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PAGE TWE^TTY - EVENING HERALD. Tues., Sept. 4 ,1878

Carter Ends Yacation -> Britain Bids Farewell Legislative Committee 1 ConnorS’Zinsser Clash I Yankees in Drive Saying Spirit Strong To Mountbatten To Review Bottle Bill 1 Over Housing Dilemma 1 To Overtake Red Sox Page 2 1 Page 4 1 Pfige 10 1 Page 11 By HELEN THOMAS stren^, but our ethical and'moral record still intact. We want peace.’| UPI While Hpuse Reporter . strength. The spirit of our country is Carter told the gathering that AFIn WASHINGTON (UPf) - President still intact.” CIO Resident & orge Meany had; Carter, who began his vacation Carter praised the labor movement telephoned him to say that he would; travels with a warning that the na­ for being in the forefront of the civil be unable to attend because, he had; iHanrlipalPr tion is having a "crisis of con­ rights struggle and social progress, “a slight virus attack.” i fidence,” is back at the White House and said: He called Meany a "fine man,” and; with an upbeat report: “The spirit of "We have got a great country, and requested a round of applause for th^. Cloudy Todayr- our country is still intact.” part of that greatness has been that ailing-labor leader. | Carter, who apparently picked up a every time we have been tested in Speaking of Meany, Carter said< Rain Tonight cold on his trip home to Plains, Ga., the past we have been drawn closer "he was hind of reading me my Details on Page 2 looked tired when he hosted a picnic together. And I can say the working report card on the telephone.” Thenf for 1,200 labor leaders and their people of our country, Uie labor as the laughter died down, he adde<^ families Monday night on the gaily movement, the trade unions, have with a broad grin his frequent critic always been in the forefront when had said “if I wouldn’t tell what was lEuTnin^ decorated South Lawn. lim li there was a dynamic struggle to on it, he wouldn’t tell either.” < Titovs Law But he was in good spirits as he and Vol. XCVIII, No. 285 — Manchester, Conn., Wednesday, September 5, 1979 > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1681 » 20$ Single Copy • 154 Home Delivered his wife Rosalynn mingled with his make our nation greater in time of ’The president also referred to hid HAVANA (UPI) - Yugoslav guests and later spoke from an out­ peace, especially in time of war.” much publicized encounter with g President Josip Broz Tito “laid door stage. He thanked the labor organizations rabbit while canoeing in Georgia las^ down the law” to the non-aligned "We have had a good vacation,” he for endorsing the arms limitation April. "Rosalynn and I just cams nations movement he helped said. "We have been down the treaty — SALT II — and prompted back from Georgia,” he said. “Wd found in 1961, telling 53 world Mississippi River. We had a few days cheering applause when he said, "We escaped from all the killer rabbits leaders to reject Cuban attempts Hurricane Loses Its Punch at Camp David. We went down to also n e^ a national health insurance down there.” to tilt the group toward Moscow. program.” Carter has his work cut out for him Tito's speech Tuesday to the Atlanta, to Tampa, to Plains. And CbLUMBIA, S.C. (UPI) - Once- lost its punch in the South Carolina land during the night and early today everywhere I went my confidence in In giving his rundown on the record over the next several weeks. Od Sixth Conference of Non-Aligned Service but gale warnings were in the storm. of his presidency, Carter said "I Wednsday, he will huddle with, Nations - a body that represents mighty Hurricane David, a 150-mph midlands today and was downgraded lost its hurricane status with 60-70 effect along the coast from Savannah this nation was strengthened. killer that claimed more than 1,000 The 90-mph winds that accom­ thank God that in the last two and a Democratic congressional leaders tq; more than half of mankind - and to a tropical storm. mph winds, mainly in squalls along to Chincoteague, Va. "I beean to see more and more lives and caused more than $1 billion After barreling ashore near Savan­ panied David onto the beach at Tybee half years we have not had a single discuss a legisiative timetable for anti-Egypt speeches by gun-toting the coast. At 6 a.m. ED’T, David was located clearly that ray basic belief in the damage in a rampage through the nah, Ga., with 90-mph winds Island, 18 miles east of Savannah, American lose his or her life livcom- jbelremaindef of the session, par^ PLO chief Yasser Arafat and the All hurricane warnings were near latitude 34.1 north, longitude strength of our country is well Caribbean and up the Atlantic Coast, Tuesday, the storm weakened over lowered by the National Weather hurled trees through the air like justified — not only our military and bat anywhere in the world. And I ticuiarly to get action on his energy presidents of Syria and Iraq 80.5 west, or about 25 miles east matchsticks, according to Jack Acuff economic strength and political would like to go out of office dfter I program. clearly drew the summit’s battle northeast of Columbia. It was of radio station WSGA. have served as president with that lines. moving toward the north-northeast Acuff said one 30-foot tree hurtled Without once mentioning Cuba at 10 mph and was expected to con­ through the air over his station, "the or President g'idel Castro by tinue on that course during the day. most fantastic thing 1 ever saw.” name, Tito rejected Cuba's con­ Two storm-related deaths were Centuries-old oak trees in the city’s Labor Day Auto Talks tention that the Soviet bloc is a reported during the storm’s trek up historic section also were toppled by 5 natural friend of the non-aligned the Florida coast and into Georgia the winds. because it has always helped un­ and South Carolina — a surfer Most of the people were gone Labor Day Picnic derdeveloped and oppressed drowned at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., except for two soldiers who Produce Little Progress nations. Monday and a youth died in a car remained at their lighthouse post, President Carter sits on the White House Monday. The president returned earlier in wreck on a water-logged street in keeping the beacon flashing. Charleston, S.C., Tuesday night. South Lawn, as he listened to entertainment the day from a trip to Plains, Ga. (UPI DETROIT (UPI) — Bargainers for a strike. bargaining since the UAW named Next Target At nearby Hilton Head Island. S.C., photo) GM as its strike target in this round Damages in Florida were es­ another ocean-front playground, a at a picnic honoring labor in Washington, General Motors Corp. and the United "Things are cordial,” said UAW timated at more than $50 rnillion. Auto Workers Union labored through President Douglas Fraser, adding, of negotiations. A strike at GM is LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - The motel security guard said waves possible if no settlement is reached operator of entertainment centers In Georgia, the storm swept over were topping the dunes and pushing the Labor Day weekend but made lit­ “You can’t ratify a cordiality.” virtually abandoned beaches on the tle progress on resolving vital non­ The subcommittees, picked from by the contract expiration date. in three New England states says water within 5 feet of the motel the next target for legalized state’s barrier islands Tuesday after­ swimming pool. Prison Guards To Protest economic issues. both bargaining teams, have been noon, bowling over trees and power "There has been no movement,” assi^ ed specific issues ranging from casino-style gambling is He said there were some broken Jaycees Orientation Massachusetts. lines and leaving some communities windows, but no reports of injuries. UAW Vice President Irving pelinsions to parts warehouse con­ without lights. Bluestone, the union’s chief negotiator Trstracts. Although they are less flashy MANCHESTER—The Manchester Mario Ciroli, president of In Charleston, the storm surge sent If Inmates Demands Met Jaycees will sponsor an orientatiop Civil Defense officials said some at GM, said Monday. “So far, nothing than money demands, Bluestone said Chateau DeVille Co., and political water crashing over the battery, a for prospective members Thursday 21,300 persons sought refuge in 106 has been happening at the subcom­ the noneconomic issues often are of consultant Sanford Weiner of San long seawall where in 1861, citizens TAUNTON, Mass. (UPI) — Guards at Walpole state of negotiating to get Block 10 policy in such a way that it at 8 p.m. in the Blarney Room of the shelters in the eastern half of South mittee level.” equal importance. Francisco were in Las Vegas this watched the firing on Fort Sumter in prison will protest if Correction officials give in to offers security for personnel and inmates in Block 10,” Pumpernickel Pub, 432 Oakland St. Carolina Tuesday night in advance of Anxious to reach agreements on week meeting with casino owners. Charleston Harbor. demands of inmates on a hunger strike in Cell Block 10 of McLaughin said. "The issues that -relate to non­ The Jaycees is a civic organiza­ dozens of technical issues before the Ciroli said he was not seeking the maximum security facility, the president of the “As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing the union is economics are very important to tion of men between the ages of 18 approaching contract deadline forces financing and did not intend to guards' union says. going to do to alter that policy, which allows for the ul­ workers and to the leadership of the and 35. Jaycee activities planned for serious money talk, both sides have union,” he said. “They are not less meet with state gaming officials “We would certainly protest any changes in block 10 timate security of the block,” he added. September and October include co­ concentrated their efforts recently in difficult to settle.” but rather wanted to know how Leaders Disagree policy," union president Mike McLaughlin told the New sponsorship ot a 4-H horse show, bargaining subcommittees. It was the first weekend of Nevada casino owners reacted to England Radio Network Monday. sponsorship of a Halloween haunted Much of the same was scheduled proposed legislation to legalize “It took us too long and too hard a fight to get them Lab Revues house and fall foliage rides for con­ casino-style gambling in two where they are, and we’re not going to take kindly to weeks in the fall and six for today. Pet Adoption Day On IRA Question NEW YORK (UPI) - A valescent home patients. Massachusetts counties. them being changed to satisfy inmate demands,” weeks in the spring, Contracts covering 750,000 U.S. NEW BRITAIN -T h e first fall Pet new program of musical Persons interested in additional in­ "They are interested,” Ciroli McLaughlin said. writers, performers and auto workrs expire at midnight Sept. Adoption Day will be held Saturday, LONDON (UPI) — Though ap­ works for the theater. The formation should call J.D. LaBelle at told a news conference Tuesday. With a toll of nearly 350 British Eighteen inmates — one of them now hospitalized in directors will prepare a 14. The UAW last week picked GM as Sept. 8, sponsored by the Connecticut palled by the escalating IRA violence Lab Revues, will begin this 647-1043 or. John Kelly at 643-4441. soliders, 220 Ulster policemen and 1.- Boston — were completing their second week of a hunger new revue each week, its target company to negotiate a Animal Welfare League, Inc. in the that brought them together today for fall, a joint project of the 000 civilians killed in 10 years of strike in protest of strict security measures in 10 Block. which then will be given a pattern contract for the industry. parking lot of the New Britain Vet Mideast Talks the funeral of Earl Mountbatten, Northern Ireland bloodshed, Mrs. Stuart Ostrow Foun­ week’s performance in the Despite the apparent stall in Clinic, Route 71-A (Chamberlain Now You Know Their demands include more lenient visiting rights and HAIFA, Israel (UPU - Egyp- there was little hope the prime Thatcher wants Lynch to accept dation and Washington’s L ab’s ANTA T heater negotiations, there is no indication of ; */Vv. more canteen and recreational privileges. Highway), from 10 a.m. to 3 p. tian President Anwar Sadat and ministers of Britain and Ireland tougher security measures. The Kennedy Center. For six studio in New York. hardening positions that might cause For further information call 246- Los Angeles was founded on Sept. “As far as the union is concerned, it took many months 4, 1781. Prime Minister Menachem Begin would agree on how to 'stop the British feel Ireland has been more 6315 or 529-1122. reached partial agreement today ‘bloodshed. than lax. E I MCC on several bilateral issues but Among other measures, British Officials said she will reinterate to \ Calendar failed to come to terms on the First Day Confusion Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Lynch a statem en t made by thorny problems of future Palesti­ wants permission for British troops Humphrey Atkins, secretary for Teachers’ Strikes The first day of the new bus routes brought yl5 minutes after school started, and only stationed in Northern Ireiand to Northern Ireland, that "it is beyond Manchester Community nian self-governement and Jer- some— confusion.— »/r—Manchester High School 'after a parent in the area called the bus com­ College offers this calen­ sualem. cross into the Irish Republic in "hot question that the current security p Helay Openings dar of events in the interest They decided to hold another students from the Deepwood-Crestwood pany. The route was one originally pursuit" of fleeting terrorists and system constitutes a major of the community. All the sum mit m eeting in Egypt, drives area finally board the bus after a more eliminated, and then restored. (Herald photo extradition of known terrorists from stumbling block in our efforts to find MCC-sponsored activities probably in early fall, but did not by Pinto) the south. some form of political agreement. ” United Press Internulional than an hour wait. The bus, scheduled to pick listed below are open to the set a date or place. Ireland’s Prime Minister Jack According to British officials, Mrs. School bells in dozens of communities were silenced ______,____ , up the students, did not arrive until 8:15 a.m.. Lynch, however, was expected to Thatcher will seek: today by money - or rather, the lack of it - with '■nTr! reject the requests and press instead — Better exchange of intelligence teachers either already walking picket lines charge. For further infor­ mation, call 646-2137. Fair Chance for a political solution to the by police on both sides of the north- threatening to strike for higher pay. 3 Northern Ireland conflict. south border. An unbroken impasse in Metairie, La., where the Today, Sept HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella Sick Leave Dispute The prime ministers and their ad­ — Closer cooperation between the school board has not officially met since two-thirds of the Open R egistration: 2 Grasso says she is determined all visers will meet first over lunch at two police forces in anti-terrorist parish’s 3,100 teachers walked out a week ago demanding a P P ™ ’ registrar’s concerned parties get a chance to Mrs. Thatcher’s No. 10 Downing St. operations in the border area 20 percent pay increase, was typical. office, adm inistration provide input on a state proposal residence following the Westminister — Cooperation between the two ar­ building, main campus. to allow nursing homes to Abbey funeral for Mountbatten, mies in hunting down terrorists, with Wednesday Sept 5 "The teachers are strong,” said union President Jan automatically increase rates for Blocks Negotiation killed nine days ago by an Irish British troops allowed to invoke the Skelton. "They are together. They will remain on strike Classes begin. private patients each year. Republican Army bomb placed "right of hot pursuit” after terrorists •Wilderness Leadership: Under new legislation effective aboard his boat. have escaped across the border. until it (the contract) is resolved.” By CHARLIE MAYNARD 1981 may get paid for only half the days. “We have nothing left to offer,” said School Board 7 to 9:50 p.m., Hartford Oct. 1 the state Department of In­ unused sick days they had ac­ “People are affected by it now,” lirrulil Rcl’orler President Andy Valence, after calling an "unofficial” Road campus, room 206, come Maintenance sets the rates cumulated during their career. The she said. "There are people today board meeting to assess the strike. “That’s, the whole $35. in nursing homes and the Depart­ MANCHESTER - Only one issue town allots 15 days a year. who are certainly going to be im­ tragedy of the situation. They think we are cheating them •Astrology I: 8 to 10:10 ment of Health Services is respon­ separates an agreement between the However, Hartford attorney M. pacted by this. ” Weaker Health Bill or something, but we’re not. We can’t offer them any p.m., main campus, room sible for the quality of care. town and the 83-member Municipal Jackson Webber, the fact-finder in The union has been without a con­ more.” C-16, $23. "I am determined the rate Employees Group, but that issue has the 13-month-old dispute, said the tract since July 1978. The fact-finder Saturday Sept. 8 structure be set with input from sparked a divisive debate. deceptions charges had little supported it on a two-year contract Part of Strategy Labor troubles extended the summer vacation in seven Late Registration: 9 a.m all concerned parties, and that the The issue is contractual provisions significance in this instance. with annual six percent wage in­ other states — Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, to noon, registrar’s office, quality of care be maintained at for sick leave, a union negotiator told "Each unit bargains separately,” creases, and endorsed the town’s WASHINGTON (UPII - When the Commerce Committee. A much Illinois, Michigan and Vermont, and last-minute administration building, the highest of possible levels, ” the Board of Directors Tuesday he said. The charges of deceit are plea on a graduated steps system. administration’s hospital cost con­ tougher battle will be waged to win bargaining sessions were under way in several others. main campus. Mrs. Grasso said Tuesday. night. The board, the union, town missing the point. The argument was The two sides have until Sept. 16 to tainment bill comes up for a vote in a approval there. Monday Sept. 10 management and a fact-finder met probably a valid one, but not one I accept or reject the fact-finder’s key House health subcommittee Supporters have always said they before the b o a rd ’s reg u larly report before the tentative pact goes Thursday, the weakened version that had a better chance to pass the bill - In Springfield, 111., teachers demanding a 10 percent •Brush up T^ing: 2 to 5 Report Sought could rely on,” scheduled meeting to discuss the Director Joseph Sweeney, trying to to the arbitration stage of emerges will look like a defeat for which would set a voluntary and pay raise — against a board offer of 4.5 percent — p.m., Hartford Road cam- HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella fact-finder’s report, which was made negotiations. Under those cir­ the administration. potentially mandatory ceiling on the prepared to set up picket lines today, and their colleagues Pus, room 208, $55. Sept. 10 determine the differences between Grasso has requested a report on public Aug. 16. the two sides, said he did not unders­ cumstances, a state-appointed panel But that judgment would be rate of annual hospital cost increases in two Chicago suburbs schedulen a meeting in a last- through Sept. 21 (starting how the son of state Public Works premature. - in the House itself, if they could minute effort to avoid a walkout. dates). The union members "feel very, tand why the union disputed a provi­ would settle the differences between Director Robert C. McCulloch got very, very cheated, ” said Frank Sources say the bill will be minus get it out of committee. •Brush-Up Shorthand sion which apparently wasn’t the town’s or the union’s last best a job in his father’s department Ciarcia, the union negotiator. They expected to take effect until 1981. offer. any mandatory powers President On Thursday, the subcommittee In Indianapolis, some 3,800 teachers - seeking an 11.5 S 'c a m p s '" rro m ^ ^ ^ ^ last year. were deceived into believing, be said, However, Betty Tighe, president of The board will have to act on the Carter wants. But the decision by the chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman. D- Mrs. Grasso Tuesday asked that they would return to former con­ the union, said persons hired on or matter next week, Sweeney said, health subcommittee of the Calif., will recommend a voluntary Sept. 10 through Sept! Interstate and ^ Foreign Commerce plan - minus any word of standby against the state s largest school system with about 80,000 2 1 (starting dates) ^ state Administrative Services tract provisions which allow reim­ before June 30, 1976 would receive after reading the briefs which both Committee to pass the weaker mandatory controls. 5 students. •Preparing for Today’s Commissioner Elisha C. Freed­ bursement for as many as 105 unused full compensation for any unused sides submitted to the fact-finder. man for an analysis and sick days. At least two persons urged the legislation is part of a plan to get the Last year, the Senate passed a Job Market: 5:50 to 7:30 leaves up to 105 days if they retire recommendation on the cir­ Under current provisions, directors to reject the findings. The bill to the Hou^e floor. similar bill, but the proposal died in In Rutland, Vt., parents planned a march in support of p.m., Hartford Road cam­ before June 30, 1981, After that, she cumstance surrounding the hiring employees who retire after June 30, Next stop will be the full the House. 220 striking teachers now in their third day on th picket pus, room 216, $18. said, they receive half of the unused union itself has not yet voted on it. line, and a strike loomed in Eugene, Ore., where the of Robert E. McCulloch II. •Small Business It was reported last week 'the opening of classes was delayed for at least one day until Management: 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday — pending last-minute negotiations. public works director helped his Hartford Road campus, son get a $15,600-a-year job in his room 206, $25 department, but McCulloch •Assertiveness Training:' In Oklahoma City, where 2,300 teachers have been on denied doing anything improper. 7 to 9:40 p.m., Hartford David Survivors Now Safe the picket line since Aug. 22 in defiance of state law for­ Mrs. Grasso issued a public Road campus, room 211, bidding teacher strikes, both sides were headed for the statement saying she didn’t she said. won’t be functional there for at least She was told she could carry only one $25. Mrs. Henriquez said in the three courts in an effort to work out a settlement. believe the younger McCulloch By LANEY ZllBOFF The Henriquezes moved all their two months. The water turned a child on her lap and asked four people •Investments and Finan­ years she has lived in Santo Domingo should be treated as a second- llrruM Reporler furniture to one side of the apart­ darker brown than usual and my before she found a woman willing to cial Planning: 7 to 9:40 her husband and herself have Two Ohio school districts also were strikebound and class citizen just because his ment but didn’t nail it down as most take responsibility of holding her p.m., Hartford Road Cam­ MANCHESTER - Lynne experienced the effects of one babies were already sick. I wanted to teachers in a third threatened to walk out today. father was the public works direc­ of the other residents in the three pus, room 202, $15. Henriquez, and her twins Nancy and- tropical storm “but there has been get them out of there,” she said. other child. Teachers in four Pennsylvania districts in the tor. The school where Mrs. Henriquez •^ginning Bridge: 7:30 Rachele who are one year old today, nothing like this before,” she said. story building had. The ride to the airport was dif­ Pittsburgh metropolitan area were on strike and “We were lucky. We only got some is Assistant Director had five feet of to 9:40 p.m., Hartford is staying with her father Ted Her husband remains in Santo ficult, said Mrs. Henriquez, because walkouts were threatened in 11 other districts. w ater in the apartm ent. Our the roads were blocked by debris. "It water and the roof blown away. She Road campus, room 216, Inside Today LaBonne, in Manchester after sur­ Domingo in their first floor apart­ viving the rath of Hurricane David in neighbors had their windows was incredible. The storm took down said the only buildings left standing In Michigan, about 3,100 teachers were on strike in 11 $20. To hove 1 thick graOn tawo this M and an eadiar g i ^ up neat aanno ment without electricity or food. He uaa Scotia TurtBmdafFartiref. Business...... 20 Santo Domingo where her husband shattered because they didn’t open a enormous palm trees. Between 75 were made of concrete. school districts, two other strikes were slated for today, •Sign Language II: 8 to spends his days working at a nearby Farnewaaadadlav>na..Saadlngln ealabliahed lawna or laymo aod Classified...... 16-18 Jose, a medical student, stayed to hospital and then returns home to window as v i i were advised to.” and 80 percent of the trees went Mrs. Henriquez said she doesn’t and the Michigan Elduckion Association reported "very ™3in campus, uaa Soota Starter FarHUer Because her husband’s cou'sin is down.” know when she will be returning to little progress” in talks in five other districts. room C-16, $35. Uaa Scott Tint Buildar Plua 210 claat out more Itw i three dozen lypea Comics...... 19 assist those injured by the storm. obey the 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. of waeda plua lertllize your lawn. Editorial ...... 9 The Henriquezes were fortunate to General Manager of American Mrs. Henriquez said her husband Santo Domingo or if her husband will •Non-credit community Save with Knwit On Scotia FarWzera and aeed. After the storm hit 2:00 p.m, Only in Detroit did the possibility of a strike by 12,000 services courses begin, Entertainment ...... 14 escape without injury from David Friday Mrs. Henriquez spent an hoi r Airlines in Santo Domingo Mrs. had to drive over sidewalks, medians be joining her in Manchester. "Jose IMS* a* It...... HbM Henriquez was able to catch the first teachers ease during the weekend. Tentative agreement Open on a space-available W W a » t t ...... as? Obituaries ...... 10 which killed an estimated 2,(HK) to 3,- hiding in a bedroom closet with her and rubble to forge a path to the air­ is in his last semester of medical was reached on a contract that would provide $53 million basis. Advance registra- Peopletalk...... 2 (X)0 people in Santo Domingo. A twins. "We could hear the howling of plane out after flights resumed Mon­ port. school and we don’t know when in increased salaries and fringe benefits, and copies of tion is necessary. For Sports...... 11-13 church where 400 people were killed the 150 mile per hour winds and the day, She was the last one to board the classes can be started again.” "I wanted to leave because things the proposed contract were to be circulated today to further information call MANCHESTER 239 SPENCER ST., VERNON 295 HARTFORD TPKE. was only a two hour drive from them. scraping of glass. It was very scary,” plane which delayed takeoff for her. members of th Detroit Federation of Teachers. 646-2137. w -L-kV .K'v u a . xgvr

PAGE TWO - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE THREE The Weather Peopletalk Council Tempers Flare I For period ending 7 a.m. 9/6/79. During Wednesday USSR Heaps Scorn on U.S. Charges night, rain and showers will fall over the mid and most of MOSCOW (UPI) - 'The Soviet Union heaped sarcasm “Is'this an accident or a coincidence?” Tass asked. motives for the move. He also did not say when the troops the north Atlantic states, while mostly fair weather is Proper Staging arid counter-charges on American protests that Soviet “It was no coincidence, but a determined effort to mis­ arrived in Cuba. expected elsewhere. Over Sewer Dispute ground troops were stationed in Cuba, but did not deny lead the delegates to the international forum and to Some U.S. senators hav?called the troop movement their presence. “blunt its anti-imperialist direction,” Tass answered. When President Carter allowed a last-minute By Judy Kuehnel Robert Myete argued that the con­ in their court at this time.” reason to postpone a decision on the ratification of the 'The official Tass news agency said Monday Sen. Frank The State Department Saturday made a public protest 3000 3077 "photo opportunity" at his luncheon meeting With Herald Correspondent tract had been discussed in public SALT II treaty until the Russians remove the men. \ Rittenband said that Town^ Church, D-Idaho, who first publicized the presence of the to the Soviet Union over the stationing of some 3,000 Vice President Walter Mondale - just back from SOUTH WINDSOR - Discussion of when it was agreed upon and said Manager Allan Young had offered to Soviet forces, displayed "surprising farsightedness.” troops in Cuba, and confirmed Church's report the troops ""It sure will China - press photographers jammed the Oval Of­ the Manchester-South Windsor Sewer thatJhey feel the matter is of public meet with representatives of the dis­ Church, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations brought artillery and armor Tigth them into the small fice. agreement drew heated words during concern. trict, but Manchester’s Town Committee, “was able to see without any optical devices island country 90 niiles from Ihe lFlorida Keys. Cameramen to the president's left were shooting Tuesday’s meeting pf the South Silis said that he was attempting to Manager Robert Weiss had said what different U.S. services were unable to spot prior to Soviet Ambassador Vladillen Vasev was called to the right down the lenses of cameramen to his right ~ Windsor Town Council with Town At­ get some clarification as to what the Manchester officials would confer ^ you |u$t can't beat our seteetkm of be nice and Carter objected. that with the help of the most sophisticated technical State Department earlier in the week for talks with an fAII torney Richard Rittenband charging terms of the contract actually were with the district officials. Said he, “ ... is it better to have all the press in the equipment," Tass said. unidentified official, and the top U.S. official in Cuba , •ANVIUMOMQ that Manchester "committed an an­ and what the town intended to do “Apparently, when they did, (. red heart yams photograph as the vice president is ostensibly giving ticipatory breach of contract.” However, Tass did not deny that Soviet combat troops Wayne Smith, was told to raise the matter with the v / r a regarding Manchester’s apparent in­ members of the Eighth District felt were in Cuba. Cubans. > as always, wa hava, to finally have LMA------me a secret report on his trip?” The exchange of words was between ability to live up to the agreement. it would be advantageous if some The line got a laugh - but the offending newsmen Republican Councilman Robert Sills The "discovery,” the news agency said, also came just State Department spokesman Hodding Carter said the • lowest pricos Sills, who is council liaison to the representatives met with three or troops do not constitute a threat to the United States in got out of the picture, leaving the briefing osten­ and Rittenband. Silis has opposed the on the eve of the sixth Conference of Nonaligned Nations lowin WABM commission, also questioned a four members of the Sewer Com­ in Havana. • widosf selection sibly confidential. sewer agreement since its inception. any way, but he would not speculate on the Soviet abankat ■ \ 5 “ I. meeting between some members of mission,” Rittenband added. • best yams -*JT7‘ The agreement states that adjoining the Sewer Commission and He said he felt that South Windsor communities will treat sewage in Manchester’s Eighth Utilities is in a "secure position” in that South /eriy’s Jackpot their own sewage treatment plants District. He said that as liaison to the Windsor officials had refused to Curbs Sought on Police BurrG>raersr where the contours of the land make commission he felt that he should aliow Manchester to hook up to the [Z 3 ' Jerry Lewis did it again for his favorite charity. WEATHER POTOCAtT • it more feasible, eliminating the have been informed of a pending South Windsor system until the town NEW HAVEN, Conn. (UPI) - The New Haven Civil one recently adopted in Seattle, Wash., to control police every His Labor Day telethon for muscular dystrophy need for a town to pump sewage meeting and questioned the fact that was in a position to assure that it Liberties Union is campaigning for a city ordinance the surveillance of political and personal activities. little raised $30,075,227 - breaking last year’s record of against the gravity ()f the land. Rittenband was not in attendance at could fuifill terms of the agreement. group has proposed to limit the kinds of files police can “New Haven’s experience with wiretapping ^ th e miroeU of moiii itrodt | $29,074,405 - to fund the fight against the (• (iov9r “ "(.MOR Manchester committed an an­ satisfactory assurance that the town the agreement more than we do at Rhodesia (UPI) - Prime EAST HARTFORD MIDDLETOWN ticipatory breach of contract, Ritten­ can fulfill the terms of the agree­ this time,” Havens said. He com­ Minister Abel Muzorewa’s Week. Habit Forming band said this is because the Eighth ment and accept sewage from South mented that Manchester is up to the government extended mar­ 1150 Burnside Avenue 900 Washington St. Rt. 66 Special Air Quality District had not given its approval Windsor. South Windsor boundary and wants to tial law today to almost all Milton and Pearl Drew have mixed emotions when the contract was signed. He The state Department of Environmental Protection about the award they received Tuesday from the “Unless they can get a binding tie in. tribal areas, leaving white- WE WELCOME YOUR FOOD STAMP PURCHASES would not go into any further detail agreement from the Eighth Utilities Without approval of the Eighth 5 forecast good air pollution levels for Connecticut today National Weather Service. It was one of 26 given owned farmland as the and reported moderate levels around the state Tuesday. volunteer weather observers - and they've earned because he said he felt that the case District, that sewage can go through District, South Windsor would have only rural zones where due OPEN MON., TUE9., WED., 9AT. 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. may end in court and to discuss it the district, that they are in breach of to construct a mile and one-half of process of law still exists. it publicly would “prejudice the case.” THURS. A PRI.a:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. For 35 years, the Newport, Vt.. couple has contract,” Rittenband said. He , sewer lines to reach a hook-up point The c o u n tr y ’s two Both Sills and Deputy Mayor added that "it appears that the ball is dropped everything every six hours, seven days a and South Windsor officiais feei they largest cities, Salisbury OPEN SUNDAY 10A.M. to 5P.M. Lon^ Island Sound week, to record temperature, snowfall and rainfall shouldn't be obliged to do this. and Bulawayo, and several W* rtttrve th« right to limit quantitlos lo 4 units unitss otherwise specified for the weather man - all without pay. towns dotting agricultural s p e c ia l SAVINCCc Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Montauk Not responsiblo for typographical errors * g>*FEATUREV*gHWEg„ Point. N.Y.: Hurricane David, downgraded to a tropical Says Drew. "When we started, it was something areas occupied by whites storm at 6 a m , was centered over central South to do. We liked it at first, but it's been so long, we'd were also left out of the PRICES EFFECTIVE A A A . Carolina and expected to move slowly north and later kind of like to get out of it. " But they haven't quit Britain Bids Farewell government’s new martial Tu b s., Sept. 4 thru Sat., Sept. 8, 1979 law decree. northeast. Marine warnings may be issued later today. and really don't know when - or even if - they will. LONDON (UPI) - Bri­ other people were killed has seen so much of British pageantry in which Britain SAVE 40* SAVE 70* Winds southeast increasing to 10 to 15 knots this after­ tain bade farewell to Earl when an IRA bomb blew up history, included — at excels and perhaps has not The proclamation was signed by President Josiah VALUAILE COUPON noon and 15 to 20 knots with higher gusts tonight and Mountbatten of Burma their fishing boat off the Mountbatten’s request — seen to this extent since 24oz. BOTTLE QUART JAR Gumede and countersigned Thursday. Becoming cloudy today with a chance of today with a majestic west coast of Ireland 10 more than 2,500 ser­ Churchill’s funeral in 1965. S E E W H A T Tiptop Tappers by Muzorewa, the United 6 PACK KRAFT showers this afternoon. Rain likely tonight and Thursday. funerai parade through the days ago. vicemen and women, small A solemn-faced Prince Methodist bishop who on SPRING FLOWER CRISCO Visibility 1 to 3 miles localty near zero improving to 3 to 5 Rosie Radiator and The Pushrods tippy-tapped all ancient center of London to groups of survivors from Phiiip and Prince Charles, MAYON miles by late morning then lowering 1 to 3 miles tonight the way from San Francisco's Castro Street to Westminster Abbey, where The man the royal family his destroyer Kelly and both in full dress uniform, June 1 became this coun­ ENGLISH and Thursday. .Average wave heights increasing to 2 to 4 Union Square - a distance of 2 miles - Monday, a grieving Queen Elizabeth affectionately called “ Un­ military contingents from marched behind the try’s first black leader as S ° B U Y S ! NAISE feet this afternoon and tonight. shattering their old 1-mile record set in 1976, but the and royalty from a dozen cle Dickie” was the uncle five nations, including the creaking gun carriage with part of a majority rule MUFFINS COUPONS GOOD WITH COUPON AND ADDITIONAL '10 00 FOOD PURCHASE LIMIT Guinness Book of World Records won't touch them. nations paid final tribute to of Prince Philip and a United States. the Duke of Gloucester, the settlement rejected by black insurgents. ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER GOOD SEPT 2 THRU SEPT 0.1979 Says Rosie of the Guinness snub, "We're a little the warrior-statesman. cousin of the queen. A Duke of Kent and Prince SUNDAY THRU SATURDAY! small time - but it really doesn't matter because Ironically, Mountbatten, strong believer in tradition The cadence of the Michael of Kent and five of ALL COUPONS CAN BE REDEEMED WITH we re here for San Francisco.” the victim of an IRA bomb, and duty, he planned his bands, the brilliance of the Mountbatten’s grandsons. ONE ADDITIONAL *10.00 PURCHASE Rosie, a dance teacher and street performer was more closely guarded own funeral years ago, as ■military uniforms, the His black mare, Dolly, Man Slain EXCLUDINO THE VALUE OF COUPONS Extended Forecast whose real name is Bess Bair, and her 12 in death than in life. Winston Churchill had done scope and precision of the followed riderless and with Extended outlook for New "Pushrods" set their Labor Day '76 record by dan­ England through Scotland Yard mounted an before him. marchers and scarlet- his boots reversed in the In Belfast VALUABLE COUPON l7H M !Hj!i J.'l Sunday: cing their way across Golden Gate Bridge. unprecedented security The procession to the coated guards all il­ stirrups — the symbol of a QUART BOTTLE ^ UKom QUART CARTON Mass., R.I & Conn.: A chance of rain early then operation, with between 4,- 900-year-old Abbey, which lustrated again the royal fallen leader. BELFAST, Northern DOZEN SILVER SPRING SODA APPLE JUKE COCKTAIL Ireland (UPI) - Two clearing on Friday. Partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday. 000 and 5,000 police and GRADE A ALL FLAVORS ^ HALF GALLON ^ HOOD’S PLUS DEPOSIT . # ■ High temperatures will be in the 70s. Low temperatures troops guarding the funeral masked Protestant HOMOGENIZED SMALL Quote of the Day gunmen firing submachine SA will be in the 60s Friday and in the 50s Saturday and Sun­ route and the Abbey, where day. White House Press Secretary Jody Powell, guns killed a 28-year-old more royalty in London Roman Catholic watching Vermont: Partly cloudy and cooler Friday. Fair over explaining why the picture of a rabbit attacking were gathered than any MILK EGGS the weekend. Higli in the upper 60s and 70s. Low 55 to 65 television in his living WITH COUPON AND ADDITIONAL >10 00 FOOD PURCHASE LIMIT WITH COUPON ANO ADDITIONAL '10 00 FOOD PURCHASE LIMIT STARKIST President Carter's canoe last April in Georgia will time since the death of ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER GOOD SEPT 2 THRU SEPT 0 1179 ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER GOOD SEPT 2 THRU SEPT 0.1979 room today in what police Friday in the upper 40s and 50s over the weekend. not be made public: "We're afraid if we release the King George VI in 1952. CHUNK LIGHT TUNA E called Belfast’s third sec­ : MMW Maine and New Hampshire: Chance of showers Friday. photo, the rabbit controversy over the next two Mountbatten’s coffin, 6'ioz. CAN g tarian slaying in a week. Clearing Saturday Fair Sunday. Daytime highs in the weeks will receive more ink than the SALT draped in the Union Jack Police said that like the SAVE! Q 9 ^ mid 60s to lower 70s. Overnight lows mostly ih the 40s. Treaty. ' with his cocked admiral’s earlier victims, Henry hat and gold stick, symbol Corbett had no known con- of protector of the queen, nections with the If You Didn’t Receive Your Circular.., SAVE 28* SAVE 32* Glimpses made its journey to the provisional Irish National Weather Abbey aboard a black- Republican Army. Please Pick One Up At Any Top Notch Store! 18oz. JAR 7'/4 0Z. PKG. Rex Harrison, Rod Taylor and Edward Albert are draped naval gun carriage. City Fest Hi Lo Police said one gunman P in Amsterdam, costarring in Mario Puzo's Five princes walked in its SKIPPY PRINCE Albuquerque c 97 63 Minneapolis pc 92 72 burst into Corbett’s living BEEF CUT FROM CHUCK Anchorage screenplay, "Seven Graves for Rogan” ... The rumbling path and tens of MACARONI c 65 47 Nashville pc 89 71 room as he watched televi­ BONELESS PEANUT Asheville r 77 67 Osmonds - Donny, Marie, Alan, Wayne, Merrill, thousands of grieving 1 8 9 New Orleans pc 92 76 sion with his wife, opening CHUCK ROASTS lb 1 Atlanta pc 84 72 New York r -90 75 Jay and Jimmy - will do a 5-day stand next week at Britons lined the sun­ BUTTER & CHEESE Chicago's Mill Run Theater ... Spanish tenor drenched streets for a final fire at point blank range. BONELESS 1 8 9 CREAMY or CHUNKY or SHELLS & CHEDDAR Billings c 80 51 Oklahoma City c 89 69 Corbett fell to the floor, hit Birmingham Placido Domingo - hailed as "the Caruso of his glimpse of "Lord Louis.” CHUCK STEAKS lb 1 c 87 68 Omaha pc 89 69 several times. Boston cy 80 65 generation” - opens the Metropolitan Opera season B O N E L E S S S J1 8 9 Philadelphia r 83 72 Mountbatten, 79, his 15- The assailant rushed out B Brownsville. Tx pc 89 77 Phoenix c 107 80 Sept. 24, starring in "Otello" ... Joan Fontaine is in year-old grandson and two BEEF FOR STEWING b 1 Buffalo c 76 60 and was replaced bya se­ F IR ST CUT Pittsburgh pc 84 67 London, rehearsing her role as Eleanor of Aquitaine ■ ■ ■ / ^ ■ • $1| 1 9 Charleston. S.C r 80 76 Portland, Me. c 76 54 cond masked gunman who CHUCK STEAKS lb 1 in "A Lion in Winter” . fired into Corbett’s body, Charlotte, N.C. r 77 71 Portland, Ore. r 77 59 Area C E N T E R CUT $1I 4 5 Chicago c 74 61 Providence cy 85 63 Police then as he fled the house CHUCK ROASTS lb 1 Cleveland pc 82 65 Richmond r 87 74 turned around at the gate Columbus pc 86 69 I 5 9 St. Louis c 87 Vernon and fired another burst into GROUND CHUCK Dallas pc 95 70 Salt Lake City the windows. DLL MONTE PRINCE ELBOW MACARONI GROUND I 79 Y.C. SLICED PEACHES. Denver c 89 60 San Antonio Walter Grabowski, 22, of I The gunmen fled in a The Almanac CHUCK PATTIES lb * 1 1 FRUIT COCKTAIL or PEAR HALVES or THIN SPAOHEni Des Moines c 86 66 San Diego ■2 Minterburn Court, UNDE^B^ waiting car which headed Detroit CAN pc 79 59 San Francisco Rockville, was arrested in the direction of down­ BEEF CUT FROM ROUND Duluth pc 83 65 San Juan By United PrcKs Inlernalionul Tuesday on a rearrest town Belfast, 5 miles BONELESS EYE OF SAVE El Paso pc 97 70 .Seattle Today is Wednesday, Sept. 5, the 248th day of 1979 with warrant charging him with $ 4 2 9 Hartford r 85 63 south. ROUND ROASTS lb A Spokane 117 to follow. reckless driving and Honolulu c 83 73 Tampa “We are treating this as BONELESS $ 4 6 9 The moon is full. driving while license was Houston r 85 77 Washington another sectarian attack,” SANDWICH STEAKS ib M VANITY FAIR The morning stars are Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. under suspension (two CHOCK FULL 0' NUTS Indianapolis c 85 68 Wichita said a police spokesman. BONELESS BOTTOM $ 4 89 BATHROOM HSSUE The evening stars are Venus and Saturn. counts). The alleged in­ W k/lllFH '^ , Jackson. Mss. pc 91 70 Last Tuesday Protestant ROUND ROASTS lb 1 (OFFEI^ Those born on this date are under the sign of Virgo. cidents happened on May 8 2LB. TIN S JM A Q - 4 ROLL Jacksonville pc 78 75 gunmen shot and killed a BONELESS $ 0 4 9 PACK M Kan.sas City c 87 67 French Statesman-Cardinal Richelieu was born Sept. 5, and May 11. He was also SAVE 88- A | Roman Catholic father of PORK RUMP STEAKS lb ^ SA V E 28 ' g Las Vegas c 103 68 (•-clear: cl-cle?iing: cy- 1585. charged with failure to 10 ill north Belfast and LEAN TENDER $ 0 4 9 Little Rock pc 88 72 On this day in history: appear in court. CUBE STEAKS lb A Los Angeles c 84 66 cloudy. f-fair: hz-haze; m- Saturday they shot and missing: pc-p?rtly cloudy; r- In 1774, the first Continental Congress was convened in In lieu of posting a $450 killed a 33-year-old shop SALE! SAVE 10* Louisville c 88 71 SAVE 96* secret in Philadelphia. bond he was taken to the 2 RO A S T S i6 CHOPS < Mephis pc 90 74 rain; sh-showers; sm-smoke; assistant in the same dis­ sn-snow; sy-sunny; ts- In 1882, 10,000 workers marched in the first Labor Day Hartford Correctional FORK LOW COMM Miami Beach pc 89 80 trict. RlB & LOIN I thunderslorms; w-windy. parade in New York City. HABITANT Milwaukee pc 72 56 Center and was to be The outlawed Ulster ASSORTID FORK CHOPS b In 1972, 11 Israeli athletes and six other people were SINGLE-SERVING presented in court today. Freedom Fighters, which killed as a result of an Aarab guerrilla invasion of Olym­ Russell Armstrong, 17, has claimed responsibility (ENT» (UT PORK ROASTS !P’ pic Village outside Munich, Germany. of 63 Union St., Rockville, SOUPS for dozens of slayings of iSIRLOINl $|29 Chicken Noodle. Onion, Veg Lottery Numbers In 1978, Egyptian President Sadat, Israeli Prime was arrested 'Tuesday on Roman Catholicsin recent LOW END (HOPS Minister Begin and President Carter began a Mideast Green Pea. or Yellow Pea 5 charges of third-degree years, said §unday it was The winning daily lottery numbers drawn Tuesday in peace conference at Camp David in the Maryland moun­ burglary and second- RIB HALF New England: launching a new offensive tains. degree larceny stemming Enjoy welcome savings on quality underwear. BVD combed against provisional IRA PORK Connecticut: 750. from the investigation of cotton knits are pre-shrunk for long lasting fit and comfort. members and supporters in Mas.sachusetts: 5075. A thought for the day: British Actor Colley Cibber said, ROASTS breaks into the Casa Nova They'll stay white through loads of launderings and won't lose revenge for IRA killings. H'* New Hampshire: 2249. "Old houses mended, cost little less than new before Restaurant in Talcottville their shape. BVD guarantees them. The slayings by Protes­ C EN T ER CUT Rhode Island: 5920. they’re ended,” •« and Scranton Motors on tant hardliners started up Route 83. They're a value at our regular price - they're a sensational buy again, after a lull of PORK $'169 He was presented in during cur sale. j, several years, in the wake CHOPS lb Manche.stcr To Advertise court Tuesday and his case East Harllord — (Hastonbury To Report News of the IRA slaying of For a classified advertisement, call was continued. Britain’s Lord Mount­ FROZEN/DAIRY To report a news item or story idea: BONNIE I Evening Herald 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Manchester — Alex Girelli, 643-2711. South Windsor batten with a bomb blast in hours are 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford .. Chris Blake, 643-2711. Robert Beauchesne, 23, r ^ -'N 4 southern Ireland and a SLICED USI’S 3‘27-500 through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 double-ambush of British closed, classified ads may be placed by of Stafford Springs, was BACON lb * Published daily except Sunday and Andover...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 charged Tuesday with army troops that took 18 79 calling 643-2718. Bolton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 certain holidays by the Manchester failure to drive to the right lives last week. Publishing Co., Herald .Square, P.O. For information about display adver­ Coventry .... Guy DeSimone, 649-9856 Box 591, Manchester, Conn. 06040, tising, call Thomas Hooper, advertising Hebron .,. Patricia Mulligan, 228-0269 in connection with the in­ U.S. No.1 FANCY director, at 643-2711. South Windsor. Judy Kuehnel, 644-1364 vestigation of a two-car ac­ Overeaters Meet Have a Complaint? Vernon .. Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 cident on Avery Street. To Subscribe EAST HARTFORD - Newt — If you have a question or To report or inquire about .special The driver of the other complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service news: car was Jacqueline Bisson Overeaters Anonymous Frank Burbank, managing editor. 643- at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30a.m. to Business...... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 of Wellwood Circle, will meet Thursday at 8 CARROTS MRS. FILBERT’S 2711, 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 Church Notices . Alice Evans, 643-2711 Rockville. Police said she p.m. at Temple Beth ILB. CELLO BAG SOFTSPREAD Circulation — If you have a problem to 10 a.m. Saturday. Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 643-2711 was taken to Rockville 948 MAIN STREET Tefilah, 485 Oak St. regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rales are 90 cents Fam ily...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 General Hospital for treat­ All Interested persons weekly, $3.90 for-one month, $11.70 for Customer Service, 647-9946. Delivery Sports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 ment of minor injuries. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER are invited to attend this should be made by 5 p.m. Monday three months, $23,40 for six months, and meeting. To learn more, $46.80 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m, Beauchesne is scheduled through Friday and by 7:30 a m. Satur­ to appear in court in East call 644-0481 or 647-1543. day, available on request. Monday through Friday. 5!1 Hartford on Sept. 14. PAGE FOUR - EVENING HERALD. Wed., Sept. 5, 11)79 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE FIVE Manchester Parkade Open Wed., Thu. & FrI. NItes 'til 9 Town Seeks Grant For Access TV Teachers Defy Court Open Sunday Noon to 5 By LAUREN DAVIS SHEAnd towns will be these funds.” programs for the elderly, weather emergency. Herald Reporter benefitting from the funds In an attempt to receive live broadcasting of “This is a smali element than if only one town MANCHESTER-Town the three percent of the tax meetings taking place in of the possibilities As School Begins applied. the state no longer earns, the town hall hearing presented by having the officials believe the 11,(X)0 If the Manchester cable availability of a public the illegal strike failed late Tuesday they were jailed for refusing to obey local residents subscribing town officials applied for room, and call- SOUTHINGTON (UPI) - Picket franchise area can prove access channel” said night prompting the morning union a judge’s back to work order that was to cable television are not the federal grant so that in/information programs lines went up today as teachers capable of producing quali­ McCarthy. meeting today where the teachers . intended to end a 19-day walkout. receiving all the public the Manchester franchise in the event of a local defied a court order and walked off ty public access program­ were told the strike was on in full State Education Commissioner access programming they area could develop quality the job in Connecticut's first Mark Shedd told the SEA “we will go ming with the federal programs and thus pur- teachers strike of the school year and force. are paying for, and action to court the day there is a strike and grant, town officials have a suade the General the first walkout in Southington's Hayward said the union will appear is currently under way to students are not in school." ' long range plan to obtain Assembly to release the history. in Hartford Superior Court Friday to correct this. In New Britain, all but a handful of consistent programming money for town public School officials, however, stood respond to a temporary court order In 1978 an act was passed the 620-member New Britain Federa­ funds. access programming use. fast in their position that the town's prohibiting the strike. He said no new by Congress which for the tion of Teachers apprWed a motion W hen a c o n s u m e r Said McCarthy, “We are 13 schools would open for nearly 8,000 negotiating sessions were planned first time in history to poll teachers on the first day of purchases the cable option, trying to develop a tenable fatohos students and buses took to the road but there were indications that the allowed the Corporation a state tax of 8 percent is position so we can logicaliy state Education Department might classes today about whether they for Public Broadcasting to for scheduled runs to deliver the want to strike. part of the cost. However, pursue getting the portion students to school. join the talks in an attempt to resolve distribute money to en­ The poll would be used by Federal Communications of the state revenue that "The schools will definitely be the dispute. tities other than public negotiators if they decide to call a Commission regulations we feel belongs to open in the morning. We have sub­ Union officials said the schools broadcasting stations, said walkout. New Britain has nearly 9,- permit a 5 percent tax. Manchester.” ^ 1 stitutes." school Superintendent should be closed because the town Communications 000 students in its public school Connecticut has been able Once Manchester of­ John V. Pyne had vowed earlier couldn't guarantee the safety of the Coorinator (Jay April. system. to collect the extra three ficials obtained the $30,(KX), today. nearly 8,000 students. The town has therefore Around Connecticut, teachers in percent because the state which would be an annual Schools would remain open for four Although contracts have not been applied for a grant of $157,- Groton and Stonington prepared to go Department of Community revenue, the money would hours. Pyne said, although signed in 11 Connecticut com ­ 200 from the U.S. Depart­ to classes without a contract. Affairs said they were be spent to develop original kindergarten and special education munities as most sihools opened ment of Commerce's Settlements also were pending in providing technical programming, rent tapes classes would not be held. across the state today, the only other National Telecom­ Berlin, Cheshire, East Haven, assistance to towns that already produced, and pay “Originally we had hopes that strike vote had been set by the 620- munications Information Bethel, Waterbury, Hamden and were programming for the a production staff to create because the Board of Education in­ member New Britain Federation of Agency. Derby. public access channel. material for the public dicated it was willing to move off its Teachers. Under the Telecom­ At issue in the Southington talks In the year from 1972 to access channel. position we would bring some move The Southington teachers Tuesday munications Financing Act was a noontime preparation period the mid-seventies, Com­ At the present time, said today (to the teachers)," said voted 434-28 to stage a strike. SEA of 1978, if the grant is ap­ for teachers, which would relieve munity Affairs did provide McCarthy, "We’ve been Bradley Hayward, chief negotiator negotiators and the school board proved officials in the them of lunchroom monitor duty. technical assistance. taking nickles and dimes for the 470-member Southington went back to the bargaining table at 7 Manchester franchise area The Southington Education However, since January that we can get here and Education Association. p.m. but talks broke off less than four plan to hire a coordinator Association also said it wanted a one- Baby Sale:\ 1979 the Department of there” for local access “We were unable to .do that at this hours later. and staff to develop GET year contract with a 7 percent raise Community Affairs has programming. Town of­ time so we gave the teachers an up­ Hartford Superior Court Judge programming policy, guaranteed for all the teachers. The been dissolved into three ficials feel it is wrong to BACK TO SCHOOL date and tl^en told them the business John J. Daly signed a temporary in­ explore funding strategies, school board was reportedly offering seprate agencies, and the use local tax doll^s for of picketing is back on." he added. jection against the strike, which It's a fabulous sale for babies. Come to Youth Centre and and purchase equipment to ON TIME... a 7 percent hike — but not across the state no longer supplies the television programming. Hayward said picket lines were could be followed by a contempt cita­ save Important dollars now on all the basic layette Items, program the public access board. technical aid. TTie state The three percent tax that UP TO going up at the town's 13 schools and tion if the teachers continue the channel on a continuing a 40% FAMOUS BRANDS 5 accessories and simply precious fashions for Infants & continues to collect the the state annually receives walkout. A union spokesman said the basis. will remain until the teachers and toddlers. It’s a perfect time to stock up for future baby extra three percent tax would be legitimate EXCtLlENT SELECTION Teacher strikes are illegal in teachers were ready and willing- to Under school board have reached a new con­ without providing the ser­ monies to use for local OFF Connecticut, as 175 Bridgeport return to the bargaining table and showers, tool Manchester is part of a FINEST QUALITY DIAMONDS tract. vices. access programming if teachers found out last year when their main goal was to reach a con­ group of towns, including EXPERT WATCH S JEWELRY REPAIR Eleventh hour negotiations to avert "This three percent tract. Glastonbury, Rocky Hill, Manchester could obtain amounts to an estimated Wethersfield and these funds. $30,000 yearly,” said Assis- Newington, that are served Some examples of tant Town Manager by the same cable programs McCarthy en­ tiidam; jeweler; Bicycle Winner Charles McCarthy, “The franchise. Officials feel visions the public access money is in the governor’s Legislative Committee A new bicycle was awarded by the children’s department of D&L at that by applying for the channel broadcasting in­ 7 8 5 M A IN S T M A N C H E S T E R Tel 643 47?0 budget and the state is ac­ the Manchester Parkade Friday. At left is Ed Castro, winner who gave grant together, the chance clude diet and health customed to receiving MASTER CHARGE & LAYAWAYS the bicycle to his sister Carrier Castro, right. Both children live at 120 of actually receiving the Murielle Drive, South Windsor. At center is Peggy Wampold, grant increases. The To Review Bottle Bill children’s department manager. (Herald photo by Adamson) rationale is that more peo-

HARTFORD (UPI) - A legislative Pac told the committee he needed “amenable to working with the com­ review committee will lend a hand to more guidance from the legislators mittee starting tomorrow” and was see that Connecticut’s controversial on the regulations so that problems confident the regulations could be Punt, Pass, Kick "bottle" bill gets off the ground won't appear once the law goes into solidified by Oct. 1. semi-annual sale ends this Saturday! properly the first of the year. effect. Rep. Andrew Grande, D-Bristol, The Legislative Regulations He said deletions from the told Pac the committee should not Contest Slated have to give him instructions and it LAST 4 DAYS OF SALE Review Committee Tuesday formed regulations by the Attorney MANCHESTER Service Inc., 319 Main St. a subcommittee to work out the bugs General’s office included the section was his responsibility to come up —Registration for the 1979 Steward Johnston, presi­ with Department of Environmental dealing with responsibility of vending with the proper guidelines. Punt, Pass and Kick com­ dent, of Dillon Ford, an­ Protection Commissioner Stanley machine operators. Rep. Richard Tulisano, D-Rocky petition, co-sponsored by nounced Tom Conrap Jr., Pac. “You'll have the same crisis next Hill, recommended that a subcom­ Dillon Sales and Service will head the program for The “bottle" bill, enacted 18 month if we leave out vending mittee be set up to work with Pac to Inc., and the Army and the 19th year. months ago, requires distributors to machines,” Pac told the committee. resolve the problems. Our Entire Stock of Navy Club, is now open to charge and dealers to collect a 5-cent Another provision deleted was a After a brief recess, committee co- Our Entire Stock of Baby Blankets, all boys and girls ages 8 refund on all beverage containers requirement that distributors and chairman Sen. George Gunther, R- Health-tex Playwear Carter's Layette Monogram Free! through 13. Hyperactivity SEM hA m VA L sold in the state, effective Jan. 1. dealers would still be required to Stratford, announced a subcom­ Any youngster meeting In order to speed up the measure collect deposits on brands even if mittee of Grande, Tulisano, Rep. the age requirements who Is a Signal that became entangled in com­ they have been discontinued. Richard Willard, D-East Hartford; 2 0 % O ff can pass and kick a foot- TULSA, Okla. (UPI) - plicated regulations amid strong op­ He said other problems dealt with Sen, Alfred Santaniello, R-Norwalk; 2 0 % O ff 5.99 • ball—or who would like to Hyperactivity in children SALE E position from the beverage industry, the responsibiiities of redemption Sen. Louis Cutillo, D-Waterbury; and try —is eligible to compete. Every polo shirt, overall, Baby shirts, gowns, kimonos, OrIg. 10.00 nylon satin bound may be outgrown, says Dr. the 1979 Legislature passed a law centers, their distance and who was Rep. Clarice Osiecki, R-Danbury. Participants compete in MAGNIFICENT LIVING 8. coverall, and 2 pc. set. Infants 3 training pants, crib sheets, 36” X 50” crib blanket. White, Paul H. Wender, but other, requiring P ac’s agency to come up responsible for them. They will meet with Pac and return their own age brack only. to 24 months & toddlers 2 to 4. towels, bibs and morel blue or pink. Free monogram. more important symptoms DINING ROOMS. BEDROOMS, with concrete regulations by Oct. 1. Pac told the committee he was their findings by Sept. 15. Please allow 2 weeks to No special equipment is can linger into adulthood. CARPETING, BEDDING, needed and participation DRAPERIES, PICTURES, Our entire stock now 20% off. Our entire stock now 20% off. monogram blanket. Wender, a psychiatry does not impair a professor at the University UM PS, ACCESSORIES p youngster’s amateur stan­ of Utah Medical Center, AND MUCH MORE ding. says hyperactivity may be Mayor Blames Shortage This year's contest the forerunner of such marks the 19th year Ford adult illnesses as Motor Company and the alcoholism and hysteria. National Football LeaOue Huge Selection of “Children who have the have put on the national learning and behavioral Famous Brand Names On High Absentee Rate event. disabilities of MBD Drexel • Heritage • Pennsylvania House • The program is expect to (minimal brain dysfunc­ VERNON — Mayor Frank McCoy force thus bringing the number of for a specific project or duties and attract up to 1.3 million Lane • Sealy • Virginia Galleries • BigeloW feels that manpower shortages in the laborers up to eight. tion) may have inherited a for a maximum of 18 months. youngsters nationally. Hale • Stiffel • North Hickory • Hooker • The department has 29 regular abnormal metabolism of Public Works Department may be The public works union complained The Manchester event is workers and Ronald Hine, public monoamine, a common Price • Eclipse • Simmons • Clyde Pearson more due to absenteeism than the that those working in the CETA scheduled for Sept. 22 at works director, claims this is from 20 chemical substance in the Sterling • International • Hitchcock • magnificent living rooms— bedrooms— dining rooms fact that there is a manpower shor­ program were paid less than union 9:30 a.m. at Mt. Nebo. The to 29 fewer than the department had brain,” Wender said at a tage. scale for doing the same jobs. rain date will'be Sept. 29. recent symposium in carpeting— bodding— lamps— iiictures— occasional Mayor McCoy said Tuesday that previously. This was due to the loss McCoy said that decisions about Boys and girls may Tulsa. one more laborer has been added of CETA workers because of regional the number on a work force can’t be register at Dillon Sales and which may help ease the burden. The guidelines concerning the hiring of made based on absenteeism figures. now all from 15-50% off! Town Council authorized the those workers and also due to a local Hine said that sickness, disability transferring of another Comprehen­ conflict with union employees. leaves and vacation schedules left After Sale sive Employment Training Act The federal guidelines now specify the department with only two 29.99 that CETA workers have to be hired Curity Diapers Cuddly Musical (CETA) employee to the regular laborers at one point this summer. Reg. 10.00 Animals Folding Stroller

6 .9 9 Doz. 3 .9 9 22.99 Choose prefold or 21 x 40 Curi­ Orig. 7.00. Cuddly, soft plush "Gerry” easy-folding umbrella Weiss Reveals Proposal ty gauze diapers. Perfect quali­ teddy bears, dogs & monkeys. stroller with swivel wheels. ty. Box of one dozen. All with wind-up music box. Lightweight. Strong. Compact. jjdt ttvWWl® ^ For Downtown Parking Save 7.00 nowl

By CHARLIE MAYNARD However, the Ethics Commission season. Herald Reporter ruled last Thursday there is no con­ He said the Cottage Street spots flict as long as Zinsser refrains from could be rented to people who live MANCHESTER - The Savings discussion and abstains from voting. and work downtown, freeing another Bank of Manchester may want to The conflict matter may become 70 spaces at Purnell Place for purchase the half-acre parcel of land 5 academic if the Savings Bank of shoppers. on Cottage Street and lease it to the Manchester agrees to buy the proper­ "W e’ve talked with SBM many Loxorioas Carpetings town for downtown parking, Town ty, Weiss recommended the directors tim es,” Gorman said. “They don’t Watkins’ large Carpet Showrooms are Manager Robert Weiss said Tuesday take no further action on the proposal want to be in the parking business. chocked full of rich, elegant carpetings night. "ZEST” until attorneys from the town and the However, we could acquire this land at super sale prices— all sure to please!! Weiss made the revelation at the 401 bank get together for negotiations. through SBM and buy it over a period Board of Directors' meeting during The directors agreed to such action. of years.” the discussion of acquisition of the Superior Quality Bedding! Weiss said the bank, located at 923 'The Parking Authority would save property. The Parking Authority has The “Sleep Shops" at both Watkins’ stores have a large selection Main St., was interested in acquiring money by having the improvements Nursing students start off on the right foot been eager to buy the property to add the property, making improvements made through private development, (one of Greater Hartford’s largest) of America’s finest quality parking to Downtown Manchester. with Clinic. Surveys show that more than and then selling it to the town under a and then acquiring it a lease- bedding. Choose from Sealy, Eclipse and Simmons— all on sale! The purchase was delayed because hall of all registered nurses prefer the ^ lease-purchase arrangement. purchase agreement. the Carl Zinsser real estate agency style, comfort and wearability of the Clinic Robert Gorman, chairman of the Faced with the two. proposals. has exclusive rights to sell the Nursing Shoe. Come In today and see our • • , Manchester Parking Authority, Director Joseph Sweeney said it property. Zinsser is a Republican selection of styles and sizes. urged some resolution of the problem would be “ essentially the same member of the board and some per­ because the spots are needed for the result” to the town, but the “net sons felt there would be a conflict if upcoming (ilhristmas shopping costs would be lower.” he profits from the sale to the town. Imported Knit Quilted Overalls All Our Infants & ^/SO instant credit/ If you own a major credit card, you quality for $750 instant credit. Use Watkins Convenient Revolv­ Coveralls, Orig. 11.00 Orig. 9.00 Toddlers Dresses VISA « MASTER CHARGE T ing Charge Plan or use your MASTER CHARGE or BANKAMERICARD/VISA. Clothing Bank To Reopen 6 .9 9 5.99 2 0 % O ff AMERICAN EXPRESS' Open Tues. & Thurs. ’til 9 Soft 100% acrylic knit coveralls Built-up shoulder & snap crotch. Our entire stock of adorable «r OPEN DAILY 9:30-5:30-TUE. & THUR. 'TIL 9 PM-CLOSED SUN & MON. MANCHESTER - The Clothing Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. at Mayfair Most needed items at the bank are In a fine assortment of styles. Famous make. Boy & girl dresses now 20% off. Newborn Bank, sponsored by the Manchester Gardens, N. Main and N. School babies clothing and children’s clothes Imported from Israel. prints. Sizes 12, 18 & 24 to toddler size 4. Area Conference of Churches, will be streets. including winter coats and jackets. months. "KNOWN FOR QUALITY— FAMOUS FOR SERVICE— SINCE 1874 open Thursday nights, starting The evening hours are being Donations may be left at the banx ^ ^ - s I m m o n s S 643-5171— 935 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER tomorrow, from 6 to 8 during arranged so that low income families either Mondays or Thursday ^ 1^, Isms September. may obtain school clothes for their evenings. Master Charge, Visa & Youth Centre Charges Are Welcome The Clothing Bank is also open children more easily. PAGE SIX - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Sept. S. 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE SEVEN Residents Attack Plan $30 Million Soccer Skills Tested in Rec Program soccer players competed and tested difficult skills performed, while Michael Hickey and Eric Rice (1), ping, John Seymour (1), lodd Wab­ EAST HARTFORD - The Depart­ ble and Dan Thebeau (2); Dribbling, Pledged ment of Parks and Recreation spon­ their skills as their parents looked dribbling, passing and trapping were Jolynn Forest and April Kreyssig To Limit Sidewialks on. the easier skills exhibited. The (2) ; Kicking, Jeff Iken (1), Hengry Richard Wallace, Darnell Wallace, sored a successful self-testing soccer Dan thebeau and John Seymour (1) NEW YORK (UPI) - The Jerry skills day, recently. More than 30 Kicking and heading Were the most overall winners in their age groups Liss and Mchael Hickey (2), Jeff MANCHESTER - school. federal Economic Develop­ Lewis Labor Day Telethon for were: Michael Hickey, Kuand Tran Gillis (3). Heading, Tod Wabble (1), John Concerned parents The parents expressed a ment grant issued years muscular dystrophy received more and Phat Tran from Gorman Park B Group - Passing, Tom Holota Seymour and Darnell Wallace (2), residing in the Green desire for more crossing ago, your subdivision is than $30 million in pledges to help and John Seymour from Hockanum (1) Phat Tran (2), Kuand Tran(3); Dan Thebeau (31; Kicking, Dan Manor subdivision at­ .guards to ensure their going to get blocks of fight the neuromuscular disease, ac­ Park. Trapping, Kuand Tran (1), Phat Tran Thebeau (1), John Seymour (2), sidewalk on both sides and Coaches To Meet tacked a recommendation children’s safety. The cording to figures released Tuesday. The following were the ribbon and and Dough Hickey (2), David Gillis Darnell Wallace (3). by Director of Public major thrust of the other areas with equal EAST HARTFORD - The Depart­ place winners: (3) ; Dribbling, David Gillis (1), Pat Place’ winners were: A Group, need are getting nothing.” The total boards when Telethon balls will be Issued. Any schedule Works Jay Giles to resident's comments was ment of Parks and Recreation an- changes will also be announced. A Group - Passing, Henry Liss, Gillis (2), John Hall and Kuand Tran Mike Hickey (Gorman) 51 points; The mayor said he felt this went off the air at 6 p.m., EDT on eliminate sidewalks on one that funds of $100,000 to Monday read $30,075,227, breaking -nounces the second soccer coaches The soccer program is still short Paul Forest and Michael Hickey (1), (3); Heading, Phat Tran and Pat Paul Forest (Gorman (40 points, Jeff was a poor situation. side of the street. $300,000 be set aside for last year’s record of ^9,074,405. meeting for the Youth Soccer on coaches this year and the depart­ Eric Rice (2), Michael Oken (3); Gillis (1), David Gillis (2), Kuand Gillis (McAuIiffe) 39 points; B Town Manager Robert ^Expressing their sidewalk repair. This year’s edition of the annual Program will be held at 7:30 p.m. ment would appreciate any. Trapping,. William Zimmer, Michael Tran (3); Kicking, Tom Holota (1), Group, Kuand Tran (Martin) 61 opinions at the Board of In response to the Weiss added, “In the re­ television program, broadcast on 213 tomorrow at the Parks and Recrea­ volunteers for coaching or assisting. Hickey (1), Paul Forest (2), Michapl John Hall (2), David Gillis and Phat points, Phat Tran (Martin) 61 points, Directors meeting last request for a sidewalk cent past a referendum stations for 21 hours beginning 9 tion office, Town Hall, 740 Main St. Interested persons may attend the Cormier (3); Dribbling, Michael Tran (3). Tom Holota (Hockanum) .59 points; C night, two fathers said budget. Mayor Stephen T. failed to pass that would p.m.. Sept. 2, was watched by more All coaches and assistants are meeting or telephone the Parks and Hickey (1). Jeff Gillis (2), April C Group — Passing, John Group, John Seymour (Hockanum) theirs was a walking school Penny said, “I am aware have set aside more than $1 than 90 million people, according to a requested to attend for the finaliza­ Recreation office at 289-2781, and Kreyssig and Jolynn Forest (3); Seymour and Dan Thebeau (1), 63 points, Dan Thebeau (McAuIiffe) million for sidewalks. district and the removal of that money spent on spokesman for the Muscular tion of teams. Team names and leave your name and phone number. Heading, Jeff Iken, Paul Forest, Richard Wallace and Darnell 59 points, Todd Wabble (Dwyer) 55 Residents complain about sidewalks meant small sidewalks is woefuliy in­ Dystrophy Association. colors will be chosen, and soccer Wallace (2), Todd Wabble (3); Trap­ points. children would be forced to adequate. The Board of sidewalks and yet when the cross the street three Directors appropriates as issue comes up for a vote, times to get to and from much as possibie to each it fails.” Rec Ends special issue. Because of a For Summer iVIrs. Hopkins Petitions EAST HARTFORD - The Department of Parks and Recreation has ended For November Election its summer season in the VERNON - Petitions, parks. Those parks with secretary of state to have changed her Republican pools. (McAuIiffe, Martin. bearing 108 signatures, Mrs. Hopkins certified as registration about two Gorman. Goodwin and have been filed with the an independent candidate. weeks ago. Hockanum) closed Mon­ town clerk by Mrs. Jean In making her decision to She had to have at least day. ' „ Hopkins who has asked to run as an independent, one percent of the town’s SANGO have her name placed on The youth soccer Mrs. Hopkins said she feels 8,500 registered .voters to program, and the flag foot­ the November ballots as an that the school board sign the petition in order to Fine China independent candidate for ball program will be in full should tak e a “ non- have her name on the swing by Sept. 9. Other the Board of Education. political turn." She ballot. This meant she Dinnerware Mrs. Hopkins who had programs are being Youths Honored for Saving Life needed at least 86 or,ganized for shortly after, 45-Pc. Service for 8 been appointed as a signatures. such as movies, gym­ 5 Mayor Stephen Penny presents certificates of appreciation (in top Republican on the school Mrs. Hopkins will be nastics. teen dances, gym­ board to fill a vacancy in F ire C a lls vying with four other nasium programs, ac­ Our Reg. 50-Piece Stainless photo) to Darrell Newsome and Judith Allison and, in right photo, to January 1978, resigned party-endorsed candidates Imported 79.99 Tyrone Napper. The three youths were credited by the Manchester from the board last tivities classes, basketball, Steel Flatware Set who are seeking two full volleyball and new games For holidays or any days, serve Police Department with saving the life of Landa Williams, a 16-year- February “for personal Crystal Stemware your meals with pride on this., Tuesday, 9:18 a.m.—Gas seats on the board. She for all age groups. Keep 15.76 old Paterson, N.J. yoiith, at the town swimming pool on Olcott reasons.” washdown at 400 West Mid­ considers as an important beautiful translucent china. watching for an­ EACH QQ$ Included In the set: 8 each of Choose from a select group o( Street Aug. 9. Police said Williams nearly drowned, but was pulled The town clerk has dle Turnpike. (Town) issue, facing the board this the following patterns: 'Michelle, forwarded copies of the nouncements. OurReg. 1.S9 V W dinner plates, cake plates, soup to the surface by the youths. (Herald photo by Adamson) Tuesday, 1:15 p.m.—Ser­ year, the decision as to bowls, cups, saucers plus 'Middlebury', 'Bellwood' & 'Gayle' petitions to the office of the vice call at Tudor Lane whether or not to close the DAY Auxiliary A. 13 01. Water Qoblal C. 8 oz. Wine Glees serving pieces B. 10 oz. Wine Goblet D. Champagne Glase rental office. (Eighth Sykes School. MANCHESTER - The GIFT DEPT. District) Disabled American GIFT DEPT. Tuesday, 4:31 ■ Veterans Auxiliary will Beer Firm Asks p.m.—Water call at 374 Mayor Awards Children Blair House, the presiden­ meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. •Tori Paper Towels West Middle Turnpike. tial guest house in Washing­ at the VFW Home. Meco Folding (Town) ton, D.C., was built in 1824 34” Square c o t JUMBO ROLL 0 9 Our Reg. 77c To Buy Parcel Tuesday, 9:50 and was the home of Francis Christian Science Bridge Table p.m.—Smoke odor at 130D Preston Blair, political Reinforced with nylon for MANCHESTER — The Board of Directors Tuesday leader and adviser to Abra­ MANCHESTER - The extra strenglhl Does For Lifesaving Action night heard a proposal to sell a parcel of land for $250,000 Highland St. (Town) ham Lincoln. First Church of Christ, 16.88 dozens ol jobs! to a major Connecticut beer distributor. Our Reg. 23.99 Scientist, will have its * iii The old flag in the Hearing Room Hartford Distributors Inc. has offered to purchase regular meeting, including Extra seating for •Johnson’s By LAI REN DAVIS SHEA Members of the Manchester THE NEW TALBOTT! company...great Lemon Pledge Herald Kepurler Bicentennial Committee, responsible corner was retired after having parcel No. 6 of the Buckland Industrial Park develop­ testimonies of healing, lor cards or board for a parade which attracted 150,000 served the town well, and the new ment. The plans call for the building of 80,000 feet of THE NATURAL LOOK OF CASHMERE AT tonight at 8 at the church, games. Folds to 1" 0 0 4 7 oz. size MANCHESTER — Last evening's flat for storage. 9 9 Our Reg. 1.19 people, the Bicentennial Bandshell flag, topped by a gold eagle and com­ refrigerated area plus office space, for which the concern THE NICE PRICE OF TARALAN FULL 447 N. Main St. All are Board of Directors meeting opened will be paying standard taxes. BONUS! Includes FREE Pine-Finished Wood Pine-Finished Hanging which drew crowds of up to 2,000 and plete with a gold base, was installed. FASHIONED CLASSICS & DESIGNS welcome. Steel Matching dust cloth with purchase! with the flash of cameras and the A citizen at the board meeting had expressed concern The Christian Science Port-O-Bar Wine Giass Rack glare of klieg lights. the revamping of Manchester’s WITH DRESS MAKER TOUCHES. Padded Chairs Cleans and shines. historical sites received the town's that the distributor would get a tax break not available to Reading Room, 57 E. Mayor Stephen Penny presented Our Reg. ' appreciation and the mayor's praise. homeowners. Town Manager Robert Weiss stated the Center St., is open to the E a • Pine-Sol Household 14.66 Our Reg. 22.49 7.40 10.99 certificates of appreciation to three 11.88 Bicentennial Committee members School Hours prerequisite to receiving a tax agreement is, “A business public Mondays through Our Reg. 16.99 Cleaner/Disinfectant Handy & compact. Perfect Ideal (or ceiling or under children who were involved in a life­ must purchase land at a cost in excess of $5 million.” Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 C C 40 oz. size (or entertaining where space counter to store glassware. included Nathan G. Agostinelli, Extra large 16"xl6" seat, Complete with chain lor saving act which took place at 40 COVENTRY — Coventry schools The decision on this proposal was delayed until the p.m. and the first and third sturdy loiding frame. I ■ w V Our Reg. 1.99 is a problem. Folds for Francis J. Mahoney, James F. Cleans and disinfects easy storage. hanging. Olcott Street. opened today and for the first three board's Sept. 11 meeting. Hartford Distributors had Thursdays of each month HOUSEWARES DEPT. Citing oft-heard criticism of youth, Fogarty, Carol E. Kuehl and Ralph days, Grades K-4 will be on half-day your bathroom, kitchen. hoped to begin construction within the month. from 7 to 9 p.m. except on •3 0 ” Square Table, O urn.g.20.M .13.88 .Matching Chair, oui R.g. i4.9s 9.88 OIFT DEPT. Mayor Penny praised the youngsters Maccarone. sessions and Grades 5-12 on full-day Completing the awards ceremony, holidays. as models to respect. Young beys, sessions. •>,q_ Mrs. Theresa Varney, president of E Daryll Newsome and Tyrone School officials remind parents Members Sought SftVEOVER Noupper accepted the sustained and the state Veterans of Foreign Wars that the price of milk has been in­ A YANKEE VERNON — The Vernon • ‘Hot Wheels’ Cars Auxiliary, presented the town with " iA V E O ^ ^ i^ loud applause smiling and looking creased to eight cents a carton. Police Explorer Scouts are Famous-Brand from Mattel an American Flag. legal clinics now accepting and M 3 overwhelmed. Teen-ager Judy WITH REBATE Allison appeared shy and happy as FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION reviewing applications for 17-Jewel Watches HOOVER 7 6 * o i) Reg. 88c any male or female who Tough and sturdy. her award was presented. • WALTHAM ‘Ceiebrityin Super collection! Mayor Penny then presented cer­ Uncwrtesled DIVORCE >135 Iniieu CORPORATION >120 has an interest in police Canister p •HELBROS tificates of appreciation to those Carter Visit Set ^ WILL >30 BANKRUPTCY *195 work. NORELCO Vacuum •Giggle Stick Toy re: ponsible for writing a consultant An explorer member Dial-A-Brew from Gabriel HUSIMD/Wfl WILL •ELGIN with report which he said resulted in the WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Hartford Civic Center. >55 Simple ADOPTION >125 assists the police depart­ Coffee citizens of Manchester approving a Carter will visit Hartford, Conn. The conference is being sponsored ment in various duties such •BENRUS Toois 99*.Our Reg. 1.49 Sept. 12, a White House aide says. REAL ESTATE CLOSING *150 as patrolling in cruisers Maker Twist il shake il- $20,000 water bond issue. by the National Retired Teachers •GRUEN II gurgles! Members of the water study com­ Carter will also visit another city Association and the American till«W (lli«»uit,| iZ 5 ______and the explorer van and Caldor Reg. Price...... 37.99 in the state, but the aide Tuesday did Association of Retired Persons. assisting in traffic control. Caldor Sale Price...... 29.70 • Milton Bradley’s mittee included Fred Thrall, John No Hidden (3iarges-court costs S Sheriffs fees additional $ Q Q YOUR CHOICE Norelco Mall-In Rebate...... 5.00* Rivosa, Frederick Donlon, Harry not identify it or disclose other Carter has visited Kentucky and Hours: Those applying must be Our Reg. 39.97 *76 ‘Mork & Mindy’ Game CALL FOR APPOINTMENT at least 14 years old and not Our Reg. 99.88 Reinhorn, Eileen Stern, Rebecca details of the president’s trip. Florida for town meetings and met Mon.-Wsd. 10-5:30 Great selection of Electronics. more than 21 years old. YOUR FINAL COST.... Tools (it right into organizer and ride Our Reg. 2.89 Janenela, Philip Rubins, Ted It would be Carter’s second trip to the public at numerous communities Manrhesler 808 Main St. Suite 1 O ie M S li8|i Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 Calendars, Day/Dates. Precision 24.70 atop the vacuum! Dial your suction... 2.33 the Nutmeg State since the 1976 elec­ Sat. 9:30-5:30 Each applicant will be 12-cup capacity...yel Brew-Miser® basket lets Right from the Planet ORK. Lingard, and Gertrude Schwedel. along the Mississippi River during a 643-0500 movements. Dress & casual looks. this canister has the power ol an upright. Ages: 6 to adult. For 3 to tion. He attended a Democratic fund­ at Viccaditty Sqiunie screened by a board on you make as few as 3 to 5 cups. #HB5170 Full-furniture guide protects while you summer vacation on the paddleboat Law offices of Harry Robert Stahl (Not .11 tty l.t In all itor.t.) ‘ See clerk tor details. 6 players. raiser in Hartford last year. Delta Queen. Rouusa Talcaitvilla, Ct. TEL. 643-9016 Sept. 17. Anyone interested clean. 83129 Some species of earthworms, The Hartford Courant today should contact Officer found in South America and reported the president would address Robert Ahnert at the Ver­ Save on Fiction, Non-Fiction & Reference Books! Australia, measure over seven feet non Police Department, • Hutch Leather Football in length. an estimated 1,000 people at a with 'Franco Harris’ Autograph national forum on health care at the 872-9126. •Chesapeake by The Audubon Society Coming Soon To Check Guns 7 .8 6 Our Rtg. 10.99 Pocket Size Field Guides Official size & weight. Double- James MIchener SOUTHPORT, Conn. laced and lined. (Paparbacli) n n a (Trade Paperback Edition) Pub. List 3.9S...... C.IO 0 0 EACH (UPI) - A local firearms The fabulous 'history' of the 6.0 0 Pub. Lial 9.95 firm has agreed to • Molded Leather 32-Panel Soccer Ball Chesapeake Bay area, spanning • North American Rocks PATTI DUNNE’S examine 25 revolvers 4 centuries. 53-week bestseller. PRIZEWEEK PUZZLE & Minerals which New Mexico State 9.88 Our Reg. 18.98 •The Times of My Life •North American Wildllowers School of Gymnastics, Inc. Police Chief Martin Vigil Made with quality bladder. Black (Eastern Region) ‘EASY DRIVER’ said he planned to return to & W hile panels. SirSize 5. by Betty Ford Both feature over 650 exclusive 8-Pc. Ratchet the company as defective. (Paperback) A ^ a color photos, textual data and 20 PINE ST., MANCHESTER, CT. . .a weekly “competition” •Wilson or Leach ‘Flex’ Pub. List 2.50...... I . f 4 identification keys to help you Tool System Walt Sych, head of the Fiberglass Racquetball A fascinating autobiography, recognize what you're seeing law enforcement division candidly ana honestly told. Instantly. Flexible bindings. Q Q Our Reg. crossword featuring Racquet ■ 13.99 at Sturm Huger Co., said it • Feingold Cookbook for 9 multiple-answer clues! was “sort of unusual” for 11.88 Our Reg. 17.99 •The Scribner-Bantam Fast, accurate precision so many guns to malfunc­ Super action! Nylon strung with English Dictionary Hyperactive Children tool. Convenient water­ (Tradf Paparback) a A ^ WANTED!! tion out of an order. He leather grip. Lightweight frame. (Pap.ib.ck) -I oe proof carry or storage Pub. List 1.06...... 1 .OD Pub. List 5.95...... 4 .1 ! case. For home, auto, Cute and cuddly preschoolers to fill said his firm would be hap­ •Wilson, Spalding, Penn or Biographical and geographical Delicious recipes, all Iree of or boat. py to check the revolvers Seamco Racquetballs (Can oi enlrles. Usage notes In all essays. additives and salicylates. Allowed AUTOMOTIVE DEPT. 21 and forbidden foods. our gymnastic studio with charm and for any defects. Our Rag. 2.99...... 2.22 iaughter. W e’ve got 5 t h e f o u ^ QUALlhcATIONS:

1. Must be.at ieast 2Vz years oid. 2. Energetic 3. Curious enough to expiore our ap­ paratus. (Trampoline, Mats, m hi Balance Beam, Uneven Bars, Side Horse.) L •7.95 SGGL Panasonic 12” diagonal Polaroid ‘Pronto’ SONAR Camera iKhite-Westinghouse 2-Speed Super-sharp Instant pictures every • Cap. Heavy Duty Washer |COFELAND Black & White Portable TV EmersonfGarrard Component time ..SONAR focusing auloma- Saves water, saves energy... Our best-selling Panasonic at llcaliy'sels camera perfectly. ^position water saver control, System with Cassette Recorder Aim and shoot. 67.70 fo r More Information Call a great sale price! Includes 5 temperature selectors. Handy >276 Built-In cassette deck tapes direct * m m A latexite personal earphone for late- *88 •Polaroid Daluiie SONAR SX-70 Camera___$163 bleach dispenser. Handles Our Rag. 309.70 from AM/FM stereo, or Garrard W V £ 1 SUPEBSEAL family-size loads. (Add SiO lor color) ( 0 ^ 9 - 3 5 7 7 night listening. Our Reg. 109.97 Includes Iree film and llashbar oiler with purchase*. magnetic changer with Pickering W The Super-Tough magnetic cartridge. 2-way speakers. Our Rag. ‘Sm claiti tor dot.ll. ol m.ll-ln ollir. • Matching Elactrlc Dryer A u d l^ ^ ln e t Included. 299.99 Driveway Sever •Gusdorf Stand for 12” B & W TV, Our Rtg. 219.70...... $189 (Add SIO for color) PLEASE REGISTER AT OUR STUDIO WIN $100.00 and Morel Our Rag. 14.70...... 9.88 •2-PACK Polaroid SX-70 Film...... 10.96 Dtlivtry and inilallallon optional at antra coal. SEPTEMBER 4 - 8 - 10 ■ h P.M, STARTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 8,1979 Manchester 1 MANCHESTER JERMOH IV e Stm Have Several Openings Hardware I 1145 TOLLAND TURNPIKE THI-Cin 8H0PPIND CENTIR For Our Older Students. EVENING HERALD 877 Mabl StTMt 78)643-9428 STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. 10 AM to 9:30 PM •SATURDAY. 9 AM to 9:30 PM * SUNDAY, 11 AM to 5 PM «SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, PAGE EIGHT - EVENING HERALD. Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE NINE Board To Discuss .tack Anderson' News for Senior Citizen^ ' 1 iWiO.iMMw w tv; — ~ --)Triiiiei[w'ii(< r e iLMwiriir(ii-irii]ieiiiiiiw i[itiii,|ia.jjiiil^ By WMAA KORTliN late to decide to join us for the Ber­ Qualities Sought Well. I guess you all enjoyed the muda trip, but if not it will definitely Maritime Commission Chief Inspiring a Mutiny? long weekend and now 1 guess it's be the last chance to pick up a flier near time for us to get started with and check it out. our programs for the new season. By the way, we are still accepting In Superintendent WASHINGTON - Morale at the during business meetings. On occa­ “He sees the other commissioners described the incident in an internal relationship — Pepe is married and a for Jimmy Carter’s synthetic fuel Federal Maritime Commission is at sion, shipping executives would show The real action wiil start within the donations for the needed furniture quality of the educational program. as an interference to what he wants memorandum. mother — Pepe admitted to us that development program will go mainly and equipment we are very definitely BAS'? HARTFORD-The Board of a rock-bottom low two years after up for appointments and be greeted next couple of weeks, and we'll give Education will hold a workshop on "For the board to fill the vacancy to do,” a high-level agency official Pepe’s strange career at the com­ ■her ties to the chairman were “more to banks, insurance .companies, in need of when we get to our new by their top government regulator you the word in the next column. Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Penney High in haste would surely be unwise and Jimmy Carter appointed Richard J. told our associate Peter Grant. mission has been the source of much than professional,” like a father- engineering firms and equipment center. The town is working to find a First bit of news is that you foiks School to discuss the qualities yet too long a delay in activity could Daschbach as chairman. As one com­ sporting a railroad engineer’s hat. Policy decisions require the involve­ bad feeling among agency staffers. daughter relationship. manufacturers, according to a secret way to come up with funds to com­ going to Rockingham in the morning desired by the community in a new discourage and possibly lose poten­ mission officially graphically put it, Such small-boy antics were un­ ment of the other four com­ She and Daschbach first met a year Pepe’s meteoric career burned out White House memorandum. plete our center and meanwhile our shouid arrive at the center around superintendent of schools. tial candidates," he said. "People are vomiting in the halls.” settling enough. What really dis- missioners, but Daschbach has used ago when she applied for a job at the as abruptly as it started. A few The memo was prepared by the 8:15 a.m. as the bus will be leaving at hard working fund-raising com­ The board is in the process of selec­ The National School Boards Naming Daschbach chairman trubed commission officials and in­ the chairman’s authority over hiring commission. Then 27 and fresh out of weeks ago she was unceremoniously Department of Energy for use by 8:30 a.m. mittee are doing their bit of hopefully ting a superintendent to replace Association has recommended a 10- seemed like a good idea at the time dustry representatives was and firing, travel and other ad­ law school, Pepe was hired by asked to resign by Daschbach, just Whiie on trips we want to remind come up with enough money to buy IVhite House aide Anne Wexler in her Eugene A. Diggs, who resigned to step process for selecting a for a new presi­ Daschbach's apparent intention to ministrative matters, to ramrod his Daschbach as a $16,000-a-year law days after an Office of Personnel briefings of industry and labor you that next Monday morning we the items needed. For‘^additional in­ superintendent. The first step is to take a position in New Jersey thi dent with no clout make the maritime commission his policies through the commission, clerk in the general counsel’s office— Management investigator began representatives on the energy wili register for a one-day sight­ formation regarding the fund raising summer. ‘‘know what you w ant” in a program, contact Russ Nettleton, the on Capitol Hill. own personal plaything. Though by sources say. against the advice of the general looking into charges that she had program. It has been kept secret seeing foiiage trip Oct. 11. The com­ Board Chairman Lawrence superintendent. committee chairman. Daschbach was law the chairman is supposed to be His exercise of staffing power is counsel. received “special preference.” plete package of $14 will include bus DelPonte said the board must decide Because the superintendent plays a because it names the companies that There will be a nine-hole golf the former staff only first among equals on the five- ride through four states. Stop for what qualities the community major role in education, the board arbitrary and vindictive, sources told Pepe didn’t stay long in that Daschbach denies any connection stand to profit most from the synfuel tourney Sept. 10 at Long Hill. Entry counsel of the member commission, numerous lunch at the Country Kitchen in desires in a superintendent, since the should strive to secure the "very best us. He reportedly has told subor­ relatively humble post. She com­ between the resignation and the 0PM program. fee will be 50 cents. Rain date is Sept. agency officials say Daschbach pur­ Brattleboro. Vt. and a choice of person they select will play a large superintendent that financial Senate Merchant dinates, in apparent jest, that “you plained to Daschbach that her work investigation. He told us Pepe Among the firms named in the 17. Also, men interested in taking baked breast of chicken or baked part in determining the scope and resources will permit." Marine and sues his own plans and policies with might not be here next year.” Accor- wasn’t challenging enough, and nine wanted to go back to Harrisburg. Pa. memo are manufacturers of mining golf lessons will be able to sign up the stuffed fillet of sole. We will be Tourism Subcom­ little regard for his fellow com­ dint to internal memos, he has months after landing her first post­ Pepe, however, said that she hopes to and earth-moving equipment, like same day so that a schedule can be making an important stop in New mittee, and a protege of Sen. Russell missioners, top staff officials or criticized staff members behind their graduation job she was named work in Washington. Caterpillar, Bucyrus-Erie and Joy Hampshire on the way back. set up. Lessons will start on Setp. 11, Long, D-La., one of the most power­ regulations. backs, only to deny the remarks Daschbach’s $27,000-a-year “ad­ Daschbach also denies there are Manufacturing, and such engineering Because of the trip tomorrow, we Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 Blood Pressure Clinics ful men in Congress. They say he insists on supervising when confronted by the aggrieved viser.” any morale problems at the do not have any program planned, a.m. at Red Rock and will continue giants as Bechtel and Kaiser until all interested men have But doubts about the gangly, 42- the smallest housekeeping details parties. Top officials told us they Pepe’s rapid rise, and the major maritim e agency. He says his Engineers, "who will be called upon and therefore we will not be serving personally, like parking assignments any meal and will not be using either received satisfactory instructions. Scheduled in Septeinher year-old redhead began bubbling up fear that their telephones are tapped role she assumed in running the com­ relations with the other com­ to manage the construction of the the bus or mini bus. Outdoor Ail you folks going to Lake George, EAST HARTFORD -Mayor soon after he took over in August and the library’s cancellation of a and their desks are rifled. mission. infuriated other agency missioners are “fantastic,” and any large synfuels projects.” 163 School St.; Wednesday. Sept. 12, magazine subscription. One commis­ shuffleboard will be available for your final payment is now due. Richard H. Blackstone has an­ Hutt Heights, 68-4 Cannop Road: 1977. At first his colleagues thought Their fears are not groundless. employees who considered it flagrant unhappiness among the staff is Others that will benefit include sion source complained that anyone wishing to play. nounced the Health Department will Thursday, Sept. 13, Rochambeau he was just a bit eccentric. ^ Daschbach’s close personal adviser, favortism. Daschbach and Pepe because he works them harder. bankers, raw material suppliers and >< Because of Monday being a He would astonish commission of­ Daschback “personalizes Margaret Pepe, was caught red- Srandia Lodge be taking blood pressures at nine Apartments, 68 Silver Lane; frequently worked late at the agency. Synfiiel Windfall: the transport industry, the memo holiday, the only action we have to locations in September from 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19, Miller Gardens, ficials by flying a balsa wood model everything,” and interprets any op­ handed going through one desk. She Though there is no evidence of any says. MANCHESTER -Scandia Lodge. report to you is last Friday after­ to noon. 452 Main St.; Thursday, Sept. 20, airplane or whacking a paddle ball position as a sign of disloyalty. The billions of dollars earmarked Vasa Order of America, will meet was observed by an official who personal im propriety in their noon's setback games. We had 11 The locations and dates are: Elms Village. Elms Village Drive; Thursday at 7:30 p.m . at Emanuel tables and the lucky winners are: Tuesday. Sept. 4. Daley Court, 586 Wednesday, Sept. 26, The Highlands, Lutheran Church. Paul Schuetz. 138; Martin Bakstan. Burnside Ave.; Thursday Sept. 6, 1403 Main St.; Thursday, Sept. 27. 132; Joe Peretto. 125; Bill Stone. 125; At 8:30 p.m.. Roy Johnson will lead Meadow Hill, 101 Connecticut Blvd.; a Swedish sing-a-long. After the Shea Gardens. Mill Road and Holmes lHaufhriilrr Euntimj Hn*al?i Floyd Post. 124; Oscar Cappuccio. Friday, Sept. 7, Heritage Gardens, Street. 123; Bob Schubert. 120; Alfreda program, which is open to non­ Manchester — A City of Village Charm tie^lleTrfcWtir 5 Hallin. 114; Mary Thrall. 114; members. refreshments will be Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Frances Fike. 114; Josephine served. Panel Centers Comments Schuetz. 113. Published by the Manchester Publishing Co . Herald Square, Manchester, Conn. 06040 Telephone (203) 643-2711. Kay Nettleton is now recuperating Family Program O il S pill at her home. 21 Conway Road, after On Road Reconstruction VERNON - The Family Learning Steve Atwell, 14, of Eliot, Maine, stands with his fishing \ \ l MemDer AudH Buredu ol Circu>dl-c led an operation to mend a broken ankle. Program at St. Bernard Church is I'm not sure, but you may be too pole, on the rocks beside the oil-covered Piscataqua River BOLTON - Discussion of the Ahearn replied, "So they did a good open to all church families, (single reconstruction of Iroquois and job with lousy specs and the conclu- Customer Service — 647-9946 Harold E. Turkington, Executive Editor parent!, families with children and Monday after some 15,000 gallons of fuel oil spilled into the Raymond F. Robinson. Editor-Publisher Frank A Burbank, Managing Editor Garden (dul) river from a Liberian tanker unloading the fuel at the Sprague Mohegan Trails, currently un­ ,sion is a lousy job. I’m not blaming families without children. derway, drew varying comments Ansaldi but they’re supposed to be MANCHESTER - A program on The prorgram offers an option for Energy’s Newington, N.H., station. Protection boom, upper from members of the Board of experts - why didn’t they tell us they Connecticut's wildflowers will be religious education this year - a center, keeps oil from going into other channels. (UPI photo) Selectmen Tuesday. were lousy specs?” Other Editors Say: presented at a meeting of the chance to share adult faith with- The town recently awarded a con­ Carey said that no one foresaw the Manchester Garden Club on Monday children. Those interested in par­ tract for reconstruction of those amount of water in that area and in the Robbins Room of the Center ticipating should call 87.5-3828 for roads to the Andrew Ansaldi Co. That Ahearn commented that the town Congressman David F. Emery’s major northeastern supplier said the Congregational Church. more information. MCC Gets $499,000 company originally constructed the was throwing away $70,000 on a job remarks about the export of of region needs 2‘/a millions barrels of A business meeting St 7:15 p.m. roads in 1964 and at that time Select­ that should have "been done right in heating oil and kerosene to Iran were fuel for the winter and at that time will precede the program, scheduled man Aloysius Ahearn objected to the the first place.” the only ones we heard or saw that only 4 million were in storage. to start at 8. Toward New Center company getting the contract. Carey said that Ansaldi had Of all the places to send refined Bob and Aileen Mcllvin of Cheshire were printable. He called it an out­ High Fiber Loaf Selectman John Carey said. "At notified the previous ad- rage and a travesty, which puts it petroleum products, or anything else will present an illustrated lecture en­ the request of Andy Ansaldi we MANCHESTER - The state Office months ago; by the state Bonding ministrationst that the road should mildly enough. right now, Iran should be at the bot­ titled. ' Connecticut's Wildflowers. (First Selectman Henry Ryba and MADISON, Wis, (UPI) - of Policy and Management has ap­ Commission, which cleared the way be oiled to seal the cracks as they In light of the continued conflicting tom of the lists This is the country Their Legends and Folkore ' Researchers testing new bread proved additional funds toward the for the center's reconstruction. Carey) viewed the original construc­ developed "but nothing was done,” reports regarding the level of New that contributed to last summer’s Visitors are welcome to attend. recipes have come up with an high construction of a new student center The additional appropriation is tion. In all instances they (Ansaldi Ryba agreed with Carey that An­ gasoline shortage; this is the country fiber loaf made with oat bran that at Manchester Community College, a front money, and will be reimbursed Company) exceeded the saldi shouldn’t be blamed for the E ngland’s stockpile of those Oslomy \Ieeling they say taste better than bread department spokesman said today. by the college's insurance company. specifications for the road set by the road's collapse. He said. "They did a necessary commodities, the export that floats on a sea of oil but whose Allen Segal, director of com­ The company has paid $200,000 to Town of Bolton," scheme verges on the bizzare. medieval government would rather MANCHESTER - The Manchester using wheat bran. Chemist Vernon L. good ob. And I think we finally got munications for the department, said date. Segal said. Ahearn then commented. Later in the week after the an­ lop off heads than work; this is the Ostomy Association will meet Sept. Youngs and cereal chemist Bert L. through to the Planning Commission $499,000 has been allocated toward "Someone is responsible for the road nouncement that U.S. oil interests country that has treated U.S. citizens Congressional Quarterly 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room B D'Appolonia had only one complaint The money the Bonding Commis­ about road and drainage problems. falling through. The people have a abominably and our country with of Manchester Memorial Hospital. about their new recipe: they said the the center to replace the one sion approved represents the The specifications have been up­ got their OK to make an extra bundle The association is made up of volume was less than that of the destroyed in an April 7 fire. The difference between the insurance right to know why it did. It's our job dated.” by selling petroleum products to contempt., patients who have had ileostomy, wheat bran loaf, but that it could be college used makeshift facilities settlement and the cost of to get the information for them,” Ryba said that the drainage Iran, a campaign worker for F*resi- The Energy Department says the during the final two months to house Consumers Hit Hard By Housing Costs colostomy, urostomy, or ileo-bladder increased by using an additive called reconstruction. The college has Carey feels that Ansaldi can't be problem on Brian Drive has also dent Carter’s re-elections said the shipment will have no noticeable im­ the offices which were contained in surgerv. sodium stearoyl-21actylate, a product selected a low bidder to rebuild the blamed for the collapse of the road, been corrected and Carey said that U the center. president will have to come to this pact on domestic supplies. Perhaps By GAIL GREGG Osto.n lies who have a problem commonly used to improve bread center, but has not yet signed a con­ noting that the company exceeded & R Construction did an exceptional group, the National Association of is now so staggering that it distorts The funds are in addition to the tract. part of the country to reassure us not, but it is certain to have an im­ E baking characteristics. Youngs is specifications and at its own job in repairing that situation. WASHINGTON - Multiply Washington officials encourage Realtors, predicts the combined the nation’s inflation rate. Currently, should attend this meeting. The pur- that there will be plenty of oil on pact on political attitudes. If this is USDA’s North Central $278,000 allocation approved two expense, put in curbs. skyrocketing home costs by record this "affordability squeeze" during average price for new and old homes this cost accounts for 20 percent of pose of the organization is to promote Agricultural Research facili- hand next winter. an example of Jerry Rafshoon public mortgage rates and you’ve got what the CPI. Who shall we believe? Federal and relations he could do no worse selling bad economic times as a way of will be $65,3(X) by the end of 1979. Pivp mutual ‘S'‘f* a n d D’Appolonia works the nation's realtors call a “double easing inflation. "This comes on the heels of a 13.5 rehabilitate _ to state energy people make reassuring second hand gas guzzlers. These experts argue that unlike assistance to members and their at North Dakota State University in !N o W V o U K n O W whammy.” They reason that if interest rates percent price increase during the food, gasoline or clothing, a house in Fargo. noises. But as recently as June a Kennebuc Journal families. The current price tag for an are high, demand for housing will be preceding year,” Carlson said. not “consumer” but can be resold, Pogonophobia is an irrational fear Register Now for the 1979-80 Season Augusta, Maine For furtb r -nformation call Anne of beards. average home is 13.5 percent higher slow. And that will keep extra money And he noted that long-term in­ often at a profit. And they note that McNeill. «49-6076 or 646-4572. Letters than last year, according to Con­ out of the marketplace. terest rates will remain high during only 10 percent of American P Richard J. Risley sumer Price Index (CPI) figures To accomplish that goal, the the next few months. households purchase a home each F’arisli Council released Aug. 24. Federal Reserve Board hikes the Morris agreed “there still is some year. And interest rates have jumped by cost of money it loans to banks. That, room” for interest rates to increase. "The average person does not buy The Parish Council of St. Parish Council wili meet percent. in turn, leads to higher commercial But he added, "By the end of the a house and taite out a mortgage Bernard Church will meet World, TaHe My Son Dance Studios 12'/2 the second Tuesday of each Pitkin Glass Works But figure the two components of interest rates. year, there should be some easing” every month,” maintains George Sept. 18. The meeting will month at 7:45 p.m. in the Main St., Rt. 31, Coventry By The Hand home ownership together, and the Under its new chairman, Paul A. The average price for a new home Perry, an economist at the Brookings start with a potluck supper church hall. All ' (Next to the 1st. Congregational Church) cost of financing a home increases already has reached $74,300, up from Institution. at 6:30 p.m. in the school parishioners are invited to "A profenional approach to Dance Education for Girls and Boys • 'To the editor: Registry of Historic Places. Volcker, the Fed is doing just that. library. attend these meetings. Specialising in Dance Education for over 20 years. ” Our beautiful town will celebrate a It will mark an important historic dramtically — by 27 percent, accor­ His "Tight money” policy already $61,900 last summer. A previously oc­ Housing experts hold out one Starting in October the My son starts school today. Glasses Resume Week of Sept. 17th first at the Pitkin Glass Works site on event in the history of Manchester, ding to government experts. has prompted major banks to raise cupied home costs an average $63,- morsel of consolation to potential It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I Sunday, Sept. 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. for the glass works is the only A new mortgage that cost $400-a- their prime rate — the rate they 700, up from $53,700 in 1978. homebuyers faced with today’s "dou­ wish you would sort of treat him gently. Graded Classes for Boys & Girls month last year, for example, now charge their best customers-----to a And mortgage interest rates are ble whammy” — a home may be one You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost. Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and revolutionary site in the area. Drums musicians attired in the The glass works will be open to the would be $500. record-tying 12 percent. That could averaging 11.19 percent, the bank of the best investments around. He's been boss of the backyard. I have always been Tap * Ballet * Toe * Jazz Between 1973 and 1977, they point around to repair his wounds, and I've always been regimental uniform of Colonel public for inspection following the “We have a situation now when portend even more expensive credit board said. handy to soothe his feelings. Acrobatics and Gymnastics Floor Work' Webb’s 19th Connecticut Regiment program. We urge you to come — housing costs and mortgage credit in coming months. In 1949, the first year the govern­ out, the median value of single­ No Gas? But now... things are going to be dlllerent. will re-enact the Spirit of 1776 with take pride in what is yours — and both are increasing rather im­ All indications point toward a con­ ment kept track, the median price family homes rose 53 percent. Me­ Today he’s going to walk down the front steps, Pre Ballet * Kinderdance their regimental music and pagean­ enjoy. pressively,” explained Dick Morris, tinuation of this upward spiral in for a new home was $8,800. dian income, though, rose only 39 wave his hands, and start on his great adventure try. Glass blowing will be Mrs. John C. Rieg, an economist at the Federal Home home prices," said Jack Carlson, a Some economist believe that the percent. Go To Class! that probably will Include wars and tragedy and All Classes are graded to age and ability with a Loan Bank Board. realty industry economist. His trade cost of buying and financing a home sorrow. Strong Emphasis on Sound Dance Technique exemplified and a valuable Pitkin 2 Eastland Drive, Don't let the gas crunch squeeze you out of a college glass bottle will be awarded. Manchester, To live his life In the world he has to live In, will require All Classes taught by Mr. Risley • Beautiful, Professionally Equipped Studio education. Earn college credit in your living room with faith and love and courage. Pitkin Glass Works Day is held to Founding member of • Competent, Qualified Adult Assistant Teachers TV Community College courses on Connecticut Public So World, I wish you would sort of take him by hie young celebrate the acceptance pf this 18th Pitkin Glass Works Washington Window Television. Fall semester offerings include: About Your Teacher. hand and teach him the things he will have to know. Dancing Is For Boys, Too!!! century relic to the National GEOGRAPHY “()l [:anh And Man An iniKKluciory course m Teach him . . . but gently, If you can. Mr. Risley is a member of llie Danee Teaeliers Dancing ih used as part of the training of major Club of Conn., the New York Cily Danee Masters; phsMkal and cultural ^co^raphy Broadcast Mon He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just Beins On the Side of the Country allilelt's. Devrlopes roordinulion, builds bodies the Danee Masters of America, Ine. Thru these andSSed jiS .'D am and f) p m hcjiinninj; Sepi that all men are not true. ” _ . . ... ______:______10 and is beullby (>xereise. organizations he is eertified by test to teaeli. equates Congress with government suspicious of politicians. But so are Houpe right along with the president. Teach him that for every scoundrel, there Is a hero, that Ouote/Unauote ARNOLD SAWISLAK BISINKSS It s l.Ycr\hKJy s Business " A suncy ol the Hoys Tup, Jazz, Bullet and Aerobatics Classes. A Mr. Risley reecntly returned from a Summer of many other citizens and if Wright /They occupy those places as the lor every crqoked politician there Is a dedicated and government with the country. In contcm|>orary .American business sEcnc Hrtiadcust few sebolurshipH are uvuiluble for Mute Ballet Danee. He attended the D.M.ofA. regional eomen- WASHINGTON (UPI) - One of the leader. Teach him that lor every enemy, there Is a this, the majority leader is like many wants someone to blame for that he eyes and ears of the people whose Tues and Thufs at H.'0 am and bp in be^innin^ .Students. tiun in St. Louis and their National Convention in “Usually an increase like this will hank rohheries in New York Cily delights of the Laurel and Hardy friend. politicians and others in the dramatic need only look around at some of his lives are being affected by govern­ Sept 11 N.Y.City where he studied with many of the world's fit in with a recession or economic in Ihe firsi seven nionlhs of Ihis movies comes when fat Oliver, HEALTH ■'Conicmpofary Health Issuei An cianiinationol Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest people arts who tend to believe the world is less savory associates of recent ment and its doings. That is the Student Accomplishments leaders in danee. slowdown." year (more than in all of 1978) lo a having led the way into some dis­ SCIENCE medical science and the major health issues ot our to lick. Mr. Risley was the National Direetor for not out of bed until they have pulled years. reason the First Amendment Students from this studio compete locally with „ — Joseph MucFarlane, an FBI weakening in Ihe 11.S. eeonomy. aster, turns to his partner and says, lime Broadcast In aiKam and Sun at b p m Teach him the wonder o( books. Give him quiet time to the Donee Masters of America and have also taken D.M.ofA's Male Daneer of the Year (Mr. Danee) on their pants. There is no rule of journalism that guarante of press freedom was put he^inniiij! Sept 14 ponder the eternal mystery of birds In the sky, bees Competition. He was also seleeted to Judge the adniinistralor, linking the 4.56 “ Well, Stanley, here's another fine HISTORY The .Ascent Ol Man "D r Jactib Brtmovcski s part in out*of*state and national competitions. But apart from that illusion, the requires reporters to be "nemesis” into the Constitution; to provide an In the sun, and flowers on a green hill. Titles include: Mr. Dunce of [New York City, Group and Line Competitions at D.M.ofA's mess you’ve gotten us into." pcrsonaUiew ol history ihriiu^b man s scienlilic of government. But just as news peo­ indepndent check on those who would 5 Teach him that It Is tar more honorable to fall than to congressman also seems lo have a achievements Broadcast Sun at 10 pm be^innin^ 1977; Mr. Dunce of Conn., 1978-1979; 3rd Convention. That line somehow came to mind cheat. Teach him to have faith In his own Ideas, somewhat skewed idea of what news ple need not be hostile to govern­ undertake to rule their fellows. Sept I.' Runner Up Male Dancer of the Years, 1979; Jr. Mr. Mr. Risley W08 rcccnlly elected lo ihe office of Thoughts recently when a story appeared even If everyone tells him they are wrong. ment, they also should beware of That independence is best main­ Dunce of Conn., 1979; 3rd and 5lli Place Jr. Mr. 2nd Vice Presidenl of ihe Dance Teochera Club of quoting House Democratic leader people mean when they talk about an Credits earned through TV Community College courses Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd Conn, and will assume that office in September. He Old-time religion sometimes com­ falling in love with it, becoming tained by healthy skepticism about Dunce of Conn., 1978; 5th Place Jr. Miss Dance of spot; one turns away from the needs Jim Wright of Texas to the effect "adversary relationship” with may be applied to a degree program at any Connecticut when everyone else Is getting on the bandwagon. Conn., 1978; 3rd Place Jr. Group of Conn., 1979. has served on their Board of Directors for the past forted its followers with the promise of today, the other from the needs of government. Wright’s view seems "part of the same team.” the claims and promises of both Regional Community College. There are no Teach him to listen to all men, but to filter all he Students are now l>eing accepted into Dance and two years. that the press is in part causing the of “pie in the sky by and by.” Accept tomorrow. akin to a belief that a lawyer who The adversary relationship does those who control government and prerequisites. Course fees are a low $30 per TV course, hears on a screen ol truth and to take only the good Theatre Colleges, have appeared on (National TV, . He is beginning his 22nd teaching season. Out­ national loss of confidence by that comes through. side leeching credits include: Mansfield Training your lot in this life, it said, and you'' We can no longer afford to live by defends someone accused of murder obligate those who report on govern­ those who oppose them. That is what or $4 50 for qualified veterans and persons 62 years old Commercials and are working towards criticizing the government. He was professional careers. One student recently School (5 years); New Hope Manor; Lebanon will be rewarded in a life to come. is in favor of killing people. ment to remember they are not part the adversary relationship is all or over. Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest visions that cannot include past,'pre­ particularly dismayed by reports in­ appeared in u lead part with Harvard's Hasty Pud­ Elementary School; Coventry Recreation Commis­ about, and it very clearly is bidder, but never to put a price tag on his heart Today's society seems to have sent, and future in their scope that, dicating that the performance of Some news people may be wary, of government, even if they do sit in FOR RKGI.STRATION INFORMATION CALL; and soul. ding Theulriculs ut Harvard, N.Y.City and Ber- sion and others. the best seats to observe the House something that is on "the side of the turned that message on its head, with help us to learn from our mistakes, Congress this yar has ben somewhat even hostile, toward government. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob, and to In March he taught a master top class for the and Senate and work in the White country.” MANCHESTER COMMUNITY niuiia. professional School” Dance Teachers Club of Conn, for danee teachers a “buy now, pay later” philosophy. respond sensitively to the needs of less than adequate. Certainly a lot of them are deeply stand and fight II he thinks he's right. Love Canal and Hiroshima are sym­ Teach him gently. World, but don't coddle him, because from all over New England. the present, and build towards an “I think maybe the idea of an COLLEGE A Truly Professional SCOOPS lyD on^Sm yi only the test of fire makes line steel. Audition Information Available bols of the shadows cast on our future open future. adversary relationship has been undu­ Nationally Recognised Teacher, 646-2137 This Is a big order. World, but see what you can do. Richard J. Rlalay - Artlatto Dliaotor^ by technology and militarism which “The earth is the Lord’s and the ly magnified,” Wright was reported or contact the TV Community College offive ut He's such a nice little fellow, my son. Danoar • Tfachtr - Chflraoaraohar' look narrowly to the present and are fulness thereof, the world and those as saying. He said the Washington 22nd Ttaching Station willing to risk debt or danger for 232- 4817. who dwell therein.” (Psalm 24;1). press corps seemed to take the at­ OF COORSf m qO/ERWR m. IHE4R n w T mm Ragisttr Now future generations for the sake of our The Rev. Bruce A. Pehrson titude “that to be true professionals, TV Community College courses arc broadcast on Special For Students " 1 A lot Of SUPPORT Osville Glass, Principal Tol. 742-6886 - 742-9766 own. South United Methodist Church they must be, in effect, enemies of MOUSE HOW WEARS A Channels 24-Hartford, 49-Bridgeport/ Of ThU School IN the w o rlp Of s m or 742-8171 at any IIh m Both philosphies have their blind Boverment.” JERR)^ WOWN WHIST Fairfield County, S3-Norwich/New London, Taffy’s of Boston, a fine dance wear ii m m s i... Northwood School Or tb* Studio Thurt., Sopl. 13 “I think we all ought to be on the ' WATCH! 6I-Waterbury and 65-New Haven. Some iiji company, will again be selling Leotards, ■tut Frl„ Sopt. 14 from 2-7 PM and Sat., same team, the same side. And that’s courses w ill also be available on cable television, call Franklin, Ind. ii Tights, Dance Shoes and other dance; SapL 15 from 10 AM - 2 PM. i;!: needs at our studio. This Is for the con- Yesterdays the side of the country,” Wright was for details , _ . , DIaco for Adulta and Naw Adult Couraaa ^ cOMMiism ,'011101 ii venlence of Risley Students only. will atari lat waak in Oclobar. quoted. \n equal iipjkuiuiiiiv 1380 A$>lum Avenui* I 'THURS., SEPT. 13 - from M Only- All Staga Arta Claaaaa will raauma waak 25 Years Ago 10 Years Age It probably is not surprising that HAMlofdCI 06I0S Courtuyot of Sopt. 17th. ______This date was a Sunday: The Manchester finishes its 1968-69 LYNCH MOTORS, INC. Wright, who has spent the last Herald did not publish. year with a $70,729 surplus in the quarter century in-the House, (Jeneral Fund. PAGE TEN - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Sept. 5. 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE ELEVEN WM f tv—.1H' WM L QbituariM Herald Joseph D. Izzo, Former Fighter Angle Yanks on Move MANCHESTER - Joseph D. Izzo, of Elks and a past president and both of East Hartford; and 16 Earl Yost 67. of 227 W. Center St., a former member of the Roofers,Local 9. He grandchildren. professional fighter, died Tuesday retired in 1973. During World War II, The funeral Is Friday at 9:30 a.m. Sports Editor night at Rockville General Hospital. he served with the Army. from the John F. Tierney Funeral 5mwem»«itw5wsiteU' To Pass RSox He was the husband of Mrs. Mary Bil He is also survived by three sons, Home, 219 W. Center St., with a mass Izzo. Edward J. Izzo of Marlborough, at the Church of the Assumption at Mr. Izzo. a member of the Connec- Wait Until Next Year NEW YORK (UPI) -- Don’t made an error and got beat.” slammed his 16th home run of the Joseph J. Izzo of East Hartford and 10. Burial will be in Mount St. The crucial error came in the ticut Boxing Guild, was a It’s wait until next year for both the Boston Red Sox and New look now but the New York season after Jackson led off with a John R. Izzo of Manchester; two Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. eighth inning when second baseman single. professional fighter in the early daughters, Mrs. Mary E. Michalski Friends may call at the funeral York Yankees in the American League Eastern Division. Yankees are making their se­ Ted Sizemore tried to complete an Former Red Sox hurler Luis Tiant, 1930s. and held the New England of South Windsor and Mrs. Carol A. home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 The Rea sox "aiea last week cond annual drive to pass the inning-ending double play, but first 11-8, the Yankee starter who com­ featherweight championship title. Shaer of Manchester; three sisters, p.m. while the Yankees have been "dead” Boston Red Sox in the baseman Bob Watson could not han­ bined with Rich Gossage on a three- He was born Aug. 2S, 1912 in Mrs. Mabel Fuettner and Mrs. Flora The family suggests that any for a month as Baltimore rolls merri­ hitter, allowed baserunners in just ■t.-v ■ it's a fair ball. American League East. dle his low throw and Willie Ran­ Mechanicsville, N.Y., and had lived St. John, both of East Hartford, and memorial gifts may be made to the ly along to a spot in the league two of the eight innings he worked. in Manchester for 21 years. He was a Wouldn’t it be logical to rename Most people will be excused if they dolph scampered home from second Mrs. Rose St. John of Hartford; two Dialysis Department at Rockville playoffs. Boston scored single runs both times. member of the East Hartford Lodge the lines fair lines - or poles - fair aren’t looking too closely this year with the game’s winning run. brothers, Albert Izzo and James Izzo, General Hospital. TTie Yankees and Sox may be in­ poles? since the battle is for third place in­ Randolph had clubbed a one-out Butch Hobson led off the third in­ volved in a dog-fight for third and stead of first as it was in 1978. But the double to left and Oscar Gamble ning with his 24th homer of the year Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill, with fourth places in the final standings Notes Off the Cuff Red Sox. who just a followed with a walk. Reggie for the first Boston hit. In the sixth, Mrs. .\iinnic G. Olson McNellis of Orlando, Fla.; five with less than one month to play. Jackson then grpunded to shortstop back-to-back doubles by Tom a mass at St. James Church, Rocky brothers, Armand Chamberland and Observed in a recent tennis tourna­ few weeks ago Tough Night MANCHESTER - Mrs. Nannie G. iA seemed ready to Rick Burleson, who flipped, to P o quette, on a Olson. 93, of 21 Carol Drive died Hill, at 10. Warren Chamberland, both of Plain- Goal Achieved ment match were two players who Jim Rice of the Red Sox Burial will be in Rose Hill make their move to Sizemore to force Gamble, but check-swing Tuesday night at Manchester ville, Abel Chamberland of New Bri­ continually were guilty of foot faults Sizemore’s relay to first was in the blooper down the didn’t approve being called out Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. tain and Louis Chamberland and ”Our goal is to win one game,” catch the front­ Memorial Hospital. She was the Larry Morrison said before leading while serving. One player often had dirt, right field line, and on strikes in second inning last Friends may call at the funeral Roger Chamberland, both of St, running Baltimore widow of Oscar L. Olson. the Hartford Road Dairy Queen to both feet over the line and in contact "As soon as Burleson got the ball, I Jim Rice ac­ home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Agatha, Maine; six sisters, Mrs. An­ Orioles, have fallen night against Yanks and tossed Mrs. Olson was born April 26,1886 •7i- Nashville. Tenn., last weekend for with the surface when the ball made made up my mind to make a big turn counted for the se­ p.m. nie Albert and Mrs. Rita St. Armand, 11 Vz games out his bat. Ex-teammate Luis in Bokevara, Sweden, and had lived the Women’s ASA Slow Pitch Softball contact with the racquet. Called to at third,” said Randolph, who slid cond Red Sox run. Mr. Chamberland was born in St. both of Glastonbury, Mrs. Matilda the attention of others witnessing with 27 left to play, and don’t have to Tiant registered strikeout. in Manchester for the past 35 years. Tournament. look too far over their shoulders to home with the decisive run when the The RBI was She is survived by three daughters, Agatha, Maine, and had lived in Ouellette of St. Agatha, Mrs. Lucinda Teachers^ Strike play, the group said it was common (UPI Photo) Glastonbury before coming to Bolton The goal was achieved, the squad see the Yankees, just three games ball got away from Watson. “I guess Rice’s 107th of the season, tying him Mrs. Helen Pratt oi Charleston, S.C., Plourde of Madawaska, Maine, Mrs. among all players. It’s plain out and he was being overly aggressive for second place in the AL with in­ two months ago. He had been Rena Lizotte of Sinclair, Maine, and Some 300 teachers and supporters march in their jobs last week in a dispute over pay winning once in the double elimina­ behind in the loss column. and Miss Greta Olson and Miss tion play to finish the season with an out cheating... Mixed Doubles Tour­ trying to make the double play.” jured teammate Fred Lynn. employed as an assembler at Pratt & Mrs. Theresa Chasse of St. David, downtown Rutland, Vt„ in the fourth day of (UPI photo) nament in Manchester is scheduled "We haven’t done too much right in Christine Olson, both of Manchester; imposing 48-17 won-lost record. Former Yankee Mike Torrez, 14- Gossage retired Boston in order in Whitney Division of United Maine; and 10 grandchildren. the teachers strike. The teachers walked off this weekend with Men’s and the last month, ” sighed Red Sox a sister in Sweden; three grandsons The Queens came home with the Manager Don Zimmer, following his 10, was the complete-game victim the ninth to record his 13th save and Technologies Corp., East Hartford, Women’s Doubles in the Recreation and seven great-grandchildren. 30th ranking nationally team’s tough 3-2 loss to the Yankees as the right-hander lost his eighth seventh in his last 11 games. Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. for more than 25 years. He was a Department events slated the member of St. Paul’s Knights of Before qualifing for the Nationals, last night for Boston’s 12th defeat in game in nine career decisions Carl Yastrzemski was hitless in Standings Center St., is in charge of Curd uf Thunks following weekend. Registration against New York. Glastonbury. Auto-Ambulance Accident season highlights included triumphs its last 15 games and fourth straight four trips to the plate to remain five arrangements, which are in­ The family of Germaine Edna Reid wish to thank closed Aug. 15 for all three events. Torrez, who allowed only two He is survived by his wife, Mrs. in the Connecticut State Tournament, setback, the longest losing streak of hits away from becomine the 15th complete. ihe Manchester Police Department for their quick singles by Bobby Murcer through the player in baseball history to reach Delina Sampson Chamberland; three response at the time of our need. and victories in the Bunny Lee In­ Record Field the season, National League Howard J. Reid Jr. S t Family vitational in Lynn. Mass., and the "I thought we played a helluva first six innings, lost a 2-0 lead in the the 3,000-hit mark. East Conrad J. Cliuiiilicriund sons, Roland Chamberland of Hart­ Insurance City Open Tennis Tour­ Spindle City Open in Fall River, game tonight. ” Zimmer said. ”We seventh when Chris Chambliss W L Pet. GB ford and Robert Chamberland and Injures Two Paramedics nament. directed by Ann Murphy of BOLTON — The funeral of Conrad Alan Chamberland. both of East (^urd of Thunks Mass. The local squad took part in 10 Pittsburgh 55 .599 J. Chamberland, 60, of Cook Road, East Hartford, has attracted 1,100 Hartford; three daughters, Mrs, The family of Germaine Edna Reid express our MANCHESTER - An ambulance en tourneys. Montreal 54 .588 who drowned Monday in the swim­ sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and treatment. players ranging in age from 13 to 67. William (Linda) Patterson of East route to pick up a patient was hit by Poiice said the ambulance flipped In previous trips to the nationals, St. Louis 61 .548 ming pool at his home, is Friday at neighbors fur acts of kindness, memorial donations. Kevin L. Kiss, a 19-year-old over, and received extensive damage Registrants include 80 players Hartford. Miss Doris Chamberland Ma.ss cards, flowers, and cards in our recent loss. another car this morning, police said, local teams were ousted without Chicago 64 .526 9:15 a.m. from Rose Hill Funeral Williamantic man, was cited by to the left rear and to the top. It also from Glastonbury, 69 from of Bolton and Mrs. Michael (Diane) Howard J Reid Jr. and Family and flipped over on West Center tasting the fruits of victory. Yaz to Sit on Bench Philadelphia 68 .504 police for passing left on the in­ Manchester and 61 from East Hart­ Street. The driver and another brushed against a Hartford Electric Morrison, former Manchester New York 82 .393 tersection. According to police, he ford. paramedic were slightly injured and Light utility pole. Community College baseball player, was traveling north on Waddell Road The ambulance, which was has coached the Queens the past Defending champions include Jack had to be treated at Manchester and passed a stopped vehicle on the Redmond, head pro at the Pet. GB Memorial Hospital. traveling west on West Center Street, three seasons. Houston .565 - Connors, Zinsser Clash left. Police said the other vehicle had belonged to the Manchester Am­ His fulltime job is with the Manchester Racquet Club, in men’s With John Pitching A hospital spokeswoman said the Cincinnati .561 ‘z stopped for the ambulance, which bulance Service company, 134 East Manchester Recreation Department. singles: Stu Jennings of Glastonbury driver, Terence Braley, 30, of operated its flashing lights and siren. and Mike White of Manchester in that the Red Sox home fans could Baltimore, and Dave McNally. 5-4, Los Angeles .471 13 Manchester, was treated for a frac­ Center St. It was on its way to get NEW YORK (UPI) - Carl San Francisco .439 17>2 Kiss later told police he thought the someone when the accident occurred Fair or Foul? men’s doubles and Adam Kubilius of share in Yaz' achievement. General­ on September. 1974. tured collarbone and released. The Yastrzemski won’t play San Diego .417 lO'/z vehicle had stalled and he went shortiy after 6:30. Another am­ Vernon and Ernie Uthgenannt of ly, an effort is made for No. 3000 to Pete Rose was admitted to the Over Housing Dilemma passenger, 23-year-old Donna Eric- Every baseball field has two foul Wednesday when the Boston Atlanta .394 23‘/z Ellington in men’s 45 doubles. come at home. lodge on May 5, 1978 at Riverfront around it. Kiss’s car struck the rear bulance was called to get the victim lines and in many cases two foul son of East Hartford, suffered multi­ Play starts Saturday at tennis Red Sox close their three game In the past, when Stan Musial, the Stadium in Cincinnati, before the Tu fbn’.s of the ambulance in the West Center and still another transported Braley poles. MANCHESTER - Directors Charged Connors, "Carl, you are in the possible housing problem until ple contusions and was released after Street-Waddell Road intersection. courts in Greater Hartford. Last eigntli player to get 3.000 hits, got his home fans. He singled off Montreal’s Montreal 5, New York 1 after the elections. I just want the and Ericson to the hospital. However, if a batted ball hits series with the New York Thomas Connors and Carl Zinsser the real estate business, you should year’s inaugural ICO drew 900 par­ historic safety, it was done in Steve Rogers in the fifth inning, as St. Louis 6, Chicago 4 be able to suggest some solutions to people to be aware of the possibility, eithei' the foul line or the foul pole Yankees. locked horns on Manchester's possi­ ticipants. Chicago. Musial had been held out in the Expos won 4-3 San Francisco 3. San Diego 1 the possible housing problem.” and want rentors who are refus^ "I said Monday that Yaz wouldn’t ble housing problem at Tuesday order to return to .St; Louis and the This year, the Cardinals Lou Brock Atlanta 7. Cincinnati 6 night's Board meeting, but today In response to this comment, apartments because they have play when (left hander l Tommy John pitched,” said Red Sox Manager Don home fans, but when the Cardinals celebrated his 3,000th hit on August Houston 9, L.'s Angeles 4 Connors refused to comment while Zinsser called upon Conners, who is chiidren to know they should contact Simple-Message from Perry had a chance to win. Stan the Man 13. 1979 at Busch Stadium, St. Louis, the Human Rights Commission.” Zimmer. “The last time we were in Todav's t/anx's Zinsser continued to attack his fellow employed by Manchester Com- AL SIEFFERT was sent in as a pinch hitter. He with an infield single off Dennis Montreal (Schatzeder 9-4) at On Wednesday Zinsser declared, the Stadium John struck out Yaz board member. munitity College, to come up with a delivered a double which enabled St. Lamp in a 3-2 St. Louis win over Chicago (Reuschel 16-81 "Mr. Connors makes charges out of three times. ” Airing corpments he had received solution to education policy Louis to win 5-3 over Chicago on May Chicago. New York (Swan 12-11) at questions. The issue was then the blue, he keeps uttering innuen­ The 40-year-old Boston star is just from citizens Connors said he heard ‘Trade Me or...... 13, 1958. There is always the chance that Philadelphia (Christenson 5-10), N dropped. five hits shy of becoming the 15th some rents have been increased does that there is a conspiracy to Henry Aaron, then with Atlanta, John won’t go the distance, and that deprive people of housing. I’m sure I player to reach the 3,000-hit plateau Los Angeles (Sutcliffe 13-91 at $40.00 to $60.00 per month, When questioned Wednesday about became the ninth hitter to reach 3,000 Yaz will be inserted in the lineup by don’t know about this. If he knows - and figures to reach his goal over Atlanta (Brizzolara 6-9), N apartments are increasingly being the apparent dispute on Tuesday Con­ hits when he slammed a single at Zimmer. His chances of getting five something, has the facts, a solution I’ll Hang up Glove’ the weekend when Boston returns to San Francisco (Montefusco 3-6) at converted into condominiums, and nors stated, "I do not have any com­ Cincinnati against the Reds on May hits before returning to Boston are Cincinnati (Norman 10-101, N ment to make concerning Mr. to a problem, I wish he would bring it Fenway Park for a four-game series some apartments are declaring a with Baltimore. 17,1970. Willie Mays, the 10th. got his remote, however. Pittsburgh (D. Robinson 7-6) at St. m oritorium on residents with Zinsser. The Board of Directors can­ out and we will discuss it. Otherwise SAN DIEGO (UPI) -- Gaylord Perry, baseball’s winningest big safety at home in Candlestick After he gets his 3.000th safety, the Louis (Martinez 12-7), N not be expected to do anything about he has nothing.” ’T il get excited when 1 get the children. active hurler, had a simple message for the San Diego Padres - 3,000th hit.” said a disconsolate Park, San Francisco on July 18. 1970 5-foot-ll, 185-pound left-handed hit­ San Diego (Jones 10-11) at Houston trade me or I’ll hang up my glove. Yastrzemski just after Boston had when he beat out a second inning ting slugger plans on playing at least (Richard 15-12), N ’The 40-year-old righthander, the lost 3-2 to New York Tuesday night. single to the left side of the infield one more year. only pitcher to win the Cy Young "It really doesn’t matter to me if I against the Montreal Expos Mike "Next year is definite.” said Carl. American League ^ Committee Withholds Fee Award in both the American and get it in Boston, or on the road.” Wegener. "After that. I’ll see. "I'm playing Roberto Clemente, the late, great well enough to know I want to play KasI National Leagues, announced Yaz drew the collar against former W L Pet. GB teammate Luis Tiant and reliever Pittsburgh Pirate doubled to left again in 1980. Tuesday he was quitting the Padres •Baltimore 90 46 .662 - immediately and would retire unless Rich Gossage Tuesday, dropping his center against the New York Mets’ "Playing baseball has always been Jon Matlack in Pittsburgh on Sept. fun for me or I wouldn’t do it, ” con­ Milwaukee 83 56 .597 8>-2 Until Work Is Completed the club could work out a trade for average to .270 with an O-for-4 perfor­ Boston 78 57 •-.578 ll'z 30. 1972, in the fourth inning. tinued Yaz. "I have no regrets, and I him, preferably with the Texas mance. New York 75 60 .556 14>/z i‘«ii^..NCHESTER - The town windows to find out where the Rangers, where he played three Zimmer had said if Yastrzemski No. 12 in the 3.000-hit club, AI have learned to accept the highs and systems has not yet been started, but Kaline, a native of Baltimore, hit a lows in my career. I have been well Detroit 73 66 .525 18'2 Building Committee Tuesday night responsibility for the problem lies "all the parts are there.” seasons. had gotten close enough to reach 3,- Cleveland 71 68 .511 20'z rejected a request to pay the general and what can be done to rectify it. “If nothing can be worked out, then 000 during the series in New double down the right field line in the treated by the Red Sox. and ap­ The police are using portable fourth inning in Memorial Stadium as preciate what they have done for Toronto 44 94 .319 47 contractor the $23,000 it is holding in However, most of the work has radios when they enter the cell block 19 OUR this is my last day in uniform.” he York he would not hold him out, so 3 Kaline’s Detroit Tigers beat \4, TigerK .’t game in their last 13 outings. American League team. Patriots, EAST HARTFORD DEMOCRATS in Tanana’s return to the ”I knew that was it. The arm feels Bobby Bonds drove in four runs Despite the three defeats to Mon­ Keep Flashlight Handy n m r o r m i A( CuUf Vote for Dick Blackstone. He has the PAIKIHC mound. “It’s pretty much a good. We'll know more tomorrow. As with a three-run homer and a single, treal, New York manager Joe Torre Scott McGregor Saluted MANCHESTER - Thomas O’Marra, public informa­ extending Detroit’s losing streak to wasn’t too sure that he believed in 'MANCHESTER question of his getting strength it is right now I’m BALTIMORE (UPI) — Baltimore Orioles’ lefthander Scott McGregor was tion officer for tbe Department of Civil Preparedness, quallficationa, experience and the finan­ 445 HARTFORD RD. ^ - ...... ^ five games. the Expos. "I admit they must be P * m P lO P ll WHO BRIHC YOU tOWPKICtS & PlKSOHAl StHVtCt in his arm.” very encouraged,” named American League pitcher of the week, AL President Lee MacPhail an­ said today that although Hurricane David has lost cial know-how to continue a Low Tax After rallying for considered a threat, because they’re ■■■■■ K YOtj luvt t MtStll VISA. lANAAMlII 647-9997 Tanana, the 26-year-old lefthander, liuiigiTH .’ll iVlurinerH Z this close this late,” he said. "But nounced Tuesday. strength residents should have portable radios and Rate. Vote for all the endorsed team. Vote — (A lb , AAUIKAH IXPWSS, CAAtl llAHtW 0« DAMS f^REE REMOVAL five runs in the McGregor, 11-4, pitched an eight-hit shutout against the Minnesota Twins last started a game on June 10. Ten­ Buddy Bell drove in three runs wiiii I’m still going to stick with my mid­ flashlights on hand because heavy rains may be sixth to tie the Aug. 29 when he struck out five and gave up one walk. He scattered Hve hits, for the Top Una. S z r ? R E ■ VcAi mivERv 647-9998 donitis in his left shoulder forced him a pair of singles and Steve Comer, 14- season prediction that Pittsburgh forthcoming. game, the White struck out six and gave up no walks during a 3-1 victory over the Twins Sept. TONITE 'TIL B • TUES., WED. 8 SAT.'TIL 5 • MON THURS., FRI'TIL 9 out of the rotation. 10, tossed a four-hitter to lift Texas to will win this decision. It was a costly case of tendinitis. Sox won it in the its fourth straight victory. 2. The left-hander has an 8-1 record and 3.15 ERA since the All-Star break. Paid lof by tha Eaal HarMord Danwerattc Town Cofmnitlaa eighth. The loss "However, there’s a lot of ability PAGE TWELVE - EVENING HERALD, Wed.. Sept. 5, 1979 EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE THIRTEEN Another First LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Mental Attitude Good Connors Enjoying The Indiana Pacers of the NBA are expected to sign UCLA. All-America ' Ann Meyeris today and scheduled With UConn Gridders a 10 a,m. news conference to Play in New York make the announcement, A good mental attitude and a split end out of New London, who was The coach added, “We are a young Meyers, the younger solid approach to football is out the last two years. team, and much depends on our peo­ he has won every other year since Borg, scheduled this evening, and sister of Milwaukee Bucks’ what comes out of the Univer­ One of several offensive players at ple playing well. The Huskies will 1974. John‘McEnroe eased past Tom Gor­ sity of Connecticut’s training new positions is sophomore Jerome have up to 11 sophomores in the star­ NEW YORK (UPI) Others “That was not the kind of match I man of Seattle, Wash., 6-2, 6-4, 6-1. forward Dave Meyers, Ingram of Clifton, NJ, at flanker. camp as the Huskies conclude ting lineup, no freshmen. may complain about the jets like to play - it was spotty,” ad­ McEnroe meets Eddie Dibbs, the would become the first Ingram has been looking good in Steve Beal, last year's defensive overhead, the steady stream of mitted Connors. "But I played well ninth-seeded claycourt specialist woman to sign an NBA con­ two-a-day drills before begin­ practice after spending last year at line standout from Pawcatuck who moving spectators and the when it counted. I'll get better. I’m who upset Guillermo Vilas Monday tract and would give up her ning preparations for their running back. has been out hurt, could start prac­ general chaos at the National going to have to go out there and night, while fourth-seeded Vitas amateur standing as well as Sept. 15 opener at Army. The offensive line will feature ticing within the next week. Tennis Center but, for Jimmy start a match the way I finished this Gerulaitis takes on South Africa’s her eligibility for the 1980 “I am very pleased with the at­ junior Jim Raliegh of Madison and “Our linebacking has been real one.” Johan 'Kriek in the other quarter­ Brian Jones of New York, NY, at Connors, that’s just part of Olympics. titude being shown by the kids. solid as has the secondary and That goal becomes necessary final. Hopefully it will stay hot for a few center and tackle respectively. Both kicking game,” Nadzak said. what makes the U.S. Open an today when Connors meets Pat On the final day of fourth-round days so we can get in some tough players are coming off of knee in­ Bob Segar, a senior place-kicker especially American event and play, the top-seeded women were physical conditioning. We have been juries. out of Storrs, and Raymond James, a particularly his domain. challenged at last. hurt by the rain,” said head football “Our line could become a strong sophomore back out of Bogaiusa, LA, f U.S. Open ) Chris Evert Lloyd, looking for her Coach Walt Nadzak. point on the offense, but we lack who handles the punting, have been “It's like playing in a public park fifth straight Open title, dropped her Leaders The team has been showing steady depth,” the coach added. extremely impressive in practice, as first set of the tournament before and I actually enjoy it,” said Con­ UuPre, a virtual unknown who posted progress both offensively and defen­ The defensive line, thought to be a have Joseph Markus and Ken recovering for a 4-6, 6-0, 6-2 victory question mark at the start of prac­ nors, who looked like the Pied Piper his second straight upset Tuesday, sively. Stockwell. over Sherry Acker. Third-seeded Batting tice, has looked somewhat better by as he walked through the grounds nipping seventh-seeded Harold “Our offense is just starting to jell. Both freshmen, Markus from Tracy Austin and Kerry Reid, seeded the switching of sophomore linebackers Trumbull will see action as a kick with a gang of children in tow. “The Solomon, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. The 24- National rague We have young people with eighth, were both extended to third- Jim Barrett of Olyphant, PA., and returner and at flanker, while planes, the people, everything that year-old Anniston. Ala., native beat G AB H Pet. experience and they are coming goes with playing in the New York set tiebreakers before advancing and Hernandez St. L 135 523 182 .348 together," the third-year coach Allan Burghardt of Little Falls, NJ, Stockwell, a freshman linebacker out 13th-seed Gene Mayer in straight Sylvia Hanika of West Germany to defensive ends. area. 1 also always play some of my sets inthe third round, Templeton St. L 129 565 184 .326 added. of Grosse Point, MI, has been looking became the only unseeded woman “We need our young people on the best tennis here.” “I have never entered a tourna­ Matthews Atl 136 553 173 .313 Nadzak is pleased with the passing good. remaining when she toppled sixth- ment this size with as much con­ Garvey LA 138 562 175 .311 of sophomore Ken line to play well, and thus far they Most starting positions appear set seeded Dianne Fromholtz of have been doing a good job," the By his own admission. Connors fidence," DuPre said earlier. Parrish Mtl 124 435 135 .310 Sweitzer of Madison. with the possible exception of Australia, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4. coach said. didn't display much of that tennis In other men’s matches, Roscoe Rose Phil 138 525 162 .309 “The threat of Kenny running can fullback ancl a spot of two on either Austin next m eets Hanika and Reid Hard Way to Make First Down Nadzak cited the switch of line. Tuesday as he defeated Brian Gott­ Tanner topped Tim GuIIikson, 6-3, 6- Knight Cin 129 475 147 ,309 only make his throwing that much faces second-seeded Martina sophomore nose guard Garry Brooks Joe Addision, a sophomore from fried. 6-2. 1-6. 6-4. 7-5. to advance to 4, 7-5, to set up a rematch of his epic Winfield SD 137 514 158 .307 Rugged tight end Russ Francis of New on to receiver during Monday night’s NFL more dangerous,” said Nadzak. Navratilova. of Angie, LA, from fullback to Groton appears to have the inside job the quarterfinals of the tournament Wimbledon final battle with Bjorn Mazzilli NY 132 494 150 .304 England latches on to football while game in Foxboro, Mass. Steelers triumphed, The restoration of the receiving Parker Pit 133 521 155 .298 corps out last year for various defense as a key move that has at fullback, but according to Nadzak, Ameriran League Pittsburgh linebacker Jack Ham latches in overtime. (UPI Photo) reasons will help. Ken Miller, a, turned out very well. still has to win it. G AB H Pet. sophomore tight end from Orange, “We have switched a number of With fall classes now started the I: Lynn Bos 127 459 157 .342 people around to different positions team will be limited to daily after­ 5 returns after missing a good part of Standing Up, Walking Lezcano Mil 123 426 141 .331 Will SMV's Michael Carter be a Star? last season with a knee injury. Also and thus far they have been pretty noon sessions for the rest of the Downing Cal 126 440 145 .330 back is Reggis Eccleston, .a junior good moves." Nadzak said. Bird in Hand Brett KC 135 562 185 .329 Rice Bos 134 529 173 .327 Montreal Alouette lineman Tom Cousineau, took time out was No, 3. Tingelhoff. who played 17 sterling seasons at cen­ during recent Canadian Football League game to carry seagull ' Oliver Tex 119 435 141 .324 ter before retiring this year (along with Tarkenton), was never Next Goal for Stingley Kemp Det 124 460 148 .322 drafted by an NFL team. In 1962, he signed with the Vikes out to sidelines that he picked up on playing field. Bird was unable to Bochte Sea 129 475 152 .320 of Nebraska as a free agent. fly. (UPI Photo) FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - JUSTASK outdoor Molitor Mil 121 499 158 .317 Standing up and walking again Landreaux Min 132 491 153 .312 \ I'^urray Olderman Q. Do you think it was a smart move when Cincinnati let Home Runs both Pete Rose and Sparky Anderson go? — Mike Kleffman, is the next goal of former New Boones Creek, Tenn, England Patriots receiver National League — Kingman, Chi No. it wasn't smart. They also didn't let Rose go. He went on 43; Schmidt, Phil 42; Lopes, LA and By Murray Olderman his own. as a free agent. But I'll tell you. I don’t think the topics Cauthen Brings Darryl Stingley. Winfield, SD 28; Stargell, Pitt and absence of either man has rehlly affected the Reds this year. c Stingley, paralyzed from the chest Clark, SF 26. The tipoff: Ray Knight. Pete's successor at third base, has hit almost as down and confined to a wheelchair well and just as productively as Rose and is better defensive­ American League — Thomas, Mil ly. Skipper John McNamara has done a masterful job of jug­ since a collision with Oakland 38; Lynn, Bos 36; Rice, Bos 34; The most exciting collegian to watch for this coming Out Race Fans football season is a 235-pound nose guard for the South­ gling the injury-riddled roster. Raiders defenseman Jack Tatum in A Singleton, Balt and Baylor, Cal 32. an August 1978 exhibition football ern Methodist Univevsity Mustangs who runs the 40- If You Can Stand the Smell Runs Baited In Q. Which NFL team had the best 1979 college draft? How game, answered questions from vard dash in 4.7 — a freshman named Michael Carter, EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (UPI) - A near-record crowd National League — Kingman, Chi but what makes him unique is his shot-putting ability. long do you think it’ll be before the Minnesota Vikings will A dedicated catfisherman is likely your bait on the bottom of the river reporters Tuesday at Schaefer many reservoirs), screw the lid down was on hand Tuesday night to witness the return of Steve and Winfield, SD 98; Schmidt, Phil He's a strong candidate for a gold medal at Moscow, make it back to the Super Bowl? — Randy Brown, Springfield. to have a troubled home life. That’s or lake and leave it in one place. In a Stadium. Mo. and let the mess sit for several days. 97; Hernandez. St.L 95; Garvey, LA with predictions that he'll eventually throw the 16- because he stays out all night, and river, fish above a deep hole so the Cauthen. the wonder boy jockey, at the Meadowlands. He had flown to the Boston area pound ball 75 feet (world record is 72 feet. 8 inches) Re the draft, it's still premature to make a final judgment You'll know it's ready when you open 90. when he does come home, he smells bait smell drilts downstream. Cat­ Cauthen had six mounts and scored prior to Monday night's season He'll be 19 in October. My feeling is that the Buffalo Bills, even with the loss of top the lid. American League — Baylor, Cal so bad even his dog doesn't want to fish "taste " the water with sensitive two seconds, two thirds and two out opener against the Pittsburgh pick Tom Cousineau, may have helped themselves the most, The same thing can also be done 123; L ynn-and R ice, Bos 107; with Atlanta just behind. Offhand, I'd say it'll be three or four let him into the yard. with chicken entrails or pork liver. If barbels at the mouth, and will follow of the money. Long Look Handicap teature, Alada, Steelers, a game the Pats lost in years before the Vikings can even start thinking about win­ Thomas, Mil 105; Singleton, Balt 102. Q, After blasting bis receivers and his offensive line in a Catfishing is a lot of fun, but you you choose the latter, add a few a scent to your bait. There was no doubt his return to was scratched. He was second on overtime, 16-13. ning a conference championship. Stolen Bases Sport magazine article, how does Kenny Stabler get along now have to follow some rules in order to drops of anise oil to improve the Despite the unpleasant odor to United States soil after six months of Earlham in the seventh. Cauthen Stingley watched the game in the National League — Moreno, Pitt with his teammates on the Oakland Raiders? — Jimmy Gold, be successful. For one thing, the best scent (for the fish, that is). stink bait, catfishing is fun and your racing on European tracks prompted finished his brief tour in this country box of Patriots owner Billy Sullivan Q. What are your predictions for the NFL season? Who do f ' i . 61; North, SF 51; Lopes, LA 41; Alameda, Calif. catfishing occurs after the sun has Another catfishing rule is to put catch is good to eat. Try it sometime. the large turnout of 41,300, sur­ with a third-place finish aboard Jim and received a seven-minute you see as the top contenders for the Super Bowl? — B.C., Taveras, NY 39; Cabell, Hou and Knoxville, Tenn. gone down. That is when catfish passing the 36,178 high turnout for the Balthrop in the eighth. emotional ovation from the capacity Scott, St.L 33. Mv choices as division champs are Pittsburgh. Miami and become active feeders, relying upon Big M flat program Sept. 10, 1976. crowd. .(m v4’« a inr»iim i’Jiiiwin $i(wii>'6i8iMii«wiKMHMiiBwiiia»$Hili^ The track gave Cauthen $10,000 American League — LeFlore, Det San biego in the AFC and Dallas, Detroit and Atlanta in the their extraordinary sense of smell to But it fell about 800 short of the plus expenses for his trip to be part of “1 want to say that it (the ovation) and Wilson, KC 66; Cruz, Sea 38; NFC. I visualize Miami and Dallas In the Super Bowl, a lead them to something to eat. Sidelined by Injury track s all time high of 42,131 set the inaugural of the 100-night card for rematch of Super Bowl VI, won by the Cowboys. I like the was a shot in the arm for me,” Wills, Tex 35; Bonds, Clev 31. This brings about the second rule of PONTIAC, Mich. (UPI) - The when the track opened for the first this season. Cowboys again. 19th Hole J Stingley told reporters, “to help me Pitching Victories catfishing, says Mercury outboards' injury-plagued said E time with a Standardbred meeting Cauthen said he was happy to have to my next goal of someday standing National League — Niekro, Hou 18- Q. I would like to know how many home runs Steve Garvey, fishing department, which is that you Monday defensive back Tony Sept, 1. 1976. made the trip. He said even though it up and walking again.” 9; Niekro, Atl 17-18; Reuschel, Chi Reggie Jackson, Johnny Bench and George Foster have hit in must use some form of stink bait to Leonard has been placed on the in­ Cauthen's first mount. Mighty was only for a short period - he "It mightTake me a lifetime to un­ 16-8; Richard, Hou 15-12; LaCoss, Cin their careers so far. — Jame Goodwin, Marianna, Fla. catch catfish. And they mean jured reserve list after undergoing Jigger, went away the 6-5 favorite in arrived in New York at noon - he derstand it all, what happened Mon­ I’m not going to count 1979 because the tabulations won't be MINNECHAUG 14-6; Lee, Mtl 14-10; Carlton, Phil "stink,” too, because most stink knee surgery at Henry Ford Hospital the opening race but finished second. was happy to have had time to talk to day," he said. complete for a while. But going into this season, they stood as Women 18 Holes—Most 4s—A — 1411, baits would cause anybody less than in Detroit. In the second race, Cauthen had 6-1 many of his friends. He is scheduled Stingley Monday was also ap­ follows: Jackson, 340; Bench, 310; Foster, 171; Garvey, 131. Clark 6, Most 5s — B — Davis 12, American League — Flanagan. Foster has the best average because he compiled his total in a dyed-in-the-wool catfisherman to Leonard injured his right knee in shot Faber's Prince but finished out to race in a stakes event in England pointed Executive Director of Player Most 6s — C — Bennett 14; Fewest Balt 20-7; John, NY 18-6; Koosman, No problems. First thing Stabler did when he reported late five full seasons at a clip of 34 homers per year. pass out. the 31-16 opening-game loss Saturday putts — A — McGaw 31, B — of the money. In the third race, in the weekend. Personnel for the Patriots, to camp was huddle with veteran offensive linemen Gene Minn 18-11; Eckersley, Bos 16-9; As an example, some of the best to Tampa Bay. He will be out of ac­ Lawrence 31, C — Morrone 33. P favored 8-5 McRaney was third while Cauthen was accompanied by his Stingley said it was "self- Guidry, NY 15-7. Upshaw and Art Shell to clear the air. His mates understand stink baits are made of rotten meat. tion for at last four weeks and 4-1 Put It On was off the board in the English agent, Jimmy Lindley. that Stabler's the kind of guy who speaks his piece openly, Parting shot; Fliglil Clianipionsliip — Finals — preservation” that got him through Earned Run Axerage A favorite method is to fill a jar with possibly for the rest of the season, a fifth race. .Steve's father also made the trip without personal malice, at least to football players. A — Boylan def. Clark 1-up; B — the early months following the in­ National League — Rogers, Mtl I have to believe Lyle Alzado made a tremendous pieces of shad (forage fish found in team spokesman said. Cauthen's mount in the $108,200 from his Walton, Kv. home. Paquin def, Neary 1-up. jury. 2.79; Hume, Cin 2.82; Richard, Hou Q. When Francis Tafkenton was drafted by tke Minnesota mistake trying to hold up the Denver Broncos for more “When 1 was lying there, I could 2.96; Niekro, Hou and Hooton, LA Vikings, I understand he was a No. 3 pick. Who were the play­ money (on an existent contract) and getting traded to tell from the faces of people around ers chosen ahead of him? Where did they draft Mick Tingel- Cleveland. The Mile High city had embraced him as one Sign with Redskins iA 2.97. of its outstanding citizens, giving him an identity beyond me that things were't going well. But American League — Marshall, hoff? — Jon King, Brainerd, Minn. WASHINGTON (UPI)- player limit, the Redskins Affirmed Out of Race In 1961 (thi year they started), the Vikings made Tommy football. He risks forfeiting all that. Maybe All got to his 1 felt 1 had to live for several other Renew Friendships Minn 2.60; Guidry, NY 2.84; John, head in that ridiculous boxing exhibition. I The Washington Redskins placed reserve running people who loved me and cared for Mason, a Tulane halfback, their first draftee. He played half a Bowling A smiling Darryl Stingley is greeted by former Patriot team­ NY 2.96; Palmer, Balt 3.05; dozen productive seasons for them. Then he was traded to Los Tuesday signed running back Ike Forte on the in­ me,” Stingley said. Eckersley, Bos 3,08, Angeles. He wound up his career with Washington in 1971. He Please send all sports questions to Murray Olderman, P.O. Box back Lonnie Perrin, cut jured reserve list and cut mate Sam Hunt during practice session yesterday at Schaefer 6346, Incline Village, Nev. 89450. Because of the volume of Against Spectacular Bid The ex-Patriot again talked about Strikeouts is now married to former star gymnast Cathy Rigby, The No. last week by the Denver rookie wide receiver Kris mall, there will be no individual responses. ANTKJl ES- Donna 129-383, Lucy Koscial 127, his resentment of Oakland's Tatum. Stadium in Foxboro. Stingley, paralyzed in pre-season game last National League — Richard, Hou 2 pick was linebacker Rip Hawkins of North Carolina, who Broncos, and re-signed Haines, their third draft- played regularly for five seasons and then retired. Tarkenton (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Ford 138-383, B arb ara Emma Johnson 145, Bever­ NEW YORK (UPI) - The Forego, the only horse to ever “I try not to think about him at all, August, is confined to wheelchair. (UPI Photo) 249; Carlton, Phil 171; Niekro, Atl wide receiver John pick (ninth round) out of about the grief he's caused me,'-’ Callahan 140, Cindy Doyle ly Anderson 133-371 duel between Spectacular Bid carry more than 130 pounds in the 170; Blyleven, Pitt 153; Perry, SD 132-149-139-420, Chris Cow- 'McDaniel. Notre Dame. Marlboro since it was inaugurated in Stingley said. 139, To get back to the 45- and Affirmed must wait at "You can't really hold a grudge. I poerlhwaite 139-359, 1973, toted 137 pounds to victory over American League — Ryan, Cal 187; Paulette DeForrest 136, least another few weeks. Honest Pleasure in 1976. Affirmed know he never called me, never said Geoffrion Banking Flanagan, Balt. 164; Guidry, NY 161; Unhappy World of Stabler (;Al,AME.S- Irene Sirois Sharon McElhanon 369, Flo Trainer Laz Barrera, upset over has never carried more than 132 anthing to rfie, never sent me a card Jenkins, Tex 142; Koosman, Minn 133-354, Terry Monaco 129, or a letter. I kind of hold that against By Murray Oldermai Niles 125, Sally Anderson the weights assigned for Saturday's pounds. 138. You can still win if he's at 75 131-347, Marybeth Johnson Sally P h illip s 139-341, him," he added. percent. But if he’s only Marlboro Cup at Belmont, said "He got 132 pounds in California On Canadian Sweep Saxes , OAKLAND, CaUf. (NEA) - 127-352, Sharon McElhanon Kathy McConnell 128, Lois Tuesday he will not enter Affirmed in but he was running against different National League — Sutter, Chi 35; The first thing you notice delivering 60 percent, you’re 139-369, Alice Richards 132- Erickson 350. GM the $300,000 race. horses,” said Barrera. "Here you Tekulve, Pitt 25; Garber, Atl 22; about Ken Stabler is that he in trouble.” ’The allusion to "S Instead, he probably will enter the would be running against the 3QUIZ Sambito, Hou 11 \ Bair. Cin and looks a lot older than a guy Stabler was unmistakeable. MONTREAL (UPI) - No one is more anxious to see the Mon­ Next to me, Padecky 4-year-old colt in the $175,000 who’ll be 34 Christmas Day. greatest horses in America. Forego treal Canadiens sweep to a fifth consecutive Stanley Cup victory Lavelle, SF 16, That’s because gray pre­ perked up. "Hey, that’s good AUTO Woodward Stakes on Sept. 22. At that carried a lot of weight but he was a American League — Marshall, dominates in his scrauly stuff,” he said. "You think I time Affirmed will lug 126 pounds gelding and there's a lot of difference than the club’s new coach, Bernie Geoffrion. Minn 29; Kern, Tex 23; Monge, Clev beard and in the unruly hair can use it?” Well, it wasn’t off compared with 121 for both Spec­ between geldings and colts. “I’ll give it 150 percent effort,” 18; Stanhouse, Balt and Lopez, Det that falls around his head — the record. He wrote it. tacular Bid and Coastal. Coastal won "You can't call the Marlboro a % ' S * said Geoffrion Tuesday after he York Rangers and Atlanta Flames, 16. almost like the working end of The quotes were picked up REPAIRS by other papers. Stabler saw signed a three-year contract with the Geoffrion said he felt “a thousand a mop. His stomaeh Juts out the Belmont this year, depriving championship race when you give beyond his belt line. When he them and was incensed. And Spectacular Bid of the Triple Crown. away that much weight. Mr. Wolfson Canadiens. times better. I’m sick and tired of walks, there’s a limp to his eventually Padecky was "Home of Mr. Goodwrettch" "I'm very glad the racing didn't say anything when 1 said I “It took me 12 years to become in­ being asked about how my health is. Attendance Up shuffling gait. entangled in a drug “incident” secretary thinks Affirmed is the didn't want to run Affirmed.” structor here and you can rest “A month ago, I had a complete’ This is the athlete who that made national news. And • Complete Mechanical Servlet greatest racehorse in America, but 1 This year Affirmed was prepared assured that I accepted the offer check-up and I’m in the best of NEW YORK (U P I)-T h e makes $342,000 a year for sent Stabler even further into because I will do all I can with the health. I feel even better for being playing football and professes seclusion. ATLANTA FALCONS • Collision Repair have never seen any colt give away to use the Marlboro to start his fall opening week of the to be deathly unhappy in his He emerged long enough to that much weight. ' said Barrera, campaign, aiming at his second con­ help of the players and all the stars of with the Canadiens.” Falcons' concenlralion on prime beef up front, both ways, • Auto Painting KID GAVILAN HAD 7 current employment. criticize Davis for airing pub­ could find payoff in 79, Those big kids are maturing and who indicated the colt would this club to have a fifth Stanley Cup Geoffrion, who will leave his pre­ licly his gripes about the secutive Horse of the Year title after SUCCESSFUL TITLE season set a weekend atten­ Stabler has been officially getting new help. There's still some deficiency in skill • Low Cost Service Rentals, ... 5 probably make two additional starts becoming the first Thoroughbred in victory,” sent position as vice-president of the with the Oakland Raiders for quarterback’s performance, positions, particularly at running back. But this young club DEFENSES IN HIS 2 ‘A ’nien he proceeded to use a • Factory Trained Technicians before being retired to stud. history to break the $2 million mark YEAR te lG N . WHO Geoffrion, 49, still ranks 14th in all- Flames to take up his appointment dance record, it was an­ nine years. On their taxi found out last fall it could win Give Atlanta a few more lucky with the Canadiens Monday, began squad in 1968 (a second-round public forum, Sport Magazine, bounces and it will be ready to end long Ram domination. The $350,000 Jockey Club Gold Cup in career earnings. HAS THE MOST TITLE time National Hockey League nounced Tuesday. draft pick from Alabama), he to blast the abilities of his • C h a rp With Master Charge on Oct. 6 and the $250,000 Turf Barrera, however, doesn't feel the DEFENSES OF ALL TIME ? scoring a decade after his retirem ent his pro career with Montreal in 1951, The in-house attendance was farmed out to Spokane of receivers and offensive line­ OFFENSE • 24 Hour Wrecker Service Classic Invitational on Oct. 27 are the decision to skip the race will affect A. JOE LOUIS as a player. In his 14 years with the when he was 20. for the 14 games ending with the Continental League. He men on the Raiders — with Falcons need respectable running game. That's why It was B. SUGAR RAY ROBINSON Geoffrion coached the Flames for 2 missed 1969 altogether specific names. After a surprise team drafted big linemen again in top rounds. But Tel. 646-6464 most likely possibilities. his horse in the voting, Canadiens he netted 371 ^oals. Monday night’s Pittsburgh- On Monday, New York Racing “ I don't think it will hurt his MUHAMMAD AU ^ Geoffrion conceded it will be tough 1/2 seasons, compiling a 77-92-39 because he simply went home. demanding to be traded, he three lower picks — James Mayberry. Bill Andrews. Lynn (Serious domestic problems iporrted late to the Raiders’ Cain — may provide ball-lugging spark. Bubba Bean, Association racing secretary Lenny chances by not running in the to live up to Montreal’s former Coach record. He later was appointed vice New England contest was stopped talking to the media SZ '30 r U3WSU6 kept his mind off football; he 1978, to Miami, I was sitting 1979i79 training camp.camp Haskell Stanback are holdovers. But Falcons are getting Hale assigned Affirmed 133 pounds Marlboro,” said Barrera, “Because Scotty Bowman, who left the team president of the club. 840,438- an average of 60,- — all types — before the 1978 awesome up front, with Pat Howell behind such prime beef was subsequently divorced, next to Padecky on the team's The fact is, Ken Stabler for the 1 1/8 mile invitational han­ by the weight alone, he is already after eight years as coach and five Irving Grundman, the club’s presi­ 031. The previous record of the first of. two marriages season was half over.' can’t afford not to play foot­ as Warren Bryant, Mike Kenn, R.C. Thielemann. They Working Agreement This past January, having chartered plane. Davis, the protect Steve Bartkowski, wno still handles leadership dicap, which would mean the leggy 4- Horse of the Y ear" Stanley Cups to take up his appoint­ dent and general manager, last week 827,075 was set for the gone awry.) Raiders’ boss, walked down ball. He has had two costly He joined the Raiders in ostensibly invited Bob broken marriages. He has had reins. Return of Alfred Jenkins will help receiving corps GARTER year-old would have to give nine PITTSBURGH (UPI) - The ment as coach and general manager appointed former Canadien coach Padecky of the Sacramento the aisle and stopped to chat, featuring Jim Mitchell, tight end perennial. Bartender Tim Pittsburgh Pirates and Portland weekend of Nov. 6-7, 1977. 1970.■■ He^ threatened ■ to leave a social visit. But since a string of poor financial pounds to Bid, who will carry 124 of the Buffalo Sabres. and player Hector “Toe” Blake as (Calif.) )3ee to his home in investments. He has led, and Mazzetti is clutch kicker. Rating: B Smith to Cavaliers again in 1974 by signing a con- Gulf Shores, Ala., Stabler Davis’s mind is always on pounds; 11 pounds to Coastal (122) Beavers, the Pirates’ Triple A But he added “It’s the biggest thrill vice-president of hockey. Claude tract with Birmingham of the leads, a raucous personal life DEFENSE Pacific Coast League farm club, of life and I’ve never lacked courage. Ruel will remain assistant coach. triggered a bizarre merry-go- football, the slide of the Raid­ which is also a money drain. and 13 pounds to General Assembly RICHFIELD, Ohio (UPI) - The now-defunct World Football round the bars. It reportedly Even sudden defection of Claude Humphrey didn t make ( . Tuesday signed to continue their League; it folded before he ers — failing to make the Part of his trouble with the CHEVROLET 1201 Cleveland Cavaliers announced the I didn’t sleep at all last night. It’s the “This hockey club is going to be as this unit skip a beat. Top draftee Don Smith will be useful on wound up with the police find­ playoffs for the first time in front office of the Raiders has The colt's owners, Louis and signing Tuesday of veteran center working agreement for the 1980 biggest dream of my life.” strong as it’s ever been in the past was to report in 1976. Al ing $3,000 worth of cocaine front four, where Wilson Faumuina might finally establish Tuna Champion Davis, the managing general seven years (only the second been a succession of demands himself as full-time tackle. Linebackers are strong and Patrice Wolfson. indicated they Elmore Smith and an assistant coach, season. Asked about recurring health four years,” said Geoffrion, “and I under the fender of the time in 12) — quickly took NARRAGANSETT, R.I. (UPI) - partner of the Raiders, didn’t for advance loans on his active — Fulton Kuykendal. Greg Brezina. Robert Pen- would go along with Barrera's deci­ Morris McHone, who was an assis­ Portland recently finished its first problems, which cut short his intend to finish my days with the red, balk to him for three months writer’s rented auto. over our conversaiion. salary. His rift with Davis has nywell — even if they sound like they come out of British CHEVROLET, sion, but the volatile trainer has been tant coach at the University of season as the Pirates’ top affiliate. coaching career with both the New white and blue.” Aime Thuotte of East Greenwich has after that bit of "disloyalty." To this day, that hasn’t been That week, John Crittenden not healed. While to those of drawing-room comedy. Secondary has bunch of no-name known to change his mind Georgia in 1978. become the first to win the Rhode Then for a four-year explained satisfactorily- When of the Miami Daily News had us on the outside world it may guys and not much speed, but they play together well and Island Tuna Tournament for the se­ stretch, culminated by a Padecky walked by Stabler called Davis for a column, seem incompatible that an are buttressed by return of Ray Easterling as free safety. Giants Sign Neville, Scales cond time by boating a 468-pound superlative romp through after the quarterback report­ . trying to fix the blame for the employer and his highest sala­ Falcons also do well with special teams and retain unsung ed late to the Raiders this Raiders’ collapse. "Well, if ried minion have no dialogue, sterling punter John James. Rating: A fish. Super Bowl XI on Jan. 9,1977, 1229 MAIN ST., M AN CH ESTER Lions Add Jerry Goldsteyn NEW YORK (UPI) — The , trying to add some beef to Stabler was the premier training.season, he was greet­ you got to blame anyone,” Davis sees the breach as no Imports Slate) their offensive line, signed veteran tackle Tom Neville Tuesday and also Thuote’s catch was the only one of quarterback in football, dem­ ed with a succinct expletive. said Davis after first hedging, real problem. PREDICTION PONTIAC, Mich. (UPI) — The Detroit Lions added Jerry Golsteyn to their (Stabler did condescend to Leeman Bennett regime has been characterized by steady GMOUAUTY picked up wide receiver Dwight Scales, who was recently released by the Los about 30 boated to exceed the 300- onstrating an ability to throw "put it on the'guy who makes "All he’s got to do,” says A' ssM CE/nM ns quarterback roster Tuesday to back up rookie and veteran Scott Radio, TV Toni||lil pound tournament limit in the the ball accurately and long resume dialogue with the rest the most money.” Meaning “is play the w ^ he’s supposed progress. Falcs got some lucky bounces in 78. I'm going Angeles Rams. , . j . • out on limb and predict they'll unseat Rams to finish first in Hunter and al.so signed vcletan defensive back Ernie Jackson. 7:.'JO - MelM vh. IMiillicn, .(Hi.Q 22ndedition of the contest. Thuote — the equal of any passer in of the press.) Stabler. to. If n o t...” ‘The implication GODIEKAL MOTCBS n u n s nVBION In order to make room for Neville and Scales, the Giants released rookie I must confess some com­ Now Davis'said: “Look, you is clear: Kenny Stabler and his NFC West. Jack.son, 29. was signed to replace Injured Tony Leonard. Golsteyn replaces tt - Rr.l .Sox vs. V'unkci'H, Cli..'L won in 1969 with a 1,039-pounder. history. NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN injured ,Joe Reed on Detroit's roster. I I. 22, .'18. W IM ’, WTIC guard Dan Fowler and fullback Todd Christenson. Last year Stabler slipped, plicity in Padecky’s situation. hope your big guy plays up to gray beard won’t be long for and so did the Raiders. He On the Raiders’ last trip of 90 nercent of his capabilities Oakland.

( PAGE FOURTEEN - EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Sept. 5, 1979 V EVENING HERALD. Wed., Sept. 5. 1979 - PAGE FIFTEEN Scott^g World State Seeking Homes Twiggy Last Vestige For Foster Children .1 ^ . VERNON -The state Department patience, flexibility in knowing how "We want people who are com­ Of Carnaby Street of Children and Youth Services is mitted to the philosophy that to deal with problems, understanding By VERNON SCOTT mascara. But Twiggy is as vivacious pounds. She acted in the theater and recruiting in the Rockville-Vernon how a child is feeling inside and Intervention in a teenager’s life at HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - The year as she was in her days as an inter­ cut a couple of record albums which area this month for new foster homes knowing how to help the child the proper time can make all the was 1966 and she was the darling of national oddity. sold briskly in England and Europe. needed lor children of all ages and express his or her feelings, and a real difference in the world to that child,” Carnaby Street, London’s trendy Her North London accent is as “ Now it is time for me to move races. committment to advocacy for the Ms. Loin said. avenue of chic boutiques, smart crashingly foreign to American ears on,” Twiggy said, daintily dis­ The state said it is especially in child in the home. The public 18 invited to attend three restaurants, outrageous fashions, as it Y'as to Londdn’s Mayfair toffs. patching a noonday salad in the Polo need of foster homes for pre­ Linnea Loin, program supervisor introductory sessions to foster paren­ drugs and the driving beat of rock. And, she says, she’s never been hap­ Lounge of the Beverly Hills hotel. schoolers and teenagers. Foster for the Rockville Office of the ting. They are scheduled for Sept. 17 Her name was Twiggy. She was a pier. ‘T v e had to fight being a fad, of parents may be young or old, live in Department of Children and Youth and 24 and Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. at the skinny, fiat-chested, 92-^und modei, “Those old times were great fun,” being associated with an era that has the suburbs or the city, work out of Services, said homes for teenagers Rockville District office, one Court a s}nmboi of art deco, a 16-year-oid Twiggy said. "The whole world was passed. the home or be at home, and may be are desparately needed. She said St. ceiebrity cover girt in micro­ fociued on England for some obscure “The name Twiggy works for me married or single. much of the state worker’s valuable All interested persons are invited miniskirt with cropped btonde hair reason. It became fashionable to be and against me. 1 might never have Each child needs his or her own time is spent trying to secure alter­ to attend. Foster parents receive a and tong btack eyetashes. ,in London with the scream ing become famous without it. Perhaps bed but not necessarily their own nate living arrangements for monthly subsidy plus medical The Beaties were riding high. maniacs of music, the fashions and I ’d have settled down, married a room. Foster parents come from troubled teens when the workers coverage for the child. The meetings' Designer Mary Quant was the tast the drugs. working class English lad in Neasden every economic level of society and should be devoting their time to will feature films and guest speakers word. The Rotting Stones were the “I became a part of it by accident. and had six kids. care for children who have needs younger children with more’^serious who are doing foster parent work. ’ despair of the estabtishment. “ Maybe I’d have been happier. But which cut across all barriers, state problems. Those attending, are not committing % It ail came as a surprise. I was a British movies were the rage at schoolgirl in the suburb of Neasden in there’s no way of knowing. I’m super officials said. She said that tolerance for varying themselves to being foster parents home and abroad. Carnaby Street the north of London when a happy right now and, of course, The skills needed to be a foster kinds of behavior is desirable for and no pre-registration is required. was the ptace to be, the nucteus of a photographer took my photograh. I having traveled and worked and parent are ones which may already those wishing to be foster parents to For more information call 1-800-982 - curious sub-cutture which radiated was just a child who was swept along associated with wealthy and famous be used in daily life. These are teenagers. 6804. uttra-hip across the channet to in a kind of madness. people, I could never go back. South Windsor Library Receives Gift of Books Europe and spanned the Attantic to “My name was Lesley Armstrong “I ’ve lost contact with most of the Baravykas (English-Lithuanian dictionary); the cotonies. and I was enjoying a happy people I knew when I was a model Jaycees Sponsor Walkathon William C. Massey, director of the South Today, 13 years later, (Carnaby childhood. When I became Twiggy and Carnaby Street was the rage. But Windsor Public Library, looks over books “Lithuanians in America,” by Dr. Antanas Street is a decaying boulevard, a rip- and I became famous, I loved it. Michael and I count Linda and Paul presented to the library by the South Windsor Kucas; “History of the Lithuanian Nation,” off attraction for tourists as se^y as They paid me $30 an hour to pose for McCartney among our closest Lithuanian Social Club. Making the presenta­ by Constantine R. Jurgela, a distant cousin of Times Square and Hoilywood friends. We visit with them often. magazines and a great deal more for To Aid Juvenile Diabetes tion are club members, William J. Jurgelas Mr. Jurgelas; and Encyclopedia Lituanica, Boulevard. advertisements and endorsements. “Michael has been working more edited by Simas Suziedelis. (Herald photo by British taxes drove out the creative "I traveled all over Europe and and more in Hollywood. He’s an and Sophie Gedrim. The titles of the books COVENTRY -The Coventry distance walked, at a per mile rate of At present the only treatment for minds. Labor strife, Arab financial earned a great deal of money. I American, you know. And I ’ve been are “Anglu-lietuviy Kalbu Zodynas,” by V. Adamson) Jaycees and the Juvenile Diabetes their own choosing. Each walker will diabetes is a combination of insulin, infiltration, minority immigrants frittered away most of it. But I did doing some work here as well. I have Foundation will co-sponsor a collect the pledges from his sponsors therapy, diet and exercise. The dis­ and runaway inflation took it all a contract with NBC and our first buy a house for my parents which I walkathon on Sept. 30 starting at 1 and are to turn the money over to the ease is the third leading cause of 5 away. project will be a two-hour film which still own. It was the best investment I p.m. to benefit the foundation. Jaycees no later than Oct. 15. death. It’s all over now — except Twiggy. ever made. could become a series. Public Television Series ■ The rain date for the event will be One walker in each of two age In the coming weeks the Jaycees She's no longer a model. She doesn’t “Instead of staying in hotels we "When the dam burst, I was a bit Oct. 7 at the same time. The walkers groups will receive a $25 U. S. will be contacting various groups and decided to buy our first house in visit Carnaby Street anymore. low on funds, but never really will start at Coventry Grammar Savings Bond for turning in the most organizations in the town to gain sup­ California. Anyhow, I wanted to / Twiggy is 29, the wife of actor desperately broke. I’m still comfor­ School and proceed to the Robertson money by Oct, 15. port for the upcoming walkathon. Tied to Newspaper Course provide a proper home for Carly. Michael Whitney. She’s the mother of tably fixed, thanks to a business Grammar School and then return, a The foundation is a nationally ac­ People who are interested in par­ manager I hired in 1970.” Becoming a mother is the most an 8-month-old daughter, Carly. And total distance of 10 miles. credited voluntary health agency, ticipating as walkers may pick up York City blackout, Burke embarks James Burke that parallels the t u r n Duo Twiggy left modeling to star in exciting thing in my life. MANCHESTER — Connecticut she just purchased a home in the Refreshments will be provided for having as its primary objectives the registration forms at any of the on a detective story that spans cen­ television series can be purchased at Hollywood hills overlooking Sunset “I hope to make a career of acting Public Television, Channels 24, 49, Tatum O’Neal and co-star Richard Burton, summer in a role he starred in on Broadway “The Boyfriend” in 1971, a modestly the walkers at both schools. support and funding of research to Coventry Public schools or from turies and continents in search of the the Manchester Community College Boulevard. in films but not a't the cost of my 53, 61 and 65 on September 30 will successful movie followed by a bomb Walkers who register for the event find a cure for the complications of local merchants. Anyone wishing origins of today’s complex book store, which is located tem­ 54, walk to the set during location shooting nearly 20 years ago —King Arthur in Twiggy has turned to acting, child and husband. It would be nice to titled “W” in 1973. But on that pic­ will be asked to obtain their own diabetes and ultimately for the dis­ more information should contact begin airing a dramatic lO-part technological society. porarily at the former Nike site off here of “Circle of Two.” Burton has an- Camelot. He’s committed to a year’s national recently completing a new movie work about a third of each year. television series that complements ture she met Whitney with whom she sponsors. Sponsors will be asked to ease itself. Dave Newton, 742-7061. In the remaining episodes, Burke Keeney Street. nounced he will return to the state next tour in a revival of the musical. (UPI photo) costarring her husband, "There Goes “Now it’s up to me to prove I ’m an the Courses by Newspaper series on lived before their marriage in 1977. pledge or donate money based on the pieces together the network of logic, Persons wishing to register for the The Bride.” She starred in her own musical actress, not the old Twiggy. She’s technology and change appearing genius and chance that lead to eight course may do so in person on Satur­ She weighs 114 pounds. Her hair is variety show for V k years on British gone, along with Carnaby Street. And weekly in The Herald. modern inventions, including the day, Sept. 8, from 9 a m. until noon, darker and long. Her eyelashes are a TV, salting away her devaluating the truth of it is, I’m glad.” Both series, which probe society’s atom bomb, computer and produc­ and Tuesday, Sept. 11, from 4 until Ancient Fifes and Drums conventional length and without Manchester Public Records [love-hate relationship with tion line. The series concludes with 6:30 p.m. Registrations will be taken technology and change, are the basis his assessment of technology’s im­ at the registrar's office in the ad­ of a three-credit course at pact and the prospects for controlling ministration building on the main and Thomas D. Chmielewski, one- Manchester Community College. campus of the college, 60 Bidwell Warranty deeds Joseph Trottier for Mrs. Min future technological change. fifth interest each in property at 12-14 Coproduced by the BBC and Time Mary Francis Bellows, also known McGuire, porch at 381 Summit St., To aid readers, viewers, and Street. The cost of the course is $40. To-Play at Pitkin Site Teachers To Preview Film Haynes St., $79,900. Life Films, the television series as M. Frances Bellows, to the Depot $5,000. students in linking the newspaper and For additional in.Cormation about the MANCHESTER - Nathan Hale memorate the patriot, martyr-spy, Juilgciiicnl lirii ■’Connections” is a personal view of knitted stockings, hand cast pewter Square Associates, property at 387 N. Pratt & Klewin Inc. for Robert television series. Courses by credit course, call the MCC Com­ Ancient Fifes and Drums will per­ Nathan Hale, who was born in Coven­ Nearly 1(X) educators, town of­ Ellington High School, in the will be a discussion period starting Manchester Memorial Hospital the triggers of technological innova­ buttons and matching shoe buckles Main St., $50,000. Weinberg, alterations to accomodate Newspaper has prepared a special munity Services Division at 646-2137 form at the Pitkin Glass Works site ficials, clergy and journalists of the auditorium on Friday starting at 7:30 about 9:30 p.m. and light against Rutherford J. MacLachlin tion by on-camera narrator James try. The music is played as it was complete the uniform. Gary F. Bellinghausen and health spa at 440 Oakland St., $55,000. Viewer’s Guide that relates the Courses by Newspaper is a project at the intersection of Parker and Put­ originally written during the Tri-Town area of Vernon, Tolland, p.m. refreshments will be served. and Inez MacLachlin, property at 115 Burke, an award-winning BBC writer Knowlton’s Connecticut Rangers Virginia R. Bellinghausen to Chris­ B.T. Peterman Sr. and B.T. Peter­ television programs to print of University Extension, University nam streets Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Revolutionary period. dressed in fringed linen hunting and Ellington have been invited to a Regular film sessions are Oxford St., $459.87. and producer. of California, San Diego, and is The meeting will break at 8:30 p.m. tian J. Donahue and Kathleen M. man Jr ., remodel existing house for materials. Re-enactment of a continental The musicians will be attired in the shirts and slyders (trousers) of the special preview showing of the film scheduled for Sept. 21 and 28, and Rclcaxc of lien Beginning with the Sept. 30 seg­ funded by the National Endowment for coffee or tea and following the Donahue, property at 227 Valley two apartments and add on five units The Viewer’s Guide, course soldiers’ day, under the direction of regimental uniforms of the period period will march carrying “ Brown series, “ How Should We Then Live?” Oct. 5, 12, and 19. All at the same Dr. Joseph Shaw against Steven W. ment, which focuses on the 1965 New for the Humanities. showing of the film, “The Age of Per­ View Road, $86,900. at 404 N. Main St., $85,000. Reader/Study Guide, and a text by William F. Duguay, will celebrate dating to 1776; the year Captain Hale Bess” muskets. time at Ellington High School on Merovonich and Lena T, Merovonich. sonal Peace and Affluence,” there Doris K. Bradley to Steven R. Robert McKinney for Bruno the acceptance of the site by the first served. "The regimental coat is The preview showing will be at Route 140. Building |ierinil8 The drum major will direct the Bissell Sr. and Lucinda A. Bissell, Dubaldo. sign at 190 W. Middle Turn­ National Registry of Historic Places. snuff brown with white facings. The Photo Hut Inc. for J.M.B. Manage­ corps with a mace patterned after property at 20-22 Flower St., $42,000. pike, $70. The Nathan Hale Ancient Fifes and waistcoats and breeches are buff- ment, prefabricated photo kiosk at one used during colonial times by the Je a n N. Ja cq u e s and Diane John V. Tedford, two car garage at . Drums was organized in 1965 to com­ 364 W, Middle Turnpike. colored linen. A black leather stock English Brigade of Guards. Jacques to Donald A. Thompson and 620 Birch Mt. Road, $5,000. E Thomas J. Farr, roof over existing with white shirt ruffles, long white The Nathan Hale Fifes and Drums Gilda P. Thompson, property at 28 S. Harvest Fair Set to Open deck at 87 Huckleberry Lane, $500. Famous Brand' and their company units, Knowlton’s Hawthorne St., $53,500. Connecticut Rangers, the First Ar­ Casalino Construction for Mr. and HEBRON -The Hebron woman aerialist. The western singer. Nutmeg Homes Inc. to Levitt tillery Detachment, and the Com­ The Lions Fair Ground is Mrs. Lee Potterton, addition at 200 Grange Fair Set Harvest Fair, sponsored by Shawn Allison Band and Sessions a recording ar­ on Route 85. Construction Co,, property at NOYICE Children’s Clothing pany of Artificers (smiths and other Lydall St., $12,000. the Hebron Lions’ Club, Ray Henry’s Polka Band. tist on MCA records, and Highland Park Subdivision 1 off EAST HARTFORD - Hillstown supporting crafts), have participated Eugene Colson, dwelling at 13 Bob­ open from noon until 5 p.m. Besides will open Thursday at 6 Also included at the fair has had several successful Spring Street, $28,500, Probate Court is open for Grange will hold its Annual Fair on in historical re-enactm ents and by Lane, $61,000. exhibits, there will be sales of home p.m. at the Lions Fair will be sheep and dairy sonUs in the past few Elizabeth M. Quinn and John J, conferences with the judge for Less. Saturday, Sept. IS, at the Grange Bidwell Home Improvement Co. baked goods, farm fresh vegetables, pageants, parades and music Grounds. shows, horse pulling, trac­ years. Quinn to John G. Deemer, property from 6:30 P.M, to 8 P.M. P for Peter Haidet, aluminum siding at Hall, 617 Hills St., East Hartford. A plants, crafts and needlework, and musters throughout the northeast. on Thursday nights. Ap­ The fair will continue tor pulling, amusements He began his show at 417 Woodland St„ $57,250. Flea Market on the grounds will open books. Their most prized awards include 15 E. Maple St., $2,200. pointments required. Night Once upon a time. Moms used to dress their little girls and through Sunday. and a midway. business career at the age Letitia S. Heller to Herman M. at 10:00 a.m. Space is still available; A snack bar will be serving hot the “Authenticity” trophies from Harold Parent for Harold Veal, telephone number; 647- boys up in beautiful playthings and dress clothes. But The fair will open at 9:30 Also appearing at the of 8 and first played Las w Frechette, Albert R. Martin and please phone Mrs. Robert Urbanec at dogs, hamburgs, coffee and soda; Colonial Williemsburg and from the roof at 41 Satina Drive, $600. 3227. a.m. Saturday and at 11 fair will be Ronnie Vegas, Nev., when he was Gerald P. Rothman, property at 31 times passed, costs went up, and Mom had to start buying 568-4688 for information. New Windsor Cantonment in New Ruth Ja ck so n , fen ce at 110 also mademade fried dough a.m. Sunday,. Sessions, a Nashville, 10-years-old. Ashworth St,, $55,000. William E. FitzGerald Itss clothing, and couldn't afford real good quality anymore. The fair, inside the hall, will be throughout the fair. York. “Wait till you see Hawthorne St.. $600. Attractions at the fair Tenn.-based country and. Carlton E. Cruff and Linda M. Judge of ProbaU We think little boys and girls deserve to wear nice clothing, Also from Lake City, Michigan, R.L. and E.L. Spencer, coal stove will include Ma-Ho-Pin, a the weini pari” Cruff to Nancy J. Vajcovec and so we're helping Moms buy them more easily. Company of Military Historians at at 32 Jordt St.. $600. Susan I. Romer, property on Bigelow You see, at Children's Wear-House, Moms find the children's the Great International Annual Vernon cint R 2 Street, $88 conveyance tax. Tape Show Slated |VvTr,i|.T1lT^ Music Muster in Deep River. and pre-teens' brands they love to buy and prices they can ROUIfS :-F' [■ ■ ■ Fiduciary deed FLETCHER GLASS CO. Among the awards attesting to easily afford. We thought children's clothing cost too much... MANCHESTER -A special on Katie Sokol and the now defunct South Windsor Estate of William S. Richardson to d MANCHESTER their musicianship are first prize for Over 33 Ytan of ttpoftonco videotape presentation about the arts Footprints Art Center on Main i ee»TicTie -gj Don A. Guinan, Robert E. Stanton, so we brought the prices down. So now, little girls and boys in and around the City of Hartford Street. best fifer, best snare drummer and . h rtn Rim _____R , •MI*H**..*<.>HM Stephen G. Romeo, Edward J . Sulick COMPLETE AUTO GLASS SERVICE can play together happily ever after in good, old fashioned will be presented on CATV Acess Town-sponsored t e le v is io n best drummer all awarded at ^ SMiaR 01M WINDOW GLASS s MIRRORS s GLASS FURNITURE quality clothing at old fashioned prices. Channel 13 Thursday night at 7:30. p ro g ram s on C hannel 13 a re Colonial Williamsburg. WAPPMG FAIR JHE. TOPS • PICTURE FRAMING • FIREPLACE & DOOR The program, entitled, “For the produced in the nublic interest and They have appeared in St. MIRRORS • TUB ENCLOSURES • SPECIAL WORK Record: Time is 18,” profiles 18 arts suggestions and feedback from the Patrick’s Day parades in Dublin, This Weehand DECORATING BY Galway and Limeric, Ireland, and organizations that make up the public is welcome. Don & Joanne Harris ICOLLECTOR'S ITEMS J Persons wishing wishing to com­ received many honors. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUHDAY 9 BILLMURRAY., Ml ^ANCHCSTEH 6 4 9 -4 5 !!^ DANISH PLATE Hartford-based Consortium for the Gostom Draperies and Arts. ment should call Jay April at the high The public will be invited to inspect IPNESOENTIAL DECANTERSJ CHILDREN’ S RYE ST. PARK ON RYE 8T. f s s » Upholstering SAVE: Monday- Saturday A segment of particular interest to school media center, M7-3569. the glass works following the INUUNI HEPRODINmiSr Slipcovers. Bedspreads M "Estimate Qailly Given 10-9 Manchester viewers will be a feature program. miM i and Carpeting

We do It all tor you, from design to Installation. OPEN MON-FRl 8 am . 5:30 pan. PUSTICS IN STOCK SAT mi 12 NOON .100-'/i’’-3/16’’-'/.” E m U S E TV Tonight Our quality is the l ^ t , our prices are even better. MARY DUNPHY SCHOOL OF DANCE ARTS We uW be happy to come to your home at any time. INSIDE MARSHALL’S MALL 54 McKEE ST., MANCHESTED PLAZA 83, ROUTE 83, VERNON Please call 5 2 2 - 1 2 7 6 (Off Center SL) SCREENS REPAIRED 6 M Bessell, Jell Conaway, m e saga 9TheRHIemen Manchester Parkade Pro Teen News ol several separaled and Phone 872-2878 — 288-0811 Senior Citizen DItrounI @ILov«Liicy divorced couples Is explored 12:30 Dress Coats (9 Joker’s Wild Irom the man's point of vlew. ® Movie "And Soon The (2 m //et north of TrI-CIty Plata on M. 83) 19 SH Once Upon A Clessic (Part 1 ol 2) Darkness" (1971) Pamela Frank­ EVERYDAY SAVINGS TO 5 0 % ON: By Collegian 9 My Three Sons 9 9 NBC Movie "Katie; Por­ lin. Michele Dotrice. BALLET‘TAP-JAZZ-SPANISH- BALLROOM Bool length In aolids and twaada S I Streets Of San Frsnclaco trait Ol A Cenlerlold " (1978) Kim • Wonderknit 12:37 ...'m n ' • Quiltex • Baby Togs •Tiny Tots Slzaa 6 to 14 6:30 Basinger. Vivian Blaine. A beauty (E 9 Baratta MED-EAST BELLY DANCE - DISCO-HUSTLE ?f= •Pretty Please •Polly Flinders Reg. to 95.00 (9 Carol Burnett And Friends queen travels to Hollywood in • Donmour •Her Majesty search ol fame and glory, only to 12:55 • Oshkosh • Alleen • Doe Spun • Little World (D Botding For Dollars X K o la k SPECIAL PRE-SCHOOL CLASSES NOW 9 IS 9 NBC News encounter a series ol unsavory • Danskin • White Stag •Levi's • Pelican Harbor 9 621 Over Easy situations which almost ruin her 1:00 Hie. (R) ALSO ADULT CLASSES for beginners thru advanced In ballet, tap, jazzi BEHY-JANE TURNER •Russ Togs •Billy the Kid •London Fog 5 9 Adsm-12 9 9 9 Tomorrow • TIdykins 9 Qrsat Parformancee 62.99«, 74.99 6:55 62I The Fell And Rise Of Reginald 1:15 HOME OF THE “VERNON JUNIOR BALLET CO.” & News Perrin GD Joe Franklin ______(auditions for new members - call for appointment) 7:00 9:30 2:00 G irls Boys m CBS News 62) Dancing Disco 9 Q e tS m a rt DANCEWEAR FOR SALE ABOUT THE TEACHER — School of Dance S) The Brady Bunch ALSO BELLY DANCE SUPPLIES Sweaters (E S I ABC News 10:00 2:05 Miss Mary studies regularly to bring you the 40 OAK ST “Since 1954” Ski Jackets (9 9 Dating Qsma d ) 62) News X N e w s MANCHESTER, CT By Blue Bird and d ) Newlywed Qame finest in dance education. She recently returned By Field and Stream SB Festival Of Faith 2:15 LESSONS RESUME WEEK OF SEPT. 10th ( s r n d r d C.lnitneit in the h'oltou'ing Just Bottoms and Tops Pile lined, quilled, zip off hooda. 9 BIHy Qraham Crusade 9 Facsa Of Communism (XNaws from New York City where she studied all types 9 N e w s Pullovers, Cardigsns, Bulkles Tan, Brown and Navy 10:30 2:30 For Further Intormetlon or Rogletratlon: of dance with many of the world’s finest^ and Fancies Slzaa 8 to 16 9 New Haven Mayoral Debate (E Meet The Mayors 9 The Odd Couple teachers. She has choreographed and* 9 CMco And The Man 9 Q s tS m a rt AT STUDIO — Sizes 4 to 6x and 7 to 14 Reg. to 60.00 621 Sneak Preview 62) Dick Cavett 2:35 appeared professionally in many musicals and Tap • iiallet • Poinie ■ Motlern Jnxt elloys Tnniblinfi Tap ('.Innnvit • Tevn Age (ItnuHei* Rag. to 17.00 NOW ® Movie "The Bridge O l San Tuee., Sept. 4th -10 AM to 6 PM supper clubs Including resorts in the Catsklll Acrobativ (Tunibliuft • Floor Fxercinv) •Adult Exereines Jnxz. Iiallet d: Tap 7:30 10:45 Luis Rey" (1944) Lynn Bari, Fran­ (E P.M. Magazine 9 Red Sox Wrap-Up Mountains, New York - taught classes of Union Tn irlinn • DivHo CS Adan>-12 cis Lederer. Wed., Sept. 5th -10 AM to 0 PM 11:00 teachers and advanced students throughout 42.99 * 47.99 ( E t I . U Beauty Show 3:00 Thure., Sept. 6th -1 PM to 7 PM 5.99rs.99 (SBasaball (X (£ 9 9 S I News 9 Six MHHon Dollar Man New England, Philadelphia and New York City (X Mission: Impossible FrI., Sept. 7th - 3 PM to 0 PM as guest teacher - given lecture demonstrations Registration Dates at the Studio: Miss Turner is Past President of the Dance Teachers Club ol Connecticut, 9 B ig Money (X Benny HW 4:00 member ol the Dance Masters ol America Inc. Dance Educators of I Infants and Toddler 9 Hollywood Squares Wadnasday, Sept. 5th ...... 3 to 7 P.M. I Boys 9 D lc k Van Dyke 9 News . Sat., Sept. 8th -10 AM to 3 PM on dance In schools and for organizations. America and the Prolessional Dance Teachers Assoc, ol N.Y, She has I q iris 9 Dick Van Dyke 9 Hcnaymoonara Students have won talent contests, done Thursday, Sapt. 6th ...... 3 to 7 P.M. I recenily returned Irom New York City where she has been sludying the I Dress Coat and S I Tic Tac Dough 4*30 latest in dance education at the dance caravan conventions. Member ol | 62) MacNaH / Lahrar Report 621 Beet Of Bums And Allen 9 Kitty Today PHONE 872-2878 — 288-0811 Dress Coats Siacks and Jeans choreography In colleges, worked professional­ Belter Business Bureau ______Leggings Set 11:30 ly In the theater and on TV and In ballet com­ Wool blende, soma with hooda and By Billy the Kid and Mark 8:00 X U.8. Open Update The Marble Arch at the Friday, Sept. 7 th ...... 3 to 7 P.M. I I matching acarfa, aolida and fanclaa.. Caaual and Draaa Stylaa. (X IS 9 BassiwII i Former otudonls may call for CltM SctMdula aRer Saptambar 1al t By Cute Togs panies, and opened their own schools. Slzaa 4 to 6x and 7 to 14 (SCroae-WIta (E 9 Police Woman entrance to Hyde Park in Lon­ SPECIAL 25th ANNIVERSARY GIFT Saturday, Sept. 8 th ...... 10 A.M. to 2 P.M, I Soma with matching hats or hoods. Sizaa 8 to 16 and walal alzaa 25 to 29 (£ S I E M t Is Enough (X Movie "Roberta" (1935) don opens its main gate only Member (& past pres.) of Conn. Chapter of Reg. to 60.00 Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire. A ballerina coloring book to the first 25 Sizes Infant 12 to 24 months. Reg. to 17.00 9RsalPsopla to the British Royal Family. NAT’L ASS’N OF DANCE ARTISTS, Toddler 2 to 4 9 BWy Qraham Crusade 9 9 9 Tonight Large rubies of superior new students between the ages of 6 PROFESSIONAL DANCE TEACHERS ASS’N, FOR INFORMATION PHONE NOW NOW 621 Evening At Pops 9TheRlfteman . Reg. 56.00 621 Captlonad ABC News quaiity are among the most and 9 to register and pay for the first DANCE EDUCATORS OF AMERICA AND 8*30 valuable of gems, exceeding month’s lessoris. DANCE MASTERS OF AMERICA. NOW (ilMervQrmin 11:46 even diamonds in price. '.rT’’'!:)'!...... ';"j' 33.99*43.99 7.99 X, 10.99 (X Switch 649-0256 - 563-8205 - 529-0442 9:00 The Etruscan Shrew, only 3 STUDY WITH A DEDICATED EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL ; PLEASE CAaTHEATRE IJU ULTI -~* r ...... 33.99*41.99 (E 9 ABC Movie "Breaking Up 12:00 inches in length, is the small­ ^ FOR SCREEN TIMES Is Hard To Do" (Premiere) Ted (EOoiM Show est adult mammal. TEACHER AND LET DANCE PUT A WHOLE NEW WORLD AT YOUR FEET! (H Dr. Scott On Hebrews i S EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN - EVENING HERALD. Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 i N*4> Wanted 13 M U N SO N ’S CANDY Smith Will Get| KITCHEN is seeking male to ' learn trade as candy makgr. ATTENTION!! EVENING HERALD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS; Must be neat, have good per­ M Looking " for sonal habits, and be of sincere Full Insurance j character. Send resume, in­ You don’t have cluding work experience, age, to shell oul much MANCHESTER — Ui)der an opinion from the town at- I address etc. to: Munson’s 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED SERVICE to gel big results. Herald Candy Kitchen, P.O. Box 224, tomey, Lawrence Smith, ^a former sergeant with the | Bolton, Conn., 06040. Manchester Police Department, is entitied to full in- ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING surance coverage. WANTED: Loving sitter for S , ( ' *■ Town Manager Robert Weiss told the Board of Direc­ Robertson kindergartner. CALL 6 43 -2718 after 5 p.m. or 6 4 3 -2 711 during business hours 8:30-i From 10 AM to school time, tors Tuesday night he had spoken with Town Attorney occasionally after school for 3 Ill- PENNY SAVER David Barry and said it was Barry’s opinion that the “in­ Help Wanted 13 Hornet For Sale______23 Real Etiele Wanted 28 kids starting in September, l;lj iA PRICE SALEI Help Wanted 13 Help Wanied EDUCATION surance coverage may be grants by the manager” in but some tbne is available in |$ CAPE • 7 Rooms, 3 Bedrooms, MAY WE BUY your home? this rare circumstance. PHONE 643-2711 August if desired. 649-1103'|l|l CLEANING WOMAN- GENERAL OFFICE AND Remodeled Kitchen and Quick, fair, all cash and no ■wnn viQQMnB figure clerks are needed to Smith resigned June 15 from the force rather than o m r 289-7549 ask for Elaine. ;lil WANTED Thorough, reliable individual Private Inetructlone 18 Baths.______Aluminum______siding,... in- problem. Call W arren E. (•xovpt winttr coata, and Jackata) wanted for regular work in the Hartford area. ground pool with patio and Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. accept a demotion to patrolman. Five off-duty police of­ HELP!! FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD OIL niU CK DRIVER- House | Houra: Tuaaday thru Saturday housecleaning. Call 659-1187, Call today. TAC/TEMPS, 727- REMEDIAL READING and privacy. Group I, Philbrick ...... ficers drank beer from a confiscated keg one night. An in­ SURVEY OFFICE NEEDS delivery. Year round work. |:|: 10 to 5 COnESPONKIIT after 5 p.m. 8430. math; individualized work Agency, 646-42U0. Houtehold Qoodt 40 vestigation revealed Smith knew of the drinking, but did eeeeceaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee All benefits, ^ p ly M&M Oil |l|l Thuraday 10 to 0:30 •Draftaparaon ■ LaRoy program, (lst-8th grade) by not stop the officers. Htip Wanttd IS Co., Route 6, Bolton. 41 PURNfU PLACI •xparlanca nacaaaary master’s degree teacher. 568- ELLINGTON RIDGE GOLF REFRIGERATORS Washers / Ranges, used, At last week's board meeting. Smith's wife, Barbara, INDEX □ NOTICES □ EMPLOYMENT MANCHItTM TO COVER THE •PARTY CHIEF 8076, COURSE is across the street. OIL BURNER SERVICE :|:! (Juat aaat of Worth a) •TRANSIT MAN Immaculate 8 Rooms, 4 guaranteed and clean. New asked the directors to grant full medical benefits as well N O T IC it •eeeeeeaeetee MAN- No. 2 oil. Mostly all l;|: CLEANING PERSONNEL shipment damaged. G.E & SEARS ROEBUCK Salary commensurate RIDING LESSONS indoor bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths as early retirement. The Pension Board had denied his 1 — Lo*t and Found Loti and Found Help Wanted 13 ATTENTION - Need 2 people residential. AH benefits. M COVENTRY NEWS for residental cleaning ser­ riding ring. Western stock Colonial. Fireplace family FRIGIDAIRE. lx)w prices. 2 — Ptrtonala with experience. vice. Transportation medical benefits, she said, because he left the force 3 Announcomonti over 21. Immediate employ­ M Oil, Route 6, Bolton. & C 0 . seat, saddle seat and hunt room with beamed ceilings. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main LOST - Black and white male TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. ment. This is not a fancy ad, FOR necessary. Call seat. All levels 228-9817. Street, 643-2171. before applying for retirement. 4 — EntOfIttnmeni CALL DOMESTICARE 643-1945. Immediate occupancy. Pasek 5 — Aucitoni kitten. Answers to name of Apply 81 Commerce Street, we simply want a person who Halp Wantad 13 Manchester, Realtors, 289-7475. However, Weiss said the nature of the retirement was Sylvester. Lost Saturday, Glastonbury. PTG needs a permanent job. Ad­ THE MANCHESTER 643-2520 VOICE, PIANO Instructions, ABSOLUTE BARGAINS! FINANCIAL Parkade unique" and he could, at his discretion, grant the medical Sept. 1, near Crispino’s, Hart­ COMPANY. Telephone 633- vancement opportunity. Call HELP WANTED - Cutting Former faculty New York Custom made draperies, slip­ 6 ~ Bonds-Slocks-MoMgagof COOKS & KITCHEN batwaan SdW A 5:00 tooL manufacturer has benefits. 9 — Personal Loans ford Road. Reward. 646-0816. 7631. between 10 a.m. and 3 pm. - HERALD Music and Art High School. covers and upholstery. Budget in — Insurance HELPERS- Available PART TIME POSITIONS openings for experienced COLONIAL - CAPE Garage, No further action was required from the board, but 528-3869. E.O.E. Professional Singer/Pianist. Terms Arranged. Call 289-2331 LOST - Black and orange tiger CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC weekends and evenings. MACHINIST- Experienced Plaasa Call 643-2711 machine operator, or machine 644-8597. fireplace, 1 1/2 baths. or 646-1000. Director John FitzPatrick lauded Weiss’ decision and EMPLOYMENT operator trainees. Call for in­ 13 - Help Wanied calico combination cat. - Experienced only. Top BABYSITTER NEEDED-' Experienced preferred. Lathe Operators. Set up and SALESPERSONS HAIRDRESSER NEEDED- Aluminum siding. Immediate said it was an equitable judgment. 14 — Qus1 - Services Offered bury. Call after 6 p.m., 633- Apply; Personnel 242 Broad S tre e t, n ear BY OWNER - 20 Harvard ALUMINUM Sheets used as 12 — Painting.Papering regarding Stolen Car. 1967 full time on all shifts. Apply Opportunity Employer M/F. sible Individuals. Apply in per­ MECHANIC- Experienced on Democratic candidate for the Board of Directors in next 5653 or 643-5932. Manchester Parkade. Road. Attractive Custom printing plates, .007 thick n - Bu'iding-Contraclmg Volkswagen, beige. Conn. director of nursing. Salmon- son: East Hartford Convales­ all makes of trucks and cars. Department Tuesday 1 t)D 3 BURROUGHS Built Cape. 3 bedrooms. 1 1/2 November's town elections. She is also the Connecticut 14 — Roofing-S'ding Reg. VU6764. brook Convalescent Home, off SHEET METAL .WORKER - cent Home, 745 Main Street, 23x28'/!’’, 25 cents each or 5 5 15 — Heating.Plumping WANTED- MATURE Starting at $280 per week, and 6 to 8; Wednesday 10 to baths. Garage. Private Writ* P.O. Box House Street, Glastonbury. SUPERINTENDENT- 110 un­ Part time typing SUPERINTENDENT - □ REAL ESTATE for$l. Phone 643-2711 Must be director of the Friendship Force, an international 16 — Flooring Experienced, Soldering etc. East Hartford. WOMEN. Tuesdays through with right qualifications. All 12. and 1 to 3. Saturday 10 Experienced. Mature couple. backyard, witnin sight of / _ Movng-Trurking-Storage ^^485Jj*ncjj**t*^ its. Hard worker. Mechanical positions available. picked up before 11 a m. goodwill exchange program. ( 1 Please call 633-5244. Call 528-2101. Saturdays. 10-6. Must he fringe Eenelits. For appoint­ Bowers School. $64,900. 649- 10 Services Wanted experience necessary. Please to 12. 100-unit Garden Apartments. ONLY. "We thought it would be a good chance for interested HARDWARE CLERK, part or reliable. Apply Carvel, 811 ment call 688-7596. Ideal location and Glastonbury. Do minor 3913. ^ply in person 9 to 11 at full time, to help customers, Equal Opporfunity Employer Homes For Sale 23 MISC FOR S4LE Fountain village Apartments, Main Street. Manchester. choice of hours 6 am - repairs. Apartment and voters to meet Barbara and discuss some of the issues 10— Housenoid Goods stock goods, deliveries and DELIVERING DARK LOAM 175 Downey Drive, PRISONER? Are you chained 10 am or 10 am - 2 pm. salary Call mornings 523-9111. COLONIAL - OFFERING 8 - 5 yards, $40 plus tax. Also with her." Mrs. Comollo said. 11 - Articles for Sale Bonds-Slocks-Mortgaget S clean-up. 646-5707. Conyers 4o a desk or machine. 40 hours Investment Property 25 '2 — B'jiidtng Supples INVITATION TO BID Manchester, see Carroll John­ ROOMS, 1st floor family sand, gravel and stone. 643- She added that the event is open to the public and that Hardware. per week? Do beils, whistles COUNTER GIRL. Some 10 paid holidays and 3 - Pets Btrds- Dogs GOVERNMENT Sealed bids will be received in the Office of The Director of son Brundrett. PERMANENT PART TIME - room with fireplace, 4' COLUMBIA LAKE-Over 100 9504. persons interested in attending, or in volunteering to 4 ~ Musical Instruments and supervisors control experience. To work at Hart­ eligible for paid vaca­ Clerical position in busy mul­ generous sized bedrooms. 2 5 — Boats & Accessories GUARANTEED BUSINESS General Services, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connec­ DIETARY. HELP- Accepting SMALL ENGINE feet waterfront property with SECRETARY / everything you do? Does your ford Road Dairy Queen. 12-3. tion. Please phone tiple insurance service office. 1/2 balhs, central air, 2 car assist with Mrs. Weinberg's campaign, should contact fi — Sporting Goods LOANS - $50,000 to $350,000. ticut, until September 19, 1979 at 11:00 a.m. for the applications for present and MECHANIC wanted to repair Monday - Friday. Hourly rate 4 large cottages in very good CHAIN FALLS, tap and dye 7 — Garden Products BOOKKEEPER for busy ren­ work lack opportunity and 8 7 5 -0731 Congenial, flexible personali­ garage, walkout basement, her at 649-3387. Phone 281-4112. following: future openings in our Dietary Lawn Mowers, and yard open. Call Hartford Road condition. Fully furnished, set, electric welder, acetylene 8 — Antiques tal office. Please apply in per­ challenge? The only or apply In person ty to work with same. In­ $83,500. Group I, Philbrick outfit, aluminum ladder, 9 - Wanted to Buy 1 New Two Ton Vibratory Roller with Trailer department. Full time and equipment. Conyers Dairy Queen. 647-1076 for ap­ located in Sandy Beach area, son, hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. difference between a rut and a surance background, all lines Agency. 646-4200 trailer tires, new electcif_ 1 New Hydraulic Pavement Breaker with Accessories part time positions available. Hardware. 646-5707. grave is its’ length. Want to pointment. docks, boats, gorgeous pic­ RENTALS at Fountain Village a plus. Call Jeannette 649- turesque setting. Very generator, electric lawn- 2 — Rooms for Rent Court of Probate, 1 New Trailer Mounted Salvaged Asphalt Recycler Apartments. 175 Downey Apply in ^ rso n : East Hart­ get out of that rut? Stop being BURROUGHS CORP. 2656. Subdivisions Get 3 — Apartments for Rent private. Owners want lo mower. Evenings, 633-7060, District of Covenly ford Convalescent, 745 Main ERRAND & LIGHT 1 New Berm Machine Drive, Manchester, see a prisoner and simply call 646- Rt. 30 Tolland Ct. 4 — Homes for Rent NOTICE OF HE.^RING Street, East Hartford, Conn. MAINTENANCE PERSON- 5865. VERY ATTRACTIVE 7 1/2 finance. Excellent investment 5 — Business for Rent ESTATE OF SOPHIE POCKOSKI The Town of Manchester is an ^ u a l opportunity employer, Carroll Johnson Brundrett. Must have car. We pay OPENINGS EOE M/F EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. ROOM COLONIAL- 3 for group or indvidual. Zanotti 6 — Resort Property for Rent Pursuant to an order of Hon. David C. and requires an affirmative action policy for all of its Con­ Men and women 17-35 learn a Approval of PZC 7 — Wanied to Rent Rappe. Judsc. dated August 31, 1979 a mileage. Call Mrs. Bloom, WAITRESS WANTED- fireplaces, large Family Realtors, 649-0272 , 228-9485. 0 — MiSC for Rent tractors and Vendors as a condition of doing business with PRODUCTION WORKERS - career skill. Guaranteed part- hearing will be held on an application 646-2900. Available 6:30-2:00 two days a AVAILABLE Room. Very luxurious BRAND NEW WEDDING SOUTH WINDSOR — The Planning and Zoning Com­ praying that there be a sale of real es­ the Town, as per Federal Order 11246. First shift, 7 - 3:30 PM. SECRETARIES WITH AND time job. $56 per weekend to throughout! Call R. Zimmer, AUTOMOTIVE tate as in said applicatidn on file more Several jobs available. Apply week. 11:00-3:00 three days a AT WITHOUT shorthand arc start. Veterans earn more. GOWN FOR SALE- Size 6. mission has voted to approve, with conditions, the 1 — Autos for Safe Bid forms, plans and specifications are available at the GAS STATION WARD CLERK- Working with J.D. Real Estate for details 28 fully appears, at the Court of Probate in person between 9 - 3 week. Experienced preferred. needed to work in the Hart­ Join the Connecticut Army Reel Estate Wanted B e st reasonable offer 2 — Trucks for Sale on ^pteinber 12. 1979 at 8:30 a.m General Services Office, 41 Center Street, Manchester, ATTENDANTS WANTED - patients records, some filing. PIONEER 646-1980. or 647-1139. application of Lillian R. Kocarnik for a subdivision of 3 ~ Heavy Equipment for Sale Apply A.C. Peterson, 263 ford area. Call today. National Guard. Call Sgt. accepted. Please telephone Kathleen Carmienke. Ass t Clerk weekdays at Pillowtex Corp,, All shifts. Full and part time 40 hours per week. Thorough SELLING your house? Call us property on the east side of Avery Street. 4 — Motorcydes-Btcycles 001-9 Connecticut 49 Regent Street, Manchester. North Main Street. TAC/TEMPS, 727-8430. Hanna at 875-9815 or 566-7900 646-2161, after6:00p.m. 5 — Campers-Traiiers-Mopiie $3.25 to start. Looking for orientation and training. App­ PARACHUTE first and we ll make you a Town of Manchester, Connecticut E.O.E. MFH. collect. Also approved, with conditions, is the application of Homes dependable people. Good ly in person: East Hartford cash offer! T.J. Crockett, Robert B. Weiss, General Manager ARE AS FOLLOWS: TYPISTS AND CLERK Albert B. Meyer for a modification of a subdivision of 5 — Automotive Service references required. (convalescent Home. 745 Main HELP WANTED M A N C H E S T E R , BY Realtor, 643-1577, 7 — Autos for Rent-Lease ■TYPISTS are needed to work EXPERIENCED property located on the north side of Burnham Street. 003-9 HELP WANTED - PART Experience helpful. College Street, East Hartford. a Sawing Machine OWNER. 6 room Cape, new TIME. 3-6 pm and part time students welcomed. See John in the Hartford area. Call BARTENDERS and kitchen, lovely yard. $50's. By The property is bounded on one side by the Penn Central • Cu*todl*n Operators. P re v io u s Saturday. Manchester law of­ at A-1, 568 Center Street, MECHANIC- Full time. Small today. TAC/TEMPS, 727-8430. waitresses wanied for appointment. 643-9380. No Railroad in an Industrial Zone. fice. Good typing and gratii- (Part Tim*) experience desired but cocktail lounge. Call 742-6978 Manchester. engine experience. Own tools. • Turrat Lath* Oparator agents. POT YOUR HOME Reapproved, with conditions, is the application of LEGAL NOTICE mar. Please send resume to : not essential, between 9 am and 12 noon. Also Trainee / Driver, part • Engin* Lath* Oparator Society for Savings and Diversified Development Cor­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER 447 Center Street, TRUCK DRIVER’S HELPER tim e. E c k e rt’s Lawn & • a MIscallanaous Ass­ BURGER KING SECRETARY / TECHNICAL MANCHESTER The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public hearings on Manchester. 06040. ■ Full time, physical work in­ Leisure, Coventry, 742-6103. poration for a 15-lot subdivision of property located near 50 hour*, paid holiday*, embler. This job in ASSISTANCE - Steno ION THE DEST SELLERS LISTII Monday, September 17, 1979 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the volved. Apply at: The Pop ★ NEW LISTINGS the intersection of Graham Road and Griffin Road in an DELIVERY MEN - Full time. Shoppe, 249 Spencer Street, FULL & PART TIME axcallant Inauranc* our Pack department Needs Man a Women To required. Experience in real Hearing Room of the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, estate, property manage­ Immaculate 6 room Raised A-20 Zone. V. Good working conditions, Manchester between 10 AM CLERKS needed for third banaflt*. requires someone with a Work Days, Evening, Full Manchester, Connecticut, to hear and consider the following ment, or legal field preferred. Ranch. Gas heat. The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing company benefits. Must have and 2 PM. shift. Apply in person at 7-11 good mathematical A Part Time. Evenings Immediate occupancy. drivers license. Apply in per­ Excellent fringe benefits, in- Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall to consider the petition: Store, 509 Center Street, Apply In p«r«on: ability who can handle Irem 5 te clesing, must be Priced right, $67,900. Item 4 No. 691 Speedy Muffler King Inc. — Request Special son to Turnpike TV & Manchester. cluding free parking. following applications: Exception in accordance with Article IV, Section 6 to erect Appliances, 273 West Middle measurements of units. ever 18. Free Meals, Paid Minimum salary $10,835. ARRUDA&BARCOMB METRONIC, INC. •Sawing Machine Vacatlen. Apply in parsen Connecticut Housing Finance • David and Lucy G. Luchina, 111 South Main Street, Atomovile Repair and Sdrvie Garage and Limited Turnpike. URGENTLY NEEDED- 644-8000 E RECEPTIONIST IN between 2 and 6 p.m. Authority, 190 Trumbull East Windsor. They request a variance to allow a lot with Repairer’s License for same; and request variance of Arti­ Mature. reliable sitter, Rout* 6 A 44A Mschanlc Trabiae. This MANCHESTER -Heavy Street, Hartford, Conn., 06103, 644-1539 less than the required width, side yards and frontage on cle IV, Sdetion 6.03.02 (minimum side yard) to reduce side RN -11 to 7. Part time. Enjoy preferably over 25 for well job requires someone working with an excellent sup­ telephone / reception work Behaved 8 year old boy, before BOLTON 467 CENTER STREET 525-9311. CHFA is An Equal 482 Main St., South Windsor. yards (25 feet required - 7 feet and 24 feet proposed); and with a good mechanical Opportunity Employer, M/F. porting staff. Very pleasant plus bookkeeping and com­ and after school til 4:30. MANCHESTER FOREST HILLS- 8 room • Robert E. Perry, 10 Westgate Circle, Newington, is request variance of Article IV, Section 9.02.08 to provide 1 atmosphere. Good wages and puter duties. Experience Robertson School area ability and high school IMMEDIATE OPENINGS - Colonial. 2 1/2 baths, first seeking a temporary and conditional permit to allow an foot landscaped buffer from street line - 303 Broad Street — benefits. Please call Doris preferred but not essential. 4- Manchester only. Call 875-7136 GENERAL MEDICAL level vocational floor family room with to 4 1/2-day week. Excellent Good opportunity for career- apartment in a single family dwelling at 251 Quarry Business Zone IV. Blain, RN, Director of after 6 p.m. TRAINEE- 17-24. HS Grad. courses. GAL FRIDAY- Part time. fireplace, large modern Information pertaining to above may be obtained in-the Nurses, 646-0129. salary and benefits for right Will train. Call 646-7888. minded person. We now have Brook Drive, in an A-20 Zone. APPLY: Must be flexible for in­ openings in production for all kitchen, sliders to large deck, STONE FRONT Planning Office. All persons interest^ may attend these person. Send resume to: P.O. EARN CHRISTMAS MONEY- walkout basement, gas heat, 2 • J.M.J. Construction Co. Inc., 626 Ellington Road, Box HH, c/o Manchester PKNCRPMUCHUTLCO. creasing hours. Busy three Mifts. Will consider in­ On this spacious 7 room Ranch in a premier hearings. MAINTENANCE Work part time 2 or 3 SWITCHBOARD Manchester office needs car garage, wooded lot. Group requests a variance to allow a building lot with less than Applications are now being Herald. evenings, $8 to $10 per hour. OPERATOR- 4 nights per Hale Road experienced but with good area, 2 fireplaces, rec room, one full and two P Zoning Board of Appeals reliable gal with typing, filing, I, Philbrick Agency. 646-4200. the required frontage on the north side of Ellington Road accepted for full- and part- Car and phone necessary. week. Thursday 11:30 p.m., work references, and a desire half baths, basement, garage and a ONE Edward Coltman, Secretary Manchester Ct. good figure aptitude and to advance. Benefits include: in an RR Zone. time employment in our DELIVERY & GENERAL Must be reliable. Call for an 7:30 a.m. Friday, Saturday & Dated this 5th day of September, 1979 ALL-PURPOSE MAN - Must BatwaanOAMandSPM phone experience. Salary $3.75 Medical, Holiday, Vacation YEAR LIMITED HOME WARRANTY! 60's, , Maintdnance Department. appointment, 643-7020. Sunday, midnight to 8:00 a.m. plus an hour. Fee paid. Call • Sheridan Associates Inc., 25 Oakland Road, requests 002-9 have good driving record. An Equal Opportunity Employer and Attendance Bonus Plan. Apply in person at Meadow’s Edwards Answering Service, Multi Personnel, 643-7700. COVENTRY a variance to allow a sign larger than permitted at 25 Convalescent Home, 333 t t 649 Main S treet , SHAKLEE- Discover the peo­ 646-5406. All paid for by the company. ester. Call for interview, in 6 room Ranch. 4 wooded acres, Oakland Road. A Bidwell Street, Manchester. ple devoted to natural nar- EXTRA MONEY. Earn to ly and good health. Call COMMUNICATIONS Manchester 643-0240. sliders to deck. flee, room, mon TRAINEES-17-24. Will train. $200.00 per week on flexible walkout bsmt. & patio, 2 HOUSEKEEPING FOOD CONCESSION HELP P hiilisse, 289-1249. OOOD HOURS WANT WANTED - Part time mor­ Call 846-7888. schedule from 15 hours or FULL OR PART-TIME (■replaces, 75’ garage-shed, Legislators Plan Applications now being Distributorship available. and DOLLARS more. Five openings $68,900. Bread & Milk Street accepted in our Housekeeping nings and nights available. HELP Around apartment AKA Rt. 31 North. Appointment, AD AD HOC SEWER STUDY COMMITTEE’S REPORT TO Must be dependable. Apply PART TIME JANITOR for available. Possible training complex. Will train for a Department, 7 to 3 weekends. Housewives, college owner. THE EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT’S BOARD OF medium size office complex. required but willing to inter­ variety of jobs. See Ray Apply in person at Meadow's Holiday Lanes, 39 Spencer jm students, excellent oppor­ view all inquiries. Call ToQuiz Oil Firms DIRECTORS Street. Monday through Satur­ Hours: 5 p.m.-10 p.m., 3 around the grounds at Charles CAN Convalescent Home, 333 NURSING SUPERVISOR tunity to meet new people screening operator for in- 6 4 3 -6 S 2 6 1. Capacity of Town’s Sewer Treatment plant Bidwell Street, Manchester. day 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. nights a week. Phone Mr. Apartments 8 lo 4 on East HARTFORD (UPI) -- A legislative panel, suspicious a) Average total amount of daily flow: Rated as 6.75 mgd while.you supplement your Whitney at 568-2020 for an ap­ person interview, 528-9618 Middle Turnpike. some home heating oil companies and suppliers might be Privatehome health' care income part time/full time Ext. 114. HANDLE Average Metered - peak flow of 16.8 mgd Annualized MALE & FEMALE - Part- EXPERIENCED agency seeking full time pointment. EAST HARTFORD - Move positions available. From 7 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS - right Into this charming 3 ANSALDI BUILT manipulating supplies to increase prices, says it will sub­ Average; Metered 8.43 - Adjusted metering deficiency 5.89 time general Pizza Shop MACHINE OPERATORS nursing supervisor with poena 17 state-based firms for questioning. This average taken from Town’s monthly average flow duties. Apply within: Tom­ AM - 3 PM. Above average RETAIL PHARMACY Day Cook. Evenings Bedroom Ranch on quiet 3 bedroom Colonial in the Richard Martin IT! WANTED BSN and at least 2 years W ANTED Dishwasher, Bus Persons. street. Boasts fresh paint and The Legislature’s Energy and Public Utilities Com­ records from March 1978 through Feb. 1979. m y’s P izzaria, 267 E ast starting wages and SEEKS School District, fireplaced family room, formal 1st shift openings for community health benefits, uniforms Hostesses & Cashiers. Apply a 12x22 family room off the mittee voted Tuesday to employ its seldom-used When you b) Amount of expected total daily flow when Buckland In­ Center Street, Manchester. Girl lor Pharmacy duties No INSPECTDR living and dining room, and a beautiful treed Bridgeport & N/C Cin- experience. Challenging provided to arrange ap­ Jack August Restaurant, 720 kitchen. Owners anxious. $50s, legislative subpoena power to insure the witnesses would need to rent dustrial Park is connected and in full operation: This is in­ timatic. 2nd shift openings opportunity in the fastest nights or Sundays Previous phar­ CLASS A Silver Lane, East Hartford. Barnett-Bowman, 633-3661. lot! Transferred owner wants fast sale. Call pointment for personal in­ macy or nurses aide experience testify at public hearings. or sell cluded in Bryan Farms-Upper Hockanum and Adams St.- for Bridgeport. Lathe, & growing area of nursing Mala or Ftmalt. Mutt b« today! New State Road. (Expected initial average flow would be .2 terview. preferred. Ability to type helpful familiar with Aircraft MORNING OR AFTERNOON Sen. John Prete. D-Woodbridge, co-chairman of the property, Jig Bore. Operators must care. Salary negotiable. but not necessary. Send resume to mgd.) MONEY - Need more? Work spaclflcatloni and bt DELI COUNTER HELP - committee, said the subpoenas will impress on the firms tru st a be able to set-up and Send resume to: CALLFHODLY Box HH, C ' 0 Manchester Herald. Manchester c) Amount of expected daily flow due to proposed part time while you or your abla io work from Apply in person, Meatown, the legislators mean business. Want Ad for children are in school. Dair^ operate. Please call or app­ RESTAURANT bluaprinta. Plaao* apply 1215 1/2 Silver Lane, East Buckland Commons’ development: Estimated by MAP’s DELIVERY & GENERAL Prete and Senate Majority Leader Joseph Lieberman, fast results! Queen has flexible hours to fit ly to: in paraon: Hartford. It makes Cents consultant .35 mgs. Estimated Town's Sewer Department .50 U 4 M Corponflon Executive Director E.HMd Silver Lana ALL PURPOSE MAN- Must D-New Haven, called for a probe of oil suppliers in July, your daily schedule. We have Le-Mi Corporation lo buy now mgd, (These flows are estimates for the 5th year after start year-round openings nights, IMITunml Road AM A Asslstenos have good driving record. MEATCUTTERS - Part time. saying they suspected a manipulation of supplies to affect 5 6 9 -1 0 4 0 >0 TUNNEL ROAD Don’t buck this deal of construction) Special note: Lydall & Foulds are expected weekends and lunch hours. VMioii, CT OSON teal mirtmiii "d n e Sir Apply 649 Main S tre e t, All hours available. Apply in the price of home heating oil. to reduce their (low by .50 mgd. Apply in person: DQ, 242 ^ 8 7 1 - 1 2 4 4 of N.LCt, Inc. Manchester. VERNON, CT. MOSg person: Meatown, 1215 1/2 Full dormored 7 room Cape. 3 But Prete added the committee’s investigation into dis­ ® ie HcratJi d) Amount of expect^ daily flow increase due to the bryan Broad Street, Manchester. Silver Lane, East Hartford. bedrooms up. \'/s baths, 357 East Center Street FOOD CONCESSION HELP fireplace, kitchen 14x15, full tribution and prices of home heating oil in Connecticut CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Farms-Upper Hockanum and Adams St.-New State Road NUCLEAR TRAINEES- 17- basement, aluminum siding, LATHE OPERATORS - With 24. HS Grad. Will train. Call WANTED- Part time mor­ MAN TO WORK IN GLASS METAL STAMPING would not be a “shooting gallery," and the public connections: Expected intitial average flow would be .2 Manchester, Ct. 06040 nings and nights available. SHOP- Full or part time. App­ $61,000. 2 years’ experience. Good GAS STATION ATTENDANT 646-7888. COMPANY - Office Clerk. },t hearings would be conducted with ground rules. mgd. ■ Need reliable, dependable Must be dependable. Apply ly in person to: J.A. White 643-7222 3) Amount of expected daily flow due to the Tolland Turn­ benefits. Salary nMotiable. Typing, filing, invoicing. "A subpoena is not an indictment, just an invitation," Hawk Precision Co., 303 person to work Monday thru Holiday Lanes, 39 Spencer Glass Co., 31 Bissell Street. Experience preferred. 8:30 to 87 Wadgawood Drive Phone 643-2711 pike extension: Street. Monday thru Saturday, PRICED RIGHT! Prete said. Burnham Street, East Hart­ Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. If 2:30. Call Fran, at 643-2772 for Inclusive as part of Bryan Farms-Upper Hockanum and to a.m. to 2 p.m. EVENING AND NIGHT Sen. William E. Curry, D-Farmington, expressed con­ ford, telephone 528-9845. you can’t hustle and are afraid an appointment. for immediate sale, A 3 bedroom country Ranch Adams St.-New State Road (.2 mgd) of work, don’t apply. Start at POSITIONS OPEN cleaning with its own fireplace, huge lot, garage and a cern the public might incorrectly assume the state dis­ The report by Metcalf & Eddy Engineers, dated June 30, w w v w M M M M M ^ offices and restaurants. Call OLDER FIVE-ROOM HOME BUS BOYS - Full time lunch $3.75 per hour. See Harry ADVERTISING SALES PERSON COMPANION for invalid ONE YEAR LIMITED HOME WARRANTY! tributors had done something wrong when “they are at 1977, gave an expected initial average flow of .2mgd. It must and dinner shifts. Apply at Stickcls, Suburban Motors, 50 568-8442. woman. Some housekeeping. near hospital. Good condition. the end of the chain while the big oil companies are in­ be noted, however, that since that time(1977) several in­ Cavey’s Restaurant, 45 East Tolland Tpke. Manchester. No SALES ABEf^T Varied hours. Call 643-5356. 2-car garage. 649-0498. 228- phone calls. No experience 9852. 5 sulated." dustries have been allotted (allocated?) land at the Buckland Center Street, Manchester. necessary, we will train you WANTED Prete said the distributors “have a lot to do with price Industrial Park, there fore they will be adding sewer to the SERVICE STATION our way. We are looking for a Sales Person to add Wb n«Bd a dynamic man or ATTENDENT NEEDED for SPLIT LEVEL - 7 Rooms, 2 Bryan Farms-Upper Hockanum and Adams St.-New State FULL OR PART TIME EXPERENCED setting" and are far from the end of the chain. MAINTENANCE MAN- App­ to our growing paper. High School woman lo tall our oxeluoJva calon- full-time work. Apply Monday baths, 3 bedrooms, family Gov. Ella Grasso had a "very positive" reaction to the Road line. This may well increase the above initial average ly in person to: Raffa’s dara ond on axtonalva lino of thru Saturday at the TLC Gas room. 20x40 in-ground pool IN PICTURES Graduate, with some college preferred. with cabana. Garage. investigation. Prete said. flow above the .2 mgd average. Restaurant, 2815 Main Street, odvortWng opodahlea/buslneee NURSE MDES Station, Route 30, Vernon, 2. Town of Manchester-South Windsor sewer agreements C a r a must. We offer you the oHit. If you hova o poof hMory of Aluminum siding. Group I New Haven area trial lawyers Alan H.W. Sehiff and Glastonbury. above the K-Mart Plaza, Dust Makes The Difference Copies of the above agreements are available. It must be PART TIME HELP following:— ooloa auccaoa or wtoh to bostn a Realtors, Philbrick Agency, Frank L. Cirillo have been retained as the committee's NEEDED A microscopic speck of noted, however, that the gravity flow coming into RARE OPPORTUNITY - WANTED- Nights and some eoroor In oolaa, you oon bonafH PART TIME. Phone from 646- 4200. legal counsel. dust can make the differ­ weekends. Package Store. from on# of tha moot luerotiva Manchester is not broken down into the expected Qow OWN YOUR OWN To provid* Nursing Cara home servicing our customers Manciwster The investigation is expected to be completed before ence between the success BUSINESS. Distributor for Call 6494)446. commloalon otruoturoa In our In* In privala homai and in your own area. 249-7773. and failure of a system in amounts. duotry. What wo nood la on In­ the 1980 Legislature convenes. Kodak film, Duracell Madical Faeillllaa. Part COMPARE ★ space or on the ground. 3. Town of Manchester-Buckland Commons sewer studies EARN $200 WEEKLY - Part • Attractive Salary dividual who eon dool diroetly with k Batteries, G.E., Sylvania and time, lull tima. Conaldara- MUNSON’S CANDY That's what was learned and agreements Questions in regards to costs for sewering, time, light typing or ad­ bualnaatman who uoa oalondora other photo products needed • Bonus Plan KITCHEN is accepting The best home Investment thla Selection Committee during the space programs connections; flow between Manchester-South Windsor; size dressing sales letters. No and opodatty Hama to promola llon glvan lo pralaranca in your area. No selling. Ser­ applications for employment year -- WMwflbd ol Mificliattar. of the 1960s, and it's what experience necessary. Write • Mileage ttiolr buDlnagg. Thla la on axcoHont oh—Location and Houra. BOLTON - The Ad- ministrative Assistant of pipes and pump station requirements are all according to vice top Retailers under in sales and/or packing. Hours Quality construction by Brahaney UNIQUE SPLIT spurred the National Aero­ National Marketing, Box 244, • Paid Holidays (Including Birthday) lima for you to aaaoclala yourooH NO FEE - w e ek ly PAY Selection Committee will the ^ w e r Regulations of the governmental body involved, exclusive contract established are Monday thru Friday 9 to 4. & Choma. Hillside, wooded loca­ with a beautiful fireplaced family room, one nautics and Space Adminis­ ((^pies are available) Buckland Commons is estimated to by us. High immediate in­ 6N, Dundee, Illinois, 60118. a Insurance, Health and Dental Plan wtih Tha Thoo. D. Murphy Co., a For Inlormalion call Call for ap^intm ent, 649-4332. m eet Thursday at 8 p.m. in tration to develop its “clean a plonaar In tho odvortlalng fMd • 643-9S15 tion In one ol Manchester's most full and two half baths, 3 bedrooms, formal Chapman Court A white-robed semi­ generate average daily flow between .35 mgd and .50 mgd. come minimum required in­ • Company Paid Pension Plan desirable areas. Past perfor­ the Town Office Building in room" concept, common in LAUNDRYWORKER. Full olnoo 1MI. Your InMottva and AID A ASSISTANCE OUTDOOR WORK - Must be living and dining room. 2 car garage and large MANCHESTER - Chap- conductor technician checks (MAP’s estimate, ,35 mgd; Town’s estimate: .50 mgd) vestment $9,975. 100% profit mance has shown area to have anticipation of making a many industries today. structure. Call between SAM time, including every other planning will datarmlna your of North Eastern Conn. 18, and have drivers license treed lot! Reduced for immediate sale! High technology firms like for that microscopic speck We, the Ad Hoc Sewer Study Committee, have already weekend for institutional growth and ouccaoi wHh our oo- one ol the highest appreciation man Court, Order of final decision in selecting & 5PM, 1-800-833-6367. Or Inc. and own transportation. Call rates. Custom-built, one-of-a- the Verbatim Corp., Sunny­ of dust that can make the recommended to the Eighth Utilities District’s Board of laundry operation. Apply In tabNahod company. Your ocoounta Ameranth, will meet the town’s first ad­ difference between success write: American Film 1ST E ut Canltr Slrnl, 643-4385. klnd homes. Qas heat, city vale, California, ^ e lai^est Directors thay they approve sewering the Manchester por­ Processing, Inc., 1935R person. East Hartford Con­ You’ll be working with a loyal, friendly, ora protoctod and ropoot ordora Manchatltr Friday at 7:45 p.m. at the ministrative assistant. and failure of a system.^ tion of this project. valescent Home, 745 Main moka monty lor you. If you con sewers, energy features. BLMCHMD&ROSSEnO manufacturer of digital, Hoover Court, B’ham, AL dedicated group of employees. PART TIME OFFICE HELP - Convenient to highways, schools Masonic Temple. Street, East Hartford. orgonita your tima and work The Board of Selectmen d ata-recording “mini- magnetic disks, cassettes or We are unable, at this time, to make a suggestion as to 35226. Typing and calculator skills & shopping. 3 homes now under v . without auporvWon, thla con bo on State officers of the has been interviewing magnetic media,” is particu­ cartridges can cause the loss South Windsor’s portion until we know what type of residen­ ______pr essential. $3.50 hourly. 649- construction for your inspection. order will make their of­ larly concerned about the or confusion of valuable tial domicile is intended in the South Windsor segment. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR- aicoHont fun lima or port tIma loving care for 6-montn old in­ 8648. 189 West Canter 8L applicants for tbe past few Apha Numeric. 40 hour week. Please Call Mrs. Penny Sadd at the bualnaaa for you. Wrlto Bob Coim a see WILDWOOD ficial visit and inspection importance of an absolutely data. That is why Verbatim AD HOC SEWER STUDY COMMITTEE fant in my home approximate­ Comer of MoKaa , weeks. A total of 48 per­ dust-free environment in its builds each product in a Apply Gaer Brothers, 140 Rye Manchester Herald, 643-2711 for a MoKonila, Markotlng Monogor, Butineis Opportunity 14 of the court at this time. A Members: Willard J. Marving, Co-Chairman ly 20 hours per week. Must bo REALTY TRUST sons applied for the posi­ manufacturing facilities. clean room to avoid con­ WAITRESSES WANTED - Street, South Windsor. Tho Thoa. D. Murphy Co., P.O. reliable and available days, Lawrence E. Noone, CoChairman private Interview. Box 12a, Locuat Valloy, Now York dinner will be served at tion and the number to ac­ One particle of dust on its taminants. Part time weekends. evenings and weekends. Own VENDING ROUTE - Nabisco 6 4 9 -14 11 646-2482 ^ 6:30 p.m., and later in the Samuel L.' Longest Experience helpful but not PART TIME CLEANING Eifual Opporlantty Employer W /f 11660. transportation preferred. Snacks with locations $3,580. tually be intervietyed was Joseph Tripp necessary. Will train. Call WOMAN- Manchester office! JS7 E. CENTER 8T. evening, there will be a References required. For in­ CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-423- MANCHESTER narrowed down by the M.J. (Peg) Martin, Secretary after 2 PM, Vito’s Birch Flexible hours. CMS & Blue teacup auction. Officers terview call 646-6095, 2355 Ext. 905. selection committee. 004-9 M ountain Inne, 646-3161, Cross. Call Mrs. Hare, 649- will wear white gowns. Bolton, Ct. 4523. PAGE EIGHTEEN - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5. 1179

PMiHilt — CharlM M. Sehuli EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Sept. 5. 1979 - PAGE NINETEEN

Dear Abby Uim VAN BEA6LE'

ACROSS DOWN Answer to Previous Puzzle Dy Abigail Van Buren 1 Sat 1 Japes ♦ call 643-2711 i r 7- * ■ '> If X ■ Call 643-2711 * 5 Collage 2 Errors □ □ □ degree (abbr.) 3 Ogled 4- * * * * * * * ^*- * * * * * * ¥ ■ * ^ * if if if if if if. if If if. if. if. if. If. if. If. if. if. If. if. if. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jf. if, ^ if ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 Joke 4 Lysergic acid 12 Makes mad diethylamide 13 Poverty-war 5 Bird □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Frank and Eme$t Autot for Solo Trueki lor Solo 62 agency (abbr.) 6 Become more Abby’s Informed 14 Indian of Peru profound ncici DEIC] MM135 24HOWTOMM 0 I|7» UnWW rsatma W neoW . me. 15 Brought up 7 Coil □ E l □ □ □ □ □ A ^^t^(yi?tOU, ATTITUPE 21 Biblical boat 40 Blaze find a "reformed" rabbi. ,SOJR REPORT HELP A LOT, symbol 30 Ventilator Could help to sell your items PRISCILLA.' PLAV5 A BIG CARP FROM TOO.' 22 Editor's mark 34 Railroad 41 Afterthought CAN OF ^pPAY P / \ l N T 1975 PLYMOUTH Sports Abby, correction, please. We are not "reformed" rabbis. 20 Airport, for Fury. 8 cylinder. Vinyl top. faster, rent your room quicker PART IN LAST VEAR,' (pt.) short locomotive (abbr.) Vinyl I We are known as "Reform Rabbis". We in no way had to be 24 ires and bring you better results! SUCCESS.' 23 Sleeping 35 Pigs Low mileage. New tires. reformed. OK? 26 Commercials 42 Ameliorates To PROTECT HBR^El F Power steering and rear Ask the Herald Classified Ad 31S conn n„ nucKSTa, com., C43-si3s sickness fly 27 Lassoed 36 Cruel person 45 Moth-eaten defogger. In good conditon. taker about details. Put the RABBI YAVITZ IN L.A .' 25 Desire STAR to work for you! Phone T 28 Age 36 Primrose IS N 'T T H A T Call anytime, 569-2125. Asking 31 Scamp 29 Sunday cut of 46 Charge ----- 643-2711. 39 Mutate $3000. DEAR RABBI: OK. Oy veht I stand corrected, which 32 You (Fr.) meat 50 Sheep makes me a reformed columnist. 33 Of God (Lat.) 1 RlOlCUl^OUSP 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 0 10 n 1978 CAMERO - 2 door Sport m m w m m x n 34 Take weapons •♦•♦e. NM .V 1 M «»* 0 5 p*< OH Coupe. Automatic. Low CONTROLLED AUTO BODY REPAIR DEAR ABBY: I will try to make this short, but 1 have so 37 Grain for 12 13 14 mileage. Must sell! Call after much to tell that I could write a book. whiskey 1970 GMC - V-8, 12 ft. IS 18 17 4 p.m., 568-3005. aluminum body truck. 1 1/2- ONMIMMIEt. I’ve been married II years. We have three wonderful 40 Bridge Arllcloi tor Solo Dogo-BIrdt-Polo Aportmonlo For Rani Autos For Solo 61 strategy ton capacity. Newly painted kids. My husband has beaten me several times. Sometimes I IB 20 and rebuilt engine. had it coming, but most of the time I didn’t. 41 Feeling of 1 J_ SuJU)l«JKM 9-5- 22 23 H WOOD PICTURE FRAME ARC MINI DACHSHUND - Deluxe 5 rooms. Reasonable. Call 528-9341 ask The first time, he blacked my eyes and busted my jaw, resentment 26 Long hair, male, inoculated. appliances., kids ok. $300s. 43 Limb 1 18X22. $7. Grill on wheels $8, for Mike. LOAN and RENTAL CARS which kept me home from work. I got out a warrant for his 26 Coffee & End Tables $20 Personality plus quality. Stud -1). Rental Assistors 1966 GTO. 400 H O. cam. Holly Captarn Easy — Crooka a Lawranca 44 Melts WANTED JUNK AND LATE 650 double pump, headers, Available by Appointment... arrest, so he quit messing up my face. Then he started in on 46 Hawaiian ■ 1 Barbells $18, 2 large Anchors service. 742-r“ 742-8925. small fee. 236-5646. 28 20 30 3 , & Buoy $50. Diving Equip- ...... ••••••••••••••••••#« MODEL WRECKS - Cash - engine just rebuilt. Keystone my stomach and breasts where the bruUes wouldn’t show. HEY I I DON'T GET IT T J THE eUY WAS EHOVIWa THIS volcano. 1 Paid. Call Parker Street Used Once he twisted my arm so hard that he broke it. SUN IN MY SACK! HERB-TAKE M a u n a __ _ 32 ment. (fins, mask, gloves, Musical Inolrumonti 44 466 MAIN STREET - 5-room mags, interior very good. house. No appliances. No pets. Auto Parts. Inc. 649-3391. Body needs some work. AM- Moforcyc/M-Sfcycfes 64 Finally, I filed for divorce. Then you never saw a sweeter ; ^ I T AND CALL A COPl 47 At (2 wds.) 1 knife), old rocker $1(). 649- 34 35 . FREE CASE with all 1/2 No utilities. Tenant insurance FM casette. Best offer over guy. He begged and pleaded and laid his paycheck at my 49 Year (Sp.) 3 ■ 3 7 38 30 1104. 1966 FORD MUSTANG- 50 Chicago 1 price Guitars with this ad. required. Security. $250 $1300. Call 643-6226. 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - STMI OZMEK, Manlier feet, so I took him back. He was so nice I was beginning to 40 41 Needs minor work. As is, $350. transit lines 42 FORCED HOT AIR Rivers Music, 7 Main Street, monthly. Available Oct. 1. LOW RIDER, 2500 miles, love him all over again. 1 Call 649-9631 anytime after 301-31S CENTER ST„ MANCHESTER 51 Apportion 43 44 FURNACE- Some age but fine New Britain. 225-1977. Open til Call 646-2426 weekdays, 9-5. AMERICAN MOTORS 1007r stock and in excellent Two weeks later he was accusing me of seeing other men. 46 48 6:00 p.m. GREMLIN 1OT3 - 6 cylinder. shape. $4500. 742-8786. 52 Balsam tree ■ working order. Four burner 9 p.m. He pulled me all over the house by my hair trying to get me 53 Spun 47 48 40 80 natural gas stove, brown. Fine CHALLENGES Stick shift. Regular gas. New to confess. I had nothing to confess, but I yelled so loud the 54 If not 1975 HONDA SUPER SPORT 51 older wardrobe. 649-5547. VIOLIN- Used only 3 times. COMPARISON - Private tires. $900. 647-1270. neighbors called the police, and now he’s in the slammer 55 Half a score 52 53 home in quiet area, newly 750- Kerker headers. KNN 56 Ram's mates Excellent condition. $90.00. .again. 54 Trucks for Solo 62 filters. Oil cooler. Much Motorcyefst-Sfeyefas 64 Compon-Trolloro 55 58 OLD BUTCHER BLOCK $50. Call 643-4762. decorated. All appliances. Should I let him rot there? His people tell me that my kids $250. (990-2). Rental more! $1500. 643-4076 before 2 Uobllo Homoo 65 Hutch, walnut finish, p.m. need a father, that Jesus forgave seven times seven and all |NIW$P«P(K INTCnfNiSI ASSN | excellent condition $150. New HOLTON TRUMPET - Good Assistors, small fee. 236-5646. 1974 IN TE R N A T IO N A L 1968 BUICK SKYLARK - PICKUP- Standard, Power W4 YAMAHA RD 250- Street 1966 CHEVY CAMPER VAN- that jazz, but I can’t take any more of this. What should I B-13 Steel Radial Firestone condition. $90 or best offer. Great running condition. 5 steering, brakes. 47.000 miles. FOR SALE - 1975 Yamaha B1K6. Excellent condition. 4,- very good condition. Many do? 721 Tire. $35. 643-1814. 646-1032. EAST HARTFORD - Spacious Asking $500. Can be seen at 3 bedroom, large yard, many Good condition. Cap. $2000 RD350 - Call Joe at 646-4398 extras! Call 633-4890. HAD IT IN DALLAS International Motor Car, Ltd., Call 649-9777. Call 643-0417 after 5 p.m. BLACK i WHITE extrasr-$190. (%7-4). Rental after 4:30 p.m. Win at bridge 69 Windsor Avenue, Rockville. DEAR HAD IT; Your children may need a father, but PORTABLE TELEVISION Boolo-Accootorloi 45 Assistors, small fee. 236-5646. Ct . or call 871-0849. Allay Oop — Dava Graua SET- $30. Call 528-7212 they also need a living mother. If there is no hotline for bat­ anytime. 16 FOOT PEMBROKE CUTE AND COZY - Lovely 4 tered wives, call your Family Service Association and ask DOC? OSCAKT AH, THERE, TIM E TO UNTIE YOU, FELL A S' RUNABOUT with trailer $400. rooms, new appliances. $200. iU$INESS & SERVICE where a battered wife and her children can get shelter and T H E Y A R E .' SCfTTA S E T YOU OUTA HERE.' WESTINGHOUSE- Deluxe Hospital bed $25. 646-5892. (968-3). Rental Assistors, counseling. And please write again and let me know how washing machine, XC, $135.00. small fee. 236-5646. you are. 1 care. Stumbling slam bid makes Zenith 21 inch portable black 12 FOOT AQUACAT and white TV- $45.00. Wall MANCHESTER - Luxurious 3 CATAMERAN- 22 fool mast. 1973 TOYOTA CORONA DEAR ABBY: My problem is between my husband (I’ll Souths two noirurnp was cabinet grouping- $50.00. Very good condition. $350. Call bedroom, kids and pets ok. call him Harold) and my father. Harold is 29 and Dad is 70. NORTH 9-5 meant to be one of those unu­ $300. (125-n. Rental WAGON - Good condition. Brand new 2 drawer filing 646-4689. Six weeks ago they got into a heated argument over 4 Q 10 sual notrumps invented by cabinet- $38.00. 633-9740. Assistors. small fee. 236-5646., New cylinder head, brakes. Must bie seen. Asking $2200. politics. A lot of angry words were exchanged and Dad told ¥ 8 6 2 that great bidding theorist A! go Call anytime after 51%. 646- Harold never to set foot in his house again. (I’m sure Dad ♦ A 3 2 Roth North had never heard EXCELLENT CONDITION- Antlquoo Homoo lor Ron! E m a ♦ A .1 7 6 2 of that convention or even of 48 ___ 5026. CTORY didn't mean it. but he’s too proud to apologize.) Colonial Gold Herculon Swivel Dad is very bull-headed, and I can't see him calling WEST EAST A1 Roth and promptly raised Rocker. $100. Black Boston WANTED: TOLLAND - 8 Room Modern Sorvlcoo OHorod 3 } PoIntlng.Poporlng 32 Building Controcting 33 fiooHng-SIdlng-Chlmnor 34 w’hat sounded like a normal Antique furniture, Colonial, with privacy. $550 1965 MUSTANG 289 - 4 speed. Harold. Harold is very stubborn, and he won't make the first 4 K 8 4 2 4 63 Rocker $70. Set of McGregor glass, pewter, oil paintings or notrump bid to game per month. References and Body very good. Engine move either. 4AK754: 4 Q J 10 9 Golf Clubs (irons and woods) other antique items. R. C&M TREE SERVICE - Free PAINTING - Interior and TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY BIDWELL HOME Improve­ East doubled and South security deposit required. excellent. Interior very good. ♦ 8 ♦ K g J 10 9 s $100 - used 1 season. Pair of Harrison, 643-8709. estimates, discount senior exterior, paperbanging, Carpentry and general con­ ment Co, Expert installation My mother and I are both heartsick over this but we don’t realized that something had Group 1 Realtors, Philbrick $600 firm. Serious inquiries 4 Q 4 4 8 Golf Shoes 8 1/2D. $10 . 659- citizens. Company excellent work references. tracting. Residential and of aluminum siding gutters know how to get the two of them together. Any sugges gone wrong and ran out to 0718. Agency, 646- 4200. only. Call after 6:00 p.m.. 643- and trim. Roofing installation SOUTH A N T IQ U ES & 6560. Manchester-owned and Free estimates. Fully in­ commercial. Whether it be a tions? four clubs. North also knew COLLECTIBLES - Will operated. Call 646-1327. sured. Martin Matson, 649- small repair job, a custom and repairs 649-6495, 871-2323. MEANDMOM The Flintstonas — Hanna Barbara Productions 4 A J 9 7 5 something had gone wrong FLAT FIELDSTONE - for CHECK THIS- Your own 4431. built home or anything in fF------purchase outright, or sell on 1971 TOYOTA CORONA- and passed But after East bid retaining walls, patios or commission. House lot or private home. New REWEAVING burn holes. between, call 646-1379. SPEC'.^L1ZING cleaning and DEAR ME: Tell Hu-old that out of respect for your THE PILOT'S ..T H E Y c l a i m t h e ♦ 7 5 4 appliances. Elegantly styled. Mark II. New starter, tires, four heails. when the bidding fireplaces. Call 2%-0250 or single piece. Telephone 644- Zippers, umbrellas repaired. QUALITY PAINTING and repairing chimneys, roofs, father’s age, the younger man should give in. WHAT ASKING FOR PRICE OF IMPORTED 4 K 10 9 5 3 got back to North he compet­ Quiet area. $250, (990-2) Ren­ runs good. Asking $650. Call new roofs. Free estimates. 30 295^)034. 8962. Window shades, Venetian Paper Hanging by Willis CARPENTRY & MASONRY - And ask your mother to keep working on your father, tell­ ^ O f f i c e IS IT M O R E M O N E Y BIRD SEED HAS ed with five clubs East tried tal Assistors. 236-5646. small 643-2624 after 5 p.m. years Experience. Howley, Vulnerable: Neither blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. Schultz. Fully insured Additions and Remodeling. ing him that since HE told Huold never to set foot in his GONE UP AGAIN.' five hearts and now South fee. 643-5361. THIS Healer: West SEARS 10 HP Lawn Mower / Rooms for Rant 52 Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- references. 649-4343. Free estimates. Call Anthony house again it’s up to HIM-to tell him he didn't mean it. And WELL/TME TIME*?.. NO..., decided to save at six clubs Tractor. Good condition. Call VW BUG 1971- Excellent con­ Squillacote 649-0811. dition. New tires. $2500, or 5221. may the bigger man extend bis hand first. C O S T OF West North E ast South West doubled and led his sin­ 643-9877. ANDOVER - 7 Room House on A&W PAINTING Contrac­ Hooling-Plumbing 35 14 P ass 2 ♦ 2 NT S THOMPSON HOUSE- Cen­ best offer. Call anytime 569- AIR/VIAIU BIRD gleton diamond trally located. Downtown 5 acres. 3 bedrooms. Garage ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, tors. Quality painting and CARPENTER - Repairs, Pass 3 NT Dbl. 4 4 $425. 742-9179, after 3 p.m. 2232. IS UP, Just to prove that bridge is Manchester. Kitchen attics, garages, yards paper hanging at reasonable remodeling, additions, gar­ SEWERLINES, sink lines, Do you wish you had more friends? For the secret of SEED Pass P ass 4 4 P ass a game of luck, the contract rates. Fully insured. Free ages, roofing. Call David cleaned with electric cutters, A&A/N/, privileges. Call 649-2358. 1969 CAMARO- 6 cylinder, cleaned, moving, popularity, get Abby's new booklet: ^How To Be Popular; Pass 5 4 5 4 6 4 was a wrap-up Estimates. Call Wayne 649- Patria, 644-1796. by professionals. McKinney DRAPES FOR SALE- automatic, power steering, trucking.Loam for sale. Lawn You're Never Too Young or Too Old." Send II with a Ions, Dbl. P ass P ass P ass South went right up with MANCHESTER - Room for service. No job too big or 7696. Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ Excellent condition. Pale power brakes. $1100. Call FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY pany, 643-5308. self-addressed, stamped (28 cental envelope to Abby, 1S2 dummy’s ace of diamonds, rent. Private entrance. Heat Offlcai-Sforet for Rant 55 after 5 p.m., 643-7139. small. 568-8522. drew trumps and lost the green, fully lined. Custom PERSONAL Paperhanging - Remodeling and Additions. Lasky Drive, Beverly HiUs, Calif. 90212. Opening lead: Made. Antique Satin. 84" long. and utilities paid. $45 weekly. spade finesse. West did not Call 242-1872. MANCHESTEP - Main Street EXPERT PAINTING and for particular people, by Dick. Kitchens ana Rec Rooms. 35 NO JOB TOO sm a ll - Toilet Please call 649-1546 after 4:M OLDSMOBILE CLASSIC- Cali 643-5703 anytime. years experience! For Free repairs, plugged drains, have a second diamond to modern offices available. 300. 1963. Good condition. LANDSCAPING Specializing lead and played his king of p.m. Estimates, call 646-4239. kitchen faucets replaced, By Oswald Jacoby FURNISHED SLEEPING 400, 750 to 1400 sq. ft. all or Automatic. $300.00. Will pass in Exterior House Painting. Astrograph hearts. South ruffed, discard­ E PAINTING BY DAN SHEA - repaired, rec rooms, ROOM- For mature parts of. Heat, air con­ inspection. Automatic. Call Tree pruning, spraying, and Alan Sontag ed dummy's losing diamonds MUST SELL- All in good con­ Quality craftsmanship at low FARRAND REMODELING - bathroom remodeling, heat The Born LoM r — Art Saneotp dition. 30" electric range, $75. gentleman. Modern bath. ditioning included. Call 646- 527-0223. mowing, weeding. Call 742- on spades and came home to a Parking. No cooking. Security 2469 or 646-2755. 7947. prices. Call 646-5424. Cabinets and Formica Tops, modernization, etc. Free Bernice Bede Osol A little learning is a dan­ Ping Pong Table $30. Colico Roofing, Gutters, Room Ad­ Estimate gladly given, M & M HOW UJOOLD'ibU KA3B M6 A6 A T P' 15 THAT BeOMJSe I'M TOO' surprised winner and references. $150 monthly. MUSTANG- 1973 convertible. gerous thing and particularly (.N’KWSP.APEH KNTKRPRISK .ASSN ) Pool Filter $50. Humifidier PROFESSIONAL PAINTING ditions, Decks, All types of Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. $25. And other miscellaneous. Call 643-2121. 466 MAIN STREET. North of Automatic. All power. $2800. WATERPROOFING («CflHBg-lW-LAW CM A eO LE OF OAMPIP, 6AL-DV? dangerous when your partner Hatchways, foundation - Interior and exterior. Remodeling and Repairs. whom you've crossed verbal does not know what you have Call 647-1924. Post office, about 5,000 sq. ft. Good running condition. Call l-TO-IO? MANCHESTER - Excellent of centrally located space. 643-9129. cracks, tile lines, sump Commercial and residential. Phone 643-6017. Services Wontod 36 swords recently. Both of you V- learned. (For a copy of JACO BY Free estimates. Fully in­ coutd be in an argumentative AMERICAN AIRLINES 1/2 furnished room for Ideal for store, office or other pumps, gravity feeds, window % u r On the other hand, there MODERN, ser^d S i to: "Win at sured. 646-4879. LEON CIESZYNSKI OVERNIGHT BABYSITTER mood today and say things you'll Bridge." care of this newspa­ far^ coupons. Reasonable. gentleman. Convenient loca­ business or commercial use. 1971 COUGAR- 351 Cleveland wells. 30 years experience. must be some deity who pro­ tion. Parking. No kitchen 643-4953, 872-7611. BUILDER- New Homes, Ad­ NEEDED to care for our 2 later regret. tects such unfortunates. per. P.O Box 469. Radio City Valid until December 15. Call Call 646-2426 9-5 pm. Engine. Console. Bucket ^Birthday AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) privileges. $30 weekly, 649- EXPERIENCED PAINTING ditions, Remodeling, Rec girls - ages 5 and 6. Sept. 30 to East's two-diamond Station. New York. N.Y. P 643-7017. seats. Regular gas. Call 649- Keep a tight rein on your 4003. PROFESSIONAL / 8430. BELL STREET By Craig Odgen. Quality Rooms, Garages, Kitchens Oct. 5. Call 643-0464. response was reasonable and 10019.) Workmanship! Interior and Remodeled, Ceilings, Bath resources today. Be wary of SWIM POOLS- Distributors BUSINESS OFFICE GLASTONBURY- Hebron Sept. 6.1979 those who borrow from you. You Exterior. “ You Tried The . Koo disposing of brand new 31' Aportmonlo For Rent 53 BUILDING - Approximately BANK REPOSSESSIONS Avenue School District. Ages Bonds will be strengthened this could lose money with a poor 2600 square feet, with ample 2 and up, or kindergarten, half Rest, Now Stick With The Residential or Commercial. com ing year with som eone prospect. long above ground pools com­ FOR SALE- 1975 Oldsmoblile 649-4291. LOOKING for anything in real parking. Close to Center, Vista Cruiser Station Wagon,age days. After 5, 633-9074. Best. " Call 649-8749, 742-9979. you're already very fond of. Cir­ PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) plete with huge 16’ sundeck, 1 cumstances will draw you into an Should you find yourself involved Heathcllff — George Gately estate rental - apartments, hospital and new court needs work $1195. 1974 Jeep fencing, filter. Asking $687. Je PROFESSIONAL BUILDERS even tighter and more beneficial in a competitive situation today, Financing and installation homes, multiple dwellings? building. For info, call 568- Wagoneer, 4 wheel drive PICKET, SPLIT RAIL & 49-5 No fees. Call J.D. Real Estate - Complete Construction. Ad­ don't underestimate your oppo­ available. 203-324-9289. 7658 or 871-0401. $32()0. 1973 Buick Le Sabre STOCKADE FENCES- PAINTING- Interior, Associates, Inc. 646-1980. ditions, Remodeling. Free VIRQ oVug. 23-S*pt. 22) A lack sition even if you think you have $995. 1972 MG Model B/GT, 2 Repaired, and installed. Exterior. Quality of desire to cooperate today will the upper hand. MANCHESTER - Store or Of­ Reasonable rates. Free es­ Workmanship! Reasonable Estimates. Fully Insured. FOR SALE- Older bedroom door Coupe, low mileage Call 646-4879. work to your detriment. Be your ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) Wlnthrop — Dick Cavalll set. Best offer. Also, frostfree VERNON / ROCKVILLE- fice for rent. Drive by 218 $1800. 1970 Chevrolet Malibu timates. 289-1183, anytime. Rates! Call Rick at 646-0709, ______own person but be a team player Beware of a tendency today to Accepting applications for 2 , Spruce Street. Call 643-2121. $350. 1970 C hrysler New as well. Find out more of what further complicate situations that refrigerator. $10.00.27 Cannon ...... CARPENTRY - All types of t h a t Road, East Hartford. Bedroom Apartment, starting Yorker $395. The above may FURNITURE REFINISHER- lies ahead for you in the year fol­ are somewhat sticky to begin OH,VBAH?WEi_L, SOUNDED A Weekdays after 4 p.m. at $191 monthly. Includes all MANCHESTER - Retail, be seen at the Savings Bank of Professional Furniture Building Conlrocllng 33 Porches, Decks, Tool lowing youf birthday by sending with. Keep all you do as simple mV f a t h e r LOT FU N N IE R Sheds, and Gutters. Doors and for your copy of Astro-Graph utilities, wall-to-wall storage and / or manufac­ Manchester. Main Street, Refinishing. Reasonable as possible. LICK AN ICE­ BEFORE r SAID IT Windows Hung. Ceiling Letter. Mall $1 for each to Astro- TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Your WE BUY & SELL USED carpeting and appliances. Call turing space. 2.000 sq.ft, to Manchester. rates. “Antique Restoration WES ROBBINS Carpentry CREAM CONE.' 1-237-8858. EHO. 50,000 sq.ft. Very reasonable. Our Specialty. " Call Robert remodeling specialist. Au­ Repaired and Painted. Call Graph. Box 469, Radio City image could be a trifle fragile FURNITURE. One piliece or anytime, 643-6130. Station, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to socially today, so conduct your­ entire household. Cash On The Brokers protected. Call 1977 PONTIAC LE MANS Treat, 228-0271. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, specify birth date. self in a manner that doesn't r 474 MAIN STREET- Second Heyman Properties, 1-226- built-ins, bathrooms, Line. Furniture Barn. 646- WAGON- Power, air con­ RooHng-SIdlng-Chlmnoy 34 LIBRA (Sepl. 23-Oct. 23) You draw criticism. Avoid coming on 0865. floor. 3 rooms heated. No 1206. ditioning, automatic, small V- BRICK, BLOCK, STONE kitchens, 649-3446. „ may get some storm warnings too strong. appliances. No pets. Security. 8, roof rack. AM-FM radio, Fireplaces, concrete. today regarding responsibilities GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) It's Tenant insurance required. ROOFER WILL Install roof, you've neglected. Clear them up ELECTROLUX VACUUM in EAST HARTFORD - 135 steel radials. 27,000 miles. Chimney repairs. No job too CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. siding or gutter for low dis­ extremely important to keep good condition, with power $225 monthly. Call 646-2426, 9 Burnside. 1000 sq.ft. Lease Excellent condition. $3975. small. Save! Call 644-8356 for Additions, Repairs, Cabinets. now so they won't complicate your priorities in proper perspec­ to 5. count price. Call Ken at 647- your future. tive today. Taking potshots at a nozzle. $149; less power nozzle required. Arruda and Bar- Call 643-2857, estimates. Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. S h e H e ra ld A 1566. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You variety of targets won’t earn you $99. Call 646-3125. comb. 644-8000 or 644-1539. WANTED FEMALE TO are apt to experience a few more a marksmanship rating. social pressures today than CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) A... MATCHING SOFA AND SHARE nice two bedroom Manchester Apartment with Wontod 10 RonI 57 usual. Keep harmony with your There Is a possibility today that LOVESEAT - Brown, white peers by going along with the will you could repeat a mistake made same. $125 monthly, included and gold 2 years old, excellent WANTED TO RENT of the majority. recently. Try to use your experi­ condition. $300. 7 pair 45x81 heat, plus Security deposit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) ence as a lesson to break a los­ 643-5031, after 6 p.m. URGENTLY. Young couple Short Ribs — Frank Hill lined floral design drapes, 2 with child on the way looking Important matters should nbt be ing pattern. years old. custom made at finalized too hastily today. Stall LEO (July 23>Aug. 22) Buy only 456 1/2 MAIN STREET- 6 for 2 bedroom apartment. for time so that you can consum­ what is necessary today. Strive ’ I F I C O U L D G E T \ I LOVE you,SIRE.') /SOMEHpW,THAT\ ^ Watkin's. $35 a pair. Excellent Reasonable. In Manchester, /JUST ONE POSITIVE! ^ _ J / DOESNTGET rr. ) I condition. 649-M22. room house. No young mate things to your best advan­ to steer clear of deficit spending. children. No appliances. No Bolton, Coventry, Vernon tage. Give your credit cards a breather RESPONSE,! w o u ld ) utilities. No pets. Security. area. Please call anytime, HOUSEWIVES CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) It for a change. REJOICE. C ? . M ------a1 Tenant Insurance required. 742-8076 or leave message. would be best to avoid one with (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) $330 monthly. Available ONE ROCK MAPLE HUTCH, November 1st. Call 646-2426, GOOD SIZE GARAGE FOR Barry’s World — Jim Barry 1 Rock Maple buffet, $150 weekday 9 to 5. STORAGE, Manchester, East Hartford, or Glastonbury each; 1 R o c k Maple dresser Bugs Bunny ~ HeimH«hl ft Stoffel with drawers $100; and 2 MANCHESTER- Main Street. vicinity. Call evenings, 568- 8435. Colonial wingback chairs $50 2 room apartment. Heated. Earn Extra Money THOUGH IT Be TBPIGUS AnP NEW C U ^ IO M B K S 5 each or $100 pair. 649-7051. Hot water. Appliances. No EXHAUSTING, I SHALL CARIZ'I WILL FLOCK TO pets. Parking. Security. 523- Auloo For Sole 61 7047. VDUR SIGN TG THE f a r THE C O Z S C O N - ______"c,WE rAY PAY $10 tor for complete complete REACHES OFOUK FINE5 OF VCPUR * TAG SALES Our Boarding House This Funny World 5 ROOM.- 2 bedr»m apart- F A l K C n y . ' Auto Body. 528-199o! With Your Own IM J U 5 T r ment. Mature auults,adults. no 1979 McNaushi Synd.. I < WALPO ENPEP T GREKT ^ ^\p|Cf/V10VIN'.M TAG SALE • Saturday. Sept. children. No pets. Centrally A SIMPLE UP IN INTEN- /CAE$AR1 8. Rain date. Sept. 9. 9 am-5 located. Security and WE PAY TOP PRICES for SINGLE, BUT wrecked and junk cars. A & B , #IVE O R E / I'P pm. To benefit area Shetland references. $200 monthly. ^ U L P N 'T FOR jFOKeorTM Sheepdog Club. Small Write Box 623, Manchester, Auto Salvage, used auto parts Call Tony 646-6223. YPU BE 5PENPIN' < MARTWKA appliances, household items, Conn. 06040. Part Time Job! PRIH61N , UNDER fS- ) i?05E^5ION clothes, books, baked goods 1973 TORINO - 302. Runs somethin ON HI5 WITH and lots more. 13 Carol Drive. HOME? Rockville, off Rt. 83, behind excellent. Must sell, ... and mothers with young children, bring them ANNIVEK- f MACKXm sacrificing! Any reasonable ^ R V , ' A RITUNLG! ^ b e d r o o m d u p l e x - offer over $1450. Call after with you and save on baby sitting costs. Stove, refrigerator, dis- 3:30 p.m., 649-1150, 528-6063. Dogo-BIrdo-Peto 43 hwasher. 1 1/2 baths. Garage, HEH-KEHl' yard, nice neighborhood. 1977 DODGE VAN- Florida NOT THAT COULD I HAVE A HAUIPUT) You ARE A HOME SWEET HOME M;Manchester. ' $350 — a month plus Customized, in and out, 14 (HE WOULP gAndwich AssoRT,^HEAiai.ese pay own utilities (gas heat). miles per gallon on regular Twenty Hours per week. Salary plus gas Call Now PPMORE DOWN PAY/WENT FOR t a s k m a s t e r -' facilities. Cats also, flanine fuel. Loaded with extras in­ Available between Sept. 20 '< » / ' th an THE FREE/MEAL YOU Holiday fnne, 200 Sheldon and Oct. 1. Call 646-1608 after cluding' Factory Air! Low allowance. Road, Manchester. 646-5971. TEA^EME PK>/MISED 5PM. mileage. One owner. SOUND INTERESTING? ABOUT ——------Excellent condition. Over /ME?/-— You can be a Herald Area Adviser and handle and supervise O I9 n h y NEA. Inc IT.' FREE TO GOOD HOME - STOP LOOKING - Spotless 3 $H.000 invested, A real 647-9946 Mixed Collie, female, about 1 rooms, new appliances. $125 bargain for $7495. Must be our carrier boys & girls. If you like kids — want a little In­ 1/2 years. Has Shots. Spayed. (999-4). Rental Assistors, seen. Call 643-0421. dependence and your own Income... V: ' or "I'm willing to take on the job of scheduling ten­ Good with children. 649-5501. small fee. 2 3 6 - 5 6 4 6 , ------647-9947 nis court limes, but are you SURE you want to ^ F T E R ------1969 PONTIAC CUSTOM 350. delegate all that power?" HAMSTERS- 2 hamsters each ROOMMATE TO SHARE Excellent running condition, Ask for Jeanne Fromerth with their own cage and LARGE 3 bedroom duplex, autom atic transm ission, ( nReooverep? accessories. 1 brown and with woman and 10-year-oId power steering and radio, “I-E white, 1 black Teddy Bear. child. Call days 648-1927; after blew battery, new body work. o nil >, NtA, Iwt ,t M *l«fl Ut P,| OH "I can’t make my wife understand deficit 289-3934 alter 6 p.m. ' 6 p.m,, 646^8M. 568-2646. spending is only for governments!" e PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD, Wed.. Sept. 5, 1979 Temporary Coupon Broker Prospering People/Food By JAMES WHITE start of the summer and since July 1, by-night image. Bunker uses the up that much.” said John R. Zeeman, United vice Coupons obviously have dented air­ line revenues but more important to I PI BuniiK-HH Writer have been redeeming the scrip for bank-wire network to transfer funds Bunker tries to make $10 on each president for passenger marketing. half off regular round-troup coach and does business as a merchant with coupon and also has side businesses, United says 250,000 of the 2.2 United — the originator of the promo­ NEW YORK (UPl) Earl Bunker s tion —. coupons have restored its telephones are ringing off the hook and first class fares. The coupons Master Charge and Visa charge such as swapping United’s coupons million coupons it handed out were for American’s and sending away to passenger traffic to levels an­ with business earning him several become worthless after Dec. 15. cards. used in July and the pace was up in get replacements for damaged ticipated before a crippling 56-day hundred dollars a day so it seems a For now though, the business is Taking a page from the equity August, putting U nity’s two-month coupons, also charging $10 for these machinists strike last spring. little strange when he says, i'm "trucking right along" and “seems markets, he even has an option con­ total at an estimated 600,000. Coupon services. "Overall, it’s been ifositive,” going to unemployed Dec. 15.” like it’s getting better than ever,” tract for the future coupons users so far have been mostly The airlines have nothing to do Zeeman said, although he predicts But Bunker knew when he opened says Bunker, who graduated two purchases. The options — for which vacationers but Zeeman and others with the after-market for their coupons in the future will be offered his Worcester, Mass., office that he years ago from Massachusetts Bunker paid $2 each to what he says expect businessmen with caches of coupons but allowed it to spring up only in special situations. would have only six months to make Institute of Technology with a degree is a big stock brokerage firm — give coupons will redeem them in the fall. when they set no restrictions on Meanwhile, Earl Bunker, his his money in what has become one of in computers, but was jobless when him the right to buy 200 coupons at Most coupon travelers are taking transferring the scrip. business days numbered, has no com­ the most remarkable.mini-industries the airline coupons came along. $45 each during September. trips of 1,000 to 3,000 miles, com­ “We don’t care as long as plaints. in recent time — dealing in half-fare Bunker opened Merco Inc., began “Ithink the price is going to go up pared with United’s average trip somebody who wasn’t going to take a ‘Tve had 1,500 to 2,000 customers discount coupons offered by United advertising and figures he has (over $45),” said Bunker, who last lenth of 800 miles. become one of the biggest individual week was offering $35 for coupons trip now does with a coupon or “I think that makes sense — the in all with no problems,” he said. and American airlines. somebody who hwas going to fly with “Everyody’s happy.” The two carriers doled out about 4 dealers with a turnover so far of and selling at $43. The broker selling longer the trip, the more dollars about 4,000 coupons. Belying any fly- the options, “doesn't think it will go somebody else now flies with us,” S3VCd ” 7pomn« coifl THE SUMMER SIDE OF NUTRITION million coupons to passengers at the

Sales Manager Joins Practice Joins Firm Agencies Affiliate MANCHESTER - J. NORTH HAVEN - The HARTFORD - Kenneth Stop & Shop Supermarket Scott Galle, M.D. has Heigh has recently joined MANCHESTER — Leonard J. Benjamin, president of Co. has named Daniel recently joined Arthur B. Connecticut Mutual Life the Benjamin Insurance Agency of Coventry and David Lescoe general sales Landry Jr., M.D. and In su ran ce Com pany’s D. Brennan, president of The Insurance Management manager for its Connec­ Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. in general accounting depart­ Center, of Manchester have announced the affiliation of ticut, New York and New the practice of cardiology ment as assistant accoun­ their respective agencies as of Sept. 1, 1979. Jersey Divisions. at 1000 Asylum Ave., Hart­ tant. Both are general agencies with a majority of their Lescoe, who was former­ ford and 350 Main St., Previously, he worked as Manchester as well as 131 business in property and casualty insurance lines. Accor­ ly grocery sales manager general accounting New london Turnpike, ding to Benjamin, “this association will give us greatly for the division, has also manager for Mercury Oil Glastonbury. expanded facilities for servicing our customers insurance been bakery specialist Company in Wethersfield. needs. We will be joining the Insurance Management grocery manager, store Dr. Galle is a graduate of H e ig h t re c e iv e d a Corp. (IMC) chain of insurance agencies, which now manager and market the University of Connec­ bachelor’s degree in ac­ ranks as the 14th largest network of insurance agencies in manager. ticut in Storrs, and the counting from Central the country. IMC is an affiliate of Continental Financial A graduate of Albert Einstein College of Connecticut State College. Services Co. a member of the Continental Group Inc. Manchester Community Medicine, Bronx, New He presently is enrolled in Thus we will be acquiring both a Icoal and a national College, Lescoe attended York. He completed his in­ the MBA program at the ternship and residency at association with the facilities of each at our displosal.” the University of Hartford. University of Hartford. New Britain General Speaking for IMC, Brennan said, “We are pleased to Lescoe and his wife, Height, an East Hartford have Len Benjamin's agency join us. This will give us Maureen, reside in Hospital and a fellowship native, lives in Manchester excellent representation in the Coventry area, in line DANIEL LESCOE Manchester with their son in cardiology at St. Francis KENNETH HEIGHT with his wife Debra. J. SCOTT GALLE with corporate plans for expansion in the Northeast." Matthew. Hospital and Medical Center. Contract Awarded NEW YORK (UPI - A Connecticut firm has been awarded a contract for more than $88,000 to remove potentially Lydall Sells Paltier dangerous asbestos from a MANCHESTER — Millard H. Pryor Jr., president of city Sanitation Department Lydall, Inc. and A. W. Walan, president and chairman of garage in Queens, the city the board of Lyon Metal Products Inc., have announced Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined said Wednesday. the acquisition by Lyon of Lydall’s Paltier Division for Sanitation Commissioner cash. That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Norman Steisel found the Pryor commented that although Paltier has been exposed asbestos, an en­ profitable, its product line does not complement the other vironmental health hazard, businesses of Lydall, and its sale is not expected to have upon touring the garage any material effect on the company’s operations results. with representatives of the Walan noted that Paltier will operate as an autonomous Uniformed San- division of Lyon and continue to market its products tiationmen's Association in through existing channels of distribution. July. Paltier, an Indiana-based company with annual sales of The contract for $88,508 approximately $6 million, manufactures steel racks for was awarded to H.E. Mur­ material handling and industrial storage. Lyon Metal dock and Sons, of West Products, Inc., headquartered in Aurora, 111., is a diver­ Haven, Conn., for work on sified manufacturer of steel storage equipment, lockers, the Bergen Landing gar­ industrial shop furniture and office products. age, at 130-23 150th St. Lydall is a $100 million manufacturer of products for in­ Work will begin im­ dustry which include engineered fiber materials; metal, mediately and is expected plastic, elastomeric and fiber components; and to take 30 days. specialized packaging.

How can you eat light ~ and still eat right — in summertime? Wholegrain oats, the quick or old fashioned oats you grew up on, Join in the summer side of nutrition. Add wholegrain crunch top­ Wholegrain oats not only help to make it possible, they also make it contain seven B vitamins and vitamin E. They also supply minerals - pings to main dishes and desserts. Use Ground Oat Flour in cool, easy and fun. nine in all: iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, fresh vegetable soups, cakes or fish coalings. Serve side dishes of during our With these recipes — portable, pretty and packable enough to fit copper, manganese and zinc. They contain virtually no sugar, are low Golden Oats and taste what Toasted Oats do for cookies. right into your lifestyle — you'll see just how simple it is. You add in sodium and calories, and provide fiber. And wholegrain oats arc Nutritional values are listed for each recipe .so you can literally 25th Silver Anniversary natural wholegrain oats to the kinds of summertime foods you natural’ cholesterol free. sec the value of wholesome wholegrain. summertime eating! ly enjoy.


20% OFF Crunch Topping: 2-1/2 rups quick or old fashioned 1 lb. fish fillets or 3 to 4 lb. fresh, 2 medium or 3 small zucchini, One 23 to 23.5-oz. pkg. brownie 3/4 cup celery slices l- t / 4 cups quick oats, uncooked oats, uncooked cleaned fish quartered mix with chocolate flavor 3/4 cup plain yogurt 2/3 cup firm ly packed 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans 1 egg, beaten One 13'3/4‘ Oz. can (1-3/4 cups) packet or syrup One 7-oz. can tuna, drained, flaked STOREWIDE brown sugar chicken broth 1-1/4 cups Toasted Oats** 1/3 cup butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish 1/4 cup chunk style peanut 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup Ground Oat Flour* 1-1/2 cups milk melted 3/4 cup Savory Onion butter, melted 1/3 cup honey 1/2 cup enriched corn meal 1 cup quick or old fashioned 1/3 cupbutterormargarine,melted Add-A-C'runch*** 1/4 cupl butter or margarine, oats, uncooked 1/4 cup firm ly packed 2 teaspoons dry mustard Combine all ingredients; mix well Combine all ingredients except Add- melted 1 medium-sized carrot, brown sugar Cake: 1 teaspoon baking powder Drop by rounded icaspoonfuls onto A-Crunch; mix well. Chill. Just ONE DAY ONLY quartered ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 1/2 cup chunk style peanut butter 1 teaspoon paprika Combine all ingredients; mix well. before serving, stir in Add-A-Crunch. 1 teaspoon salt 375° F. for 7 to 9 minutes. Cool 1 1/2 cup butter or margarine 3/4 teaspoon salt Bake in greased I5xl()-ineh jelly roll Serve as a salad on lettuce or tomato. • Two 8-oz. cartons (2 cups) minute on cookie sheet; remove to 1/2 cup firm ly packed pan at 350° F. for 18 to 20 minutes or Make:! about 2 cups salad. Dip fish into combined egg and milk; plain yogurt wire cooling rack. Makes about 4 brown sugar until light golden brown. M ix well. coat with combined remaining in­ 2 tablespoons chopped chives THURS SEPT 6th t ’ 1/2 cups Ground Oat Flour* dozen cookies. Spread mixture onto ungreased - Nutritional Inlormatlon - gredients. Fry in I2 -in c h deep hot oil Combine zucchini, broth, milk. oats, cookie sheet or aluminum foil; cool I '1 /4 cups all-purpose flour (375°F.) about 3 minutes per side or Serving Size 1 Cup “■b U S ROA carrot and salt in blender container. ♦♦TOASTED OATS thoroughly. Store in tightly covered Pfolein 36 3g 807 CASH - MASTER CHARGE - VISA I tablespoon baking powder until crisp and golden brown, turning Cover; blend 10 to 15 seconds or container in refrigerator up to 3 Carbohydrate 26 Og 3/4 teaspoon salt once. Drain on absorbent paper. 1. PI.ACE I to 2 cups quick or old Fat 17 8g until smooth. Combine zucchini mix­ months, Serve as topping over fruit Calories 412 3 eggs, beaten Garnish with lemon slices and parsley, fashioned oats, uncooked in un­ ture. yogurt and chives in large bowl; salad, fruit, yogurt, frozen yogurt, icc Vitamin A 5401 U 2/3 cup milk if desired. Makes 3 to 4 servings. greased I5xt0-inch jelly roll pan. Thiamine 0 09 mg VVIN A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE FREE lAe mix well. Cover; chill several hours. cream or pudding. Makes about Riboflavin 0 26 mg DRAWINGS HELD ON THE 30TH OF EACH H40NTH 1/2 cup honey 2. BAKE at 350°F. for 18 to 20 - Nutritional Information - Sprinkle with additional chopped 4 cups. Niacin 13 43 mg WINNERS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN OUR ADVERTISEIdENTS For crunch topping, combine all in- ‘ minutes or until light golden Calcium 217 mg DEPOSIT AT It's easy to get These figures do nol include the oil chives' to serve, if desired. Makes gredients; mix well. m i c r o w a v e ; o v e ; n d i r e c ­ Iron 2 75 mg used in cooking. about six l-cup servings. brown. NAME ...... lN"'. e \ o ^ “ For cake, beat together peanut butler, 3. COOL; store in tightly covered t io n s : Combine butter, honey and . o 'V your free OLD GOLD Savings Booklet! Serving Size 1/4 recipe %US.RDA ' NOTE: Additional milk may be added Protein container in refrigerator up to 6 sugar in large glass bowl. Cook at fljafiiJllaJi ADDRESS. butter and sugar until creamy. Grad­ 40.9 g 90.9 T«ltll Shf» if soup becomes too thick upon ♦♦♦SAVORY ONION .e"'- 1. Send 50 Gift Stars points or 10 Old Gold or Spring pock bottoms with ually add combined dry ingredients Carbohydrate 25.9 g months. Makes I to 2 cups toasted HIGH about 1 minute; mix well. Stir TEL . the completed application form below to the address indicated. Fat 6.0 g standing. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER NOT 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE MESCHANCH8E alternately with combined eggs, milk Calories 329 oats. in oats and nuts; mix well. Cook in ADD-A-CRUNCH Vitamin A 6001 U 16.0 ------Nutrllh )nal Inform.■tion - I Ix7-inch bakingdishai HIGH 7 io8 2. Wb'll send you your Savings Booklet worth $6.25. and honey, m ixing well after each VARIATIONS: For 2 to 3 cups 2 cups quick or old fashioned IT S O m tS U iT SILVER ANNIVERSARY Thiamine 0 15 mg 10.0 minutes or until light golden brown, addition. Spread hatter into greased Riboflavin 0 26 mg 15.3 Serving Size 1 cup SiUS.RDA Toasted Oats, increase baking time to oats, uncooked Protein 8 8 g 135 stirring after every 2 minutes of I3x9-inch baking pan; sprinkle Niacin 4.12 mg 206 20 to 25 minutes. 1/2 cup butler or margarine, melted Calcium 89 mg Carbohydrate 19 6 g cooking. Cool and store as recipe crunch topping evenly over batter. Iron 3.50 mg Fat 5.7 g For Toasted Oats in quantity, place 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese directs. HURRY! OFFER CLOSES DECEMBER 31,1980 Bake at 350° F. for 30 to 35 minutes Calories 161 1 to 2 tablespoons instant AUGUST WINNER; MRS. SYLVESTER BENSON Vitamin A 1270 I.U. 25 4 one I8-OZ. tube (about 6 cups) quick or until wooden pick inserted in 6 0 Thiamine 0.09 mg or old fashioned oats, uncooked in - Nutritional Information - minced onion Riboflavin 0 30 mg 176 center comes out clean. Cool. Makes ♦GROUND OAT FLOUR 2 ungreased 15xl0-inch jelly roll pans; 1/2 teaspoon celery salt Infants - Toddler 2-4 Boys 4-7 8-12 APPLICATION FORM Niacin 0 66 mg 4 4 Serving Size 1 cup %US.RDA SIZES 13x9-lnch cake. Calcium 206 mg 206 Combine all ingredients; mix well. Preps 14-20 1. PLACE 1-14 cups quick or old increase baking time to 25 to 30 Protein 10.1 g 155 Girls 4-6X 7-14 NOTE!: fo substitute old fashioned Iron 1.30 mg 72 Carbohydrate 71.0g Bake in ungreased 15x 10-inch jelly To: Old Gold and Spring Savings Booklet P.O. Box 2673, AAople Plain, fashioned oats, uncooked in minutes. .vve 9° 10\o J oats for quick oats, for crunch top­ Fat 29.2 g roll pan at 350°F. for 15 to 18 minutes Minnesota 55348 blender or food processor; cover. Calories 566 ping. increase oats to l- l 2 cups. 470 I.U or until light golden brown. Cool; I enclose 50 Gift Stars points or 10 pock bottoms from Old Gold or Vitamin A 2. BLEND'aboul 60 seconds, Thiamine 0 24 mg store in tightly covered container in .we'- Sorino. Please send me my Savings Booklet. I am o smoker aged • Nutritional Information- Riboflavin 0 10 mg refrigerator up to 3 months. Sprinkle 6

PAGE TWENTY-TWO - EVENINR HERALD. Wed.. Sept. 5, 1979 Western Fashions Bloom on Peking Streets EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE TWENTY-THREE By ALINE MOSBY Women also carry black very tight. But some Western suit jackets with Whiie Western atyles are lobb^ in Mao suits they iiad German Dishes All Stop& Shops open Sunday 9 am-5pm robe and devised the loose original jacket had nine PEKING (UPI) - tunic jacket with a stand- buttons and pleats on the fake leather shoulder bags women wear it at home. lapelp. surfacing in China, just bought. four patch pockets. Now slung over their shouiders That dress wiii be popular Sun promptly asked his On them the Chinese un- Not Always t - t - —kx Western clothing is in­ up collar in ancient W estern women in a filtrating the land of the Chinese style. Loose there are five buttons, and in correct Western style. iater on.” taiiors to make that style. reverse rush are buying the .iform looked different. Mao uniform. trousers always had been the pockets are plain. Women no longer appear Sun said last year the "There is no interference Mao uniform. They tucked the top into People-watching on the worn by both men and Last year the Mao suit in public in the cheong­ government showed from the Ministry of Around the comer from the pants and added a tight women in China. blossomed into khaki sam, the traditional women Western styles and Commerce (which runs the Sun’s shop where Chinese belt, stuffed the trouser Fattening streets of Peking disclosed one recent hot day that Mao wore the same suit green, pale blue, beige, narrow Chinese dress with asked their opinions so "we clothing industry) regar­ girls crowded to buy accor­ hems into boots, rolled up side fastenings. As Sun about one of every 75 as a guerrilla leader. After pale gray. People now mix- can make designs accor­ ding fashion,” he said. dion pleated skirts, two the sleeves and turned up Mildly sweet-sour sauer- 1 pound small white women passing wore a his 1949 victory, his regime match jackets and pants in explained, "That style is ding to what the customers Such styies have boosted American fashion models the collars. braten can be a delight for onions, peeled timid copy of a Western manufactured the outfit for different colors and women not convenient‘'for women iike” — a novel thought for his sales 41 percent from — Esme Marshall of New "These local clothes are the dieter as well as the 8 large carrots, peeled skirt or dress. the populace, at first only add blouses in bright workers who are bicyiing a communist nation. The tlje Gang of Four days in York and Kim Chariton of great,” said Miss \ rest of the family. and cut in' linch diagonal Since the Gang of Four in black or blue. The prims. or getting onto buses. It is poli showed women wanted 1976-1978. Seattie — posed in a hotei Marshall. I* Served with onions and pieces Turkeys fell from power in China, a carrots that are added ’4 (2inch) gingersnaps, more relaxed leadership is during the last 15 minutes crushed ilLS.Grade<*A*' transforming China's Food Mart Ultimate Quality NON-STICK of cooking, the German Combine pickle liquid, economy and the way peo­ Proudly Offers “ sour roast” makes a water, wine, onions and 18-24lbs. Frozen ple live. Clothes are part of ^ S a h a r a Silverstone Cookware satisfying meal of only 331 seasonings in large bowl, Why wait for the holidays to enjoy a delicious calories a serving. Non- Add beef. Cover and chill the new look. S A V E UP TO 3.00 W ITH VALU PR IC ED turkey with all the trimmings! This large size In a popular shop on COUPON SPECIALS EACH WEEK! M»MI dieters might enjoy the ad- overnight, turning meat Wang Fu Jin, one of the W ALD BAU M ’S t in tam^ Lm M b* dition of the traditional once or twice, ufm bird is a great idea if you plan to entertain a capital's busiest shopping Start your Sat Today 1 iCGounmiPan > U 7 14.49 $5.99 spatzle (tiny dumpling-like Remove beef and dry. crowd, there’ll even be leftovers! lb streets, smiling manager 2 IQt. SiuctPin 218 S 6.99 S 6 99 egg noodles) or whipped Reserve marinade, potatoes. Heat oil in Dutch oven. Sun Thin Tai displayed 1 Quart Saucepan 3 10V!"Fryr 3&9 $ 19 9 S11.99 short pleated skirts while a REGULAR $8.88 S a u e rb ra te n is Add beef and brown on all USDAi 4 ir'Grkkfle 4&10 t 5 99 1 6 99 crowd of curious shop|)ers Food M art m arinated usually for sides. Drain off drippings, [ C H O IC E •PorcBltln-ClBd HMvy Ah 5 iOl.SauctPin 5&11 % 7.99 $ 9.99 s e v e ra l d ay s and Add marinade. Cover and crowded around. •Non-SUdi SNMftton* lb "See — Western style,” lor EMy Oauilngl 6 50t. Dutch 0v«n 6&12 $9.99 612.99 sometimes for a week, simmer 3*/2 hours or untill Stop & Shop "Great Beef’ USDA Choice Trim, tender oven pot roasl-enjoy it or your money back! •H M nMMBm HbihUm - e . e s 7 TuKMtl AVAtUSlEMIYItME t 5.99 This recipe has a well- meat is tender, Sun exclaimed with brisk •Ntir Bold PBBign salesmanship reminiscent WITH COUPON BELOW ‘PIUS LOCAL SALCS FAXES MfNEAE APfUCASLE seasoned marinade that Add pickles, onions and sto p s Shop of New York City's Prices Effective Through requires only an overnight carrots during last 15 Seventh Avenue garment Saturday, September 8. Waldbaum’s N.Y.Style Delil wait and makes a delicious m in u tes of cooking. Extra Franks 1 lb. pkg. district. Taking up a We’re the Picky, Picky, Picky gravy. Simmer just until tender. WBil 'til you least your eyas on lh« wondtrlul v iritty o( jacket, he showed the gold CRISeti ARM f t sliceO-lo-order cold cuts galorB .. IrBshly msda Remove sauerbraten and embroidery on pockets and Fresh Produce Experts! salads . and domestic & imported chBBses from our Sauerbraten with pickles to serving plate. collar and added, “No appetizer deparlm! VALENCIA BAKED HAM s l ic e o t o o r d e r l b ‘2.89 M GALLON JUG revolution. ICEBERG Stop & Shop Coupon MHK15, "Varieties of clothing ORANGES SLICING PROVOLONE l b ‘2.09 With this coupon ,irxl a S7 50 purchase will be increased," Sun JUMBO 4S SIZE LETTUCE LAND O’ LAKES „ said later in his small of­ AMERICAN CHEESE YELLOW LB ‘1.99 DAILEY Go Back fice on a narrow side street I c ROTHMUND near the shop. "The de­ Kosher Dill Chips ^ozjar 59* HEAD GERMAN BOLOGNA T O * ^ M R l b ‘ 1 . 8 9 n e e ! 12oz. pkg. of 6 mand for Western clothing O r o f DOMESTIC STOP & SHOP Regular or Split is increasing since last DutohMald LEAN ROAST BEEF TO OTOER l b ‘3.79 To the Land year. The variety of gar­ r SWEET - LUSCIOUS ments has been liberated.” U.S. NO. 1 - SIZE 'A' - NORGOLD Recent years have seen to the country. ENGLISH MUFFINS Sun manages five shops Uquld Russet Baking CALIFORNIA the arrival of a new breed “Living on a Few Acres” Good Sun Sept 2 • Sat September 8 Limit one per customer on Wang Fu Jin. Merchan­ Noodles of small farmer different is a good place to begin. stop & Shop-R(Shop - Regular or Split -1 2oz package of 6 206 dise is supplied by eight •nMB«WK)6 OtehDoMNlwit from the rural folk who The next step is to visit a ^ ■ 1 tailor workrooms around •BROAD • POTATOES CANTALOUPES stampeded to the cities number of rural areas. ■ CSlopti l, Shop Co"pon MH Kte: Peking. 10 OUNCE PKQ. J^MOUWCaiBOttLB ■ after World War II. Talk to people already Gra(je AA-93 Score With this coupon and a S7 50 purchase In another shop he dis­ IlLB. LARGE The new farmers feel the there. Check ail the angles. kC played women's trouser BAG SIZE call to the countryside to The book describes both [Grade AA-93 Score suits with jackets of a con­ escape city noise, traffic the pitfalls and satisfac­ servative Western cut and crime. But they realize S tm & S h o p tions of country living.” reminiscent of a U.S. mail FOOD CLUB TENDER ---- Item of The Week!------they must retain city jobs Romantic and unin­ 's t o p s s h o p ! Juicy Juice SWEET CARROTS 4 ‘ 1. "EXTRA LONG" 1 lb. pkg. order catalog. instant FRESH CALIFORNIA LONG JOHN FRANKS to augment the small in­ formed notions about rural The Mao suit in summer FAMOUS -DRISCOLL " BRAND comes they can expect life are a major source of 100% Juices Dry Milk CARANDO Qtr. lb. 11b. pkg. BUTTER Sticks synthetics sells for the STRAWBERRIES SWEET - JUICY LB. 99* Black Mission Figs from cultivating their few difficulty for new arrivals. Good Sun SopI 2 ■ Sat Seplempet 8 Lima one pet customer equivalent of $9.49 and the GOLDEN or PURPLE 4 POUND PACKAGE, I GENOA SALAMI TOOflOER acres of land. An almost certain way to Sticks D a iry 207 Western suits, $56 to $111. 46 OUNCE CAN MAKES 20 QUARTSI U S NO 1 (MASS GROWN) These people are the B u tte r With Coupon invite disaster is to buy lb CARANDO PEPPERONI The baggy trousers and SWEET BARTLETT PEARS 39* topic of the U.S. Depart­ land before developing a • 1 . 2 3 'LB. CARANDO • NEW ENGLAND Slop 5 Shop Coupon MH K17' E CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! EXOTIC SPAGHETTI. SWEET BUTTERNUT simple jacket foreigners Great tor Stewing, Salads or ment of Agriculture’s new realistic plan for it. call "the Mao uniform" is LUNCHEON SAUSAGE With this coupon and a S7 50 purchase SQUASH FRESH TURNIP l b 15* Ealing Out of Hand! MOSEYS yearbook, "Living on a In addition, many new called the "liberation suit” HENRI’S . CREAMY QARLIC 0, CUCUMBER t OHION Few Acres,” which is a k LEAN PASTRAMI tI ormr arrivals know little or ' 64 ounce C 100% Pure by the Chinese. Possibly Yogurt Dressings B 02 BOTTLE 69* guide for back-to-the-land nothing about animal and (rom concentrate because the late Mao Tse- families who still support plant disease, insect pests carton tung is less deified now, themselves with pity jobs. and other production and several Chinese were Del Monte SKIPPY U.S.D.A. CHOICE -.BEEF flWWI “Change is the only cons­ marketing problems. The 100% Pure S TO P S S H O P i careful to point out that Fruit tant in fanning and rural result can be trouble. from concentrate Sun Yat Sen, founder of the P E A N U ff life,” notes yearbook “Living on a Few Acres” ORANGE JUICE carton | P Chinese republic in 1911, Cocktail editor Jack Hayes. “There emphasizes that land can Good S u n , Sept 2 • Sal Seplember 8 Limii one per cufitomer designed the suit as a way SLICED m io w BUTTtR Chuck Steak have been tremendous provide security and a With Coupon L* ' J . 208 to get Chinese men out of CUNO PEACHES CREAMY « CHUNKY changes in rural life since hedge against inflation. long robes and into a or PEAR HALVES 18 OUNCE JAR ' the early days of this na­ Slop s Shop Coupon MH K18| 10 0 Z .C A N BLADECUT And it explains how you modern, yet Chinese, out­ tion. We have seen a great can reap financial rewards With this coupon and a S7 50 purchase fit. exodus from the land and from everything from bees Stop & Shop HEBREW NATIONAL KOSHER BEEF Going abroad for the Franks - Knockwurst now we are beginning to to berries, goats to grapes. Grade A ■ first time. Sun Yat Sen see a substantial return.” You will even find informa­ Grade A noticed the Japanese The back-to-the-Iand tion on raising fish in ar­ Dozen Betty Crocker Midget Salami or Bologna i kimono was shorter than Topco s h o p Double Chocolate U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF trend reverses the massive tificial lakes. STOPS ! the constricting Chinese Facial Tissue Semi - Boneless BcriMiii '' Fresh Baked Goods! rural-to-urban migration But consider the bad Cookie Mix that began with World War along with the good. Read DOZEN LARGE EGGS! PINK, WHITE or YELLOW CHUCK STEAK T aI e lb II and continued through Good Sun Sept 2 • Sal September 8 Limit one per customer WALDBAUM'S WALDBAUM'S the warnings scattered Large Eggs 32 OUNCE PKG. 200 COUNT BOX the 1960s. Non- throughout the book before With Coupon D .iity 209 U.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE-BEEF U.S.D.A CHOICE - BEEF Sandwich Cinnamon metropolitan counties lost starting to pack your bags. • 1 . 2 B BEEF CHUCK Boneless London V Top SHOUCOiR ROAST «».l* White Bread 3 million people to out­ “Lvingon a Few Acres” Stop f. Shop Coupon MHK20' Chuck Steak Broil > y A >'y ' w f Raisin Buns migration in the 1960s. But is attractively illustrated With this ccxjpon and a $7 50 purchase CONTADINA Blade Steak (UNDERBLADE) SHOULDER rural areas and small O F F O O D 20 DUNCE LDAF 14 DUNCE PKG. with a 32-page color sec­ Tomato Sauce 29 OUNCE CAN 59* Ai AO WHOLE Um #149 towns grew by 4.3 million tion plus 100 black and Transform your dining between 1970 and 1976. white photos and drawings. room into a snappy French :b1 .9 ! | brisket of beef » Sun d o r y ♦.1.59♦1.99 “People are populating The price of the 472-page cafe with this “souped-up” -Frozen Favorites!- the countryside faster than book — which is divided European specialty, Chicken FARM FRESHI FARM FRESHI '1 lb. pkg. Sliced they are cities,” says into 48 chapters and many Dijon. Cream of celery soup, Light n' Lively Banquet WALDBAUM'S . PLAIN S SUGAR Sliced chicken broth and just the COLONIAL CHICKEN CHICKEN OLD FASHION DOUQHNUTS.W69* Agriculture Secretary Bob case histories — is $7. You right spices add continental ICE MILK Fried Chicken Bergland. "I know their may order a copy from the SUN GLORY BACON LEGS BREASTS WALDBAUM'S - VANILLA S CHOCOLATE 1 lb. package Good S un. Sept 2 • S,it Scptembec 8 Limit one pel ciislomei flair to the entree’s main ALL FLAVORS SQUARE ICED CAKES moz pko ‘ 1.09 motives. I am a farmer.” Superintendent of ingredient—Original Recipe HALF GALLON 2 POUND PKG. FULLY B acon But suburbanites and Documents, U.S. Govern­ 211 Kentucky Fried Chicken. Bon WALDBAUM'S a rniiuT With Coupon Mual appetit! 09 ENGLISH MUFFINS taO ? *P K O 2 FOR 89* city people should find out ment Printing Office, COOKED Slot) (1 Shop Coupon MHK19> LB. LB. all they can about rural life Washington D.C. 20402. before making their move With this coupon and a $7 50 purch.ise SARA LEE COFFEE RINGS ’ Jto” 99‘ HAMS 'W O ff^l^O ff'’ Eastern iH . y n j i i ^ GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES'°rk°q'69* (WATER ADDED) Soi;iii,S I '’"‘,1k? '""’ Social Security 10 pound BROCCOLI SPEARS. BROCCOLI SPEARS W/CHEESE. . CAULIFLOWER W/CHEESE or LE SUEUR PEAS FULL DEPENDO " J ? lOlbiKig Shore IN TANK - COOKIES Q. My company’s pen­ and your tamily while bag EAST. 5 COCONUT CHOC. CHIP or Dairy Delights! SHANK CLEANER CHOC. CHOCOUTE CHIP sion plan pays retirement you’re working. And, it us. PORTION pensions at age 55. I'm con­ provides Medicare — No1 SHORE POTATOES Minute M^id Light n' Lively sidering retiring when I health Insurance — for peo­ Good Sun. Sept 2 • Sal .Seplember 8 Limit one per customer CHICKEN DIJON COLONIAL FULLY COOKED reach 55 later this year. If I ple 65 and over and many Potatoes With Coupon I PfOCluCC I 2 Cottage HAMS FULL BUTT PORTION SIdoed! ‘■C 89* 1 can (10*3/4 oz.) do, how will this affect my disabled people under 65. ■ M ■ ■ H M M ■■ M ------H Orange Juice COLONIAL condensed cream of Social Security benefits at No insurance company |siopA Sflop Coupon[ K28 1 Cheese J ^^StopiShop |Stop& Shop Coupon M H K 2 2 | celery soup 'A GALLON CARTON CENTER CUT HAM SLICE l b M .89 ris^off age 65? 16 OUNCE TUB currently offers a similar With ihis coupon I With this coupon MM h With this coupon With this cCK4)on 3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard DN TlfREE 3 DZ. PKGS.| on any three envelopes A. The amount of your package of protection. But, 2 Tbsp. minced fresh ITAUAN STYLE •1.49 JELL-0 I d u r k EE social security retirement Social Security isn’t meant onion OUR BEST i SAVE'lftO IS S A V E 40 2 tsp.dry minced parsley benefit will be based on to be the sole source of SAVESO* WALDBAUM'S ASSORTED VARIETIES - CHEDDAR BREADED VEAL PATTIES PUDDINGS I I 11 oz bottle btion iFRCEFaMj 1/3 cup chicken broth your covered earnings over retirement income. It’s a 100 count pkg. OSCAR MAYER i1.09 ALL VARIETIES I GRAVY MIXES 2ply 375 count 6 pack ] 1 small clove garlic, minced CHEESE STICKS ^EIO M T PER LB »2.15 Seafood Special!! a period of years. If base of income protection I One 20 exposure roll of "Our ■ 9 pieces Original Recipe SLICED MEAT BOLOGNA 12 OZ PKG. ‘1.29 I thu eowpon el Food w im W e oeupen m M SALADA ■ Own" color print film. Your ■ BREAK-STONE WHIPPED TEMPTEE OSCAR MAYER __ I flood thfv Sei. Sepi- Men. Good thru Set-, Sept several or more years of no that you can build on with VANITY FAIR g HEADS SHOULDERS Kentucky Fried FRESH COD FILLETS lb ‘ 1.99 pkge. i g g F l • Umx w e e e ^ ^ eeupon per fernHy ocupon ■ earnings have to be individual savings, in­ or 7oz. lube I choice of size 110 or 126. | Chicken CREAM CHEESE *<>2 cup 77* SLICED BEEF BOLOGNA 12 OZ. PKO. *1.39 concentrate TEA BAQS -ELM- PoI lOCK FILLETS lb‘ 1.39 counted, your benefit will vestments, or other in­ BATHROOM TISSUE! SHAMPOO L.T""",TI^"*"TlPy"*h«ri 8 llv»r»tone ' ! Good Sun. Sept 2- Sal Sept 6 Limit <3ne per customer Good Sun Sept 2 Sal Sept 6 Limit one per customer CJoodS,in SYpt 2 - Sfll Sopi B Lwnil one pel cuslom ei In medium bowl, combine BREAKFAST PORK SAUSAGE LB ‘ 1.29 FRESH “CENT6R CUT“ be lower than what it surance. Good Sun Sept 2 ■ Sat Sept E Limit one per customer ^Health & Beauty Aids!*\ LUA I By Rtg«l I Grocery * j ___ ^ 3 [~Gtocery« | 219 all ingredients, except SWORDFISH STEAKS lb ‘3.79 would be if you worked un­ Q. There have been some Grocery * 212 Grocery 217 chicken. Place chicken in LB I 1 QUART 24 OUNCE BOTTLE COLONIAL POLISH SAUSAGE ‘1.69 Bath Soap til you are 65. thefts in my apartment J lH B I ~ [stop & Shop Coupon single layer in 8'* x 12” COLONIAL “ I t e m o f T h e W eek ! ■“ I SAUCEPAN [Stop & Shop Coupon] MHK23I |Slop«Shop Coupon| K27 MH K24| ,____ !!dH baking dish. Cover chicken MOUTHWASH 4 BAH PACKAGE Q. Some friends and I building and I’m afraid my With this coupon M.69 CENTER CUT SLICED BACON piS: ‘ 1.19 U.8.D.A. CHOICE B uauLAR'I.N With this couponupon With this coupon with sauce. Bake, covered, in DENTURE CLEANING EXTRA MILO have been talking about Social Security checks preheated 360'’ F. oven for 30 EFFERDENT TABLETS ' ‘’ b o x " ' 9 9 * COLONIAL SKINLESS FRANKS pk'S: 99* Short Ribs of Beef Social Security. Most of us might get stolen. What can ■ SAVE15* gSAVEZS' minutes. Remove cover. Con* WILKINSON OEM ■ I LB. PKO feel that i's not really a I do? SAVE20* SAVESO I STOP & SHOP Any Size p l^ tinue baking, uncovered, for 5 BLADE CARTRIDGE •B.®® ■ TASTE 0 SEA TRACE 69* CHILD MILD or BEEF FRANKS A. Ask at your bank, or 14 ounce can 24 count bottle 30 minutes longer. Serves 6. 25* OFF LABEL OEM - CHUNK LB. good buy. Couldn't we do C H E E S r •1.3S better with private in­ other financial organiza­ I VARIETY To obtain more of Colonel COLGATE TOOTHPASTE t’ u°b^e « 1 , 2 9 LIVERWURST or BOLOGNA W O O UTE C O DRISTAN S FILLET OF Real Sharp Cheddar-White or Yellow, | Sanders' fav o rite recipes, surance investments? tion where you have an ac­ w rite to: C olonel's Other In tai/ruMt 10 owl C I we (eeerve the right lo hmii u ie t (o 3 pkgt of iny iie«n except where oirtetwiM noied iiem i offered lor i. >1 ivetiebie m ceM loii or to other reien deateri or whoteteieri Not rpiponobie for lypog'8ph « that with list prices of $500 curacy. 10 hours or so of use to in­ {BECUE cookout time’s over, you Where will you grill? If 3SUBJECT«»'“ and up for most open-reel With some machines that sure good performance. should store your grill in a backpacking or picnick- models.) As with other have bias control, setting (c) 1979 Consumers riME IS dry, covered .area. Then it’ll ing’s your thing, go for a P be ready next time you’re snizill, lightweight, easy-to- SPIRAL audio equipment, discounts up the equipment can be Union. ANYTIME raring to go for something carry grill. For backyard fiOTEBOW I Booi^ ^ are widely available. well-done or rare. barbecues, a wagon-type grill Most of the tested equip­ complete with warming oven ^20 SHEETS I _ ment did a good job with or a covered cooker with a Tips On Choosing A Grill spit is on target. recorded music For in­ Buying a grill? There are « « « stance. almost every set grills to suit every need and Food for thought. Steaks, was reasonably free of lifestyle. Before you buy, burgers, hot dogs? Most any Be size wise. A hibachi’s flutter — the rapid grill will do. For turkey, perfect for small-scale cook- PEOPLE ARE heed these tips from REG. 1-19 roasts, other large cuts of ouU. But when crowds or wavering in pitch that the Barbecue Industry sometimes make recorded Association. meat, choose a grill with appetites are big, a large attached rotisserie. brazier kettle, or wagon type music sound watery, LOOKINGI grill’s for you. wobbly or otherwise dis­ ^ H lA L T lr it BEAUTY AIDS SaS?!? ^EVERYTHING YOU NEED! agreeable. ’J Some models arc more W . SCHICK CRAYOLA GILLEHE CURLY TOP FRUIT OF THE LOOM 2 DRAWER versatile than others in PLUS FILE taking advantage of the Wxt H e ra ld SALE PRICE . . 19.99 latest technology. . . 0 ^ p l a t in u m UNDERWEAR CLAfiOfPlED ADVERTISING 1 LUNCH MARKERS LESS M FC. Not AvalUln Queens CABINET For example, many FM REBATE ...... - 5.00 ACTUAL COST MEN'S OR BOY'S radio stations arc broad­ INJECTOR BAYER ASPIRIN S ^ AFTER MFC. $2.99* SALE “g! KITS REG. M A IL-IN R E B A T E . . 14.99 casting music encoded by a BLADES - 7's 100's n ^ ^ 23.99 Dolby "noise-reduction" Phone 643-2711 REG. 33.99 process. Noise is the hi.ss l|■■D*30•■HKt4”W 2-drawtr 3.99 BUY BOTH OFF upright cabinet with locking Now Thru Saturday REG. 10* drawer to keep filet safe. In SAVE $5 mfg. retail price desert sand color. 1REG.1.8S EA. ^ STRAIGHT 119I ■ I W REG. 1.33 ^ “ 14.98 S VERNON I FROM THE September 8 LUVI ALBEE CONAIR 2 . 0 0 CONAIR PISTOL .9 ■’ AMMEN'St c l FARM TO YOU! TRAPPER LOTS'A CURLS '"'a- '■'***« POWER 1200 NO-NONSENSE "POP-TOP" QUALITY! DAIRY STORES^ 1 Sale Ends with C CURLING IRON 10 QQ HAIRDRYER ^ ■ 1 Sept. S. 1979 POWDER B«8-5.99 B'9"-89 OESK b FILE n " 100 plus 30 KEEPER miM-ln rebate KNEE HIGHS CABINET 244 BRDAD ST. 69D HARTFORD RD. POST RD. PLAZA 11 oz. •29896 tT a p p e r Reg. 17.98. Guv both for 14.98 end SAVE $5.00 RT. 30 VERNON FREE! MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Compact file cabi­ PORTFOLIO net hat 2 large drawers and desk top iwlngt •33100 up and Into place for MOSER FARMS NATIVE FRESH a 3IV4"]i 1 IV>" work 5 area. "Pop-Top" It PURE FLORIDA solid and sturdy piece REG. 1.87 I REG. 1.49 of furniture and comet POTATOES REG. 4.69 In a durable walnut 44.88 grain flnlih. ORANGE JUICE FINAL LOVING Slaymaker SHEER AM/FM I; COMBO ^ 8 NET - 8 oz. CARE PROMISE TRACK NON-AEROSOL LOTION m nk N STEREO That's right, lor INDEX CARDS PANYTHOSE j T lust $2.99 you can FM sitree receiver III! your casa with 3 X 5 100 count gives you beautiful m uiic, hat built-in any combination l-track player, twin speakers and iackt of our 27 dallclous REG. to accept a phono­ REG. 2.29 REG. 1.99 FOR 4M u. REG. 99d graph. #2071 69.99 Pop Shoppa flavors 3 99^ PLUS Gat a Iraa 10 oz. bottia MOSER FARMS of our naw COLA (contsnts only). GRADE A WHITE SCHOOL SUPPLIESI * Plus tax and ralundabla daposlt. Sold only by tha casa. Family Savings OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LARGE EGGS Plan not valid VrOM HOUR! during sala. iM n ...... Mao, Call your local stores for hours. iTtoaW M i...... M OUR POLICY Thun a Fil...... MM ) A REAL) T h U'O ttuCIt .V(‘ •UKi'iTiS ’ d 'l' SUPER ■( i« t...... Mao l|U I I'd 10 hi' 249 Spencer Street ^TORE OH ii 'd iTi .1 i j i n L 'tif'c k kV.11 tU' .I'VI'M DRUGS! E. 1TARTF0RD, t«ii tUi'm i'ichdiuhsc T u .t Manchester 'k vOki, GENOVESE Not responsible toi iypovrtphical eirois. Sales tiR additional where applicable. We reserve the 119-it to limtl ine tale of any item to 2 per shopping family, A REAL DRUG STORE AND SO MUCH MORE! DOZEN borne picturci are lor design purposes only and do not represent items on tale. Salt items not available in cate loti. 8 5 t a P it Ift. EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5, 1979 - PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN PAGE TWENTY-SIX - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Sept. 5. 1979 mmm SAVE AS MUCH AS Take a Tour of the Nation In Your Own Kitchen 70% WHEN YOU mushrooms with 'k cup pie chunks Toss meat with 1 teas­ boil. Reduce heat and If your budget won't 3 tablespoons wine sugar vinegar, soy sauce immediately. Makes 4 to 6 vinegar warm water. Soak for 30 and pepper. Bring to boil. servings. tk cup Domino Brow­ poon cornstarch and salt. simmer 2 minutes or until stretch to accommodate minutes. Drain; cut away nulated Sugar Pour oil into wok or heavy green pepper is just tender SEW IT YOURSELFI any kind of travel this 2 tablespoons soy sauce Reduce heat; coYer and Sweet and Sour Pork tough stems. Cut caps into simmer 3 minutes. Vk cup white vinegar skillet and heat quickly and meat is cooked through year, you can still enjoy a '/i teaspoon white pepper T'ien>8uanku'lao-Jou (WIC thin shreds. 2 tablespoons soy sauce over high heat. Add meat Blend remaining 2 "tour" of the United States 2 tablespoons cornstarch Blend cornstarch into Vk pound boneless pork Drain bean curd; rinse in water and stir into soup. 1 medium green pepper, and brown, tossing. Add tablespoons cornstarch — with a bit of foreign 3 tablespoons water loin, cut in strips 'A-inch PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2-8 cold water. Drain and cut in strips onion and garlic and heat, with water. Add to sauce flavor added as well. 1 egg, slightly beaten Cook, stirring, until wide shred mushrooms. 2 tablespoons cornstarch stirring, for Vk minute. Add and cook, stirring, until How to manage it? Just 2 teaspoons sesame seed thickened and smooth. 1 teaspoon cornstarch BACK-TO-SCHOOL In heavy saucepan, com- Vk cup water jucie from pineapple, thickened and smooth. Add recreate the atmosphere of oil Gradually add egg, stirring Vk teaspoon salt bine chicken stock, 1 medium tomato, cut in Brownulated Sugar, pineapple and tomatoes. a different part of America '/i cup thinly sliced green constantly. Ladle soup into 3 tablespoon peanut oil mushrooms, bean curd, heated tureen. Top with oil wedges vinegar and soy sauce. Add Heat through. Serve over MWJU FASHION at your dinner table. onion. 1 medium onion, minced pork, bamboo shoots, salt. and green onions. Serve Hot cooked rice green pepper. Bring to rice. Makes 3 to 4 .servings. 6 In small bowl, cover 1 can (16 ounces) pineap-, Designate one night a week DAN RIVER for a special regional or PRINTS ethnic dinner. A night in CHECK Perfect for Back-to-School tops & dresses. New Orleans might begin A super variety of petite florals. with shrimp bisque and Machine wash • Tum bla dry feature an entree of cor- GINGHAMS 100% Cottons & blends. nish hens in with wine Qroat for tops, dr«st*^or ducorating A Permanent Pratt sauce, accompanied by I With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* I With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* w ith This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase' eSSCatanasa FORTREL poiyastar/36% cotton 4 4 " Wide baby carrots, parslied rice, mmrnm. wmmimwmm \ MuinrpmJinamA FRKH-CIMP-KEaLEII a speciai spinach salad and 1/16", 1/8” & 1/4" chacks. rrsFom na a grand finale of devilishly GTliraiSTONEIIm S T O N E II ICRiAMl u i E M i i i lex.pkg. ZESTA 44b. pkg. Machina wash • Tumbla dry REGULARLY rich bread pudding topped 4 4 " Wide COOUNT I CHEESE SALTINES $1.19 A YARD with brandy sauce! (Limit of 10 yards per cuitomar) Your record collection or I PiohibiladBylaw Gallon Com. »>■»«« I ’EiC4|^Hamt Protubitod By Law 'Eactpi Ittmi Prohibilad By Law Limit Ono CouponponPofFamily Por Fomily limitOnoCouponPorFamily limit Ona Coupon Par Family . t* c h o f IKo m otfvorttMd itom i i« ro^uirod to bo roodHy oyoHoblo If ooli ot or - Escoptllfmi..v«v.wuuri Valid Sopttmb«r2-fl. 1979 Valid Sopiambar 2-9.1979 radio can provide the I M ow tho odvortiood prko m ooch A b f Siert onc#^ to oyoclfteoltv r»otod Valid Saplampar 2-6.1979 background music — ' initHfod REGULARLY $1.59 A YARD anything from the music of the Preservation Hail Band I With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase'...... with This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase' ■ With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase*...... With This.. Coupon _ and . a $7.50 Purchase* I yyiii, This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* I DEVONSHIRE to the Jellyroll blues. iFORSALAOSORCOOKaiG^ FLAVORFUL------AAP-lOtMaURNMQ A U PUVORS-PO WDCRBa I- W/LBKOM w/LcinunBauuMi-nNX a SUGAR-MIX ^ — — —. i| Another evening “away n . n VUrrt from home" might inciude .ANNPAGE $ 1 7 9 OUR______OIWI CHAROOAL I gHEERI ItOUROWN $199 the Oriental foods of San DRMKMIX PLAIDS, Francisco. A main course |C0RN0IL--»^bU. I TEABAGS.t1ll. BRIQUETS I Am 33«z.eonL ' l*ICEDTEA»o--t| I 'EicapfltamiPiohiOiladBylaw AP-2 603 | *EicaptItamiProbibitadByLaw AP-2 804 iptlltm i Proti«,l.4 By Law 20 lb. bSQ AP-2M8 | 'E.capl l(.miProPAPt«]By Law of sweet and sour pork ! LimilOna Coupon Par Family Limit Ona CouponPar Family UFOf I Limil6nat On. Coupon Pa,Par FarmiyFarryly * I Ltmtl On. Coupon P .. Fvnily aacna ! ■E'capMlamiPfonibitadByLaw TWEEDS V | valid Saptambar 2-9.1979 Valid Sapiambar 2-9.1979 A« I Coupon Par Family PONTE ROMA STITCH won't break the budget, I vaiidSeptemMr2-B I979 ^ IjA P I^ V a lid S a p ta m P a r 2-9.1979 SO I 40 Valid Saptambar 2-9.1979 since our recipe uses only a & SOLIDS half-pound of boneless pork YOU’LL DO WITH A&P’S DOUBLE KNIT loin to fee four. Serve the b e tte r A huge collection of colors Beautiful fall combinationt of main course with lOOS Texturized Calanaia FORTREL®polva9tarj soft plaids, twaedi & novaltiat. chopsticks for authentici­ grocery specials w R h Machine wash • Tumble dry 60" Wide Machina washabia ty. If you're planning on REGULARLY 100H Acrylic soup, why not buy some CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITEl MIX OR MATCH! supermartet prices ITS FORTREL lacquer bowls and T>«n el |ou need to kno«K $2.29 A YARD 5 4 " Wide porcelain spoons? You'il "( COUNTRY FARM PORK SHOW find a multitude of uses for GREEN GIANT REGULARLY $2.88 A YARD them once your Orientai FULL 7-RIB PORTION PORK LOIN-SIRLOIN PORT. PORK LOIN PORK LOIN dinner is over. Yard! Our recipe for hot and VEGETABLES Blade Loin End sour soup calis for bean A sso rted C e n te r Cut curd and sesame oil, so you m I70Z.-MEDIUM FORTREL®!, • trademark of Fiber Indultries, • Qraan Paat Inc., atubaidiary of Celaneie Corporation might want to make a trip RGASTS ROASTS PORK CHOPS Simplicity 8837 16 02.-KITCHEN SLICEP RIB CHOPS to your locai Chinatown, THE FABRIC STORE WITH STYLE which could turn into a fun • Grean Baans day for the whole family. If 16 02.-FRENCH STYLE | you can't find bean curd • GraanBaant $ $ • and other essential nearby, CONTAINS: Layered For Dessert try serving a simpie egg- PORK • A C tn tu r, $€>fr€ fab rics WHOLE KERNEL-VAC PACK THICK-RICH • 2 S h o u ld tr A flower soup, using chicken Green Giant Pacama Ib .^ LOIN lb . • 2 S irloin End Chops When the problem of look is the two different 1 baked 9-inch pie shell, pie, reducing the milk to 1 broth to which you've ‘‘What’s for dessert?” is 3/4 cups. Carefully pour t m -c it y K a za BURR CORNERS ^.IC^MibletsCorn Tomato Puree Great on a Grill Pork Loin (14-17 lbs.) Pork Loln-RIb End pudding mix flavors — cooled added a bit of cornstarch, Pork Chops prompted by unexpected over the chocolate layer. VUMON SHOFFINB CENTER salt and pepper. The "egg chocolate and vanilla — 1 package (4-serving 28 o z ., Country Style $^99 Whole or Boneless Center Cut company or simply a fami­ topped with a third layer of size) vanilla or coconut Fold syrup into whipped OPEN DAILY 1t-t; 8AT. 10-8 OPEN DAILY 10-9 flowers" are made by gent­ .•*“ '> W cant can ly meal, it’s amazing how topping; spread over the TEL. iri-IM IT TEL. 849-7728 ly drizzling beaten egg into 89^ Pork Ribs I ib. Rib Side Pork Roast *r,? Loin Chops prepared whipped topping, cream flavor instant pud­ ingredients found on the flavored with chocolate ding and pie filling vanilla layer. Chill 3 hours. the soup as it boils. RAKED SAWREOKID»9i^or kitchen cupboard shelf can There are many ways to syrup. The layers chill for 3 1 3/4 cups cold milk A&P BEEF SALE A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP A&PBEF.FSALE solve your problem within enjoy regional and ethnic hours in your own baked 1 tablespoon chocolate Beal Chuck FRESH U.S.O.A. INSPECTED Beal Loin-With Tendtr Loin a few hours. ''Remember how nervous too much caffein used to make foods. For more inspira­ F0LGER'$ pie shell or one that’s store syrup or cocoa me? “And it shows, Ann. That’s because Take this eye-and-taste tion there's a brand new BONELESS BOX-0- CHICKEN bought. This delicious 1 cup prepared whipped Well not anymore, since I started enjoying Sank,a' Brand SanKa’ Brand is 97% caffein-free. FULL CUT appealing Triple Layer coiiection of 18 ethnic dessert is the answer to topping Decaffeinated Coffee. Now I feel terrific." COFFEE CHICKEN LEGS Pie. Made with Jell-0 ins­ And 100% real coffee.” recipes pius 8 American 3 B rt Mt Qtr«.. 3 Log Qtr*., easy preparation and busy Prepare chocolate pie 13oz.can 'ISVi 10*16 oz. can CHUCK 3N ockt,3 Wings, ANY SIZE SIRLOIN tant pudding and pie filling, schedules. filling mix as directed on all-time favorites. You can 3 SttsofQIMots PACKAGE obtain a free, illustrated ROASTS whipped topping'mix and a ' Triple Layer Pie package for pie, reducing copy by writing to: STEAKS few additional ingredients, 1 package (4-serving the milk to 1 3/4 cups. Pour Baal Chuck-Bone In (center cuts m.as ib.l B e a t L o in (porterhouse s t e a k s ' z .ss ib.) America's Cooking it’s a sure way to prepare a size) chocolate flavor ins- into pie shell. Prepare dessert that will make a tan^ pudding and pie filling vanilla pie filling mix as Favorites, P.O. Box 625, BLADE STEAKS"?.Xs'? Mb. T-BONE STEAKS *2^? New York, N.Y. 10036. hit. 1 *3/4 cups cold milk directed on package for To get started on your The secret of the layered A&P (Beat 1-lb. pkg. >1.39) Marval-Frozen magical tour, here are lb. (FROZEN-SWIFTS PREMIUM (6 TO SLBS.) ideas for a Night in New NABISCO TWIN ROLL PACK Sliced Meat 1-lb. TURKEY ROASTS (2 piisJ Butterball AAg Orleans and a sampling of Chips-Ahoy Assorted Bologna pkg. All Dark White and All White Chinatown. Mast Dark Meat M tal Turkeys ib.99^ p A s h io N F o r e c a s t s Cookies Scottowels COLONIAL AVAILABLE-WED.-SAT. I You'll notice that the T H E PERFECT MATCH recipes call for a new 13 oz. 1 71 cl. Polish $249|$319 $069 Fresh Cod pkg. , rolls granulated brown sugar w Kielbasa Ib. Fillets K. that pours from its own spout, needs no packing Minute MAID JAf« PARKER and remeasuring and never turns hard or lumpy. It will Red, Black or make quick work of your IRANGE WHITE New Crop. foreign intrigue. Cornish Hens W illi Wine JUICE BREAO SEEDLESS m n O E R IA N Sauce frozon-1Boz.can 8lieed-20 oz. loaf 4 rock Cornish gam e hens (about 1 pound each) if WHITE GRAPES^ frozen, thaw The Natural 1 teaspoon salt BnackI G Vs teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons softened butter or margarine Sauce Garanimals* smart but economical duds for kids feature adult styling: athletic fleece FEMININE PROTECTION STRONG V-neck sports tops (left) with satiny racing stripes and trim twill pants for boys, % cup orange juice - -1 — ■ Stay-Free Hefty Plastic 8-14. Little girls, 4-6X, love soft, brushed twill pants with a "Held!" blouse, while >'2 cup Madeira GOLDEN RIPE FRESH-FIRM HEAD U.S. N0.1-BAK1NG boys, 4-7, don hockey tops. Scoring high marks w ith older girls is the mid-wale >2 cup Domino® Brow- Mini Psds I Trash Bags Yellow rt/LB. 30t/Bag corduroy skirt with gathered front yoke (right) and knit smock blouse. nulated® Brand Brown 30 cl. Green LESS Russet LESS Sugar $ |3 9 THAN A THAN A pkg. YEAR AGO. YEAHAQO. 2 tablespoons lemon I K : 8 9 * B an an as 3.*1 Cabbage Ib. Potatoes juice genuine leather 1 teaspoon dry mustard '/4 teaspoon ground YOU'LL DO better w ith A&P S "YOU'LL DO better w It H a !?! YOU'LL DO better WITHA&P'^ allspice clogs for kids 'U teaspoon salt ann page products bakery Imported health & beauty aids A Season hens inside and French Design WIthMFPnuorlda out with salt and pepper. ANNPAGI-AieomiD CneAMYORNRUNCHy iaiNMDliMtoad r € M imi If too much caffein bothers you, it’s hard to enjoy Truss. Arrange breat side COPPERWARE COLGATE enjoy you. up in shallow roasting pan. 6EUTW m m m t WHEAT good coffee, and still have others enjoy you. Not only does it Dot with butter. Roast at DESSERTS T J J i TOOTHPASTE That’s why it pays to drink SanKa' Brand Decaf­ pay to drink SanKa 400 degrees F. for 30 •uYiF»iepT.> ■ u ^ r , feinated Coffee. Brand Decaffeinated Coffee, now it pays off. Take minutes, basting oc­ casionally with pan drip­ fttePM W It’s 97% caffein-free, but 100% real coffee. So advantage of a $1.90 worth of coupons offer good CARTfR*8-WKMAliHMI' rW> you can savor rich coffee flavor, without the caffein on your next three purchases of SanKa' pings. our regular low price... tw«a W _ -a . _ V t 5 5c CT. t . r RAZOR a z o r b lBLADES a d e s Meanwhile, in saucepan, When You Save $-|99 Maiks-a-Lot ; to $16 you don’t need. That way, when you have people Brand. The 100% real coffee that lets you E Schick Super II S iF combine sauce ingredients. 3 3 b ’s Special Pink EXTRA HOLD 9 OZ. CONT. SHAMPOO over you can enjoy your coffee. And have them be your best. Bring to boil; reduce heat ANNPAGE 7oz. EIGHT O'CLOCK-NON D/MRY Iced-Spice Cake( Register Tapes Adorn Hair Spray *T Ultra Max OIWAAtFOOM and simmer 10 minutes. Garden mvyoz com . Now little girls can Coffee 19 oz. (See detellt at your store) 1602 $409 Spanish $-|09 0 0 ^ DEODORANT 1.5 OZ. C General Foods Corp 1979 Stir occasionally. Spoon Relish pkg. 802. have fashion footwear 59* Creamer r Bar Tame Rinse com wlSr Dry Idea coni. sauce over hens. Roast 15 just like big sister'sl minutes longer or until w ha These stylish, genuine leather hens are done. Baste YOU'LL DO better IT SPS" * y o u T l d o better V better w it h a &p's frequently with sauce. dairy products 13* Off Label clogs from jtaly feature service deir-'^jsy" frozen foods wood-grain bottoms on tt pays to be your best. Remove hens to serving platter. Serve with sauce. NataralSilcM PALMDLIVE non-skid soles and look • M .p k g . Breakstone Makes ^ervings. terrific at school or at play. MAIL-IN CERTIFICATE STORE COUPON Iloluillil .Sgiir Siiiip m n c e n A R i LIQUID lei In earthtones... children’s SuuiT-ln'^iinil SWISS 12-4M. $1.50 coupon refund offer on Sonku: 4 driem mushroom epas, Save4(KonSanl«s: iiH in w'BHIft i Please send me 2-75* coupons good The coffee Hiot lets you be your best. 1 '/2-inches in diameter G H E ^ DETERGENT Save to 31% thru on my next 2 purchases ol SanKid' ^illsbury lo D ii r tU ilir. General fixxlt Coip will ieimbiii$e 2 square (3-inches, each) 22o z.b tl. Brand DecaHeinated Coffee at my you lor the face value ot lhi$ coupon plui &' lor STORE SLICEO-GEM C 4 3 O Saturday. grocery store. I have enclosed 2 handling il you receive il on the sale ol Ihe speo- fresh Chinese bean curd, CRESCENT lied product and it uponiequesi you submit evi­ Polish Loaf HENORIES-ICE CREAM or proofs ot purchase. A proof o( pur­ about I'A-inches thick r o l l s dence ot purchaselhereol salislactoryloGeneral X 'I CEUTSCHMACHER S*fS9 Sundae ,2d chase is an inner seal (rom any size foods C(xp Coupon may nol be assifned lians ‘.'2 ieiied or reproduced Cuslome must pay %ny sales cup bamboo shoots, Kratt'E xtra Sharp Cheese German Bologna H io Cups p'lii jar o( SonKo" Brand Instant or Freeze- City la i Void wheie prohibited laiedorreslncledby shredded STORE SLICEO-CHEESE t4 9 9 law Good only m U S A Puelo Rico and U S Gov I LAYER CAKES Dried, or a square inch of plastic from CRACKER- install Cash value 1 ?0* Coupon will not be '/i pound boneless pork Provolone ^ib r the lid of SanKa' Brand Ground. Slale . -Zip BARREL X Pepperidge ,7,2 PUT YOURSriF honored it presented through outside agenoes brokets oi otheis who are not retail dr slnbu loin, cut in thin strips EQQ 6 c c e IN OUR SHOES MAIL TO; Sankp' Brand Coupon Re­ OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 29, I960. Otter void whcreprohibited. tors ot our merchandise or specifically aulhoiiied by us lo present coupons tor redempiion l^HOE-TOWN taxed or otherwise resiricicd Allow 6-6 weeks lor processing request For redempiion ol properly iKeived and handled coupon mail lo General Foods Corp PO 4 cups chicken stock ib. Farm pxo fund Offer. General Foods Corpora­ Potato Salad 9 9 SEE "WHITE PACES" OF PHONE DIRECTOIIV FOR EXACT ADDRESSES. Offer good only in U S A , Puerto flc o and U S Government Inslallations 6oi 103 Kankakee II 60901 Tlut covpon good oiUy » • par- tion, P.O. Box 6068, East Court Street, Ccrtilicalo may nol be Iransferred. exchanged or sold, nor may it be c h a ti ol product indiciU d Any oth ir u$u CMStrlutii triad. '/2 teaspoon salt PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2-8,1978 M o rf than ISO convrnlf nl lo c lio m . M.ny Shov-Town, op«n Sunday,. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND TO CljinRECT TYPOQRAPHICAL EBHQHS JTEMSTORSA^ENOTAVAjLABLIJOWHglE^ Kankakee. Illinois 60901. reproduced or copied Limit one per family I EipiratiMditt:Novtmbir30. till. */i cup Brownulated VISA. Mastercharge GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION CERTIFICATE MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR REQUEST 4 0 < GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION 4 (K
