER prrsos & 00., Boston. —” Orleans, which were still falling, and tilled the They Appetite, the great, crowded city to live. And thing to tell you which New Saturday evening. He actual contact with Increase the and cause tin was a classmate of Gen. Hancock, at but withheld from whole valleys with a thick cloud. On body lo Take on Ficsh.Ythus the system i.i the flat had been Arcadia to her—teat lie checked himself abruptly, for at it during life, is its appropriate digest- nourished, aud by their TonicAction cn the West Point, in 1840, and governor of the 4th of July we continued the tour Regular is just at first, when the honey-moon that moment he caught sight of the ive ferment—the hepatic diastase. The Dilative Organs, Stoolsare Rro- in first glow, and pale beautiful stranger in the Parisian Louisiana in 1852. of the mountain, and arrived at night daced^Pric^^entSj^So^llnrrn^Stj^h^Yj was its all the world mere crushing of this dainty between close to the Tortorillas; and on the 6th HOP transfigured hat and glistening India shawl. as (A BITTERS^si Drink,) was with the light that He J. H. Noyes, famed- the founder two to- Medicine, not to the teeth brings these bodies we returned to Riobamba, having had shines through the halo of a wedding turned Daffodil. and head of the Oneida community, gether, and the glycogen is at once di- CONTAINS is a most successful journey, without ac- TUITTHSIOYT. HOPS, BUCIIU, MANDRAKE, ring. “Who this lady,” he asked. has been in Canada since last March, by its Orat Hair ok 'Whiskers changed to a Gloss' gested without other help own cidents sort only by single application Dye. DANDELION, late, “Ido net know her,” she answered. and it is not probable that of any whatever, not Black a of this It im- But, of Mrs. Daffodil had not he will re- diastase. The oyster in the uncooked parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneously. Sold And thePurest and Best Nfiucai. qcautieß ok having made the tour and the second by or sent express on receipt been quite so happy. She had been “Do not you?” turn at present, it ever. He is practi- Druggists, by ofsl. Af.T. OTHER BITTERS. state, or merely warmed, is, in fact, ascent of Chimborazo, but having also crying, one night, when John came “Never saw her before in all my life!” cally a fugitive. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. THEY CURE self-digestive. But the advantage of made on route on the 29th of June the home unexpectedly, and there was no said Grey in unfeigned amazement. The wife of Governor George B. Mc- this provision is wholly lost by cooking; All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, 8 The lady rosea little nervously. first ascent of Carihuairazo. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleej 8 time to dash away the tears. Clellan, of New Jersey, had with her at for the heat employed destroys the as- Campana. lessness and especially Complaints. had “Is—thi* gentleman your husband?” Francisco Jr. 1 Female “My darling,” he cried aghast, Saratoga a small Skye terrier, whose sociated ferment, and a cooked oyster Guayaquil, July 19, she said, the color varying on her 1880. SIOOO IN (iOLI). ‘what is the trouble?” full name is declared to be Samuel has to be digested, like any other food, Declared and subscribed at Guaya- “Nothing, John—nothing!” she had cheek. Jones Tilden McClellan. by the s digestive powers. 1 for a case they willnot cure or help, or eater own quil this 20th of 1880, before ig impure or injurious them, is so “He is,” Daffodil mechanically re- day July, found in answered. “Only—only it long me, George Chambers, druggist for llop Bitters and try them since 1 placed a stnl of plied. At Castellamare, near Naples, there sleep. my feet on green 11. B. M.’s Consul, Guayaquil. Take no other. grass. And 1 was thinking that the old “There is some mistake,” said the is in course of construction the heaviest The country is puzzled to discover ?SKjflicwEi ironclad war vessel ever put on the who President Hayes is going to ex- I Cureis the sweetest, safest and best. orchard would be inblossom, justat this stranger, with visible embarrassment. fce Uind to Venrself. Ask Children. time; and the meadow under the sassa- “This is not the Mr. Grey I mean. My stocks. It will have iron plates of tre- pend the SIO,OOO he has set apart to de- That Acts at the Same Time on Psria Review. J) Stomach, Mr. Grey is short and dark, with a mendous strength, and carry the fray the expenses of his trip to the (111.) Evening for Live l and Kidney is supp- fras tree would be all blue with early B THE LIVER, H| liers. Curesby absorption. Ask druggist. violets.” heavy beard—Richard Richardson heaviest guns made. Pacific coast. The railroad managers It pays to be kind to everybody; but to THE BOWELS, g absoluteand cure for drunk - “Daffodil, are you homesick?” Grey—and—” Two French noblemen, the Comte are only too glad to place special cars be kind yourself all over, and es- ft i irresistible The young at the disposal of the presidential pecially to your stomach,which prompt- [J and the KIDNEYS. use of opium, tobacco and narcotics: “No, John—indeed, no!” she cried.. husband struck his hand des Isnard and the Marquis de Grille AH These great organs are the natuial cleans- Send for circular. QBI ” ly resents ill treatment. Mr. Joseph I “Get on your things said Grey. on the table, as if the idea had sudden- wererecently sentenced to ten days’ party; hotel proprietors vie with each tS ers of the svstem. If they work well, health I druggist*. Hop Bitters Mfg.Co.Rochester, X.Y. I suffered M will be perfect: If they become clogged, H ■ go ly occured to him. imprisonment at Avignon for threaten- other in tendering the hospitality of Pfeiler, Chicago, 111., writes: “We’ll and walk in the park, and for a ■1 dreadful diseases are sure to follow with listen to at the ‘A\ ith a slight cast in one eye?” said ing a government official in the execu- their boards; there will be no bills for with Indigestion and Constipation the robin bird fancier’s, After a large TERRIBLE SUFFERING. try to he. “An artist, is henot?” tion of his duty during the expulsion wines and cigars, for the president does long time. spending [i f\ and imagine ourselves back in bills, Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Janu- i the rural districts again.” “Exactly!” cried the India-shawled of the Jesuits. not smoke and Mrs. Hayes accompan- amount of money for doctor’s H S will without obtaining relief, I used the dice. Constipation snd Piles, or Kid- K But Daffodil, trying to smile as she beauty. A singular accident occurred at ies the party; neither the barbers 2 ney Gravel, Diabetes, Le- SIO,OOO Hamburger Dr*ps, and was entirely N Complaints, EJ tied her pink bonnet-strings, did not “He occupies the suite of rooms di- hoir, N. C., last Friday. Mrs. share in the for Mr. Hayes ] Sediment in the Trine, Milky Sarah does not shave. The horrible fear re- cured thereby. f mj tell him of the long visit she had from rectly above us,” said he. “He moved was U or Ropy Trine; or Rhen- i Marble taking leave of her friends, may J old Mrs. Mudge, who declared that in last month.” when her sister-in-law, a very portly mains that the good president fall Capt. Wehb recently performed the M matic Pains and Aches, ao “she had al’ys loved John Grey as if “Ther.,” said the lady,” “I have mis- lady, embracing her with such force avictim to the prevailing epidemic for ofswimming seventy-four consecu- U are developed because the blood Is poisoned COCOAINE. feat VI with the humors tha 1, should have been U lu‘ had been her own son,” and had taken the tlat. Pray, pray”—to Daf- that she broke one of her ribs. investing in mining stocks, and relieve tive hours in the large tank of Scar- his by bucking the nrocceded to edify his bride with a cir- odil—“forgive me!” Tanner plethoric purse the borough Aquarium. He did not show A Compound of Cocounur Oil, Daffodil could only laugh hysterical- says he has “received some Pacific tiger. jj KIDNEY-WORT [j BURNETT’S cumstantial account of all the mis- very flattering at the finish any signs of fatigue. Al- the Growtt and Pre ly. and princely offers and W will restore the healthy action and all these BA Tot Promoting chief he had gotten into, all the and hide her head on her husband’s will be banished ; neglect love- inducements though allowed half an hour in each mm destroying evils pH * * from managers all over of the Hair tangles shoulder. After Uselessly Battling; M thtmi and you will live but tosuffer. |B serving t! Beauty in which he had been involved, the country, not any twenty-four, Capt. Wehb did not dur- liyltandyon H but shall accept fl Thousandshavcbcencured. It and all the half-engagements into which And not until the door had been With rheumatism for veal’s, a course of Hostet- I 9 will add one more to the number, lake V it softens the heir when harsh dry, X< of them. I shall lecture on my own ing the whole time absent himself gladden yourheart. jootbes scalp, lie had been drawn, until poor Daffodil closed stranger, lers Stomach Bitters has afforded the desired re- li and health willonce more I the irritated i affords the behind the did John responsibility, select my own routes, more than about four minutes. Wm Why suffer longer fromthe tormcr.t richest lustre. It pretents the hair from fall lief to many, who, grateful for the relief obtained, J T felt as if her John Grey and this gay Grey exclaim: aching back ? S Ing off. It promote* its healthy, igoront and put out my own agents.” have borne emphatic evidence to the excellence of rl of an lx)thario must be two “Poor fellow! I have advance How to get Sick, M Why bear such distress from Con- growth. It is not greasyror stlciiy It kill* quite different heard some- He won’t get very much by the opera- this grand medicinal staple, which eliminates stlpatlon end Plies? Sj rtandrutf. disease, Expose yourself day and night, eat too much if beings. thing of this. She tormentsthe life out tion. from the blood the seeds of the agonizing f 1 Why be bO fearful because of dls- ft are and neutralizes their further development. The without exercise; work too hard without rest; |J ordered urine ? I “And we all supposed my dear,” of him, with petty exactions and un- a pack' it said Mrs. Mudge, comfortably taking founded Chicago now exacts $250 for every genial glow it diffuses through the system, and its doctor all the time; take all the rile nostrums jB Kidney-Wort will cure you. Try FROM THE FARM jealousies. She follows him performance invigorating also tend to counteract the ef- advertised; and then you will want to know M age at once and be satisfied. fa TO THE snuff*, circus given in that city, action Ua dry vegetable compoundand j “that he was to marry Olive Dod- around the world like a Nemesis. I’m fects of exposure in damp or otherwise incle- to Well. U It SSO a day for each side show, and $25 How get H One Package makes six quarts of Medicine. I worth, the actress, when he up and glad you are not like her, my pretty ment weather, and render it peculiarly serviceable words—Take for the tent Which is answered in three Hop Druggist leas or will yet it for PRESIDENTIAL concert in the the to [ | it, j CHAIR brought you home. Dear, dear! Daffodil!” after those troubled with an hereditary tendency to Your cheapest only complete what Bitters! See other column.—Express. |J having it. Prwe, I r and and authentic regular entertainment. Thus a circus rheumatism, that trifling causes often aggravate you. Insist upon Life of Gen. Garfield. steel portraits of tlirts men are! thev now mv And then he went on to tell his CO., Prcprletrs, £ It contains fine Ain’t wife into a serious attack of the malady, which is per- M WELLS, 2ICSA23SCN t Garfieidand Arthur, and is endorsed by their most in- open afternoon and evening, say ? “ ” dear?” had been working buisily all with The eight Ladies Pratt, daughters of | Borllnrtoi, Vt. timate friends. Beware of catchpenny how he haps the most inveterate one against which medi- M (Will scth! jot \\ a five side shows, must pay $075 Agcnlh anted,—-Send for circulars containing poor daily in- a former Marquis of Camden, all of a toAgents. “I—suppose so,” said Daffodil, tins time to earn enough, by extra cal skill is exerted. The medicine insures com- full description of the work and extra terms at to the city treasury. plete digestion, healthfully stimulates the kidneys age, Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO-. intent upon the stitches of her strip of labor his profession, to buy a little marriageable are unmarried. A Chicago. 111- and liver, and promotes regular action of the and embroidery. one-storied cottage, in the suburbs of Judge James Lawrenson, the Wash short, season in New York Newport WIMCOXKIX “I bowels, in possesses remedial and preventive this state of hope you’ll come and see me the city, with a tiny garden attached, ingtou notary public who administered qualities constituting it a most valuable household might, perhaps, alter often,” things. No has, as yet, mar- TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE said Mrs. Mudge, setting down where there was an apple tree, a thicket the oath of office to Postmaster Gener- remedy. American Madison. B isoonsin. the of an her tea-cup and taking up her big red of moss-roses all in bud, and a little al Maynard on Wednesday, is one of ried daughter English peer, Rare opportunitv to liecome skillful Telegraph Opera- shawl. Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg Gotha, albeit number of sons of English peers tors. The constant buildingof new Railroads has made summer house all braided over with the oldest attaches of the post office Operators in great demand. Institute under direct elder brother late Prince Albert have married Americans. management operators of 25 years’ experience. VmnlcA “I shall be very happy,” said Daffo- glossy woodbine, department. He served under twenty- of the of .Six ‘ ‘l’ 'm'• I . *ni*l tuition. *.>Q. Address as above. XV■ a Needles, different va- months’ • dil. “I signedthe paper's to-day, Daffodil,” three postmaster generals, not of England, is an accomplished musi- Rr,.*er„. VvMe lalI Vvi’iniN< S 123 Price to count- IVcxv Calendar of the B package. “And we ll have ever so many said he. cian and a composer, whose operas An liilitor'N Opinion. for our rteties Sample package nice “We can move in next week, ing Maynard. He has administered the England Conservatory ef j I I I I I I Remedy fails tu cure. Gives in “Joshua Whitcomb,” has been kind- I J m receipt of a ;;-cenl-tarnp, if you A I II II llmmei'.nte relief, cures cases someone moving about overhead. in my but it formers. Rheumatism. will "rite stating the name of one week, mind; would have spoiled ly remembered in the will of her grand- medicine for all forms of the ||l I II II standing In W paper in which vou saw tliis and ordinary coses in days. Someone had told her that a young this glad surprise.” R. H. Moore, Proprietor. W' W 1 1 notice. |u JL Wl two father, William Wilson who died it to the Physicians ’ '1" CAITIOX. yone artist re- Give children. I M yKEDLK genuine had just rented the top floor of And all that Daffodil could say was: cently. J LOMI'JS CO.. yellow wrapper has printed on it In black a The will places her in posses- prescribe it. Thousands use it. Sold 22, .4