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Town Clerk & RFO 29th September 2020 Mr E Reilly FCMI FILCM

Council Offices, The Priory, , PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911 / [email protected]/

To: Cllr Maslen (Chair), Pitt (Deputy Chair), Terry, Thorpe, Collins, Poodle, Simonis, Caroline Green and S Giles Copies: Town Councillors - not on this committee County Councillors - J Wisson, S Taylor, & D Wells District Councillors - N Johnson, D Wells, Dr P Gaskin, & K Prentice Local Press, Town Council and website

NOTICE IS GIVEN that a remote meeting of PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER 2020 at 6.15pm. Please be aware that all meetings are recorded and your participation indicates your consent to being included in the meeting recording.

Press and Members of the public who wish to participate in the meeting can do so using the following methods: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting or dial +44 20 3855 4134 London (Toll) Conference ID: 849 511 671# Members of the Committee are HEREBY SUMMONED to attend to consider the following business:

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES To receive councillors’ apologies.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive from Councillors declarations as to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and/or Non-Statutory Disclosable Interests along with the nature of those interests to any agenda item.

3. MINUTES To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15th September Attachment 1 2020 as a true and accurate record.

4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There will be a 10 minute public participation during the meeting to allow any resident to address the committee on any matter appearing on the agenda for this meeting.

5. SCHEDULE OF CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS To review current planning applications and make recommendations to Attachment 2 District Council.

6. STREET NAMING & NUMBERING Members to note allocation of addressing to a new dwelling at Hill Close, Eaton Attachment 3 Socon. To Be Known As: 1A Castle Hill Close Eaton Socon

7. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To receive an update from the Committee Chair.


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ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 9

Town Clerk DRAFT Mr E Reilly CMgr FCMI FSLCC

Council Offices, the Priory, St Neots, PE19 2BH Tel: 01480 388911 / Email: [email protected] /


Present: Cllrs Maslen (Chair), Pitt (Deputy Chair), Terry and Simonis. In attendance: Senior Administration Assistant and Administration Assistant

47 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Collins, S Giles and Thorpe. Cllrs Caroline Green and Poodle were recorded as absent.

48 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were declared.

49 MINUTES It was proposed and seconded to accept the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 1st September 2020 as a true and accurate record. RESOLVED to accept

50 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There were 2 members of the public who addressed the committee on planning applications 20/00513/FUL and 20/01140/HHFUL.

51 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered the schedule of current planning applications. The recommendations made by the committee are appended to these minutes.

52 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE There are no items on the DMC meeting agenda relating to St Neots scheduled for 21st September 2020.

The meeting closed at 7.13pm

……………………………… Committee Chair

APPROVED – pending Page 1 of 1 Page 4 of 9


No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response Due SNTC Notes Decision

1 19/02554/HHFUL Proposed single storey rear extension to 31A Wilkinson Close Mr C Gentle 15/09/2020 Approve Satisfactory proposal in terms of scale and pattern of existing bungalow, demolition of existing Eaton Socon development. garage and erection of motor home garage St Neots Makes efficient use of its site. and workshop. Amended Plans received 2 20/01616/TREE One Silver Birch - Reduce by 1-2m and shape 393 Great North Road Mr John Flint 19/09/2020 Approve Approve subject to approval from HDC laterals accordingly. Arboricultural/Tree Officer. One Silver Birch Tree - Reduce by 3-4m and St Neots shape laterals accordingly

3 20/01664/TREE Dead and dangerous tree - Arctic Cedar (T6- Priory Hospital Mr Robert Lane 22/09/2020 Approve Approve subject to approval from HDC ATCE) Howitts Lane (St Neots Arboricultural/Tree Officer. Eynesbury Neurological St Neots PE19 2JA Centre) 4 20/01657/HHFUL Proposed first floor extension to the side 177 Monarch Road Mr & Mrs Davis 23/09/20 Approve Satisfactory proposal in terms of scale and pattern of Eaton Socon development. St Neots Improves the property. Makes efficient use of its site. 5 20/00513/FUL New dwelling on land rear of 4 Berkley 4 Berkley Street Mr Aldrich 18/09/20 Refuse Loss of privacy -Overlooking - Windows to side and rear Street with associated pedestrian access Eynesbury of proposed development provide unrestricted views onto Buckley Road. Changes to boundary St Neots of neighbouring properties at 6, 6A & 8 Berkley Street. treatments Demonstrable harm to the amenity of the residents. Revised plans received 03.09.2020 - Left side Inadequate parking for the existing and proposed of dwelling reduced to single storey development on site. Non- compliant parking with Neighbourhood Plan. Road safety. Overshadowing. Inappropriate development in a conservation area. 6 20/01578/HHFUL Erection of conservatory to the rear 5 Ackerman Street Mr And Mrs 25/09/20 Approve Improves the property. Eaton Socon Bettsworth Satisfactory proposal in terms of scale and pattern of St Neots development. Will have no negative impact on the wider landscape character of the area. 7 20/01183/HHFUL RETROSPECTIVE replace post and rail fence 151 Crosshall Road Mr Stuart Neal 25/09/20 Approve Will have no negative impact on the wider landscape with 1.8m high acoustic wooden fence Eaton Ford character of the area. St Neots 8 20/01655/HHFUL Demolition of detached garage to rear, 89 Crosshall Road Mr & Mrs Green 25/09/20 Approve We consider that the proposal would assimilate itself demolition of lobby space to side of Eaton Ford to the existing part of the town. dwelling, and demolition of front porch. St Neots Improves the property. Internal alterations to ground floor of dwelling, with single storey extension to

Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. Page 1 of 2 Page 5 of 9


No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response Due SNTC Notes Decision

front, and larger single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling. 9 20/01229/HHFUL Single storey rear and side extension and 47A Ackerman Street Mr And Mrs 18/09/20 Refuse Effect on conservation area. first floor extension. Rendering of the Eaton Socon Dunkley Layout and density of building. existing property. St Neots Amended Site Plan and Amended Elevations Plan received. 10 20/01680/HHFUL Single storey rear extension to create a 11 Ferrars Avenue Katie North 28/09/20 Approve We consider that the proposal would assimilate itself downstairs bedroom with disability access Eynesbury to the existing part of the town. and associated ramps St Neots Satisfactory proposal in terms of scale and pattern of development. 11 20/00986/HHFUL Construction of detached double garage and 39 Avenue Road Mr Sam Williams 21/09/20 Approve Minimum impact on neighbours. extended vehicle access, with part St Neots PE19 1LJ Improves the property. demolition of gates and wall in Conservation Area. Amended plans received 12 20/01140/HHFUL Replacement of existing outbuildings with 29A Church Street Mr A Davis 22/09/20 Refuse Style is not in keeping with conservation area. detached single-storey ancillary residential St Neots PE19 2BU annexe Amended Plan received including permitted development shed 13 20/01660/HHFUL Proposed single storey porch to the front 24 Gazelle Close Mr Hackett 29/09/2020 Approve Improves the property. and new brickwork to change box bay to Eaton Socon St Neots walk-in bay 14 20/01665/TREE Walnut tree damaged during recent high 7A Wordsworth Mr Walter 30/09/2020 Approve Approve subject to approval from HDC winds. Part of the tree is now in danger of Avenue Eaton Ford St Purdon Arboricultural/Tree Officer. coming adrift in further windy conditions Neots with potential damage to neighbouring properties. Permission is therefore requested to remove the damaged part. Permission is also requested to carry out approximately 10% crown thinning at the same time.

…………………………………….. Committee Chair

Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. Page 2 of 2 Page 6 of 9


No. Reference Development Location Applicant Response Due SNTC Notes Decision

1 20/01735/TREE Cut 2 Beech trees 2m away from building Cambridge Street Mrs Charlotte 29/09/2020 Shortsands Day Centre St Neots Kane Extension Date (Reeves Tree Requested Surgeons Ltd) 2 19/02354/FUL Access to Eaton Socon Cricket Club for Peppercorn Lane Mr B Jones 29/09/2020 vehicles from Shakespeare Road Eaton Socon Extension Date Cricket Ground and Pavilion Approved 07/10/2020 Amended red line plan and site proposals 3 20/01738/HHFUL First floor extension and changes to the 1 Gery Court Lucy and 07/10/2020 material finish Eaton Socon, Vaibhav Puri St Neots, PE19 8TA 4 20/01631/HHFUL Erection of porch to front of dwelling 12 Silverweed Mr and Mrs 09/10/2020 Eaton Ford, St Neots, Folkes PE19 7GZ 5 20/01761/HHFUL Single storey rear extension and 19 Chamberlain Way, Mr Dowson 13/10/2020 repositioning the fence St Neots PE19 1RD

…………………………………….. Committee Chair

Planning application documents and comments can be viewed by visiting Huntingdonshire District Council's Public Access Planning Portal. Page 1 of 1 Page 8 of 9


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1A 1


Street Naming & Numbering Plan SNN Ref: SNN7403 Development Address: New Dwelling At Land Between 1 & 2 Castle Hill Close, Eaton Socon.

1 Property Number

Date Created: 24/09/2020