Rebellion: ‘Pastor’ Paula White

Author: Pierre Dungee

Many of you are thinking that having a female pastor is OK, when 1 Timothy 3:2 expressly forbids it. In other words, Christian, a church with a female pastor is OUT OF ORDER, and if you do not already know this, an OUT OF ORDER church is discarded by the Lord of Hosts. He will ONLY recognize a church, marriage or household that is IN THE ORDER HE ORDAINED IT TO BE. Anything that is out of order the Lord of Hosts

turns away from and gives it over to the devil.

Yes, you read that right.

Your church, if it is pastored by a woman pastor, is of the devil.

Now, a woman is allowed to preach, and every woman should preach the gospel and the good news of the gospel; however, women are NOT allowed to be an overseer or a shepherd of a congregation, and this is because of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Pastoring and preaching are TWO DISTINCTLY SEPERATE THINGS. As a pastor, it is an office that is held, and not only is a pastor held to a higher standard when He is judged; he has to meet the qualifications of a pastor or bishop.

If the person cannot meet the first qualification, which is to be the husband of one wife, that person CANNOT be a pastor or a bishop. The Holy Ghost is not going to anoint or be anywhere around REBELLION, and this is why He is not taught, mentioned or talked

about in these churches. As with the rebellion of Korah, and the rebellion of the Israelites, the Lord ALWAYS puts down rebellions violently. You see this when the Israelites rebelled and started having sex with the Moabite women, who dedicated their vaginas to Baal-peor, and 24,000 men

were killed by the Lord personally.


Look this up for yourself in Numbers 25 and then let that sink in for a minute.


Can a woman be a pastor?

The short and succinct answer is NO. A woman cannot be a pastor of a church as she is not called to be one. Consider this scripture: 1 Timothy 3:1-2 - This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Notice that the office of the bishop has these qualities:  It is an office for ONE person, a man  That man needs to be the husband of ONE wife This immediately disqualifies any other person that has been put into that office. A woman is not a man; this is pretty obvious and it immediately disqualifies any woman. The 2nd thing is that a woman is not allowed in the church to usurp the authority of the man, and any woman that wants to lead a church or teach, this is rebellion and usurpation of the scriptures. Consider this scripture: 1 Timothy 2:12 - But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


So what is the reasoning for this? Is it because the woman is being discriminated against? The answer is in the following scripture: 1 Timothy 2:13-15 - For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. So, there you have it, Christian. Since Eve was the one who listened to the devil, she was deceived and not Adam, even though Adam went along with what Eve told him. So, you are asking, why there are so many woman pastors if this is what the word says? Christian, the devil is moving, and because people are ignorant of the scripture, they are being deceived by the devil once again. There are some denominations that allow for a woman pastor or bishop, and those denominations are in error. Which spirit do you think is the one behind this march for women to be in charge? That’s right, Christian, the Jezebel spirit is behind all of this. She is usurping the authority of men left and right, and because it is ‘politically correct’ for women to be in charge, many are letting the women take control of their churches. Didn’t The Lord Jesus Christ warn the church in Thyatira to NOT suffer (put up with) Jezebel?

4 Consider the scripture: Revelation 2:20 - Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Now you know why a woman desires the office of a bishop or pastor. She is being driven by the spirit of Jezebel, and she will seduce the people to commit fornication, which is spiritual fornication. Spiritual fornication is when the worship that is due the Lord Jesus Christ is being given to another god. This makes the Lord Jesus Christ very angry, and He will deal with and judge any church that lets this happen. Today, we are seeing a lot of churches in rebellion, as they have a woman pastor. The Lord Jesus Christ will judge and judge harshly because the deacons, the elders of the church and the parishioners are allowing this to happen. What you are seeing, Christian, is wholesale rebellion. These woman pastors are NOT there by the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and are filling the people that they ‘teach’ with another gospel, another Jesus and another spirit: 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. The spirit that she is filling the people with is NOT Holy. Understand, Christian, that the devil cannot rule over patriarchy; he can only rule over matriarchy. This is why you are seeing a wholesale push to get women in where the Lord did not want them. The whole ‘girl power’ movement is pushing forward so that they can install their king, Satan, as the ruler.


These women are out of order, Christian, and they will have to answer to the Lord Jesus Christ when they are judged. The Lord Jesus Christ chooses whom He wants to be a pastor, and NOT a seminary. It seems that these days, many are going through the seminary to become a pastor to get the money… as being a pastor is now big business. That’s right – a Business. These pastors are in this for the money, and they could care less about the Lord Jesus Christ, you, your spiritual walk, and your preparations so you can make into the Kingdom of God. These pastors want your money, and they will lie to you to get what they can from you. This is one of the reasons why I wrote this book, so the Patriarchs out there can take back what the devil is stealing from them and get right with the Lord Jesus Christ. So, to answer the question, Christian, there is no such thing as a female pastor or bishop. If there is one, they are in error and in rebellion. The Lord Jesus Christ is nowhere near any of these churches and the people in them are being led astray. Get as far away from any church with a woman pastor as soon as you can. Jesus will be by to see them about their rebellion. So, with that being said, let’s take a look at our pastor we are featuring today, who is Paula White.


Paula White Paula White is NO angel, and from what we have read about her will testify to that fact. Let’s see what Wikipedia says about this woman: Paula Michelle White-Cain (née Furr; April 20, 1966), better known as Paula White, is a non-denominational pastor. She is the senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center, in Apopka, Florida, a non-denominational, multicultural megachurch. She hosts a television show, Paula White Today. She was the co-pastor of Without Walls International Church in Tampa, a church she co-founded with pastor and then- husband Randy White. White became chair of the evangelical advisory board in 's administration. She delivered the invocation at his inauguration, on January 20, 2017. She was listed No. 3 "50 Most Powerful 2017: Philanthropy & Community Voices" in Orlando Magazine July 2017 issue. Paula White Ministries White recorded the first broadcast of Paula White Today in December 2001. By 2006, her show appeared on nine television networks, including Broadcast Network, Daystar, and Black Entertainment Television.

7 Ebony magazine said of White, "You know you're on to something new and significant when the most popular woman preacher on the Black Entertainment Network is a white woman." White considers T.D. Jakes her spiritual father. Jakes invited her to speak at his "Woman Thou Art Loosed" conference in 2000. She also participated in the Mega Fest, hosted by Jakes in , in 2004, 2005 and 2008. White has ministered to some well-known people including , Gary Sheffield, and . She was the personal pastor to Darryl Strawberry, starting in 2003 following Strawberry's release from prison for cocaine possession. Charisse Strawberry, Darryl Strawberry's wife at the time, worked as an assistant to White, accompanying her on speaking engagements. She is the "personal life coach" of and appeared on her show, the Tyra Banks Show, in an episode on promiscuity on October 4, 2006. White has been a personal minister to Donald Trump who discovered White by watching her TV show. Trump first made contact by telephone in 2002. He went on to bring her often to Atlantic City for private Bible studies, and he has appeared on her television show. White was credited in June 2016 by as having converted Trump to Christianity. White was part of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board during his campaign for US President, and she provided the invocation prayer during Trump's inauguration ceremony. Since Trump took office, White has served as one of the president's spiritual advisors and has held Oval Office prayer circles with him. White, with assistance from her own ministry board advisor, (pastor), has had an ongoing spiritual role towards Trump. White enthusiastically supported Trump's 2017 decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Marriages White has been married three times. Her first marriage was as a teenager to the father of her son, Dean Knight. In 1984, while she was living in Maryland with her newborn baby, she converted to Christianity. Her marriage ended soon after. According to the book Holy Mavericks, a turning point in White's life was meeting Randy White in 1981, a third-generation preacher in the Church of God denomination. White had divorced his first wife and was in the early stages of reviving his career as a preacher and evangelist. They met while he was visiting the church where White volunteered as a janitor. They became friends and dated for several months, working together in ministry projects. Less than a year after meeting, Randy proposed during a tour to Israel and she accepted. Shortly thereafter they moved from Maryland to Tampa, Florida. On August 23, 2007, Randy White announced that he and Paula were divorcing. According to , White says the divorce was amicable, and they remain friends.

8 At the close of 2014 rock musician Jonathan Cain of Journey fame finalized his divorce from his second wife and became engaged to White. On April 27, 2015, Cain and White married. Family Paula has one son from her first marriage. She was a stepmother to the three children of her second husband, Randy White. Paula and Randy did not have children together. She is stepmother to the three children of her third husband, Jonathan Cain. We purposefully left out a lot of the criticism that Paula has gotten from other pastors and teachers because what they say is irrelevant. What is relevant is what the Lord Jesus Christ is going to say about Paula. We already know that she in not only in error for being a pastor, as we have shown in scripture in the previous pages, but this is wholesale rebellion to the Lord Jesus Christ who will call those whom He wants to be a pastor PERSONALLY. We see that Paula has been divorced and married 3 times; this right there will disqualify her from being a ‘pastor’, as one of the qualifications is to be able to rule the house well. In addition, as a pastor, she should know that breaking a vow is a death sentence (eternal separation from the Lord Jesus Christ), and only the Lord of Hosts, Jesus’ Father, Jesus or the Holy Ghost can resolve a broken vow. If Paula broke this vow 2 times, does she really know anything about what the Lord requires a regular person to do if they break their vow? Has she gone to the Lord Jesus Christ to resolve her first broken vow? Does she even know the Lord Jesus Christ at all? Her fruit – the ones that the Lord Jesus Christ asks us to look at to determine if she is for real or not – is ROTTEN. Many of you reading this book know that if you did break your marriage vow and if Jesus has absolved you of that breach, He is NOT going to approve of the vow being broken a 2nd time. If a person breaks that vow a 2nd time, they are rebelling against the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is sin. So how is it that a sinful woman can be a ‘pastor’? The answer lies in the church. As you saw, T.D. Jakes brought Paula White up and put her in the limelight. Let’s be clear, Christian; NO ONE gets to be popular and wealthy unless the devil allows this. We can see a LOT of pastors who LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ and they are doing their job as Jesus wants them to, and they are by no means wealthy or well known. Why is that? How is it that the wicked are always up front and in your face? It is because they are being exalted by the devil himself.


In the picture above, you see Paula wearing a bright red dress at the inauguration of President Trump. Bright Red. What does that signify? Why Is that important? Couldn’t she have worn another colour, toning down the red? We submit that wearing red as she did signifies her rebellion to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now you may NOT agree, but how many other women there wore red coats and dresses to an inauguration? We are not going to spend a lot of time on this because we already know that Paula White is a rebel and she is rebelling against the Lord Jesus Christ. We already know that she is going to have to answer for her antics and her using the Prosperity Gospel to enrich herself. We even have a YouTube video here and an article here which shows her asking her congregants to give her ONE MONTH’S SALARY or else they will be ‘in trouble’ with God. Do we wonder what god she is worshipping? If you are in the church that this woman is ‘pastoring’, get out of that church now. You are under a curse and the wrong spirit, as the Lord Jesus Christ is going to destroy the false church and raise up the true church with POWER to drive the devil off.


Here is Our Challenge

to you, Christian

OK, so you have read about Paula White and her rebellion against the Lord Jesus Christ. We challenge you to go to Jesus directly RIGHT NOW and ask Him if what is shown here is true. Use this as a means to start a conversation with The Lord Jesus Christ and sit with

Him and ask Him questions. Start with (asking out loud):

“Jesus, is what I just read true?”

He will answer you, Christian, and NOW you will be on the true road to salvation, knowing for SURE if you are going to make it or not, as Jesus would have told you. Keep talking with Him. Get to know Him and He will start to reveal Himself to you. You need to find out

for yourself and work out YOUR salvation for YOU, as the scriptures tell us to.

As a part of your salvation, it is recommended that you FORGIVE the pastors and the churches that were sending you to hell. For many pastors, this is what they were taught in the seminary. Many 'pastors' that pastor a church don't even know Jesus and are not authorized to be a pastor, as Jesus did not send them. Forgive them and pray for

them so they may escape damnation by repenting of their sin of misleading many people.


In closing, we want to give you an EXACT QUOTE we got from Jesus Himself:

"Disciples of mine will make it into my Kingdom; Christians will


Take heed, Christian, and don't just blow this off. What is being presented here is IMPORTANT!! Read and understand what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying to all of us. As we always say, do not take anything we say as the gospel; ALWAYS confirm what you are reading or hearing by running it by the Lord Jesus Christ yourself. Keep talking to Jesus and He will respond to you. Have Him explain WHY what is being said is

true. Talk with the Lord Jesus Christ and get to know Him personally.

We will say this again:

We do not care what you believe, Christian, because it is YOUR salvation that is at stake. All we are saying is that you should go to Jesus Christ directly and ask HIM what He thinks and go with that truth. As we always say on this site - don't take our word for anything. Go to the Lord Jesus Christ directly and personally ask Him if what is being posted is true or not, and go with that.