Flmtrigfln TYL,Tr Fflmil,Y Lxet TNION
OFFICIAL, lxEPOl~'T' OF THR flMtRIGflN TYL,tR FflMIL,Y lxET_TNION III•;I,JJ AT E[)]'i'l():\' 1,1\llTl,:U. ,UHE UNDERSIGNED is preparing to publish, in three volumes, a complete TYLER FAMILY HISTORY, to include all of the name to be found in the United States during the past 250 years. It is anticipated more than 30,000 will therein firid perma nent record. Of this number 12,000 have already been correctly traced. Will you help to increase the list the coming year? If your family record is essential to the thorough accomplishing of this great undertaking, it is hoped you will give it early attention. Births, marriages and deaths (in all cases with dates), occupations and residences are of the greatest importance; but anything of general interest will be welcomed, also brief sketches of those attaining any distinction. That you may be correctly identified, run your direct Tyler line back as far as you can, giving names of ancestors and places of residence; then give full details of your immediate family. Any ·form of reply will do, only let it be full and explicit. Please answ·er promptly! Faithfully, W. I. TYLER BRIGttf\M, CHICAGO, ILL. OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE THIRD AMERICAN Tyler Family Reunion HELD AT TREMONT TEMPLE, BOSTON, MASS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1898 Title and ancestry render a good man more -illustrlous; but an ill one, more contemptibfr. -ADDISON. BY W. I. TYLER BRIGHAM, Esq. Jv\ember New England Historic Genealogical ~ociety, lDuuthern History Association, ~ons of the American Revolution, ~ociety of Goiania\ Wars, Gov.
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