Participants for Legislative Drafting Workshop,10 ­11 Dec 2007,Pretoria

First Name Second Name Nationality Organization

Amilcar Mario Quinta Angola Parliament of Angola

Evaristo José Solano Angola University Lusíada Of Angola – Faculty of Law

Mathias Hounkpe Benin Cellule d’Analyse des Politiques de Développement de l’Assemblée Nationale (CAPAN)

Stella Naledi Moroka Attorney General's Chambers Botswana

Dieudonné Mweru Burundi (1)Burundian Association for National Development, (2)Lawyers without Borders

Pierre Boubou Cabinet Me Pierre BOUBOU & co.,

Morad Boularaf Cameroon Pan African Parliament

Ernest Folefack Cameroon The ­ Fellow Danish Institute for Human Rights DIHR

Yokabdjim Mandigui Chad Universite de Ndjamena

Nagoum Yamassoum Chad Chadian Government

Simon Dognima Silue Cote d'Ivoire Law Firm of Brazie, KOYO & ASSA

Farag Ahmed Mohamed AbulhodaEgypt Egyptian People’s Assembly Rezene Daniel Mekonnen Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR)

Yves,Jean­Pierre Duprat France University of Bordeaux 4

Vincent Crabbe Attorney Generals Office, Ministry of Justice

Sabina Ofori­Boateng Ghana Parliament of Ghana

Giovanni Sartor Italy

Flavio Zeni Italy UNDESA Project Africa i­Parliaments Action Plan

Linda Murila State Law Office

Johnson Okoth Okello Kenya Kenya Law Reform Commission Alberto Delfim De Deus Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Tim Borman Netherlands Dutch Ministry of Justice

Chris Moll Netherlands Academy for Legislation

Shipi Marcus Gowok Faculty of Law,

Ana Vargas Portugal Assembleia da República

Lite Asebea Andrea RDC Uniuele Unniversity­DRC

Umutoni Gatsinzi Nadine National Unversity of Rwanda

Dandyson Durosime Thompson Sierra Leon Law Officers’ Department, Ministry of Justice,

Kerry Anderson South Africa SAFLII

Mariya Badeva South Africa SAFLII

Christo Botha South of Pretoria

Tsitsi Chitsiku South Africa Judicial Training of the Justice College Christof Heyns South Africa University of Pretoria Rassie Malherbe South Africa University of Johannesburg

Julian Marsh South Africa Judicial Training of the Justice College

Galal Nassir South Africa Pan African Parliament

David Taylor South Africa UNISA Danfred Titus South Africa Judicial Training of the Justice College Sabelo Johannes Khayelihle Matsebula Swaziland Attorney General’s Chambers, Swaziland Khoti Amos Chilomba Kamanga Dept of International Law, Univ of Dar Es Salaam Ronald Bagaga Pan African Parliament Elizabeth Martha Bakibinga Uganda Parliament of Uganda

Lubowa Luwalira Y.M Uganda

Harriet Lwabi Uganda Ministry of Justice &Constitutional Affairs

Tom Mohan UK House of Lords, UK

Eva Jhala International Law Institute – African Centre for Legal Excellence