Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 IDENTITY THEFT HOW INTERNET SCAMMERS ARE IMPERSONATING EXIT In an audacious game of cat while attempting to buy Nembutal to illegally import drugs (an and mouse, notorious Internet from these scammers. To this end. action not condoned by Exit), scammers are impersonating Exit As a result Exit receives weekly or purchasing lawfully over-the- Director, Dr Philip Nitschke, to emails from people accusing counter in some countries; the steal people’s money online. Exit of taking their money and decision is the individual’s alone providing no drugs in return. to make. In recent months, Dr Philip Nitschke and Exit International Of course, Exit does not sell, and The one thing that is clear is that have been subject to identity theft never has sold, given, or provided, Exit and Dr Philip Nitschke are on the Internet. Not only have Nembutal. Selling barbiturates is not selling Nembutal online. these criminals stolen images and against the law in most countries. Rather, they are the victims of an wording from Exit websites but elaborate yet lucrative hoax. they have blatantly used Philip’s Besides, the sale of drug goes face to promote their scam of against Exit’s principle that people The full story of the scams can selling Nembutal online. should organise their own end of be read about in Chapter 14 of life options, rather than relying the February 2015 update to the The result of their travails has been on others to help them. Whether online Peaceful Pill eHandbook at: people losing thousands of dollars this means taking the decision IN THIS ISSUE 1 Identity Theft: Internet Scams 2 Nitschke Appeal Heads to Court 4 NSW VEP Gears Up For Election 4 Legal Defence Fund Call for $$ 5 Exitorial 6 VEP Vic Election Results 6 Exit Chapter Coordinators’ Mtg 7 Exit Workshop Dates 8 Join Exit & Peaceful Pill Store

The fake Facebook page set up by the scammers in which they impersonated Dr Philip Nitschke


On Christmas Eve, Philip was delivered the unfortunate which may or may not news that his appeal to the Medical Tribunal of the be deemed appropriate. Northern Territory had failed. The appeal was against Rather, the sticking the decision of the Australian Medical Board to use point became that emergency powers to suspend him from practice, because Philip’s conduct was of the alleged danger that he represents to public health that of a registered and safety. medical practitioner. This means that a The appeal decision came amidst hitherto high hopes doctor’s opinions and that the Tribunal would find in Philip’s favour. However, behaviour are governed this was not to be. On day one of the appeal hearing by Code of Practice, in Darwin in November last year, the Medical Board regardless of whether dropped their assertion that Philip had been in a doctor - he or she is writing a Edition 1 of ‘Dr Twinkle’ patient relationship with Perth man, Nigel Brayley. This book or hang-gliding! shifting of the goal posts would change the entire focus of the appeal. In making this point, the Tribunal relied on a number of cases, including the 40 year old case of Beaumont v To the onlooker, it is common sense that Philip is not the Beesley from 1973. In this case, Dr Beesley was director treating medical doctor of every member of Exit, nor of and manager of a company that published a magazine anyone who comes along to an Exit workshop as a result called the ‘Dr Twinkle Medical Journal’. The magazine of subscribing to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook. If that were comprised ‘articles on medical subjects, largely of a sexual the case, he would have the longest patient list of any nature, a correspondence column, a section on medical medico in the country and overseas. jokes’ etc while advertising commercial pharmaceutical and health products (including ‘female contraceptives’). Rather, the Board’s The NSW Court of Appeal found that Dr Beesley had assumption and the behaved in a way ‘which destroys or diminishes the Tribunal’s decision reputation which the profession is entitled to have’. He both seemed to was thereby guilty of ‘infamous conduct’ in publishing sidestep the law, what amounted to a ‘girlie’ magazine. One wonders if the favouring instead to same moral standards would be applied today, some 41 base their arguments years later. Dr Beesley was allowed to reapply for medical on the Code of registration after a period of two years. Conduct for Doctors in . This Where Philip is concerned, questions need to be asked Code, unlike the about who is out of step? Is Philip out of step with the general law, places mores of the community given that around four out of five Darwin Supreme Court where the next stage fault not on conduct Australians believe that if a person is suffering unbearably, of the appeal will be heard on 1 April 2015

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 Page 2 NITSCHKE APPEAL HEADS TO DARWIN SUPREME COURT with no hope of recovery, that person should receive medical assistance to die. But Nigel Brayley’s suicide was never about a terminally ill person. And this is the crux. Nigel Brayley’s decision to take his own life, regardless of whether he was the murderer of two wives, was the lawful decision of a rational adult. Only Nigel will ever know the reasons why he chose to go early. The Crimes Acts of all Australian states confirm that suicide was Nigel’s lawful right. Common law confirms that no one had a legal duty to intervene, to thwart or frustrate his plans. The sign says it all Philip’s appeal to the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory is due to be heard in the days before Easter on 1 - 2 April (great April fools joke!). In the appeal, Philip’s lawyers will argue that the Code of Conduct applies only to a doctor’s relationships with his/ her patients, and not to ‘strangers’ like Nigel Brayley and, therefore, a doctor’s core tasks do not extend to the care of such strangers.

The lawyers will argue that the Tribunal erred in law in finding that the Code applied to Philip’s behaviour in relation to Nigel Brayley. Other arguments include Peter Nugent speaking outside the Tribunal that the Tribunal erred in refusing to hear or consider Philip’s submission seeking to inform the Tribunal of the significant peer-reviewed scholarly literature on rational suicide. Amidst the nine errors of law outlined, Philip’s lawyers will allege that the finding of the Tribunal was unreasonable to the extent that no reasonable Tribunal could have come to this decision.

If you are interested in supporting Philip through this final stage, please come to Darwin on 1 April and join him in the Supreme Court. The hearing room in Darwin If you are unable to get to Darwin and would like to help in other ways, further legal donations are desperately needed. Please give now at: or call Chelsey at Exit to donate by Credit Card over the phone on 1300 10 3948. Philip with supporters on day 1 of the Tribunal appeal

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 Page 3 VEP NSW GEARS UP FOR MARCH ELECTION The NSW branch of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party have been quick off the mark in preparation for that State’s March 2015, holding their inaugural campaign launch in November 2014. The Party plans to field a full contingent of 21 candidates, thereby achieving ‘above the line’ status on the Upper House voting card. If you support the VEP and you will be voting in NSW, you will be able to mark a single 1 in the VEP box.

The lead candidate for the VEP in NSW will be Shayne No 1 NSW VEP Candidate, Shayne Higson, with Loredana Mulhall Higson. Some Exit members may remember that Shayne whose daughter Natasha is also standing for the VEP stood for the in the 2013 Federal elec- the Voluntary Euthanasia Party (NSW), PO Box 3158, tion for the VEP. She is trying her luck again in 2015. Bellevue Hill NSW 2023. VEP NSW’s website can be found at: If you would like to get involved with the NSW cam- paign, you can call or email Shayne on 0403 625 456 Exit is pleased to support the VEP in and New or [email protected]. Donations can be made out to South Wales. We wish Shayne and her team all the best. LEGAL DEFENCE FUND PLEASE GIVE NOW Philip has never been a man driven by money. That is perhaps why he has been able to commit himself so passionately, and over such a sustained period of time, to his work at Exit. In founding Exit in 1997 (then called the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation) Philip has devoted his working life to ensuring that Australians and others around the world have the best information in order to make their own end of life choices.

In this humanitarian work Philip strongly believes that it is the right of every rational adult to decide for themselves when to exit the planet. The decision of the Medical Board of Australia to suspend Philip’s medical license will not change this mindset. Rather, it makes One man against the State: Philip waiting anxiously for his hearing him more determined. To this end, Philip needs to give to begin in Darwin, 10 November 2014 the legal system one final shot to clear his name. that he or she will have them counselled, or even certi- fied (locked up in a mental institution). Please do not let If the Medical Board’s suspension of Philip goes unchal- this happen. Please dig deep and donate to Philip’s legal lenged the ramifications are immense. Not only will defence fund. every doctor in Australia be required to intervene in the suicide plans of any other person, regardless of whether they are in a doctor - patient relationship or not. But this means that no elderly or seriously ill Australian will Cheques and credit card donations can be sent to: ever be able to raise the issue with their doctor, for fear Philip Nitschke Legal Defence Fund Exit International, PO Box 37781 Darwin NT 0821

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 Page 4 EXITORIAL

A LONG TIME BETWEEN NEWSLETTERS ever got deregistered by the Medical Board then I would turn my If members were wondering if the delay between newsletters was hand to comedy. While I was not entirely serious at the time, I somehow due to our opponents efforts to frustrate and thwart the must admit that I have long-harboured ambitions to take to the activities of Exit (through opening up multiple legal battles in the stage and do a stand-up routine. courts) worry not! As much as the nay-sayers might like to think they are grinding the organisation to a standstill, nothing could be I feel exceptionally lucky that such an opportunity has arisen in further from the truth. the form of one of Exit’s youngest UK members, 35-year-old Mel Moon. A seasoned performer until she became ill with a rare Rather, the reason why we have delayed so long in publishing in polyglandular failure condition, Mel joined Exit in mid 2014 this format is because over the past year, it has become increasingly and the two of us got talking (and laughing). These discussions obvious that news about Exit, myself and voluntary euthanasia is have resulted in a booked engagement at the Edinburgh Comedy much more fast-paced than a newsletter can handle. This is why, Festival in August 2015. like it or not, the social media programs of Twitter and Facebook have overtaken the 8-page newsletter as the primary way of We are calling the show ‘Dying Laughing: Comedy with Purpose’. disseminating information about what we are doing. We will be performing at 6.30pm each night at ‘Just the Tonic’ as part of the Festival, which runs for the full month of August. Of To this end I would strongly encourage all Exit members who course, all Exit members are invited to come along. The show will are on the Internet to familiarise themselves with Twitter. My be part stand-up, part satire. The subject material will be drawn hashtag (a hashtag is the primary means you use to find my posts from our collective experiences in talking about life, death and on Twitter) is #philipnitschke. Stay in touch with me daily! dying. Overlaid on this will be the jokes. Already, the media has VEP VIC APPOINTS NEW PRESIDENT shown some interest in what we are doing, so the pressure is on. There are many hidden talents in the thousands of people who DROPPING BY AT DIGNITAS are members of Exit International. In the past year, it has been a I was very pleased in recent weeks to be able to visit Dignitas privilege to be working alongside one of them in Mr Peter Nugent. again in Zurich and personally thank Mr Ludwig Minelli for his Not only has Peter worked pro bono for me on the matter of the support. In particular, Dignitas’ pledge to assist with my legal Medical Board appeals but he has now taken on the extra role of defence fund has been especially welcome. In this line of work, President and Spokesperson for the Voluntary Euthanasia Party one can sometimes think one has few friends. I am pleased to of Victoria. say that Exit’s strong and supportive relationship with Dignitas continues unabated. Both groups respect each other’s work Peter was admitted as a solicitor in 1993 and called to the enormously and barely a week goes by when we do not cross refer Victorian Bar in 1995. Since that time his practice areas have those in need to each other. included commercial, administrative, personal injury and equity. Victorians now have a powerful and effective new presence to advocate for law reform and a person’s end of life choices.

Recent media about Peter’s own story is at: His email is [email protected] DYING LAUGHING: COMEDY WITH PURPOSE To anyone who has ever attended an Exit workshop you will be aware that the subject of end of life choices can lend itself to a From left to right: Ludwig Minelli, Fiona Stewart, Philip Nitschke good laugh. While I’m no astrologer, when I was writing my & Silvan Luley autobiography with Peter Corris back in 2013, I did say that if I Philip Nitschke


The final results for the Voluntary Euthansia Party of Victoria’s first state election on 29 November 2014 are as follows:

Eastern Metropolitan (David Scanlon) 1.06% Northern Metropolitan (Bertha Franklin) 0.29% Southern Metropolitan (Penny McCusker) 0.77% South Eastern Metropolitan (Sorin Ionascu) 0.55% Eastern Victoria (Meg Paul) 1.19%

The Voluntary Euthanasia Party is to be congratulated for its inaugural state election results, especially as the Party had VEP Vic 2014 Campaign Launch: relatively little lead time to prepare for the election. It was Candidates with Mr Derryn Hinch & Dr Philip Nitschke only a matter of months between the establishment of the incorporated association and registration as a political party that was qualified to contest the November election.

The Party’s campaign was launched by media personality Derryn Hinch at the Toorak Library on Sunday 16 November. A second launch took place in election week, when the VEP banded together with the to promote a series of billboards. The boards were aimed at drawing voters’ attention to the Christian alliance which was taking hold in the Northern Metropolitan region and which would stop the VEP & the ASP getting elected. Luckily, the campaign worked and Dr Philip Nitschke & Ms Fiona Patten at the billboard launch on the ASP founder, Fiona Patten, was elected to the Upper House steps of Parliament House in , 27 November 2014 for the North Metro region. The VEP’s collaboration with the ASP also resulted in swapping preferences in some regions.

As a new MLC, Fiona is already in discussions to have Voluntary Euthanasia referred by the Attorney General to the Victorian Law Reform Commission in the coming months. While VEP might not have got elected, we do now have our woman, where we want her; in the Victorian Upper House of Parliament.

At the post-election committee meeting of the VEP Vic, the Presidency of the Party was handed to Mr Peter Nugent. Some may know Peter as the barrister who is representing Philip in his appeal against the Medical Board suspension. Deputy Mr Peter Nugent handing out VEP how-to-vote cards outside President is Meg Paul. Bertha Franklin remains the Party’s Camberwell Primary School on election day 2014 public officer. Visit for contact details.

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 Page 6 EXIT CHAPTER COORDINATORS MEET IN BRISBANE Another successful Exit Chapter Coordinator Planning Meet- ing was held in late 2014, this time in Brisbane. Almost all of Exit’s 20+ Coordinators from Australia and New Zealand were able to attend, in addition to special guests Lesley Bas- sett and Sophie Haesen who came from Europe to join us.

The days together provided valuable time to network, exchange stories and experiences and work on better ways to help Exit members with their end of life choices, while remaining inside the law. Exit was especially pleased to have barrister, Mr Peter Nugent, join us for the two days.

Peter was able not only to answer the myriad questions the Chapter Coordinator, Dr David Swanton, tests Exit’s new spirometry lung function equipment while Angelika Minner (Brisbane Coordinators threw at him, but was able to provide critical Chapter) looks on legal advice. Peter’s contribution was invaluable from the point of view of ensuring that all of Exit’s activities - from workshops to local member Coffee & Chat groups - remain well within the law. This is not always easy given the grey na- ture of assisted suicide, not only in Australia, but also in New Zealand and the UK.

The Coordinators say they left the meeting with a renewed vigor and sense of purpose. This is precisely the aim of these special regular networking get-togethers. The Brisbane meeting was made possible by a generous bequest recently received by Exit. This is important as all attendance costs are covered by Exit. A humble ‘thank you’ for the hard work Ah those Kiwis! Auckland & Wellington Chapter Coordinators Fern the volunteer Coorinators do throughout the year. The next Mackenzie & Suzy Austen get cheerful . Joined by Suzy’s husband ‘Jolly Chapter Planning meeting will be held in early 2016. Mike’ (l) & Newcastle Coordinator John Mackenzie (no relation) (r) NEW WORKSHOP DATES 2015 Wisdom St, Hughes 2605 Perth WA 9am - 1pm, Monday 1 June Melbourne VIC Wembley Community Ctr 10am - 1pm, Friday 12 June 40 Alexander St, Wembley 6014 Phoenix Park Community Centre 22 Rob Roy Rd, Malvern East NSW Melway Reference: Map 69 D2 9.30am - 1pm, Tuesday 9 June Dougherty Community Ctr Workshop Bookings 7 Victor St , Chatswood 2057 Email: [email protected] Canberra, ACT Phone: 1300-10-3948 (EXIT) 1 - 4 Registration forms are available from: pm, Wednesday 10 June Hughes Community Centre Other venues scheduled for 2015 include: NYC,

Dec 2014 - Feb 2015 Page 7 The Peaceful Pill Handbook* Exit Drug Test Kit* Max Bromson (2014 print edition) Price: A$35 Test Kit** Nth America: US$35 (Quantitative) Rest of World : US$60 Price: A$245

Killing Me Softly: VE & the Road to the Peaceful Pill* Exit He Gas Flow by Dr Philip Nitschke Controls (with US/ Europe Nth America: US$33 Plumbers Tape + Nitrogen Flow Rest of World : US$48 Tube)** Control** Price: A$200 Price: A$395/495 Mademoiselle & the Doctor* Member/ Non (feature documentary by Member price Janine Hosking) Damned If I Do: Nth America: US$33 Autobiography* Aussie Nitrogen Rest of World : US$48 (with Peter Corris) Flow Control* Published by Price: A$365/475 Melbourne University Member/ Non Press, 2013. Member price The Peaceful Pill eHandbook Nth America: US$33 (online edition) Rest of World : US$48 * Inc regular shipping globally ** Inc DHL/ other traceable shipping 24 month subscription: US$85 # Photo ID required for some products

Join Exit International I wish to join/ rejoin/ donate to Exit International (12 Months: Aust - AUD$110 inc GST $10; (couples $165 inc GST $15); US/Canada US$100; UK/ Irel £62/ €73) Life membership - $1000 Please send me the paperwork to consider Exit International in my Will

First Name I am paying $ for Last Name Payment Options: Visa /Mastercard Address Credit Card No Post/Zipcode Country Name on Card eMail @ Signature Phone Expiry Date /

Exit International, PO Box 37781 Darwin, Northern Territory 0821 Australia [email protected] 1300 10 3948 (EXIT) Ph outside Aust: +61 (0)2 8005 1197 Fax: +61(0)2 8905 9249 Exit meetings in 2015 public meetings & workshops

Exit public meetings are free & open half hour meetings where the legislative history & current political status of Assisted Suicide & Voluntary Euthanasia are discussed. Public Meetings are followed by a tea break and then by the Exit Workshop. Exit workshops are based on The Peaceful Pill eHandbook and provide an opportunity for audience Questions and Answers.

Exit Public Meeting topics include: • History of VE/ AS around the world • Legal status quo – what you can and can’t do • Advance directives & living wills

Exit Workshop topics based on the Peaceful Pill eHandbook include: • Chapter 5: Hypoxic death, gases, dangers, ratings • Chapters 6 - 8: Poisons, carbon Monoxide, cyanide, detergents – risks, safety & legal issues • Chapters 9 - 12: All about drugs, myths, overdoses, prescription drugs, pain drugs • Chapters 13 - 16: The old fashioned barbiturates • Chapter 17: The Swiss options • Chapter 18: Death certificates, autopsies, wills & testamentary capacity, family counselling

Exit Workshops are presented by Dr Philip Nitschke. Attendance at Exit Workshops is reserved for those over 50 years & people who are seriously ill, or by special agreement. exit viva seminars

Exit Viva is a new type of practical information session commencing in 2015. Presented by Australian Exit Coordinator & secular pastoral worker & therapist, Dr Johannes Klabbers, Exit Viva take the prag- matics of The Peaceful Pill eHandbook & build on this material to include a collective conversation of death / dying, including strategies for talking openly talking about it with friends & family.

Johannes will be outlining the advantages of being prepared for the dying process, & talking openly about it with friends & family. Exit Viva will be an entertaining & informative seminar which will be challeng- ing & rewarding for both Exit members & their friends/ family. Exit Viva are free for Exit members & those they bring with them. Exit Viva will be held in each Australian & New Zealand capital city once in 2015. Exit Viva dates will be announced in early 2015. exit chapters

Exit Chapters are the most local group contact for Exit members in Australia, New Zealand & the UK. Exit Chapters are small, informal, local groups of Exit members who come together for friendship & support. Some chapters have set agendas. Others do not. Some chapters meet monthly while others meet quarterly. One important offshoot of Exit Chapters is the extra-local ‘Coffee & Chat’ support groups which operate all over, & which usually take place in a member’s home.

These small groups of 4 – 10 members, have become the most effective way for information to be shared within the Exit community & for new friends / support networks to be established. For more details call Exit on 1300 10 3948 (EXIT). Chapter Meetings 2015 ADELAIDE: Melbourne City Coffee & Chat Mtgs 7 April, 28 July, 10 November 19 Feb, 23 April, 25 June, 27 August TBC, 29 Octo- All at 2.30 - 4pm ber TBC, all at 6pm, Melbourne City Library meeting Fullarton Centre, 411 Fullarton Rd, Fullarton room. All members welcome Contact Julia on 0432-628-304 Contact Johannes on 0438 955 401 [email protected] AUCKLAND: Next Meeting Tues 31 March NEWCASTLE: Point Chevalier Croquet Club rooms 25 Dignan St, 6 February, 1 May, 7 August Point Chevalier at 10am Contact John on 0419-465-182 Contact Fern on 027-4720-378 [email protected]

BRISBANE: PERTH: For coffee & chat & Chapter meeting dates please 9 February, 13 April, 8 June, 10 August, 12 October, contact Angelika on 0431-275-840 14 December [email protected] New start time of1230 to 2.30pm Wembley Community Centre BUNDABERG: Contact Carol on 0429-039-167 5 March, 4 June, 3 September, 3 December All at 1.30pm at Bundaberg Aero Club SYDNEY: Contact Di on 07-4154-4233 2 - 4pm, 24 April Fitzroy Room, Rex Centre CANBERRA: 58A Macleay St, Potts Point 28 February, 29 August, 28 November Entrance off Fitzroy Gardens Hughes Community Centre Contact Johannes 0438-955-401 (weekdays 10-4pm) Contact the team on 02-6223-5078 [email protected] SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS: 4 February, 1 April, 3 June, 5 August, : 7 October, 2 December Contact John on 0427-486-402 At Mittagong RSL club Contact Val Butler 02-9863-8263. CENTRAL COAST: 5 February, 7 May, 6 August SUNSHINE COAST: Contact John on 0419-465-182 2nd Tuesday of every 2nd month [email protected] Various venues inc Noosa Leisure Ctr, Dicky Beach Nambour, Mary Cairncross Reserve in Maleny GOLD COAST: Email / phone notification to members 2 weeks 12 February, 14 May, 6 August, 5 November prior to meetings. New members should contact All at 10am, Robina Community Room, Robina Town Linese on 07-5446-5116 or email Centre [email protected] Contact Elaine 07-5580-8215 or 0421-796-713 [email protected] TOOWOOMBA: Contact Elaine on 07-5535-1151 LONDON UK: Members may contact 02071-931-557 for details WELLINGTON NZ: Pot Luck lunch on Sunday 22 February at 2-30pm MELBOURNE: 50 Mulberry St, Maungaraki, Lower Hutt 18 April, 17 October Contact Suzy on 04-566-4893 Please arrive 1pm for 1.30pm Toorak Library, Toorak Rd, Sth Yarra Contact Rob on 0432-059-345 Exit Workshop Registration


RSVP Address


fax +61 2 8905 9249 or email: [email protected]

To rsvp by phone, please call 1300 10 3948 (EXIT)

Perth, WA: 9am - 1pm, Monday 1 June, Wembley Community Ctr, 40 Alexander St, Wembley

Sydney, NSW: 9.30am - 1pm, Tuesday 9 June, Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor St, Chatswood Canberra, ACT: 1 - 4pm, Wednesday 10 June, Hughes Community Centre, Wisdom St, Hughes Melbourne, Vic: 10am - 1pm on Friday 12 June, Phoenix Park Ctr, 22 Rob Roy Rd, East Malvern

Complimentary morning/ afternoon tea will be served. Free public meetings form the first 20 minutes of all meetings. Workshop attendees must be aged 50 years or over or seriously ill. Photo ID or medical records may be requested. Exit reserves the right to refuse entry to any person for any reason. Workshops are based on The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

To stay abreast with workshop dates as they become confirmed, please visit: WORKSHOP Registration

First Name...... Last Name......

Address...... Postcode......

Email...... @...... Phone......

Date of Birth...... Occupation (former occupation if retired) ......

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder..NO...... YES..... (if yes, what is your diagnosis?)......

Interest in VE/ Assisted suicide......

I am not a member or agent of the AHPRA, the Medical Board, state or federal police or other body involved in the matter of Dr Philip Nitschke’s medical registration or any other matter.

WORKSHOP attendance

FREE for Exit Members

$110 (inc $10 gst) TOTAL PAYABLE

$55 (inc $5 gst) Existing PP eHandbook Subscriber Discount Rate

$99 (inc $9 gst) Day Membership (workshop only)

WORKSHOP payment



Cheque/ Money order (Aust meetings ONLY)

Cash on the day

Credit Card No...... |...... |...... |...... Name on Card......

Signature...... Expiry Date...... /......