Gwen Raverat | 288 pages | 20 Jun 1974 | FABER & FABER | 9780571067428 | English | London, United Kingdom : a Cambridge childhood

She started a novel. What a delightful book! Start your review of Period Piece. You begin to get a glimpse of the Cambridge-centric network that is the Darwin family, in the middle of which Gwen grew up. The boats were moored in very deep water, beneath a steep bank, perhaps four or five feet high, and Cordelia and I had scrambled into one of them to receive the baskets, when Jane appeared at the top of the bank. The book is illustrated throughout with wood engravings by the author. Enlarge cover. Gwen is the grand-daughter of and Emma Wedgwood. Return to Book Page. A fine poet, Frances, confusingly, married Cambridge classics don Francis Cornford. Now why in the world did they like doing that? Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Be the first to write a review About this product. Funny and heart- warming. I absolutely loved the chapter "Sport" in which she tells of all the games she and her siblings and cousins would ge This has been my Year of the Memoir - I don't know how many I've read, but this one must be the best yet. Read more This passion made me feel quite sick sometimes. Of course all the flowers that grew at Down were beautiful; Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood different from all other flowers. For example, as a child she was often called Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood to act as a chaperone to courting couples, and when ladies boated past a watering hole where boys swam naked, they would cover their faces with parasols. William : There are definitely Darwinian genetic traits apart from hypochondria, not least the tendency to make mountains out of minor mole hills. Posted in Leave a Comment. We used to discuss the ridiculous superstitions about God and Religion; the absurd prejudices of patriotism and decency; the grotesque encumbrances called parents. I was happy to learn that she led a fulfilling life, not surprising for someone as intelligent as she and with such a common-sense attitude. And in the dark early morning we could sometimes hear from the Big Island the crowing of the cocks, which disturbed my father so much. Pryor and later Charles Gurney. Everything there was different. Mar 20, Theresa rated it really liked it. Community Reviews. Those who have visited or lived in Cambridge will no doubt enjoy spotting familiar locations. Its charm was not quite consistent enough to make this a stand-out memoir. As herself says at the conclusion of her memoir, I remember [my childhood] as an uncomfortable time, and sometimes a very unhappy one Hard to conceive of such a straitened society just down the road and just over a years ago. Jul 06, Paul rated it liked it Shelves: autobiography. The item may be a factory second or a new, unused item with defects or irregularities. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Ill health as a Darwin characteristic. You know the saying: There's no time like the Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood It was rather more of a familial than a geographical memoir, I suppose. Not just an invaluable record of domestic history, this is a very funny and impressively thorough memoir that could be used by anyone as a model for how to capture childhood. I read this book at a time Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood my life when I am myself attempting to balance my individual personality and interests with larger social expectations and concerns, so this was a nice read. The author's father was Sir . Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood, I found it devoid of emotion at times, and the behaviour which the characters demonstrated Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood felt bizarre and inconsistent. Darwin College, Cambridge, occupies both her childhood home, , and the neighbouring Old Granary where she lived from until her death. Unfortunately Aunt Etty, being a lady, had no real work to do; she had not even any children to bring up. She had three suitors during that time, all of them Fellows of Trinity College. One day a British Rail employee stopped me. This is a great addition to everyone's essential 'smile on your face' bookshelf - a really enjoyable read. William : The meme of privilege and authority peculiar to many Darwins pushed Gwen into the almost bohemian, parent- upsetting life of an artist. William : In the preface to her masterpiece of a childhood memoir, Period Piece, my grandmother, Gwen Raverat makes it clear that: Anne : This is a circular book. I am afraid that what I have written may be too flippant and rather odious, and I would like to know what some outside Literary Person feels about it. I loved how headstrong she in particular was. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood a free website or blog at WordPress. Will include dust jacket if it originally came with one. The places which she describes throughout are familiar to me, and I loved Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood able to picture the scenes exactly as they Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood and, in most cases, how they have remained for centuries.