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Abel, 253 Anderson, Paul N., 188n5 Abraham, 71, 232, 233 Anderson, Richard Lloyd, 92n33, 257n35 , book of: focus of, 5; Anger: teachings on, in Sermon on the dating of, 35; author of, 91n19, Mount, 160; variant readings of, 138n26; is used by , “without a cause,” 161–67; current 266 understanding of, 169–70 Adultery, woman taken in, 14–16, 288n5 Apatheia (passionlessness), 67 Alexander the Great, 229 Apelles, 297 Alexandrian text type: most often Apocalyptic literature, 299–300 represents original text, 82, 100; is , 292, 300–301 split in two, 89n9; textual variants in, Apollos, 6 107nn33, 35; omits “without a cause,” Apostasy: start of, 7, 35; prophecy of, 35; 161–62 scripture altered at time of, 36, 102 Alexandrinus, Codex: date of, 97–98; of Apostles (in median of time), 31, 34 Byzantine text type, 99; is different Apostolic authorship, 253–54 from KJV, 103–4, 107n38 Apostolic Commission, 146 Alexis, 214 Apostolic Constitutions, 12 Allison, Dale C., Jr., 164 Apostolic Fathers: have knowledge of Alma, teachings of, 159–60 , 96–97, 265–67; Alphabet, 47, 228 differ on anger “without a cause,” Alter, Robert: on literary analysis of 163–65; noncanonical works of, 264 biblical stories, 176; on narration of Aquila, 204n13 Bread of Life discourse, 177; on Arabic, 229 dialogue in Bread of Life discourse, Aramaic, 229 180–81; on conclusion of Bread of Argumentation, in Pauline , 202 Life discourse, 187 Arianism, 85, 250 Ambrose, St., 242 Aristotle, views of, 64–65, 67 American Standard Bible, 167 Arius, 85

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324 Index

Articles of Faith, 320n15 Body, in Greek philosophy, 65–66 Athanasius, 11, 250 Bonaventure, brothers, 90n15 Atticus, 213–14 Book of law (book of the covenant), 50 Attridge, Harold W., 257n30 Book of Mormon: reveals plain and Augustine (Apostolic Father), 76n23, 164, precious truths, 39, 310; errors in, 250 159–60; on anger “without a cause,” Authorship, importance of, to NT, 168, 170; has parallel themes to New 253–54 Testament, 311–16; on preservation of records, 317 Bacon, B. W., 146 Brass plates, 53 Bagnall, Roger, 223n9 Bread of Life discourse: literary analysis Bardesanes, 297 of, 176–77; narration of, 177–79; Bar-Kokhba, 215, 225–26n33 lack of action in, 179–80; dialogue Barnabas: as possible author of Hebrews, in, 180–86 6, 249; becomes apostle, 34; New Brown, E. Raymond, 204n12, 248 Testament in writings of, 272–87 Brown, Hugh B., 252 Barnabas, of, 8, 297 Brown, S. Kent, 140n45 Baruch, 50, 215 Bruce, F. F., 245, 250, 257n30 Basil, 164 Byzantine (or Syrian) text type: Basilides, 297 description of, 82; majority of Greek Basilidians, 152n2 texts are of, 99; scholarly opinion of, Bathsheba, 147 99–100; textual variants in, 107n33 Bauer, Walter, 122n15 Baur, F. C., 288n4, 290–91n28 Caananite woman’s children, 148 Beatitudes, 316 Caesar, Julius, 210 Beatty, Chester: papyri of, are acquired in Caesarean text type, 82; description of, Egypt, 9–10, 25n30, 93; papyri in 101; textual variants in, 107n33 Museum of, 93; papyri are significant Camerarius, J., 89n4 family of manuscripts, 95; Campbell, Alexander, 167 handwriting of, 215; includes epistle Canon: deciding on, 10–12, 56, 267–68; to Hebrews, 248–49 criteria for, 268–70 Bengal, J. A., 99 Cantabrigiensis, 98 Benson, Ezra Taft, 136 Carpocratians, 19 Beza, Theodore: makes edition of Greek Cassian, John, 163, 164, 172n28 New Testament, 89n5, 98; publishes Catalogue of Sixty Canonical Books, 299 , 99, 173n36 Catholic Church, 21 Bezae, Codex: content of, 98; is Western “Cave of Letters,” 215 text type, 101, 107n31; is different Celsus, 66, 67–68 from KJV, 103–4, 107n32 Centurian, 148 Bible (KJV): is not only acceptable , 297 translation, 94; textual evidence has Chaldean Syrian church, 11 increased for, 99; is holy writ despite Chosen people, 231–33 errors, 145; is based on Textus Christian Church, Early: in later part of Receptus, 173n36. See also New first century, 35; look to texts for Testament (KJV) authority, 54; is confused by variant Biblical books, collecting of, 49 readings of scripture, 102; hears Bishops’ Bible, 165–66 scriptures only, 230. See also Apostasy Black, David Alan, 163 Christian communities, early, 111, 295 Bodmer, Martin, 95 Christians, Jewish, 194–95 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 325

Index 325

Chromatius, 164 Culpepper, R. Alan, 183, 186 Chrysostom, John, 163 Cuneiforms, 44, 46 Church Administration discourse, 146 Cyprian, 164 Church Fathers. See Apostolic Fathers Cyril, 164 “Church of God”: external evidence of, 80–81, 82–83; internal evidence of, Dahl, Larry E., 130–31 83–85 Damasus, Pope, 16, 172n23 Cicero: letters of, 191, 196; uses scribes, Darby Translation, 167 210–11, 212, 213–14, 217, 221 David, 47 Circumcision, 70, 71–72 Dead Sea Scrolls, 53, 70 Clark, J. Reuben, 135, 140n48, 254 Decretum Gelasianum, 302n5 Claromontanus, Codex (Paul’s letters), is Deissmann, Adolph, 205n17 Western text type, 101, 106n13, Deuteronomy, 227, 239 302n5 Dialogue of the Savior, 296 Claudius, 194 Diaspora Jews, 65–66, 155n32, 229 Clement of Alexandria: charges Gnostics Diatrophes, 107n40 with changing scripture, 19; on Paul : is proto-orthodox, 8, 297; refers as author of Hebrews, 243, 245, 248 to of Matthew, 129; New Clement of Rome: on deaths of Peter and Testament in writings of, 271–87 Paul, 26n55; on no living apostles, 34; Dionysius, 19, 123, 268 as possible author of Hebrews, 249; Disciples, 2–3 defends orthodox position, 268; Dispensations, 305, 315 New Testament in writings of, Divine embodiment, 65 271–87 Divine impassability, 67 Codex: introduction of, 53–54, 60n47, , 66 302n15; cycle of causation with, and Doctrine and Covenants, Section 45, textuality, 56 33–34 Collation, 79, 95 Dodd, C. H., 122n15 Colossians: authorship of, 6, 209; circular Dunn, James D. G., 77n38, 152n7 letter to, 196; scribe writes to, 217, 219–20 Ebionites, 13, 152n2 Commandments, writing by, 316–17 Egypt: early writing systems of, 44–45; Conflation, 100 scribal schools of, 46; focuses on Conjectural emendation, 80 textuality, 51 Constantine, commissions Codex Egyptian numbers, 58n15 Sinaiticus, 10, 98, 106n17 Egyptians, Gospel of the, 296 Corinthians: Paul’s letters to, 6, 193, 202, Ehrman, Bart D.: on apocryphal works, 8; 206nn24, 30, 220; scribe writes to, on copies of canonized scripture, 12; 217; Paul quotes Old Testament to, on intentional changes to 234–37 translations, 13, 14; becomes agnostic, Council of Trent, 11 42n31; on becoming a textual critic, Covenantal nomism, 77n38 91n26; on author of Hebrews, 244, Covenant people, 69–70 246, 248 Coverdale, Miles, 166 Election, of God’s people, 231–33 Coverdale Bible, 165–66 Elisabeth, 4 Cowdery, Oliver, 306 Elliott, Mark A., 77n42 Cribiore, Raffaela, 222n4 Emendation, conjectural, 80, 89n4 Cromwell, Thomas, 166 English Standard Version of Bible, 167 Crossan, John Dominic, 179 Enlightenment, 73 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 326

326 Index

Ephesians: authorship of, 6, 209; circular Frede, Michael, 75n2 letter to, 196; length of letter to, Freer Legion, 296 219–20; new vocabulary in, 220 Ephraem, 98 Gaius, 249 Ephraemi Rescriptus, Codex, 98; is Galatians: Paul’s letter to, 111; scribe Byzantine text type, 99; is different writes to, 131, 216–17; have problem from KJV, 103–4, 107n38; “among of false teachers, 192–93; letter to, as the people” in, 155n35 judicial oratory argumentation, 202, Epicureanism, 64, 75n3 203; letter to, addresses faith and Epistle, 205n17 works, 233–34 Epistula Apostolorum, 297 Garrett, H. Dean, 139 : produces Greek New Gee, John, 20 Testament, 16, 17, 89n5, 90n15; Genealogical method, of , publishes Textus Receptus, 99, 103; 81 uses anger “without a cause,” 166 Genesis, 238 Esau, 232 Geneva Bible, 165–66 Eschatological discourse, 146 Genizah, 51 Essenes, 69, 70 Gentiles: Luke writes to, 4; Matthew Ethics, Christian, 235 frames gospel in context of, 147–49; Ethiopian church, 12 Wise Men as, 155n32 Eusebius: questions some canonical Gnostics: worldview of, 5, 302n6; tamper scripture, 11; produces copies of with scriptures, 19, 294, 295 scripture, 106n17; on Mark writing God, Greek beliefs in, 64–65, 67 down Peter’s words, 136n9; on Gods, Greek, 64 Matthew, 142, 148–49, 152n9; on Goody, Jack, 58n20 anger “without a cause,” 164; on , 297 author of Hebrews, 244, 245, 249; on Great and abominable church: takes away desertion of , 288n6 plain and precious things from Evidence: external and internal of textual scriptures, 20, 36–37, 288n5; identity criticism, 80; external, 81–83; of, 20–22, 42n27 internal, 83–86 Great Bible, 165–66 Exile, the, 50–51 Greek language, 229 Ezekiel, 51 Greek New Testaments: produced by Ezra, book of, 51 Erasmus, 16, 17, 89n5; variant readings of, 80; modern, is based on Faith: in Old Testament scriptures, Alexandrian text type, 82; number 233–34; Paul’s writings on, 246; in of, 86, 90n16, 95–96; received text New Testament and Book of of, 90n15; are not in agreement, 95; Mormon, 311–12 exclude some variations, 103; four Fictional literature, 298–99 new versions of, 104 First Jewish Revolt against Rome, 110 Greek Orthodox Church, 11–12 First Presidency (under Joseph F. Smith), Greeks: have different worldview, 62–63, 251–52 72–73; philosophy of, incompatible Food purity, 70 to gospel of Christ, 63–68 Four : identity of, 3; authorship of, 30–31, 130–34; sources for, 112–18; Hagar, 232 compilation of, 128, 130–34; are used Harmonization, 100 by Apostolic Fathers, 266, 290n20. Harris, William V., 222n5 See also Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Harrison, Beverly Wildung, 164–65 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 3:35 PM Page 327

Index 327

Hebrew Bible, 238–41 together, 130, 290n20; on anger Hebrew language, 228 “without a cause,” 161, 164 Hebrews, book of: authorship of, 6, Isaac, 232 222n1, 243–48; as scriptural text, Isaiah: codex of, 55–56; is quoted in New 197; audience of, 243–44; placement Testament, 227, 238 of, 249–50 Isaiah, Ascension of, 300 Hellenization: reinterprets scripture, 19; Ishmael, 232 pushes toward literacy, 51; promotes Israelites, early: lack need for written philosophical thinking, 64–65; scriptures, 43–44, 46–47; focus on influence of, on Judah, 229 oral traditions, 47–48; shift toward Heraclides, 224n31 textuality, 48–51 Hermas, Shepherd of: is proto-orthodox, 8, 297; is not in Muratorian Canon, Jacob (Old Testament), 232 11, 269, 293; New Testament in James (brother of ), 34, 111 writings of, 271–87; as Christian James, Apocryphon of, 296 apocalypse, 300 James, book of, 6, 205n18 Hermes Trismegistus, 297 Jared, brother of, 124 Hermonius, 224n31 Jeremiah, 50, 51, 215 Hesychius, 10 Jerome: translates Latin Vulgate, 16, 17, Hezekiah, 48, 49 172n23, 250; on changing text, 159; Hieroglyphs, 44, 46 on anger “without a cause,” 163, 164, Hillary, 164 165; on author of Hebrews, 250, 254 History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Jerusalem: destruction of, 33, 50; growth Latter–day Saints, 31–32, 41n17 of, 48–49; desertion of, 288n6 Hittite Empire, 45 Jerusalem conference, 110 Holland, Jeffrey R.: on mistranslation of Jesus Christ: is central to New Testament, Bible, 159; on Bread of Life 1–2; differing views of, 13; discourse, 183, 187 commands Nephi to amend record, Holtzmann, Heinrich J., 121n7 16; foretells destruction of Jerusalem, Holy Ghost, inspiration of, 305, 306 33; refers to written records, 44, 57; Homoeoteleuton, 84 teaches orally, 56–57; is not accepted Hort, F. J. A., 86, 89nn8, 9 in Greek worldview, 64, 66–68; is Houseman, A. E., 86 not accepted in Judaism, 68–71; Hunter, Howard W., 252 fulfills law of Moses, 72, 142; can be Hunter, Milton R., 252 taught about despite different Huntsman, Eric D., 245, 253 backgrounds, 73–74; textual variants Hurst, L. David, 246, 359n67 on words of, 103; Paul’s knowledge Hymn of the Pearl, 302n6 about, 111–12; Evangelists’ knowledge about, 113–18, 120; Idolatry, 236–37 outside knowledge about, 118–19; Ignatius: quotes Gospel of Matthew, quotes other prophets, 125, 136n7; as 152n2; writes on “the Gospel,” 266; portrayed by Matthew, 142–43, 146, New Testament passages in writings 148–51; genealogy of, 147; gives of, 271–87; refers to Onesimus, Bread of Life discourse, 177–87; 289n15 confusion over of, Immorality, 236–37 192; fulfills prophecies, 231; Incarnation, 66 understanding, because of Joseph Irenaeus: on changing of scripture, 19; Smith, 308–9; trend of unbelief in, changes scripture, 97; names Gospels 309–10 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 328

328 Index

“Jesus Seminar,” 320n9 Jude, Epistle of, 6, 120n1 Johannine Comma, 17, 102–3 Justin, 164 John (the Apostle): identity of, 4–5, 117; Justin Martyr, 2, 129, 205n14 on textuality, 54–55; has vision for Revelation, 124; is disciple of John Kells, Book of, 93 the Baptist, 127, 137nn17–18; is Kent, Homer, 247 narrator of Bread of Life discourse, Kenyon, Frederick, 304–5 177–79 Kimball, Spencer W., 252 John Mark. See Mark Kingdom of God discourse, 146 John Rylands Museum, 93. See also Koester, Craig, on author of Hebrews, Rylands Fragment 244, 249, 250, 251, 256–57 John the Baptist: might have written part of , 127, 133–34; Lachish Letter 3, 49–50 sayings of, in Matthew and Luke, 145; Last Supper, 38 is prominent in Matthew, 149–50 Latin, 230 John, First book of, 205n18 Latin Vulgate, 16, 17, 103, 165 John, Gospel of: audience of, 5; story of Latter-day Saint Bible scholarship: adulterous woman added to, 14–16; importance of, 28–29, 39–40; author of, 33, 127, 132; sources overlooks variants and unknown for, 117–18, 127; inconsistencies, 37–38; knows of conclusion of, 122n16, 133; on revision processes, 59n27 Crucifixion of Christ, 139n40; John Law of Moses (Torah): Jews adhere to, 6 as important part of, 188n5; dating 69–71; is fulfilled in Christ, 72; of, 290n17 Judaizers adhere to, 233 Joseph Smith Translation (JST) of Bible: Lazarus, 5 adds to story of woman taken in Lectionaries, 96 adultery, 15; clarifies authorship of Lectures on Faith, 130–31 Four Gospels, 30–31, 138n25; Lee, Harold B., 309 clarifies Gospel of Matthew, 33, 128; Lehi, 50 restores plain and precious truths, Letter-writing, ancient: purposes of, 39, 105, 311; clarifies words of Christ 191–95; genre of, 195–97; mechanics on the cross, 103; on anger “without of, 197–200; structure and format a cause,” 167; on Bread of Life of, 200–203; scribes used for, discourse, 183; leaves off all authors, 209–15 252; is done by spirit of revelation, Liberty of Christ, 315 306 Linen, as writing material, 45 Joseph Smith–Matthew, 33, 262 Literacy: meaning of, 47; low rate of, Joseph Smith’s Commentary on the Bible, 32–33 210–15, 223n9; in ancient cultures, Josephus, 118, 122n17 222n5; expansion of, 228 Josiah, 49 Literary analysis, of Bread of Life Jubilees, 71 discourse, 176–87 Judah, 229 Lower criticism, as textual criticism, 88n1 Judaism: is not great and abominable Lucar, Cyril, 98 church, 21; has different worldview, Lucifer, 164 62–63, 72–73; focuses on outward Luke: identity of, 4; adds to Acts, 16, signs of obedience, 68–72; scribes 138n26; has positive view of employed within, 215 textuality, 55; as author, 91n19; uses Judaizers, 193 eyewitness sources, 113–14, 126–27, Judas, Gospel of, 295 137nn11, 12, 14, 15; keeps notes, 263 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 329

Index 329

Luke, Gospel of: emphasis of, 4; fatigue in, 153n20; timetable of, 266. authorship of, 30, 33, 41n12, 91n19, See also Joseph Smith–Matthew 132; Mark is a source for, 113–14, Matthew’s Bible, 165–66 121nn9, 10, 126; comparison of, to Matthews, Robert J., 88, 92n36 Gospel of Matthew, 114–17; Matthias, 34 timetable of, 266 Maxwell, Neal A., 135 Luther, Martin, 12, 205n14 McConkie, Bruce R.: on prophets quoting prophets, 125; on Luke’s sources, 126, Majuscule manuscripts. See Uncial 134; on writings of John the Baptist, manuscripts 137n18; on Wise Men, 155n32; on Mani, 297 Paul as author of Hebrews, 254–55 Manuscript families (text types), 81, Medici, Catherine d’, 98 95–96 Membranae, 60n58 Marcion: directs canonizing of New Mesopotamia, 44–45, 46 Testament, 10, 268; is accused of Message, The, 167 changing scriptures, 18, 20; is Metal, as writing material, 45, 317 nonorthodox, 297 Metzger, Bruce M.: on becoming a textual Marcionite epistles, 11 critic, 91n26; notes “without a Marcionites, 152n 2 cause,” 161; on author of Hebrews, Mark: as author of Gospel of Mark, 4, 244, 245, 246; on formation of New 29–30, 33, 41n12; as companion to Testament, 261–62 Peter, 125, 126, 127, 132, 136n9; keeps Middle Platonism: as form of Greek written record, 263 worldview, 64, 75n3; views of, on Mark, Gospel of: emphasizes Jesus’ God, 67, 75nn2, 5 activities, 4; author of, 29–30, 33, Millet, Robert L., 128, 139n37 41n12, 132; Alexandrian text type Miniscule manuscripts, 90n17, 96, 99 concludes, 100; as early source for Monarchy, 75n2 Luke, 110, 112–13, 116–17, 121nn9, Monotheism, 64, 75n2 10, 126; as early source for Matthew, Monson, Thomas S., 252 116–17, 128, 144; Justin Martyr refers Mormon: God instructs, to abridge to, 129; timetable of, 266 records, 124–25, 140n41; inserts Mary (mother of Jesus), 4 commentary into record, 141–42, Masoretes, 79 146; receives similar words as Paul, Matthew: identity of, 4, 136n8, 141; uses 311–12 Old Testament as source, 143–44; as Moroni: on written word, 55; quotes Bible editor of Gospel of Matthew, 146; to Joseph Smith, 95; inserts includes discourses of Christ, 146; commentary into record, 141–42, uses bookends, 146–49; uses “the 146 coming one,” 149–51; quotes Old Morrison, Alexander B., 140n44 Testament, 228 Münster, Sebastian, 166 Matthew, Gospel of: uses Gospel of Mark Muratori, Lodovicio, 11, 293 as source, 4, 116–17, 128, 144; author Muratorian Canon (Fragment): lists of, 24n3, 33, 41n12, 134, 140n44; canonical books, 11, 269, 290n21, comparison of, to Gospel of Luke, 293, 302n5; does not list Hebrews, 114–16; Didache refers to, 129, 249–50 152n2; is addressed to the Hebrews, Murray-O’Connor, Jerome, 206n24 142–43; is referred to by other gospel scholars, 151–52n2; editorial Nag Hammadi texts: authors of, 8–9, Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 330

330 Index

154n24, 302n15; importance of, 145, elect people, 231–33; on faith and 297 works, 233–34; on authority to teach, Naturalism, 73 234–35; on ethics, 235; on separating Nehemiah, book of, 51 oneself from sin, 235–36; on the Neoplatonism, 76n23 , 236; on wisdom, 236; Nephi: on truths removed from biblical on taking care of the poor, 236–37; records, 15, 18, 36, 87, 158; records on the gift of tongues, 237; Apostolic vision, 124 Fathers quote, 264 Nephites, 263 Olivet Discourse, 33 Neutral text type, 89n9 Onesimus, 6, 195, 289n15 New American Bible, 167 Orality: importance of, 47, 51–52, 54; New American Standard Bible, 167 Christ teaches through, 56–57; and New English Bible, 167 textuality, 58n20 New International Version Bible, 167, Oral traditions, 15, 16, 262 248 Order and sequence, 315–16, 320n15 New Jerusalem Bible, 167 Origen (as Christian Father): complains New King James Bible, 167 of copies of Gospels, 13, 158–59; on New Living Translation Bible, 167 Paul as author of Hebrews, 123, 244, New Revised Standard Version Bible, 167 249, 251, 253; on anger “without a New Testament: creation of, is tampered cause,” 164; believes in with, 3, 22–23, 36, 94–95; as record supersessionism, 205n14 of Apostles, 30–31; as divine work, Ostraca, 45 37–38; Hellenistic influence on, 66; Oxyrhynchus papyri, 154n24, 296 textual criticism of, 78–79; number of variants of, 86, 161; compiling Palimpsest, 98 books of, 128–29, 261–62; quotes Papias: on written word, 55; on Mark, 125, Old Testament scripture, 227; is read 144; on Matthew, 152n9 to congregations, 230; differs from Papyri fragments: as group name of New Septuagint and Hebrew Bible, Testament manuscripts, 95; in 238–41; apocrypha of, 293–94; gives Alexandrian text type, 100; are historical facts on Christ, 308; has different from KJV text, 103–4; parallel themes to those of Book of differ on Matthew 5:21–22, 161 Mormon, 311–16; authors of, are Papyrus: as writing material of Egypt, 45, commanded to write, 316–18 51, 52; for letters, 199 New Testament (KJV): contains readings of Byzantine text type, 82; is Parablepsis, 84, 172n11–95; in Book of influenced by Textus Receptus, 99, Mormon, 159–60 103; contains errors, 104; on Parallel phraseology, 311–16 Matthew, 153n13; on Matthew 5:22, Parchment, 52, 96, 199 160, 165–66; changes titles, 318 Parmenides, 67 , 292, 294–96 Parousia, 192 New World Translation Bible, 167 Passover, 38 Nicodemus, 5 Paul: missionary experiences of, 5; as Novatian, 268 author, 6; becomes apostle, 34; death of, 35; likes textuality, 55; on Oaks, Dallin H., 168 circumcision, 71–72; challenges of, in Old Testament: is quoted in New teaching of Christ, 72–73; produces Testament, 227–28; fulfillment of earliest written materials, 110, 266; prophecies from, 231; Paul uses, in Peter and James are sources for, teachings, 231, 237–38; on God’s 110–12; conversion of, 120n2; uses Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 331

Index 331

Old Testament in teachings, 231; Philemon, Epistle to, 6, 195, 217–18 teaches of God’s elect people, Philip, Gospel of, 296 231–33; teaches of faith and works, Philippians, 205n15 233–34; defends his authority as an Philosophy of Jews and Greeks, 63–68 Apostle, 234; on Christian ethics, Phonograms, 44 235; as author of Hebrews, 243–55; Pictograms, 44 receives similar message to that of Pilate, Acts of, 298 Book of Mormon, 311 Pistis Sophia, 297 Paul, Apocalypse of, 300 Plain and precious truths: are taken from Pauline Epistles (letters): to scriptures, 20, 36–37, 94, 159, 310; Thessalonians, 7, 191–92, 206n29; will be restored, 39, 170; will not be are earliest Christian writings, 110; restored through textual criticism, respond to specific situations, 87; are lost through false 190–91; occasional nature of, 191; to interpretation, 92, 94–95 Galatians, 192–93, 216–17, 233; to Plato, 54, 64–65, 67 Corinthians, 193, 217, 234; to Platonic dualism, 65–66 Romans, 194–95, 215–16, 233, 235; Pliny the Elder: used waxed wooden to Philemon, 195, 217–18; are tablets, 53; letter of, 196; on Caesar’s specific and circular letters, 195–96; use of scribes, 210; on persecution, mechanics of, 197–200; postscripts 303n20 in, 199; cost of, 200; structure and Plotinus, 76n23 format of, 200–203; are not written Plutarch, 75n1 directly by Paul, 208; scribal Poems, as oral tradition, 47 evidence in, 215–19; to Colossians, Polycarp, 271–87 217; scholarly debates over Poor, 236–37 authorship of, 219–21; are known to Postscripts, 199–200, 218–19, 224n29, Apostolic Fathers, 266 226n43 Pauline Imperative, 201–2 Pratt, Orson, 306 Pauline Imprisonment Epistles, 205n15, Pratt, Parley P., 131 217–18 Premortal life, 5 Pauline Indicative, 201–2 Pricillianists, 16–17 Pearl of Great Price, 260–61 Priesthood, 305 Penrose, Charles W., 252 Priscilla, 204n13 Pentateuch, 91n18 Probability, intrinsic and transcriptional, Peripatetics, 75n2 83–85 Peter: missionary experiences of, 5; as Protestant clergy, 320n9 author, 6; death of, 35; is source Protestant Reformation, 12 information for Paul, 111; as source Proto-orthodox church, 261, 264, 266 for Mark, 125, 132; uses scribe, Psalms, 227, 238 139n31, 222n2 Pseudepigrapha, 292 Peter, 1 and 2:6, 220 Ptolemies, 51, 52 Peter, Apocalypse of, 11, 297, 300 Peter, Gospel of, 8 Q (Quelle), as non-Markan source for Peter, Revelation of, 293 Matthew and Luke, 7–8, 115, Phaedo, 65, 67 144–45, 288–89nn9, 10; debate Pharisees: like oral traditions, 54; adhere over, 154n26 to outward signs of obedience, Quintillian, 223nn15, 17 69–70; views of, 76–77nn33, 37 Quintus, 213 Phelps, William W., 131 Qumran Community, 69 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 332

332 Index

Rahab, 147 Scribal schools of Egypt and Reasoned eclecticism, 80 Mesopotamia, 46 Rebecca, 232 Scribes: early Christian, 89n3, 140n43; Received text. See Textus Receptus produce intentional and Record-keeping: early, as spoken record, unintentional variant readings, 102, 44; in Egypt and Mesopotamia, 159; Paul dictates letters to, 131, 44–46; necessity of, 263; as 198–99, 209, 215–19; as verbatim commandment of God, 316–17 copiers, 210–12; as editors, 212; as Redaction Criticism, 154n28 coauthors, 212–14; identifying a Religious traditions, 68–72, 73 letter written by a, 214–15, 223n21, Replacement theology, 205n14 224nn27, 32; scholarship debate over Restoration, 28–29, 40, 305 authorship and use of, 219–21; Greek Resurrection, 29, 65–68, 236 and Latin terms for, 222n3; Revelation, Book of, 157–58, 299 education for, 222n4; in ancient Revelation, modern, 39, 305 Egypt, 223n6 Revised Standard Bible, 167 Scripture: needs to be supplemented, 18; Rheims–Douai Bible, 166 was tampered with, 18–19, 36; Richards, E. Randolph, 197–98, 206n30 reinterpretation of, 19–20; forgery Richards, Willard, 251 of text within, 20–21; future Rigdon, Sidney, 130–31, 138n30 restoration of, 39 Robbins, Lynn G., 169 Scrolls, keeping of, 52–53 Roberts, B. H., 31–32, 252 Second Treatise of the Great Seth, 297 Robinson, John T., 288n7 Seleucid Empire, 52 Robinson, Stephen E.: on great and Semagrams, 44 abominable church, 20, 22; on John’s Seneca, 191 editors, 139n38; on apocryphal Septuagint, 83, 90–91n18, 229, 238–41 writings, 295 Sermon on the Mount: in Matthew, 146; Roe, Thomas, 97–98 on anger, 160; reinterprets law, 227; Roetzel, Calvin, 70 parallels Book of Mormon, 313–14 Romans, Paul’s Epistle to: is to unknown Shepherd of Hermas. See Hermas, congregation, 194–95; includes Shepherd of imperative and indicative sections, Signs, as outward appearances of 202; scribe writes, 215–16; length of, obedience, 68–72 220; Old Testament quoted in, Silvanus: as coauthor of Paul’s letters, 231–37; audience addressed in, 244 139n33, 197, 200; helps establish Rome, 230 church in Thessalonica, 191; as Rottmanner, O., 250 scribe, 198, 222n2 Ruth, 147 Simon, Richard, 17, 123 Rylands Fragment, 9, 93 Sinaiticus, Codex: discovery and content of, 10, 97; contains Alexandrian text Sadducees, 69–70 type, 82, 100; is different from KJV, Salvation, 314 103–4, 107nn32, 38; “among the Samaritan woman, story of, 5 people” in, 155n35; contains Samuel the Lamanite, 16, 318 noncanonical work, 290n22 Sanders, E. P., 77n38 Skins, animal, 45, 52 Sarah, 232 Smith, Joseph: on Peter as author in New Satan, 15 Testament, 6; clarifies concept of Schneemelcher, Wilhelm, 293 Godhead, 18; allows for biblical Scientific Revolution, 73 changes, 25n46; name of, ascribed to Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 333

Index 333

published records, 31–33, 130–31; on Tablets: clay, 44–45; waxed wooden, 53, Bible having errors, 34–35, 37, 59n27, 199 94, 104, 124, 159; on divinity of Tachygraphy, 211–12 Bible, 38–39; on translation of Bible, Tacitus, 118–19 88, 92n36, 94, 158; quotes from Talmage, James E., 252 Matthew, 141, 152n4; restores correct Tamar, 147 version of Matthew 5:21–22, 168, Tanners, 52 170–71; on Paul as author of Taverner’s Bible, 166 Hebrews, 251–52, 252–53; on Temple festivals, 70 dispensations, 305; on the Holy Ten Commandments, 47 Ghost, 306; on translating the Bible, Tertius, as scribe to Paul, 131, 132, 134, 198, 306; on sameness of gospel through 208–9, 215–16, 225nn35, 36, 38 all dispensations, 307; teachings of, Tertullian: on heretics changing scripture, verify New Testament facts about 18–19, 20; on Matthew, 141, 153n16; Christ, 308–9; show knowledge of on anger “without a cause,” 164; textual criticism of scriptures, believes in supersessionism, 205n14; 318–19 on Barnabas as author of Hebrews, Smith, Joseph F., 251–52 249; defends orthodox position, 268 Smith, Joseph Fielding, 32, 252 Text types, 81–82 Socrates, 65 Textual criticism: is not conclusive proof, 3; problems with, 78–79; steps of, Solomon, 47; Wisdom of, 11, 292, 293, 79–81; external evidence of, 81–83; 297 internal evidence of, 83–85; affect of, Sons of God, 312 on LDS, 87; as lower criticism, 88n1; Songs, as part of oral tradition, 47 growth of, 95; scholarly use of, Sosthenes, as coauthor in Paul’s letters, 101–2, 187 139n33, 197, 198, 206n24, 217 Textuality: meaning of, 47; increasing Souter, 250 belief of, 48–55; cycle of, and codex, Speculum, 164 56; and orality, 58n20 Sperry, Sidney B.: addresses scholarly Textus Receptus: contains readings from questions, 23; on Paul’s letters to Byzantine text type, 82, 99; Thessalonians, 206n31; on Paul publication of, 90n15; is source of knowing Christ, 247; on similarity of most English versions of New Christ’s teachings to Jews and Testament, 99, 103; includes anger Nephites, 311 “without a cause,” 166 Statius, 213 Theodore-Heraclea, 164 Stephanus, 99, 173n36 Theodoret, 164 Stibbe, Mark W. G., 175, 187n1 Thessalonians: Paul’s letters to, 7, 191–92, Stichometry of Nicephorus, 299, 302n5 206nn29, 31; second letter to, 209, Stoicism, 64, 67, 75n2 218 Stone, as writing material, 45 Thomas, Acts of, 302n6 Suetonius, 118, 119, 204n13 Thomas, Gospel of: as heretical forgery, Supersessionism, 205n14 8–9, 296; is independent of Gospels, Superstition, 64 119, 145; copy of, 154n24 Syncretism, 64 Thompson, Marianne Meye, 186 Synoptic gospels, 3–4, 33 Thutmosis III, 45 Synoptic theory, 121n7 Timothy: as coauthor of Paul’s letters, Syriac Church Fathers, 101 139n33, 191, 197, 200, mention of, in Syrian Orthodox Church, 11 Hebrews, 247 Sperry Symp 35th-HowNTCame 8/1/06 9:19 AM Page 334

334 Index

Timothy, Epistle to: authorship of, 6, 209; John 1:18, 104; of Mark 1:11 and Luke is pastoral epistle, 196; new 3:23, 107n31; of Romans 8:1, 107n32; vocabulary in, 220 of Mark 1:2, 107n33; of Luke 2:14, Tiro, 212 107n35; of Luke 11:2–4, 107n 36; of 1 Tischendorf, Constantin von, 10, 97, 98, Timothy 3:16, 107n37; of Revelation 106n14 1:5, 107n38; of Colossians 4:16, Titus, Epistle to: authorship of, 6, 209; is 107n39; of Matthew 5:21–22, 162 pastoral epistle, 196; new vocabulary Vaticanus, Codex: content of, 10, 98; in, 220 translations of, 13–14; contains Tongues, gift of, 237 Alexandrian text type, 82, 100; is Torah, 69–70; shrine, 51 different from KJV, 103–4, 107n32 Tradition of the elders, 70 Vulgate manuscripts. See Latin Vulgate Translation errors, 88 Washingtonensis, Codex, 106n13 Transmission errors, 88 Watson, G., 64, 75n4, 76n23 Treasures in heaven, 313 Wayment, Thomas, 288n5, 290n17 Trent, Council of, 11 Webster, Noah, 167 Trinity belief, 16–18, 103 Welsh, John W., 169–70 Trobish, David, 263–64, 289n11 Wesley, John, 169–70, 205n14 Tyndale Bible, 165–66 Westcott, B. F., 86, 89nn8, 9 Western text type: description of, 82; in Uncial (majuscule) manuscripts: are in Greek and Latin manuscripts, capital letters, 90nn10, 17, 96; are in 100–101; textual variants in, Byzantine text type, 99; influence 107nn33, 35 assessments of variants, 99 Wilson, R. McLean, 248, 254 United Bible Societies, 104 Wirthlin, Joseph B., 87, 134–35 Unmoved Mover, 64–65, 67 Wisdom, God’s, 236 Urim and Thummim, 306 Wise Men, identity of, 155n32 Valentinian Gnostics: views of, on Christ, “Without a cause”, as controversial phrase, 160–71 13; change scripture, 19, 297; teach Wood, as writing material, 45 from Matthew, 152n2; codex of, Wooden tablets, waxed, 53 302n15 Woodruff, Wilford, 32 Vandenberg, John H., 252 Writing systems, early, 44–47 Variant readings: of 1 John 5:7–8, 17, Wycliffe, John, 165, 166 102–3; of textual criticism, 79; selecting original text among, 80; of Young, Brigham, 87–88, 92n32 Acts 20:28, 80–85; criteria in Young’s Literal Translation, 167 evaluating, 101–2; intentional and unintentional types of, 102; of Luke Zenock, book of, 53 23:34, 103; of John 5:3–4, 103–4; of Zenos, book of, 53