Translations from the Bible and the Apocrypha are taken from New Revised Standard Version. Translations from the apart from IV Ezra have been taken from J. H. Charlesworth (ed.), The Pseudepigrapha. Translations from the Qumran Documents have co me from Florentino Garcia Martinez (ed.), 77ze Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: 77ze Qy.mran Texts in English unless other• wise noted. Translations from the Targums are from K. Cathcart, M. Maher, and M. McNamara (eds.), 77ze Aramaie Bible: 77ze Targums. Translations from Philo are from Philo, Loeb Classical Library. All other translations can be found from Sec. I. Biblical Texts and Other Ancient Sources listed in the Bibliography. Italics found within the ancient literature cited are from the sources unless otherwise noted. The following abbreviations have been employed throughout this work.

Old Testament New Testament

Gen. Genesis Eccl. Ecclesiastes Matt. Matthew Heb. Hebrews Exod. Exodus Song. Song of Mark Mark Jam. James Lev. LCv~ticus Solomon Luke Luke I Pet. I Peter Num. Numbers Isa. Isaiah Jn. John II Pet. II Petcr Deut. Deuteronomy Jer. Jeremiah Acts Acts I Jn. I John Josh. Joshua Lam. Lamentations Rom. Romans II Jn. II John Jdg. Judges Ezek. Ezekiel I Cor. I Corinthians III Jn. III John Ruth Ruth Dan. Daniel II Cor. II Corinthians Jude Jude I Sam. I Samuel Hos. Hosea Ga!. Galatians Rev. Revelation II Sam. II Samuel Joel Joel Eph. Ephesians I Kings I Kings Amos Amos Phi!. Philippians II Kings II Kings Obad. Obadiah Col. Colossians I Chr. I Chronicles Jon. Jonah I Thess. I Thessalonians II Chr. II Chronicles Mic. Micah II Thess. II Thessalonians Ezra Ezra Nah. Nahum I Tim. I Timothy Neh. Nehemiah Hab. Habakkuk II Tim. II Timothy Esth. Esther Zeph. Zephaniah Tit. Titus Job Job Hag. Haggai Phm. Philemon Psa. Psalms Zech. Zechariah Provo Proverbs Mal. Malachi XYlll REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS

Apocrypha Tob. Tobit Song. of Th. Prayer of Azariah and the Jdt. Judith Song of the Three J ews Wis. Wisdom Sus. Susanna Sir. Siraeh I Maee. I Maeeabees Eedes. Eedesiastieus II Maee. II Maeeabees Bar. Barueh III Maee. III Maeeabees IV Maee. IV Maeeabees Ode Ode

Pseudepigrapha I En. I Ase. Isa. Aseension of Isaiah II En. II Enoeh Ape. Abr. Apoealypse of II Bar. II Barueh Test. Abr. Testament of Abraham III Bar. III Barueh Test. Is. Testament of Isaae IV Ezra IV Ezra Test. Jae. Testament of Jaeob Vis. Ezra Vision of Ezra Test. Jud. Testament of Judah LAB Pseudo-Philo's Liber Test. Levi Testament of Levi Antiquitatum Biblicarum Test. Mos. Testament of Moses Jos. and Asen. Test. Naph. Testament of Naphtali Jub. Jubilees Test. Reub. Testament of Reuben Pss. Sol. Test. Sol. Testament of Solomon Ps. Phoe. Pseudo-Phoeylides Sib. Or. Sibylline Orades

Josephus Ant. Antiquities of the Ag. Ap. Against Apion Bell. 77te Jewish War

Philo Abr. On Abraham lvlut. On the Change 0/ Names Aet. On the Eterniry of the World Op. On the Creation Cher. On the Cherubim Plant. On Noah's Work as a Planter Corif. On the Corifusion qf Tongues Post. On the Posteriry and Exile 0/ Cain Fug. On Flight and Finding Praem. On Rewards and Punishments G~t;. On the Giants Qyaest. in Gen. Qyestions and Answers on Genesis Hyp. Apolog)! Jor the Jews Qyis. Her. Who is the H eir Leg. On the Embassy to Gaius Sac. On the Sacrifices 0/ and Cain Leg. All. Allegorical Interpretation Sob. On Sobriery Mig. On the Migration 0/ Abraham Som. On Dreams Mos. Moses Spec. Leg. On the Special Laws Virt. On the Virtues Vit. Cont. On the Contemplatiue Lift