A 516

South District Council - Cycling Strategy 2001

District boundary 205 Existing cycle paths Proposed cycle paths

232 233

A 38 Cycle path numbers

El Sub Sta The Griffe Field Primary School Stakerfield Nursery Nuffield Hospital This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the Permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright. El Sub Sta Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. District Council. LA 100019461. 2007. Scale 1: 12,500 # HollybrookMedical Centre Pond White Hollybrook Tavern Lodge (PH) Gas Gov

Church 1

El Sub Sta 11




Staker House Drain

Micklemeadow Micklemeadows Farm Pond Hotel Issues Sinks

185Hell Brook Highfield's Farm

Hall Pastures Farm Drain

186 Drain

Pp Sta




Blakemere Farm Fields Farm

Landown Farm

Stenson FieldsFarm

Wallfield 181 SouthHouse Derbyshire District Council

FarmhouseMews The Bungalow


Doles Lea Farm Calvery Brook

Drain Riding School 184 Riding Findern School


ObaraHouse MarwoodHouse


Hall Porter's All Saints' Lane PO Church Farm Hall

Clovermead The 179 Wheel Corner Inn Farm (PH) Kennels Heath Farm

Ivy Cottage

HouseBank CottageRose

Drain HillsideHalcro Stenson The House Southview Bubble (PH)Inn 177 TheLock House

Ashlea Farm

Railway Cottages Farm Lower Farm Canal Bridge Farm Silo

Arleston Farm

East Farm Tiddleyfrog Barn Glenfield House

Stenson Farm West The 183 Canal Turn Highfield HouseHighfield (PH) Cottage

West Farm Stables Arleston House Farm 182 Frymzs House 180

Findern County Primary School

The Cottage

Lowes Cottage BarnNorth The Ragley Merry Bower Farm Boatstop GalleryThe (PH) The LowesLowes Farm Cottage

Cart Hovel The Hush The Farmhouse StablesThe South Derbyshire DistrictLowes House Council Merrybower Cottages

The Hill 178 Cottage Pump House

Hill Farm

Swarkestone Stop 176

Trent and Mersey Canal

Drain TheHill Lodge

Ivy Cottage

Drain Drain Drain Drain Pond Cuttle Bridge Cottage Trent and Mersey Canal Drain Old Hall Cottage Drain Pond Trent and Mersey Canal Rose Cottage Drain Old Hall 174 Farm Pond Pond Drain Drain Pond 175